Problems with G4GenericTrap from GeoModelXml converted to .db file
The ITkStrip detector description in GeoModelXml uses G4GenericTrap to describe some shapes. When using GeoModelXml directly or via the plugin, these seem to work fine.
In order to combine the ITkStrip with ITkPixel using gmcat, I loaded each of these in turn in gmex using the plugin, and then saved the geometry as a .db within gmex.
Running gmex on the resulting Strip .db file works fine, as does combining them with gmcat, and also running gmex on the combined output from gmcat. However, when I try to use gmclash on it, I see:
gmclash -g StripOriginal.db
=================== Running GeoModelClash ===================
Geometry file name = StripOriginal.db
Output clashes report file name = gmclash_report.json
Geant4 version Name: geant4-10-06-patch-01 (14-February-2020)
Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
: IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
: NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
Random engine = MixMaxRng
Initial seed = 12345678
Building the detector from the SQLite file: StripOriginal.db
The Geometry Database 'StripOriginal.db' has been opened successfully!
Database is open!
Building nodes concurrently...
All All 24 AlignableTransforms have been built!
All 314 NameTags have been built!
29 Elements have been built!
All 16727 Transforms have been built!
All 75 Materials have been built!
All 336 Shapes have been built!
All 206 LogVols have been built!
All 17909 FullPhysVols have been built!
All 162360 PhysVols have been built!
ReadGeoModel set.ReadGeoModel::buildGeoModel() done.
First step done. GeoModelTree built from the SQLite file.
*** Real time elapsed : 1.00299
*** User time elapsed : 0.94
*** System time elapsed : 0.06
Building G4 geometry.
-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** ExceptionHandler is not defined ***
*** G4Exception : GeomSolids0002
issued by : G4GenericTrap::G4GenericTrap()
Number of vertices != 8
*** Fatal Error In Argument ***
-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-END -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***
The .gmx file is the one here and the .db file generated from it can be found here.
I was wondering if this could be related to the fact that the interface for the GeoModelXml GenericTrap builder was modified a bit to make it simpler:
Maybe this means that the definition isn't understood by Geant4, and so some translation is needed in between?