### 2nd IML Workshop Challenge
The challenge is to regress the soft drop mass [1] of jets with a transverse momentum of several TeV. Such energies are expected at the FCC (Future Circular Collider [2]). The masses of jets are an important ingredient to identify if a heavy particles, like for example the W boson, has caused the jet. The simulated data has been produced with Delphes using 1000 pile up events. The upgrade detector CMS (phase II) configuration was used, as pile up events where not available FCC steerings.
The IML team prepared again a challenge in context of the 2nd IML workshop at CERN. Special thanks to Michele Selvaggi, who prepared the data samples. The challenge is to regress the soft drop mass [1] of jets with a transverse momentum of several TeV. Such energies are expected at the FCC (Future Circular Collider [2]). The masses of jets are an important ingredient to identify if a heavy particles, like for example the W boson, has caused the jet. The simulated data has been produced with Delphes using 1000 pile up events. The upgrade detector CMS (phase II) configuration was used, as pile up events where not available FCC steerings.
The dataset is available as root tree/numpy recarray. The branches/fields that are present for each jet are:
* Generator-level soft drop mass (the regression target): genjet_sd_m
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