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Changes from Andrew and Bibhu

Alexx Perloff requested to merge github/fork/awhitbeck/CMSSW_7_2_X into CMSSW_7_2_X

Created by: awhitbeck

There are four sets of changes:

  • additions for photon+jets studies: AllHadronicSUSY/Utils/interface/CleanPATJetProducer.h AllHadronicSUSY/Utils/interface/PhotonIDisoProducer.h AllHadronicSUSY/Utils/interface/classes.h AllHadronicSUSY/Utils/interface/classes_def.xml AllHadronicSUSY/Utils/src/ AllHadronicSUSY/Utils/src/

probably there are no big complaints here, although we did make a class definition file so that certain dictionaries are generated for objects like pat::jet

  • minor changes to the main configuration file. I think that this will cause a conflict with Rishi's updates. The changes here are minor, but I think that the JetsProperties module should be grouped into the Baseline workflow. We don't have to add this information to the trees, but we might as well have the module run in case... I don't have any strong opinions on this though.
  • additional functionality in METDouble producer. I have added the ability to pass a set of reco::candidate objects which will be removed from all of the MET and deltaPhi calculations. This is done in a very simple way, in lieu of have redoing the full MET calculation (which I don't think anyone has implemented). This makes life a lot easier for Photon studies and probably is useful for di-lepton studies.
  • final there are some minor changes like removing blank spaces -- I don't know how to remove these from the pull request :( ... still a newb

Merge request reports