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Adding TrimDac analysis for Stars

Olivier Arnaez requested to merge AddStarTrimDacAna into devel


Implementation of trim scan for strips. This scan has multiple nested loops over scan parameters: the highest level is the loop over trim range (BTRANGE) inside which is a loop over TrimDAC, inside which is a loop over threshold (BVT).

For each trim range and TrimDAC, a s-curve fit is performed with StarScurveFitter and the results are saved in a JsonData object, which is passed to the next step through the clipboard.

StarTrimDacAnalysis finishes the analysis by finding the target threshold which a maximum of channels can attain, then outputting the optimal TrimDAC settings for each channel (such that they reach the target) to a JsonData file.

A special StarTrimDacLoop is needed to deal with the particular way that TrimDACs are set in the registers for star chips.

Edited by Elise Maria Le Boulicaut Ennis

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