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Draft: Modernize CUDA build for simplicity and use by downstream clients

Benjamin Morgan requested to merge bmorgan/update-cuda-build into master

This is a startup/WIP MR to investigate ways to modernise the CUDA part of the VecGeom CMake build (so no C++/CUDA changes). To include:

  1. Use of CMake's first class CUDA support rather than cuda_add_library et al
  2. Handling of static/shared libraries with separable compilation and usage requirements/recipe for downstream clients (AdePT/Celeritas projects are immediate use cases).

All that's done for now is to create the branch and MR for shared work with @pcanal. The initial commit is purely there to start the branch, bumping CMake to 3.12 initially for improved CUDA/other support (but suspect we'll need further bumps).

Addresses: VECGEOM-558

Edited by Benjamin Morgan

Merge request reports