Beam Spot Missing in MC simulations
Together with @lmarsica and @acelenta, I am studying the shower profiles in MC simulations. In particular, I am using the code on the 2022 simulations. I have seen that the profiles I get are not centred in (0;0) but, approximately, in (-350;0).
If I understand correctly, this is due to the showerpos definition in
const TVector3 showerpos (>ECALEntryX,>ECALEntryY,0);
This definition is different from the one used in for the real data:
const TVector3 showerpos = P_ecal - ECAL0BEAMSPOT_pos;
This second definition shifts the profile and centres it in ~(0;0).
I see that in conddb.h, for geometry 2022B, we have:
ECAL0BEAMSPOT_pos = TVector3(-362.6, -8.0, 0.);
Do I use the same vector to shift the MC profile? How can I do this properly?
Cheers, Pietro