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VECGEOM-583: Do not fallback to builtin VecCore if external requested and not found

Benjamin Morgan requested to merge bmorgan/vecgeom-583 into master

As requested in VECGEOM-583, we should not fallback to the builtin VecCore if the configuration requested use of an external version and this was not found.

The fallback has been removed, with support code to prevent inconsistent builds if a developer switches between the builtin/external in a given build directory.

A better solution for this would be to use CMake's FetchContent module for managing the builtin VecCore. However, this will need patches in VecCore as currently this does not work well as a subproject (but see PR Discussion and VECGEOM-555).

This also includes a small bug fix which removes VecGeom's internal implementation of cmake_parse_arguments. Tests of the above mentioned FetchContent functionality showed this does not match the behaviour of CMake's native command and can override and break CMake's builtin modules. With the native command available since version 3.5, there's no need to supply it in VecGeom anymore.

Merge request reports