diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index db0ed3980922d8882b3f93fec80b6b35ceebb8e8..166041948f561b6ef28099782ac49d626a3351b3 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -30,10 +30,9 @@ option(ACTS_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build examples" OFF)
 option(ACTS_BUILD_UNITTESTS "Build unit tests" OFF)
 option(ACTS_BUILD_INTEGRATIONTESTS "Build integration tests" OFF)
 option(ACTS_BUILD_DOC "Build documentation" OFF)
 # all other compile-time parameters must be defined here for clear visibility
 # and to avoid forgotten options somewhere deep in the hierarchy
-set(ACTS_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS_PLUGIN "Acts/Utilities/detail/DefaultParameterDefinitions.hpp" CACHE FILEPATH "Default track parameter definition")
+set(ACTS_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS_HEADER "" CACHE FILEPATH "Use a different (track) parameter definitions header")
 # handle inter-plugin dependencies
 # DD4hepPlugin depends on TGeoPlugin
diff --git a/Core/CMakeLists.txt b/Core/CMakeLists.txt
index d022d9373388ebb947b9eaeb24bd31220ba20e42..63acfd031d3ae40b4b650671f6a93509268407ee 100644
--- a/Core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ add_library(
   PUBLIC cxx_std_17)
-  ActsCore
@@ -23,6 +20,12 @@ target_link_libraries(
   PUBLIC Boost::boost)
+  target_compile_definitions(
+    ActsCore
   TARGETS ActsCore
   EXPORT ActsCoreTargets
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/ParameterDefinitions.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/ParameterDefinitions.hpp
index 3a0ac2f2bffabde32aac8e70cd5787b4b18a7e41..66feee557c5d8e8b1030f44337f92a87e69a0a00 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/ParameterDefinitions.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/ParameterDefinitions.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // This file is part of the Acts project.
-// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
+// Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
@@ -8,12 +8,128 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <cmath>
 #include <type_traits>
 #include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/ParameterTypes.hpp"
+// The user can override the (track) parameter ordering and underlying scalar
+// type. If the variable is defined, it must point to a header file that
+// contains the same enum and type definitions for bound and free track
+// parameters as well as space points as given below.
+namespace Acts {
+/// Components of a bound track parameters vector.
+/// To be used to access components by named indices instead of just numbers.
+/// This must be a regular `enum` and not a scoped `enum class` to allow
+/// implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly
+/// in `namespace Acts` and are prefixed to avoid naming collisions.
+enum BoundParametersIndices : unsigned int {
+  // Local position on the reference surface.
+  // This is intentionally named different from the position components in
+  // the other data vectors, to clarify that this is defined on a surface
+  // while the others are defined in free space.
+  eBoundLoc0 = 0,
+  eBoundLoc1 = 1,
+  // Direction angles
+  eBoundPhi = 2,
+  eBoundTheta = 3,
+  // Global inverse-momentum-like parameter, i.e. q/p or 1/p
+  // The naming is inconsistent for the case of neutral track parameters where
+  // the value is interpreted as 1/p not as q/p. This is intentional to avoid
+  // having multiple aliases for the same element and for lack of an acceptable
+  // common name.
+  eBoundQOverP = 4,
+  eBoundTime = 5,
+  // Last uninitialized value contains the total number of components
+  eBoundParametersSize,
+  // The following aliases without prefix exist for historical reasons
+  // Generic spatial coordinates on the local surface
+  eLOC_0 = eBoundLoc0,
+  eLOC_1 = eBoundLoc1,
+  // Spatial coordinates on a disk in polar coordinates
+  eLOC_R = eLOC_0,
+  eLOC_PHI = eLOC_1,
+  // Spatial coordinates on a disk in Cartesian coordinates
+  eLOC_X = eLOC_0,
+  eLOC_Y = eLOC_1,
+  // Spatial coordinates on a cylinder
+  eLOC_RPHI = eLOC_0,
+  eLOC_Z = eLOC_1,
+  // Closest approach coordinates on a virtual perigee surface
+  eLOC_D0 = eLOC_0,
+  eLOC_Z0 = eLOC_1,
+  // Direction angles
+  ePHI = eBoundPhi,
+  eTHETA = eBoundTheta,
+  eQOP = eBoundQOverP,
+  eT = eBoundTime,
+/// Components of a free track parameters vector.
+/// To be used to access components by named indices instead of just numbers.
+/// This must be a regular `enum` and not a scoped `enum class` to allow
+/// implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly
+/// in `namespace Acts` and are prefixed to avoid naming collisions.
+enum FreeParametersIndices : unsigned int {
+  // Spatial position
+  // The spatial position components must be stored as one continous block.
+  eFreePos0 = 0u,
+  eFreePos1 = eFreePos0 + 1u,
+  eFreePos2 = eFreePos0 + 2u,
+  // Time
+  eFreeTime = 3u,
+  // (Unit) direction
+  // The direction components must be stored as one continous block.
+  eFreeDir0 = 4u,
+  eFreeDir1 = eFreeDir0 + 1u,
+  eFreeDir2 = eFreeDir0 + 2u,
+  // Global inverse-momentum-like parameter, i.e. q/p or 1/p
+  // See BoundParametersIndices for further information
+  eFreeQOverP = 7u,
+  // Last uninitialized value contains the total number of components
+  eFreeParametersSize,
+/// Components of a space point vector.
+/// To be used to access components by named indices instead of just numbers.
+/// This must be a regular `enum` and not a scoped `enum class` to allow
+/// implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly
+/// in `namespace Acts` and are prefixed to avoid naming collisions.
+/// Within the same context either the position-like or the momentum-like
+/// indices must be used exclusively.
+enum SpacePointIndices : unsigned int {
+  // For position four-vectors
+  // The spatial position components must be stored as one continous block.
+  eSpacePos0 = 0u,
+  eSpacePos1 = eSpacePos0 + 1u,
+  eSpacePos2 = eSpacePos0 + 2u,
+  eSpaceTime = 3u,
+  // Last uninitialized value contains the total number of components
+  eSpacePointSize,
+  // Aliases for  momentum four-vectors to allow clearer code
+  eSpaceMom0 = eSpacePos0,
+  eSpaceMom1 = eSpacePos1,
+  eSpaceMom2 = eSpacePos2,
+  eSpaceEnergy = eSpaceTime,
+/// Underlying fundamental scalar type for bound track parameters.
+using BoundParametersScalar = double;
+/// Underlying fundamental scalar type for free track parameters.
+using FreeParametersScalar = double;
+/// Underlying fundamental scalar type for space points.
+using SpacePointScalar = double;
+}  // namespace Acts
 namespace Acts {
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/detail/DefaultParameterDefinitions.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/detail/DefaultParameterDefinitions.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6882d1e6c73a4b726b6d8c227ea0342285a13512..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/detail/DefaultParameterDefinitions.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of the Acts project.
-// Copyright (C) 2016-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-#pragma once
-#include <cmath>
-#include "Acts/Utilities/ParameterTypes.hpp"
-namespace Acts {
-/// Components of a bound track parameters vector.
-/// To be used to access components by named indices instead of just numbers.
-/// This must be a regular `enum` and not a scoped `enum class` to allow
-/// implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly
-/// in `namespace Acts` and are prefixed to avoid naming collisions.
-enum BoundParametersIndices : unsigned int {
-  // Local position on the reference surface.
-  // This is intentionally named different from the position components in
-  // the other data vectors, to clarify that this is defined on a surface
-  // while the others are defined in free space.
-  eBoundLoc0 = 0,
-  eBoundLoc1 = 1,
-  // Direction angles
-  eBoundPhi = 2,
-  eBoundTheta = 3,
-  // Global inverse-momentum-like parameter, i.e. q/p or 1/p
-  // The naming is inconsistent for the case of neutral track parameters where
-  // the value is interpreted as 1/p not as q/p. This is intentional to avoid
-  // having multiple aliases for the same element and for lack of an acceptable
-  // common name.
-  eBoundQOverP = 4,
-  eBoundTime = 5,
-  // Last uninitialized value contains the total number of components
-  eBoundParametersSize,
-  // The following aliases without prefix exist for historical reasons
-  // Generic spatial coordinates on the local surface
-  eLOC_0 = eBoundLoc0,
-  eLOC_1 = eBoundLoc1,
-  // Spatial coordinates on a disk in polar coordinates
-  eLOC_R = eLOC_0,
-  eLOC_PHI = eLOC_1,
-  // Spatial coordinates on a disk in Cartesian coordinates
-  eLOC_X = eLOC_0,
-  eLOC_Y = eLOC_1,
-  // Spatial coordinates on a cylinder
-  eLOC_RPHI = eLOC_0,
-  eLOC_Z = eLOC_1,
-  // Closest approach coordinates on a virtual perigee surface
-  eLOC_D0 = eLOC_0,
-  eLOC_Z0 = eLOC_1,
-  // Direction angles
-  ePHI = eBoundPhi,
-  eTHETA = eBoundTheta,
-  eQOP = eBoundQOverP,
-  eT = eBoundTime,
-/// Underlying fundamental scalar type for bound track parameters.
-using BoundParametersScalar = double;
-/// Components of a free track parameters vector.
-/// To be used to access components by named indices instead of just numbers.
-/// This must be a regular `enum` and not a scoped `enum class` to allow
-/// implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly
-/// in `namespace Acts` and are prefixed to avoid naming collisions.
-enum FreeParametersIndices : unsigned int {
-  // Spatial position
-  // The spatial position components must be stored as one continous block.
-  eFreePos0 = 0u,
-  eFreePos1 = eFreePos0 + 1u,
-  eFreePos2 = eFreePos0 + 2u,
-  // Time
-  eFreeTime = 3u,
-  // (Unit) direction
-  // The direction components must be stored as one continous block.
-  eFreeDir0 = 4u,
-  eFreeDir1 = eFreeDir0 + 1u,
-  eFreeDir2 = eFreeDir0 + 2u,
-  // Global inverse-momentum-like parameter, i.e. q/p or 1/p
-  // See BoundParametersIndices for further information
-  eFreeQOverP = 7u,
-  // Last uninitialized value contains the total number of components
-  eFreeParametersSize,
-/// Underlying fundamental scalar type for free track parameters.
-using FreeParametersScalar = double;
-/// Components of a space point vector.
-/// To be used to access components by named indices instead of just numbers.
-/// This must be a regular `enum` and not a scoped `enum class` to allow
-/// implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly
-/// in `namespace Acts` and are prefixed to avoid naming collisions.
-/// Within the same context either the position-like or the momentum-like
-/// indices must be used exclusively.
-enum SpacePointIndices : unsigned int {
-  // For position four-vectors
-  // The spatial position components must be stored as one continous block.
-  eSpacePos0 = 0u,
-  eSpacePos1 = eSpacePos0 + 1u,
-  eSpacePos2 = eSpacePos0 + 2u,
-  eSpaceTime = 3u,
-  // Last uninitialized value contains the total number of components
-  eSpacePointSize,
-  // Aliases for  momentum four-vectors to allow clearer code
-  eSpaceMom0 = eSpacePos0,
-  eSpaceMom1 = eSpacePos1,
-  eSpaceMom2 = eSpacePos2,
-  eSpaceEnergy = eSpaceTime,
-/// Underlying fundamental scalar type for space points.
-using SpacePointScalar = double;
-}  // namespace Acts