diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/EventData/TrackState.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/EventData/TrackState.hpp
index d4d861e2eac9cb4abfdf38568e48f385d6c02e06..21fe35e4575c043844611907a0f463f6c54281e3 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/EventData/TrackState.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/EventData/TrackState.hpp
@@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ public:
     double pathLength = 0.;
   } parameter;
+  /// The increment of the chi^2 after the Kalman update (filtering).
+  double filteredChi2Increment = 0;
   /// @brief Nested measurement part
   /// This is the uncalibrated and calibrated measurement
   /// (in case the latter is different)
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Fitter/GainMatrixUpdator.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Fitter/GainMatrixUpdator.hpp
index bacfc24b4b7fc38fc078c2578a5da62c6c437142..a82742c241e047cd405a44fba9befa89f78d05cf 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Fitter/GainMatrixUpdator.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Fitter/GainMatrixUpdator.hpp
@@ -108,20 +108,26 @@ public:
               = (CovMatrix_t::Identity() - K * H) * predicted_covariance;
+          // Create new filtered parameters and covariance
+          parameters_t filtered(
+              std::make_unique<const CovMatrix_t>(filtered_covariance),
+              filtered_parameters,
+              predicted.referenceSurface().getSharedPtr());
+          const auto R_filtered = (calibrated.covariance()
+                                   - H * filtered_covariance * H.transpose());
+          const auto   r_filtered = calibrated.residual(filtered);
+          const double chi2Increment
+              = (r_filtered.transpose() * R_filtered * r_filtered).value();
           // plug calibrated measurement back into track state
           trackState.measurement.calibrated = std::move(calibrated);
+          trackState.parameter.filtered     = std::move(filtered);
+          trackState.filteredChi2Increment  = chi2Increment;
-    // Create new filtered parameters and covariance
-    parameters_t filtered(
-        std::make_unique<const CovMatrix_t>(std::move(filtered_covariance)),
-        filtered_parameters,
-        predicted.referenceSurface().getSharedPtr());
-    trackState.parameter.filtered = std::move(filtered);
     // always succeed, no outlier logic yet
     return true;
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Fitter/SequentialKalmanFitter.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Fitter/SequentialKalmanFitter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..700da210f27dd4405f64fd296b261b4cb262df5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Fitter/SequentialKalmanFitter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// This file is part of the Acts project.
+// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Acts project team
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#pragma once
+#include "Acts/Fitter/detail/VoidKalmanComponents.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/AbortList.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/ActionList.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/Propagator.hpp"
+#include <boost/variant.hpp>
+#include <memory>
+namespace Acts {
+ * Sequential Kalman Fitter algorithm to traverse through a geometry with
+ * measurements and select a single best combination (= track). For this, a
+ * prepared measurement selector is asked to supply measurements for each
+ * visited surface in the geometry, which are then ranked by chi^2 increment.
+ * The one with the smalles chi^2 increment is taken, the track parameters
+ * updated and the algorithm is continued.
+ *
+ * @tparam propagator_t The type of the propagator to use.
+ * @tparam track_state_t The type of the track state to use.
+ * @tparam measurement_selector_t The type of the measurement selector
+ *         algorithm. Should implement an operator returning a vector of track
+ *         states to used for a given surface.
+ * @tparam updator_t The type of the updator (used for updating the track
+ *         parameters with a measurement)
+ * @tparam calibrator_t The type of the calibrator (used for calibrating the
+ *         measurements depending on a track state)
+ */
+template <typename propagator_t,
+          typename track_state_t,
+          typename measurement_selector_t,
+          typename updator_t    = VoidKalmanUpdator,
+          typename calibrator_t = VoidKalmanComponents>
+class SequentialKalmanFitter
+  /// Default constructor is deleted
+  SequentialKalmanFitter() = delete;
+  /// Constructor taking a propagator as input
+  explicit SequentialKalmanFitter(propagator_t pPropagator)
+    : m_propagator(std::move(pPropagator))
+  {
+  }
+  /**
+   * Main function of the fitter, which takes a seeding start parameters as
+   * input and the prepared measurement selector and outputs a result object
+   * including the found track.
+   * @tparam parameters_t The type of the seed parameters
+   * @param sParameters The seed parameters to start with
+   * @param pMeasurementSelector The prefilled measurement selector, which will
+   * return the measurements for a given surface
+   * @return A result structure with the selected track states.
+   */
+  template <typename parameters_t>
+  auto
+  fit(const parameters_t&                     sParameters,
+      std::shared_ptr<measurement_selector_t> pMeasurementSelector) const
+  {
+    // Create the ActionList and AbortList
+    using KalmanResult = typename KalmanActor::result_type;
+    using Actors       = ActionList<KalmanActor>;
+    using Aborters     = AbortList<>;
+    // Create relevant options for the propagation options
+    PropagatorOptions<Actors, Aborters> kalmanOptions;
+    auto& kalmanActor = kalmanOptions.actionList.template get<KalmanActor>();
+    kalmanActor.m_measurementSelectorPtr = std::move(pMeasurementSelector);
+    // Run the fitter
+    const auto& result
+        = m_propagator.template propagate(sParameters, kalmanOptions);
+    // Get the result of the fit
+    auto kalmanResult = result.template get<KalmanResult>();
+    // Return the converted Track
+    return kalmanResult;
+  }
+  /// Used propagator instance
+  propagator_t m_propagator;
+  /**
+   * Actor used in the SequentialKalmanFitter propagation.
+   * On every call, it will look for compatible measurements on the surface
+   * and select the one with the lowest chi^2 increment.
+   */
+  class KalmanActor
+  {
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Creates a new actor (is called by the propagator automatically).
+     * @param pUpdator The updator instance used during the step.
+     * @param pCalibrator The calibrator instance used during the step.
+     */
+    KalmanActor(updator_t    pUpdator    = updator_t(),
+                calibrator_t pCalibrator = calibrator_t())
+      : m_updator(std::move(pUpdator)), m_calibrator(std::move(pCalibrator))
+    {
+    }
+    /// The type of the result of this actor including the final track and the
+    /// number of holes.
+    struct result_type
+    {
+      /// The resulting track of the algorithm
+      std::vector<track_state_t> resultStateList = {};
+      /// How many surfaces had no measurement on them
+      unsigned int numberOfHoles = 0;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Main function of this actor:
+     *   * Is only executed if propagated to a surface
+     *   * let the measurements selector give us a list of possible next
+     * measurements
+     *   * call the update process on them
+     *   * rank them by chi^2 and pick the best one.
+     * @tparam propagator_state_t The propagator state type
+     * @param state The state coming from the propagator
+     * @param result The result we use for storing e.g. the resulting track
+     */
+    template <typename propagator_state_t>
+    void
+    operator()(propagator_state_t& state, result_type& result) const
+    {
+      // Do not go on if there is no surface
+      const Surface* surface = state.navigation.currentSurface;
+      if (not surface) {
+        return;
+      }
+      // Request a list of possible next states by the measurement selector
+      assert(m_measurementSelectorPtr != nullptr);
+      std::vector<track_state_t> nextStates
+          = (*m_measurementSelectorPtr)(*surface, state);
+      if (nextStates.empty()) {
+        // Only count it as hole if a sensitive surface
+        if (surface->associatedDetectorElement() != nullptr) {
+          result.numberOfHoles++;
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      // Loop through all possible measurement
+      // perform an update and rank by chi^2.
+      auto           boundStates = state.stepping.boundState(*surface, true);
+      track_state_t* chosenNextState = nullptr;
+      for (auto& nextState : nextStates) {
+        nextState.parameter.predicted  = std::get<0>(boundStates);
+        nextState.parameter.jacobian   = std::get<1>(boundStates);
+        nextState.parameter.pathLength = std::get<2>(boundStates);
+        m_updator(nextState);
+        if (chosenNextState == nullptr) {
+          chosenNextState = &nextState;
+        } else {
+          const double chosenChi2 = chosenNextState->filteredChi2Increment;
+          const double nextChi2   = nextState.filteredChi2Increment;
+          if (chosenChi2 > nextChi2) {
+            chosenNextState = &nextState;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      assert(chosenNextState != nullptr);
+      // Update the fitted state with the chosen next state and also store it in
+      // the track list
+      state.stepping.update(*(chosenNextState->parameter.filtered));
+      result.resultStateList.push_back(std::move(*chosenNextState));
+    }
+    /// The pointer to the measurement selector (needs to be filled by the user)
+    std::shared_ptr<measurement_selector_t> m_measurementSelectorPtr;
+    /// The updator instance
+    updator_t m_updator;
+    /// The calibrator instance
+    calibrator_t m_calibrator;
+  };
+}  // namespace Acts
diff --git a/Tests/Core/CommonHelpers/include/Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/CubicTrackingGeometry.hpp b/Tests/Core/CommonHelpers/include/Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/CubicTrackingGeometry.hpp
index 594fe8d5ddb6f22e3ce0c0f094afc08af29efe47..195f8df5838d2293c303dcc5797a4a98817c2a3b 100644
--- a/Tests/Core/CommonHelpers/include/Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/CubicTrackingGeometry.hpp
+++ b/Tests/Core/CommonHelpers/include/Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/CubicTrackingGeometry.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#pragma once
 #include <vector>
 #include "Acts/Detector/TrackingGeometry.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Detector/TrackingVolume.hpp"
diff --git a/Tests/Core/CommonHelpers/include/Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/MeasurementCreatorHelper.hpp b/Tests/Core/CommonHelpers/include/Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/MeasurementCreatorHelper.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3962125e385abdce379a48adba560589325dd8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Core/CommonHelpers/include/Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/MeasurementCreatorHelper.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+// This file is part of the Acts project.
+// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Acts project team
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <random>
+#include <vector>
+#include "Acts/Detector/TrackingGeometry.hpp"
+#include "Acts/EventData/Measurement.hpp"
+#include "Acts/EventData/TrackParameters.hpp"
+#include "Acts/EventData/TrackState.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Extrapolator/Navigator.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Fitter/KalmanFitter.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/EigenStepper.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/Propagator.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/StraightLineStepper.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/detail/DebugOutputActor.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/detail/StandardAborters.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Surfaces/Surface.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/BinningType.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/GeometryID.hpp"
+namespace Acts {
+namespace Test {
+  // A few initialisations and definitionas
+  using Identifier = unsigned int;
+  using TrackState         = TrackState<Identifier, BoundParameters>;
+  using Resolution         = std::pair<ParID_t, double>;
+  using ElementResolution  = std::vector<Resolution>;
+  using VolumeResolution   = std::map<geo_id_value, ElementResolution>;
+  using DetectorResolution = std::map<geo_id_value, VolumeResolution>;
+  using DebugOutput = detail::DebugOutputActor;
+  std::normal_distribution<double>   gauss(0., 1.);
+  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> numberOfMeasurements(1, 5);
+  std::mt19937                       generator(42);
+  /// @brief This struct creates FittableMeasurements on the
+  /// detector surfaces, according to the given smearing xxparameters
+  ///
+  struct MeasurementCreator
+  {
+    /// @brief Constructor
+    MeasurementCreator() = default;
+    /// The detector resolution
+    DetectorResolution detectorResolution;
+    /// Randomize number of hits
+    bool randomizeNumberOfMeasurements = false;
+    struct result_type
+    {
+      std::vector<TrackState> trackStates;
+      std::map<const Surface*, std::vector<FittableMeasurement<Identifier>>>
+          measurementMap;
+    };
+    /// @brief Operater that is callable by an ActionList. The function collects
+    /// the surfaces
+    ///
+    /// @tparam propagator_state_t Type of the propagator state
+    /// @param [in] state State of the propagator
+    /// @param [out] result Vector of matching surfaces
+    template <typename propagator_state_t>
+    void
+    operator()(propagator_state_t& state, result_type& result) const
+    {
+      // monitor the current surface
+      const Surface* surface = state.navigation.currentSurface;
+      if (surface == nullptr or not surface->associatedDetectorElement()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      auto         geoID    = surface->geoID();
+      geo_id_value volumeID = geoID.value(GeometryID::volume_mask);
+      geo_id_value layerID  = geoID.value(GeometryID::layer_mask);
+      // find volume and layer information for this
+      auto vResolution = detectorResolution.find(volumeID);
+      if (vResolution == detectorResolution.end()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      // find layer resolutions
+      auto lResolution = vResolution->second.find(layerID);
+      if (lResolution == vResolution->second.end()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      unsigned int nMeasurements = 1;
+      if (randomizeNumberOfMeasurements) {
+        nMeasurements
+            = static_cast<unsigned int>(numberOfMeasurements(generator));
+      }
+      for (unsigned int identifier = 0; identifier < nMeasurements;
+           identifier++) {
+        addSingleMeasurement(identifier, state, result, surface, lResolution);
+      }
+    }
+    template <typename propagator_state_t, typename resolution_t>
+    void
+    addSingleMeasurement(unsigned int        identifier,
+                         propagator_state_t& state,
+                         result_type&        result,
+                         const Surface*      surface,
+                         resolution_t        lResolution) const
+    {
+      // Apply global to local
+      Acts::Vector2D lPos;
+      surface->globalToLocal(
+          state.stepping.position(), state.stepping.direction(), lPos);
+      if (lResolution->second.size() == 1) {
+        double            sp = lResolution->second[0].second;
+        ActsSymMatrixD<1> cov1D;
+        cov1D << sp * sp;
+        double dp = sp * gauss(generator);
+        if (identifier != 0) {
+          dp *= 20;
+        }
+        if (lResolution->second[0].first == eLOC_0) {
+          // push back & move a LOC_0 measurement
+          Measurement<Identifier, eLOC_0> m(
+              surface->getSharedPtr(), identifier, cov1D, lPos[eLOC_0] + dp);
+          result.measurementMap[surface].push_back(m);
+          result.trackStates.push_back(TrackState(std::move(m)));
+        } else {
+          // push back & move a LOC_1 measurement
+          Measurement<Identifier, eLOC_1> m(
+              surface->getSharedPtr(), identifier, cov1D, lPos[eLOC_1] + dp);
+          result.measurementMap[surface].push_back(m);
+          result.trackStates.push_back(TrackState(std::move(m)));
+        }
+      } else if (lResolution->second.size() == 2) {
+        // Create the measurement and move it
+        double            sx = lResolution->second[eLOC_0].second;
+        double            sy = lResolution->second[eLOC_1].second;
+        ActsSymMatrixD<2> cov2D;
+        cov2D << sx * sx, 0., 0., sy * sy;
+        double dx = sx * gauss(generator);
+        double dy = sy * gauss(generator);
+        if (identifier != 0) {
+          dx *= 20;
+          dy *= 20;
+        }
+        // push back & move a LOC_0, LOC_1 measurement
+        Measurement<Identifier, eLOC_0, eLOC_1> m(surface->getSharedPtr(),
+                                                  identifier,
+                                                  cov2D,
+                                                  lPos[eLOC_0] + dx,
+                                                  lPos[eLOC_1] + dy);
+        result.measurementMap[surface].push_back(m);
+        result.trackStates.push_back(TrackState(std::move(m)));
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  template <class AStepper>
+  MeasurementCreator::result_type
+  createMeasurements(std::shared_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> detector,
+                     AStepper                                stepper,
+                     const Vector3D&                         startPosition,
+                     const Vector3D&                         startMomentum,
+                     DetectorResolution                      detRes,
+                     bool addNoiseMeasurements = false,
+                     bool debugMode            = false)
+  {
+    // Build navigator for the measurement creation
+    Navigator navigator(detector);
+    navigator.resolvePassive   = false;
+    navigator.resolveMaterial  = true;
+    navigator.resolveSensitive = true;
+    // Define the measurement propagator
+    using MeasurementPropagator = Propagator<AStepper, Navigator>;
+    // Build propagator for the measurement creation
+    MeasurementPropagator propagator(stepper, navigator);
+    SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters<NeutralPolicy> startParameters(
+        nullptr, startPosition, startMomentum);
+    // Create action list for the measurement creation
+    using MeasurementActions  = ActionList<MeasurementCreator, DebugOutput>;
+    using MeasurementAborters = AbortList<detail::EndOfWorldReached>;
+    // Set options for propagator
+    PropagatorOptions<MeasurementActions, MeasurementAborters> propOps;
+    propOps.debug               = debugMode;
+    auto& mCreator              = propOps.actionList.get<MeasurementCreator>();
+    mCreator.detectorResolution = detRes;
+    mCreator.randomizeNumberOfMeasurements = addNoiseMeasurements;
+    // Launch and collect - the measurements
+    auto result = propagator.propagate(startParameters, propOps);
+    if (debugMode) {
+      const auto debugString
+          = result.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>().debugString;
+      std::cout << ">>>> Measurement creation: " << std::endl;
+      std::cout << debugString;
+    }
+    auto measurements = result.template get<MeasurementCreator::result_type>();
+    return measurements;
+  }
+  template <class AStepper>
+  MeasurementCreator::result_type
+  createMeasurementsOnCubicDetector(
+      std::shared_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> detector,
+      AStepper                                stepper,
+      const Vector3D&                         startPosition,
+      const Vector3D&                         startMomentum,
+      bool                                    addNoiseMeasurements = false,
+      bool                                    debugMode            = false)
+  {
+    auto pixelResX = Resolution(eLOC_0, 25. * units::_um);
+    auto pixelResY = Resolution(eLOC_1, 50. * units::_um);
+    auto stripResX = Resolution(eLOC_0, 100. * units::_um);
+    auto stripResY = Resolution(eLOC_1, 150. * units::_um);
+    ElementResolution pixelElementRes  = {pixelResX, pixelResY};
+    ElementResolution stripElementResI = {stripResX};
+    ElementResolution stripElementResO = {stripResY};
+    VolumeResolution pixelVolumeRes;
+    pixelVolumeRes[2] = pixelElementRes;
+    pixelVolumeRes[4] = pixelElementRes;
+    VolumeResolution stripVolumeRes;
+    stripVolumeRes[2] = stripElementResI;
+    stripVolumeRes[4] = stripElementResO;
+    stripVolumeRes[6] = stripElementResI;
+    stripVolumeRes[8] = stripElementResO;
+    DetectorResolution detRes;
+    detRes[2] = pixelVolumeRes;
+    detRes[3] = stripVolumeRes;
+    return createMeasurements(detector,
+                              stepper,
+                              startPosition,
+                              startMomentum,
+                              detRes,
+                              addNoiseMeasurements,
+                              debugMode);
+  }
+}  // namespace Test
+}  // namespace Acts
diff --git a/Tests/Core/Fitter/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/Core/Fitter/CMakeLists.txt
index 31df73253cbc42cbe6e1c8845a3ac6a35fb4c40f..059778e3994e88a8ea3c8ba03b4d04f09a1ec05f 100644
--- a/Tests/Core/Fitter/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tests/Core/Fitter/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ target_link_libraries (KalmanFitterTests PRIVATE ActsCore ActsTestsCommonHelpers
 add_test (NAME KalmanFitterUnitTests COMMAND KalmanFitterTests)
 acts_add_test_to_cdash_project (PROJECT ACore TEST KalmanFitterUnitTests TARGETS KalmanFitterTests)
+add_executable (SequentialKalmanFitterTests SequentialKalmanFitterTests.cpp)
+target_include_directories (SequentialKalmanFitterTests PRIVATE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+target_link_libraries (SequentialKalmanFitterTests PRIVATE ActsCore ActsTestsCommonHelpers)
+add_test (NAME SequentialKalmanFitterUnitTests COMMAND SequentialKalmanFitterTests)
+acts_add_test_to_cdash_project (PROJECT ACore TEST SequentialKalmanFitterUnitTests TARGETS SequentialKalmanFitterTests)
 add_executable (GainMatrixTests GainMatrixTests.cpp)
 target_include_directories (GainMatrixTests PRIVATE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
 target_link_libraries (GainMatrixTests PRIVATE ActsCore)
diff --git a/Tests/Core/Fitter/KalmanFilterTestUtils.hpp b/Tests/Core/Fitter/KalmanFilterTestUtils.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a7ffd9beeb568b9909a7fbf26b5ddc2fe50091df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tests/Core/Fitter/KalmanFilterTestUtils.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of the Acts project.
-// Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Acts project team
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-#pragma once
-#include <cmath>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <memory>
-#include <random>
-#include <vector>
-#include "Acts/Detector/TrackingGeometry.hpp"
-#include "Acts/EventData/Measurement.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Extrapolation/ExtrapolationCell.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Extrapolation/ExtrapolationEngine.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Extrapolation/IExtrapolationEngine.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Extrapolation/MaterialEffectsEngine.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Extrapolation/RungeKuttaEngine.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Extrapolation/StaticEngine.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Extrapolation/StaticNavigationEngine.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Fitter/KalmanFitter.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Fitter/KalmanUpdator.hpp"
-#include "Acts/MagneticField/ConstantBField.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Surfaces/PerigeeSurface.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
-// shorthands
-using namespace Acts;
-using FitMeas_t = FittableMeasurement<long int>;
-template <ParID_t... pars>
-using Meas_t = Measurement<long int, pars...>;
-/// fit cache
-struct MyCache
-  std::unique_ptr<const KF::Step<long int>::JacobianMatrix> jacobian;
-  std::unique_ptr<const BoundParameters>                    parameters;
-  MyCache()               = default;
-  MyCache(const MyCache&) = delete;
-  MyCache(MyCache&&)      = default;
-/// extrapolation wrapper
-class MyExtrapolator
-  MyExtrapolator(std::shared_ptr<const IExtrapolationEngine> exEngine
-                 = nullptr);
-  MyCache
-  operator()(const FitMeas_t& m, const TrackParameters& tp) const;
-  std::shared_ptr<const IExtrapolationEngine> m_exEngine;
-/// dummy class, returns measurement unchanged
-class NoCalibration
-  std::unique_ptr<const FitMeas_t>
-  operator()(const FitMeas_t& m, const BoundParameters&) const;
-class CacheGenerator
-  std::unique_ptr<KF::Step<long int>>
-  operator()(MyCache m) const;
-    std::shared_ptr<const IExtrapolationEngine> exEngine)
-  : m_exEngine(std::move(exEngine)){};
-/// wrapper around extrapolate call to exEngine, setting the right flags
-MyExtrapolator::operator()(const FitMeas_t& m, const TrackParameters& tp) const
-  auto exCell = std::make_unique<ExtrapolationCell<TrackParameters>>(tp);
-  exCell->addConfigurationMode(ExtrapolationMode::CollectJacobians);
-  (*exCell).pathLimit = 500;
-  const Surface& sf   = getSurface(m);
-  m_exEngine->extrapolate(*exCell, &sf);
-  MyCache c;
-  auto    j = exCell->extrapolationSteps.back().transportJacobian.release();
-  c.jacobian.reset(new KF::Step<long int>::JacobianMatrix(*j));
-  auto pars
-      = static_cast<const BoundParameters*>(exCell->leadParameters->clone());
-  c.parameters.reset(pars);
-  return c;
-std::unique_ptr<const FitMeas_t>
-NoCalibration::operator()(const FitMeas_t& m, const BoundParameters&) const
-  return std::make_unique<const FitMeas_t>(m);
-std::unique_ptr<KF::Step<long int>>
-CacheGenerator::operator()(MyCache m) const
-  auto step = std::make_unique<KF::Step<long int>>();
-  step->setPredictedState(std::move(m.parameters));
-  step->setJacobian(std::move(m.jacobian));
-  return step;
-/// set up extrapolation
-initExtrapolator(const std::shared_ptr<const TrackingGeometry>& geo)
-  auto propConfig = RungeKuttaEngine<>::Config();
-  propConfig.fieldService
-      = std::make_shared<ConstantBField>(0, 0, 2 * Acts::units::_T);
-  auto propEngine = std::make_shared<RungeKuttaEngine<>>(propConfig);
-  auto matConfig      = MaterialEffectsEngine::Config();
-  auto materialEngine = std::make_shared<MaterialEffectsEngine>(matConfig);
-  auto navConfig                  = StaticNavigationEngine::Config();
-  navConfig.propagationEngine     = propEngine;
-  navConfig.materialEffectsEngine = materialEngine;
-  navConfig.trackingGeometry      = geo;
-  auto navEngine = std::make_shared<StaticNavigationEngine>(navConfig);
-  auto statConfig                  = StaticEngine::Config();
-  statConfig.propagationEngine     = propEngine;
-  statConfig.navigationEngine      = navEngine;
-  statConfig.materialEffectsEngine = materialEngine;
-  auto statEngine                  = std::make_shared<StaticEngine>(statConfig);
-  auto exEngineConfig                 = ExtrapolationEngine::Config();
-  exEngineConfig.trackingGeometry     = geo;
-  exEngineConfig.propagationEngine    = propEngine;
-  exEngineConfig.navigationEngine     = navEngine;
-  exEngineConfig.extrapolationEngines = {statEngine};
-  auto exEngine = std::make_shared<ExtrapolationEngine>(exEngineConfig);
-  exEngine->setLogger(getDefaultLogger("ExtrapolationEngine", Logging::INFO));
-  return exEngine;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/Core/Fitter/KalmanFitterTests.cpp b/Tests/Core/Fitter/KalmanFitterTests.cpp
index dd5655cfae3a2ae275021cb2f1a0c268dbd3f38d..8dcc2094e9932a971f196a69570294e1e6e84f32 100644
--- a/Tests/Core/Fitter/KalmanFitterTests.cpp
+++ b/Tests/Core/Fitter/KalmanFitterTests.cpp
@@ -30,250 +30,47 @@
 #include "Acts/Propagator/detail/StandardAborters.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Surfaces/Surface.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/CubicTrackingGeometry.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/MeasurementCreatorHelper.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Utilities/BinningType.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Utilities/GeometryID.hpp"
 namespace Acts {
 namespace Test {
-  // A few initialisations and definitionas
-  using Identifier = GeometryID;
-  using Jacobian   = BoundParameters::CovMatrix_t;
-  using TrackState         = TrackState<Identifier, BoundParameters>;
-  using Resolution         = std::pair<ParID_t, double>;
-  using ElementResolution  = std::vector<Resolution>;
-  using VolumeResolution   = std::map<geo_id_value, ElementResolution>;
-  using DetectorResolution = std::map<geo_id_value, VolumeResolution>;
-  using DebugOutput = detail::DebugOutputActor;
-  std::normal_distribution<double> gauss(0., 1.);
-  std::default_random_engine       generator(42);
-  ActsSymMatrixD<1> cov1D;
-  ActsSymMatrixD<2> cov2D;
-  bool debugMode = false;
-  /// @brief This struct creates FittableMeasurements on the
-  /// detector surfaces, according to the given smearing xxparameters
-  ///
-  struct MeasurementCreator
-  {
-    /// @brief Constructor
-    MeasurementCreator() = default;
-    /// The detector resolution
-    DetectorResolution detectorResolution;
-    using result_type = std::vector<TrackState>;
-    /// @brief Operater that is callable by an ActionList. The function collects
-    /// the surfaces
-    ///
-    /// @tparam propagator_state_t Type of the propagator state
-    /// @param [in] state State of the propagator
-    /// @param [out] result Vector of matching surfaces
-    template <typename propagator_state_t>
-    void
-    operator()(propagator_state_t& state, result_type& result) const
-    {
-      // monitor the current surface
-      auto surface = state.navigation.currentSurface;
-      if (surface and surface->associatedDetectorElement()) {
-        auto         geoID    = surface->geoID();
-        geo_id_value volumeID = geoID.value(GeometryID::volume_mask);
-        geo_id_value layerID  = geoID.value(GeometryID::layer_mask);
-        // find volume and layer information for this
-        auto vResolution = detectorResolution.find(volumeID);
-        if (vResolution != detectorResolution.end()) {
-          // find layer resolutions
-          auto lResolution = vResolution->second.find(layerID);
-          if (lResolution != vResolution->second.end()) {
-            // Apply global to local
-            Acts::Vector2D lPos;
-            surface->globalToLocal(
-                state.stepping.position(), state.stepping.direction(), lPos);
-            if (lResolution->second.size() == 1) {
-              double sp = lResolution->second[0].second;
-              cov1D << sp * sp;
-              double dp = sp * gauss(generator);
-              if (lResolution->second[0].first == eLOC_0) {
-                // push back & move a LOC_0 measurement
-                Measurement<Identifier, eLOC_0> m0(
-                    surface->getSharedPtr(), geoID, cov1D, lPos[eLOC_0] + dp);
-                result.push_back(TrackState(std::move(m0)));
-              } else {
-                // push back & move a LOC_1 measurement
-                Measurement<Identifier, eLOC_1> m1(
-                    surface->getSharedPtr(), geoID, cov1D, lPos[eLOC_1] + dp);
-                result.push_back(TrackState(std::move(m1)));
-              }
-            } else if (lResolution->second.size() == 2) {
-              // Create the measurment and move it
-              double sx = lResolution->second[eLOC_0].second;
-              double sy = lResolution->second[eLOC_1].second;
-              cov2D << sx * sx, 0., 0., sy * sy;
-              double dx = sx * gauss(generator);
-              double dy = sy * gauss(generator);
-              // push back & move a LOC_0, LOC_1 measurement
-              Measurement<Identifier, eLOC_0, eLOC_1> m01(
-                  surface->getSharedPtr(),
-                  geoID,
-                  cov2D,
-                  lPos[eLOC_0] + dx,
-                  lPos[eLOC_1] + dy);
-              result.push_back(TrackState(std::move(m01)));
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  double         dX, dY;
-  Vector3D       pos;
-  Surface const* sur;
-  ///
-  /// @brief Simplified material interaction effect by pure gaussian deflection
-  ///
-  struct MaterialScattering
-  {
-    /// @brief Constructor
-    MaterialScattering() = default;
-    /// @brief Main action list call operator for the scattering on material
-    ///
-    /// @todo deal momentum in a gaussian way properly
-    ///
-    /// @tparam propagator_state_t State of the propagator
-    /// @param [in] state State of the propagation
-    template <typename propagator_state_t>
-    void
-    operator()(propagator_state_t& state) const
-    {
-      // Check if there is a surface with material and a covariance is existing
-      if (state.navigation.currentSurface
-          && state.navigation.currentSurface->associatedMaterial()
-          && state.stepping.cov != ActsSymMatrixD<5>::Zero()) {
-        // Sample angles
-        std::normal_distribution<double> scatterAngle(
-            0., 0.017);  //< \approx 1 degree
-        double dPhi = scatterAngle(generator), dTheta = scatterAngle(generator);
-        // Update the covariance
-        state.stepping.cov(ePHI, ePHI) += dPhi * dPhi;
-        state.stepping.cov(eTHETA, eTHETA) += dTheta * dTheta;
-        // Update the angles
-        double theta = std::acos(state.stepping.direction().z());
-        double phi   = std::atan2(state.stepping.direction().y(),
-                                state.stepping.direction().x());
-        state.stepping.update(
-            state.stepping.position(),
-            {std::sin(theta + dTheta) * std::cos(phi + dPhi),
-             std::sin(theta + dTheta) * std::sin(phi + dPhi),
-             std::cos(theta + dTheta)},
-            std::max(state.stepping.p
-                         - std::abs(gauss(generator)) * units::_MeV,
-                     0.));
-      }
-    }
-  };
   /// @brief Unit test for Kalman fitter with measurements along the x-axis
-    // Build detector
-    CubicTrackingGeometry cGeometry;
-    auto                  detector = cGeometry();
+    CubicTrackingGeometry geom;
+    auto                  detector = geom();
-    // Build navigator for the measurement creatoin
-    Navigator mNavigator(detector);
-    mNavigator.resolvePassive   = false;
-    mNavigator.resolveMaterial  = true;
-    mNavigator.resolveSensitive = true;
-    // Use straingt line stepper to create the measurements
     StraightLineStepper mStepper;
+    Vector3D            startPosition(-3. * units::_m, 0., 0.);
+    Vector3D            startMomentum(1. * units::_GeV, 0., 0);
-    // Define the measurement propagator
-    using MeasurementPropagator = Propagator<StraightLineStepper, Navigator>;
-    // Build propagator for the measurement creation
-    MeasurementPropagator mPropagator(mStepper, mNavigator);
-    Vector3D mPos(-3. * units::_m, 0., 0.), mMom(1. * units::_GeV, 0., 0);
-    SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters<NeutralPolicy> mStart(nullptr, mPos, mMom);
-    // Create action list for the measurement creation
-    using MeasurementActions  = ActionList<MeasurementCreator, DebugOutput>;
-    using MeasurementAborters = AbortList<detail::EndOfWorldReached>;
-    auto pixelResX = Resolution(eLOC_0, 25. * units::_um);
-    auto pixelResY = Resolution(eLOC_1, 50. * units::_um);
-    auto stripResX = Resolution(eLOC_0, 100. * units::_um);
-    auto stripResY = Resolution(eLOC_1, 150. * units::_um);
-    ElementResolution pixelElementRes  = {pixelResX, pixelResY};
-    ElementResolution stripElementResI = {stripResX};
-    ElementResolution stripElementResO = {stripResY};
-    VolumeResolution pixelVolumeRes;
-    pixelVolumeRes[2] = pixelElementRes;
-    pixelVolumeRes[4] = pixelElementRes;
-    VolumeResolution stripVolumeRes;
-    stripVolumeRes[2] = stripElementResI;
-    stripVolumeRes[4] = stripElementResO;
-    stripVolumeRes[6] = stripElementResI;
-    stripVolumeRes[8] = stripElementResO;
-    DetectorResolution detRes;
-    detRes[2] = pixelVolumeRes;
-    detRes[3] = stripVolumeRes;
-    // Set options for propagator
-    PropagatorOptions<MeasurementActions, MeasurementAborters> mOptions;
-    mOptions.debug              = debugMode;
-    auto& mCreator              = mOptions.actionList.get<MeasurementCreator>();
-    mCreator.detectorResolution = detRes;
-    // Launch and collect - the measurements
-    auto mResult = mPropagator.propagate(mStart, mOptions);
-    if (debugMode) {
-      const auto debugString
-          = mResult.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>().debugString;
-      std::cout << ">>>> Measurement creation: " << std::endl;
-      std::cout << debugString;
-    }
-    auto measurements = mResult.template get<MeasurementCreator::result_type>();
+    auto measurements = createMeasurementsOnCubicDetector(
+                            detector, mStepper, startPosition, startMomentum)
+                            .trackStates;
     BOOST_TEST(measurements.size() == 6);
     // The KalmanFitter - we use the eigen stepper for covariance transport
-    // Build navigator for the measurement creatoin
     Navigator rNavigator(detector);
     rNavigator.resolvePassive   = false;
     rNavigator.resolveMaterial  = true;
     rNavigator.resolveSensitive = true;
     // Configure propagation with deactivated B-field
-    ConstantBField bField(Vector3D(0., 0., 0.));
     using RecoStepper = EigenStepper<ConstantBField>;
-    RecoStepper rStepper(bField);
+    RecoStepper rStepper;
     using RecoPropagator = Propagator<RecoStepper, Navigator>;
     RecoPropagator rPropagator(rStepper, rNavigator);
     // Set initial parameters for the particle track
     ActsSymMatrixD<5> cov;
-    cov << 1000. * units::_um, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1000. * units::_um, 0., 0.,
-        0., 0., 0., 0.05, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.05, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.01;
+    cov << 1. * units::_um, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. * units::_um, 0., 0., 0., 0.,
+        0., 0.001, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.001, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.001;
     auto covPtr = std::make_unique<const ActsSymMatrixD<5>>(cov);
diff --git a/Tests/Core/Fitter/SequentialKalmanFitterTests.cpp b/Tests/Core/Fitter/SequentialKalmanFitterTests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0623d247b6ac2375a5afcffe74d87ea17c5eebc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Core/Fitter/SequentialKalmanFitterTests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// This file is part of the Acts project.
+// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Acts project team
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE SequentialKalmanFitter Tests
+#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <random>
+#include <vector>
+#include "Acts/Detector/TrackingGeometry.hpp"
+#include "Acts/EventData/Measurement.hpp"
+#include "Acts/EventData/TrackParameters.hpp"
+#include "Acts/EventData/TrackState.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Extrapolator/Navigator.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Fitter/GainMatrixSmoother.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Fitter/GainMatrixUpdator.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Fitter/SequentialKalmanFitter.hpp"
+#include "Acts/MagneticField/ConstantBField.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/EigenStepper.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/Propagator.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/CubicTrackingGeometry.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/MeasurementCreatorHelper.hpp"
+namespace Acts {
+namespace Test {
+  struct HitSelector
+  {
+  public:
+    HitSelector(std::map<const Surface*,
+                         std::vector<FittableMeasurement<Identifier>>> map)
+      : m_measurementMap(std::move(map))
+    {
+    }
+    template <typename propagator_state_t>
+    std::vector<TrackState>
+    operator()(const Surface& surface, const propagator_state_t& /*state*/)
+    {
+      const auto& measurements = m_measurementMap[&surface];
+      if (measurements.empty()) {
+        return {};
+      }
+      std::vector<TrackState> trackStates;
+      for (const auto& measurement : measurements) {
+        trackStates.emplace_back(measurement);
+      }
+      return trackStates;
+    }
+  private:
+    std::map<const Surface*, std::vector<FittableMeasurement<Identifier>>>
+        m_measurementMap;
+  };
+  ///
+  /// @brief Unit test for Kalman fitter with measurements along the x-axis
+  ///
+  BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(sequential_kalman_fitter_zero_field)
+  {
+    CubicTrackingGeometry geom;
+    auto                  detector = geom();
+    StraightLineStepper mStepper;
+    Vector3D            startPosition(-3. * units::_m, 0., 0.);
+    Vector3D            startMomentum(1. * units::_GeV, 0., 0);
+    auto measurementMap
+        = createMeasurementsOnCubicDetector(
+              detector, mStepper, startPosition, startMomentum, true)
+              .measurementMap;
+    // The KalmanFitter - we use the eigen stepper for covariance transport
+    // Build navigator for the measurement creatoin
+    Navigator rNavigator(detector);
+    rNavigator.resolvePassive   = false;
+    rNavigator.resolveMaterial  = true;
+    rNavigator.resolveSensitive = true;
+    // Configure propagation with deactivated B-field
+    using RecoStepper = EigenStepper<ConstantBField>;
+    RecoStepper rStepper;
+    using RecoPropagator = Propagator<RecoStepper, Navigator>;
+    RecoPropagator rPropagator(rStepper, rNavigator);
+    // Set initial parameters for the particle track
+    ActsSymMatrixD<5> cov;
+    cov << 1. * units::_um, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. * units::_um, 0., 0., 0., 0.,
+        0., 0.001, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.001, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.001;
+    auto covPtr = std::make_unique<const ActsSymMatrixD<5>>(cov);
+    SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters<ChargedPolicy> rStart(
+        std::move(covPtr), startPosition, startMomentum, 1.);
+    using Updator      = GainMatrixUpdator<BoundParameters>;
+    using KalmanFitter = SequentialKalmanFitter<RecoPropagator,
+                                                TrackState,
+                                                HitSelector,
+                                                Updator>;
+    KalmanFitter fitter(std::move(rPropagator));
+    auto         testFit = fitter.fit(
+        rStart, std::make_shared<HitSelector>(std::move(measurementMap)));
+    BOOST_TEST(testFit.resultStateList.size() == 6);
+    BOOST_TEST(testFit.numberOfHoles == 0);
+  }
+}  // namespace Test
+}  // namespace Acts