Replace hcalPFClusterIso by Photon_pfRelIso03_all_quadratic * pt for fiducial detector level selection
According to my brief burst of research, 'hcalPFClusterIsois present in samples produced with
CMSSW_13_0_13and later (like the 22Sep2023 campaign for the 2022 nanoAOD production), but not in samples produced with
CMSSW_13_0_7` and earlier versions (like PromptNanoAODv12 for 2023 data taking). This is a bit unfortunate for sure. This means that currently the HiggsDNA master does not work with promptNanoAOD from Run 3...
I propose to switch the fiducial selection criterion to Photon_pfRelIso03_all_quadratic * pt < 10 GeV
to alleviate this problem. Perhaps this is even more correct.
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