diff --git a/accsoft-nxcals-data-access-python3/build.gradle b/accsoft-nxcals-data-access-python3/build.gradle
index 8045725cee7433adedc747bb3ff0721e9fccd18e..dac2823132b8f4039eb7f87de8011be69cab2348 100644
--- a/accsoft-nxcals-data-access-python3/build.gradle
+++ b/accsoft-nxcals-data-access-python3/build.gradle
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 apply plugin: 'org.sonarqube'
-def pathToPythonInterpreter = '/user/bdisoft/operational/bin/Python/anaconda_py35/bin/python'
+def defaultPythonInterpreter = '/user/bdisoft/operational/bin/Python/anaconda_py35/bin/python'
+def pathToPythonInterpreter = null
 def pythonProjectName = name.replace('-', '_')
 def pythonProjectVersion = version.replace('-', '_')
@@ -17,22 +19,27 @@ def finaArtifactPathZip = distDirectoryPath + finaArtifactNameZip
 def pythonPathVariableName = 'pythonPath'
+//Beside appropriate version following packages have to be present in python env:
+//"setuptools" and "wheel"
 task testPythonVersion() {
     def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
     exec {
         commandLine 'python', '--version'
         errorOutput = stdout
     if (project.hasProperty(pythonPathVariableName)) {
         pathToPythonInterpreter = pythonPath
+    } else if (file(defaultPythonInterpreter).exists()) {
+        pathToPythonInterpreter = defaultPythonInterpreter
     } else if (stdout.toString().startsWith('Python 3')) {
         pathToPythonInterpreter = 'python'
     } else if (exec { commandLine 'which', 'python3'; ignoreExitValue = true }.getExitValue() == 0) {
         pathToPythonInterpreter = 'python3'
     } else {
-        if (!file(pathToPythonInterpreter).exists()) {
-            throw new GradleException("To proceed python3 interpreter has to be provided, either as default intepreter (ran by \"python\" or \"python3\" command) or by specifying -P$pythonPathVariableName=/path/to/python3 gradle option")
-        }
+        throw new GradleException('To proceed python3 interpreter has to be provided, either as default intepreter (ran by \"python\" or \"python3\" command) ' +
+                'or by specifying -P$pythonPathVariableName=/path/to/python3 gradle option.' +
+                'Also following packages have to be present in python env: setooptools and wheel')
@@ -41,7 +48,7 @@ task cleanWheel(type: Delete) {
     exec {
         commandLine pathToPythonInterpreter, 'setup.py', 'clean', '--all', "--nxcals-version=$currentVersion"
-    delete distDirectoryPath, pythonProjectName + '.egg-info', fileTree('.') { include '**/*.pyc'}
+    delete distDirectoryPath, pythonProjectName + '.egg-info', fileTree('.') { include '**/*.pyc' }