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Add v30 to SampleMetaSvc, add DL1/PFlow jet capabilities, use C++17

Douglas Raymond Davis requested to merge dev-v30-and-pflow into master

Main adjustments:

  • add v30 ntuples to SampleMetaSvc class. (also adding Test05 for some personal tests)
  • adding new branch access associated with DL1r tagger
  • update the nanodm::{Jet,DileptonFinalState} classes to work with the updated tagger information
  • compile with C++17 in TopLoop CMakeLists.txt

tagging recent contributors: @cescobar @tholm @fdiazcap @okiverny -- please let me know if anything breaks existing workflows. The API changes should not cause any disruptions; but a couple of functions have been deprecated (as mentioned, the existing behaviour should remain the same) The changes are described below.

API adjustments:

nanodm::Jet::isbtaggedContinuous should be replaced with one of the following:

  • nanodm::Jet::isbtaggedContinuous_DL1r
  • nanodm::Jet::ibtaggedContinuous_MV2c10. (The old existing function just calls this version (since MV2c10 is what we've been using).

nanodm::DileptonFinalState::nbtagged should be replaced by one of the following:

  • nbtagged_DL1r_Continuous
  • nbtagged_MV2c10_Continuous (the old existing function now returns this result)

You can see the old behaviour is dedicated to MV2c10, but I think it would be best to move to explicit tagger naming. (I also added functions for the fixed DL1r working points.)

Merge request reports