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add lepton/photon cleaned AK8 jets

Alexx Perloff requested to merge github/fork/fojensen/addAK8Clean into Run2

Created by: fojensen

for this PR to work the following will need to be added to the TreeMaker installation recipe: cd CMSSW_8_0_X/src/ git clone JMEAnalysis/JetToolbox -b jetToolbox_80X_V3

for other info reference the JetToolbox twiki:

the attached plots show distributions comparing the new electron/muon/photon cleaned AK8 jets to the 'standard' collection of AK8 jets - for events with no electrons, muons, or photons - the agreement is expected

compareJets.doubleBDiscriminator.pdf compareJets.NJets8.pdf compareJets.puppiSoftDropMass.pdf

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