Design a HHtobbyy workflow
Below is the list of HHtobbgg workflow features, added for v1 :
Use of ParticleNet AK4 tagger for b-jet energy and tagging. This ParticleNet simultaneously performs jet flavour tagging, tau tagging as well as flavour-aware jet energy regression. Have a look at these slides. -
Use of Pnet instead of DeepJet for b-tagging -
there are also ParticleTransformer based tagger scores saved in the NanoAOD. After asking the BTV experts regarding which one to use : should be "Jet_btagRobustParTAK4B"
Save first N (maybe 6) jets with preselection , otherwise pad with zeros: -
Four vector, ParticleNet scores, Deep Jet scores
For ttH killer:
Save 2 leading electrons and muons each -
PuppiMET info
Addition of truth information for the conditional classifiers: mX for X->HH, mY for Y->bb or Y->gg, kt, kl, CV, C2V, etc. -
Add kt, kl, c2,CV, C2V, C3, BulkGraviton_M (mX), Radion_M (mX) -
Add mY info when the sample request is submitted
Addition of fatjets, i.e. at least AK8 or even AK15, along with all the relevant b-tagging info -
Preselection: pT>250 GeV, dR>0.8 from photons -
Order by PNet scores -
Save first 4 fatjets -
Add SubJets and GenJetAK8 matched to FatJets
Below are the recent developments , planned or already merged :
ttH killer : Save other higher-level variables as required -
VBF-jets selection implementation -
Addition of other gen variables to optimize the reconstruction (ME level) -
gen_mHH (for nonres reco test) -
4 momenta of the two generated Higgs -
4 momenta of the vector bosons (if it exists) -
4 momenta of gen_top (if it exists) -
gen-matching forJets, Fatjets, Higgs, Leptons
ParticleNet btag count: nBTight, nBMedium, nBLoose -
Selection of one dijet OR one fat jet -
b-jet energy: ParticleNet correction factors to be applied to the raw jet pT are already available in in NanoAOD v12 onwards -
b-tagging: ParticleNet tagger info is also available in NanoAOD v12 onwards. Some info about the scale factors are available here --> To do : add b-tagging SF corrections and systematics MR -
Currently, a cut is applied on the invariant mass of the dijet system (70 GeV < dijet_mass < 190 GeV). The workflow has to be adapted for resonant analysis (X->YH->bbgg), where the mass of Y can be beyond the range [70, 190] GeV : We will implement a tag to differentiate between resonant and non-resonant -
Cut Flow implementation MR -
n_electron, n_muons -
Flag to know which jets were chosen for the dijet pair -
Pre-selection changes see this presentation
Suggestions :
Maybe useful to explicitly name the variables of diphoton system as "diphoton_{variable}". But this might get inconsistent with the other workflows which has just {variable}. Have to decide to change it or not. -
Increase the number of jets registered
- Full Run 2 analysis: HIG-19-018 (arXiv:2011.12373) with ANs CMS AN-2017/286 and CMS AN-2019/149