diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/AnnealingUtility.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/AnnealingUtility.hpp
index df620871507b522080c90d3f5ebe7b08e200b26a..92b2119fc32d457420a5fce5df760ba934168665 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/AnnealingUtility.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Utilities/AnnealingUtility.hpp
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ class AnnealingUtility {
   /// Resetting the state is done by just creating a new instance
   struct State {
     // Points to current temperature value in m_cfg.setOfTemperatures
-    unsigned int currentTemperatureIndex = 0;
+    unsigned int currentTemperatureIndex{0};
     // Checks if equilibrium is reached
-    bool equilibriumReached = false;
+    bool equilibriumReached{false};
   /// @brief The configuration struct
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AMVFInfo.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AMVFInfo.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f796f45076aab979c4bc07a253df607b5b44664f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AMVFInfo.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// This file is part of the Acts project.
+// Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#pragma once
+#include "Acts/EventData/TrackParameters.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp"
+namespace Acts {
+/// @brief Helper struct for storing vertex related information
+template <typename input_track_t>
+struct VertexInfo {
+  VertexInfo() = default;
+  VertexInfo(const Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx,
+             const Acts::SpacePointVector& pos)
+      : constraintVertex(vtx),
+        linPoint(pos),
+        oldPosition(pos),
+        seedPosition(pos) {}
+  // The constraint vertex
+  Acts::Vertex<input_track_t> constraintVertex;
+  // The linearization point
+  Acts::SpacePointVector linPoint{Acts::SpacePointVector::Zero()};
+  // Old position from last iteration
+  Acts::SpacePointVector oldPosition{Acts::SpacePointVector::Zero()};
+  // The seed position
+  Acts::SpacePointVector seedPosition{Acts::SpacePointVector::Zero()};
+  // Needs relinearization bool
+  bool relinearize = true;
+  // Vector of all track currently held by vertex
+  std::vector<const input_track_t*> trackLinks;
+  std::map<const input_track_t*, const BoundParameters> ip3dParams;
+}  // namespace Acts
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ef31dd6a144b631e9b141358403b5237da834f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+// This file is part of the Acts project.
+// Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#pragma once
+#include "Acts/EventData/TrackParameters.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/Result.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/AMVFInfo.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimator.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexFinderOptions.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexFitterOptions.hpp"
+namespace Acts {
+/// @class AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder
+/// @brief Implements an iterative vertex finder
+/// Brief description of the algorithm implemented:
+/// TODO
+/// @tparam vfitter_t Vertex fitter type
+/// @tparam sfinder_t Seed finder type
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+class AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder {
+  using Propagator_t = typename vfitter_t::Propagator_t;
+  using InputTrack_t = typename vfitter_t::InputTrack_t;
+  using Linearizer_t = typename vfitter_t::Linearizer_t;
+  using FitterState_t = typename vfitter_t::State;
+ public:
+  /// @struct Config Configuration struct
+  struct Config {
+    /// @brief Config constructor
+    ///
+    /// @param fitter The vertex fitter
+    /// @param sfinder The seed finder
+    /// @param ipEst TrackToVertexIPEstimator
+    /// @param lin Track linearizer
+    Config(vfitter_t fitter, sfinder_t sfinder,
+           TrackToVertexIPEstimator<InputTrack_t, Propagator_t> ipEst,
+           Linearizer_t lin)
+        : vertexFitter(std::move(fitter)),
+          seedFinder(std::move(sfinder)),
+          ipEstimator(std::move(ipEst)),
+          linearizer(std::move(lin)) {}
+    // Vertex fitter
+    vfitter_t vertexFitter;
+    // Vertex seed finder
+    sfinder_t seedFinder;
+    // TrackToVertexIPEstimator
+    TrackToVertexIPEstimator<InputTrack_t, Propagator_t> ipEstimator;
+    // Track linearizer
+    Linearizer_t linearizer;
+    // Use a beam spot constraint, vertexConstraint in VertexFinderOptions
+    // has to be set in this case
+    bool useBeamSpotConstraint = true;
+    // Max z interval used for adding tracks to fit:
+    // When adding a new vertex to the multi vertex fit,
+    // only the tracks whose z at PCA is closer
+    // to the seeded vertex than tracksMaxZinterval
+    // are added to this new vertex.
+    //
+    // Note: If you cut too hard, you cut out
+    // the good cases where the seed finder is not
+    // reliable, but the fit would be still able to converge
+    // towards the right vertex. If you cut too soft, you
+    // consider a lot of tracks which just slow down the fit.
+    double tracksMaxZinterval = 3. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
+    // Maximum allowed significance of track position to vertex seed
+    // to consider track as compatible track for vertex fit
+    double tracksMaxSignificance = 5.;
+    // Max chi2 value for which tracks are considered compatible with
+    // the fitted vertex. These tracks are removed from the seedTracks
+    // after the fit has been performed.
+    double maxVertexChi2 = 18.42;
+    // Perform a 'real' multi-vertex fit as intended by the algorithm.
+    // If switched to true, always all (!) tracks are considered to be
+    // added to the new vertex candidate after seeding. If switched to
+    // false, only the seedTracks, i.e. all tracks that are considered
+    // as outliers of previously fitted vertices, are used.
+    bool doRealMultiVertex = true;
+    // Decides if you want to use the ```vertexCompatibility``` of the
+    //  track (set to true) or the ```chi2Track``` (set to false) as an
+    // estimate for a track being an outlier or not.
+    // In case the track refitting is switched on in the AMVFitter, you
+    // may want to use the refitted ```chi2Track```.
+    bool useFastCompatibility = true;
+    // Maximum significance on the distance between two vertices
+    // to allow merging of two vertices.
+    double maxMergeVertexSignificance = 3.;
+    // Minimum weight a track has to have to be considered a compatible
+    // track with a vertex candidate.
+    //
+    // Note: This value has to be the same as the one in the AMVFitter.
+    double minWeight = 0.0001;
+    // Maximal number of iterations in the finding procedure
+    int maxIterations = 100;
+    // Include also single track vertices
+    bool addSingleTrackVertices = false;
+    // Use 3d information fo evaluating the vertex distance significance
+    // for vertex merging/splitting
+    bool do3dSplitting = false;
+    // Maximum vertex contamination value
+    double maximumVertexContamination = 0.5;
+    // Use seed vertex as a constraint for the fit
+    bool useSeedConstraint = true;
+    // Diagonal constraint covariance entries in case
+    // no beamspot constraint is provided
+    double looseConstrValue = 1e+8;
+    // Default fitQuality for constraint vertex in case no beamspot
+    // constraint is provided
+    std::pair<double, double> defaultConstrFitQuality{0., -3.};
+    // Do an adaptive multi vertex fit after
+    // a bad vertex was removed.
+    // If false, the old fitter state is just copied,
+    // this should give the same results with better
+    // performance. To be further investigated.
+    bool refitAfterBadVertex = true;
+    // Use the full available vertex covariance information after
+    // seeding for the IP estimation. In original implementation
+    // this is not (!) done, however, this is probably not correct.
+    // So definitely consider setting this to true.
+    bool useVertexCovForIPEstimation = false;
+  };  // Config struct
+  /// @brief Constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundParameters
+  ///
+  /// @param cfg Configuration object
+  /// @param logger The logging instance
+  template <typename T = InputTrack_t,
+            std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundParameters>::value, int> = 0>
+  AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder(Config& cfg,
+                            std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger =
+                                getDefaultLogger("AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder",
+                                                 Logging::INFO))
+      : m_cfg(std::move(cfg)),
+        m_extractParameters([](T params) { return params; }),
+        m_logger(std::move(logger)) {}
+  /// @brief Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type != BoundParameters
+  ///
+  /// @param cfg Configuration object
+  /// @param func Function extracting BoundParameters from InputTrack_t object
+  /// @param logger The logging instance
+  AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder(Config& cfg,
+                            std::function<BoundParameters(InputTrack_t)> func,
+                            std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger =
+                                getDefaultLogger("AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder",
+                                                 Logging::INFO))
+      : m_cfg(std::move(cfg)),
+        m_extractParameters(func),
+        m_logger(std::move(logger)) {}
+  /// @brief Function that performs the adaptive
+  /// multi-vertex finding
+  ///
+  /// @param allTracks Input track collection
+  /// @param vFinderOptions Vertex finder options
+  ///
+  /// @return Vector of all reconstructed vertices
+  Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> find(
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& allTracks,
+      const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const;
+ private:
+  /// Configuration object
+  Config m_cfg;
+  /// @brief Function to extract track parameters,
+  /// InputTrack_t objects are BoundParameters by default, function to be
+  /// overwritten to return BoundParameters for other InputTrack_t objects.
+  ///
+  /// @param InputTrack_t object to extract track parameters from
+  std::function<BoundParameters(InputTrack_t)> m_extractParameters;
+  /// Logging instance
+  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> m_logger;
+  /// Private access to logging instance
+  const Logger& logger() const { return *m_logger; }
+  /// @brief Calls the seed finder and sets constraints on the found seed
+  /// vertex if desired
+  ///
+  /// @param trackVector All tracks to be used for seeding
+  /// @param currentConstraint Vertex constraint
+  /// @param vFinderOptions Vertex finder options
+  ///
+  /// @return The seed vertex
+  Result<Vertex<InputTrack_t>> doSeeding(
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& trackVector,
+      Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentConstraint,
+      const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const;
+  /// @brief Estimates delta Z between a track and a vertex position
+  ///
+  /// @param track The track
+  /// @param vtxPos The vertex position
+  ///
+  /// @return The delta Z estimate
+  double estimateDeltaZ(const BoundParameters& track,
+                        const Vector3D& vtxPos) const;
+  /// @brief Calculates the IP significance of a track to a given vertex
+  ///
+  /// @param track The track
+  /// @param vtx The vertex
+  ///
+  /// @return The IP significance
+  Result<double> getIPSignificance(const InputTrack_t* track,
+                                   const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx) const;
+  /// @brief Adds compatible track to vertex candidate
+  ///
+  /// @param tracks The tracks
+  /// @param vtx The vertex candidate
+  /// @param[out] fitterState The vertex fitter state
+  Result<void> addCompatibleTracksToVertex(
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& tracks, Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+      FitterState_t& fitterState) const;
+  /// @brief Method that tries to recover from cases where no tracks
+  /// were added to the vertex candidate after seeding
+  ///
+  /// @param allTracks The tracks to be considered (either origTrack or
+  /// seedTracks)
+  /// @param seedTracks The seed tracks
+  /// @param[out] vtx The vertex candidate
+  /// @param currentConstraint Vertex constraint
+  /// @param[out] fitterState The vertex fitter state
+  ///
+  /// return True if recovery was successful, false otherwise
+  Result<bool> canRecoverFromNoCompatibleTracks(
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& allTracks,
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+      Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx, const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentConstraint,
+      FitterState_t& fitterState) const;
+  /// @brief Method that tries to prepare the vertex for the fit
+  ///
+  /// @param allTracks The tracks to be considered (either origTrack or
+  /// seedTracks)
+  /// @param seedTracks The seed tracks
+  /// @param[out] vtx The vertex candidate
+  /// @param currentConstraint Vertex constraint
+  /// @param[out] fitterState The vertex fitter state
+  ///
+  /// @return True if preparation was successful, false otherwise
+  Result<bool> canPrepareVertexForFit(
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& allTracks,
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+      Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx, const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentConstraint,
+      FitterState_t& fitterState) const;
+  /// @brief Method that checks if vertex is a good vertex and if
+  /// compatible tracks are available
+  ///
+  /// @param vtx The vertex candidate
+  /// @param seedTracks The seed tracks
+  /// @param fitterState The vertex fitter state
+  ///
+  /// @return pair(nCompatibleTracks, isGoodVertex)
+  std::pair<int, bool> checkVertexAndCompatibleTracks(
+      Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+      FitterState_t& fitterState) const;
+  /// @brief Method that removes all tracks that are compatible with
+  /// current vertex from seedTracks
+  ///
+  /// @param vtx The vertex candidate
+  /// @param[out] seedTracks The seed tracks
+  /// @param fitterState The vertex fitter state
+  void removeCompatibleTracksFromSeedTracks(
+      Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx, std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+      FitterState_t& fitterState) const;
+  /// @brief Method that tries to remove a non-compatible track
+  /// from seed tracks after removing a compatible track failed.
+  ///
+  /// @param vtx The vertex candidate
+  /// @param[out] seedTracks The seed tracks
+  /// @param fitterState The vertex fitter state
+  ///
+  /// @return Non-compatible track was removed
+  bool canRemoveNonCompatibleTrackFromSeedTracks(
+      Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx, std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+      FitterState_t& fitterState) const;
+  /// @brief Method that evaluates if the new vertex candidate should
+  /// be kept, i.e. saved, or not
+  ///
+  /// @param vtx The vertex candidate
+  /// @param allVertices All so far found vertices
+  /// @param fitterState The vertex fitter state
+  ///
+  /// @return Keep new vertex
+  bool keepNewVertex(Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+                     const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVertices,
+                     FitterState_t& fitterState) const;
+  /// @brief Method that evaluates if the new vertex candidate is
+  /// merged with one of the previously found vertices
+  ///
+  /// @param vtx The vertex candidate
+  /// @param allVertices All so far found vertices
+  ///
+  /// @return Vertex is merged
+  bool isMergedVertex(
+      const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+      const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVertices) const;
+  /// @brief Method that deletes last vertex from list of all vertices
+  /// and either refits all vertices afterwards (if refitAfterBadVertex)
+  /// of reverts to the old state of the vertex fitter before the bad
+  /// vertex was added to the fit (if not refitAfterBadVertex).
+  ///
+  /// @param vtx The last added vertex which will be removed
+  /// @param allVertices Vector containing the unique_ptr to vertices
+  /// @param allVerticesPtr Vector containing the actual addresses
+  /// @param fitterState The current vertex fitter state
+  /// @param oldFitterState The old vertex fitter state
+  /// @param vFitterOptions The vertex fitter options
+  Result<void> deleteLastVertex(
+      Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+      std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>>& allVertices,
+      std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVerticesPtr,
+      FitterState_t& fitterState, FitterState_t& oldFitterState,
+      const VertexFitterOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFitterOptions) const;
+  /// @brief Prepares the output vector of vertices
+  ///
+  /// @param allVerticesPtr Vector of pointers to vertices
+  /// @param fitterState The vertex fitter state
+  ///
+  /// @return The output vertex collection
+  std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>> getVertexOutputList(
+      const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVerticesPtr,
+      FitterState_t& fitterState) const;
+}  // namespace Acts
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.ipp"
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.ipp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3dd9dd6a3e48be0b718cd1349839d193f638022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.ipp
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+// This file is part of the Acts project.
+// Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexingError.hpp"
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::find(
+    const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& allTracks,
+    const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const
+    -> Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> {
+  if (allTracks.empty()) {
+    return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
+  }
+  // Original tracks
+  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& origTracks = allTracks;
+  // Seed tracks
+  std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> seedTracks = allTracks;
+  // Construct the vertex fitter options from vertex finder options
+  VertexFitterOptions<InputTrack_t> vFitterOptions(
+      vFinderOptions.geoContext, vFinderOptions.magFieldContext,
+      vFinderOptions.vertexConstraint);
+  FitterState_t fitterState;
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> allVertices;
+  std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*> allVerticesPtr;
+  int iteration = 0;
+  while (((m_cfg.addSingleTrackVertices && seedTracks.size() > 0) ||
+          ((!m_cfg.addSingleTrackVertices) && seedTracks.size() > 1)) &&
+         iteration < m_cfg.maxIterations) {
+    FitterState_t oldFitterState = fitterState;
+    // Tracks that are used for searching compatible tracks
+    // near a vertex candidate
+    std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> allTracks;
+    if (m_cfg.doRealMultiVertex) {
+      allTracks = origTracks;
+    } else {
+      allTracks = seedTracks;
+    }
+    Vertex<InputTrack_t> currentConstraint = vFinderOptions.vertexConstraint;
+    // Retrieve seed vertex from all remaining seedTracks
+    auto seedResult = doSeeding(seedTracks, currentConstraint, vFinderOptions);
+    if (!seedResult.ok()) {
+      return seedResult.error();
+    }
+    allVertices.push_back(std::make_unique<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>(*seedResult));
+    Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtxCandidate = *allVertices.back();
+    allVerticesPtr.push_back(&vtxCandidate);
+    ACTS_DEBUG("Position of current vertex candidate after seeding: "
+               << vtxCandidate.fullPosition());
+    if (vtxCandidate.position().z() == 0.) {
+      ACTS_DEBUG(
+          "No seed found anymore. Break and stop primary vertex finding.");
+      allVertices.pop_back();
+      allVerticesPtr.pop_back();
+      break;
+    }
+    auto prepResult = canPrepareVertexForFit(
+        allTracks, seedTracks, vtxCandidate, currentConstraint, fitterState);
+    if (!prepResult.ok()) {
+      return prepResult.error();
+    }
+    if (!(*prepResult)) {
+      ACTS_DEBUG("Could not prepare for fit anymore. Break.");
+      allVertices.pop_back();
+      allVerticesPtr.pop_back();
+      break;
+    }
+    // Update fitter state with all vertices
+    fitterState.addVertexToMultiMap(vtxCandidate);
+    // Perform the fit
+    auto fitResult = m_cfg.vertexFitter.addVtxToFit(
+        fitterState, vtxCandidate, m_cfg.linearizer, vFitterOptions);
+    if (!fitResult.ok()) {
+      return fitResult.error();
+    }
+    ACTS_DEBUG("New position of current vertex candidate after fit: "
+               << vtxCandidate.fullPosition());
+    // Check if vertex is good vertex
+    auto [nCompatibleTracks, isGoodVertex] =
+        checkVertexAndCompatibleTracks(vtxCandidate, seedTracks, fitterState);
+    ACTS_DEBUG("Vertex is good vertex: " << isGoodVertex);
+    if (nCompatibleTracks > 0) {
+      removeCompatibleTracksFromSeedTracks(vtxCandidate, seedTracks,
+                                           fitterState);
+    } else {
+      bool removedNonCompatibleTrack =
+          canRemoveNonCompatibleTrackFromSeedTracks(vtxCandidate, seedTracks,
+                                                    fitterState);
+      if (!removedNonCompatibleTrack) {
+        ACTS_DEBUG(
+            "Could not remove any further track from seed tracks. Break.");
+        allVertices.pop_back();
+        allVerticesPtr.pop_back();
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    bool keepVertex = isGoodVertex &&
+                      keepNewVertex(vtxCandidate, allVerticesPtr, fitterState);
+    ACTS_DEBUG("New vertex will be saved: " << keepVertex);
+    // Delete vertex from allVertices list again if it's not kept
+    if (not keepVertex) {
+      auto deleteVertexResult =
+          deleteLastVertex(vtxCandidate, allVertices, allVerticesPtr,
+                           fitterState, oldFitterState, vFitterOptions);
+      if (not deleteVertexResult.ok()) {
+        return deleteVertexResult.error();
+      }
+    }
+    iteration++;
+  }  // end while loop
+  return getVertexOutputList(allVerticesPtr, fitterState);
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::doSeeding(
+    const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& trackVector,
+    Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentConstraint,
+    const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const
+    -> Result<Vertex<InputTrack_t>> {
+  VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t> seedOptions = vFinderOptions;
+  seedOptions.vertexConstraint = currentConstraint;
+  // Run seed finder
+  auto seedResult = m_cfg.seedFinder.find(trackVector, seedOptions);
+  if (!seedResult.ok()) {
+    return seedResult.error();
+  }
+  Vertex<InputTrack_t> seedVertex = (*seedResult).back();
+  // Update constraints according to seed vertex
+  if (m_cfg.useBeamSpotConstraint) {
+    if (currentConstraint.fullCovariance() == SpacePointSymMatrix::Zero()) {
+          "No constraint provided, but useBeamSpotConstraint set to true.");
+    }
+    if (m_cfg.useSeedConstraint) {
+      currentConstraint.setFullPosition(seedVertex.fullPosition());
+      currentConstraint.setFullCovariance(seedVertex.fullCovariance());
+    }
+  } else {
+    currentConstraint.setFullPosition(seedVertex.fullPosition());
+    currentConstraint.setFullCovariance(SpacePointSymMatrix::Identity() *
+                                        m_cfg.looseConstrValue);
+    currentConstraint.setFitQuality(m_cfg.defaultConstrFitQuality);
+  }
+  return seedVertex;
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::estimateDeltaZ(
+    const BoundParameters& track, const Vector3D& vtxPos) const -> double {
+  Vector3D trackPos = track.position();
+  double phi = track.parameters()[ParID_t::ePHI];
+  double th = track.parameters()[ParID_t::eTHETA];
+  double X = trackPos[eX] - vtxPos.x();
+  double Y = trackPos[eY] - vtxPos.y();
+  double deltaZ = trackPos[eZ] - vtxPos.z() -
+                  1. / std::tan(th) * (X * std::cos(phi) + Y * std::sin(phi));
+  return deltaZ;
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::getIPSignificance(
+    const InputTrack_t* track, const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx) const
+    -> Result<double> {
+  // TODO: In original implementation the covariance of the given vertex is set
+  // to zero. I did the same here now, but consider removing this and just
+  // passing the vtx object to the estimator without changing its covariance.
+  // After all, the vertex seed does have a non-zero convariance in general and
+  // it probably should be used.
+  Vertex<InputTrack_t> newVtx = vtx;
+  if (not m_cfg.useVertexCovForIPEstimation) {
+    newVtx.setFullCovariance(SpacePointSymMatrix::Zero());
+  }
+  auto estRes = m_cfg.ipEstimator.estimate(*track, newVtx);
+  if (!estRes.ok()) {
+    return estRes.error();
+  }
+  ImpactParametersAndSigma ipas = *estRes;
+  double significance = 0.;
+  if (ipas.sigmad0 > 0 && ipas.sigmaz0 > 0) {
+    significance = std::sqrt(std::pow(ipas.IPd0 / ipas.sigmad0, 2) +
+                             std::pow(ipas.IPz0 / ipas.sigmaz0, 2));
+  }
+  return significance;
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::
+    addCompatibleTracksToVertex(const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& tracks,
+                                Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+                                FitterState_t& fitterState) const
+    -> Result<void> {
+  for (const auto& trk : tracks) {
+    auto sigRes = getIPSignificance(trk, vtx);
+    if (!sigRes.ok()) {
+      return sigRes.error();
+    }
+    double ipSig = *sigRes;
+    auto params = m_extractParameters(*trk);
+    if ((std::abs(estimateDeltaZ(params, vtx.position())) <
+         m_cfg.tracksMaxZinterval) &&
+        (ipSig < m_cfg.tracksMaxSignificance)) {
+      // Create TrackAtVertex objects, unique for each (track, vertex) pair
+      // fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.clear();
+      fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.emplace(std::make_pair(trk, &vtx),
+                                              TrackAtVertex(params, trk));
+      // Add the original track parameters to the list for vtx
+      fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks.push_back(trk);
+    }
+  }
+  return {};
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::
+    canRecoverFromNoCompatibleTracks(
+        const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& allTracks,
+        const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+        Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+        const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentConstraint,
+        FitterState_t& fitterState) const -> Result<bool> {
+  // Recover from cases where no compatible tracks to vertex
+  // candidate were found
+  // TODO: This is for now how it's done in athena... this look a bit
+  // nasty to me
+  if (fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks.empty()) {
+    // Find nearest track to vertex candidate
+    double smallestDeltaZ = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+    double newZ = 0;
+    bool nearTrackFound = false;
+    for (const auto& trk : seedTracks) {
+      double zDistance = std::abs(m_extractParameters(*trk).position()[eZ] -
+                                  vtx.position()[eZ]);
+      if (zDistance < smallestDeltaZ) {
+        smallestDeltaZ = zDistance;
+        nearTrackFound = true;
+        newZ = m_extractParameters(*trk).position()[eZ];
+      }
+    }
+    if (nearTrackFound) {
+      vtx.setFullPosition(SpacePointVector(0., 0., newZ, 0.));
+      // Update vertex info for current vertex
+      fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx] =
+          VertexInfo<InputTrack_t>(currentConstraint, vtx.fullPosition());
+      // Try to add compatible track with adapted vertex position
+      auto res = addCompatibleTracksToVertex(allTracks, vtx, fitterState);
+      if (!res.ok()) {
+        return Result<bool>::failure(res.error());
+      }
+      if (fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks.empty()) {
+        ACTS_DEBUG(
+            "No tracks near seed were found, while at least one was "
+            "expected. Break.");
+        return Result<bool>::success(false);
+      }
+    } else {
+      ACTS_DEBUG("No nearest track to seed found. Break.");
+      return Result<bool>::success(false);
+    }
+  }
+  return Result<bool>::success(true);
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::
+    canPrepareVertexForFit(const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& allTracks,
+                           const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+                           Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+                           const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentConstraint,
+                           FitterState_t& fitterState) const -> Result<bool> {
+  // Add vertex info to fitter state
+  fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx] =
+      VertexInfo<InputTrack_t>(currentConstraint, vtx.fullPosition());
+  // Add all compatible tracks to vertex
+  auto resComp = addCompatibleTracksToVertex(allTracks, vtx, fitterState);
+  if (!resComp.ok()) {
+    return Result<bool>::failure(resComp.error());
+  }
+  // Try to recover from cases where adding compatible track was not possible
+  auto resRec = canRecoverFromNoCompatibleTracks(
+      allTracks, seedTracks, vtx, currentConstraint, fitterState);
+  if (!resRec.ok()) {
+    return Result<bool>::failure(resRec.error());
+  }
+  return Result<bool>::success(*resRec);
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::
+    checkVertexAndCompatibleTracks(
+        Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+        const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+        FitterState_t& fitterState) const -> std::pair<int, bool> {
+  bool isGoodVertex = false;
+  int nCompatibleTracks = 0;
+  for (const auto& trk : fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks) {
+    const auto& trkAtVtx =
+        fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, &vtx));
+    if ((trkAtVtx.vertexCompatibility < m_cfg.maxVertexChi2 &&
+         m_cfg.useFastCompatibility) ||
+        (trkAtVtx.trackWeight > m_cfg.minWeight &&
+         trkAtVtx.chi2Track < m_cfg.maxVertexChi2 &&
+         !m_cfg.useFastCompatibility)) {
+      // TODO: Understand why looking for compatible tracks only in seed tracks
+      // and not also in all tracks
+      auto foundIter =
+          std::find_if(seedTracks.begin(), seedTracks.end(),
+                       [&trk, this](auto seedTrk) { return trk == seedTrk; });
+      if (foundIter != seedTracks.end()) {
+        nCompatibleTracks++;
+        ACTS_DEBUG("Compatible track found.");
+        if (m_cfg.addSingleTrackVertices && m_cfg.useBeamSpotConstraint) {
+          isGoodVertex = true;
+          break;
+        }
+        if (nCompatibleTracks > 1) {
+          isGoodVertex = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }  // end loop over all tracks at vertex
+  return {nCompatibleTracks, isGoodVertex};
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::
+    removeCompatibleTracksFromSeedTracks(
+        Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx, std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+        FitterState_t& fitterState) const -> void {
+  for (const auto& trk : fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks) {
+    const auto& trkAtVtx =
+        fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, &vtx));
+    if ((trkAtVtx.vertexCompatibility < m_cfg.maxVertexChi2 &&
+         m_cfg.useFastCompatibility) ||
+        (trkAtVtx.trackWeight > m_cfg.minWeight &&
+         trkAtVtx.chi2Track < m_cfg.maxVertexChi2 &&
+         !m_cfg.useFastCompatibility)) {
+      // Find and remove track from seedTracks
+      auto foundSeedIter =
+          std::find_if(seedTracks.begin(), seedTracks.end(),
+                       [&trk, this](auto seedTrk) { return trk == seedTrk; });
+      if (foundSeedIter != seedTracks.end()) {
+        seedTracks.erase(foundSeedIter);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::
+    canRemoveNonCompatibleTrackFromSeedTracks(
+        Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx, std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+        FitterState_t& fitterState) const -> bool {
+  // Try to find the track with highest compatibility
+  double maxCompatibility = 0;
+  auto maxCompSeedIt = seedTracks.end();
+  for (const auto& trk : fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks) {
+    const auto& trkAtVtx =
+        fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, &vtx));
+    double compatibility = trkAtVtx.vertexCompatibility;
+    if (compatibility > maxCompatibility) {
+      // Try to find track in seed tracks
+      auto foundSeedIter =
+          std::find_if(seedTracks.begin(), seedTracks.end(),
+                       [&trk, this](auto seedTrk) { return trk == seedTrk; });
+      if (foundSeedIter != seedTracks.end()) {
+        maxCompatibility = compatibility;
+        maxCompSeedIt = foundSeedIter;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (maxCompSeedIt != seedTracks.end()) {
+    // Remove track with highest compatibility from seed tracks
+    seedTracks.erase(maxCompSeedIt);
+  } else {
+    // Could not find any seed with compatibility > 0, use alternative
+    // method to remove a track from seed tracks: Closest track in z to
+    // vtx candidate
+    double smallestDeltaZ = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+    auto smallestDzSeedIter = seedTracks.end();
+    for (auto trkIter = seedTracks.begin(); trkIter != seedTracks.end();
+         trkIter++) {
+      double zDistance = std::abs(
+          m_extractParameters(**trkIter).position()[eZ] - vtx.position()[eZ]);
+      if (zDistance < smallestDeltaZ) {
+        smallestDeltaZ = zDistance;
+        smallestDzSeedIter = trkIter;
+      }
+    }
+    if (smallestDzSeedIter != seedTracks.end()) {
+      seedTracks.erase(smallestDzSeedIter);
+    } else {
+      ACTS_DEBUG("No track found to remove. Stop vertex finding now.");
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::keepNewVertex(
+    Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+    const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVertices,
+    FitterState_t& fitterState) const -> bool {
+  double contamination = 0.;
+  double contaminationNum = 0;
+  double contaminationDeNom = 0;
+  for (const auto& trk : fitterState.vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks) {
+    const auto& trkAtVtx =
+        fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, &vtx));
+    double trackWeight = trkAtVtx.trackWeight;
+    contaminationNum += trackWeight * (1. - trackWeight);
+    contaminationDeNom += trackWeight * trackWeight;
+  }
+  if (contaminationDeNom != 0) {
+    contamination = contaminationNum / contaminationDeNom;
+  }
+  if (contamination > m_cfg.maximumVertexContamination) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (isMergedVertex(vtx, allVertices)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::isMergedVertex(
+    const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+    const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVertices) const -> bool {
+  const SpacePointVector& candidatePos = vtx.fullPosition();
+  const SpacePointSymMatrix& candidateCov = vtx.fullCovariance();
+  const double candidateZPos = candidatePos[eZ];
+  const double candidateZCov = candidateCov(eZ, eZ);
+  for (const auto otherVtx : allVertices) {
+    if (&vtx == otherVtx) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    const SpacePointVector& otherPos = otherVtx->fullPosition();
+    const SpacePointSymMatrix& otherCov = otherVtx->fullCovariance();
+    const double otherZPos = otherPos[eZ];
+    const double otherZCov = otherCov(eZ, eZ);
+    const auto deltaPos = otherPos - candidatePos;
+    const auto deltaZPos = otherZPos - candidateZPos;
+    const auto sumCovZ = otherZCov + candidateZCov;
+    double significance;
+    if (not m_cfg.do3dSplitting) {
+      // Use only z significance
+      if (sumCovZ > 0.) {
+        significance = std::abs(deltaZPos) / std::sqrt(sumCovZ);
+      } else {
+        return true;
+      }
+    } else {
+      // Use full 3d information for significance
+      auto sumCov = candidateCov + otherCov;
+      significance =
+          std::sqrt(deltaPos.dot((sumCov.inverse().eval()) * deltaPos));
+    }
+    if (significance < m_cfg.maxMergeVertexSignificance) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::deleteLastVertex(
+    Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx,
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>>& allVertices,
+    std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVerticesPtr,
+    FitterState_t& fitterState, FitterState_t& oldFitterState,
+    const VertexFitterOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFitterOptions) const
+    -> Result<void> {
+  allVertices.pop_back();
+  allVerticesPtr.pop_back();
+  if (!m_cfg.refitAfterBadVertex) {
+    fitterState.vertexCollection = oldFitterState.vertexCollection;
+    fitterState.annealingState = oldFitterState.annealingState;
+    fitterState.vtxInfoMap.clear();
+    for (const auto& vtx : allVerticesPtr) {
+      fitterState.vtxInfoMap.emplace(vtx, oldFitterState.vtxInfoMap[vtx]);
+    }
+    fitterState.trackToVerticesMultiMap =
+        oldFitterState.trackToVerticesMultiMap;
+    fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap = oldFitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap;
+  } else {
+    // Update fitter state with removed vertex candidate
+    fitterState.removeVertexFromMultiMap(vtx);
+    // TODO: clean tracksAtVerticesMap maybe here? i.e. remove all entries
+    // with old vertex?
+    // Do the fit with removed vertex
+    auto fitResult = m_cfg.vertexFitter.fit(fitterState, allVerticesPtr,
+                                            m_cfg.linearizer, vFitterOptions);
+    if (!fitResult.ok()) {
+      return fitResult.error();
+    }
+  }
+  return {};
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
+auto Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::getVertexOutputList(
+    const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& allVerticesPtr,
+    FitterState_t& fitterState) const -> std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>> {
+  std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>> outputVec;
+  for (auto vtx : allVerticesPtr) {
+    auto& outVtx = *vtx;
+    std::vector<TrackAtVertex<InputTrack_t>> tracksAtVtx;
+    for (const auto& trk : fitterState.vtxInfoMap[vtx].trackLinks) {
+      tracksAtVtx.push_back(
+          fitterState.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, vtx)));
+    }
+    outVtx.setTracksAtVertex(tracksAtVtx);
+    outputVec.push_back(outVtx);
+  }
+  return outputVec;
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.hpp
index 1d469a8719425faf9a3f583e33da76fb0aa12891..dc7c03bccba4209930436cffd2a9a20bf57f544a 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.hpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Utilities/Result.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/AMVFInfo.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/ImpactPoint3dEstimator.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/LinearizerConcept.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/TrackAtVertex.hpp"
@@ -39,40 +40,16 @@ class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter {
                 "Linearizer does not fulfill linearizer concept.");
+ public:
   using InputTrack_t = input_track_t;
   using Propagator_t = typename linearizer_t::Propagator_t;
+  using Linearizer_t = linearizer_t;
+ private:
   using ImpactPointEstimator =
       ImpactPoint3dEstimator<InputTrack_t, Propagator_t>;
-  /// @brief Helper struct for storing vertex related information
-  struct VertexInfo {
-    // The linearization point
-    Acts::SpacePointVector linPoint{Acts::SpacePointVector::Zero()};
-    // The constraint vertex
-    Acts::Vertex<input_track_t> constraintVertex;
-    // Old position from last iteration
-    Acts::SpacePointVector oldPosition{Acts::SpacePointVector::Zero()};
-    // Seed position
-    Acts::SpacePointVector seedPosition{Acts::SpacePointVector::Zero()};
-    // Needs relinearization bool
-    bool relinearize;
-  };
-  /// @brief Helper struct for storing TrackAtVertex related
-  struct TrackAtVertexInfo {
-    // Links to vertices currently using the TrackAtVertex object
-    std::vector<Vertex<input_track_t>*> linksToVertices;
-    // Track parameters at point of closest approach in 3d as
-    // retrieved by ImpactPoint3dEstimator::getParamsAtClosestApproach
-    std::unique_ptr<const BoundParameters> ip3dParams;
-  };
   /// @brief The fitter state
   struct State {
     // Vertex collection to be fitted
@@ -82,31 +59,33 @@ class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter {
     AnnealingUtility::State annealingState;
     // Map to store vertices information
-    std::map<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*, VertexInfo> vtxInfoMap;
+    std::map<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*, VertexInfo<InputTrack_t>> vtxInfoMap;
+    std::multimap<const InputTrack_t*, Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>
+        trackToVerticesMultiMap;
-    // Map to store tracks information
-    std::map<unsigned long, TrackAtVertexInfo> trkInfoMap;
+    std::map<std::pair<const InputTrack_t*, Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>,
+             TrackAtVertex<InputTrack_t>>
+        tracksAtVerticesMap;
     /// @brief Default State constructor
     State() = default;
-    /// @brief State constructor to initialize trkInfoMap::linksToVertices
-    ///
-    /// @param vtxList List of all vertices with trackAtVertex information
-    State(std::vector<Vertex<input_track_t>>& vtxList) {
-      for (auto& vtx : vtxList) {
-        // Add vertex link to each track
-        for (auto& trkAtVtx : vtx.tracks()) {
-          trkInfoMap[trkAtVtx.id].linksToVertices.push_back(&vtx);
-        }
+    // Adds a vertex to trackToVerticesMultiMap
+    void addVertexToMultiMap(Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx) {
+      for (auto trk : vtxInfoMap[&vtx].trackLinks) {
+        trackToVerticesMultiMap.emplace(trk, &vtx);
-    State(std::vector<Vertex<input_track_t>*>& vtxList) {
-      for (auto& vtx : vtxList) {
-        // Add vertex link to each track
-        for (auto& trkAtVtx : vtx->tracks()) {
-          trkInfoMap[trkAtVtx.id].linksToVertices.push_back(vtx);
+    // Removes a vertex from trackToVerticesMultiMap
+    void removeVertexFromMultiMap(Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vtx) {
+      for (auto iter = trackToVerticesMultiMap.begin();
+           iter != trackToVerticesMultiMap.end();) {
+        if (iter->second == &vtx) {
+          iter = trackToVerticesMultiMap.erase(iter);
+        } else {
+          ++iter;
@@ -140,7 +119,7 @@ class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter {
     double maxDistToLinPoint{0.5};
     // Minimum track weight needed for track to be considered
-    double minWeight{0.001};
+    double minWeight{0.0001};
     // Max relative shift of vertex during one iteration
     double maxRelativeShift{0.01};
@@ -187,9 +166,9 @@ class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter {
   /// @return Result<void> object
   Result<void> fit(
-      State& state, const std::vector<Vertex<input_track_t>*>& verticesToFit,
-      const linearizer_t& linearizer,
-      const VertexFitterOptions<input_track_t>& vFitterOptions) const;
+      State& state, const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>& verticesToFit,
+      const Linearizer_t& linearizer,
+      const VertexFitterOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFitterOptions) const;
   /// @brief Adds new vertex to an existing multi-vertex fit
   /// and fits everything together (by invoking the fit_impl method):
@@ -216,7 +195,7 @@ class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter {
   /// @return Result<void> object
   Result<void> addVtxToFit(
       State& state, Vertex<InputTrack_t>& newVertex,
-      const linearizer_t& linearizer,
+      const Linearizer_t& linearizer,
       const VertexFitterOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFitterOptions) const;
@@ -228,7 +207,7 @@ class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter {
   /// overwritten to return BoundParameters for other InputTrack_t objects.
   /// @param InputTrack_t object to extract track parameters from
-  const std::function<BoundParameters(InputTrack_t)> m_extractParameters;
+  std::function<BoundParameters(InputTrack_t)> m_extractParameters;
   /// Logging instance
   std::unique_ptr<const Logger> m_logger;
@@ -245,7 +224,7 @@ class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter {
   /// @return Result<void> object
   Result<void> fitImpl(
-      State& state, const linearizer_t& linearizer,
+      State& state, const Linearizer_t& linearizer,
       const VertexFitterOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFitterOptions) const;
   /// @brief Tests if vertex is already in list of vertices or not
@@ -286,7 +265,7 @@ class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter {
   /// @param state The state object
   /// @param linearizer The track linearizer
   Result<void> setWeightsAndUpdate(State& state,
-                                   const linearizer_t& linearizer) const;
+                                   const Linearizer_t& linearizer) const;
   /// @brief Collects all compatibility values of the track `trk`
   /// at all vertices it is currently attached to and outputs
@@ -296,8 +275,8 @@ class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter {
   /// @param trk The track
   /// @return Vector of compatibility values
-  Result<std::vector<double>> collectTrackToVertexCompatibilities(
-      State& state, const TrackAtVertex<InputTrack_t>& trk) const;
+  std::vector<double> collectTrackToVertexCompatibilities(
+      State& state, const InputTrack_t* trk) const;
   /// @brief Determines if vertex position has shifted more than
   /// m_cfg.maxRelativeShift in last iteration
@@ -306,6 +285,13 @@ class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter {
   /// @return False if shift was larger than maxRelativeShift
   bool checkSmallShift(State& state) const;
+  /// @brief Updates tracks for current vertex with knowledge
+  /// of current vertex position
+  ///
+  /// @param state The state object
+  /// @param geoContext The geometry context
+  void doVertexSmoothing(State& state, const GeometryContext& geoContext) const;
 }  // namespace Acts
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.ipp
index dcfff2315f106a65977500dde5c79f005fe53f3a..4cdfd4732cc87604b715b27cbf74d683bcc952a3 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.ipp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.ipp
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdater.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdater.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexSmoother.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexingError.hpp"
 template <typename input_track_t, typename linearizer_t>
@@ -54,17 +54,20 @@ Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::fitImpl(
   while (nIter < m_cfg.maxIterations &&
          (!state.annealingState.equilibriumReached || !isSmallShift)) {
     // Initial loop over all vertices in state.vertexCollection
     for (auto currentVtx : state.vertexCollection) {
-      VertexInfo& currentVtxInfo = state.vtxInfoMap[currentVtx];
+      VertexInfo<input_track_t>& currentVtxInfo = state.vtxInfoMap[currentVtx];
       currentVtxInfo.relinearize = false;
       // Store old position of vertex, i.e. seed position
       // in case of first iteration or position determined
       // in previous iteration afterwards
       currentVtxInfo.oldPosition = currentVtx->fullPosition();
+      SpacePointVector dist =
+          currentVtxInfo.oldPosition - currentVtxInfo.linPoint;
+      double perpDist = std::sqrt(dist[0] * dist[0] + dist[1] * dist[1]);
       // Determine if relinearization is needed
-      if ((currentVtxInfo.oldPosition - currentVtxInfo.linPoint).norm() >
-          m_cfg.maxDistToLinPoint) {
+      if (perpDist > m_cfg.maxDistToLinPoint) {
         // Relinearization needed, distance too big
         currentVtxInfo.relinearize = true;
         // Prepare for fit with new vertex position
@@ -73,24 +76,21 @@ Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::fitImpl(
       // Determine if constraint vertex exist
       if (state.vtxInfoMap[currentVtx].constraintVertex.fullCovariance() !=
           SpacePointSymMatrix::Zero()) {
-        currentVtx->setPosition(state.vtxInfoMap[currentVtx]
-                                    .constraintVertex.fullPosition()
-                                    .template head<3>());
+        currentVtx->setFullPosition(
+            state.vtxInfoMap[currentVtx].constraintVertex.fullPosition());
-        currentVtx->setCovariance(state.vtxInfoMap[currentVtx]
-                                      .constraintVertex.fullCovariance()
-                                      .template block<3, 3>(0, 0));
+        currentVtx->setFullCovariance(
+            state.vtxInfoMap[currentVtx].constraintVertex.fullCovariance());
       else if (currentVtx->fullCovariance() == SpacePointSymMatrix::Zero()) {
         return VertexingError::NoCovariance;
-      auto weight =
+      double weight =
           1. / m_cfg.annealingTool.getWeight(state.annealingState, 1.);
-      auto covAnn = currentVtx->fullCovariance() * weight;
-      currentVtx->setCovariance(covAnn.template block<3, 3>(0, 0));
+      currentVtx->setFullCovariance(currentVtx->fullCovariance() * weight);
       // Set vertexCompatibility for all TrackAtVertex objects
       // at current vertex
@@ -101,11 +101,9 @@ Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::fitImpl(
     // all vertices, run again over all vertices to set track weights
     // and update the vertex
     setWeightsAndUpdate(state, linearizer);
     if (!state.annealingState.equilibriumReached) {
     isSmallShift = checkSmallShift(state);
@@ -114,14 +112,7 @@ Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::fitImpl(
   // Check if smoothing is required
   if (m_cfg.doSmoothing) {
-    for (auto vtx : state.vertexCollection) {
-      // Smooth all tracks at vertex `vtx`
-      auto smoothRes = VertexSmoothing::smoothVertexSequentially<input_track_t>(
-          geoContext, vtx);
-      if (!smoothRes.ok()) {
-        return smoothRes.error();
-      }
-    }
+    doVertexSmoothing(state, geoContext);
   return {};
@@ -133,7 +124,7 @@ Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::addVtxToFit(
     State& state, Vertex<input_track_t>& newVertex,
     const linearizer_t& linearizer,
     const VertexFitterOptions<input_track_t>& vFitterOptions) const {
-  if (newVertex.tracks().empty()) {
+  if (state.vtxInfoMap[&newVertex].trackLinks.empty()) {
     return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
@@ -145,7 +136,6 @@ Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::addVtxToFit(
   if (!res.ok()) {
     return res.error();
   // List of vertices added in last iteration
   std::vector<Vertex<input_track_t>*> lastIterAddedVertices = {&newVertex};
   // List of vertices added in current iteration
@@ -156,16 +146,17 @@ Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::addVtxToFit(
   while (!lastIterAddedVertices.empty()) {
     for (auto& lastVtxIter : lastIterAddedVertices) {
       // Loop over all track at current lastVtxIter
-      for (const TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& trackIter :
-           lastVtxIter->tracks()) {
+      const std::vector<const input_track_t*>& trks =
+          state.vtxInfoMap[lastVtxIter].trackLinks;
+      for (const auto& trk : trks) {
         // Retrieve list of links to all vertices that currently use the current
         // track
-        std::vector<Vertex<input_track_t>*>& linksToVertices =
-            state.trkInfoMap[trackIter.id].linksToVertices;
+        auto range = state.trackToVerticesMultiMap.equal_range(trk);
         // Loop over all attached vertices and add those to vertex fit
         // which are not already in `verticesToFit`
-        for (auto newVtxIter : linksToVertices) {
+        for (auto vtxIter = range.first; vtxIter != range.second; ++vtxIter) {
+          auto newVtxIter = vtxIter->second;
           if (!isAlreadyInList(newVtxIter, verticesToFit)) {
             // Add newVtxIter to verticesToFit
@@ -188,7 +179,6 @@ Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::addVtxToFit(
   // Perform fit on all added vertices
   auto fitRes = fitImpl(state, linearizer, vFitterOptions);
   if (!fitRes.ok()) {
     return fitRes.error();
@@ -210,19 +200,21 @@ Acts::Result<void> Acts::
     AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::prepareVertexForFit(
         State& state, Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx,
         const VertexFitterOptions<input_track_t>& vFitterOptions) const {
-  const Vector3D& seedPos =
-      state.vtxInfoMap[vtx].seedPosition.template head<3>();
+  // The current vertex info object
+  auto& currentVtxInfo = state.vtxInfoMap[vtx];
+  // The seed position
+  const Vector3D& seedPos = currentVtxInfo.seedPosition.template head<3>();
   auto& geoContext = vFitterOptions.geoContext;
   // Loop over all tracks at current vertex
-  for (const auto& trkAtVtx : vtx->tracks()) {
+  for (const auto& trk : currentVtxInfo.trackLinks) {
     auto res = m_cfg.ipEst.getParamsAtClosestApproach(
-        geoContext, m_extractParameters(trkAtVtx.originalTrack), seedPos);
+        geoContext, m_extractParameters(*trk), seedPos);
     if (!res.ok()) {
       return res.error();
     // Set ip3dParams for current trackAtVertex
-    state.trkInfoMap[trkAtVtx.id].ip3dParams = std::move(res.value());
+    currentVtxInfo.ip3dParams.emplace(trk, *(res.value()));
   return {};
@@ -232,50 +224,35 @@ Acts::Result<void>
 Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::
     setAllVertexCompatibilities(State& state, const GeometryContext& geoContext,
                                 Vertex<input_track_t>* currentVtx) const {
-  VertexInfo& currentVtxInfo = state.vtxInfoMap[currentVtx];
-  // Create empty list of new TrackAtVertex objects
-  // to be filled below. Needed due to constness of
-  // tracksAtVertex list at vertex
-  std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>> newTracks;
-  newTracks.reserve(currentVtx->tracks().size());
+  VertexInfo<input_track_t>& currentVtxInfo = state.vtxInfoMap[currentVtx];
   // Loop over tracks at current vertex and
   // estimate compatibility with vertex
-  for (auto& trkAtVtx : currentVtx->tracks()) {
+  for (const auto& trk : currentVtxInfo.trackLinks) {
+    auto& trkAtVtx =
+        state.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, currentVtx));
     // Recover from cases where linearization point != 0 but
     // more tracks were added later on
-    if (!state.trkInfoMap[trkAtVtx.id].ip3dParams) {
+    if (currentVtxInfo.ip3dParams.find(trk) ==
+        currentVtxInfo.ip3dParams.end()) {
       auto res = m_cfg.ipEst.getParamsAtClosestApproach(
-          geoContext, m_extractParameters(trkAtVtx.originalTrack),
+          geoContext, m_extractParameters(*trk),
       if (!res.ok()) {
         return res.error();
       // Set ip3dParams for current trackAtVertex
-      auto value = std::move(res.value());
-      state.trkInfoMap[trkAtVtx.id].ip3dParams = std::move(value);
+      currentVtxInfo.ip3dParams.emplace(trk, *(res.value()));
-    // Create copy of current trackAtVertex in order
-    // to modify it below
-    newTracks.push_back(trkAtVtx);
-    TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>* newTrkPtr = &(newTracks.back());
     // Set compatibility with current vertex
     auto compRes = m_cfg.ipEst.getVertexCompatibility(
-        geoContext, state.trkInfoMap[trkAtVtx.id].ip3dParams.get(),
+        geoContext, &(currentVtxInfo.ip3dParams.at(trk)),
     if (!compRes.ok()) {
       return compRes.error();
-    double comp = *compRes;
-    newTrkPtr->vertexCompatibility = *compRes;
+    trkAtVtx.vertexCompatibility = *compRes;
-  // Set list of updated tracks to current vertex
-  currentVtx->setTracksAtVertex(newTracks);
   return {};
@@ -285,57 +262,38 @@ Acts::Result<void> Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<
                                                       const linearizer_t&
                                                           linearizer) const {
   for (auto vtx : state.vertexCollection) {
-    // Create empty list of new TrackAtVertex objects
-    // to be filled below. Needed due to constness of
-    // tracksAtVertex list at vertex
-    std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>> newTracks;
-    newTracks.reserve(vtx->tracks().size());
-    auto oldTracks = vtx->tracks();
-    for (const auto& trkAtVtx : oldTracks) {
-      // Create copy of current trackAtVertex in order
-      // to modify it below
-      newTracks.push_back(trkAtVtx);
-      TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>* newTrkPtr = &(newTracks.back());
-      // Get all compatibilities of track to all vertices it is attached to
-      auto collectRes = collectTrackToVertexCompatibilities(state, trkAtVtx);
-      if (!collectRes.ok()) {
-        return collectRes.error();
-      }
+    VertexInfo<input_track_t>& currentVtxInfo = state.vtxInfoMap[vtx];
+    for (const auto& trk : currentVtxInfo.trackLinks) {
+      auto& trkAtVtx = state.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, vtx));
       // Set trackWeight for current track
-      newTrkPtr->trackWeight = m_cfg.annealingTool.getWeight(
-          state.annealingState, trkAtVtx.vertexCompatibility, *collectRes);
+      double currentTrkWeight = m_cfg.annealingTool.getWeight(
+          state.annealingState, trkAtVtx.vertexCompatibility,
+          collectTrackToVertexCompatibilities(state, trk));
+      trkAtVtx.trackWeight = currentTrkWeight;
-      if (newTrkPtr->trackWeight > m_cfg.minWeight) {
+      if (trkAtVtx.trackWeight > m_cfg.minWeight) {
         // Check if linearization state exists or need to be relinearized
-        if (newTrkPtr->linearizedState.covarianceAtPCA ==
+        if (trkAtVtx.linearizedState.covarianceAtPCA ==
                 BoundSymMatrix::Zero() ||
             state.vtxInfoMap[vtx].relinearize) {
-          const auto& origParams =
-              m_extractParameters(newTrkPtr->originalTrack);
           auto result = linearizer.linearizeTrack(
-              &origParams, state.vtxInfoMap[vtx].oldPosition);
+              m_extractParameters(*trk), state.vtxInfoMap[vtx].oldPosition);
           if (!result.ok()) {
             return result.error();
-          newTrkPtr->linearizedState = *result;
+          trkAtVtx.linearizedState = *result;
           state.vtxInfoMap[vtx].linPoint = state.vtxInfoMap[vtx].oldPosition;
         // Update the vertex with the new track
-        auto updateRes =
-            KalmanVertexUpdater::updateVertexWithTrack<input_track_t>(
-                vtx, *newTrkPtr);
-        if (!updateRes.ok()) {
-          return updateRes.error();
-        }
+        KalmanVertexUpdater::updateVertexWithTrack<input_track_t>(*vtx,
+                                                                  trkAtVtx);
       } else {
         ACTS_VERBOSE("Track weight too low. Skip track.");
     }  // End loop over tracks at vertex
-    vtx->setTracksAtVertex(newTracks);
     ACTS_VERBOSE("New vertex position: " << vtx->fullPosition());
   }  // End loop over vertex collection
@@ -343,34 +301,20 @@ Acts::Result<void> Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<
 template <typename input_track_t, typename linearizer_t>
 Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::
-    collectTrackToVertexCompatibilities(
-        State& state, const TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& trk) const {
-  // All vertices that currently hold the track `trk`
-  std::vector<Vertex<input_track_t>*> vertices =
-      state.trkInfoMap[trk.id].linksToVertices;
-  // Vector to store all compatibility values, it will have
-  // exactly the size of `vertices`(one value for each vertex
-  // the track is attached to)
+    collectTrackToVertexCompatibilities(State& state,
+                                        const input_track_t* trk) const {
   std::vector<double> trkToVtxCompatibilities;
-  trkToVtxCompatibilities.reserve(vertices.size());
-  for (Vertex<input_track_t>* vtxPtr : vertices) {
-    // find current track in list of tracks at vertex
-    const auto& trkIter = std::find_if(
-        vtxPtr->tracks().begin(), vtxPtr->tracks().end(),
-        [&trk, this](auto& trkAtVtx) {
-          return this->m_extractParameters(trkAtVtx.originalTrack) ==
-                 this->m_extractParameters(trk.originalTrack);
-        });
-    if (trkIter == vtxPtr->tracks().end()) {
-      return VertexingError::ElementNotFound;
-    }
-    // store vertexCompatibility of track to current vertex
-    trkToVtxCompatibilities.push_back(trkIter->vertexCompatibility);
+  trkToVtxCompatibilities.reserve(state.vertexCollection.size());
+  auto range = state.trackToVerticesMultiMap.equal_range(trk);
+  for (auto vtxIter = range.first; vtxIter != range.second; ++vtxIter) {
+    trkToVtxCompatibilities.push_back(
+        state.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, vtxIter->second))
+            .vertexCompatibility);
   return trkToVtxCompatibilities;
@@ -389,3 +333,15 @@ bool Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<
   return true;
+template <typename input_track_t, typename linearizer_t>
+void Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::
+    doVertexSmoothing(State& state, const GeometryContext& geoContext) const {
+  for (const auto vtx : state.vertexCollection) {
+    for (const auto trk : state.vtxInfoMap[vtx].trackLinks) {
+      KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::update<input_track_t>(
+          geoContext, state.tracksAtVerticesMap.at(std::make_pair(trk, vtx)),
+          *vtx);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.hpp
index 702b160669f0dc5ef7cb50c63b85dc85fd7b2e2a..b7aee51db019b3e2116fc49e86951544976ab816 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.hpp
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class FullBilloirVertexFitter {
   /// @return Fitted vertex
   Result<Vertex<input_track_t>> fit(
-      const std::vector<input_track_t>& paramVector,
+      const std::vector<const input_track_t*>& paramVector,
       const linearizer_t& linearizer,
       const VertexFitterOptions<input_track_t>& vFitterOptions) const;
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.ipp
index 3d62db0289fb171357c2fc312bd44789de1db7da..5c65f5543b4e7a37c2e078cbfa5010ee9b40c0f5 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.ipp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.ipp
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ template <typename input_track_t>
 struct BilloirTrack {
   using Jacobian = Acts::SpacePointToBoundMatrix;
-  BilloirTrack(const input_track_t& params, Acts::LinearizedTrack lTrack)
+  BilloirTrack(const input_track_t* params, Acts::LinearizedTrack lTrack)
       : originalTrack(params), linTrack(std::move(lTrack)) {}
   BilloirTrack(const BilloirTrack& arg) = default;
-  const input_track_t originalTrack;
+  const input_track_t* originalTrack;
   Acts::LinearizedTrack linTrack;
   double chi2;
   Jacobian DiMat;                                  // position jacobian
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ struct BilloirVertex {
 template <typename input_track_t, typename linearizer_t>
 Acts::FullBilloirVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::fit(
-    const std::vector<input_track_t>& paramVector,
+    const std::vector<const input_track_t*>& paramVector,
     const linearizer_t& linearizer,
     const VertexFitterOptions<input_track_t>& vFitterOptions) const {
   double chi2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ Acts::FullBilloirVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::fit(
     BilloirVertex billoirVertex;
     int iTrack = 0;
     // iterate over all tracks
-    for (const input_track_t& trackContainer : paramVector) {
-      const auto& trackParams = extractParameters(trackContainer);
+    for (const input_track_t* trackContainer : paramVector) {
+      const auto& trackParams = extractParameters(*trackContainer);
       if (nIter == 0) {
         double phi = trackParams.parameters()[ParID_t::ePHI];
         double theta = trackParams.parameters()[ParID_t::eTHETA];
@@ -114,14 +114,15 @@ Acts::FullBilloirVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::fit(
         trackMomenta.push_back(Vector3D(phi, theta, qop));
-      auto result = linearizer.linearizeTrack(&trackParams, linPoint);
+      auto result = linearizer.linearizeTrack(trackParams, linPoint);
       if (result.ok()) {
-        const auto linTrack = *result;
-        double d0 = linTrack.parametersAtPCA[ParID_t::eLOC_D0];
-        double z0 = linTrack.parametersAtPCA[ParID_t::eLOC_Z0];
-        double phi = linTrack.parametersAtPCA[ParID_t::ePHI];
-        double theta = linTrack.parametersAtPCA[ParID_t::eTHETA];
-        double qOverP = linTrack.parametersAtPCA[ParID_t::eQOP];
+        const auto& linTrack = *result;
+        const auto& parametersAtPCA = linTrack.parametersAtPCA;
+        double d0 = parametersAtPCA[ParID_t::eLOC_D0];
+        double z0 = parametersAtPCA[ParID_t::eLOC_Z0];
+        double phi = parametersAtPCA[ParID_t::ePHI];
+        double theta = parametersAtPCA[ParID_t::eTHETA];
+        double qOverP = parametersAtPCA[ParID_t::eQOP];
         // calculate f(V_0,p_0)  f_d0 = f_z0 = 0
         double fPhi = trackMomenta[iTrack][0];
@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ Acts::FullBilloirVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::fit(
         // cache some matrix multiplications
         BoundToSpacePointMatrix DtWmat;
         ActsMatrixD<3, BoundParsDim> EtWmat;
-        BoundSymMatrix Wi = linTrack.covarianceAtPCA.inverse();
+        BoundSymMatrix Wi = linTrack.weightAtPCA;
         DtWmat = Dmat.transpose() * Wi;
         EtWmat = Emat.transpose() * Wi;
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ Acts::FullBilloirVertexFitter<input_track_t, linearizer_t>::fit(
       bTrack.chi2 =
           ((bTrack.deltaQ - bTrack.DiMat * deltaV - bTrack.EiMat * deltaP)
-              .dot(bTrack.linTrack.covarianceAtPCA.inverse() *
+              .dot(bTrack.linTrack.weightAtPCA *
                    (bTrack.deltaQ - bTrack.DiMat * deltaV -
                     bTrack.EiMat * deltaP));
       newChi2 += bTrack.chi2;
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.hpp
index d1c7d74c0c174ef4a15dc9a3a64fd5e6695901ec..d2b6bedc2a4bde7c8cd3c83b2e41c45d64ec8bae 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.hpp
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class HelicalTrackLinearizer {
   /// @return Linearized track
   Result<LinearizedTrack> linearizeTrack(
-      const BoundParameters* params, const SpacePointVector& linPoint) const;
+      const BoundParameters& params, const SpacePointVector& linPoint) const;
   /// Configuration object
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.ipp
index 5363cbf71704f10d7543ffb8de6a97b94c97a968..d1a8e16bbf34e9ad1a2f3e794af5f3d91af3e845 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.ipp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.ipp
@@ -11,11 +11,7 @@
 template <typename propagator_t, typename propagator_options_t>
 Acts::Result<Acts::LinearizedTrack> Acts::
     HelicalTrackLinearizer<propagator_t, propagator_options_t>::linearizeTrack(
-        const BoundParameters* params, const SpacePointVector& linPoint) const {
-  if (params == nullptr) {
-    return LinearizedTrack();
-  }
+        const BoundParameters& params, const SpacePointVector& linPoint) const {
   Vector3D linPointPos = VectorHelpers::position(linPoint);
   const std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
@@ -24,7 +20,7 @@ Acts::Result<Acts::LinearizedTrack> Acts::
   const BoundParameters* endParams = nullptr;
   // Do the propagation to linPointPos
   auto result =
-      m_cfg.propagator->propagate(*params, *perigeeSurface, m_cfg.pOptions);
+      m_cfg.propagator->propagate(params, *perigeeSurface, m_cfg.pOptions);
   if (result.ok()) {
     endParams = (*result).endParameters.get();
@@ -37,11 +33,11 @@ Acts::Result<Acts::LinearizedTrack> Acts::
   VectorHelpers::position(positionAtPCA) = endParams->position();
   BoundSymMatrix parCovarianceAtPCA = *(endParams->covariance());
-  if (endParams->covariance()->determinant() <= 0) {
+  if (endParams->covariance()->determinant() == 0) {
     // Use the original parameters
-    paramsAtPCA = params->parameters();
-    VectorHelpers::position(positionAtPCA) = params->position();
-    parCovarianceAtPCA = *(params->covariance());
+    paramsAtPCA = params.parameters();
+    VectorHelpers::position(positionAtPCA) = params.position();
+    parCovarianceAtPCA = *(params.covariance());
   // phiV and functions
@@ -51,8 +47,8 @@ Acts::Result<Acts::LinearizedTrack> Acts::
   // theta and functions
   double th = paramsAtPCA(ParID_t::eTHETA);
-  double sinTh = std::sin(th);
-  double tanTh = std::tan(th);
+  const double sinTh = std::sin(th);
+  const double tanTh = std::tan(th);
   // q over p
   double qOvP = paramsAtPCA(ParID_t::eQOP);
@@ -77,8 +73,8 @@ Acts::Result<Acts::LinearizedTrack> Acts::
   // Eq. 5.34 in Ref(1) (see .hpp)
   double X = positionAtPCA(0) - linPointPos.x() + rho * sinPhiV;
   double Y = positionAtPCA(1) - linPointPos.y() - rho * cosPhiV;
-  double S2 = (X * X + Y * Y);
-  double S = std::sqrt(S2);
+  const double S2 = (X * X + Y * Y);
+  const double S = std::sqrt(S2);
   /// F(V, p_i) at PCA in Billoir paper
   /// (see FullBilloirVertexFitter.hpp for paper reference,
@@ -114,9 +110,11 @@ Acts::Result<Acts::LinearizedTrack> Acts::
   positionJacobian(0, 0) = -sgnH * X / S;
   positionJacobian(0, 1) = -sgnH * Y / S;
+  const double S2tanTh = S2 * tanTh;
   // Second row
-  positionJacobian(1, 0) = rho * Y / (tanTh * S2);
-  positionJacobian(1, 1) = -rho * X / (tanTh * S2);
+  positionJacobian(1, 0) = rho * Y / S2tanTh;
+  positionJacobian(1, 1) = -rho * X / S2tanTh;
   positionJacobian(1, 2) = 1.;
   // Third row
@@ -143,15 +141,17 @@ Acts::Result<Acts::LinearizedTrack> Acts::
   momentumJacobian(0, 1) = qOvSred * rho / tanTh;
   momentumJacobian(0, 2) = -qOvSred * rho / qOvP;
+  const double rhoOverS2 = rho / S2;
   // Second row
-  momentumJacobian(1, 0) = (1 - rho * Q / S2) * rho / tanTh;
-  momentumJacobian(1, 1) = (dPhi + rho * R / (S2 * tanTh * tanTh)) * rho;
-  momentumJacobian(1, 2) = (dPhi - rho * R / S2) * rho / (qOvP * tanTh);
+  momentumJacobian(1, 0) = (1 - rhoOverS2 * Q) * rho / tanTh;
+  momentumJacobian(1, 1) = (dPhi + rho * R / (S2tanTh * tanTh)) * rho;
+  momentumJacobian(1, 2) = (dPhi - rhoOverS2 * R) * rho / (qOvP * tanTh);
   // Third row
-  momentumJacobian(2, 0) = rho * Q / S2;
-  momentumJacobian(2, 1) = -rho * R / (S2 * tanTh);
-  momentumJacobian(2, 2) = rho * R / (qOvP * S2);
+  momentumJacobian(2, 0) = rhoOverS2 * Q;
+  momentumJacobian(2, 1) = -rho * R / S2tanTh;
+  momentumJacobian(2, 2) = rhoOverS2 * R / qOvP;
   // Last two rows:
   momentumJacobian(3, 1) = 1.;
@@ -161,7 +161,14 @@ Acts::Result<Acts::LinearizedTrack> Acts::
   BoundVector constTerm = predParamsAtPCA - positionJacobian * positionAtPCA -
                           momentumJacobian * momentumAtPCA;
-  return LinearizedTrack(paramsAtPCA, parCovarianceAtPCA, linPoint,
+  // The parameter weight
+  ActsSymMatrixD<5> parWeight =
+      (parCovarianceAtPCA.block<5, 5>(0, 0)).inverse();
+  BoundSymMatrix weightAtPCA{BoundSymMatrix::Identity()};
+  weightAtPCA.block<5, 5>(0, 0) = parWeight;
+  return LinearizedTrack(paramsAtPCA, parCovarianceAtPCA, weightAtPCA, linPoint,
                          positionJacobian, momentumJacobian, positionAtPCA,
                          momentumAtPCA, constTerm);
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.hpp
index 41990b315663b74042266f26fc88afdf4aadd273..9ba61ed22804736ae418cf1de41bad8fcf71779f 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.hpp
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/ImpactPoint3dEstimator.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimator.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexFinderOptions.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexFitterConcept.hpp"
@@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ class IterativeVertexFinder {
   /// @return Collection of vertices found by finder
   Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> find(
-      const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& trackVector,
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& trackVector,
       const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const;
@@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ class IterativeVertexFinder {
   /// overwritten to return BoundParameters for other InputTrack_t objects.
   /// @param InputTrack_t object to extract track parameters from
-  const std::function<BoundParameters(InputTrack_t)> m_extractParameters;
+  std::function<BoundParameters(InputTrack_t)> m_extractParameters;
   /// Logging instance
   std::unique_ptr<const Logger> m_logger;
@@ -167,15 +166,15 @@ class IterativeVertexFinder {
   /// @param seedTracks Seeding tracks
   /// @param vFinderOptions Vertex finder options
   Result<Vertex<InputTrack_t>> getVertexSeed(
-      const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& seedTracks,
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
       const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const;
   /// @brief Removes all tracks in perigeesToFit from seedTracks
   /// @param perigeesToFit Tracks to be removed from seedTracks
   /// @param seedTracks List to remove tracks from
-  void removeAllTracks(const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeesToFit,
-                       std::vector<InputTrack_t>& seedTracks) const;
+  void removeAllTracks(const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeesToFit,
+                       std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks) const;
   /// @brief Function for calculating how compatible
   /// a given track is to a given vertex
@@ -193,8 +192,9 @@ class IterativeVertexFinder {
   /// @param perigeesToFit Tracks used to fit `myVertex`
   /// @param seedTracks Tracks used for vertex seeding
   Result<void> removeUsedCompatibleTracks(
-      Vertex<InputTrack_t>& myVertex, std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeesToFit,
-      std::vector<InputTrack_t>& seedTracks) const;
+      Vertex<InputTrack_t>& myVertex,
+      std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeesToFit,
+      std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks) const;
   /// @brief Function that fills vector with tracks compatible with seed vertex
@@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ class IterativeVertexFinder {
   /// @param perigeesToFitSplitVertexOut Perigees to fit split vertex
   /// @param vFinderOptions Vertex finder options
   Result<void> fillPerigeesToFit(
-      const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeeList,
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeeList,
       const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& seedVertex,
-      std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeesToFitOut,
-      std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeesToFitSplitVertexOut,
+      std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeesToFitOut,
+      std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeesToFitSplitVertexOut,
       const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const;
   /// @brief Function that reassigns tracks from other vertices
@@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ class IterativeVertexFinder {
   Result<bool> reassignTracksToNewVertex(
       std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>& vertexCollection,
       Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentVertex,
-      std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeesToFit,
-      std::vector<InputTrack_t>& seedTracks,
-      const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& origTracks,
+      std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeesToFit,
+      std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& origTracks,
       const VertexFitterOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFitterOptions) const;
   /// @brief Counts all tracks that are significant for a vertex
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.ipp
index fa4fad596ba98e614d0d72cd033a214e30945e50..83b16e07e29cdc162f17a8a9228f957e1dc6df6f 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.ipp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.ipp
@@ -10,19 +10,13 @@
 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
 auto Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::find(
-    const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& trackVector,
+    const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& trackVector,
     const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const
     -> Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> {
   // Original tracks
-  const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& origTracks = trackVector;
+  const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& origTracks = trackVector;
   // Tracks for seeding
-  // Note: Remains to be investigated if another container (e.g. std::list)
-  // or also std::vector<InputTrack_t*> is a faster option since erasures
-  // of tracks is quite expensive with std::vector.
-  // std::vector<InputTrack_t*> would however also come with an overhead
-  // since m_cfg.vertexFitter.fit and m_cfg.seedFinder.find take
-  // vector<InputTrack_t> and hence a lot of copying would be required.
-  std::vector<InputTrack_t> seedTracks = trackVector;
+  std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> seedTracks = trackVector;
   // Construct the vertex fitter options from vertex finder options
   VertexFitterOptions<InputTrack_t> vFitterOptions(
@@ -46,8 +40,8 @@ auto Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::find(
     /// End seeding
     /// Now take only tracks compatible with current seed
     // Tracks used for the fit in this iteration
-    std::vector<InputTrack_t> perigeesToFit;
-    std::vector<InputTrack_t> perigeesToFitSplitVertex;
+    std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> perigeesToFit;
+    std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> perigeesToFitSplitVertex;
     // Fill vector with tracks to fit, only compatible with seed:
     auto res = fillPerigeesToFit(seedTracks, seedVertex, perigeesToFit,
@@ -160,7 +154,7 @@ auto Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::find(
 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
 auto Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::getVertexSeed(
-    const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& seedTracks,
+    const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
     const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const
     -> Result<Vertex<InputTrack_t>> {
   auto res = m_cfg.seedFinder.find(seedTracks, vFinderOptions);
@@ -187,15 +181,15 @@ auto Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::getVertexSeed(
 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
 void Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::removeAllTracks(
-    const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeesToFit,
-    std::vector<InputTrack_t>& seedTracks) const {
+    const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeesToFit,
+    std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks) const {
   for (const auto& fitPerigee : perigeesToFit) {
-    const BoundParameters& fitPerigeeParams = m_extractParameters(fitPerigee);
+    const BoundParameters& fitPerigeeParams = m_extractParameters(*fitPerigee);
     // Find track in seedTracks
     auto foundIter =
         std::find_if(seedTracks.begin(), seedTracks.end(),
-                     [&fitPerigeeParams, this](auto seedTrk) {
-                       return fitPerigeeParams == m_extractParameters(seedTrk);
+                     [&fitPerigeeParams, this](const auto seedTrk) {
+                       return fitPerigeeParams == m_extractParameters(*seedTrk);
     if (foundIter != seedTracks.end()) {
       // Remove track from seed tracks
@@ -211,7 +205,7 @@ Acts::Result<double>
 Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::getCompatibility(
     const BoundParameters& params, const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& vertex) const {
   // Linearize track
-  auto result = m_cfg.linearizer.linearizeTrack(&params, vertex.fullPosition());
+  auto result = m_cfg.linearizer.linearizeTrack(params, vertex.fullPosition());
   if (!result.ok()) {
     return result.error();
@@ -241,8 +235,9 @@ Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::getCompatibility(
 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
 Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::removeUsedCompatibleTracks(
-    Vertex<InputTrack_t>& myVertex, std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeesToFit,
-    std::vector<InputTrack_t>& seedTracks) const {
+    Vertex<InputTrack_t>& myVertex,
+    std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeesToFit,
+    std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks) const {
   std::vector<TrackAtVertex<InputTrack_t>> tracksAtVertex = myVertex.tracks();
   for (const auto& trackAtVtx : tracksAtVertex) {
@@ -251,14 +246,11 @@ Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::removeUsedCompatibleTracks(
       // Do not remove track here, since it is not compatible with the vertex
-    auto trkAtVtxParam = m_extractParameters(trackAtVtx.originalTrack);
     // Find and remove track from seedTracks
     auto foundSeedIter =
         std::find_if(seedTracks.begin(), seedTracks.end(),
-                     [&trkAtVtxParam, this](auto seedTrk) {
-                       return trkAtVtxParam == m_extractParameters(seedTrk);
+                     [&trackAtVtx, this](const auto seedTrk) {
+                       return trackAtVtx.originalParams == seedTrk;
     if (foundSeedIter != seedTracks.end()) {
@@ -269,8 +261,8 @@ Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::removeUsedCompatibleTracks(
     // Find and remove track from perigeesToFit
     auto foundFitIter =
         std::find_if(perigeesToFit.begin(), perigeesToFit.end(),
-                     [&trkAtVtxParam, this](auto fitTrk) {
-                       return trkAtVtxParam == m_extractParameters(fitTrk);
+                     [&trackAtVtx, this](const auto fitTrk) {
+                       return trackAtVtx.originalParams == fitTrk;
     if (foundFitIter != perigeesToFit.end()) {
@@ -289,8 +281,8 @@ Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::removeUsedCompatibleTracks(
   for (const auto& myPerigeeToFit : perigeesToFit) {
     // calculate chi2 w.r.t. last fitted vertex
-    auto fitPerigeeParams = m_extractParameters(myPerigeeToFit);
-    auto result = getCompatibility(fitPerigeeParams, myVertex);
+    auto result =
+        getCompatibility(m_extractParameters(*myPerigeeToFit), myVertex);
     if (!result.ok()) {
       return result.error();
@@ -301,11 +293,11 @@ Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::removeUsedCompatibleTracks(
     // check if sufficiently compatible with last fitted vertex
     // (quite loose constraint)
     if (chi2 < m_cfg.maximumChi2cutForSeeding) {
-      auto foundIter = std::find_if(seedTracks.begin(), seedTracks.end(),
-                                    [&fitPerigeeParams, this](auto seedTrk) {
-                                      return fitPerigeeParams ==
-                                             m_extractParameters(seedTrk);
-                                    });
+      auto foundIter =
+          std::find_if(seedTracks.begin(), seedTracks.end(),
+                       [&myPerigeeToFit, this](const auto seedTrk) {
+                         return myPerigeeToFit == seedTrk;
+                       });
       if (foundIter != seedTracks.end()) {
         // Remove track from seed tracks
@@ -314,11 +306,11 @@ Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::removeUsedCompatibleTracks(
     } else {
       // Track not compatible with vertex
       // Remove track from current vertex
-      auto foundIter = std::find_if(
-          tracksAtVertex.begin(), tracksAtVertex.end(),
-          [&fitPerigeeParams, this](auto trk) {
-            return fitPerigeeParams == m_extractParameters(trk.originalTrack);
-          });
+      auto foundIter =
+          std::find_if(tracksAtVertex.begin(), tracksAtVertex.end(),
+                       [&myPerigeeToFit, this](auto trk) {
+                         return myPerigeeToFit == trk.originalParams;
+                       });
       if (foundIter != tracksAtVertex.end()) {
         // Remove track from seed tracks
@@ -335,10 +327,10 @@ Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::removeUsedCompatibleTracks(
 template <typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
 Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::fillPerigeesToFit(
-    const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeeList,
+    const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeeList,
     const Vertex<InputTrack_t>& seedVertex,
-    std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeesToFitOut,
-    std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeesToFitSplitVertexOut,
+    std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeesToFitOut,
+    std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeesToFitSplitVertexOut,
     const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const {
   int numberOfTracks = perigeeList.size();
@@ -366,7 +358,7 @@ Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::fillPerigeesToFit(
     // still large amount of tracks available, check compatibility
     else {
       // check first that distance is not too large
-      const BoundParameters& sTrackParams = m_extractParameters(sTrack);
+      const BoundParameters& sTrackParams = m_extractParameters(*sTrack);
       auto distanceRes = m_cfg.ipEst.calculateDistance(
           vFinderOptions.geoContext, sTrackParams, seedVertex.position());
       if (!distanceRes.ok()) {
@@ -405,9 +397,9 @@ Acts::Result<bool>
 Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::reassignTracksToNewVertex(
     std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>& vertexCollection,
     Vertex<InputTrack_t>& currentVertex,
-    std::vector<InputTrack_t>& perigeesToFit,
-    std::vector<InputTrack_t>& seedTracks,
-    const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& origTracks,
+    std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& perigeesToFit,
+    std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& seedTracks,
+    const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& origTracks,
     const VertexFitterOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFitterOptions) const {
   int numberOfAddedTracks = 0;
@@ -428,7 +420,7 @@ Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::reassignTracksToNewVertex(
       // use original perigee parameter of course
       BoundParameters trackPerigee =
-          m_extractParameters(tracksIter->originalTrack);
+          m_extractParameters(*(tracksIter->originalParams));
       // compute compatibility
       auto resultNew = getCompatibility(trackPerigee, currentVertex);
@@ -447,17 +439,18 @@ Acts::IterativeVertexFinder<vfitter_t, sfinder_t>::reassignTracksToNewVertex(
       ACTS_DEBUG("Compatibility to old vertex: " << chi2OldVtx);
       if (chi2NewVtx < chi2OldVtx) {
-        perigeesToFit.push_back(tracksIter->originalTrack);
+        perigeesToFit.push_back(tracksIter->originalParams);
         // origTrack was already deleted from seedTracks previously
         // (when assigned to old vertex)
         // add it now back to seedTracks to be able to consistently
         // delete it later
         // when all tracks used to fit current vertex are deleted
-        seedTracks.push_back(*std::find_if(
-            origTracks.begin(), origTracks.end(),
-            [&trackPerigee, this](auto origTrack) {
-              return trackPerigee == m_extractParameters(origTrack);
-            }));
+        seedTracks.push_back(tracksIter->originalParams);
+        // seedTracks.push_back(*std::find_if(
+        //     origTracks.begin(), origTracks.end(),
+        //     [&trackPerigee, this](auto origTrack) {
+        //       return trackPerigee == m_extractParameters(*origTrack);
+        //     }));
         numberOfAddedTracks += 1;
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdater.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdater.hpp
index 6341b48a73c253a947cf953f0a4cac5650ad0eb8..b069b2bb50c6398874a93febd9695959231ae24a 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdater.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdater.hpp
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@ namespace KalmanVertexTrackUpdater {
 /// @param track Track to update
 /// @param vtx Vertex `track` belongs to
 template <typename input_track_t>
-Result<void> update(const GeometryContext& gctx,
-                    TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& track,
-                    const Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx);
+void update(const GeometryContext& gctx, TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& track,
+            const Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx);
 namespace detail {
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdater.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdater.ipp
index 9955eb38a5cf82ea6c3f3dbf301408046a171b32..2e28a2c3fee0293595f464af68aac0a8c365c1d8 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdater.ipp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdater.ipp
@@ -12,14 +12,10 @@
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexingError.hpp"
 template <typename input_track_t>
-Acts::Result<void> Acts::KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::update(
-    const GeometryContext& gctx, TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& track,
-    const Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx) {
-  if (vtx == nullptr) {
-    return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
-  }
-  const SpacePointVector& vtxPos = vtx->fullPosition();
+void Acts::KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::update(const GeometryContext& gctx,
+                                            TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& track,
+                                            const Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx) {
+  const auto vtxPos = vtx.fullPosition().template head<3>();
   // Get the linearized track
   const LinearizedTrack& linTrack = track.linearizedState;
@@ -27,20 +23,20 @@ Acts::Result<void> Acts::KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::update(
   // Check if linearized state exists
   if (linTrack.covarianceAtPCA.determinant() == 0.) {
     // Track has no linearized state, returning w/o update
-    return {};
+    return;
   // Retrieve linTrack information
-  const SpacePointToBoundMatrix& posJac = linTrack.positionJacobian;
-  const ActsMatrixD<BoundParsDim, 3>& momJac = linTrack.momentumJacobian;
-  const BoundVector& trkParams = linTrack.parametersAtPCA;
-  const BoundSymMatrix& trkParamWeight = linTrack.covarianceAtPCA.inverse();
+  const auto posJac = linTrack.positionJacobian.block<5, 3>(0, 0);
+  const auto momJac = linTrack.momentumJacobian.block<5, 3>(0, 0);
+  const auto trkParams = linTrack.parametersAtPCA.head<5>();
+  const auto trkParamWeight = linTrack.weightAtPCA.block<5, 5>(0, 0);
   // Calculate S matrix
   ActsSymMatrixD<3> sMat =
       (momJac.transpose() * (trkParamWeight * momJac)).inverse();
-  const BoundVector& residual = linTrack.constantTerm;
+  const auto residual = linTrack.constantTerm.head<5>();
   // Refit track momentum
   Vector3D newTrkMomentum = sMat * momJac.transpose() * trkParamWeight *
@@ -58,45 +54,53 @@ Acts::Result<void> Acts::KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::update(
   newTrkParams(ParID_t::eQOP) = newTrkMomentum(2);           // qOverP
   // Vertex covariance and weight matrices
-  const SpacePointSymMatrix& vtxCov = vtx->fullCovariance();
-  const SpacePointSymMatrix vtxWeight = vtxCov.inverse();
+  const auto vtxCov = vtx.fullCovariance().template block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+  const auto vtxWeight = vtxCov.inverse();
   // New track covariance matrix
-  ActsMatrixD<SpacePointDim, 3> newTrkCov =
+  auto newTrkCov =
       -vtxCov * posJac.transpose() * trkParamWeight * momJac * sMat;
-  // Now determine the smoothed chi2 of the track in the following
-  // get updated position, this removes track from vtx
-  auto res = KalmanVertexUpdater::updatePosition<input_track_t>(
-      vtx, linTrack, track.trackWeight, -1);
-  if (!res.ok()) {
-    return res.error();
-  }
+  KalmanVertexUpdater::MatrixCache matrixCache;
-  Vertex<input_track_t> reducedVtx = *res;
+  // Now determine the smoothed chi2 of the track in the following
+  KalmanVertexUpdater::updatePosition<input_track_t>(
+      vtx, linTrack, track.trackWeight, -1, matrixCache);
   // Corresponding weight matrix
-  const SpacePointSymMatrix reducedVtxWeight =
-      reducedVtx.fullCovariance().inverse();
+  const auto& reducedVtxWeight = matrixCache.newVertexWeight;
   // Difference in positions
-  SpacePointVector posDiff = vtx->fullPosition() - reducedVtx.fullPosition();
+  auto posDiff = vtx.position() - matrixCache.newVertexPos;
   // Get smoothed params
-  BoundVector smParams = trkParams - (residual + posJac * vtx->fullPosition() +
-                                      momJac * newTrkMomentum);
+  auto smParams =
+      trkParams - (residual + posJac * vtx.fullPosition().template head<3>() +
+                   momJac * newTrkMomentum);
   // New chi2 to be set later
   double chi2 = posDiff.dot(reducedVtxWeight * posDiff) +
                 smParams.dot(trkParamWeight * smParams);
-  const BoundMatrix& fullPerTrackCov = detail::createFullTrackCovariance(
-      sMat, newTrkCov, vtxWeight, vtxCov, newTrkParams);
+  // Not yet 4d ready. This can be removed together will all head<> statements,
+  // once time is consistently introduced to vertexing
+  ActsMatrixD<SpacePointDim, 3> newFullTrkCov(
+      ActsMatrixD<SpacePointDim, 3>::Zero());
+  newFullTrkCov.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = newTrkCov;
+  SpacePointSymMatrix vtxFullWeight(SpacePointSymMatrix::Zero());
+  vtxFullWeight.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = vtxWeight;
+  SpacePointSymMatrix vtxFullCov(SpacePointSymMatrix::Zero());
+  vtxFullCov.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = vtxCov;
+  const auto fullPerTrackCov = detail::createFullTrackCovariance(
+      sMat, newFullTrkCov, vtxFullWeight, vtxFullCov, newTrkParams);
   // Create new refitted parameters
   std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
-      Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(VectorHelpers::position(vtxPos));
+      Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(
+          VectorHelpers::position(vtx.fullPosition()));
   BoundParameters refittedPerigee = BoundParameters(
       gctx, std::move(fullPerTrackCov), newTrkParams, perigeeSurface);
@@ -106,7 +110,7 @@ Acts::Result<void> Acts::KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::update(
   track.chi2Track = chi2;
   track.ndf = 2 * track.trackWeight;
-  return {};
+  return;
@@ -117,18 +121,20 @@ Acts::KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::detail::createFullTrackCovariance(
     const BoundVector& newTrkParams) {
   // Now new momentum covariance
   ActsSymMatrixD<3> momCov =
-      sMat + newTrkCov.transpose() * (vtxWeight * newTrkCov);
+      sMat + (newTrkCov.block<3, 3>(0, 0)).transpose() *
+                 (vtxWeight.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * newTrkCov.block<3, 3>(0, 0));
-  // Full (x,y,z,phi, theta, q/p, t) covariance matrix
-  ActsSymMatrixD<7> fullTrkCov(ActsSymMatrixD<7>::Zero());
+  // Full (x,y,z,phi, theta, q/p) covariance matrix
+  // To be made 7d again after switching to (x,y,z,phi, theta, q/p, t)
+  ActsSymMatrixD<6> fullTrkCov(ActsSymMatrixD<6>::Zero());
-  fullTrkCov.block<4, 4>(0, 0) = vtxCov;
-  fullTrkCov.block<4, 3>(0, 4) = newTrkCov;
-  fullTrkCov.block<3, 4>(4, 0) = newTrkCov.transpose();
-  fullTrkCov.block<3, 3>(4, 4) = momCov;
+  fullTrkCov.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = vtxCov.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+  fullTrkCov.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = newTrkCov.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+  fullTrkCov.block<3, 3>(3, 0) = (newTrkCov.block<3, 3>(0, 0)).transpose();
+  fullTrkCov.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = momCov;
   // Combined track jacobian
-  ActsMatrixD<BoundParsDim, 7> trkJac(ActsMatrixD<BoundParsDim, 7>::Zero());
+  ActsMatrixD<5, 6> trkJac(ActsMatrixD<5, 6>::Zero());
   // First row
   trkJac(0, 0) = -std::sin(newTrkParams[2]);
@@ -140,10 +146,12 @@ Acts::KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::detail::createFullTrackCovariance(
   trkJac(1, 0) = -trkJac(0, 1) / tanTheta;
   trkJac(1, 1) = trkJac(0, 0) / tanTheta;
-  trkJac.block<5, 5>(1, 2) = ActsSymMatrixD<5>::Identity();
+  trkJac.block<4, 4>(1, 2) = ActsSymMatrixD<4>::Identity();
   // Full perigee track covariance
-  BoundMatrix fullPerTrackCov(trkJac * (fullTrkCov * trkJac.transpose()));
+  BoundMatrix fullPerTrackCov(BoundMatrix::Identity());
+  fullPerTrackCov.block<5, 5>(0, 0) =
+      (trkJac * (fullTrkCov * trkJac.transpose()));
   return fullPerTrackCov;
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdater.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdater.hpp
index 3d5d1c0332624eb39267bea7ef736e530f628c73..ebcef8cc598121919c133607d47363175a24f7d8 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdater.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdater.hpp
@@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ namespace KalmanVertexUpdater {
 /// Vertex reconstruction and track bundling at the lep collider using
 /// robust Algorithms Computer Physics Comm.: 96 (1996) 189, chapter 2.1
+/// Cache object to store matrix information
+struct MatrixCache {
+  Vector3D newVertexPos = Vector3D::Zero();
+  ActsSymMatrixD<3> newVertexCov = ActsSymMatrixD<3>::Zero();
+  ActsSymMatrixD<3> newVertexWeight = ActsSymMatrixD<3>::Zero();
+  ActsSymMatrixD<3> oldVertexWeight = ActsSymMatrixD<3>::Zero();
+  ActsSymMatrixD<3> momWeightInv = ActsSymMatrixD<3>::Zero();
 /// @brief Updates vertex with knowledge of new track
 /// @note KalmanVertexUpdater updates the vertex w.r.t. the
 /// newly given track, but does NOT add the track to the
@@ -31,8 +40,8 @@ namespace KalmanVertexUpdater {
 /// @param vtx Vertex to be updated
 /// @param trk Track to be used for updating the vertex
 template <typename input_track_t>
-Result<void> updateVertexWithTrack(Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx,
-                                   TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& trk);
+void updateVertexWithTrack(Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx,
+                           TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& trk);
 /// @brief Updates vertex position
@@ -40,34 +49,36 @@ Result<void> updateVertexWithTrack(Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx,
 /// @param linTrack Linearized version of track to be added or removed
 /// @param trackWeight Track weight
 /// @param sign +1 (add track) or -1 (remove track)
+/// @param[out] matrixCache A cache to store matrix information
 /// @return Vertex with updated position and covariance
 template <typename input_track_t>
-Result<Vertex<input_track_t>> updatePosition(const Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx,
-                                             const LinearizedTrack& linTrack,
-                                             double trackWeight, int sign);
+void updatePosition(const Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx,
+                    const Acts::LinearizedTrack& linTrack, double trackWeight,
+                    int sign, MatrixCache& matrixCache);
 namespace detail {
 /// @brief Takes old and new vtx and calculates position chi2
 /// @param oldVtx Old vertex
-/// @param newVtx New vertex
+/// @param matrixCache A cache to store matrix information
 /// @return Chi2
 template <typename input_track_t>
-double vertexPositionChi2(const Vertex<input_track_t>* oldVtx,
-                          const Vertex<input_track_t>* newVtx);
+double vertexPositionChi2(const Vertex<input_track_t>& oldVtx,
+                          const MatrixCache& matrixCache);
 /// @brief Calculates chi2 of refitted track parameters
 /// w.r.t. updated vertex
-/// @param vtx The already updated vertex
 /// @param linTrack Linearized version of track
+/// @param matrixCache A cache to store matrix information
 /// @return Chi2
 template <typename input_track_t>
-double trackParametersChi2(const Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx,
-                           const LinearizedTrack& linTrack);
+double trackParametersChi2(const LinearizedTrack& linTrack,
+                           const MatrixCache& matrixCache);
 /// @brief Adds or removes (depending on `sign`) tracks from vertex
 /// and updates the vertex
@@ -76,8 +87,8 @@ double trackParametersChi2(const Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx,
 /// @param trk Track to be added to/removed from vtx
 /// @param sign +1 (add track) or -1 (remove track)
 template <typename input_track_t>
-Result<void> update(Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx,
-                    TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& trk, int sign);
+void update(Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx, TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& trk,
+            int sign);
 }  // Namespace detail
 }  // Namespace KalmanVertexUpdater
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdater.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdater.ipp
index c20b29f4cffea6d7d79d5925ecf088e21f7c38d2..4bfc4341da54df7c8331e76c80edc9fecb4ba755 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdater.ipp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdater.ipp
@@ -10,109 +10,123 @@
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexingError.hpp"
 template <typename input_track_t>
-Acts::Result<void> Acts::KalmanVertexUpdater::updateVertexWithTrack(
-    Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx, TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& trk) {
-  if (vtx == nullptr) {
-    return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
-  }
+void Acts::KalmanVertexUpdater::updateVertexWithTrack(
+    Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx, TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& trk) {
+  detail::update<input_track_t>(vtx, trk, 1);
-  auto res = detail::update<input_track_t>(vtx, trk, 1);
+template <typename input_track_t>
+void Acts::KalmanVertexUpdater::detail::update(
+    Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx, TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& trk, int sign) {
+  double trackWeight = trk.trackWeight;
-  if (!res.ok()) {
-    return res.error();
-  }
+  MatrixCache matrixCache;
-  return {};
+  updatePosition(vtx, trk.linearizedState, trackWeight, sign, matrixCache);
-template <typename input_track_t>
-    const Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx,
-    const Acts::LinearizedTrack& linTrack, double trackWeight, int sign) {
-  if (vtx == nullptr) {
-    return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
+  // Get fit quality parameters wrt to old vertex
+  std::pair fitQuality = vtx.fitQuality();
+  double chi2 = fitQuality.first;
+  double ndf = fitQuality.second;
+  // Chi2 wrt to track parameters
+  double trkChi2 = detail::trackParametersChi2<input_track_t>(
+      trk.linearizedState, matrixCache);
+  // Calculate new chi2
+  chi2 += sign * (detail::vertexPositionChi2<input_track_t>(vtx, matrixCache) +
+                  trackWeight * trkChi2);
+  // Calculate ndf
+  ndf += sign * trackWeight * 2.;
+  // Updating the vertex
+  vtx.setPosition(matrixCache.newVertexPos);
+  vtx.setCovariance(matrixCache.newVertexCov);
+  vtx.setFitQuality(chi2, ndf);
+  // Updates track at vertex if already there
+  // by removing it first and adding new one.
+  // Otherwise just adds track to existing list of tracks at vertex
+  if (sign > 0) {
+    // Update track
+    trk.chi2Track = trkChi2;
+    trk.ndf = 2 * trackWeight;
+  // Remove trk from current vertex
+  if (sign < 0) {
+    trk.trackWeight = 0;
+  }
+template <typename input_track_t>
+void Acts::KalmanVertexUpdater::updatePosition(
+    const Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx,
+    const Acts::LinearizedTrack& linTrack, double trackWeight, int sign,
+    MatrixCache& matrixCache) {
   // Retrieve linTrack information
-  // To make 4-D compatible, remove block<> and head<> statements
-  const auto& posJac = linTrack.positionJacobian.block<5, 3>(0, 0);
-  const auto& momJac =
+  // TODO: To make 4-D compatible, remove block<> and head<> statements
+  const auto posJac = linTrack.positionJacobian.block<5, 3>(0, 0);
+  const auto momJac =
       linTrack.momentumJacobian.block<5, 3>(0, 0);  // B_k in comments below
-  const auto& trkParams = linTrack.parametersAtPCA.head<5>();
-  const auto& constTerm = linTrack.constantTerm.head<5>();
-  const auto& trkParamWeight = (linTrack.covarianceAtPCA.block<5, 5>(0, 0))
-                                   .inverse();  // G_k in comments below
+  const auto trkParams = linTrack.parametersAtPCA.head<5>();
+  const auto constTerm = linTrack.constantTerm.head<5>();
+  const auto trkParamWeight = linTrack.weightAtPCA.block<5, 5>(0, 0);
   // Vertex to be updated
-  const auto& oldVtxPos = vtx->position();
-  const auto& oldVtxWeight = (vtx->covariance()).inverse().eval();
+  const auto& oldVtxPos = vtx.position();
+  matrixCache.oldVertexWeight = (vtx.covariance()).inverse();
   // W_k matrix
-  ActsSymMatrixD<3> wMat =
+  matrixCache.momWeightInv =
       (momJac.transpose() * (trkParamWeight * momJac)).inverse();
   // G_b = G_k - G_k*B_k*W_k*B_k^(T)*G_k^T
-  auto gBmat = trkParamWeight - trkParamWeight *
-                                    (momJac * (wMat * momJac.transpose())) *
-                                    trkParamWeight.transpose();
+  auto gBmat = trkParamWeight -
+               trkParamWeight *
+                   (momJac * (matrixCache.momWeightInv * momJac.transpose())) *
+                   trkParamWeight.transpose();
   // New vertex cov matrix
-  auto newVtxCov = (oldVtxWeight +
-                    trackWeight * sign * posJac.transpose() * (gBmat * posJac))
-                       .inverse();
+  matrixCache.newVertexWeight =
+      matrixCache.oldVertexWeight +
+      trackWeight * sign * posJac.transpose() * (gBmat * posJac);
+  matrixCache.newVertexCov = matrixCache.newVertexWeight.inverse();
   // New vertex position
-  auto newVtxPos = newVtxCov * (oldVtxWeight * oldVtxPos +
-                                trackWeight * sign * posJac.transpose() *
-                                    gBmat * (trkParams - constTerm));
-  // Create return vertex with new position
-  // and covariance, but w/o tracks
-  Vertex<input_track_t> returnVertex;
-  // Set position
-  returnVertex.setPosition(newVtxPos);
-  // Set cov
-  returnVertex.setCovariance(newVtxCov);
-  // Set fit quality
-  returnVertex.setFitQuality(vtx->fitQuality().first, vtx->fitQuality().second);
-  return returnVertex;
+  matrixCache.newVertexPos =
+      matrixCache.newVertexCov * (matrixCache.oldVertexWeight * oldVtxPos +
+                                  trackWeight * sign * posJac.transpose() *
+                                      gBmat * (trkParams - constTerm));
 template <typename input_track_t>
 double Acts::KalmanVertexUpdater::detail::vertexPositionChi2(
-    const Vertex<input_track_t>* oldVtx, const Vertex<input_track_t>* newVtx) {
-  auto oldWeight =
-      (oldVtx->fullCovariance().template block<3, 3>(0, 0)).inverse();
-  auto posDiff =
-      (newVtx->fullPosition() - oldVtx->fullPosition()).template head<3>();
+    const Vertex<input_track_t>& oldVtx, const MatrixCache& matrixCache) {
+  Vector3D posDiff = matrixCache.newVertexPos - oldVtx.position();
   // Calculate and return corresponding chi2
-  return posDiff.transpose() * (oldWeight * posDiff);
+  return posDiff.transpose() * (matrixCache.oldVertexWeight * posDiff);
 template <typename input_track_t>
 double Acts::KalmanVertexUpdater::detail::trackParametersChi2(
-    const Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx, const LinearizedTrack& linTrack) {
-  const auto& vtxPos = vtx.fullPosition().template head<3>();
+    const LinearizedTrack& linTrack, const MatrixCache& matrixCache) {
   // Track properties
-  const auto& posJac = linTrack.positionJacobian.block<5, 3>(0, 0);
-  const auto& momJac = linTrack.momentumJacobian.block<5, 3>(0, 0);
-  const auto& trkParams = linTrack.parametersAtPCA.head<5>();
-  const auto& constTerm = linTrack.constantTerm.head<5>();
-  const auto& trkParamWeight =
-      linTrack.covarianceAtPCA.block<5, 5>(0, 0).inverse();
-  // Calculate temp matrix S
-  ActsSymMatrixD<3> matS =
-      (momJac.transpose() * (trkParamWeight * momJac)).inverse();
+  const auto posJac = linTrack.positionJacobian.block<5, 3>(0, 0);
+  const auto momJac = linTrack.momentumJacobian.block<5, 3>(0, 0);
+  const auto trkParams = linTrack.parametersAtPCA.head<5>();
+  const auto constTerm = linTrack.constantTerm.head<5>();
+  const auto trkParamWeight = linTrack.weightAtPCA.block<5, 5>(0, 0);
+  const auto jacVtx = posJac * matrixCache.newVertexPos;
   // Refitted track momentum
-  Vector3D newTrackMomentum = matS * momJac.transpose() * trkParamWeight *
-                              (trkParams - constTerm - posJac * vtxPos);
+  Vector3D newTrackMomentum = matrixCache.momWeightInv * momJac.transpose() *
+                              trkParamWeight * (trkParams - constTerm - jacVtx);
   // Refitted track parameters
-  auto newTrkParams = constTerm + posJac * vtxPos + momJac * newTrackMomentum;
+  auto newTrkParams = constTerm + jacVtx + momJac * newTrackMomentum;
   // Parameter difference
   auto paramDiff = trkParams - newTrkParams;
@@ -120,53 +134,3 @@ double Acts::KalmanVertexUpdater::detail::trackParametersChi2(
   // Return chi2
   return paramDiff.transpose() * (trkParamWeight * paramDiff);
-template <typename input_track_t>
-Acts::Result<void> Acts::KalmanVertexUpdater::detail::update(
-    Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx, TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>& trk, int sign) {
-  double trackWeight = trk.trackWeight;
-  auto res = updatePosition(vtx, trk.linearizedState, trackWeight, sign);
-  if (!res.ok()) {
-    return res.error();
-  }
-  Vertex<input_track_t> tempVtx = *res;
-  // Get fit quality parameters wrt to old vertex
-  std::pair fitQuality = vtx->fitQuality();
-  double chi2 = fitQuality.first;
-  double ndf = fitQuality.second;
-  // Chi2 wrt to track parameters
-  double trkChi2 =
-      detail::trackParametersChi2<input_track_t>(tempVtx, trk.linearizedState);
-  // Calculate new chi2
-  chi2 += sign * (detail::vertexPositionChi2<input_track_t>(vtx, &tempVtx) +
-                  trackWeight * trkChi2);
-  // Calculate ndf
-  ndf += sign * trackWeight * 2.;
-  // Updating the vertex
-  vtx->setFullPosition(tempVtx.fullPosition());
-  vtx->setFullCovariance(tempVtx.fullCovariance());
-  vtx->setFitQuality(chi2, ndf);
-  // Updates track at vertex if already there
-  // by removing it first and adding new one.
-  // Otherwise just adds track to existing list of tracks at vertex
-  if (sign > 0) {
-    // Update track
-    trk.chi2Track = trkChi2;
-    trk.ndf = 2 * trackWeight;
-  }
-  // Remove trk from current vertex
-  if (sign < 0) {
-    trk.trackWeight = 0;
-  }
-  return {};
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/LinearizedTrack.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/LinearizedTrack.hpp
index 3be7dc6cffff938d9df6bc4daaa92df9b81b91b1..5facd966b68e09b7dc25a88870bf9c4abd044b40 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/LinearizedTrack.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/LinearizedTrack.hpp
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ struct LinearizedTrack {
   LinearizedTrack(const BoundVector& paramsAtPCA,
                   const BoundSymMatrix& parCovarianceAtPCA,
+                  const BoundSymMatrix& parWeightAtPCA,
                   const SpacePointVector& linPoint,
                   const SpacePointToBoundMatrix& posJacobian,
                   const ActsMatrixD<BoundParsDim, 3>& momJacobian,
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ struct LinearizedTrack {
                   const BoundVector& constTerm)
       : parametersAtPCA(paramsAtPCA),
+        weightAtPCA(parWeightAtPCA),
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ struct LinearizedTrack {
   BoundVector parametersAtPCA{BoundVector::Zero()};
   BoundSymMatrix covarianceAtPCA{BoundSymMatrix::Zero()};
+  BoundSymMatrix weightAtPCA{BoundSymMatrix::Zero()};
   SpacePointVector linearizationPoint{SpacePointVector::Zero()};
   SpacePointToBoundMatrix positionJacobian{SpacePointToBoundMatrix::Zero()};
   ActsMatrixD<BoundParsDim, 3> momentumJacobian{
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/LinearizerConcept.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/LinearizerConcept.hpp
index 656ca5aa89b670d901f1650e7d9e4c5e77ca3461..bfa7eeadf6b1a573dc60d34533197786ef6bb171 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/LinearizerConcept.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/LinearizerConcept.hpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace concept {
       struct LinearizerConcept {
          constexpr static bool linTrack_exists = has_method<const S, Result<LinearizedTrack>,
-         linTrack_t, const BoundParameters*,
+         linTrack_t, const BoundParameters&,
                      const SpacePointVector&>;
         static_assert(linTrack_exists, "linearizeTrack method not found");
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackAtVertex.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackAtVertex.hpp
index d3bf989433504172b2d1e3746358d5e2d0514eb6..b404c54c855a3bceb3491655736461593724b29d 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackAtVertex.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackAtVertex.hpp
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
 #include <functional>
 #include "Acts/EventData/TrackParameters.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/LinearizedTrack.hpp"
@@ -31,49 +30,54 @@ struct TrackAtVertex {
   /// @param chi2perTrack Chi2 of track
   /// @param paramsAtVertex Fitted perigee parameter
-  /// @param originalParams Original perigee parameter
+  /// @param originalTrack Original perigee parameter
   TrackAtVertex(double chi2perTrack, const BoundParameters& paramsAtVertex,
-                const input_track_t& originalParams)
-      : chi2Track(chi2perTrack),
-        ndf(0),
-        fittedParams(paramsAtVertex),
-        originalTrack(originalParams),
-        trackWeight(1.),
-        vertexCompatibility(0.) {
-    // Create unique ID for this object
-    boost::hash_combine(id, this);
-    boost::hash_combine(id, paramsAtVertex.parameters()[0]);
-    boost::hash_combine(id, paramsAtVertex.parameters()[1]);
-  }
+                const input_track_t* originalTrack)
+      : fittedParams(paramsAtVertex),
+        originalParams(originalTrack),
+        chi2Track(chi2perTrack),
+        ndf(0.),
+        vertexCompatibility(0.),
+        trackWeight(1.) {}
+  /// @brief Constructor with default chi2
+  ///
+  /// @param chi2perTrack Chi2 of track
+  /// @param paramsAtVertex Fitted perigee parameter
+  /// @param originalTrack Original perigee parameter
+  TrackAtVertex(const BoundParameters& paramsAtVertex,
+                const input_track_t* originalTrack)
+      : fittedParams(paramsAtVertex),
+        originalParams(originalTrack),
+        chi2Track(0.),
+        ndf(0.),
+        vertexCompatibility(0.),
+        trackWeight(1.) {}
+  /// Fitted perigee
+  BoundParameters fittedParams;
+  /// Original input parameters
+  const input_track_t* originalParams;
   /// Chi2 of track
-  double chi2Track;
+  double chi2Track = 0;
   /// Number degrees of freedom
   /// Note: Can be different from integer value
   /// since annealing can result in effective
   /// non-interger values
-  double ndf;
+  double ndf = 0;
-  /// Fitted perigee
-  BoundParameters fittedParams;
-  /// Original input track
-  input_track_t originalTrack;
+  /// Value of the compatibility of the track to the actual vertex, based
+  /// on the estimation of the 3d distance between the track and the vertex
+  double vertexCompatibility = 0;
   /// Weight of track in fit
-  double trackWeight;
+  double trackWeight = 0;
   /// The linearized state of the track at vertex
   LinearizedTrack linearizedState;
-  /// Value of the compatibility of the track to the actual vertex, based
-  /// on the estimation of the 3d distance between the track and the vertex
-  double vertexCompatibility;
-  /// Unique ID
-  unsigned long id;
 }  // namespace Acts
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.hpp
index 690c18ae01c71d768ee224b994dd0673e084f439..f85b29662590a1f3e5af0987403d39d8004a250c 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.hpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include "Acts/EventData/TrackParameters.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Utilities/Result.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/GaussianTrackDensity.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexFinderOptions.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Vertexing/VertexFitterConcept.hpp"
@@ -30,12 +31,13 @@ namespace Acts {
 /// @tparam vfitter_t The vertex fitter type (needed to fulfill concept)
 /// @tparam track_density_t The track density type
-template <typename vfitter_t, typename track_density_t>
+template <typename vfitter_t, typename track_density_t = GaussianTrackDensity>
 class TrackDensityVertexFinder {
   // Provided vertex fitter type should comply with the VertexFitterConcept
   // to ensure providing an input track type InputTrack_t
-  static_assert(VertexFitterConcept<vfitter_t>,
-                "Vertex fitter does not fulfill vertex fitter concept.");
+  // static_assert(VertexFitterConcept<vfitter_t>,
+  //              "Vertex fitter does not fulfill vertex fitter concept.");
   using InputTrack_t = typename vfitter_t::InputTrack_t;
@@ -44,8 +46,6 @@ class TrackDensityVertexFinder {
   struct Config {
     // The track density estimator
     track_density_t trackDensityEstimator;
-    // Run the vertex finder with width information
-    bool findWithWidth = false;
   /// @brief Function that finds single vertex candidate
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class TrackDensityVertexFinder {
   /// @return Vector of vertices, filled with a single
   ///         vertex (for consistent interfaces)
   Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> find(
-      const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& trackVector,
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& trackVector,
       const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const;
   /// @brief Constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundParameters
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.ipp
index 5f99e353918feb5bb7b53597999891d2efc7d7fd..ed26c5631246d27c29b91db7e21eb06bf8a19c13 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.ipp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.ipp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 template <typename vfitter_t, typename track_density_t>
 auto Acts::TrackDensityVertexFinder<vfitter_t, track_density_t>::find(
-    const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& trackVector,
+    const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& trackVector,
     const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const
     -> Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> {
   typename track_density_t::State densityState;
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ auto Acts::TrackDensityVertexFinder<vfitter_t, track_density_t>::find(
   for (const auto& trk : trackVector) {
-    trackList.push_back(m_extractParameters(trk));
+    trackList.push_back(m_extractParameters(*trk));
   // Calculate z seed position
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ auto Acts::TrackDensityVertexFinder<vfitter_t, track_density_t>::find(
   ActsSymMatrixD<3> seedCov = vFinderOptions.vertexConstraint.covariance();
-  if (m_cfg.findWithWidth && std::isnormal(zAndWidth.second)) {
+  // Check if a constraint is provided and set the new z position constraint
+  if (seedCov != ActsSymMatrixD<3>::Zero() && std::isnormal(zAndWidth.second)) {
     seedCov(eZ, eZ) = zAndWidth.second * zAndWidth.second;
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimator.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimator.hpp
index 62be0e8dcfb86fae6d44b5a6ff6c7e9baa2e8b16..8c34eea4d5de0c3a37013650689e8843d7a211be 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimator.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimator.hpp
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class TrackToVertexIPEstimator {
   /// @param track Track to estimate IP from
   /// @param vtx Vertex the track belongs to
-  Result<std::unique_ptr<ImpactParametersAndSigma>> estimate(
+  Result<ImpactParametersAndSigma> estimate(
       const BoundParameters& track, const Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx) const;
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimator.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimator.ipp
index f3766518bc9125054d78e760ce4b0db6491bf49a..3d3989b21ceae04bd4736e1eaca8204d026d15b4 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimator.ipp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimator.ipp
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 template <typename input_track_t, typename propagator_t,
           typename propagator_options_t>
+Acts::Result<Acts::ImpactParametersAndSigma> Acts::TrackToVertexIPEstimator<
     input_track_t, propagator_t,
     propagator_options_t>::estimate(const BoundParameters& track,
                                     const Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx) const {
@@ -19,11 +18,8 @@ Acts::TrackToVertexIPEstimator<
   // towards
   // the vertex position. By this time the vertex should NOT contain this
   // trajectory anymore
-  const Vector3D& lp = vtx.position();
   const std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
-      Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(lp);
+      Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(vtx.position());
   // Do the propagation to linPoint
   auto result =
@@ -47,18 +43,18 @@ Acts::TrackToVertexIPEstimator<
   ActsVectorD<2> d0JacXY(-std::sin(phi), std::cos(phi));
-  std::unique_ptr<ImpactParametersAndSigma> newIPandSigma =
-      std::make_unique<ImpactParametersAndSigma>();
-  newIPandSigma->IPd0 = d0;
+  ImpactParametersAndSigma newIPandSigma;
+  newIPandSigma.IPd0 = d0;
   double d0_PVcontrib = d0JacXY.transpose() * (vrtXYCov * d0JacXY);
   if (d0_PVcontrib >= 0) {
-    newIPandSigma->sigmad0 = std::sqrt(
+    newIPandSigma.sigmad0 = std::sqrt(
         d0_PVcontrib + perigeeCov(ParID_t::eLOC_D0, ParID_t::eLOC_D0));
-    newIPandSigma->PVsigmad0 = std::sqrt(d0_PVcontrib);
+    newIPandSigma.PVsigmad0 = std::sqrt(d0_PVcontrib);
   } else {
-    newIPandSigma->sigmad0 =
+    newIPandSigma.sigmad0 =
         std::sqrt(perigeeCov(ParID_t::eLOC_D0, ParID_t::eLOC_D0));
-    newIPandSigma->PVsigmad0 = 0;
+    newIPandSigma.PVsigmad0 = 0;
   ActsSymMatrixD<2> covPerigeeZ0Theta;
@@ -72,30 +68,32 @@ Acts::TrackToVertexIPEstimator<
   ActsVectorD<2> z0JacZ0Theta(std::sin(theta), z0 * std::cos(theta));
   if (vtxZZCov >= 0) {
-    newIPandSigma->IPz0SinTheta = z0 * std::sin(theta);
-    newIPandSigma->sigmaz0SinTheta = std::sqrt(
+    newIPandSigma.IPz0SinTheta = z0 * std::sin(theta);
+    newIPandSigma.sigmaz0SinTheta = std::sqrt(
         z0JacZ0Theta.transpose() * (covPerigeeZ0Theta * z0JacZ0Theta) +
         std::sin(theta) * vtxZZCov * std::sin(theta));
-    newIPandSigma->PVsigmaz0SinTheta =
+    newIPandSigma.PVsigmaz0SinTheta =
         std::sqrt(std::sin(theta) * vtxZZCov * std::sin(theta));
-    newIPandSigma->IPz0 = z0;
-    newIPandSigma->sigmaz0 = std::sqrt(vtxZZCov + perigeeCov(eZ, eZ));
-    newIPandSigma->PVsigmaz0 = std::sqrt(vtxZZCov);
+    newIPandSigma.IPz0 = z0;
+    newIPandSigma.sigmaz0 =
+        std::sqrt(vtxZZCov + perigeeCov(ParID_t::eLOC_Z0, ParID_t::eLOC_Z0));
+    newIPandSigma.PVsigmaz0 = std::sqrt(vtxZZCov);
   } else {
         "Contribution to z0_err from PV is negative: Error in PV "
         "error matrix! Removing contribution from PV");
-    newIPandSigma->IPz0SinTheta = z0 * std::sin(theta);
+    newIPandSigma.IPz0SinTheta = z0 * std::sin(theta);
     double sigma2z0sinTheta =
         (z0JacZ0Theta.transpose() * (covPerigeeZ0Theta * z0JacZ0Theta));
-    newIPandSigma->sigmaz0SinTheta = std::sqrt(sigma2z0sinTheta);
-    newIPandSigma->PVsigmaz0SinTheta = 0;
+    newIPandSigma.sigmaz0SinTheta = std::sqrt(sigma2z0sinTheta);
+    newIPandSigma.PVsigmaz0SinTheta = 0;
-    newIPandSigma->IPz0 = z0;
-    newIPandSigma->sigmaz0 = std::sqrt(perigeeCov(eZ, eZ));
-    newIPandSigma->PVsigmaz0 = 0;
+    newIPandSigma.IPz0 = z0;
+    newIPandSigma.sigmaz0 =
+        std::sqrt(perigeeCov(ParID_t::eLOC_Z0, ParID_t::eLOC_Z0));
+    newIPandSigma.PVsigmaz0 = 0;
-  return std::move(newIPandSigma);
+  return newIPandSigma;
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp
index 45549e63cbbbcb9d1c8f51ff57764ee0d973b9d5..fcb4c24fd3e5d30a6e8eebe837b41fa3fed7b25a 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Vertex {
   /// @param covariance Position covariance matrix
   /// @param tracks Vector of tracks associated with the vertex
   Vertex(const Vector3D& position, const ActsSymMatrixD<3>& covariance,
-         std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>>& tracks);
+         const std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>>& tracks);
   /// @brief Vertex constructor
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class Vertex {
   /// @param tracks Vector of tracks associated with the vertex
   Vertex(const SpacePointVector& position,
          const SpacePointSymMatrix& covariance,
-         std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>>& tracks);
+         const std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>>& tracks);
   /// @return Returns 3-position
   Vector3D position() const;
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ class Vertex {
   SpacePointVector m_position = SpacePointVector::Zero();
   SpacePointSymMatrix m_covariance = SpacePointSymMatrix::Zero();
   std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>> m_tracksAtVertex;
-  double m_chiSquared = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();  // chi2 of the fit
-  double m_numberDoF = 0.;  // number of degrees of freedom
+  double m_chiSquared = 1e9;  // chi2 of the fit
+  double m_numberDoF = 0.;    // number of degrees of freedom
 }  // namespace Acts
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.ipp
index 61c0fe08cf02fd1461c9816269c6cb2a7f5ce0d9..12ac7106f55ddd060eeae025877d35a8bf495c24 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.ipp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.ipp
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>::Vertex(const SpacePointVector& position)
 template <typename input_track_t>
     const Vector3D& position, const ActsSymMatrixD<3>& covariance,
-    std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>>& tracks)
-    : m_tracksAtVertex(std::move(tracks)) {
+    const std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>>& tracks)
+    : m_tracksAtVertex(tracks) {
   VectorHelpers::position(m_position) = position;
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>::Vertex(
 template <typename input_track_t>
     const SpacePointVector& position, const SpacePointSymMatrix& covariance,
-    std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>>& tracks)
+    const std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>>& tracks)
     : m_position(position),
-      m_tracksAtVertex(std::move(tracks)) {}
+      m_tracksAtVertex(tracks) {}
 template <typename input_track_t>
 Acts::Vector3D Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>::position() const {
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ std::pair<double, double> Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>::fitQuality() const {
 template <typename input_track_t>
 void Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>::setPosition(const Vector3D& position,
                                               ParValue_t time) {
+  m_position.setZero();
   VectorHelpers::position(m_position) = position;
   VectorHelpers::time(m_position) = time;
@@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ void Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>::setTime(ParValue_t time) {
 template <typename input_track_t>
 void Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>::setCovariance(
     const ActsSymMatrixD<3>& covariance) {
+  m_covariance.setZero();
   m_covariance.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = covariance;
@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ void Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>::setFullCovariance(
 template <typename input_track_t>
 void Acts::Vertex<input_track_t>::setTracksAtVertex(
     const std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>>& tracks) {
-  m_tracksAtVertex = std::move(tracks);
+  m_tracksAtVertex = tracks;
 template <typename input_track_t>
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexFinderConcept.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexFinderConcept.hpp
index 8aba5ff1b7ae71263591aa2bcb9cdbe6bf4b9e30..57e57eccad395a085778460442c783f92e85bcb1 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexFinderConcept.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexFinderConcept.hpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace concept {
       struct VertexFinderConcept {
         constexpr static bool find_exists = has_method<const S, Result<std::vector<Vertex<typename S::InputTrack_t>>>,
-         find_t, const std::vector<typename S::InputTrack_t>&, 
+         find_t, const std::vector<const typename S::InputTrack_t*>&, 
          const VertexFinderOptions<typename S::InputTrack_t>&>;
         static_assert(find_exists, "find method not found");
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexFitterConcept.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexFitterConcept.hpp
index e3d9d60b50c2e625a96d0621cda16dca53359972..9164c714d97966c8bb145c435cae4eb3c10631c0 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexFitterConcept.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexFitterConcept.hpp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace concept {
       struct VertexFitterConcept {
         constexpr static bool fit_exists = has_method<const S, Result<Vertex<typename S::InputTrack_t>>,
-         const std::vector<typename S::InputTrack_t>&, 
+         const std::vector<const typename S::InputTrack_t*>&, 
          const typename S::Linearizer_t&,
          const VertexFitterOptions<typename S::InputTrack_t>&>;
         static_assert(fit_exists, "fit method not found");
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexSmoother.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexSmoother.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a2065e1a6279a360393da6819a6d8764cfa76af9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/VertexSmoother.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of the Acts project.
-// Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-#pragma once
-#include "Acts/Utilities/Result.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdater.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Vertexing/TrackAtVertex.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp"
-namespace Acts {
-namespace VertexSmoothing {
-/// @brief Updates all tracks at vertex
-/// with knowledge of the vertex position
-/// @param gctx The Geometry Context
-/// @param vtx The vertex
-/// @tparam input_track_t Track object type
-template <typename input_track_t>
-static Result<void> smoothVertexSequentially(const GeometryContext& gctx,
-                                             Vertex<input_track_t>* vtx) {
-  if (vtx == nullptr) {
-    return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
-  }
-  std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>> tracks = vtx->tracks();
-  for (auto& trk : tracks) {
-    // update trk
-    auto res = KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::update<input_track_t>(gctx, trk, vtx);
-    if (!res.ok()) {
-      return res.error();
-    }
-  }
-  vtx->setTracksAtVertex(tracks);
-  return {};
-}  // Namespace VertexSmoothing
-}  // Namespace Acts
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.hpp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.hpp
index 93f08bc0724ff6432d9191acf5b5984e2f1c7c3f..e738d705d96bfe7160b56df3720b6a807462e906 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.hpp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.hpp
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class ZScanVertexFinder {
   /// @return Vector of vertices, filled with a single
   ///         vertex (for consistent interfaces)
   Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> find(
-      const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& trackVector,
+      const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& trackVector,
       const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const;
diff --git a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.ipp b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.ipp
index 40902964146652e50d6e6f689ff5ed9c577f344f..f15579ec21729c3400e289120fb90b690374bb88 100644
--- a/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.ipp
+++ b/Core/include/Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.ipp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 template <typename vfitter_t>
 auto Acts::ZScanVertexFinder<vfitter_t>::find(
-    const std::vector<InputTrack_t>& trackVector,
+    const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*>& trackVector,
     const VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack_t>& vFinderOptions) const
     -> Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> {
   // Determine if we use constraint or not
@@ -22,30 +22,30 @@ auto Acts::ZScanVertexFinder<vfitter_t>::find(
   // calculated
   std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> zPositions;
-  for (auto& iTrk : trackVector) {
+  for (const auto& iTrk : trackVector) {
     // Extract BoundParameters from InputTrack_t object
-    const BoundParameters& params = m_extractParameters(iTrk);
+    const BoundParameters& params = m_extractParameters(*iTrk);
     std::pair<double, double> z0AndWeight;
-    std::unique_ptr<ImpactParametersAndSigma> ipas = nullptr;
+    ImpactParametersAndSigma ipas;
     if (useConstraint &&
         vFinderOptions.vertexConstraint.covariance()(0, 0) != 0) {
       auto estRes =
           m_cfg.ipEstimator.estimate(params, vFinderOptions.vertexConstraint);
       if (estRes.ok()) {
-        ipas = std::move(*estRes);
+        ipas = *estRes;
       } else {
         return estRes.error();
-    if (ipas != nullptr && ipas->sigmad0 > 0) {
+    if (ipas.sigmad0 > 0) {
       // calculate z0
       z0AndWeight.first =
-          ipas->IPz0 + vFinderOptions.vertexConstraint.position().z();
+          ipas.IPz0 + vFinderOptions.vertexConstraint.position().z();
       // calculate chi2 of IP
-      double chi2IP = std::pow(ipas->IPd0 / ipas->sigmad0, 2);
+      double chi2IP = std::pow(ipas.IPd0 / ipas.sigmad0, 2);
       if (!m_cfg.disableAllWeights) {
         z0AndWeight.second =
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/AMVFTestData.ipp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/AMVFTestData.ipp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efb94b0bed3881f794ec97643fad6db50c4b9845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/AMVFTestData.ipp
@@ -0,0 +1,4709 @@
+// This file is part of the Acts project.
+// Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
+// Test data to produce a vector of track parameters for the Adaptive
+// multi vertex finder test. These tracks are taken from an athena q440
+// reco job (master/2020-02-20T2134) input to the primary vertex finding.
+namespace Acts {
+namespace Test {
+using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
+using Covariance = Acts::BoundSymMatrix;
+GeometryContext gctx = GeometryContext();
+// Return all tracks of one single event as reconstructed in athena.
+std::vector<BoundParameters> getAthenaTracks() {
+  std::vector<BoundParameters> tracks;
+  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
+      Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(Vector3D(0, 0, 0));
+  // track 0 :
+  BoundVector params0;
+  params0 << 0.208999365568161011, -7.4357142448425293, -2.55163192749023438,
+      0.400493592023849487, 0.000171513980603776872 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat0;
+  covMat0 << 0.00214068428613245487, -7.96709354183403084e-05,
+      -6.33177642943666364e-05, -3.00625320493796891e-07,
+      -4.07648672868712677e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.96709354183403084e-05,
+      0.0202132239937782288, 6.98606246685060205e-07, 8.37879139489858309e-05,
+      -8.87738057299842411e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.33177642943666364e-05,
+      6.98606246685060205e-07, 1.92246739061374683e-06, 3.3797454010498409e-09,
+      1.96217863793276324e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.00625320493796891e-07,
+      8.37879139489858309e-05, 3.3797454010498409e-09, 3.60428089152264874e-07,
+      -2.89474607768885319e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.07648672868712677e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.87738057299842411e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.96217863793276324e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.89474607768885319e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.95636293223822122e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams0 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat0), params0, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams0);
+  // track 1 :
+  BoundVector params1;
+  params1 << -0.824735164642333984, -26.9860115051269531, -0.7550087571144104,
+      2.88085079193115234, -0.000325617991620674729 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat1;
+  covMat1 << 0.0251417625695466995, 0.00420630678879723493,
+      -0.000765272953239746903, 6.15640108953951687e-06,
+      -2.11256706714709132e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00420630678879723493,
+      0.45946967601776123, -0.00017342003098708611, 0.000916811988348789977,
+      -4.01729661445370942e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000765272953239746903,
+      -0.00017342003098708611, 2.36324631259776652e-05,
+      -2.76756048013333578e-07, 1.12351950637584698e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      6.15640108953951687e-06, 0.000916811988348789977,
+      -2.76756048013333578e-07, 1.84237103439954808e-06,
+      -2.85976888807477401e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.11256706714709132e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.01729661445370942e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.12351950637584698e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.85976888807477401e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.26268676070573349e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams1 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat1), params1, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams1);
+  // track 2 :
+  BoundVector params2;
+  params2 << 0.118518374860286713, -48.0805015563964844, -2.49598431587219238,
+      0.356813013553619385, 1.4544933037541341e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat2;
+  covMat2 << 0.00012035925465170294, -1.71798710526704588e-05,
+      -2.2860801492818823e-06, -2.13407107938616708e-08,
+      -8.14879249062358672e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.71798710526704588e-05,
+      0.00348281394690275192, 1.23563722604002285e-07, 5.49114154040670388e-06,
+      2.65331046074031372e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.2860801492818823e-06,
+      1.23563722604002285e-07, 5.03515273919674655e-08, 2.09996509522900305e-10,
+      2.36859555262461008e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.13407107938616708e-08,
+      5.49114154040670388e-06, 2.09996509522900305e-10, 1.09355804411848112e-08,
+      4.89767384223879453e-14 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -8.14879249062358672e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.65331046074031372e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.36859555262461008e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.89767384223879453e-14 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.01368720417934022e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams2 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat2), params2, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams2);
+  // track 3 :
+  BoundVector params3;
+  params3 << 0.368123382329940796, -20.0190258026123047, -3.06338405609130859,
+      0.214836537837982178, -7.34859349904581904e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat3;
+  covMat3 << 0.00247312174178659916, -0.000435264296712661316,
+      -7.28904508252383349e-05, -6.00209640313102993e-07,
+      -1.5146067160372626e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000435264296712661316,
+      0.0798703059554100037, 1.0091468480348509e-05, 9.74132025003542101e-05,
+      -1.07193522414496703e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.28904508252383349e-05,
+      1.0091468480348509e-05, 2.19589765038108453e-06, 1.58931373903659957e-08,
+      7.46303764303131372e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.00209640313102993e-07,
+      9.74132025003542101e-05, 1.58931373903659957e-08, 1.23175823318888433e-07,
+      3.22868607412569302e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.5146067160372626e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.07193522414496703e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.46303764303131372e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.22868607412569302e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.43069972272591883e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams3 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat3), params3, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams3);
+  // track 4 :
+  BoundVector params4;
+  params4 << 0.462106257677078247, -45.3825263977050781, 1.54434430599212646,
+      0.558617532253265381, -3.18408128805458546e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat4;
+  covMat4 << 0.000138078830786980689, -4.74506524313709474e-06,
+      -2.59465406890078115e-06, -1.74446828994113136e-08,
+      -1.79858408809330508e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.74506524313709474e-06,
+      0.00170238339342176914, 4.66287404599609629e-08, 6.20544387605423323e-06,
+      -4.15978667666583788e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.59465406890078115e-06,
+      4.66287404599609629e-08, 5.59409834011148632e-08, 2.68972091189718476e-10,
+      4.44398634319667074e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.74446828994113136e-08,
+      6.20544387605423323e-06, 2.68972091189718476e-10, 3.03028748760425515e-08,
+      -1.68471064059951095e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.79858408809330508e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.15978667666583788e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.44398634319667074e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.68471064059951095e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.01555231808420432e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams4 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat4), params4, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams4);
+  // track 5 :
+  BoundVector params5;
+  params5 << -0.243943929672241211, 0.680740892887115479, 0.597834229469299316,
+      0.471394985914230347, 0.000422831799369305372 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat5;
+  covMat5 << 0.00671237893402576447, 5.08571871304874882e-05,
+      -0.000202164056117718448, 1.79538343147805643e-06,
+      -7.75962475463819757e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 5.08571871304874882e-05,
+      0.0489778071641921997, -6.91368197228182291e-06, 0.000294139645283991724,
+      3.11541037258698699e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000202164056117718448,
+      -6.91368197228182291e-06, 6.17467458141618408e-06,
+      -8.53989223955858972e-08, 3.75976367980382885e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.79538343147805643e-06, 0.000294139645283991724,
+      -8.53989223955858972e-08, 1.79972050773358205e-06,
+      2.80142049328043291e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.75962475463819757e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.11541037258698699e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.75976367980382885e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.80142049328043291e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.64618290957541547e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams5 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat5), params5, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams5);
+  // track 6 :
+  BoundVector params6;
+  params6 << 0.475236207246780396, -0.555901706218719482, -2.99527096748352051,
+      1.8675537109375, 0.000811780162621289492 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat6;
+  covMat6 << 0.00304217985831201077, -2.25882172757928212e-05,
+      -8.97036319376342655e-05, -4.59106853961998723e-07,
+      -4.27624663748239102e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.25882172757928212e-05,
+      0.00797311495989561081, 1.20376337146220198e-06, 0.000183945562259729228,
+      2.1216330790963481e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.97036319376342655e-05,
+      1.20376337146220198e-06, 2.68421172222588211e-06, 2.66801954035878537e-08,
+      2.01812436010421032e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.59106853961998723e-07,
+      0.000183945562259729228, 2.66801954035878537e-08, 4.72296460429788567e-06,
+      5.98997883150413798e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.27624663748239102e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.1216330790963481e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.01812436010421032e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.98997883150413798e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.336908858235347e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams6 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat6), params6, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams6);
+  // track 7 :
+  BoundVector params7;
+  params7 << 0.448179751634597778, -45.4515190124511719, 1.47425985336303711,
+      0.590856075286865234, 0.000101737932709511369 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat7;
+  covMat7 << 0.000363267812645062804, -5.84171889726608582e-06,
+      -9.84987562994702426e-06, -3.80723442526054169e-08,
+      -5.40267153936386849e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.84171889726608582e-06,
+      0.00307919480837881565, -5.80046399822108589e-08, 2.00901792637231817e-05,
+      -1.06284200946168232e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.84987562994702426e-06,
+      -5.80046399822108589e-08, 2.79255488067065016e-07,
+      1.31849282891976127e-10, 2.35086178574079181e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.80723442526054169e-08, 2.00901792637231817e-05,
+      1.31849282891976127e-10, 1.53749851961038075e-07,
+      1.15397785221538584e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.40267153936386849e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.06284200946168232e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.35086178574079181e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.15397785221538584e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.62566573586342678e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams7 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat7), params7, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams7);
+  // track 8 :
+  BoundVector params8;
+  params8 << -0.0999302864074707031, -28.5842227935791016, -1.68599784374237061,
+      0.212112680077552795, 0.000165652469149790704 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat8;
+  covMat8 << 0.0116489045321941376, -0.000940270776104953194,
+      -0.000352319442915666192, -2.13370040931020126e-07,
+      -8.36209125013331952e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000940270776104953194,
+      0.291504502296447754, 8.5972731503188673e-06, 0.000378374215149366048,
+      5.11104877714145611e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000352319442915666192,
+      8.5972731503188673e-06, 1.08157237264094874e-05, -1.70526684678213333e-08,
+      4.01226430794326207e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.13370040931020126e-07,
+      0.000378374215149366048, -1.70526684678213333e-08, 4.9813826308309217e-07,
+      7.61584071858783847e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -8.36209125013331952e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.11104877714145611e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.01226430794326207e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.61584071858783847e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.27873631023045675e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams8 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat8), params8, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams8);
+  // track 9 :
+  BoundVector params9;
+  params9 << 0.152172759175300598, -44.9148368835449219, 1.11447858810424805,
+      0.444638043642044067, -4.85752825625240803e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat9;
+  covMat9 << 0.000584102817811071873, -5.44941413560534802e-05,
+      -1.26293938525266511e-05, -1.64085737189133858e-07,
+      -2.36394827653963764e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.44941413560534802e-05,
+      0.00448216451331973076, 1.03947024549991706e-06, 1.60899248222629787e-05,
+      -6.13962752714581741e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.26293938525266511e-05,
+      1.03947024549991706e-06, 2.90120709678376443e-07, 3.39785893631303301e-09,
+      8.40703862829191019e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.64085737189133858e-07,
+      1.60899248222629787e-05, 3.39785893631303301e-09, 6.88935983816918451e-08,
+      -1.33380435332641628e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.36394827653963764e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.13962752714581741e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.40703862829191019e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.33380435332641628e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.12903610072212501e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams9 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat9), params9, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams9);
+  // track 10 :
+  BoundVector params10;
+  params10 << -0.389045566320419312, -24.5613670349121094, -1.53248834609985352,
+      2.95340991020202637, 4.71094026579521596e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat10;
+  covMat10 << 0.00179947458673268557, 0.000515301817937796288,
+      -5.33457823139441806e-05, 3.56486698371958979e-07,
+      -1.94156960953159151e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000515301817937796288,
+      0.0590848624706268311, -1.31940455534009742e-05, 5.69552185596370288e-05,
+      -4.96614965526505315e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.33457823139441806e-05,
+      -1.31940455534009742e-05, 1.63217691806494258e-06,
+      -8.93780411334805054e-09, 9.9924929691409935e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.56486698371958979e-07, 5.69552185596370288e-05,
+      -8.93780411334805054e-09, 5.66441578087051312e-08,
+      1.78960551097981704e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.94156960953159151e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.96614965526505315e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.9924929691409935e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.78960551097981704e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.76793473294956627e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams10 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat10), params10, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams10);
+  // track 11 :
+  BoundVector params11;
+  params11 << 0.185064643621444702, -0.313567250967025757, -2.70109248161315918,
+      1.87472164630889893, 0.00110536499414592981 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat11;
+  covMat11 << 0.00607731565833091736, 1.88963384623831746e-05,
+      -0.000169582357508678549, -6.27965247220519728e-07,
+      -8.0749598939812492e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 1.88963384623831746e-05,
+      0.0179781261831521988, 1.49729644512497734e-06, 0.00036414153838812695,
+      2.41630691182238931e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000169582357508678549,
+      1.49729644512497734e-06, 4.88961950395605527e-06, 5.74954357912554399e-08,
+      3.74836269648672209e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.27965247220519728e-07,
+      0.00036414153838812695, 5.74954357912554399e-08, 8.48198396852239966e-06,
+      7.0596004861697542e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -8.0749598939812492e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.41630691182238931e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.74836269648672209e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.0596004861697542e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.38257211235170985e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams11 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat11), params11, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams11);
+  // track 12 :
+  BoundVector params12;
+  params12 << -0.706103920936584473, -8.715667724609375, -1.11427760124206543,
+      0.390437692403793335, -0.000532702077180147171 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat12;
+  covMat12 << 0.0187691841274499893, -0.0011922780217786253,
+      -0.00057461193605452235, -3.44533681528817511e-06,
+      -4.01344704143888752e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.0011922780217786253,
+      0.151490718126296997, 5.75941132180694864e-05, 0.000636005119141786097,
+      2.44353971236399676e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00057461193605452235,
+      5.75941132180694864e-05, 1.79298804141581059e-05, 1.93515522095858729e-07,
+      2.04097502268213299e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.44533681528817511e-06,
+      0.000636005119141786097, 1.93515522095858729e-07, 2.72269880952080712e-06,
+      -8.79447815502355232e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.01344704143888752e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.44353971236399676e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.04097502268213299e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.79447815502355232e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.13229303605666587e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams12 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat12), params12, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams12);
+  // track 13 :
+  BoundVector params13;
+  params13 << -0.154836609959602356, -20.9581050872802734, -2.51126766204833984,
+      2.93840575218200684, -0.000163531469297595322 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat13;
+  covMat13 << 0.0135372020304203033, 0.000522583301631817797,
+      -0.000414465124389575392, 8.5218793332842329e-07,
+      -1.76418161813100027e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000522583301631817797,
+      0.337794691324234009, -3.07875272696438078e-05, 0.00040703982941800882,
+      -1.5122350796412209e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000414465124389575392,
+      -3.07875272696438078e-05, 1.29683203340391628e-05,
+      -4.41435125773279206e-08, 8.99447573145401141e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      8.5218793332842329e-07, 0.00040703982941800882, -4.41435125773279206e-08,
+      4.96554378059954615e-07, 1.01639646010204121e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.76418161813100027e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.5122350796412209e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.99447573145401141e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.01639646010204121e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.34017638337469691e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams13 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat13), params13, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams13);
+  // track 14 :
+  BoundVector params14;
+  params14 << 0.429115772247314453, -24.0853328704833984, -3.03889799118041992,
+      1.37072885036468506, -0.00179144914727658033 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat14;
+  covMat14 << 0.011815081350505352, -4.35886846561170212e-05,
+      -0.000356196480791449814, -3.06510243603507525e-06,
+      -2.49215155156052749e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.35886846561170212e-05,
+      0.0279703252017498016, 3.82172586877418007e-06, 0.000700707100556712979,
+      2.18971032423624985e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000356196480791449814,
+      3.82172586877418007e-06, 1.08708409243263304e-05, 1.60096981832880633e-07,
+      1.23485013066819254e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.06510243603507525e-06,
+      0.000700707100556712979, 1.60096981832880633e-07, 1.87871864909538999e-05,
+      3.9118155474036915e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.49215155156052749e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.18971032423624985e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.23485013066819254e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.9118155474036915e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.91916063438679885e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams14 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat14), params14, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams14);
+  // track 15 :
+  BoundVector params15;
+  params15 << 0.0964239463210105896, -47.889434814453125, -2.51376533508300781,
+      0.37591966986656189, -7.28844097466208041e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat15;
+  covMat15 << 0.000915166805498301983, -5.63928610000066137e-05,
+      -2.30546935251043627e-05, -1.39514212094140237e-07,
+      -8.05606781506218595e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.63928610000066137e-05,
+      0.00867577362805604935, 1.03957424061424194e-06, 2.75793322198900407e-05,
+      -3.50129287353289466e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.30546935251043627e-05,
+      1.03957424061424194e-06, 6.37507866940723034e-07, 3.5300612609194207e-09,
+      3.32995301645455374e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.39514212094140237e-07,
+      2.75793322198900407e-05, 3.5300612609194207e-09, 1.00911485390042799e-07,
+      -2.86168849963761193e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -8.05606781506218595e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.50129287353289466e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.32995301645455374e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.86168849963761193e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.81985762465397727e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams15 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat15), params15, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams15);
+  // track 16 :
+  BoundVector params16;
+  params16 << -1.083709716796875, -0.935704529285430908, -0.732377231121063232,
+      2.61545205116271973, -0.00085982074961066246 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat16;
+  covMat16 << 0.020250808447599411, 0.00134430434697943471,
+      -0.000619652083316512593, 5.49275271760961433e-06,
+      -5.75555269925167598e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00134430434697943471,
+      0.0884110480546951294, -5.99276194628552559e-05, 0.000655524024191507732,
+      -5.54305280465676383e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000619652083316512593,
+      -5.99276194628552559e-05, 1.93270625459263101e-05,
+      -3.0658624571105338e-07, 2.90396851494721417e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      5.49275271760961433e-06, 0.000655524024191507732, -3.0658624571105338e-07,
+      4.93054767503053881e-06, -1.14583522129541419e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.75555269925167598e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.54305280465676383e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.90396851494721417e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.14583522129541419e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.01911798181475888e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams16 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat16), params16, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams16);
+  // track 17 :
+  BoundVector params17;
+  params17 << -0.655812859535217285, -13.5116653442382812, -1.45666837692260742,
+      0.292341023683547974, -0.000473626889288425446 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat17;
+  covMat17 << 0.0376270599663257599, -0.00331542860473353455,
+      -0.00114237259512064548, -6.46160583865347861e-06,
+      -5.41927356748457027e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00331542860473353455,
+      0.453363090753555298, 0.000154569181769570089, 0.00111683225416074725,
+      4.13684226275355482e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00114237259512064548,
+      0.000154569181769570089, 3.53331015503499657e-05, 3.31737366693554871e-07,
+      2.71004393542162535e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.46160583865347861e-06,
+      0.00111683225416074725, 3.31737366693554871e-07, 2.77932576864259318e-06,
+      8.98558886340603463e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.41927356748457027e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.13684226275355482e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.71004393542162535e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.98558886340603463e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.11804027042228427e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams17 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat17), params17, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams17);
+  // track 18 :
+  BoundVector params18;
+  params18 << 0.575450718402862549, -15.9936590194702148, -2.98787665367126465,
+      0.166759386658668518, 9.08106376300565898e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat18;
+  covMat18 << 0.00828655995428562164, 0.000185564554592324227,
+      -0.000254140606495853623, -3.35073246108407e-07,
+      -1.308304405438276e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000185564554592324227,
+      0.291260480880737305, -1.50678458478300795e-05, 0.000236462002833863597,
+      -2.12250899201718451e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000254140606495853623,
+      -1.50678458478300795e-05, 8.0477584560867399e-06, 3.73422528117420346e-09,
+      6.7895997118531728e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.35073246108407e-07,
+      0.000236462002833863597, 3.73422528117420346e-09, 1.94628071881197684e-07,
+      -1.03714183548395548e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.308304405438276e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.12250899201718451e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.7895997118531728e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.03714183548395548e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.68583748192141769e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams18 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat18), params18, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams18);
+  // track 19 :
+  BoundVector params19;
+  params19 << 0.450536131858825684, -45.6087112426757812, 1.54512977600097656,
+      0.65365976095199585, 5.42995185242034495e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat19;
+  covMat19 << 0.000259126914897933602, -7.71187497722190822e-06,
+      -5.15114709723808123e-06, -2.6619027249675935e-08,
+      -2.6312704155352256e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.71187497722190822e-06,
+      0.00295044109225273132, 4.46207192501835153e-08, 1.36801867739356403e-05,
+      -6.77873236221157013e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.15114709723808123e-06,
+      4.46207192501835153e-08, 1.1458803328423528e-07, 1.22672567207018586e-10,
+      8.3325729033356906e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.6619027249675935e-08,
+      1.36801867739356403e-05, 1.22672567207018586e-10, 8.8454470414944808e-08,
+      -4.19827894841714947e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.6312704155352256e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.77873236221157013e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.3325729033356906e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.19827894841714947e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.43134245775278224e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams19 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat19), params19, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams19);
+  // track 20 :
+  BoundVector params20;
+  params20 << 0.473463654518127441, -26.5566444396972656, 2.22220945358276367,
+      2.8751678466796875, -0.000256116356467828155 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat20;
+  covMat20 << 0.0143999364227056503, -6.2299028153707387e-05,
+      -0.000435219809783413591, 2.17336195005980567e-06,
+      -1.21769702441849882e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.2299028153707387e-05,
+      0.225834131240844727, -9.51855047040289537e-06, 0.000458192287494221199,
+      1.25566461565313107e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000435219809783413591,
+      -9.51855047040289537e-06, 1.33511766762239859e-05,
+      -9.24405891210373471e-08, 6.00420036495892829e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      2.17336195005980567e-06, 0.000458192287494221199,
+      -9.24405891210373471e-08, 9.43835061661957297e-07,
+      -1.98670297988379238e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.21769702441849882e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.25566461565313107e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.00420036495892829e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.98670297988379238e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.28335161678705845e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams20 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat20), params20, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams20);
+  // track 21 :
+  BoundVector params21;
+  params21 << 0.474121242761611938, -45.3727645874023438, 1.55173587799072266,
+      0.574172139167785645, 5.4487241868628189e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat21;
+  covMat21 << 0.000224435978452675045, -3.34686356158648375e-08,
+      -4.87554553510472616e-06, -1.05072650608508861e-08,
+      -3.01031009155958153e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.34686356158648375e-08,
+      0.00355649716220796108, -1.23797957582243194e-09, 1.29672827928777902e-05,
+      -5.29747367549304477e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.87554553510472616e-06,
+      -1.23797957582243194e-09, 1.18275345073470817e-07,
+      1.10832502633235662e-10, 9.64028556852257677e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.05072650608508861e-08, 1.29672827928777902e-05,
+      1.10832502633235662e-10, 6.4137751110138197e-08,
+      -1.6225318684374243e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.01031009155958153e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.29747367549304477e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.64028556852257677e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.6225318684374243e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.46339776234405416e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams21 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat21), params21, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams21);
+  // track 22 :
+  BoundVector params22;
+  params22 << -1.09075939655303955, -45.9652023315429688, -1.37540817260742188,
+      2.04655265808105469, -3.31696282955817878e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat22;
+  covMat22 << 0.000312969175865873694, 0.0001463311972326757,
+      -3.44899335412854335e-06, 1.27787244910060675e-06,
+      -1.09905405688468608e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.0001463311972326757,
+      0.00594136770814657211, -1.71895848646021814e-06, 4.22735853806673674e-05,
+      -1.192286442570364e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.44899335412854335e-06,
+      -1.71895848646021814e-06, 4.42678249612526997e-08,
+      -1.47011582918932722e-08, 1.32897993796644671e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.27787244910060675e-06, 4.22735853806673674e-05,
+      -1.47011582918932722e-08, 3.68511109627434053e-07,
+      -1.04379022097924494e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.09905405688468608e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.192286442570364e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.32897993796644671e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.04379022097924494e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.09507943078096526e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams22 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat22), params22, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams22);
+  // track 23 :
+  BoundVector params23;
+  params23 << -1.31657886505126953, -44.3285789489746094, -1.36793792247772217,
+      2.08678793907165527, -6.51905575068667531e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat23;
+  covMat23 << 0.000181945419171825051, -2.81234401866508066e-05,
+      -3.22076197235801949e-06, -7.63838237863357019e-08,
+      -3.46247467047687857e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.81234401866508066e-05,
+      0.0078449668362736702, -1.27915101440830079e-07, 4.12960218865452011e-05,
+      -5.4435441037029841e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.22076197235801949e-06,
+      -1.27915101440830079e-07, 6.53957670238014543e-08,
+      -1.06815947474639986e-09, 8.7867543161386892e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.63838237863357019e-08, 4.12960218865452011e-05,
+      -1.06815947474639986e-09, 3.63342195441873628e-07,
+      -5.37524150950671376e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.46247467047687857e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.4435441037029841e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.7867543161386892e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.37524150950671376e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.83543284737464063e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams23 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat23), params23, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams23);
+  // track 24 :
+  BoundVector params24;
+  params24 << 0.468431740999221802, -45.6113662719726562, 1.57319939136505127,
+      0.724432468414306641, -6.46604967187158763e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat24;
+  covMat24 << 0.000443243887275457382, -2.3272761085957688e-05,
+      -8.05724456303655931e-06, -1.10478345604928828e-07,
+      -5.12934471198391627e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.3272761085957688e-05,
+      0.00292888842523097992, 2.09734580782484699e-07, 1.69251524164295596e-05,
+      2.63255285816454836e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.05724456303655931e-06,
+      2.09734580782484699e-07, 1.72984968571654463e-07, 1.6524169254854016e-09,
+      1.09902161546833325e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.10478345604928828e-07,
+      1.69251524164295596e-05, 1.6524169254854016e-09, 1.26708812331344234e-07,
+      1.02436393801765789e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.12934471198391627e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.63255285816454836e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.09902161546833325e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.02436393801765789e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.77089365307331326e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams24 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat24), params24, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams24);
+  // track 25 :
+  BoundVector params25;
+  params25 << 0.605970263481140137, -27.2015609741210938, 2.96404910087585449,
+      0.461374938488006592, -0.000201874907361343503 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat25;
+  covMat25 << 0.00265368912369012833, -0.000160160863867693455,
+      -7.10252410690768288e-05, -1.03680404805919409e-06,
+      -2.01188254958249733e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000160160863867693455,
+      0.0171342100948095322, 3.50132547577921485e-06, 8.76344783019533907e-05,
+      7.09798679472868797e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.10252410690768288e-05,
+      3.50132547577921485e-06, 1.98413022189924959e-06, 2.72794764037440166e-08,
+      8.99215162966161182e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.03680404805919409e-06,
+      8.76344783019533907e-05, 2.72794764037440166e-08, 4.75305114377988502e-07,
+      8.86034124151153122e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.01188254958249733e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.09798679472868797e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.99215162966161182e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.86034124151153122e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.49597105536525277e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams25 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat25), params25, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams25);
+  // track 26 :
+  BoundVector params26;
+  params26 << 0.373259454965591431, -45.9041404724121094, -2.82848834991455078,
+      2.05866789817810059, -0.000124583908473141491 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat26;
+  covMat26 << 0.000358323537511751056, 5.45377012590961527e-06,
+      -7.43998460263549215e-06, -2.04257445390517592e-08,
+      -2.8271193498608263e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 5.45377012590961527e-06,
+      0.00235699070617556572, -1.65012257788975246e-07, 2.44201179406483771e-05,
+      -1.12260566358553804e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.43998460263549215e-06,
+      -1.65012257788975246e-07, 1.71034542972847703e-07,
+      5.99568256402865656e-10, 9.80197960016773152e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.04257445390517592e-08, 2.44201179406483771e-05,
+      5.99568256402865656e-10, 4.42280850165843731e-07,
+      -1.97182050693094459e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.8271193498608263e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.12260566358553804e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.80197960016773152e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.97182050693094459e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.83151215148269575e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams26 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat26), params26, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams26);
+  // track 27 :
+  BoundVector params27;
+  params27 << 0.23818458616733551, -43.9735908508300781, 1.15663206577301025,
+      0.325361251831054688, -0.000120135584438685328 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat27;
+  covMat27 << 0.00264720292761921883, -0.000279904810298890847,
+      -7.0787471462461463e-05, -6.09630619944338989e-07,
+      -2.72122881545780153e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000279904810298890847,
+      0.0381099320948123932, 6.2210670995119084e-06, 0.00010238674474765499,
+      8.91128192470317596e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.0787471462461463e-05,
+      6.2210670995119084e-06, 1.99035594050656073e-06, 1.5641300493302086e-08,
+      1.26289836850190108e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.09630619944338989e-07,
+      0.00010238674474765499, 1.5641300493302086e-08, 2.93358084491046611e-07,
+      2.02230046547630554e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.72122881545780153e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.91128192470317596e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.26289836850190108e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.02230046547630554e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.52509879725037933e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams27 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat27), params27, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams27);
+  // track 28 :
+  BoundVector params28;
+  params28 << 0.379233330488204956, -45.0619316101074219, 1.36501443386077881,
+      0.467382907867431641, 7.43830823921598494e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat28;
+  covMat28 << 0.000463021540781483054, -3.19743694997498169e-05,
+      -1.22576460878201678e-05, -1.17553161873688474e-07,
+      -5.1874231027619962e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.19743694997498169e-05,
+      0.00478032277897000313, 1.17327598364092336e-07, 1.94133319938421418e-05,
+      -2.06704265685090959e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.22576460878201678e-05,
+      1.17327598364092336e-07, 3.46005350593259209e-07, 1.4500069383794639e-09,
+      2.06696790491209021e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.17553161873688474e-07,
+      1.94133319938421418e-05, 1.4500069383794639e-09, 9.33096515609577182e-08,
+      1.00703744558876763e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.1874231027619962e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.06704265685090959e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.06696790491209021e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.00703744558876763e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.83601007261546911e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams28 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat28), params28, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams28);
+  // track 29 :
+  BoundVector params29;
+  params29 << 0.0437062010169029236, -6.05203485488891602, 0.845894753932952881,
+      2.40220952033996582, -0.00021497465786524117 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat29;
+  covMat29 << 0.00100414641201496124, 7.52416013682256636e-05,
+      -2.59772254577332751e-05, 3.8490891938040421e-07,
+      -1.6676738431268612e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 7.52416013682256636e-05,
+      0.00544706359505653381, -1.72766771292602573e-06, 4.92784133153511604e-05,
+      -1.22367109538203667e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.59772254577332751e-05,
+      -1.72766771292602573e-06, 7.08758761902572587e-07,
+      -9.85089323790014416e-09, 6.84218014584375542e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.8490891938040421e-07, 4.92784133153511604e-05, -9.85089323790014416e-09,
+      5.590306955127744e-07, -9.11246232266255587e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.6676738431268612e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.22367109538203667e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.84218014584375542e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.11246232266255587e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.55326706358094313e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams29 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat29), params29, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams29);
+  // track 30 :
+  BoundVector params30;
+  params30 << -0.517760396003723145, -46.0633049011230469, -1.40931129455566406,
+      1.87501537799835205, 0.000927834073081612587 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat30;
+  covMat30 << 0.00338696571998298168, 2.2701516820957546e-05,
+      -0.000100746524188053817, -6.39718888889637967e-07,
+      -5.16928846777282941e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.2701516820957546e-05,
+      0.0142748663201928139, 1.52136563622953833e-07, 0.000252430357142510112,
+      -3.20784296654136601e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000100746524188053817,
+      1.52136563622953833e-07, 3.04392483485571574e-06, 3.67106627303256195e-08,
+      2.52688458153465702e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.39718888889637967e-07,
+      0.000252430357142510112, 3.67106627303256195e-08, 5.46493629371980205e-06,
+      9.90579325614409665e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.16928846777282941e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.20784296654136601e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.52688458153465702e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.90579325614409665e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.43339711900748057e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams30 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat30), params30, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams30);
+  // track 31 :
+  BoundVector params31;
+  params31 << -0.525244832038879395, -0.217865616083145142,
+      -0.475070565938949585, 0.477265685796737671,
+      0.000297125487122684717 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat31;
+  covMat31 << 0.00397888477891683578, -0.000295814951524862792,
+      -0.00011510871599225749, -1.88877208528145442e-07,
+      -3.65170360119058424e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000295814951524862792,
+      0.0287617519497871399, 4.36081614729639213e-06, 0.000165308229332130187,
+      2.86168612064016744e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00011510871599225749,
+      4.36081614729639213e-06, 3.41281020155292936e-06,
+      -1.47002165497313678e-08, 1.75686917916454533e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.88877208528145442e-07, 0.000165308229332130187,
+      -1.47002165497313678e-08, 9.93909566204820294e-07,
+      1.22169439162607638e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.65170360119058424e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.86168612064016744e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.75686917916454533e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.22169439162607638e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.16079003248592727e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams31 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat31), params31, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams31);
+  // track 32 :
+  BoundVector params32;
+  params32 << -0.164086505770683289, -37.753753662109375, -1.87344110012054443,
+      2.57577276229858398, 0.000515770167112350464 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat32;
+  covMat32 << 0.00635964749380946159, 4.45514887833019807e-05,
+      -0.000193066686713004587, -9.8075773789463948e-07,
+      -1.543514422213774e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 4.45514887833019807e-05,
+      0.0324134901165962219, 3.01616810351035857e-06, 0.000257514567093702538,
+      -4.60722406707723369e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000193066686713004587,
+      3.01616810351035857e-06, 5.97237203692202456e-06, 6.40635690248244268e-08,
+      7.82772160913690927e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.8075773789463948e-07,
+      0.000257514567093702538, 6.40635690248244268e-08, 2.12554232348338701e-06,
+      -2.69885970530160845e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.543514422213774e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.60722406707723369e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.82772160913690927e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.69885970530160845e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.721506964758035e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams32 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat32), params32, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams32);
+  // track 33 :
+  BoundVector params33;
+  params33 << -0.422558963298797607, -25.4688777923583984, -1.69958257675170898,
+      2.64382648468017578, 0.00017704063793644309 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat33;
+  covMat33 << 0.0013904899824410677, 0.000162016200161348015,
+      -3.89817331369023135e-05, 4.29909627029974153e-07,
+      -1.45160757016235074e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000162016200161348015,
+      0.0123065607622265816, -2.87947509703742562e-06, 6.703852723089744e-05,
+      -8.48754668083118025e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.89817331369023135e-05,
+      -2.87947509703742562e-06, 1.12921497930074111e-06,
+      -4.83207911132727673e-09, 6.53490602957053302e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      4.29909627029974153e-07, 6.703852723089744e-05, -4.83207911132727673e-09,
+      3.95028536104291561e-07, 5.22664500397267715e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.45160757016235074e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.48754668083118025e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.53490602957053302e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.22664500397267715e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.14117890484544127e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams33 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat33), params33, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams33);
+  // track 34 :
+  BoundVector params34;
+  params34 << -0.706149637699127197, -5.55039787292480469, -1.03704202175140381,
+      2.66923093795776367, 0.000632659648545086384 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat34;
+  covMat34 << 0.0149489222094416618, 0.000618369321077981275,
+      -0.000455378611332247401, -2.5954498544077396e-06,
+      -2.91043194495528445e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000618369321077981275,
+      0.0851441845297813416, -4.93271553790423069e-06, 0.0005094039417602418,
+      -2.83093285269249633e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000455378611332247401,
+      -4.93271553790423069e-06, 1.41044911288190633e-05,
+      1.63956270962265813e-07, 1.48782651378673617e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.5954498544077396e-06, 0.0005094039417602418, 1.63956270962265813e-07,
+      3.11431858790456317e-06, -8.52575602760203913e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.91043194495528445e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.83093285269249633e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.48782651378673617e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.52575602760203913e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.77564138340125055e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams34 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat34), params34, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams34);
+  // track 35 :
+  BoundVector params35;
+  params35 << 0.66977304220199585, -45.2442741394042969, 1.78884363174438477,
+      0.401856839656829834, 0.000140385964186862111 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat35;
+  covMat35 << 0.00143626355566084385, -5.35207803621203505e-05,
+      -4.22572311413643752e-05, -3.20053881947622934e-07,
+      -4.44998922265500791e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.35207803621203505e-05,
+      0.0170358996838331223, -9.72014409846223381e-08, 6.54062168950196484e-05,
+      -5.2860188976227197e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.22572311413643752e-05,
+      -9.72014409846223381e-08, 1.28950614453060552e-06,
+      4.58471361676392425e-09, 2.07668118549997414e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.20053881947622934e-07, 6.54062168950196484e-05,
+      4.58471361676392425e-09, 2.676340216112294e-07,
+      8.60400887008258369e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.44998922265500791e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.2860188976227197e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.07668118549997414e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.60400887008258369e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.06659697635325301e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams35 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat35), params35, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams35);
+  // track 36 :
+  BoundVector params36;
+  params36 << 0.413177251815795898, -44.2774276733398438, 1.65670633316040039,
+      0.282397657632827759, 0.000249879318289458752 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat36;
+  covMat36 << 0.0265074372291564941, -0.0048766653213794765,
+      -0.000651586934053853908, -7.10144307243836228e-06,
+      -2.56150394427947489e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.0048766653213794765,
+      0.360502183437347412, 6.96873463333104177e-05, 0.000667993313991547253,
+      3.22042667667872301e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000651586934053853908,
+      6.96873463333104177e-05, 1.68455553648527712e-05, 9.1205915360878042e-08,
+      9.93307233918962727e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.10144307243836228e-06,
+      0.000667993313991547253, 9.1205915360878042e-08, 1.2959271771251224e-06,
+      5.92305231785808206e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.56150394427947489e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.22042667667872301e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.93307233918962727e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.92305231785808206e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.93205231999871785e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams36 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat36), params36, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams36);
+  // track 37 :
+  BoundVector params37;
+  params37 << 0.498688608407974243, -24.5804386138916016, 1.52300190925598145,
+      2.57985329627990723, -0.000602965301368385553 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat37;
+  covMat37 << 0.00829706247895956039, -9.98736632524845883e-05,
+      -0.00024923303906360778, 1.90709718139177409e-06,
+      -7.88885613202604259e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.98736632524845883e-05,
+      0.0392925664782524109, -2.2279263572824716e-06, 0.000312385200119348323,
+      4.01687609353752231e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00024923303906360778,
+      -2.2279263572824716e-06, 7.59069098421605304e-06,
+      -1.01456043862080861e-07, 4.11041373461571408e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.90709718139177409e-06, 0.000312385200119348323,
+      -1.01456043862080861e-07, 2.56480029747763183e-06,
+      -2.55342842411113774e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.88885613202604259e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.01687609353752231e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.11041373461571408e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.55342842411113774e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.23438478461768852e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams37 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat37), params37, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams37);
+  // track 38 :
+  BoundVector params38;
+  params38 << 0.136582925915718079, -4.81802463531494141, -2.5786285400390625,
+      2.42307066917419434, 0.000150643929373472929 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat38;
+  covMat38 << 0.000507234770338982344, 2.1336988269281213e-05,
+      -1.35209599010707551e-05, 1.0410117459028839e-07,
+      -9.58138079071134127e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.1336988269281213e-05,
+      0.00488950824365019798, -3.46387683816058679e-07, 3.650374061662458e-05,
+      -4.69743203747746844e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.35209599010707551e-05,
+      -3.46387683816058679e-07, 3.77618221136799548e-07,
+      -1.29143148179678594e-09, 3.91247397541968152e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.0410117459028839e-07, 3.650374061662458e-05, -1.29143148179678594e-09,
+      3.27887306639240705e-07, -2.82010017781291024e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.58138079071134127e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.69743203747746844e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.91247397541968152e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.82010017781291024e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.54110965980980907e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams38 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat38), params38, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams38);
+  // track 39 :
+  BoundVector params39;
+  params39 << 0.595804989337921143, -45.6078872680664062, 1.77534663677215576,
+      0.6340065598487854, 0.000248436292167752981 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat39;
+  covMat39 << 0.00133234611712396145, -1.25221378814500536e-05,
+      -3.7965405863780084e-05, -1.36477460859891688e-07,
+      -1.64839701014251819e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.25221378814500536e-05,
+      0.00918729789555072784, -6.07022323103743485e-07, 7.3648342192368039e-05,
+      -2.81287484533099953e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.7965405863780084e-05,
+      -6.07022323103743485e-07, 1.113939106289763e-06, -2.37922716438868783e-09,
+      7.63262387403224464e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.36477460859891688e-07,
+      7.3648342192368039e-05, -2.37922716438868783e-09, 6.66182188524544472e-07,
+      1.08505726379481843e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.64839701014251819e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.81287484533099953e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.63262387403224464e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.08505726379481843e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.69044726133771306e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams39 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat39), params39, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams39);
+  // track 40 :
+  BoundVector params40;
+  params40 << 0.536075055599212646, -38.6850814819335938, 2.99125289916992188,
+      1.66691744327545166, -0.000342374085448682308 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat40;
+  covMat40 << 0.00137188716325908899, 4.5762325967963918e-06,
+      -2.98856022058698631e-05, -7.0850830871642625e-08,
+      -1.97128857840108858e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 4.5762325967963918e-06,
+      0.00638887425884604454, -1.76478143227192729e-07, 8.48770224160730878e-05,
+      -1.45698149891952607e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.98856022058698631e-05,
+      -1.76478143227192729e-07, 7.38780101983138593e-07,
+      1.85882878019951661e-09, 6.72217443687235182e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.0850830871642625e-08, 8.48770224160730878e-05, 1.85882878019951661e-09,
+      1.77700985659612343e-06, -2.50821896355620095e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.97128857840108858e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.45698149891952607e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.72217443687235182e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.50821896355620095e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.938233948339807e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams40 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat40), params40, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams40);
+  // track 41 :
+  BoundVector params41;
+  params41 << -0.428327828645706177, -22.2199287414550781, 0.257566869258880615,
+      0.331243127584457397, -0.000147191138239577413 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat41;
+  covMat41 << 0.00331501034088432789, -0.000402231679056904746,
+      -9.11024456904284614e-05, -5.25031012402464848e-07,
+      -3.85090693495478952e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000402231679056904746,
+      0.0420148223638534546, 1.02748198387320961e-05, 0.000127530944468113439,
+      5.32950012849014807e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.11024456904284614e-05,
+      1.02748198387320961e-05, 2.61258151112997439e-06, 1.50109511208772318e-08,
+      1.78440131718612806e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.25031012402464848e-07,
+      0.000127530944468113439, 1.50109511208772318e-08, 4.0045941318567202e-07,
+      -7.30460799902715398e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.85090693495478952e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.32950012849014807e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.78440131718612806e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -7.30460799902715398e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.19001535656238033e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams41 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat41), params41, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams41);
+  // track 42 :
+  BoundVector params42;
+  params42 << 0.653292655944824219, -26.9052543640136719, 2.44972705841064453,
+      0.300775229930877686, -0.000126484796055592597 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat42;
+  covMat42 << 0.00361175555735826492, -0.000145092938087995886,
+      -0.000101172023225305413, -8.20245834004805885e-07,
+      -4.59128816485603501e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000145092938087995886,
+      0.0409743189811706543, 3.61313611193146349e-06, 0.000101264190622654121,
+      -2.39200094119792923e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000101172023225305413,
+      3.61313611193146349e-06, 2.95380596071481705e-06, 2.49031335596621612e-08,
+      2.08122633356299761e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.20245834004805885e-07,
+      0.000101264190622654121, 2.49031335596621612e-08, 2.5834717121142603e-07,
+      5.02372502596273887e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.59128816485603501e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.39200094119792923e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.08122633356299761e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.02372502596273887e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.24156318506807395e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams42 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat42), params42, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams42);
+  // track 43 :
+  BoundVector params43;
+  params43 << 0.0787500590085983276, -5.06010723114013672, -2.50320339202880859,
+      2.27719211578369141, -0.000224699513637460768 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat43;
+  covMat43 << 0.000872635049745440483, 2.94171319120868002e-05,
+      -2.12370270488864835e-05, 2.61547510497884302e-07,
+      -1.68371736189228777e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.94171319120868002e-05,
+      0.00385157112032175064, -8.95594258975597383e-07, 3.97548389387994175e-05,
+      -6.99780771762925697e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.12370270488864835e-05,
+      -8.95594258975597383e-07, 5.52114101992629003e-07,
+      -8.06623935930032111e-09, 6.36599567289482473e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      2.61547510497884302e-07, 3.97548389387994175e-05,
+      -8.06623935930032111e-09, 5.23487074133299757e-07,
+      -6.36775855132313344e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.68371736189228777e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.99780771762925697e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.36599567289482473e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.36775855132313344e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.53753346859852869e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams43 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat43), params43, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams43);
+  // track 44 :
+  BoundVector params44;
+  params44 << -0.667890667915344238, -26.4306564331054688,
+      -0.519191086292266846, 1.6297152042388916,
+      0.000324116728734225035 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat44;
+  covMat44 << 0.00108695926610380411, 7.82180373432526278e-06,
+      -2.48846267524919409e-05, -9.69900814831316844e-08,
+      -1.40750276354789122e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 7.82180373432526278e-06,
+      0.00617291871458292007, -1.81813433580045645e-07, 7.85765795126072551e-05,
+      -3.23756334365082546e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.48846267524919409e-05,
+      -1.81813433580045645e-07, 6.10426923230988905e-07,
+      1.84604413254372613e-09, 4.89069275340707137e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.69900814831316844e-08, 7.85765795126072551e-05,
+      1.84604413254372613e-09, 1.63906986472284188e-06,
+      -5.57887414635642927e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.40750276354789122e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.23756334365082546e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.89069275340707137e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.57887414635642927e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.4045833940379282e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams44 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat44), params44, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams44);
+  // track 45 :
+  BoundVector params45;
+  params45 << -0.476996541023254395, -10.2552490234375, -1.7952648401260376,
+      2.92429637908935547, -0.000136506365379318595 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat45;
+  covMat45 << 0.00768429320305585861, 0.00109988557537010995,
+      -0.000231500581337145973, 9.1348816939045401e-07,
+      -5.63601372249975442e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00109988557537010995,
+      0.189449697732925415, -3.59507566995492182e-05, 0.000252646856270792965,
+      -5.46718705987526794e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000231500581337145973,
+      -3.59507566995492182e-05, 7.09176856616977602e-06,
+      -3.28587508657521865e-08, 2.79242397856570532e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      9.1348816939045401e-07, 0.000252646856270792965, -3.28587508657521865e-08,
+      3.43827053939094185e-07, -6.9029270759318352e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.63601372249975442e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.46718705987526794e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.79242397856570532e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.9029270759318352e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.4027510883706249e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams45 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat45), params45, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams45);
+  // track 46 :
+  BoundVector params46;
+  params46 << -0.42024993896484375, -23.2919502258300781, -1.68882715702056885,
+      2.90132379531860352, 5.77600185351911932e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat46;
+  covMat46 << 0.00207295711152255535, 0.000908217743513093658,
+      -5.86378931102357517e-05, 1.21430336966273425e-06,
+      -1.06873090546652326e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000908217743513093658,
+      0.0524019971489906311, -2.13007825335927641e-05, 7.23961054167061288e-05,
+      -9.20706515105713893e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.86378931102357517e-05,
+      -2.13007825335927641e-05, 1.70187172443547752e-06,
+      -2.99895102076280531e-08, 4.8877497815574335e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.21430336966273425e-06, 7.23961054167061288e-05,
+      -2.99895102076280531e-08, 1.06208936756502226e-07,
+      5.48951242834580673e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.06873090546652326e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.20706515105713893e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.8877497815574335e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.48951242834580673e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.31213008009190268e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams46 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat46), params46, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams46);
+  // track 47 :
+  BoundVector params47;
+  params47 << 0.099998176097869873, -28.7298069000244141, -2.47280740737915039,
+      0.362899661064147949, 0.000242739581153728068 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat47;
+  covMat47 << 0.0060739489272236824, -0.000228269915109891231,
+      -0.000175137091140785308, -2.85641093745946927e-07,
+      -9.02268162913695653e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000228269915109891231,
+      0.0536332316696643829, 6.97667401826663415e-07, 0.000189819333742468862,
+      1.50668591753161066e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000175137091140785308,
+      6.97667401826663415e-07, 5.22334448760375381e-06,
+      -9.75788662698204661e-09, 4.53229459790751107e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.85641093745946927e-07, 0.000189819333742468862,
+      -9.75788662698204661e-09, 6.91088189341826364e-07,
+      3.54234059812463208e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.02268162913695653e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.50668591753161066e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.53229459790751107e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.54234059812463208e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.56103088525483713e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams47 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat47), params47, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams47);
+  // track 48 :
+  BoundVector params48;
+  params48 << -0.638817727565765381, -46.7263984680175781,
+      -0.0762649774551391602, 2.44958138465881348,
+      0.00033917097607627511 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat48;
+  covMat48 << 0.00275217113085091114, 0.00021318761584315771,
+      -7.17503295784262051e-05, 5.19027545172934056e-07,
+      -3.27445192482216638e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00021318761584315771,
+      0.0129677252843976021, -3.76428307295029104e-06, 0.000116100785357966014,
+      -3.04730203134838935e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.17503295784262051e-05,
+      -3.76428307295029104e-06, 1.9585518202802632e-06, 1.06617289122836538e-09,
+      1.3563696615201376e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 5.19027545172934056e-07,
+      0.000116100785357966014, 1.06617289122836538e-09, 1.19973151413432788e-06,
+      -2.78975801873471684e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.27445192482216638e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.04730203134838935e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.3563696615201376e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.78975801873471684e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.97016820860473985e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams48 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat48), params48, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams48);
+  // track 49 :
+  BoundVector params49;
+  params49 << -0.64014434814453125, -46.3312034606933594, -1.05530393123626709,
+      1.65516412258148193, 6.55830517644062638e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat49;
+  covMat49 << 0.00014873131294734776, -3.25668154925161195e-06,
+      -2.57186509895848779e-06, 1.03651221484145729e-07,
+      -4.02098191895756443e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.25668154925161195e-06,
+      0.00208531459793448448, -3.00105708930370322e-08, 2.31327739872350428e-05,
+      -3.79285333931827184e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.57186509895848779e-06,
+      -3.00105708930370322e-08, 5.21384144747116807e-08,
+      -1.13043687468235159e-09, 8.74314611771519845e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.03651221484145729e-07, 2.31327739872350428e-05,
+      -1.13043687468235159e-09, 4.8820493248058483e-07,
+      -9.77849218642090565e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.02098191895756443e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.79285333931827184e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.74314611771519845e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.77849218642090565e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.17200834540837073e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams49 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat49), params49, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams49);
+  // track 50 :
+  BoundVector params50;
+  params50 << 0.679204404354095459, -23.8228569030761719, 2.55430388450622559,
+      0.620291829109191895, -0.000398631149437278509 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat50;
+  covMat50 << 0.00396185368299484253, -0.000125750330223895206,
+      -0.000109741625616368232, -1.77279611732068793e-06,
+      -4.59372500797877474e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000125750330223895206,
+      0.016484508290886879, 3.18639890004686668e-06, 0.000143314523991435627,
+      -9.97977172285195535e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000109741625616368232,
+      3.18639890004686668e-06, 3.15156694341567345e-06, 5.29784994588306965e-08,
+      2.0784715645265731e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.77279611732068793e-06,
+      0.000143314523991435627, 5.29784994588306965e-08, 1.32396576191240456e-06,
+      7.96588919931270625e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.59372500797877474e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.97977172285195535e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.0784715645265731e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.96588919931270625e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.46022628552977807e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams50 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat50), params50, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams50);
+  // track 51 :
+  BoundVector params51;
+  params51 << 0.0953129231929779053, -6.67084884643554688, 0.758422255516052246,
+      2.50242829322814941, 0.000553281046450138092 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat51;
+  covMat51 << 0.00646894052624702454, 0.00018205583963275726,
+      -0.000184070642760310164, 4.01968699095653562e-07,
+      -7.26072619004993246e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00018205583963275726,
+      0.0242310706526041031, -2.67127070573839354e-07, 0.000235120330855929796,
+      -1.69241003100018407e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000184070642760310164,
+      -2.67127070573839354e-07, 5.39285929335164838e-06,
+      2.94062803351906824e-08, 3.36582393282827341e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      4.01968699095653562e-07, 0.000235120330855929796, 2.94062803351906824e-08,
+      2.3894551759440219e-06, -7.96709832496419101e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.26072619004993246e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.69241003100018407e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.36582393282827341e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -7.96709832496419101e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.49710918346302435e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams51 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat51), params51, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams51);
+  // track 52 :
+  BoundVector params52;
+  params52 << 0.596444904804229736, -46.791473388671875, 2.81760692596435547,
+      0.466173619031906128, -4.01311117457225919e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat52;
+  covMat52 << 0.000178020185558125377, -1.20741123187898347e-05,
+      -4.47439657042341053e-06, -5.00683209793379036e-08,
+      -1.74763438138931432e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.20741123187898347e-05,
+      0.00217202818021178246, 1.64534794833318549e-08, 7.73194260617184203e-06,
+      1.58039148376204822e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.47439657042341053e-06,
+      1.64534794833318549e-08, 1.25094288705440704e-07, 9.26271094478818689e-10,
+      6.72005839541690491e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.00683209793379036e-08,
+      7.73194260617184203e-06, 9.26271094478818689e-10, 3.52726665653335658e-08,
+      6.38826446714830372e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.74763438138931432e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.58039148376204822e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.72005839541690491e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.38826446714830372e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.76188607345368409e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams52 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat52), params52, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams52);
+  // track 53 :
+  BoundVector params53;
+  params53 << -0.509457647800445557, -6.32682275772094727, -1.33872759342193604,
+      0.491079181432723999, 0.00053247174946591258 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat53;
+  covMat53 << 0.0100084031000733376, -0.000479280897979647135,
+      -0.000299479223647432344, 6.22369951852639685e-07,
+      -1.22423028040487334e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000479280897979647135,
+      0.0567438751459121704, 4.44730771047373873e-06, 0.000355637421562457208,
+      9.09945816895274824e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000299479223647432344,
+      4.44730771047373873e-06, 9.10697599465493113e-06,
+      -7.71163662653393619e-08, 5.96647706005148785e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      6.22369951852639685e-07, 0.000355637421562457208,
+      -7.71163662653393619e-08, 2.29044917432474904e-06,
+      5.6513620234422192e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.22423028040487334e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.09945816895274824e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.96647706005148785e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.6513620234422192e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.10141243347960938e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams53 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat53), params53, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams53);
+  // track 54 :
+  BoundVector params54;
+  params54 << 0.0559646449983119965, -27.9413089752197266, -2.75167965888977051,
+      0.386726617813110352, -0.000363107450539246202 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat54;
+  covMat54 << 0.00913079828023910522, -0.000177719306007508867,
+      -0.000277420127510917254, -1.59392792391846542e-06,
+      -1.63671693721281069e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000177719306007508867,
+      0.0778327509760856628, 1.14397241749803718e-05, 0.00031574579409467628,
+      -2.24438577982619877e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000277420127510917254,
+      1.14397241749803718e-05, 8.58535440784180537e-06, 7.52518631694262801e-08,
+      8.36903947194818426e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.59392792391846542e-06,
+      0.00031574579409467628, 7.52518631694262801e-08, 1.31181081997056026e-06,
+      6.22930295116186707e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.63671693721281069e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.24438577982619877e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.36903947194818426e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.22930295116186707e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.3151608968531292e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams54 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat54), params54, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams54);
+  // track 55 :
+  BoundVector params55;
+  params55 << 0.313830852508544922, -0.35525098443031311, -2.79895758628845215,
+      2.27995705604553223, 0.000609797949437052011 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat55;
+  covMat55 << 0.0030504278838634491, -3.81297205072847354e-05,
+      -9.09237206775645104e-05, -8.09544327444282553e-07,
+      -5.66159970214913546e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.81297205072847354e-05,
+      0.0142782162874937057, 2.63776141900322284e-06, 0.00018603481737948765,
+      1.51670403755547486e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.09237206775645104e-05,
+      2.63776141900322284e-06, 2.75821184914093465e-06, 4.54309779123903346e-08,
+      2.79668441371068291e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.09544327444282553e-07,
+      0.00018603481737948765, 4.54309779123903346e-08, 2.758416712822509e-06,
+      4.93865123861046129e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.66159970214913546e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.51670403755547486e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.79668441371068291e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.93865123861046129e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.41345951241301293e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams55 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat55), params55, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams55);
+  // track 56 :
+  BoundVector params56;
+  params56 << 0.155255094170570374, 5.48450565338134766, -2.57013368606567383,
+      2.0009157657623291, -0.00166504201479256153 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat56;
+  covMat56 << 0.0131199266761541367, 0.000131623878451009752,
+      -0.000394009320893070269, 6.03472828037634446e-06,
+      -2.10906706685497427e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000131623878451009752,
+      0.0316174179315567017, -9.5725861230159473e-06, 0.000710392294531094187,
+      9.45078749853857351e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000394009320893070269,
+      -9.5725861230159473e-06, 1.19737778732087463e-05,
+      -3.15962032494940612e-07, 1.01155494796444282e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      6.03472828037634446e-06, 0.000710392294531094187,
+      -3.15962032494940612e-07, 1.67491944011999294e-05,
+      1.71955939069872652e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.10906706685497427e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.45078749853857351e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.01155494796444282e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.71955939069872652e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.56558282899044343e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams56 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat56), params56, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams56);
+  // track 57 :
+  BoundVector params57;
+  params57 << 0.246611848473548889, -26.5061550140380859, -2.83754277229309082,
+      1.51932394504547119, 0.00129061494953930378 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat57;
+  covMat57 << 0.00866833329200744629, 3.01401983869387291e-06,
+      -0.000239535524096211392, 2.72296952977166461e-07,
+      -1.26333629804036578e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 3.01401983869387291e-06,
+      0.0214755143970251083, -5.52645836342027297e-07, 0.000483994911188721929,
+      -2.39220428270368834e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000239535524096211392,
+      -5.52645836342027297e-07, 6.85501072439365089e-06,
+      -1.80955198945319287e-08, 5.68860497435955863e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      2.72296952977166461e-07, 0.000483994911188721929,
+      -1.80955198945319287e-08, 1.2657999832299538e-05,
+      -4.49134917661611488e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.26333629804036578e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.39220428270368834e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.68860497435955863e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.49134917661611488e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.06098235699947452e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams57 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat57), params57, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams57);
+  // track 58 :
+  BoundVector params58;
+  params58 << 0.753639280796051025, -6.00856494903564453, 2.30286669731140137,
+      0.268404930830001831, 0.000222592061618342996 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat58;
+  covMat58 << 0.0102735972031950951, 0.000561483560818463708,
+      -0.00031188075048945189, 2.28136549511333255e-07,
+      -1.11255212859507957e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000561483560818463708,
+      0.171909451484680176, -3.10575259235835638e-05, 0.000346326413890911768,
+      -1.04190472154705827e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00031188075048945189,
+      -3.10575259235835638e-05, 9.61947171163046733e-06,
+      -3.25676596064154555e-08, 5.32616098447415082e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      2.28136549511333255e-07, 0.000346326413890911768,
+      -3.25676596064154555e-08, 7.13259510121133644e-07,
+      1.99585598211435834e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.11255212859507957e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.04190472154705827e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.32616098447415082e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.99585598211435834e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.44141676162013255e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams58 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat58), params58, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams58);
+  // track 59 :
+  BoundVector params59;
+  params59 << -0.740706324577331543, -26.4523181915283203, -0.33198884129524231,
+      1.24688541889190674, 0.00112402497325092554 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat59;
+  covMat59 << 0.00939919613301753998, -0.000330953811817127669,
+      -0.000243319623521406008, -1.98870275046275838e-06,
+      -1.10875607601281475e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000330953811817127669,
+      0.0170400068163871765, 5.20070220108950583e-06, 0.000343470715600280925,
+      2.37905357060564215e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000243319623521406008,
+      5.20070220108950583e-06, 6.58395856589777395e-06,
+      -4.89928191758482858e-09, 4.48106445691990887e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.98870275046275838e-06, 0.000343470715600280925,
+      -4.89928191758482858e-09, 7.88109264249214903e-06,
+      1.57469333177652749e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.10875607601281475e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.37905357060564215e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.48106445691990887e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.57469333177652749e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.41142181275810685e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams59 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat59), params59, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams59);
+  // track 60 :
+  BoundVector params60;
+  params60 << 0.404530495405197144, -45.1964073181152344, 1.50114703178405762,
+      0.477049559354782104, 0.000178427377250045538 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat60;
+  covMat60 << 0.00160884018987417221, 2.48786024325549841e-05,
+      -4.55158622795351621e-05, 5.27237356570212567e-08,
+      -1.71578397922792243e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.48786024325549841e-05,
+      0.0133713036775588989, -1.47535371521175571e-06, 7.02707466725490158e-05,
+      -2.00878031112618562e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.55158622795351621e-05,
+      -1.47535371521175571e-06, 1.33205401198210893e-06,
+      -5.17880198705678666e-09, 8.08198329216027338e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      5.27237356570212567e-08, 7.02707466725490158e-05,
+      -5.17880198705678666e-09, 4.04392295649813605e-07,
+      1.74801379954387645e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.71578397922792243e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.00878031112618562e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.08198329216027338e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.74801379954387645e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.40280183302810002e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams60 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat60), params60, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams60);
+  // track 61 :
+  BoundVector params61;
+  params61 << 0.481095165014266968, -45.3241767883300781, 1.63423991203308105,
+      0.527970552444458008, -0.000266404327703639865 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat61;
+  covMat61 << 0.00288071134127676487, -0.000155863492110799547,
+      -7.77621373783901631e-05, -1.18027593530364395e-06,
+      -2.48196096965139494e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000155863492110799547,
+      0.0149536263197660446, 3.65078035069732869e-06, 9.743912874541411e-05,
+      8.37675468431534094e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.77621373783901631e-05,
+      3.65078035069732869e-06, 2.18776540350518189e-06, 3.25560801512905163e-08,
+      1.08576617849883842e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.18027593530364395e-06,
+      9.743912874541411e-05, 3.25560801512905163e-08, 6.77229820666980231e-07,
+      5.47754434165355313e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.48196096965139494e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.37675468431534094e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.08576617849883842e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.47754434165355313e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.96000368712923034e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams61 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat61), params61, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams61);
+  // track 62 :
+  BoundVector params62;
+  params62 << 0.46620604395866394, -39.1152420043945312, 2.9602348804473877,
+      2.54967498779296875, -0.000812723359558731318 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat62;
+  covMat62 << 0.0155730284750461578, 0.00038755317191748362,
+      -0.000450653030958149533, 7.46684313401321562e-06,
+      -1.56837822709803982e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00038755317191748362,
+      0.0830775722861289978, -2.15848125497517351e-05, 0.000657707917473032439,
+      7.52506139410446467e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000450653030958149533,
+      -2.15848125497517351e-05, 1.33805215227766894e-05,
+      -3.1197420281739802e-07, 8.02502888738918489e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      7.46684313401321562e-06, 0.000657707917473032439, -3.1197420281739802e-07,
+      5.4718084356863983e-06, -5.04380269074694918e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.56837822709803982e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.52506139410446467e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.02502888738918489e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.04380269074694918e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.86463025575456243e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams62 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat62), params62, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams62);
+  // track 63 :
+  BoundVector params63;
+  params63 << -0.645694375038146973, -45.9093971252441406, -1.42855286598205566,
+      2.14151239395141602, -0.000308145768940448761 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat63;
+  covMat63 << 0.00141701370012015104, 8.16846515917965093e-05,
+      -3.3697989251933814e-05, 6.17724276590095669e-07,
+      -1.6156751085000028e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 8.16846515917965093e-05,
+      0.00634454051032662392, -2.08952126392131457e-06, 7.15744916836027302e-05,
+      -1.49091147779785594e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.3697989251933814e-05,
+      -2.08952126392131457e-06, 8.4832106495014159e-07,
+      -1.64115671055080147e-08, 5.9837667986473886e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      6.17724276590095669e-07, 7.15744916836027302e-05,
+      -1.64115671055080147e-08, 1.0292989145455067e-06,
+      -1.46674673345839605e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.6156751085000028e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.49091147779785594e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.9837667986473886e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.46674673345839605e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.54105235516954764e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams63 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat63), params63, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams63);
+  // track 64 :
+  BoundVector params64;
+  params64 << -0.608972728252410889, -0.205871865153312683,
+      -0.337655186653137207, 0.617485642433166504,
+      0.000326765264617279172 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat64;
+  covMat64 << 0.00256323744542896748, -0.000102964159443142377,
+      -7.43746711326680654e-05, 2.77199836373549426e-07,
+      -3.16870017552968717e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000102964159443142377,
+      0.0179459210485219955, 9.927183095141406e-07, 0.000150291132415494166,
+      1.84401452515339684e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.43746711326680654e-05,
+      9.927183095141406e-07, 2.20178139898052905e-06, -2.23963294945635655e-08,
+      1.42819207588526508e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.77199836373549426e-07,
+      0.000150291132415494166, -2.23963294945635655e-08,
+      1.36840594677778427e-06, 1.15087456059600686e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.16870017552968717e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.84401452515339684e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.42819207588526508e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.15087456059600686e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.95290424057181866e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams64 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat64), params64, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams64);
+  // track 65 :
+  BoundVector params65;
+  params65 << -0.651330411434173584, -46.6501655578613281,
+      -0.162742897868156433, 2.37663960456848145,
+      0.000465616496512666345 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat65;
+  covMat65 << 0.00349642685614526272, 0.000141372948412694558,
+      -9.42089049286210813e-05, 1.58411676533929063e-07,
+      -5.51507903718466048e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000141372948412694558,
+      0.0145636545494198799, -1.8376679472879644e-06, 0.000159144530910216837,
+      -9.77799777456030559e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.42089049286210813e-05,
+      -1.8376679472879644e-06, 2.6513741886446951e-06, 1.6927620638758599e-08,
+      2.44350119045523328e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 1.58411676533929063e-07,
+      0.000159144530910216837, 1.6927620638758599e-08, 1.91570370589033701e-06,
+      2.43993447359552124e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.51507903718466048e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.77799777456030559e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.44350119045523328e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.43993447359552124e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.30697091774656826e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams65 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat65), params65, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams65);
+  // track 66 :
+  BoundVector params66;
+  params66 << 0.64414292573928833, -37.8168792724609375, 1.41348385810852051,
+      0.628789603710174561, -0.000711047730874270201 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat66;
+  covMat66 << 0.00865435414016246796, 4.30179014559714792e-05,
+      -0.000260259753258794142, -2.77364333528555447e-06,
+      -1.18175630051794391e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 4.30179014559714792e-05,
+      0.0385085344314575195, 3.5186803309031585e-06, 0.000362887855399699421,
+      -6.57911033053770427e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000260259753258794142,
+      3.5186803309031585e-06, 7.93121216702274978e-06, 1.35170575721091198e-07,
+      5.61496221132519249e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.77364333528555447e-06,
+      0.000362887855399699421, 1.35170575721091198e-07, 3.55381462213699706e-06,
+      -1.76572689736880453e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.18175630051794391e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.57911033053770427e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.61496221132519249e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.76572689736880453e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.27183083509230244e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams66 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat66), params66, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams66);
+  // track 67 :
+  BoundVector params67;
+  params67 << -0.332721292972564697, -22.5682830810546875, 0.226930230855941772,
+      0.439133286476135254, 0.000341838604072108865 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat67;
+  covMat67 << 0.00658620009198784828, -0.000468461936445102546,
+      -0.000190280257733648498, -8.77654618295631542e-07,
+      -7.41082017465768966e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000468461936445102546,
+      0.0421695522964000702, 8.37362681235735137e-06, 0.000212639250704076973,
+      5.59919585012054894e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000190280257733648498,
+      8.37362681235735137e-06, 5.653947482642252e-06, 2.05904961050614474e-09,
+      3.61592933955667245e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.77654618295631542e-07,
+      0.000212639250704076973, 2.05904961050614474e-09, 1.10556209165224573e-06,
+      9.31555819953937805e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.41082017465768966e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.59919585012054894e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.61592933955667245e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.31555819953937805e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.02211544520336872e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams67 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat67), params67, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams67);
+  // track 68 :
+  BoundVector params68;
+  params68 << 0.228807628154754639, -45.5291328430175781, 1.88212299346923828,
+      0.391405045986175537, -0.000272470730124041438 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat68;
+  covMat68 << 0.00558751169592142105, -0.000526476410891340272,
+      -0.000165610234749681399, -2.61479347877094164e-06,
+      -6.61682300501314344e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000526476410891340272,
+      0.0537347830832004547, 1.60095985217531436e-05, 0.000211228233160033968,
+      -7.3861724702695647e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000165610234749681399,
+      1.60095985217531436e-05, 4.99409998155897483e-06, 8.27335653273563984e-08,
+      3.08626652913981362e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.61479347877094164e-06,
+      0.000211228233160033968, 8.27335653273563984e-08, 8.58062662700831424e-07,
+      9.8161963481123767e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -6.61682300501314344e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -7.3861724702695647e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.08626652913981362e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.8161963481123767e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.41570460751883331e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams68 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat68), params68, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams68);
+  // track 69 :
+  BoundVector params69;
+  params69 << -0.774779915809631348, -7.18358039855957031, -1.68472623825073242,
+      0.294571459293365479, -0.00012300643720664084 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat69;
+  covMat69 << 0.00796640384942293167, -0.00308066711056936707,
+      -0.000183902465217028856, -4.40322681469892384e-06,
+      -4.28751518274954345e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00308066711056936707,
+      0.256041616201400757, 7.1248927562660272e-05, 0.000440831013812017375,
+      7.95526672562874677e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000183902465217028856,
+      7.1248927562660272e-05, 4.48159107691026293e-06, 1.02520016937503953e-07,
+      1.75117724904492434e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.40322681469892384e-06,
+      0.000440831013812017375, 1.02520016937503953e-07, 7.90239880643639481e-07,
+      6.37842082317695236e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.28751518274954345e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.95526672562874677e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.75117724904492434e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.37842082317695236e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.73160132066474404e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams69 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat69), params69, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams69);
+  // track 70 :
+  BoundVector params70;
+  params70 << -0.799591720104217529, -4.63163089752197266, 0.405971020460128784,
+      0.378831923007965088, 0.000591743737459182739 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat70;
+  covMat70 << 0.0266661942005157471, -0.00183957268711347835,
+      -0.000807137683582467521, 3.8442389767195023e-06,
+      -3.49680195741055849e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00183957268711347835,
+      0.211709365248680115, 1.93959104101635743e-05, 0.000855412169330214186,
+      4.91598206364535424e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000807137683582467521,
+      1.93959104101635743e-05, 2.48053565883310512e-05,
+      -2.62219580174192418e-07, 1.76141434145594417e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.8442389767195023e-06, 0.000855412169330214186, -2.62219580174192418e-07,
+      3.50158666151401121e-06, 8.73307509198330779e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.49680195741055849e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.91598206364535424e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.76141434145594417e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.73307509198330779e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.64328670063207483e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams70 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat70), params70, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams70);
+  // track 71 :
+  BoundVector params71;
+  params71 << -0.600866556167602539, -46.0752182006835938, -1.38232946395874023,
+      2.03518390655517578, 0.000216916509089060128 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat71;
+  covMat71 << 0.000447078287834301591, 6.4246307431772498e-06,
+      -1.22906651502427452e-05, -1.99116263412532374e-09,
+      -1.43109528065029844e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 6.4246307431772498e-06,
+      0.00480788340792059898, -5.87978219682613621e-08, 5.37988074894698367e-05,
+      -1.93974344917808111e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.22906651502427452e-05,
+      -5.87978219682613621e-08, 3.57868174205577816e-07, 1.5805389300162696e-09,
+      6.29499582429645186e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.99116263412532374e-09,
+      5.37988074894698367e-05, 1.5805389300162696e-09, 7.68185657307185465e-07,
+      -6.71150128191831827e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.43109528065029844e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.93974344917808111e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.29499582429645186e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.71150128191831827e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.96153805004373183e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams71 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat71), params71, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams71);
+  // track 72 :
+  BoundVector params72;
+  params72 << 0.934263527393341064, -26.3208255767822266, 2.37594270706176758,
+      2.72768449783325195, 0.000554551603272557259 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat72;
+  covMat72 << 0.0188611242920160294, -0.00121691842277711322,
+      -0.000576619514959964973, -2.82991619355262503e-06,
+      -4.0010412648847567e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00121691842277711322,
+      0.123724676668643951, 5.66678562685891124e-05, 0.000592259000642492389,
+      3.76165411298313188e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000576619514959964973,
+      5.66678562685891124e-05, 1.79301478056004271e-05, 1.75725099274939068e-07,
+      1.9855251791033252e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.82991619355262503e-06,
+      0.000592259000642492389, 1.75725099274939068e-07, 2.86794875137275085e-06,
+      1.52908464521253004e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.0010412648847567e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.76165411298313188e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.9855251791033252e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.52908464521253004e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.20209747606270412e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams72 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat72), params72, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams72);
+  // track 73 :
+  BoundVector params73;
+  params73 << 0.730206131935119629, -0.356079369783401489, 1.74193072319030762,
+      0.789627969264984131, 0.000864426896441727877 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat73;
+  covMat73 << 0.00696328096091747284, 0.000192718431767054029,
+      -0.000210651783787634309, 1.79142534806142213e-06,
+      -1.60408967532742937e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000192718431767054029,
+      0.0250711347907781601, -1.01345165607011824e-05, 0.000326248033176201218,
+      -2.92212069047691244e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000210651783787634309,
+      -1.01345165607011824e-05, 6.47193519398570061e-06,
+      -1.10382166450068239e-07, 7.86957679995017337e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.79142534806142213e-06, 0.000326248033176201218,
+      -1.10382166450068239e-07, 4.4890334720548708e-06,
+      1.43532649831609989e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.60408967532742937e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.92212069047691244e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.86957679995017337e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.43532649831609989e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.18980167332460951e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams73 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat73), params73, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams73);
+  // track 74 :
+  BoundVector params74;
+  params74 << -0.697826266288757324, -23.5827674865722656,
+      -0.712247550487518311, 0.6665802001953125,
+      0.000837316561955958605 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat74;
+  covMat74 << 0.0102707967162132263, -0.000136778664959171002,
+      -0.000310806316136640959, 3.61658036657657105e-06,
+      -1.57486458126811822e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000136778664959171002,
+      0.0391799546778202057, -3.21871642520172128e-06, 0.000429004761143547957,
+      7.25027250869408224e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000310806316136640959,
+      -3.21871642520172128e-06, 9.52503432927187532e-06,
+      -1.91221331833284833e-07, 8.03748117560459975e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.61658036657657105e-06, 0.000429004761143547957,
+      -1.91221331833284833e-07, 4.81143752040225081e-06,
+      -1.69302933545922802e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.57486458126811822e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.25027250869408224e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.03748117560459975e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.69302933545922802e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.06939729241462089e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams74 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat74), params74, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams74);
+  // track 75 :
+  BoundVector params75;
+  params75 << 0.0529175736010074615, -12.0598258972167969, 1.1199498176574707,
+      1.30395138263702393, 0.000916379212867468596 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat75;
+  covMat75 << 0.00428111432120203972, 2.62827478725743552e-05,
+      -0.000120566700934877791, 7.54315472354089557e-07,
+      -5.43323675648758046e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.62827478725743552e-05,
+      0.0172699503600597382, -1.77099448321877513e-06, 0.000338392047693610422,
+      -9.53148133943496205e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000120566700934877791,
+      -1.77099448321877513e-06, 3.49290257872780785e-06,
+      -4.25857281398289675e-08, 2.55990108225490642e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      7.54315472354089557e-07, 0.000338392047693610422,
+      -4.25857281398289675e-08, 7.29711200619931333e-06,
+      -2.28893257339241436e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.43323675648758046e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.53148133943496205e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.55990108225490642e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.28893257339241436e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.44539516045672656e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams75 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat75), params75, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams75);
+  // track 76 :
+  BoundVector params76;
+  params76 << 0.640764772891998291, -0.930534124374389648, 2.15712094306945801,
+      2.28308653831481934, 0.000431261461926624179 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat76;
+  covMat76 << 0.00260529923252761364, 4.58412423896785499e-05,
+      -6.7969661726482311e-05, 1.81599714744093986e-08,
+      -4.24128181647569863e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 4.58412423896785499e-05,
+      0.0122323241084814072, 8.04787994406084613e-08, 0.000150878291840991384,
+      -1.26706283098581222e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.7969661726482311e-05,
+      8.04787994406084613e-08, 1.85573071576072834e-06, 1.38421707121045597e-08,
+      1.77332557811301974e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 1.81599714744093986e-08,
+      0.000150878291840991384, 1.38421707121045597e-08, 2.22777407543617301e-06,
+      -1.58479619806951909e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.24128181647569863e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.26706283098581222e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.77332557811301974e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.58479619806951909e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.6452456464729508e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams76 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat76), params76, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams76);
+  // track 77 :
+  BoundVector params77;
+  params77 << 0.653912067413330078, -38.5965461730957031, 2.62386393547058105,
+      2.6188347339630127, -0.000398666656110435724 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat77;
+  covMat77 << 0.00521424366161227226, 0.000139879184703866033,
+      -0.000151905000687639944, 1.9792889758053464e-06,
+      -7.62257896696214591e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000139879184703866033,
+      0.032011859118938446, -4.45397794194540351e-06, 0.000216144809062415678,
+      4.33223192345790811e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000151905000687639944,
+      -4.45397794194540351e-06, 4.54638166047516279e-06,
+      -6.7860751060001615e-08, 3.68501084222524602e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.9792889758053464e-06, 0.000216144809062415678, -6.7860751060001615e-08,
+      1.52451764279248891e-06, -1.26932170430756531e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.62257896696214591e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.33223192345790811e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.68501084222524602e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.26932170430756531e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.21128712299901053e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams77 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat77), params77, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams77);
+  // track 78 :
+  BoundVector params78;
+  params78 << -0.147352397441864014, -5.29536819458007812, -2.19698119163513184,
+      2.19908237457275391, 0.000603679509367793798 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat78;
+  covMat78 << 0.0025317345280200243, 3.93469647761186486e-06,
+      -7.47220338226873746e-05, -8.47547663426674989e-07,
+      -4.10995834716985269e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 3.93469647761186486e-06,
+      0.0137719558551907539, 1.18341805513367972e-06, 0.000192888227764741909,
+      8.4659628993769127e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.47220338226873746e-05,
+      1.18341805513367972e-06, 2.24668019654927775e-06, 4.44216205306269896e-08,
+      1.9813795664012159e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.47547663426674989e-07,
+      0.000192888227764741909, 4.44216205306269896e-08, 3.1759927878738381e-06,
+      2.44401588800591696e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.10995834716985269e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.4659628993769127e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.9813795664012159e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.44401588800591696e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.28857244056035825e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams78 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat78), params78, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams78);
+  // track 79 :
+  BoundVector params79;
+  params79 << 0.678209245204925537, -26.9999599456787109, 1.87300777435302734,
+      2.68262672424316406, 0.000182776289875619113 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat79;
+  covMat79 << 0.00191749841906130314, 0.000110412661743103727,
+      -5.49806951977405462e-05, 6.60175592356722232e-07,
+      -2.1776932514113485e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000110412661743103727,
+      0.0226654317229986191, -6.31152562384800887e-07, 0.000109733381182499073,
+      9.56806544278803705e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.49806951977405462e-05,
+      -6.31152562384800887e-07, 1.61751074756466551e-06,
+      -8.57919113866550056e-09, 1.02398276394864458e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      6.60175592356722232e-07, 0.000109733381182499073,
+      -8.57919113866550056e-09, 5.57945270429627271e-07,
+      -9.30864559448818034e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.1776932514113485e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.56806544278803705e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.02398276394864458e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.30864559448818034e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.72951982596591947e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams79 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat79), params79, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams79);
+  // track 80 :
+  BoundVector params80;
+  params80 << 0.64381110668182373, -6.46031522750854492, 2.02721667289733887,
+      2.68821907043457031, -0.000553313468117266893 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat80;
+  covMat80 << 0.0134714795276522636, -0.000148150339418309318,
+      -0.000399405999997743766, 3.50936426643331028e-06,
+      -1.66954978163253585e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000148150339418309318,
+      0.0778103619813919067, -3.53222213147371605e-06, 0.000429908786653424371,
+      1.29938534403212134e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000399405999997743766,
+      -3.53222213147371605e-06, 1.20958047773456201e-05,
+      -1.55765136847599568e-07, 8.36922640021012843e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.50936426643331028e-06, 0.000429908786653424371,
+      -1.55765136847599568e-07, 2.42866008193232119e-06,
+      -5.38086858591292421e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.66954978163253585e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.29938534403212134e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.36922640021012843e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.38086858591292421e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.47779136150383295e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams80 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat80), params80, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams80);
+  // track 81 :
+  BoundVector params81;
+  params81 << 0.13216361403465271, -5.14932060241699219, 0.880854129791259766,
+      0.992275714874267578, -0.000997516443021595478 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat81;
+  covMat81 << 0.00625587906688451767, -0.000110949013866784292,
+      -0.000185194923985265947, -2.88485291842903976e-06,
+      -9.58251834750225767e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000110949013866784292,
+      0.0189361255615949631, 5.522171408563187e-06, 0.000352685543849685001,
+      -3.54823960396222519e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000185194923985265947,
+      5.522171408563187e-06, 5.57630210096249357e-06, 1.35760624085924114e-07,
+      4.58229751365888916e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.88485291842903976e-06,
+      0.000352685543849685001, 1.35760624085924114e-07, 7.01960607329965569e-06,
+      9.7695621439726223e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.58251834750225767e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.54823960396222519e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.58229751365888916e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.7695621439726223e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.47325138200038452e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams81 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat81), params81, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams81);
+  // track 82 :
+  BoundVector params82;
+  params82 << 0.227797195315361023, -48.2234649658203125, -2.77569174766540527,
+      0.305090576410293579, -0.000179648617631755769 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat82;
+  covMat82 << 0.00557572394609451294, -0.000663197008771320177,
+      -0.000161846338406778913, -1.69794778867290902e-06,
+      -9.04045033146821151e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000663197008771320177,
+      0.0660624504089355469, 1.59902907216536034e-05, 0.000168873299181685442,
+      2.14987267373142885e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000161846338406778913,
+      1.59902907216536034e-05, 4.86282624478917569e-06, 4.67482134719900594e-08,
+      4.44175415702797833e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.69794778867290902e-06,
+      0.000168873299181685442, 4.67482134719900594e-08, 4.42445099224642036e-07,
+      8.83536325828199794e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.04045033146821151e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.14987267373142885e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.44175415702797833e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.83536325828199794e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.34931300644192476e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams82 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat82), params82, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams82);
+  // track 83 :
+  BoundVector params83;
+  params83 << -0.00143859826494008303, -15.1650552749633789,
+      -2.28632807731628418, 0.256175190210342407,
+      0.000115477916551753879 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat83;
+  covMat83 << 0.00375564000569283962, -0.000551671739993432088,
+      -0.00010947611885112353, -5.73661445135283778e-07,
+      -4.22778383392875813e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000551671739993432088,
+      0.0728673934936523438, 9.0784263305680404e-06, 0.000129420350572193905,
+      2.27171510114886803e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00010947611885112353,
+      9.0784263305680404e-06, 3.28997566612088121e-06, 7.07299627862913823e-09,
+      1.99936639608643397e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.73661445135283778e-07,
+      0.000129420350572193905, 7.07299627862913823e-09, 2.37868235331006872e-07,
+      1.04279595331346869e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.22778383392875813e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.27171510114886803e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.99936639608643397e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.04279595331346869e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.92760772621536347e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams83 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat83), params83, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams83);
+  // track 84 :
+  BoundVector params84;
+  params84 << -0.78146892786026001, -23.751434326171875, -0.999060988426208496,
+      2.0324549674987793, -0.000969979155343025923 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat84;
+  covMat84 << 0.0048350747674703598, 0.000120963946599512005,
+      -0.000144374569500283449, 1.3788048161874064e-06,
+      -7.09094644554907288e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000120963946599512005,
+      0.0167757254093885422, -5.14354340070674043e-06, 0.000297219118512754719,
+      -1.79593641161986059e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000144374569500283449,
+      -5.14354340070674043e-06, 4.36926575275720097e-06,
+      -7.26679966160986237e-08, 3.53139150458423765e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.3788048161874064e-06, 0.000297219118512754719, -7.26679966160986237e-08,
+      6.093463071010774e-06, 6.19247327016922366e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.09094644554907288e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.79593641161986059e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.53139150458423765e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.19247327016922366e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.26404206546304465e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams84 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat84), params84, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams84);
+  // track 85 :
+  BoundVector params85;
+  params85 << -0.419987142086029053, -23.2181625366210938, -1.72765111923217773,
+      2.3730311393737793, 0.000834245642181485891 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat85;
+  covMat85 << 0.00711026880890130997, 2.11381997852235886e-05,
+      -0.000214070355238693376, -2.47722478700721587e-06,
+      -1.49308714645023079e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.11381997852235886e-05,
+      0.0319119654595851898, 4.62741704063705679e-06, 0.000389666316763969648,
+      -4.99086836094690827e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000214070355238693376,
+      4.62741704063705679e-06, 6.5447911765659228e-06, 1.4062768144653077e-07,
+      7.23939037737933651e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.47722478700721587e-06,
+      0.000389666316763969648, 1.4062768144653077e-07, 5.10100881001562811e-06,
+      4.05519853361521036e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.49308714645023079e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.99086836094690827e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.23939037737933651e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.05519853361521036e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.97367219789690296e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams85 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat85), params85, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams85);
+  // track 86 :
+  BoundVector params86;
+  params86 << 0.280342727899551392, -1.76902174949645996, 1.17941749095916748,
+      2.43773078918457031, 0.00124833709560334682 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat86;
+  covMat86 << 0.0222384743392467499, -0.000469551059919313127,
+      -0.000668093464709992738, -1.03170210424629496e-05,
+      -6.31322167864463976e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000469551059919313127,
+      0.0734211504459381104, 3.64346959713435348e-05, 0.000901481115280004927,
+      7.77891238924622843e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000668093464709992738,
+      3.64346959713435348e-05, 2.04888619919074699e-05, 5.77626316243002577e-07,
+      3.13812114656612788e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.03170210424629496e-05,
+      0.000901481115280004927, 5.77626316243002577e-07, 1.12906618596753106e-05,
+      1.32123927173378508e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -6.31322167864463976e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.77891238924622843e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.13812114656612788e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.32123927173378508e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.04692867895084873e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams86 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat86), params86, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams86);
+  // track 87 :
+  BoundVector params87;
+  params87 << -0.655172765254974365, -26.7765121459960938,
+      -0.736525535583496094, 2.02205944061279297,
+      0.000604338070843368769 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat87;
+  covMat87 << 0.00198961631394922733, 3.05661867898970239e-06,
+      -5.82364130628319071e-05, -8.33779895790357002e-07,
+      -3.03302168166956188e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 3.05661867898970239e-06,
+      0.00704017188400030136, 3.30304839880078472e-07, 0.000134940363950436851,
+      -3.70578310628897577e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.82364130628319071e-05,
+      3.30304839880078472e-07, 1.73737998920842074e-06, 3.39209195261311275e-08,
+      1.44265069638837021e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.33779895790357002e-07,
+      0.000134940363950436851, 3.39209195261311275e-08, 3.01883733300201129e-06,
+      -3.51121860297362421e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.03302168166956188e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.70578310628897577e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.44265069638837021e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.51121860297362421e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.05374214698761648e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams87 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat87), params87, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams87);
+  // track 88 :
+  BoundVector params88;
+  params88 << 0.550101339817047119, -1.01730048656463623, 1.95360791683197021,
+      1.34285402297973633, -0.00163667963352054358 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat88;
+  covMat88 << 0.0107496930286288261, -7.68611913775611998e-05,
+      -0.000315102046698671615, -3.90352989298854716e-06,
+      -1.47303449929830411e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.68611913775611998e-05,
+      0.0372591577470302582, 5.62124909349075963e-06, 0.000868637235426337399,
+      -2.50207485117721545e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000315102046698671615,
+      5.62124909349075963e-06, 9.41804592002881691e-06, 2.0220920354903416e-07,
+      7.44695559286270222e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.90352989298854716e-06,
+      0.000868637235426337399, 2.0220920354903416e-07, 2.23459410335635766e-05,
+      -5.58945405173847072e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.47303449929830411e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.50207485117721545e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.44695559286270222e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.58945405173847072e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.93490870495460854e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams88 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat88), params88, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams88);
+  // track 89 :
+  BoundVector params89;
+  params89 << -0.0243351589888334274, -6.1328587532043457, -2.17217230796813965,
+      0.851706326007843018, -0.00123827718198299408 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat89;
+  covMat89 << 0.013601384125649929, -0.000238490415799996243,
+      -0.000407308591532023773, -5.81321625599451904e-06,
+      -2.20563854841242778e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000238490415799996243,
+      0.0385725460946559906, 1.44713061143640791e-05, 0.000594927870114984056,
+      -4.2657516143838364e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000407308591532023773,
+      1.44713061143640791e-05, 1.23664985949289985e-05, 2.98472027659172679e-07,
+      1.09973686096897418e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.81321625599451904e-06,
+      0.000594927870114984056, 2.98472027659172679e-07, 9.52084610617021099e-06,
+      -3.86199606571132037e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.20563854841242778e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.2657516143838364e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.09973686096897418e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.86199606571132037e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.39196892795712301e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams89 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat89), params89, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams89);
+  // track 90 :
+  BoundVector params90;
+  params90 << 0.723694682121276855, -26.568511962890625, 2.23595356941223145,
+      2.48232841491699219, -0.000482781761093065143 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat90;
+  covMat90 << 0.00387407466769218445, 2.81628374958135634e-05,
+      -0.000114726948246347626, 1.29467025144414135e-06,
+      -9.82718568940813015e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.81628374958135634e-05,
+      0.0211086571216583252, -1.99152008947953991e-06, 0.000209110626146605873,
+      3.14540254121542699e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000114726948246347626,
+      -1.99152008947953991e-06, 3.47766376762592699e-06,
+      -5.54193827886431388e-08, 4.70571016940573361e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.29467025144414135e-06, 0.000209110626146605873,
+      -5.54193827886431388e-08, 2.18847662836196832e-06,
+      -1.76163300018645983e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.82718568940813015e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.14540254121542699e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.70571016940573361e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.76163300018645983e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.11767643751203849e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams90 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat90), params90, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams90);
+  // track 91 :
+  BoundVector params91;
+  params91 << -0.2323446124792099, -1.08657681941986084, -2.02921128273010254,
+      1.34838950634002686, -0.000909031485207378864 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat91;
+  covMat91 << 0.0042699095793068409, -4.94646692795497152e-05,
+      -0.00011729394910827925, -1.00433771415922194e-06,
+      -4.90878501892060452e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.94646692795497152e-05,
+      0.0193016305565834045, 2.10226265958507905e-06, 0.000365190230248221902,
+      7.18162424846205697e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00011729394910827925,
+      2.10226265958507905e-06, 3.3351993806718383e-06, 4.49848539144146812e-08,
+      2.39365529077948547e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.00433771415922194e-06,
+      0.000365190230248221902, 4.49848539144146812e-08, 8.12437156127998605e-06,
+      1.11281704892510676e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.90878501892060452e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.18162424846205697e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.39365529077948547e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.11281704892510676e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.21146006693795982e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams91 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat91), params91, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams91);
+  // track 92 :
+  BoundVector params92;
+  params92 << 0.265045791864395142, -27.2973098754882812, 1.05269753932952881,
+      2.81940984725952148, -0.000315688434056937695 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat92;
+  covMat92 << 0.0140700377523899078, 0.000593323783968879382,
+      -0.000416014263318039551, 3.4111828236548417e-06,
+      -2.73414962589024817e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000593323783968879382,
+      0.35917237401008606, -4.08578592997089967e-05, 0.000845220423224244104,
+      1.86785150218537236e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000416014263318039551,
+      -4.08578592997089967e-05, 1.27100629470078275e-05,
+      -1.59836018444417662e-07, 1.37035759118268963e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.4111828236548417e-06, 0.000845220423224244104, -1.59836018444417662e-07,
+      2.07905191018653568e-06, 2.14949156818848357e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.73414962589024817e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.86785150218537236e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.37035759118268963e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.14949156818848357e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.74355599402709061e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams92 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat92), params92, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams92);
+  // track 93 :
+  BoundVector params93;
+  params93 << 0.789679765701293945, -24.0303401947021484, 2.51740336418151855,
+      0.428744226694107056, 0.000271489931037649512 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat93;
+  covMat93 << 0.00483581656590104103, -0.00014841558570857861,
+      -0.000137122191448320704, -1.15095639449306219e-06,
+      -5.72764878155495094e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00014841558570857861,
+      0.0322524122893810272, -4.39218594800754952e-07, 0.000152778757565279151,
+      -1.06383037100379797e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000137122191448320704,
+      -4.39218594800754952e-07, 4.02241357733146288e-06, 1.598528605493444e-08,
+      2.66714797310526465e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.15095639449306219e-06,
+      0.000152778757565279151, 1.598528605493444e-08, 7.50712217723048525e-07,
+      1.22675320789893397e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.72764878155495094e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.06383037100379797e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.66714797310526465e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.22675320789893397e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.13053515002648197e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams93 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat93), params93, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams93);
+  // track 94 :
+  BoundVector params94;
+  params94 << 0.0419332981109619141, -22.403900146484375, 1.04268980026245117,
+      0.541070818901062012, -0.000843891466502100229 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat94;
+  covMat94 << 0.0182619895786046982, -0.000309098329579466258,
+      -0.000548046706254767617, -6.4069930181110618e-06,
+      -2.1453733001269524e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000309098329579466258,
+      0.0862535983324050903, 2.67156807455599936e-05, 0.000666602107346143339,
+      -5.16283304523887763e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000548046706254767617,
+      2.67156807455599936e-05, 1.6711990610929206e-05, 3.3081373187341857e-07,
+      1.096216345456462e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.4069930181110618e-06,
+      0.000666602107346143339, 3.3081373187341857e-07, 5.25060204381588846e-06,
+      2.56585402895446448e-14 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.1453733001269524e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.16283304523887763e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.096216345456462e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.56585402895446448e-14 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.29805854901066198e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams94 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat94), params94, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams94);
+  // track 95 :
+  BoundVector params95;
+  params95 << 0.176779255270957947, -37.7216300964355469, -2.91102933883666992,
+      2.48529434204101562, -0.000805854273494333029 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat95;
+  covMat95 << 0.0118867438286542892, 0.000227795118694210991,
+      -0.000348746534646607244, 4.75699803725603849e-06,
+      -2.10260526953580937e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000227795118694210991,
+      0.0444288402795791626, -1.27103127595436328e-05, 0.00044249878890344381,
+      3.24775989820321723e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000348746534646607244,
+      -1.27103127595436328e-05, 1.04705995909171179e-05,
+      -2.08165437755266941e-07, 1.02343642189694215e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      4.75699803725603849e-06, 0.00044249878890344381, -2.08165437755266941e-07,
+      4.59913690065150149e-06, -1.77698327525688441e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.10260526953580937e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.24775989820321723e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.02343642189694215e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.77698327525688441e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.43435688274118434e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams95 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat95), params95, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams95);
+  // track 96 :
+  BoundVector params96;
+  params96 << 0.447810828685760498, -26.3884296417236328, 1.54339611530303955,
+      1.56189525127410889, 0.00136160221882164478 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat96;
+  covMat96 << 0.00786379911005496979, 2.44020731388588477e-06,
+      -0.000226637467024543921, 6.05815686194600369e-08,
+      -9.290821859919166e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.44020731388588477e-06,
+      0.0212073065340518951, -1.41751539171569177e-07, 0.000477572767546785625,
+      -6.58794985364503272e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000226637467024543921,
+      -1.41751539171569177e-07, 6.68278789817122743e-06,
+      -3.38178369258151404e-09, 4.51877708122468826e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      6.05815686194600369e-08, 0.000477572767546785625,
+      -3.38178369258151404e-09, 1.25970709632383659e-05,
+      -7.18296901266119286e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.290821859919166e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.58794985364503272e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.51877708122468826e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -7.18296901266119286e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.78482867374540888e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams96 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat96), params96, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams96);
+  // track 97 :
+  BoundVector params97;
+  params97 << 0.69138866662979126, -0.824633300304412842, 1.62790572643280029,
+      2.17131519317626953, -0.00157829432282596827 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat97;
+  covMat97 << 0.0180772673338651657, 6.76792935648847091e-05,
+      -0.000534082747176570683, 9.79180919063570467e-06,
+      -2.87445677290829436e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 6.76792935648847091e-05,
+      0.0473108701407909393, -1.27657009238910182e-05, 0.000919307781488095115,
+      2.86386577268916162e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000534082747176570683,
+      -1.27657009238910182e-05, 1.60557119670556858e-05, -5.161388544210652e-07,
+      1.4339166470730082e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 9.79180919063570467e-06,
+      0.000919307781488095115, -5.161388544210652e-07, 1.83516385732218623e-05,
+      -1.41501241215600609e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.87445677290829436e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.86386577268916162e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.4339166470730082e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.41501241215600609e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.72637817772181279e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams97 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat97), params97, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams97);
+  // track 98 :
+  BoundVector params98;
+  params98 << 2.12992453575134277, -18.7516555786132812, 0.322550356388092041,
+      0.368121087551116943, 0.000346695247571915388 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat98;
+  covMat98 << 0.0101209962740540504, 0.0011374339858220674,
+      -0.000299095329991897287, -3.14932882056957461e-07,
+      -1.65684092374357599e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.0011374339858220674,
+      0.0939061492681503296, -4.8902690159540195e-05, 0.000337479548580967448,
+      -3.9036311873074078e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000299095329991897287,
+      -4.8902690159540195e-05, 9.09368463908322155e-06,
+      -3.51741511269112836e-08, 8.19782135067778202e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.14932882056957461e-07, 0.000337479548580967448,
+      -3.51741511269112836e-08, 1.25376061532733729e-06,
+      7.26578444477865009e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.65684092374357599e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.9036311873074078e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.19782135067778202e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.26578444477865009e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.17719708980779103e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams98 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat98), params98, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams98);
+  // track 99 :
+  BoundVector params99;
+  params99 << -0.535510718822479248, -28.7000522613525391,
+      -0.231238842010498047, 1.41121876239776611,
+      0.00161712500266730785 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat99;
+  covMat99 << 0.0117115778848528862, -7.67866557470544008e-06,
+      -0.000338518527122336449, 1.34603162757949205e-06,
+      -1.72783210997185512e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.67866557470544008e-06,
+      0.0252319127321243286, -1.52781402695736202e-06, 0.000597511113212106579,
+      3.90113700709114385e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000338518527122336449,
+      -1.52781402695736202e-06, 1.00057823146926239e-05,
+      -8.19645843713344724e-08, 8.35848601602763903e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.34603162757949205e-06, 0.000597511113212106579,
+      -8.19645843713344724e-08, 1.51151134559768252e-05,
+      -1.22177379055824259e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.72783210997185512e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.90113700709114385e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.35848601602763903e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.22177379055824259e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.21954796156376233e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams99 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat99), params99, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams99);
+  // track 100 :
+  BoundVector params100;
+  params100 << -0.843921840190887451, -49.1135101318359375,
+      -0.365095585584640503, 2.96138834953308105,
+      -6.34708048892207444e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat100;
+  covMat100 << 0.00338416872546076775, 0.00177216971338738029,
+      -9.9789567797386219e-05, 9.88074736457750535e-07,
+      -3.61024835134689107e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00177216971338738029,
+      0.116565637290477753, -4.51521351414238938e-05, 0.000105721181896181534,
+      -9.47131199620464829e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.9789567797386219e-05,
+      -4.51521351414238938e-05, 3.03179808724962641e-06,
+      -2.47402428503374937e-08, 1.75584896641553984e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      9.88074736457750535e-07, 0.000105721181896181534,
+      -2.47402428503374937e-08, 9.8112643343029049e-08,
+      -1.43857092852611679e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.61024835134689107e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.47131199620464829e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.75584896641553984e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.43857092852611679e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.24140029852948253e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams100 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat100), params100, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams100);
+  // track 101 :
+  BoundVector params101;
+  params101 << 0.641214549541473389, -26.0584869384765625, 1.89008140563964844,
+      0.860124528408050537, 0.00106167653575539589 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat101;
+  covMat101 << 0.0103070121258497238, 0.000236402176595641814,
+      -0.000307985893857692168, 3.39085785889227025e-06,
+      -1.78250227329527766e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000236402176595641814,
+      0.0338090509176254272, -1.38128442497058292e-05, 0.000515236218679150171,
+      4.11640035508361721e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000307985893857692168,
+      -1.38128442497058292e-05, 9.32193688640836626e-06,
+      -2.03856681051109258e-07, 8.47974964267322053e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.39085785889227025e-06, 0.000515236218679150171,
+      -2.03856681051109258e-07, 8.28272459330037236e-06,
+      5.47351419013377902e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.78250227329527766e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.11640035508361721e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.47974964267322053e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.47351419013377902e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.47352943683054605e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams101 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat101), params101, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams101);
+  // track 102 :
+  BoundVector params102;
+  params102 << -0.362777590751647949, -46.8636550903320312,
+      0.170416802167892456, 2.36327528953552246,
+      -0.000455565168522298336 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat102;
+  covMat102 << 0.00364208268001675606, 8.14110252555974963e-05,
+      -0.000105730958373490328, 7.352639037761148e-07,
+      -1.11606862640893415e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 8.14110252555974963e-05,
+      0.0136387618258595467, -2.96848315587999865e-06, 0.00014858030669170883,
+      -2.44465634156851802e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000105730958373490328,
+      -2.96848315587999865e-06, 3.21430798067012802e-06,
+      -3.21777938528106935e-08, 4.84297827278802643e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      7.352639037761148e-07, 0.00014858030669170883, -3.21777938528106935e-08,
+      1.92027391676674597e-06, 7.89285090595557677e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.11606862640893415e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.44465634156851802e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.84297827278802643e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.89285090595557677e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.05506943459676705e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams102 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat102), params102, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams102);
+  // track 103 :
+  BoundVector params103;
+  params103 << -0.40931740403175354, -26.7641277313232422, 0.23282817006111145,
+      1.9218742847442627, -0.00123902841005474329 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat103;
+  covMat103 << 0.00617217039689421654, 8.91950346564854339e-05,
+      -0.000185605375297960145, 1.82571256326137244e-06,
+      -9.99364389719838625e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 8.91950346564854339e-05,
+      0.0202017351984977722, -4.70036532729824457e-06, 0.000417853265694033654,
+      -3.42294422890168881e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000185605375297960145,
+      -4.70036532729824457e-06, 5.65443906452856027e-06,
+      -9.94552627423270062e-08, 5.03852824195809614e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.82571256326137244e-06, 0.000417853265694033654,
+      -9.94552627423270062e-08, 9.30496571527328342e-06,
+      -5.69843357485556815e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.99364389719838625e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.42294422890168881e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.03852824195809614e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.69843357485556815e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.89580739995420799e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams103 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat103), params103, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams103);
+  // track 104 :
+  BoundVector params104;
+  params104 << -0.404072463512420654, -38.5120201110839844,
+      0.344911128282546997, 1.1619257926940918,
+      0.000986460363492369652 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat104;
+  covMat104 << 0.00567628862336277962, 1.63609496095437183e-05,
+      -0.000170335731137528478, 1.2532630967862434e-06,
+      -7.98636404443589343e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 1.63609496095437183e-05,
+      0.0189783293753862381, -2.2718372282879903e-06, 0.000355776438418386749,
+      -2.11084620426846086e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000170335731137528478,
+      -2.2718372282879903e-06, 5.16884620083146729e-06,
+      -7.55285582881687735e-08, 3.807619848578843e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.2532630967862434e-06, 0.000355776438418386749, -7.55285582881687735e-08,
+      7.77826517150970176e-06, -9.50285600530462166e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.98636404443589343e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.11084620426846086e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.807619848578843e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.50285600530462166e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.29019364636384637e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams104 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat104), params104, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams104);
+  // track 105 :
+  BoundVector params105;
+  params105 << -0.748140871524810791, -23.7969169616699219,
+      -1.03605329990386963, 2.42653083801269531,
+      -0.00107949809171259403 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat105;
+  covMat105 << 0.0166618265211582184, 0.000828099383602299449,
+      -0.000494286373322627617, 7.81528533501132929e-06,
+      -2.37068070630336222e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000828099383602299449,
+      0.054433431476354599, -3.50962664017384553e-05, 0.000667669965196798754,
+      -8.65990164654914017e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000494286373322627617,
+      -3.50962664017384553e-05, 1.49260613397927955e-05,
+      -3.71389679468892074e-07, 1.21273109287785646e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      7.81528533501132929e-06, 0.000667669965196798754,
+      -3.71389679468892074e-07, 8.39095991977956146e-06,
+      -1.74774216671551251e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.37068070630336222e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.65990164654914017e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.21273109287785646e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.74774216671551251e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.28096633195329446e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams105 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat105), params105, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams105);
+  // track 106 :
+  BoundVector params106;
+  params106 << -0.1366615891456604, -27.5638828277587891, -2.49039888381958008,
+      2.61403965950012207, -0.000799041183199733496 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat106;
+  covMat106 << 0.0195895861834287643, 0.000432913617665369582,
+      -0.000583389996389527331, 5.64615132296629398e-06,
+      -2.21743636175833062e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000432913617665369582,
+      0.0853368565440177917, -2.81463041205404891e-05, 0.00062887185835232241,
+      7.3903210045338403e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000583389996389527331,
+      -2.81463041205404891e-05, 1.76701887539820746e-05,
+      -2.86129485279660388e-07, 1.13733623250742995e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      5.64615132296629398e-06, 0.00062887185835232241, -2.86129485279660388e-07,
+      4.7167955017357599e-06, -6.31956258410507594e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.21743636175833062e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.3903210045338403e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.13733623250742995e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.31956258410507594e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.37201536190667639e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams106 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat106), params106, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams106);
+  // track 107 :
+  BoundVector params107;
+  params107 << -0.281952261924743652, -27.2675514221191406,
+      0.283114522695541382, 2.50815463066101074,
+      0.000522553629707545042 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat107;
+  covMat107 << 0.00573171814903616905, 0.00019089292202471595,
+      -0.00016298341980869213, -1.57774753003534747e-07,
+      -1.76578997119228594e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00019089292202471595,
+      0.0275938734412193298, -6.10260426027345211e-07, 0.000245123840061546561,
+      -1.87936821571313464e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00016298341980869213,
+      -6.10260426027345211e-07, 4.82601581097696908e-06,
+      4.47867660897611079e-08, 8.397331774157027e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.57774753003534747e-07, 0.000245123840061546561,
+      4.47867660897611079e-08, 2.33085211220895872e-06,
+      4.17575815132199387e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.76578997119228594e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.87936821571313464e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.397331774157027e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.17575815132199387e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.90833182589500439e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams107 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat107), params107, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams107);
+  // track 108 :
+  BoundVector params108;
+  params108 << -0.209811851382255554, -38.4141693115234375,
+      -2.18240070343017578, 2.00559163093566895,
+      0.000823514885269105434 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat108;
+  covMat108 << 0.00320075475610792637, -1.04729464667693049e-05,
+      -9.46977753717566058e-05, -8.47132736283527935e-07,
+      -5.70312221165104945e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.04729464667693049e-05,
+      0.014612528495490551, 1.60439917204324993e-06, 0.00026047244379319754,
+      1.66653208275732943e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.46977753717566058e-05,
+      1.60439917204324993e-06, 2.8525080324470764e-06, 4.92819818644437109e-08,
+      2.74010143274654739e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.47132736283527935e-07,
+      0.00026047244379319754, 4.92819818644437109e-08, 5.10619156557368115e-06,
+      4.4716062401029798e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.70312221165104945e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.66653208275732943e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.74010143274654739e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.4716062401029798e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.70698590951890594e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams108 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat108), params108, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams108);
+  // track 109 :
+  BoundVector params109;
+  params109 << 0.400049686431884766, 5.43777561187744141, 1.30985116958618164,
+      0.949728786945343018, 0.00125019415281713009 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat109;
+  covMat109 << 0.0109754176810383797, 8.39713551440950264e-05,
+      -0.000324492312141962081, 3.05687976180540516e-06,
+      -1.72665763951203633e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 8.39713551440950264e-05,
+      0.0270265769213438034, -9.01515946057451831e-06, 0.000490121886147781502,
+      1.08024475744600902e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000324492312141962081,
+      -9.01515946057451831e-06, 9.76565206656232476e-06,
+      -2.03225115069697751e-07, 8.22356836237723778e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.05687976180540516e-06, 0.000490121886147781502,
+      -2.03225115069697751e-07, 9.30580608837772161e-06,
+      3.42299696660580778e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.72665763951203633e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.08024475744600902e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.22356836237723778e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.42299696660580778e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.54714332958982936e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams109 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat109), params109, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams109);
+  // track 110 :
+  BoundVector params110;
+  params110 << -0.539265453815460205, -1.51409578323364258,
+      -1.46416330337524414, 0.445282995700836182,
+      -0.000581343425437808037 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat110;
+  covMat110 << 0.0150984814390540123, -0.00078787709593504591,
+      -0.000463668385076406234, -3.40126069737758356e-06,
+      -4.7594001233568186e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00078787709593504591,
+      0.0981750190258026123, 3.73198782812315689e-05, 0.000517547473711687102,
+      1.71900525614601273e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000463668385076406234,
+      3.73198782812315689e-05, 1.45666390380938537e-05, 1.75249294465507646e-07,
+      2.38844165520381005e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.40126069737758356e-06,
+      0.000517547473711687102, 1.75249294465507646e-07, 2.79596974905871321e-06,
+      1.81008924621221718e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.7594001233568186e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.71900525614601273e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.38844165520381005e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.81008924621221718e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.11227746299758223e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams110 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat110), params110, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams110);
+  // track 111 :
+  BoundVector params111;
+  params111 << 0.671114623546600342, -23.2680797576904297, 2.88971590995788574,
+      2.53794145584106445, 0.000528754433616995811 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat111;
+  covMat111 << 0.00582297053188085556, -0.000178269433632520676,
+      -0.00017064040508346805, -9.16577544786184328e-07,
+      -7.39871471870988742e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000178269433632520676,
+      0.0320282876491546631, 9.47676944871473379e-06, 0.000262375079643188658,
+      2.3446639759563834e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00017064040508346805,
+      9.47676944871473379e-06, 5.11728148921974935e-06, 6.10420777287489119e-08,
+      3.63856481310620549e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.16577544786184328e-07,
+      0.000262375079643188658, 6.10420777287489119e-08, 2.29290367315115873e-06,
+      -1.73298870890743619e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.39871471870988742e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.3446639759563834e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.63856481310620549e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.73298870890743619e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.13164466317850554e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams111 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat111), params111, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams111);
+  // track 112 :
+  BoundVector params112;
+  params112 << -0.567338824272155762, -39.2379379272460938,
+      -0.573527812957763672, 2.7919611930847168,
+      0.000323907297570258379 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat112;
+  covMat112 << 0.0145241515710949898, 0.00100893966705628622,
+      -0.000435175147220113426, -7.91300794951697705e-07,
+      -1.50984912241323336e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00100893966705628622,
+      0.162825420498847961, -1.17342322710575323e-05, 0.000570896267478980253,
+      -1.57354143788096226e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000435175147220113426,
+      -1.17342322710575323e-05, 1.32923332785139792e-05,
+      8.24493698474199101e-08, 7.3705206571867806e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.91300794951697705e-07, 0.000570896267478980253,
+      8.24493698474199101e-08, 2.02825663109251764e-06,
+      -1.36270420577401879e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.50984912241323336e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.57354143788096226e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.3705206571867806e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.36270420577401879e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.7393829112668584e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams112 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat112), params112, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams112);
+  // track 113 :
+  BoundVector params113;
+  params113 << -0.352110147476196289, -42.806732177734375, -1.94127309322357178,
+      0.234347626566886902, 0.000298306811600923538 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat113;
+  covMat113 << 0.0297679267823696136, -0.000157760492633259443,
+      -0.000897409671925476033, 5.00768443241615978e-06,
+      -2.84713002525393994e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000157760492633259443,
+      0.755975544452667236, -6.81046218350048719e-05, 0.00122586976424697179,
+      3.04180315460180327e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000897409671925476033,
+      -6.81046218350048719e-05, 2.75633337878389284e-05,
+      -2.65506639049251932e-07, 1.4268675855279823e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      5.00768443241615978e-06, 0.00122586976424697179, -2.65506639049251932e-07,
+      2.00353611035097856e-06, -5.77783317368770183e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.84713002525393994e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.04180315460180327e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.4268675855279823e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.77783317368770183e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.32142283226777124e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams113 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat113), params113, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams113);
+  // track 114 :
+  BoundVector params114;
+  params114 << 0.70326077938079834, -23.8514003753662109, 2.19736742973327637,
+      2.66175127029418945, -0.000729386345483362675 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat114;
+  covMat114 << 0.0201517790555953979, -0.000402410594205282815,
+      -0.000615109406015380898, 6.20916466189531659e-06,
+      -5.01304650979099997e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000402410594205282815,
+      0.106326393783092499, -5.39270699210803652e-06, 0.000656929741407722974,
+      4.16003452981261856e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000615109406015380898,
+      -5.39270699210803652e-06, 1.91017334145726636e-05,
+      -3.05136297241337109e-07, 2.46257505980399243e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      6.20916466189531659e-06, 0.000656929741407722974,
+      -3.05136297241337109e-07, 4.13353836847818457e-06,
+      -2.25280483073948522e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.01304650979099997e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.16003452981261856e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.46257505980399243e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.25280483073948522e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.48457743162933298e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams114 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat114), params114, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams114);
+  // track 115 :
+  BoundVector params115;
+  params115 << 0.671093463897705078, -45.1692886352539062, 1.74538934230804443,
+      0.344533443450927734, -0.000281130109215155244 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat115;
+  covMat115 << 0.00903735589236021042, -0.00019873340309471113,
+      -0.000273524033995838783, -2.89533457392990707e-06,
+      -1.61454060310120352e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00019873340309471113,
+      0.107433833181858063, 1.17062433953150529e-05, 0.000347414063588650612,
+      -5.60630576356142156e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000273524033995838783,
+      1.17062433953150529e-05, 8.43327961774775758e-06, 1.10675918622981839e-07,
+      7.60358813812795812e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.89533457392990707e-06,
+      0.000347414063588650612, 1.10675918622981839e-07, 1.1579301144593046e-06,
+      3.89686466885357287e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.61454060310120352e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.60630576356142156e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.60358813812795812e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.89686466885357287e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.49285094975493848e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams115 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat115), params115, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams115);
+  // track 116 :
+  BoundVector params116;
+  params116 << -0.513536512851715088, -24.0025615692138672,
+      -1.29378879070281982, 0.68014836311340332,
+      -0.00116809376049786806 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat116;
+  covMat116 << 0.0196314919739961624, -0.000964473384199337471,
+      -0.000592159047274326794, -1.01560641560312488e-05,
+      -3.59403968241742458e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000964473384199337471,
+      0.0900372341275215149, 4.81210676710760611e-05, 0.000917365400873606292,
+      4.18182893772007853e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000592159047274326794,
+      4.81210676710760611e-05, 1.81187115231296048e-05, 5.11456018571083069e-07,
+      1.74822784071129361e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.01560641560312488e-05,
+      0.000917365400873606292, 5.11456018571083069e-07, 9.76017781795235351e-06,
+      -2.45815925497200098e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.59403968241742458e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.18182893772007853e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.74822784071129361e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.45815925497200098e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.33391877940891845e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams116 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat116), params116, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams116);
+  // track 117 :
+  BoundVector params117;
+  params117 << -0.188389301300048828, -27.492034912109375, -2.0469822883605957,
+      0.402536779642105103, -0.000401498342398554087 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat117;
+  covMat117 << 0.0106127634644508362, -0.000530327986901170411,
+      -0.000318114363953226264, -2.58171609717844701e-06,
+      -3.04161855482286476e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000530327986901170411,
+      0.0728393122553825378, 2.18031202084567084e-05, 0.000323112379856879315,
+      8.72212302001908086e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000318114363953226264,
+      2.18031202084567084e-05, 9.83124391495948657e-06, 1.0660118653808876e-07,
+      1.49552172231130049e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.58171609717844701e-06,
+      0.000323112379856879315, 1.0660118653808876e-07, 1.46258253153064288e-06,
+      3.10238162026694015e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.04161855482286476e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.72212302001908086e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.49552172231130049e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.10238162026694015e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.30750710206173437e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams117 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat117), params117, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams117);
+  // track 118 :
+  BoundVector params118;
+  params118 << -0.0811463147401809692, -27.6623687744140625,
+      0.45338207483291626, 2.77416062355041504,
+      0.000383521459298208356 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat118;
+  covMat118 << 0.0120377568528056145, 0.000348936630741464966,
+      -0.000367708072083872627, -4.00268806455590574e-07,
+      -2.44429806871556943e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000348936630741464966,
+      0.106920868158340454, 2.02262643355694362e-06, 0.000396612496039519481,
+      -1.29354667260461022e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000367708072083872627,
+      2.02262643355694362e-06, 1.14461399789433926e-05, 5.77674609016439322e-08,
+      1.20551713367857255e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.00268806455590574e-07,
+      0.000396612496039519481, 5.77674609016439322e-08, 1.50108360230660765e-06,
+      -1.71918312121670268e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.44429806871556943e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.29354667260461022e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.20551713367857255e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.71918312121670268e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.72003744580706552e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams118 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat118), params118, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams118);
+  // track 119 :
+  BoundVector params119;
+  params119 << -0.669821977615356445, -0.254957705736160278,
+      -0.642573356628417969, 0.338302493095397949,
+      -0.000448048056568950415 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat119;
+  covMat119 << 0.0216007865965366364, -0.00185881288533683146,
+      -0.000647740560197286076, -4.15704652410560125e-06,
+      -2.75570705855937687e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00185881288533683146,
+      0.205522537231445312, 7.6902207402064222e-05, 0.00067089446492805667,
+      2.13544688641597921e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000647740560197286076,
+      7.6902207402064222e-05, 1.98106827156152576e-05, 1.96993374819633446e-07,
+      1.39122962799931803e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.15704652410560125e-06,
+      0.00067089446492805667, 1.96993374819633446e-07, 2.21493996832577977e-06,
+      6.08338264527575119e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.75570705855937687e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.13544688641597921e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.39122962799931803e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.08338264527575119e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.86805737545370221e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams119 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat119), params119, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams119);
+  // track 120 :
+  BoundVector params120;
+  params120 << 0.620538651943206787, -5.9463653564453125, 2.88366031646728516,
+      0.806014358997344971, 0.000814548286143690348 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat120;
+  covMat120 << 0.00660947803407907486, 0.000148207317841221223,
+      -0.000194191570441951892, 1.81425520658158306e-06,
+      -1.30802501722950138e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000148207317841221223,
+      0.0214615482836961746, -8.02621091024865615e-06, 0.000291939065786425093,
+      -3.37860649239220225e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000194191570441951892,
+      -8.02621091024865615e-06, 5.84407371206907555e-06,
+      -1.03748135696870454e-07, 6.35917118456449052e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.81425520658158306e-06, 0.000291939065786425093,
+      -1.03748135696870454e-07, 4.28725343226687983e-06,
+      -2.51583629069704591e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.30802501722950138e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.37860649239220225e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.35917118456449052e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.51583629069704591e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.78077538826038051e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams120 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat120), params120, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams120);
+  // track 121 :
+  BoundVector params121;
+  params121 << 0.628487765789031982, -46.8420448303222656, 2.83293843269348145,
+      0.440805107355117798, 0.00010274051601300016 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat121;
+  covMat121 << 0.000842933135572820902, -2.19657301004237121e-05,
+      -2.40593078576417954e-05, -2.61079431395439085e-07,
+      -6.29023439716158914e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.19657301004237121e-05,
+      0.00974787771701812744, -2.23540359415713673e-08, 4.29750192042335346e-05,
+      -3.28310247664964105e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.40593078576417954e-05,
+      -2.23540359415713673e-08, 7.04093849890341517e-07,
+      5.44971636290248205e-09, 3.05175081762309306e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.61079431395439085e-07, 4.29750192042335346e-05,
+      5.44971636290248205e-09, 2.0320584326327662e-07,
+      1.64157138196977762e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -6.29023439716158914e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.28310247664964105e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.05175081762309306e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.64157138196977762e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.16425357338645696e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams121 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat121), params121, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams121);
+  // track 122 :
+  BoundVector params122;
+  params122 << -0.812381505966186523, -28.9338283538818359, -1.2193833589553833,
+      1.04633200168609619, 0.00115260039456188679 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat122;
+  covMat122 << 0.00886439252644777298, -7.98301718682701986e-05,
+      -0.000261729182772038702, 2.80699128527500705e-06,
+      -1.19181091476079831e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.98301718682701986e-05,
+      0.0244551245123147964, -1.85192755523473285e-06, 0.000485515751149120391,
+      2.3685986667229676e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000261729182772038702,
+      -1.85192755523473285e-06, 7.82700044510420412e-06,
+      -1.65953545175140125e-07, 5.47590882437587651e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      2.80699128527500705e-06, 0.000485515751149120391,
+      -1.65953545175140125e-07, 1.0220603144261986e-05,
+      -1.07937619402598992e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.19181091476079831e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.3685986667229676e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.47590882437587651e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.07937619402598992e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.73649483681259653e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams122 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat122), params122, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams122);
+  // track 123 :
+  BoundVector params123;
+  params123 << 0.674202203750610352, -46.3594818115234375, 2.85884332656860352,
+      0.887206554412841797, -0.000505877542309463024 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat123;
+  covMat123 << 0.00251318048685789108, -1.66645647325415036e-06,
+      -6.98672509700519375e-05, -7.12881638668814119e-07,
+      -6.71595898982830382e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.66645647325415036e-06,
+      0.00859435927122831345, 5.71233764557248797e-07, 0.000121854224792618618,
+      1.32173469014469017e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.98672509700519375e-05,
+      5.71233764557248797e-07, 2.02263481696718372e-06, 3.12296641803006321e-08,
+      3.09126253015111042e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.12881638668814119e-07,
+      0.000121854224792618618, 3.12296641803006321e-08, 1.98942507267929614e-06,
+      9.00985395948335217e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -6.71595898982830382e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.32173469014469017e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.09126253015111042e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.00985395948335217e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.96472895917099777e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams123 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat123), params123, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams123);
+  // track 124 :
+  BoundVector params124;
+  params124 << -0.317187309265136719, -5.00441408157348633,
+      0.162307113409042358, 0.750772595405578613,
+      -0.000692651956342160702 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat124;
+  covMat124 << 0.00589033449068665504, -0.000147228859748553363,
+      -0.000171248391294949903, -1.76774655708203412e-06,
+      -1.07121129211567312e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000147228859748553363,
+      0.0193875245749950409, 6.6144993330992646e-06, 0.000238616816721432543,
+      1.73743427737471889e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000171248391294949903,
+      6.6144993330992646e-06, 5.10799418407259509e-06, 8.27169602099734583e-08,
+      5.19150014241903916e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.76774655708203412e-06,
+      0.000238616816721432543, 8.27169602099734583e-08, 3.09604706671962049e-06,
+      1.1663553056713431e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.07121129211567312e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.73743427737471889e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.19150014241903916e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.1663553056713431e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.38518113645957897e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams124 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat124), params124, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams124);
+  // track 125 :
+  BoundVector params125;
+  params125 << -0.367212682962417603, -26.4488010406494141,
+      -0.589624702930450439, 0.890817821025848389,
+      -0.00130973628256469965 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat125;
+  covMat125 << 0.0136615298688411713, -0.000553210438098500888,
+      -0.000408959420512909242, -9.54127328493114892e-06,
+      -2.28585933325679961e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000553210438098500888,
+      0.0606655515730381012, 2.85290059337265401e-05, 0.000919541054049329964,
+      6.41373777463503296e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000408959420512909242,
+      2.85290059337265401e-05, 1.2425651220837608e-05, 4.81781448104062685e-07,
+      1.15319447682158026e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.54127328493114892e-06,
+      0.000919541054049329964, 4.81781448104062685e-07, 1.48983235703781247e-05,
+      -4.6401369967705386e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.28585933325679961e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.41373777463503296e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.15319447682158026e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.6401369967705386e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.61465746223643691e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams125 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat125), params125, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams125);
+  // track 126 :
+  BoundVector params126;
+  params126 << -0.819772541522979736, -15.088465690612793, -1.57550454139709473,
+      2.87169027328491211, -0.000316481309710070491 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat126;
+  covMat126 << 0.020475972443819046, 0.00244909382101079955,
+      -0.000612602284994073114, 2.84735667237426659e-06,
+      -1.18856619171178898e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00244909382101079955,
+      0.285471856594085693, -9.50848052190165181e-05, 0.00060520112781335168,
+      -1.42274967363324924e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000612602284994073114,
+      -9.50848052190165181e-05, 1.86471988854464144e-05,
+      -1.33140486250698117e-07, 6.17048734091374837e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      2.84735667237426659e-06, 0.00060520112781335168, -1.33140486250698117e-07,
+      1.2966377198608825e-06, 1.20738678057781713e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.18856619171178898e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.42274967363324924e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.17048734091374837e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.20738678057781713e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.87515253061654619e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams126 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat126), params126, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams126);
+  // track 127 :
+  BoundVector params127;
+  params127 << -0.318770557641983032, -24.7678050994873047,
+      0.258936554193496704, 0.221435293555259705,
+      0.000250038632657378912 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat127;
+  covMat127 << 0.0237364936619997025, -0.00216027412516154932,
+      -0.000714136299484843372, 3.91136153798043594e-07,
+      -1.92060015221202961e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00216027412516154932,
+      0.474111497402191162, 2.45504002711651886e-05, 0.000683401475519821908,
+      2.31633021184019983e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000714136299484843372,
+      2.45504002711651886e-05, 2.19113735511200503e-05,
+      -6.74041726618829811e-08, 9.78682020756434252e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.91136153798043594e-07, 0.000683401475519821908,
+      -6.74041726618829811e-08, 9.95008008430886548e-07,
+      2.37236751652554644e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.92060015221202961e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.31633021184019983e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.78682020756434252e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.37236751652554644e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.74325264965669646e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams127 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat127), params127, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams127);
+  // track 128 :
+  BoundVector params128;
+  params128 << -0.786545097827911377, -38.7401618957519531,
+      -0.845708072185516357, 0.685007095336914062,
+      -0.00115627096965909004 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat128;
+  covMat128 << 0.0192839577794075012, -0.000884148373743458998,
+      -0.000582462336183784323, -8.08110064280186493e-06,
+      -2.82867484656328478e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000884148373743458998,
+      0.0635840222239494324, 4.14378320186397384e-05, 0.000713555828392625161,
+      1.15057697948470685e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000582462336183784323,
+      4.14378320186397384e-05, 1.78008613147540018e-05, 4.15133191686953799e-07,
+      1.37170909103508374e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.08110064280186493e-06,
+      0.000713555828392625161, 4.15133191686953799e-07, 8.22206584416562691e-06,
+      3.36288899333749929e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.82867484656328478e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.15057697948470685e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.37170909103508374e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.36288899333749929e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.38668010302356493e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams128 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat128), params128, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams128);
+  // track 129 :
+  BoundVector params129;
+  params129 << 0.486697107553482056, -27.5921802520751953, 1.46391701698303223,
+      2.71947717666625977, -0.000425876642111688852 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat129;
+  covMat129 << 0.0104358252137899399, -0.000194071380788289307,
+      -0.000315099921452716538, 1.76392275881344802e-06,
+      -1.10626700413367959e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000194071380788289307,
+      0.0726201385259628296, -1.22225312305688994e-06, 0.000354468038776242019,
+      1.07847367917163246e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000315099921452716538,
+      -1.22225312305688994e-06, 9.63851289270678535e-06,
+      -9.06071612650389521e-08, 5.46013101705028866e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.76392275881344802e-06, 0.000354468038776242019,
+      -9.06071612650389521e-08, 1.75927425516420044e-06,
+      8.12217710906210286e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.10626700413367959e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.07847367917163246e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.46013101705028866e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.12217710906210286e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.87762224843768877e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams129 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat129), params129, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams129);
+  // track 130 :
+  BoundVector params130;
+  params130 << -0.617856025695800781, -0.871593713760375977,
+      -0.820657730102539062, 1.98759174346923828,
+      0.00110533414408564568 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat130;
+  covMat130 << 0.00552858132869005203, -6.21963191966173515e-06,
+      -0.000165318571599927403, -1.87050290953511793e-06,
+      -9.12087055682573263e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.21963191966173515e-06,
+      0.0224491767585277557, 2.49900583889646317e-06, 0.000406727201832187205,
+      -1.6111436767727037e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000165318571599927403,
+      2.49900583889646317e-06, 5.011198027204955e-06, 1.03599533976687726e-07,
+      4.3871518926068891e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.87050290953511793e-06,
+      0.000406727201832187205, 1.03599533976687726e-07, 8.68987262947484851e-06,
+      1.25136088613115525e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.12087055682573263e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.6111436767727037e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.3871518926068891e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.25136088613115525e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.55834969928214662e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams130 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat130), params130, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams130);
+  // track 131 :
+  BoundVector params131;
+  params131 << -0.317273795604705811, -39.7836227416992188,
+      0.271088778972625732, 2.60198879241943359,
+      -0.000791704689618200064 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat131;
+  covMat131 << 0.0173647217452526093, 0.000699109712679081823,
+      -0.000517395274305629347, 5.83878339750726826e-06,
+      -2.16819932799887328e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000699109712679081823,
+      0.0743361711502075195, -3.22919950885157238e-05, 0.000565554144244462416,
+      -2.84215790760252208e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000517395274305629347,
+      -3.22919950885157238e-05, 1.57065533130662516e-05,
+      -2.69347200961308565e-07, 1.07852728031145877e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      5.83878339750726826e-06, 0.000565554144244462416,
+      -2.69347200961308565e-07, 4.39661971540772356e-06,
+      -7.1469095279936026e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.16819932799887328e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.84215790760252208e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.07852728031145877e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -7.1469095279936026e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.20003334994167687e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams131 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat131), params131, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams131);
+  // track 132 :
+  BoundVector params132;
+  params132 << -0.176747366786003113, -6.18134498596191406,
+      -2.44022130966186523, 1.06020462512969971,
+      -0.00166206969879567623 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat132;
+  covMat132 << 0.0163360219448804855, -0.0003172835243235103,
+      -0.000474475361325176945, -8.23511726091334258e-06,
+      -2.30416042777669323e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.0003172835243235103,
+      0.0361283980309963226, 1.62689442711704658e-05, 0.000735986183239389154,
+      -2.55052024057200266e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000474475361325176945,
+      1.62689442711704658e-05, 1.40814063342986628e-05, 4.00503665767196095e-07,
+      1.13634723345292126e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.23511726091334258e-06,
+      0.000735986183239389154, 4.00503665767196095e-07, 1.59251703735208139e-05,
+      -4.93303581762030017e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.30416042777669323e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.55052024057200266e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.13634723345292126e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.93303581762030017e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.97582966549236971e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams132 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat132), params132, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams132);
+  // track 133 :
+  BoundVector params133;
+  params133 << 0.252984225749969482, -0.155150562524795532,
+      -2.66754698753356934, 2.31749868392944336,
+      0.000917813042178750038 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat133;
+  covMat133 << 0.00944171752780675888, 0.000145823562828363914,
+      -0.000271052957960221707, -4.55321772559130365e-07,
+      -2.43926736564194306e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000145823562828363914,
+      0.0299511272460222244, 3.38575145014588503e-06, 0.000406530300163432086,
+      -3.0856143118849151e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000271052957960221707,
+      3.38575145014588503e-06, 8.01670285000000149e-06, 1.05147518352289746e-07,
+      1.1170956971681221e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.55321772559130365e-07,
+      0.000406530300163432086, 1.05147518352289746e-07, 5.94885204918682575e-06,
+      -1.05152517914159529e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.43926736564194306e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.0856143118849151e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.1170956971681221e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.05152517914159529e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.04403169337774671e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams133 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat133), params133, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams133);
+  // track 134 :
+  BoundVector params134;
+  params134 << 0.261232942342758179, -4.98270845413208008, -2.7913355827331543,
+      2.3903357982635498, -0.000602899584919214249 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat134;
+  covMat134 << 0.00512111512944102287, 0.000151096985693622513,
+      -0.000145316183125153919, 1.87182314845306937e-06,
+      -1.11018028044376921e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000151096985693622513,
+      0.0171234942972660065, -4.80042332048881649e-06, 0.000210849209555024551,
+      1.07928525134701817e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000145316183125153919,
+      -4.80042332048881649e-06, 4.26421911470242776e-06,
+      -6.99455919823715623e-08, 5.18060114302286267e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.87182314845306937e-06, 0.000210849209555024551,
+      -6.99455919823715623e-08, 2.78515085483377334e-06,
+      2.16936360639539862e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.11018028044376921e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.07928525134701817e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.18060114302286267e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.16936360639539862e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.35624275698909003e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams134 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat134), params134, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams134);
+  // track 135 :
+  BoundVector params135;
+  params135 << 0.485514432191848755, -45.5758934020996094, 1.94401109218597412,
+      0.505930542945861816, -0.000614787102676928043 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat135;
+  covMat135 << 0.0123122958466410637, 0.000103715887417680144,
+      -0.000367851729220063496, -3.31341741262174798e-06,
+      -1.40577584093730895e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000103715887417680144,
+      0.0622931979596614838, 5.81297839975361217e-06, 0.000418717043270157351,
+      -7.78615764923604825e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000367851729220063496,
+      5.81297839975361217e-06, 1.11767485577729531e-05, 1.62622397510481766e-07,
+      7.02699563203032516e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.31341741262174798e-06,
+      0.000418717043270157351, 1.62622397510481766e-07, 2.88416777038946748e-06,
+      6.04537737743006593e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.40577584093730895e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -7.78615764923604825e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.02699563203032516e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.04537737743006593e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.35220848407335836e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams135 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat135), params135, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams135);
+  // track 136 :
+  BoundVector params136;
+  params136 << -0.670421361923217773, -23.7245407104492188,
+      -0.64520871639251709, 1.0696331262588501,
+      -0.00114500056952238083 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat136;
+  covMat136 << 0.00867419224232435226, -0.000238439934654708106,
+      -0.000247132726740291432, -3.75722689616700562e-06,
+      -9.94438198214882919e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000238439934654708106,
+      0.0179926082491874695, 8.82013517111327567e-06, 0.000362395650514492373,
+      2.75455883099119192e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000247132726740291432,
+      8.82013517111327567e-06, 7.21778906154213473e-06, 1.5386779713221143e-07,
+      4.75511246715568753e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.75722689616700562e-06,
+      0.000362395650514492373, 1.5386779713221143e-07, 7.68224344938062131e-06,
+      2.56252285968062862e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.94438198214882919e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.75455883099119192e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.75511246715568753e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.56252285968062862e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.62369812040097372e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams136 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat136), params136, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams136);
+  // track 137 :
+  BoundVector params137;
+  params137 << -0.115538112819194794, 1.36448657512664795, -1.94587123394012451,
+      2.86434054374694824, 0.000385540741262957454 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat137;
+  covMat137 << 0.0277297049760818481, 0.00109366535881475391,
+      -0.000837399106664793598, -1.86861717914986654e-06,
+      -3.02391750465843443e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00109366535881475391,
+      0.36750379204750061, 1.37618244604514028e-05, 0.000820460451267350272,
+      -2.09467237202718329e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000837399106664793598,
+      1.37618244604514028e-05, 2.5784886020119302e-05, 1.55912763303336569e-07,
+      1.51901283557160921e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.86861717914986654e-06,
+      0.000820460451267350272, 1.55912763303336569e-07, 1.85243084160902072e-06,
+      -5.89799137780591859e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.02391750465843443e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.09467237202718329e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.51901283557160921e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.89799137780591859e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.66225588849044925e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams137 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat137), params137, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams137);
+  // track 138 :
+  BoundVector params138;
+  params138 << -0.437855541706085205, 0.00233042589388787746,
+      -1.61236178874969482, 2.66223287582397461,
+      -0.00048968649934977293 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat138;
+  covMat138 << 0.0102480929344892502, 0.000472131789165782347,
+      -0.00030005184152762706, 2.30777092355429649e-06,
+      -8.23733339483005762e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000472131789165782347,
+      0.0548162646591663361, -1.93984184037375696e-05, 0.0003337112441505619,
+      -3.15116273492404661e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00030005184152762706,
+      -1.93984184037375696e-05, 8.96569144970271736e-06,
+      -1.04404311461369532e-07, 4.16595730488154716e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      2.30777092355429649e-06, 0.0003337112441505619, -1.04404311461369532e-07,
+      2.07969515031436458e-06, -4.21540260659907555e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -8.23733339483005762e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.15116273492404661e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.16595730488154716e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.21540260659907555e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.92930027193605724e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams138 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat138), params138, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams138);
+  // track 139 :
+  BoundVector params139;
+  params139 << -0.508741080760955811, -46.586151123046875,
+      -0.155602023005485535, 2.23871588706970215,
+      0.00108059775084257126 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat139;
+  covMat139 << 0.0092028668150305748, 2.68137590592830111e-06,
+      -0.000267328437856131614, -4.45051587392828996e-06,
+      -1.7870806347180625e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.68137590592830111e-06,
+      0.0370477475225925446, 7.6281684549949988e-06, 0.000581077286055830654,
+      -4.87564726794623446e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000267328437856131614,
+      7.6281684549949988e-06, 7.97686789155704901e-06, 2.52891502516708447e-07,
+      8.98278177902545255e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.45051587392828996e-06,
+      0.000581077286055830654, 2.52891502516708447e-07, 9.77692525339080021e-06,
+      1.52214832118640255e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.7870806347180625e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.87564726794623446e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.98278177902545255e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.52214832118640255e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.85946016864713215e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams139 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat139), params139, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams139);
+  // track 140 :
+  BoundVector params140;
+  params140 << -0.0287109911441802979, -46.0042991638183594,
+      -2.35494875907897949, 1.89670753479003906,
+      -0.00176577572710812092 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat140;
+  covMat140 << 0.0144642842933535576, 0.000202304881255863523,
+      -0.0004315195269340391, 5.3491723128578935e-06,
+      -2.30140530552361737e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000202304881255863523,
+      0.0459608733654022217, -1.13086865182124149e-05, 0.000878128453669932505,
+      -5.83245686148190731e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.0004315195269340391,
+      -1.13086865182124149e-05, 1.30631951833493076e-05,
+      -2.77542364129523601e-07, 1.1015992963213548e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      5.3491723128578935e-06, 0.000878128453669932505, -2.77542364129523601e-07,
+      1.93870200746459886e-05, 1.69476858439270149e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.30140530552361737e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.83245686148190731e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.1015992963213548e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.69476858439270149e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.93277660437618692e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams140 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat140), params140, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams140);
+  // track 141 :
+  BoundVector params141;
+  params141 << -0.324331343173980713, -23.5119915008544922,
+      -1.97980344295501709, 1.80859279632568359,
+      0.00151402072515338659 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat141;
+  covMat141 << 0.0087733948603272438, -9.15304093536118931e-05,
+      -0.000263482306437119978, -4.30371014091713246e-06,
+      -1.27371578273573737e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.15304093536118931e-05,
+      0.0360054671764373779, 5.80982901356528686e-06, 0.00079117892231876717,
+      -1.84955003459008438e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000263482306437119978,
+      5.80982901356528686e-06, 8.00929956312756985e-06, 2.04894742385078515e-07,
+      6.42585697371379892e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.30371014091713246e-06,
+      0.00079117892231876717, 2.04894742385078515e-07, 1.9523367882356979e-05,
+      -2.99674425730772401e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.27371578273573737e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.84955003459008438e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.42585697371379892e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.99674425730772401e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.4992743985485788e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams141 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat141), params141, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams141);
+  // track 142 :
+  BoundVector params142;
+  params142 << 0.833708107471466064, -26.5761394500732422, 2.42632651329040527,
+      0.695800244808197021, -0.00123036885634064674 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat142;
+  covMat142 << 0.0211165659129619598, 0.000359701005864806447,
+      -0.000640851902958058375, -9.11472752482565601e-06,
+      -3.61128702466976842e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000359701005864806447,
+      0.0739856362342834473, 8.7222025530136249e-06, 0.000880846867037469831,
+      -2.53787934713242592e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000640851902958058375,
+      8.7222025530136249e-06, 1.96944329218240455e-05, 5.19825459711244045e-07,
+      1.80691074173165322e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.11472752482565601e-06,
+      0.000880846867037469831, 5.19825459711244045e-07, 1.07980968095944263e-05,
+      -8.35165165596293098e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.61128702466976842e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.53787934713242592e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.80691074173165322e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.35165165596293098e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.57582055579663916e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams142 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat142), params142, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams142);
+  // track 143 :
+  BoundVector params143;
+  params143 << 0.431655138731002808, -29.9960479736328125, 3.04886436462402344,
+      0.219654783606529236, -0.000162235795869491994 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat143;
+  covMat143 << 0.0106745027005672455, -8.84194609194169812e-05,
+      -0.000323117334005453873, -1.40461092014443657e-06,
+      -7.26826880107808198e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -8.84194609194169812e-05,
+      0.237027347087860107, 1.1001073976894211e-05, 0.000332182033533801643,
+      -6.39605428797278291e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000323117334005453873,
+      1.1001073976894211e-05, 9.92172226688126102e-06, 5.57033782439724886e-08,
+      3.63950477953687594e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.40461092014443657e-06,
+      0.000332182033533801643, 5.57033782439724886e-08, 4.7147932491498068e-07,
+      3.22132744873936636e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.26826880107808198e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.39605428797278291e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.63950477953687594e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.22132744873936636e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.18471672644538017e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams143 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat143), params143, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams143);
+  // track 144 :
+  BoundVector params144;
+  params144 << 0.453293651342391968, -3.70734310150146484, 1.55869936943054199,
+      0.256132364273071289, 0.000176838657353073359 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat144;
+  covMat144 << 0.00827712379395961761, 2.30498411629412509e-05,
+      -0.000244603197258337732, -1.09126589030407755e-07,
+      -1.23444322806264544e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.30498411629412509e-05,
+      0.129736632108688354, -1.08938113172420931e-05, 0.00024017541022616651,
+      -4.9073936291752883e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000244603197258337732,
+      -1.08938113172420931e-05, 7.46843306842492893e-06,
+      -1.2793133595916256e-08, 6.20080490265058224e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.09126589030407755e-07, 0.00024017541022616651, -1.2793133595916256e-08,
+      4.53893193252952187e-07, 4.19473349424168581e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.23444322806264544e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.9073936291752883e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.20080490265058224e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.19473349424168581e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.42161740449509466e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams144 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat144), params144, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams144);
+  // track 145 :
+  BoundVector params145;
+  params145 << -0.061490967869758606, -26.7054595947265625,
+      -2.24733877182006836, 0.956555545330047607,
+      0.00144492473918944597 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat145;
+  covMat145 << 0.0162842385470867157, -0.000263099496401078266,
+      -0.00047392584055408227, 9.13166470635725779e-07,
+      -2.48568574213736665e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000263099496401078266,
+      0.0405553430318832397, -4.6234755882358841e-06, 0.000706847528783378985,
+      3.8766189110419867e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00047392584055408227,
+      -4.6234755882358841e-06, 1.40937036121613346e-05, -2.3073629352790705e-07,
+      1.21477695022017926e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 9.13166470635725779e-07,
+      0.000706847528783378985, -2.3073629352790705e-07, 1.28429355754633434e-05,
+      8.96597163070042405e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.48568574213736665e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.8766189110419867e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.21477695022017926e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.96597163070042405e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.91443821801118474e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams145 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat145), params145, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams145);
+  // track 146 :
+  BoundVector params146;
+  params146 << 0.763872087001800537, -38.5857467651367188, 2.27715539932250977,
+      1.21252071857452393, -0.00143153721000999212 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat146;
+  covMat146 << 0.00959093961864709854, -5.95333196772062091e-05,
+      -0.000286590504535243261, -3.89848736920619265e-06,
+      -1.27862245568167995e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.95333196772062091e-05,
+      0.0381334424018859863, 5.54447234346008645e-06, 0.000701959475459679595,
+      -3.38021765880820443e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000286590504535243261,
+      5.54447234346008645e-06, 8.66082245920551941e-06, 1.98754844823631596e-07,
+      6.11745668929922213e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.89848736920619265e-06,
+      0.000701959475459679595, 1.98754844823631596e-07, 1.4981656931922771e-05,
+      -3.86232878211289549e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.27862245568167995e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.38021765880820443e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.11745668929922213e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.86232878211289549e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.21742652017908881e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams146 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat146), params146, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams146);
+  // track 147 :
+  BoundVector params147;
+  params147 << 0.103607669472694397, 2.84468746185302734, -2.64531970024108887,
+      0.422175496816635132, 0.000728976272512227297 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat147;
+  covMat147 << 0.0291666984558105469, -0.00028174513634597289,
+      -0.000896671963135054384, 3.65521430545857715e-06,
+      -9.28791760013186476e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00028174513634597289,
+      0.183342501521110535, -2.96247041841360439e-05, 0.000901552718064765435,
+      2.53499877322050493e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000896671963135054384,
+      -2.96247041841360439e-05, 2.81649827229557559e-05,
+      -2.96050592993603566e-07, 4.56613110250769837e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.65521430545857715e-06, 0.000901552718064765435,
+      -2.96050592993603566e-07, 4.49623166787205264e-06,
+      2.77175608301356693e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.28791760013186476e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.53499877322050493e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.56613110250769837e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.77175608301356693e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.42934380681958828e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams147 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat147), params147, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams147);
+  // track 148 :
+  BoundVector params148;
+  params148 << 0.0596604086458683014, -22.0404262542724609,
+      -2.35440278053283691, 2.71709132194519043,
+      0.000393175549106672406 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat148;
+  covMat148 << 0.00926339346915483475, 0.000528247059013484989,
+      -0.000273002338954134941, 1.18533332081702857e-06,
+      -1.0181309061738991e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000528247059013484989,
+      0.0657876729965209961, -4.89306573522013593e-06, 0.000319671212486525062,
+      -1.99118715573116921e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000273002338954134941,
+      -4.89306573522013593e-06, 8.228425940615125e-06, 1.0922913420953112e-08,
+      5.11517095198890007e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 1.18533332081702857e-06,
+      0.000319671212486525062, 1.0922913420953112e-08, 1.58801094585214742e-06,
+      -3.45854711927653862e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.0181309061738991e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.99118715573116921e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.11517095198890007e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.45854711927653862e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.50769107940685387e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams148 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat148), params148, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams148);
+  // track 149 :
+  BoundVector params149;
+  params149 << -0.100074939429759979, -45.496917724609375, -2.26213359832763672,
+      2.41107773780822754, -0.00105385575443506241 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat149;
+  covMat149 << 0.0151377040892839432, 0.000602634067371094167,
+      -0.000444356777866817588, 7.9758927859093853e-06,
+      -2.44218026422960964e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000602634067371094167,
+      0.0541137345135211945, -2.54764657299984998e-05, 0.000650772244522164326,
+      -2.86525491239922761e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000444356777866817588,
+      -2.54764657299984998e-05, 1.33216317408368923e-05,
+      -3.50343885338622606e-07, 1.17735415136484234e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      7.9758927859093853e-06, 0.000650772244522164326, -3.50343885338622606e-07,
+      8.18384978629183024e-06, -1.33592110665984887e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.44218026422960964e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.86525491239922761e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.17735415136484234e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.33592110665984887e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.07479458561132901e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams149 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat149), params149, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams149);
+  // track 150 :
+  BoundVector params150;
+  params150 << -0.475683718919754028, -7.06369543075561523, 0.21792110800743103,
+      2.59036850929260254, 0.000621944374870508909 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat150;
+  covMat150 << 0.0113344583660364151, 0.000305280624649602989,
+      -0.000332487044324006938, -1.63824948116055707e-06,
+      -9.71480251237366926e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000305280624649602989,
+      0.0582733377814292908, 7.6302914477251913e-07, 0.000438738226848568399,
+      -5.91422448133011881e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000332487044324006938,
+      7.6302914477251913e-07, 9.93357571132946759e-06, 1.21010113810928627e-07,
+      4.84814135648083373e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.63824948116055707e-06,
+      0.000438738226848568399, 1.21010113810928627e-07, 3.42198154612560757e-06,
+      -3.26867840396934173e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.71480251237366926e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.91422448133011881e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.84814135648083373e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.26867840396934173e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.01995072110394602e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams150 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat150), params150, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams150);
+  // track 151 :
+  BoundVector params151;
+  params151 << 0.98848491907119751, -23.9967403411865234, 2.97214531898498535,
+      2.47884941101074219, -0.000928516499698162079 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat151;
+  covMat151 << 0.0139401322230696678, -0.000109650695280206099,
+      -0.000410603766136218755, 6.34942242156624963e-06,
+      -1.91480875943633338e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000109650695280206099,
+      0.051623273640871048, -4.96380863496017579e-06, 0.000554779761149708835,
+      1.06928217588898346e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000410603766136218755,
+      -4.96380863496017579e-06, 1.23366617117426358e-05,
+      -2.8907121314848788e-07, 9.51416150401782656e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      6.34942242156624963e-06, 0.000554779761149708835, -2.8907121314848788e-07,
+      6.12514031672617421e-06, -4.0379007049062301e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.91480875943633338e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.06928217588898346e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.51416150401782656e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.0379007049062301e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.35979236151706573e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams151 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat151), params151, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams151);
+  // track 152 :
+  BoundVector params152;
+  params152 << 0.55860060453414917, -45.7249908447265625, 1.83190596103668213,
+      0.48145294189453125, 0.000721027201507240534 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat152;
+  covMat152 << 0.0186744499951601028, 0.000493292771603547758,
+      -0.000565849238931288596, 3.05813720670537946e-06,
+      -2.66483594264544379e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000493292771603547758,
+      0.101673096418380737, -3.54761000333760567e-05, 0.000629179521496957923,
+      -6.15039861676908778e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000565849238931288596,
+      -3.54761000333760567e-05, 1.73863791133044288e-05,
+      -2.15955155252030693e-07, 1.3347851460192395e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.05813720670537946e-06, 0.000629179521496957923,
+      -2.15955155252030693e-07, 3.96863515561562963e-06,
+      9.51450535762684209e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.66483594264544379e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.15039861676908778e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.3347851460192395e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.51450535762684209e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.52067755557305873e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams152 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat152), params152, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams152);
+  // track 153 :
+  BoundVector params153;
+  params153 << -0.675277292728424072, -17.5367851257324219,
+      -1.09335136413574219, 1.29379391670227051,
+      0.00186408217996358871 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat153;
+  covMat153 << 0.0150135625153779984, -5.98760396689701493e-06,
+      -0.000439278218315922013, 4.52858267312502235e-06,
+      -2.12443419817206803e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.98760396689701493e-06,
+      0.0350622236728668213, -4.82582268169156601e-06, 0.000836372815788150622,
+      2.09070433346646154e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000439278218315922013,
+      -4.82582268169156601e-06, 1.31102533487137407e-05,
+      -2.59231851245594785e-07, 1.04858623295484113e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      4.52858267312502235e-06, 0.000836372815788150622,
+      -2.59231851245594785e-07, 2.17701854126062244e-05,
+      -2.62710156705971042e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.12443419817206803e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.09070433346646154e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.04858623295484113e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.62710156705971042e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.00474514661297576e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams153 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat153), params153, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams153);
+  // track 154 :
+  BoundVector params154;
+  params154 << 0.0753030404448509216, -29.1891746520996094,
+      0.738724231719970703, 2.31334257125854492,
+      0.00144911545794457197 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat154;
+  covMat154 << 0.0217308551073074341, 3.24991188634454485e-05,
+      -0.000647178201020877667, -5.51537304078277638e-06,
+      -4.24940247733336709e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 3.24991188634454485e-05,
+      0.0502317957580089569, 1.42908758929754525e-05, 0.000768853527443186789,
+      -1.11154383882071719e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000647178201020877667,
+      1.42908758929754525e-05, 1.96035034605301917e-05, 3.94051157866699596e-07,
+      2.12308161941993043e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -5.51537304078277638e-06,
+      0.000768853527443186789, 3.94051157866699596e-07, 1.20725653687259182e-05,
+      -9.05413371576357781e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.24940247733336709e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.11154383882071719e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.12308161941993043e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.05413371576357781e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.28650798084606777e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams154 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat154), params154, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams154);
+  // track 155 :
+  BoundVector params155;
+  params155 << 0.261458933353424072, -2.39843320846557617, 1.05141377449035645,
+      0.232830539345741272, 0.000250596785917878151 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat155;
+  covMat155 << 0.0212338902056217194, 0.000353406616331773335,
+      -0.00064520728113282098, 9.74350339390978654e-07,
+      -1.69741491338621847e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000353406616331773335,
+      0.41215890645980835, -4.22061888380635897e-05, 0.000653800381523604113,
+      -1.34245812546777072e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00064520728113282098,
+      -4.22061888380635897e-05, 1.98819634533720091e-05,
+      -7.83604692222462539e-08, 8.68476512257556142e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      9.74350339390978654e-07, 0.000653800381523604113,
+      -7.83604692222462539e-08, 1.04632010788918706e-06,
+      -1.19444645168272657e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.69741491338621847e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.34245812546777072e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.68476512257556142e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.19444645168272657e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.34616611933292063e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams155 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat155), params155, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams155);
+  // track 156 :
+  BoundVector params156;
+  params156 << -0.105008736252784729, -4.60046195983886719,
+      -2.15087199211120605, 2.53013730049133301,
+      0.000869307026732712984 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat156;
+  covMat156 << 0.0136917401105165482, 0.000115121263015629808,
+      -0.000413429347423517678, -2.62571780336553623e-06,
+      -2.07199662141073358e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000115121263015629808,
+      0.0558724924921989441, 8.99969196056981436e-06, 0.000514698386282201061,
+      -6.20886185541909694e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000413429347423517678,
+      8.99969196056981436e-06, 1.26550057757413015e-05, 1.92253160785162133e-07,
+      1.01717537862091531e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.62571780336553623e-06,
+      0.000514698386282201061, 1.92253160785162133e-07, 4.87851730213151313e-06,
+      -7.31342694223202373e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.07199662141073358e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.20886185541909694e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.01717537862091531e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -7.31342694223202373e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.3365928636387423e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams156 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat156), params156, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams156);
+  // track 157 :
+  BoundVector params157;
+  params157 << 0.449398219585418701, -27.5547370910644531, -2.98990011215209961,
+      0.584414243698120117, -0.000796562700998038054 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat157;
+  covMat157 << 0.0147328255698084831, 0.000102396442328031638,
+      -0.000442161702936779853, -4.51768449626899611e-06,
+      -1.75125426997186622e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000102396442328031638,
+      0.0676895305514335632, 9.61359721658456181e-06, 0.000602606334717200459,
+      -8.66739114473183283e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000442161702936779853,
+      9.61359721658456181e-06, 1.34547990455757827e-05, 2.52859101937164529e-07,
+      8.84959810661187708e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.51768449626899611e-06,
+      0.000602606334717200459, 2.52859101937164529e-07, 5.48358138985349797e-06,
+      2.42683894231848255e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.75125426997186622e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.66739114473183283e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.84959810661187708e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.42683894231848255e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.96425084530993388e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams157 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat157), params157, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams157);
+  // track 158 :
+  BoundVector params158;
+  params158 << -0.47096705436706543, -23.1657295227050781, -1.74237358570098877,
+      2.32017350196838379, 0.000883807893842458725 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat158;
+  covMat158 << 0.00741111813113093376, 3.92975220400803806e-05,
+      -0.000222045332813570817, -2.88822099446990028e-06,
+      -2.12788927612163033e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 3.92975220400803806e-05,
+      0.0265452265739440918, 3.83772358007061724e-06, 0.000388211046384209855,
+      -5.72504289628637471e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000222045332813570817,
+      3.83772358007061724e-06, 6.7778209995594807e-06, 1.57738925506559928e-07,
+      1.01751060319750463e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.88822099446990028e-06,
+      0.000388211046384209855, 1.57738925506559928e-07, 5.97009920966229402e-06,
+      2.72996826709048491e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.12788927612163033e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.72504289628637471e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.01751060319750463e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.72996826709048491e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.86495771550931977e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams158 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat158), params158, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams158);
+  // track 159 :
+  BoundVector params159;
+  params159 << -0.772880673408508301, -0.194379150867462158,
+      -0.128169164061546326, 0.661742448806762695,
+      0.00110341468825936317 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat159;
+  covMat159 << 0.020627237856388092, -0.000651662753287368906,
+      -0.00061276879384480475, 5.7418960693298186e-06,
+      -2.67843352789052197e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000651662753287368906,
+      0.0692515745759010315, -2.26766543920346976e-07, 0.000746164457055286962,
+      1.87684603862415885e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00061276879384480475,
+      -2.26766543920346976e-07, 1.8517455828259699e-05,
+      -3.78605360981018502e-07, 1.36753554668844785e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      5.7418960693298186e-06, 0.000746164457055286962, -3.78605360981018502e-07,
+      8.24847211333690211e-06, -3.39037168618683865e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.67843352789052197e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.87684603862415885e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.36753554668844785e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.39037168618683865e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.48178236242446815e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams159 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat159), params159, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams159);
+  // track 160 :
+  BoundVector params160;
+  params160 << -0.347648710012435913, -45.7085342407226562,
+      0.140009865164756775, 0.641895532608032227,
+      0.00117580872029066086 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat160;
+  covMat160 << 0.0375818982720375061, -0.000303276309189704169,
+      -0.00110587969340759386, 1.29061987071589049e-05,
+      -4.12294858313896687e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000303276309189704169,
+      0.125086501240730286, -2.57186227015147112e-05, 0.00124988554053600013,
+      1.69162268005727335e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00110587969340759386,
+      -2.57186227015147112e-05, 3.28488567902240902e-05,
+      -7.27553385059438972e-07, 1.83230555024144881e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.29061987071589049e-05, 0.00124988554053600013, -7.27553385059438972e-07,
+      1.28745887195691466e-05, -1.87734052287320618e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.12294858313896687e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.69162268005727335e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.83230555024144881e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.87734052287320618e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.79933057237380467e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams160 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat160), params160, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams160);
+  // track 161 :
+  BoundVector params161;
+  params161 << -0.2922801673412323, -0.921251356601715088,
+      0.0930548682808876038, 1.51108169555664062,
+      0.00123066513333469629 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat161;
+  covMat161 << 0.00921367853879928589, 4.5284958991639089e-06,
+      -0.000270542651850571756, 4.18970364145019236e-07,
+      -1.24935012983859226e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 4.5284958991639089e-06,
+      0.0202056393027305603, -5.18878459713167351e-07, 0.000441547249561386889,
+      -1.60400630155777733e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000270542651850571756,
+      -5.18878459713167351e-07, 8.02594786364352331e-06,
+      -2.14580558624309511e-08, 5.3323840067832493e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      4.18970364145019236e-07, 0.000441547249561386889,
+      -2.14580558624309511e-08, 1.14672693598549813e-05,
+      -2.71866026406819207e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.24935012983859226e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.60400630155777733e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.3323840067832493e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.71866026406819207e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.68986658000136458e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams161 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat161), params161, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams161);
+  // track 162 :
+  BoundVector params162;
+  params162 << 0.4121856689453125, -23.2384719848632812, 3.07601475715637207,
+      2.50852036476135254, -0.00103297142777591944 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat162;
+  covMat162 << 0.0184979140758514404, 0.000137593374859579015,
+      -0.000556487007709731548, 8.2413879715742071e-06,
+      -2.98670195072288683e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000137593374859579015,
+      0.0723279938101768494, -1.91025340155191667e-05, 0.00072751066352708994,
+      1.28089131983040278e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000556487007709731548,
+      -1.91025340155191667e-05, 1.6993884855764918e-05,
+      -4.09609317210932893e-07, 1.47520025775196756e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      8.2413879715742071e-06, 0.00072751066352708994, -4.09609317210932893e-07,
+      7.47372678233659826e-06, -6.9067412337676577e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.98670195072288683e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.28089131983040278e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.47520025775196756e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.9067412337676577e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.46785045124420321e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams162 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat162), params162, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams162);
+  // track 163 :
+  BoundVector params163;
+  params163 << -0.483950525522232056, -26.1256237030029297,
+      0.0553041622042655945, 0.949812471866607666,
+      -0.00125660584308207035 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat163;
+  covMat163 << 0.0255814455449581146, -0.000497574279907850563,
+      -0.000750143259475374879, -9.48529005801767566e-06,
+      -1.80692002549941218e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000497574279907850563,
+      0.0536283813416957855, 2.52424588427675564e-05, 0.000992537455962576656,
+      -6.36132286347180259e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000750143259475374879,
+      2.52424588427675564e-05, 2.21376776607939973e-05, 4.85059345667416894e-07,
+      8.91432167580867079e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.48529005801767566e-06,
+      0.000992537455962576656, 4.85059345667416894e-07, 1.88748454093001783e-05,
+      -4.62705821113891289e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.80692002549941218e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.36132286347180259e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.91432167580867079e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.62705821113891289e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.9073463081452644e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams163 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat163), params163, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams163);
+  // track 164 :
+  BoundVector params164;
+  params164 << 0.446096986532211304, -45.5545768737792969, 1.52503681182861328,
+      0.665921330451965332, -3.70692359865643084e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat164;
+  covMat164 << 0.000154954337631352246, -2.7711175651334654e-06,
+      -2.81480069777612953e-06, 5.24993610348611895e-09,
+      -1.85158695435768846e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.7711175651334654e-06,
+      0.00208598608151078224, -5.19392850454352899e-09, 9.56207419135546286e-06,
+      -8.58618417511969728e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.81480069777612953e-06,
+      -5.19392850454352899e-09, 5.87558872666704701e-08,
+      -2.14259485564807477e-10, 4.70134905851354349e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      5.24993610348611895e-09, 9.56207419135546286e-06,
+      -2.14259485564807477e-10, 6.29812220154235547e-08,
+      -5.34156221200548834e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.85158695435768846e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.58618417511969728e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.70134905851354349e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.34156221200548834e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.18826441912273539e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams164 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat164), params164, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams164);
+  // track 165 :
+  BoundVector params165;
+  params165 << -0.193144664168357849, -39.8290443420410156,
+      0.404710888862609863, 2.53834176063537598,
+      0.000577296596020460129 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat165;
+  covMat165 << 0.00723315775394439697, 0.000260372419450370792,
+      -0.000213528892024644653, 8.64182027576564045e-08,
+      -1.62459623796150906e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000260372419450370792,
+      0.0307485610246658325, -1.36157327480265165e-06, 0.000270086486223694014,
+      -7.61741612270504069e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000213528892024644653,
+      -1.36157327480265165e-06, 6.46902481094002724e-06,
+      4.73498669259185492e-08, 7.96054784235342818e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      8.64182027576564045e-08, 0.000270086486223694014, 4.73498669259185492e-08,
+      2.46902618528110906e-06, -1.95104992239772127e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.62459623796150906e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -7.61741612270504069e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.96054784235342818e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.95104992239772127e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.81045026192983016e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams165 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat165), params165, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams165);
+  // track 166 :
+  BoundVector params166;
+  params166 << 0.799288451671600342, -27.6733474731445312, 1.79553651809692383,
+      2.62628865242004395, 0.000649376073852181435 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat166;
+  covMat166 << 0.0184728335589170456, 0.000576206559643558606,
+      -0.000498748322512280475, 2.46767730379623049e-06,
+      -2.41244600997874658e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000576206559643558606,
+      0.1421927809715271, 1.81454957973484008e-05, 0.000800767644742904545,
+      -5.41325547148110521e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000498748322512280475,
+      1.81454957973484008e-05, 1.40697147799073718e-05, 1.08885275385941302e-07,
+      1.05514606536829556e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.46767730379623049e-06,
+      0.000800767644742904545, 1.08885275385941302e-07, 4.79977052236790769e-06,
+      -6.6186235709197681e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.41244600997874658e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.41325547148110521e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.05514606536829556e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -6.6186235709197681e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.90290047608066004e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams166 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat166), params166, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams166);
+  // track 167 :
+  BoundVector params167;
+  params167 << -0.35574042797088623, -24.7030124664306641, -2.12256479263305664,
+      0.692609786987304688, -0.00104050105437636375 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat167;
+  covMat167 << 0.015440003015100956, -0.000624176001675493886,
+      -0.000464574482277491259, -7.70109899823705722e-06,
+      -2.81178338802018056e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000624176001675493886,
+      0.0619786754250526428, 3.09368817688975256e-05, 0.000695986322192939863,
+      5.11273110436170716e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000464574482277491259,
+      3.09368817688975256e-05, 1.41627569973934442e-05, 3.76623335304221592e-07,
+      1.32070729647698356e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.70109899823705722e-06,
+      0.000695986322192939863, 3.76623335304221592e-07, 8.04879437055205926e-06,
+      4.26309578361557248e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.81178338802018056e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.11273110436170716e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.32070729647698356e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.26309578361557248e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.20331428049769329e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams167 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat167), params167, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams167);
+  // track 168 :
+  BoundVector params168;
+  params168 << 0.11886557936668396, -47.7819938659667969, -2.63996195793151855,
+      0.518789112567901611, 0.000841481960378587246 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat168;
+  covMat168 << 0.0208285339176654816, -0.000140944469367757928,
+      -0.000628714493802016365, 2.85093059534874148e-06,
+      -2.52877307106631281e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000140944469367757928,
+      0.0990117564797401428, -1.87049319949921501e-05, 0.000699713933447829585,
+      5.35561789668739302e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000628714493802016365,
+      -1.87049319949921501e-05, 1.92184870684286579e-05,
+      -2.45129716626087157e-07, 1.23193818731095067e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      2.85093059534874148e-06, 0.000699713933447829585,
+      -2.45129716626087157e-07, 5.04362697029137053e-06,
+      1.03376886437529416e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.52877307106631281e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.35561789668739302e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.23193818731095067e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.03376886437529416e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.40058611877813632e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams168 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat168), params168, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams168);
+  // track 169 :
+  BoundVector params169;
+  params169 << -0.753641188144683838, -24.6972694396972656,
+      -1.26335954666137695, 2.93867397308349609,
+      -5.220841194386594e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat169;
+  covMat169 << 0.00236013904213905334, 0.00154376213001722611,
+      -6.73646577569984184e-05, 1.30328176525545106e-06,
+      -1.67714425087651653e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00154376213001722611,
+      0.0721083357930183411, -3.89344568551530906e-05, 7.66922827229373638e-05,
+      -5.41191330879136116e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.73646577569984184e-05,
+      -3.89344568551530906e-05, 1.97714439309493173e-06,
+      -3.33291794511282267e-08, 7.90020084251383031e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.30328176525545106e-06, 7.66922827229373638e-05,
+      -3.33291794511282267e-08, 8.44821670398232527e-08,
+      -2.55639621894285378e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.67714425087651653e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.41191330879136116e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.90020084251383031e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.55639621894285378e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.093434784526508e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams169 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat169), params169, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams169);
+  // track 170 :
+  BoundVector params170;
+  params170 << -2.15710759162902832, -45.7950439453125, 1.61371970176696777,
+      0.570733428001403809, 0.000358434394001960754 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat170;
+  covMat170 << 0.00374916614964604378, -0.000480773005103489936,
+      -0.000105863497891874796, -1.61542653193409112e-07,
+      -1.17937713758139657e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000480773005103489936,
+      0.017858605831861496, 1.13532057634138872e-05, 0.000137701393792528048,
+      2.46103911881579324e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000105863497891874796,
+      1.13532057634138872e-05, 3.12180145556339994e-06, -1.2843229301556418e-08,
+      5.5197340225094278e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.61542653193409112e-07,
+      0.000137701393792528048, -1.2843229301556418e-08, 1.12689849629532546e-06,
+      2.78956850716596797e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.17937713758139657e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.46103911881579324e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.5197340225094278e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.78956850716596797e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.16566450936161914e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams170 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat170), params170, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams170);
+  // track 171 :
+  BoundVector params171;
+  params171 << 0.297651320695877075, -45.3023033142089844, 1.42410826683044434,
+      0.565678238868713379, -0.000133898094645701349 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat171;
+  covMat171 << 0.0027103363536298275, -0.000399266654113502575,
+      -6.23420930522729119e-05, -1.82670658152625359e-06,
+      -7.69916514339241363e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000399266654113502575,
+      0.0117103047668933868, 7.28538372498596201e-06, 6.72442964353909048e-05,
+      5.10417192350336677e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.23420930522729119e-05,
+      7.28538372498596201e-06, 1.54875021962652681e-06, 3.63352506955697989e-08,
+      2.88464097247522637e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.82670658152625359e-06,
+      6.72442964353909048e-05, 3.63352506955697989e-08, 4.41652872495978954e-07,
+      3.38702398090118851e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.69916514339241363e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.10417192350336677e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.88464097247522637e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.38702398090118851e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.12816594744336385e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams171 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat171), params171, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams171);
+  // track 172 :
+  BoundVector params172;
+  params172 << -0.260308802127838135, -25.6350498199462891,
+      -1.41230368614196777, 0.262120574712753296,
+      0.000281498883850872517 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat172;
+  covMat172 << 0.0194595623761415482, -0.00222148450059943877,
+      -0.00058252322875270953, -1.15501756925054456e-06,
+      -1.81610552902542074e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00222148450059943877,
+      0.29862898588180542, 3.40986013403370269e-05, 0.000587010747958494408,
+      2.04544462489257834e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00058252322875270953,
+      3.40986013403370269e-05, 1.77671008714241907e-05,
+      -2.35695411054423683e-08, 8.95910636378094416e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.15501756925054456e-06, 0.000587010747958494408,
+      -2.35695411054423683e-08, 1.17103115826466819e-06,
+      1.04135839016089135e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.81610552902542074e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.04544462489257834e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.95910636378094416e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.04135839016089135e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.13651862499698098e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams172 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat172), params172, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams172);
+  // track 173 :
+  BoundVector params173;
+  params173 << -0.594252109527587891, -5.60402631759643555,
+      -0.336331099271774292, 1.13270664215087891,
+      0.000378493685275316238 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat173;
+  covMat173 << 0.00115027138963341713, -2.19197368548817592e-05,
+      -3.13219643767075195e-05, 1.15073899304131421e-07,
+      -1.65870850823649665e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.19197368548817592e-05,
+      0.00670524360612034798, 1.96229471089852108e-07, 9.39307543268990297e-05,
+      2.47498208313890995e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.13219643767075195e-05,
+      1.96229471089852108e-07, 8.87292799234273843e-07,
+      -8.13976292236793086e-09, 6.99034330539053411e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.15073899304131421e-07, 9.39307543268990297e-05,
+      -8.13976292236793086e-09, 1.76549144725868246e-06,
+      2.24057572896354012e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.65870850823649665e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.47498208313890995e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.99034330539053411e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.24057572896354012e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.14914561841306195e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams173 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat173), params173, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams173);
+  // track 174 :
+  BoundVector params174;
+  params174 << 0.52924954891204834, -45.4634666442871094, 1.54447901248931885,
+      0.575577259063720703, 0.000140380390803329647 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat174;
+  covMat174 << 0.00100269797258079052, -1.87621193858972703e-05,
+      -2.4220765886711641e-05, -1.19159820826764043e-07,
+      -1.29051422917792668e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.87621193858972703e-05,
+      0.00537070957943797112, -5.56254936329620509e-08, 3.29737664105863798e-05,
+      3.42796441483104706e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.4220765886711641e-05,
+      -5.56254936329620509e-08, 6.28942132152587874e-07,
+      9.62406379884910632e-10, 4.7992442755515698e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.19159820826764043e-07, 3.29737664105863798e-05,
+      9.62406379884910632e-10, 2.3663132253659569e-07,
+      2.21547914401007548e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.29051422917792668e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.42796441483104706e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.7992442755515698e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.21547914401007548e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.28479385789337996e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams174 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat174), params174, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams174);
+  // track 175 :
+  BoundVector params175;
+  params175 << -0.450001835823059082, -24.8905086517333984, -1.6759798526763916,
+      2.58415007591247559, 0.000905881694052368402 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat175;
+  covMat175 << 0.0191041901707649231, 0.000428026557284443552,
+      -0.000578871801601514016, -4.45544214020110735e-06,
+      -2.95792810909549861e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000428026557284443552,
+      0.0838873609900474548, 6.5131177683482284e-06, 0.000669239272102370875,
+      -1.83345569355485214e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000578871801601514016,
+      6.5131177683482284e-06, 1.77657839230960235e-05, 2.90084065510616385e-07,
+      1.41475994510483018e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.45544214020110735e-06,
+      0.000669239272102370875, 2.90084065510616385e-07, 5.4637353059661109e-06,
+      -8.89617608490651688e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.95792810909549861e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.83345569355485214e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.41475994510483018e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.89617608490651688e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.89176599332918727e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams175 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat175), params175, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams175);
+  // track 176 :
+  BoundVector params176;
+  params176 << -1.09194684028625488, -51.893341064453125, -2.42328953742980957,
+      0.323457986116409302, -9.37030999921262264e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat176;
+  covMat176 << 0.00412589358165860176, -0.000375938547586086044,
+      -9.1347763501019072e-05, -2.06706237329043565e-07,
+      -3.10176057568745453e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000375938547586086044,
+      0.044574592262506485, 9.1346382981081699e-06, 9.46204435551554129e-05,
+      3.18549795465229701e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -9.1347763501019072e-05,
+      9.1346382981081699e-06, 2.12798704524175264e-06, 6.25620778480259521e-09,
+      9.45920987209876617e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.06706237329043565e-07,
+      9.46204435551554129e-05, 6.25620778480259521e-09, 2.1415434048321913e-07,
+      2.81623324330943026e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.10176057568745453e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.18549795465229701e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.45920987209876617e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.81623324330943026e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.16269968684124514e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams176 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat176), params176, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams176);
+  // track 177 :
+  BoundVector params177;
+  params177 << -0.625615954399108887, -46.6411361694335938,
+      -1.67621421813964844, 0.80771172046661377,
+      -0.000952719361521303654 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat177;
+  covMat177 << 0.00838966574519872665, -0.000390657537966586301,
+      -0.000252564060557339894, -4.46970396215082643e-06,
+      -1.84211977604922163e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000390657537966586301,
+      0.0338415279984474182, 1.69225585373511505e-05, 0.000474475732694860702,
+      5.60214482748251599e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000252564060557339894,
+      1.69225585373511505e-05, 7.7171598604763858e-06, 2.14307467715597906e-07,
+      8.70000260399467453e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.46970396215082643e-06,
+      0.000474475732694860702, 2.14307467715597906e-07, 6.95064863975858316e-06,
+      3.34801528438062845e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.84211977604922163e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.60214482748251599e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.70000260399467453e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.34801528438062845e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.40241548876696243e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams177 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat177), params177, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams177);
+  // track 178 :
+  BoundVector params178;
+  params178 << 0.249076232314109802, -45.2034416198730469, 1.10756564140319824,
+      0.49081951379776001, 0.000841880100779235363 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat178;
+  covMat178 << 0.0248545967042446136, 0.000258131336002727254,
+      -0.000766693038710525494, 4.70029301471237248e-06,
+      -9.08506397185599934e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000258131336002727254,
+      0.119198836386203766, -3.3659753635808291e-05, 0.000777684091309682095,
+      1.1712654493269838e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000766693038710525494,
+      -3.3659753635808291e-05, 2.41926300077466294e-05,
+      -3.10682537473999761e-07, 4.60434144629863134e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      4.70029301471237248e-06, 0.000777684091309682095,
+      -3.10682537473999761e-07, 5.14959992869989946e-06,
+      6.61054698516293509e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -9.08506397185599934e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.1712654493269838e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.60434144629863134e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.61054698516293509e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.71379024491858445e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams178 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat178), params178, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams178);
+  // track 179 :
+  BoundVector params179;
+  params179 << -0.351021707057952881, -22.8008213043212891,
+      -1.84860432147979736, 2.58694338798522949,
+      -0.000485390948597341776 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat179;
+  covMat179 << 0.00608975626528263092, 0.000321320464682472128,
+      -0.000183190187843461718, 2.34032168014660546e-06,
+      -7.63023209733254009e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000321320464682472128,
+      0.0319467782974243164, -1.25274257766205381e-05, 0.000241198831469217781,
+      -2.23777402096878229e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000183190187843461718,
+      -1.25274257766205381e-05, 5.58611691303667612e-06,
+      -9.42901609067163353e-08, 3.72169224602511146e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      2.34032168014660546e-06, 0.000241198831469217781,
+      -9.42901609067163353e-08, 1.88807791801082203e-06,
+      -8.61261950846322556e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.63023209733254009e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.23777402096878229e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.72169224602511146e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.61261950846322556e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.60389459730781425e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams179 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat179), params179, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams179);
+  // track 180 :
+  BoundVector params180;
+  params180 << 0.651896417140960693, -46.7836685180664062, 2.76631903648376465,
+      0.470141232013702393, 1.55008747242391109e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat180;
+  covMat180 << 0.000128315252368338406, -3.22642732016210971e-05,
+      -1.99036999570274823e-06, -7.04322809885584826e-08,
+      -1.0059405196984426e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -3.22642732016210971e-05,
+      0.00309902383014559746, 3.32147694595742431e-07, 7.25987283305179582e-06,
+      4.75892992516188328e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.99036999570274823e-06,
+      3.32147694595742431e-07, 3.70899009283220948e-08, 8.60572979362656713e-10,
+      2.24457480954691427e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -7.04322809885584826e-08,
+      7.25987283305179582e-06, 8.60572979362656713e-10, 2.08767385601049682e-08,
+      3.80890047398306893e-14 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.0059405196984426e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.75892992516188328e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.24457480954691427e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.80890047398306893e-14 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.13997019432067559e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams180 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat180), params180, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams180);
+  // track 181 :
+  BoundVector params181;
+  params181 << 0.3097667396068573, -23.4043254852294922, -2.6382148265838623,
+      2.12934017181396484, 0.00137407251168042421 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat181;
+  covMat181 << 0.0118062039837241173, -0.000109254910565050641,
+      -0.000350342450795821422, -4.40406929924205366e-06,
+      -1.69602117125455836e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000109254910565050641,
+      0.0281959716230630875, 9.69099679268529228e-06, 0.000552701234963060353,
+      -1.86788811100685945e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000350342450795821422,
+      9.69099679268529228e-06, 1.0552752428338863e-05, 2.52690458002615574e-07,
+      8.14523789406513383e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.40406929924205366e-06,
+      0.000552701234963060353, 2.52690458002615574e-07, 1.13834439616766758e-05,
+      -4.34128100864560213e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.69602117125455836e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.86788811100685945e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.14523789406513383e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -4.34128100864560213e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.69415295628405715e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams181 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat181), params181, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams181);
+  // track 182 :
+  BoundVector params182;
+  params182 << 0.642095208168029785, -46.7620658874511719, 2.74535226821899414,
+      0.476923286914825439, -2.45610826823394746e-05 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat182;
+  covMat182 << 0.000100913421192672104, -2.33679616572281888e-05,
+      -2.07401176069228284e-06, -4.92462068561543299e-08,
+      -7.88576461002653878e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.33679616572281888e-05,
+      0.00347701110877096653, 1.02118911354786458e-07, 1.11020572919389336e-05,
+      6.8980626296848663e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.07401176069228284e-06,
+      1.02118911354786458e-07, 5.15610665274834901e-08, 1.91829932276107212e-10,
+      2.57034296242806379e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.92462068561543299e-08,
+      1.11020572919389336e-05, 1.91829932276107212e-10, 4.51592896411057154e-08,
+      2.18691904163845164e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.88576461002653878e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.8980626296848663e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.57034296242806379e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.18691904163845164e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.96474248830908094e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams182 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat182), params182, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams182);
+  // track 183 :
+  BoundVector params183;
+  params183 << -0.858931362628936768, -26.3201007843017578,
+      -1.06501162052154541, 2.00542879104614258,
+      -0.00147176207974553108 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat183;
+  covMat183 << 0.011342288926243782, 0.000290935310731487665,
+      -0.000333001654335057632, 4.59266904966147677e-06,
+      -1.51592966891820935e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000290935310731487665,
+      0.0283716730773448944, -1.24780364597086955e-05, 0.000574239226233242469,
+      -9.53412665718049786e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000333001654335057632,
+      -1.24780364597086955e-05, 9.96404742181766778e-06,
+      -2.20760287088705507e-07, 7.55984162080033033e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      4.59266904966147677e-06, 0.000574239226233242469,
+      -2.20760287088705507e-07, 1.23750987768289633e-05,
+      -1.19858856846402273e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.51592966891820935e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -9.53412665718049786e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.55984162080033033e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.19858856846402273e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.77350448163460328e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams183 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat183), params183, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams183);
+  // track 184 :
+  BoundVector params184;
+  params184 << 0.845212101936340332, -24.126739501953125, 2.38256359100341797,
+      0.824191451072692871, 0.00116483436431735754 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat184;
+  covMat184 << 0.0120219700038433075, 0.000314479883882060258,
+      -0.000367754344864782703, 3.16651031569499765e-06,
+      -5.50176211668336246e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000314479883882060258,
+      0.0294524524360895157, -1.65477014501080602e-05, 0.00044716975418939163,
+      -1.85121059683026354e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000367754344864782703,
+      -1.65477014501080602e-05, 1.14791173473349772e-05,
+      -1.9939615532523593e-07, 2.734052899630625e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      3.16651031569499765e-06, 0.00044716975418939163, -1.9939615532523593e-07,
+      6.98199028192902915e-06, -3.56882818335140094e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.50176211668336246e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.85121059683026354e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.734052899630625e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.56882818335140094e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.01815225326407699e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams184 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat184), params184, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams184);
+  // track 185 :
+  BoundVector params185;
+  params185 << -0.647501945495605469, -26.0731620788574219,
+      -0.995935499668121338, 2.34878754615783691,
+      -0.00110976793803274632 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat185;
+  covMat185 << 0.0123600270599126816, 0.000410363839412986508,
+      -0.000381886789830261913, 4.94468486056877076e-06,
+      -7.64568886360537938e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000410363839412986508,
+      0.0372607558965682983, -2.04358797977256596e-05, 0.000530848800251920608,
+      -1.84281636372081495e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000381886789830261913,
+      -2.04358797977256596e-05, 1.20873473861138336e-05,
+      -2.66094668793066799e-07, 3.82825795137663461e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      4.94468486056877076e-06, 0.000530848800251920608,
+      -2.66094668793066799e-07, 7.83790710556786507e-06,
+      -5.28708663533158423e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -7.64568886360537938e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.84281636372081495e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.82825795137663461e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -5.28708663533158423e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.09044751006592833e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams185 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat185), params185, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams185);
+  // track 186 :
+  BoundVector params186;
+  params186 << 0.319027870893478394, -46.8204345703125, -2.81523966789245605,
+      0.552423059940338135, -0.000565428519621491432 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat186;
+  covMat186 << 0.00984183419495820999, -0.000107861702339279294,
+      -0.000293623369079297144, -2.57141056900692002e-06,
+      -2.68841014325236236e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000107861702339279294,
+      0.0447328835725784302, 6.98001302362255524e-06, 0.000354029532888733148,
+      -7.43175254803814895e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000293623369079297144,
+      6.98001302362255524e-06, 8.98743746802210808e-06, 1.18656413477563677e-07,
+      1.2513898586729675e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -2.57141056900692002e-06,
+      0.000354029532888733148, 1.18656413477563677e-07, 2.89464674096961971e-06,
+      9.64087163963260696e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.68841014325236236e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -7.43175254803814895e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.2513898586729675e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.64087163963260696e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.39039704696963895e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams186 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat186), params186, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams186);
+  // track 187 :
+  BoundVector params187;
+  params187 << 0.200757488608360291, -26.9347019195556641, 1.57208847999572754,
+      2.04276847839355469, -0.00149231334216892719 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat187;
+  covMat187 << 0.0462070293724536896, 1.90087908538328356e-05,
+      -0.00102549302847446035, 1.05894079671972913e-05,
+      -5.64029011801386039e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 1.90087908538328356e-05,
+      0.0641310736536979675, -1.20655144555816986e-05, 0.00107456409340518297,
+      7.16318519179297501e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00102549302847446035,
+      -1.20655144555816986e-05, 2.3894455807749182e-05,
+      -4.41047372315603779e-07, 1.78538275775300426e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.05894079671972913e-05, 0.00107456409340518297, -4.41047372315603779e-07,
+      1.92008483281824738e-05, -2.57140078054900237e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.64029011801386039e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.16318519179297501e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.78538275775300426e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.57140078054900237e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.88259702166493526e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams187 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat187), params187, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams187);
+  // track 188 :
+  BoundVector params188;
+  params188 << 0.206104561686515808, -26.3112201690673828, 1.16691756248474121,
+      1.37588953971862793, 0.00132282346021384001 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat188;
+  covMat188 << 0.00764826126396656036, 2.58893561269243087e-05,
+      -0.000224053920824634036, 1.17201917881422574e-06,
+      -6.15634478426662571e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 2.58893561269243087e-05,
+      0.0230550467967987061, -2.20380176677741682e-06, 0.000482425977760371505,
+      5.06151582160123152e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000224053920824634036,
+      -2.20380176677741682e-06, 6.82648260408313945e-06,
+      -6.86203109211295378e-08, 2.94694781059607752e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.17201917881422574e-06, 0.000482425977760371505,
+      -6.86203109211295378e-08, 1.19285659820889123e-05,
+      -8.07723581241271915e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -6.15634478426662571e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.06151582160123152e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.94694781059607752e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.07723581241271915e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.11964115756535421e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams188 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat188), params188, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams188);
+  // track 189 :
+  BoundVector params189;
+  params189 << 1.26870429515838623, -46.6835365295410156, 2.73736929893493652,
+      0.47043222188949585, -0.000411598914070054889 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat189;
+  covMat189 << 0.01254259143024683, -0.00206373011378385143,
+      -0.000333126060112854414, -1.27171802273924282e-05,
+      -3.42805695619100495e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00206373011378385143,
+      0.063680604100227356, 4.27260303702722393e-05, 0.000335381549435983519,
+      6.98047989676528565e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000333126060112854414,
+      4.27260303702722393e-05, 9.29942689253948629e-06, 3.07921052012408952e-07,
+      1.3794266136933136e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.27171802273924282e-05,
+      0.000335381549435983519, 3.07921052012408952e-07, 1.85226963367313147e-06,
+      1.88533015927685212e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.42805695619100495e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.98047989676528565e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.3794266136933136e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.88533015927685212e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.06299227700768029e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams189 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat189), params189, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams189);
+  // track 190 :
+  BoundVector params190;
+  params190 << 0.520144522190093994, -26.78125, 2.87916159629821777,
+      0.913090944290161133, 0.000958578370045870543 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat190;
+  covMat190 << 0.0566640235483646393, 0.000619879059068139857,
+      -0.0011829013005423088, 1.13578597071357791e-05,
+      -2.92844240909480606e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000619879059068139857,
+      0.112776532769203186, -3.16848163975865004e-05, 0.00133383261677284099,
+      1.65364516509722375e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.0011829013005423088,
+      -3.16848163975865004e-05, 2.54572314588585868e-05,
+      -4.61895451801213113e-07, 9.13941830794303589e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      1.13578597071357791e-05, 0.00133383261677284099, -4.61895451801213113e-07,
+      1.69904978974955156e-05, 2.02537558480182913e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.92844240909480606e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.65364516509722375e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.13941830794303589e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.02537558480182913e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.74747369352523663e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams190 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat190), params190, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams190);
+  // track 191 :
+  BoundVector params191;
+  params191 << 3.12282395362854004, -65.509918212890625, -0.187527939677238464,
+      2.73361945152282715, 0.000346441811416298151 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat191;
+  covMat191 << 0.0481044948101043701, -0.00734549814752950836,
+      -0.00103489854597267421, -4.2235125913880291e-06,
+      -3.96252766190557419e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00734549814752950836,
+      0.311487704515457153, 0.000193686295137312744, 0.00101870529268977775,
+      7.69202591235202105e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00103489854597267421,
+      0.000193686295137312744, 2.31200901907868683e-05, 1.875400366292023e-07,
+      1.18979733649928015e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -4.2235125913880291e-06,
+      0.00101870529268977775, 1.875400366292023e-07, 3.4847455481212819e-06,
+      4.99503482968757551e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.96252766190557419e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      7.69202591235202105e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.18979733649928015e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.99503482968757551e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.1102829766684863e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams191 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat191), params191, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams191);
+  // track 192 :
+  BoundVector params192;
+  params192 << 1.94856953620910645, 32.0474395751953125, 1.59367656707763672,
+      0.301271170377731323, -0.000417216855566948652 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat192;
+  covMat192 << 0.11419309675693512, 0.0161650360627660812,
+      -0.00256272073865566842, -1.33614281853937828e-05,
+      -1.05474827860620141e-06 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.0161650360627660812,
+      1.25828850269317627, -0.000234076459249502955, 0.00243207131735968243,
+      -2.73285579882235462e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00256272073865566842,
+      -0.000234076459249502955, 6.02843829256016761e-05,
+      5.83439505836653557e-07, 3.3253261709379142e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.33614281853937828e-05, 0.00243207131735968243, 5.83439505836653557e-07,
+      4.93446850668988191e-06, -1.22599704885134249e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.05474827860620141e-06 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -2.73285579882235462e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.3253261709379142e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.22599704885134249e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.39606362528732575e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams192 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat192), params192, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams192);
+  // track 193 :
+  BoundVector params193;
+  params193 << 0.523398816585540771, -46.3878059387207031, 2.57148909568786621,
+      0.468454271554946899, 0.000597213569562882185 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat193;
+  covMat193 << 0.0160064026713371277, 0.000101030272422620432,
+      -0.000480147175700083547, 8.08765442010045379e-07,
+      -4.30079426986170688e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.000101030272422620432,
+      0.090941987931728363, -2.0664086011827537e-05, 0.000523265493974074398,
+      -1.2205651249153285e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000480147175700083547,
+      -2.0664086011827537e-05, 1.47662221934297122e-05,
+      -1.17382332277604896e-07, 2.09396062746074539e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      8.08765442010045379e-07, 0.000523265493974074398,
+      -1.17382332277604896e-07, 3.09063830172817688e-06,
+      5.33983405657483665e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -4.30079426986170688e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.2205651249153285e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.09396062746074539e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      5.33983405657483665e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.6832190075664073e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams193 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat193), params193, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams193);
+  // track 194 :
+  BoundVector params194;
+  params194 << -0.0635648146271705627, -14.7882223129272461,
+      -2.64156651496887207, 0.224920362234115601,
+      -0.000183147756615653634 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat194;
+  covMat194 << 0.0120655400678515434, -0.0006910453838693592,
+      -0.000365977142399209201, -1.28533147920557146e-06,
+      -1.01339535493182776e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.0006910453838693592,
+      0.273133754730224609, 3.06268979203341366e-05, 0.000393899454679768192,
+      -1.35539555434146533e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000365977142399209201,
+      3.06268979203341366e-05, 1.12705602077767253e-05, 5.48705815401846056e-08,
+      4.95433244701872377e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -1.28533147920557146e-06,
+      0.000393899454679768192, 5.48705815401846056e-08, 5.77933633394422941e-07,
+      1.62498821676485166e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.01339535493182776e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.35539555434146533e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.95433244701872377e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.62498821676485166e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      4.37339504888445418e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams194 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat194), params194, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams194);
+  // track 195 :
+  BoundVector params195;
+  params195 << -0.455407500267028809, 0.212499335408210754,
+      -2.02245116233825684, 2.88869571685791016,
+      0.000139400261105038226 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat195;
+  covMat195 << 0.0228636190295219421, 0.00132628619103978239,
+      -0.000501410814590430576, -5.05350529972164141e-07,
+      -1.15052451624681027e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00132628619103978239,
+      0.374587059020996094, -1.18830711055222554e-05, 0.000496772398167388309,
+      -8.53100318867495256e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000501410814590430576,
+      -1.18830711055222554e-05, 1.15277352961129509e-05,
+      3.33864252437007874e-08, 3.65227707433702304e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -5.05350529972164141e-07, 0.000496772398167388309,
+      3.33864252437007874e-08, 6.9544324787784717e-07,
+      9.05586100425189466e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -1.15052451624681027e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -8.53100318867495256e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      3.65227707433702304e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      9.05586100425189466e-13 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      2.24803491793990062e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams195 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat195), params195, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams195);
+  // track 196 :
+  BoundVector params196;
+  params196 << 0.0801024585962295532, 22.3374137878417969, -1.32229578495025635,
+      2.88867521286010742, -0.000216519838431850076 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat196;
+  covMat196 << 0.0681927874684333801, 0.00231532290305440673,
+      -0.00145939788550150835, 7.36670177096379346e-06,
+      -3.68450500773211916e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0.00231532290305440673,
+      1.3315422534942627, -0.000122508412210780388, 0.00171897979661990116,
+      1.76497106084476643e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.00145939788550150835,
+      -0.000122508412210780388, 3.25632354361005127e-05,
+      -2.55214252507531063e-07, 1.09182558397378106e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      7.36670177096379346e-06, 0.00171897979661990116, -2.55214252507531063e-07,
+      2.29971669796213973e-06, -1.84419314901396339e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -3.68450500773211916e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.76497106084476643e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.09182558397378106e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.84419314901396339e-12 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      6.27720861401392938e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams196 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat196), params196, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams196);
+  // track 197 :
+  BoundVector params197;
+  params197 << 0.193900123238563538, -49.2524490356445312, 1.49366855621337891,
+      0.566030263900756836, -0.000631641771178692579 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0;
+  Covariance covMat197;
+  covMat197 << 0.0389422886073589325, 9.48181031765662076e-05,
+      -0.000864193462432249256, -6.76416801720607369e-06,
+      -2.91262857280178875e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 9.48181031765662076e-05,
+      0.157681390643119812, 2.04442639286554837e-05, 0.000927270582484305585,
+      -1.8757136234213445e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -0.000864193462432249256,
+      2.04442639286554837e-05, 2.00722697627497837e-05, 2.89773386592212807e-07,
+      8.81223262771924531e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, -6.76416801720607369e-06,
+      0.000927270582484305585, 2.89773386592212807e-07, 5.88341436014161445e-06,
+      -3.63880446087211061e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0,
+      -2.91262857280178875e-07 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -1.8757136234213445e-08 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      8.81223262771924531e-09 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      -3.63880446087211061e-11 * 1. / (1_MeV),
+      1.12412849861964759e-10 * 1. / (1_MeV), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
+  auto boundParams197 =
+      BoundParameters(gctx, std::move(covMat197), params197, perigeeSurface);
+  tracks.push_back(boundParams197);
+  return tracks;
+}  // namespace Test
+}  // namespace Acts
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinderTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinderTests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..105c59607d349d20486621ca7a05e116fa4c1277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinderTests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// This file is part of the Acts project.
+// Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/tools/output_test_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.hpp"
+#include "Acts/MagneticField/ConstantBField.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/EigenStepper.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Propagator/Propagator.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/FloatComparisons.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.hpp"
+#include "Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp"
+#include "AMVFTestData.ipp"
+namespace Acts {
+namespace Test {
+using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
+using Covariance = BoundSymMatrix;
+using Propagator = Propagator<EigenStepper<ConstantBField>>;
+using Linearizer = HelicalTrackLinearizer<Propagator>;
+// Create a test context
+GeometryContext tgContext = GeometryContext();
+MagneticFieldContext mfContext = MagneticFieldContext();
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_finder_test) {
+  // Set debug mode
+  bool debugMode = false;
+  // Set up constant B-Field
+  ConstantBField bField(Vector3D(0., 0., 2_T));
+  // Set up EigenStepper
+  // EigenStepper<ConstantBField> stepper(bField);
+  EigenStepper<ConstantBField> stepper(bField);
+  // Set up propagator with void navigator
+  auto propagator = std::make_shared<Propagator>(stepper);
+  PropagatorOptions<> pOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
+  pOptions.direction = backward;
+  VertexFitterOptions<BoundParameters> fitterOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
+  // IP 3D Estimator
+  using IPEstimator = ImpactPoint3dEstimator<BoundParameters, Propagator>;
+  IPEstimator::Config ip3dEstCfg(bField, propagator, pOptions, false);
+  IPEstimator ip3dEst(ip3dEstCfg);
+  std::vector<double> temperatures{8.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.4142136, 1.2247449, 1.0};
+  AnnealingUtility::Config annealingConfig(temperatures);
+  AnnealingUtility annealingUtility(annealingConfig);
+  using Fitter = AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<BoundParameters, Linearizer>;
+  Fitter::Config fitterCfg(ip3dEst);
+  fitterCfg.annealingTool = annealingUtility;
+  // Linearizer for BoundParameters type test
+  Linearizer::Config ltConfig(bField, propagator, pOptions);
+  Linearizer linearizer(ltConfig);
+  // Test smoothing
+  fitterCfg.doSmoothing = false;
+  Fitter fitter(fitterCfg);
+  using SeedFinder = TrackDensityVertexFinder<Fitter, GaussianTrackDensity>;
+  SeedFinder seedFinder;
+  using IPEstimater = TrackToVertexIPEstimator<BoundParameters, Propagator>;
+  IPEstimater::Config ipEstCfg(propagator, pOptions);
+  // Create TrackToVertexIPEstimator
+  IPEstimater ipEst(ipEstCfg);
+  using Finder = AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder<Fitter, SeedFinder>;
+  Finder::Config finderConfig(std::move(fitter), std::move(seedFinder),
+                              std::move(ipEst), std::move(linearizer));
+  // TODO: test this as well!
+  // finderConfig.useBeamSpotConstraint = false;
+  Finder finder(finderConfig);
+  auto tracks = getAthenaTracks();
+  if (debugMode) {
+    std::cout << "Number of tracks in event: " << tracks.size() << std::endl;
+    int maxCout = 10;
+    int count = 0;
+    for (const auto& trk : tracks) {
+      std::cout << count << ". track: " << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "params: " << trk << std::endl;
+      count++;
+      if (count == maxCout) {
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  std::vector<const BoundParameters*> tracksPtr;
+  for (const auto& trk : tracks) {
+    tracksPtr.push_back(&trk);
+  }
+  VertexFinderOptions<BoundParameters> finderOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
+  Vector3D constraintPos{0._mm, 0._mm, 0_mm};
+  ActsSymMatrixD<3> constraintCov;
+  constraintCov << 0.000196000008145347238, 0, 0, 0, 0.000196000008145347238, 0,
+      0, 0, 2809;
+  Vertex<BoundParameters> constraintVtx;
+  constraintVtx.setPosition(constraintPos);
+  constraintVtx.setCovariance(constraintCov);
+  finderOptions.vertexConstraint = constraintVtx;
+  auto findResult = finder.find(tracksPtr, finderOptions);
+  if (!findResult.ok()) {
+    std::cout << findResult.error().message() << std::endl;
+  }
+  BOOST_CHECK(findResult.ok());
+  std::vector<Vertex<BoundParameters>> allVertices = *findResult;
+  if (debugMode) {
+    std::cout << "Number of vertices reconstructed: " << allVertices.size()
+              << std::endl;
+    int count = 0;
+    for (const auto& vtx : allVertices) {
+      count++;
+      std::cout << count << ". Vertex at position: " << vtx.position()[0]
+                << ", " << vtx.position()[1] << ", " << vtx.position()[2]
+                << std::endl;
+      std::cout << count << ". Vertex with cov: " << vtx.covariance()
+                << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "\t with n tracks: " << vtx.tracks().size() << std::endl;
+    }
+  }
+  // Test expected outcomes from athena implementation
+  // Number of reconstructed vertices
+  const int expNRecoVertices = 15;
+  // First vertex
+  const Vector3D expVtx1Pos(-0.0067_mm, 0.0060_mm, -6.0709_mm);
+  ActsSymMatrixD<3> expVtx1Cov;
+  expVtx1Cov << 0.000, 1.e-05, -8.e-05, 1.e-05, 0.000, -8.e-05, -8.e-05,
+      -8.e-05, 0.002;
+  std::vector<double> expVtx1TrkWeights{0.9796, 0.0334, 0.9884, 0.9697};
+  std::vector<double> expVtx1TrkComp{1.2542, 15.7317, 0.1144, 2.067};
+  std::vector<double> expVtx1TrkChi2{0, 0, 0, 0};
+  // Last vertex
+  const Vector3D expVtx15Pos(0.00264_mm, -0.0072_mm, -39.8197_mm);
+  ActsSymMatrixD<3> expVtx15Cov;
+  expVtx15Cov << 0.000, 1.e-06, 0.000, 1.e-06, 0.000, -6.e-05, 0.000, -6.e-05,
+      0.014;
+  std::vector<double> expVtx15TrkWeights{0.0048, 0.0005, 0.0236, 0.8481,
+                                         0.8924};
+  std::vector<double> expVtx15TrkComp{19.6561, 24.1389, 16.4425, 5.5604,
+                                      4.7683};
+  std::vector<double> expVtx15TrkChi2{0, 0, 0, 0};
+  // Vertex z positions of all found vertices
+  const std::vector<double> expAllVtxZPos{
+      -6.070_mm,   -12.0605_mm, -15.1093_mm, -27.6569_mm, -22.1054_mm,
+      -45.7010_mm, -5.0622_mm,  -26.5496_mm, -28.9597_mm, -37.7430_mm,
+      5.4828_mm,   -47.8939_mm, 2.5777_mm,   -0.2656_mm,  -39.8197_mm};
+  // Number of tracks of all vertices
+  const std::vector<int> expAllNTracks{4, 2, 3, 14, 5, 9, 8, 17,
+                                       7, 2, 2, 4,  2, 7, 5};
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(allVertices.size(), expNRecoVertices);
+  int count = 0;
+  for (const auto& vtx : allVertices) {
+    // Check vertex z positions
+    CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx.position()[2], expAllVtxZPos[count], 0.003_mm);
+    // Check number of tracks
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vtx.tracks().size(), expAllNTracks[count]);
+    // Check vertex 1 thoroughly
+    if (count == 0) {
+      CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx.position(), expVtx1Pos, 0.001_mm);
+      CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx.covariance(), expVtx1Cov, 0.001_mm);
+      int trkCount = 0;
+      for (const auto& trk : vtx.tracks()) {
+        CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(trk.trackWeight, expVtx1TrkWeights[trkCount], 0.01);
+        CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(trk.vertexCompatibility, expVtx1TrkComp[trkCount],
+                        0.15);
+        // CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(trk.chi2Track, expVtx1TrkChi2[trkCount], 0.001);
+        trkCount++;
+      }
+    }
+    // Check vertex 15 thoroughly
+    if (count == 14) {
+      CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx.position(), expVtx15Pos, 0.001_mm);
+      CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx.covariance(), expVtx15Cov, 0.001_mm);
+      int trkCount = 0;
+      for (const auto& trk : vtx.tracks()) {
+        CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(trk.trackWeight, expVtx15TrkWeights[trkCount], 0.01);
+        CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(trk.vertexCompatibility, expVtx15TrkComp[trkCount],
+                        0.15);
+        // CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(trk.chi2Track, expVtx15TrkChi2[trkCount], 0.001);
+        trkCount++;
+      }
+    }
+    count++;
+  }
+}  // namespace Test
+}  // namespace Acts
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTests.cpp
index 11eb09e5de628dd7c4630b91b170bda535c9b54d..dffb8fc63ec1528bc6fab95d2480bb0814009cf7 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTests.cpp
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTests.cpp
@@ -103,14 +103,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_fitter_test) {
   Vector3D vtxPos2(-0.1_mm, -0.15_mm, -3._mm);
   Vector3D vtxPos3(0.2_mm, 0.2_mm, 10._mm);
-  std::vector<Vector3D> vtxVec{vtxPos1, vtxPos2, vtxPos3};
-  // Vector to store vectors of Tracks at vertex for every vertex
-  std::vector<std::vector<TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>>> trackVtxVec(
-      vtxVec.size());
-  // only for debugging
-  std::vector<TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>> allTracks;
+  std::vector<Vector3D> vtxPosVec{vtxPos1, vtxPos2, vtxPos3};
   // Resolutions, use the same for all tracks
   double resD0 = resIPDist(gen);
@@ -119,10 +112,35 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_fitter_test) {
   double resTh = resAngDist(gen);
   double resQp = resQoPDist(gen);
+  std::vector<Vertex<BoundParameters>> vtxList;
+  for (auto& vtxPos : vtxPosVec) {
+    Vertex<BoundParameters> vtx(vtxPos);
+    // Set some vertex covariance
+    SpacePointSymMatrix posCovariance(SpacePointSymMatrix::Identity());
+    vtx.setFullCovariance(posCovariance);
+    // Add to vertex list
+    vtxList.push_back(vtx);
+  }
+  std::vector<Vertex<BoundParameters>*> vtxPtrList;
+  int cv = 0;
+  if (debugMode) {
+    std::cout << "All vertices in test case: " << std::endl;
+  }
+  for (auto& vtx : vtxList) {
+    if (debugMode) {
+      cv++;
+      std::cout << "\t" << cv << ". vertex ptr: " << &vtx << std::endl;
+    }
+    vtxPtrList.push_back(&vtx);
+  }
+  std::vector<BoundParameters> allTracks;
   unsigned int nTracksPerVtx = 4;
   // Construct nTracksPerVtx * 3 (3 vertices) random track emerging
   // from vicinity of vertex positions
-  for (unsigned int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracksPerVtx * vtxVec.size();
+  for (unsigned int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracksPerVtx * vtxPosVec.size();
        iTrack++) {
     // Construct positive or negative charge randomly
     double q = qDist(gen) < 0 ? -1. : 1.;
@@ -143,60 +161,64 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_fitter_test) {
         q / pTDist(gen), 0.;
     std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
-        Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(vtxVec[vtxIdx]);
+        Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(vtxPosVec[vtxIdx]);
-    auto trk =
-        BoundParameters(tgContext, std::move(covMat), paramVec, perigeeSurface);
-    TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters> trkAtVtx(1., trk, trk);
+    allTracks.push_back(BoundParameters(tgContext, std::move(covMat), paramVec,
+                                        perigeeSurface));
+  }
-    if (debugMode) {
-      std::cout << "Adding track " << iTrack << " for vertex " << vtxIdx
-                << "\n\twith ID: " << trkAtVtx.id
-                << "\n\tparams:  " << trk.parameters() << std::endl;
-      allTracks.push_back(trkAtVtx);
+  if (debugMode) {
+    int ct = 0;
+    std::cout << "All tracks in test case: " << std::endl;
+    for (auto& trk : allTracks) {
+      ct++;
+      std::cout << "\t" << ct << ". track ptr: " << &trk << std::endl;
+  }
-    trackVtxVec[vtxIdx].push_back(trkAtVtx);
+  AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<BoundParameters, Linearizer>::State state;
+  for (unsigned int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracksPerVtx * vtxPosVec.size();
+       iTrack++) {
+    // Index of current vertex
+    int vtxIdx = (int)(iTrack / nTracksPerVtx);
+    state.vtxInfoMap[&(vtxList[vtxIdx])].trackLinks.push_back(
+        &(allTracks[iTrack]));
+    state.tracksAtVerticesMap.insert(
+        std::make_pair(std::make_pair(&(allTracks[iTrack]), &(vtxList[vtxIdx])),
+                       TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>(1., allTracks[iTrack],
+                                                      &(allTracks[iTrack]))));
     // Use first track also for second vertex to let vtx1 and vtx2
     // share this track
     if (iTrack == 0) {
-      trackVtxVec[1].push_back(trkAtVtx);
+      state.vtxInfoMap[&(vtxList.at(1))].trackLinks.push_back(
+          &(allTracks[iTrack]));
+      state.tracksAtVerticesMap.insert(
+          std::make_pair(std::make_pair(&(allTracks[iTrack]), &(vtxList.at(1))),
+                         TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>(1., allTracks[iTrack],
+                                                        &(allTracks[iTrack]))));
-  std::vector<Vertex<BoundParameters>> vtxList;
-  int idx = 0;
-  for (auto& vtxPos : vtxVec) {
-    Vertex<BoundParameters> vtx(vtxPos);
-    // Set track for current vertex
-    vtx.setTracksAtVertex(trackVtxVec[idx]);
-    // Set some vertex covariance
-    SpacePointSymMatrix posCovariance(SpacePointSymMatrix::Identity());
-    vtx.setFullCovariance(posCovariance);
-    // Add to vertex list
-    vtxList.push_back(vtx);
-    idx++;
-  }
-  if (debugMode) {
-    int count = 0;
-    for (auto& vtx : vtxList) {
-      count++;
-      std::cout << count << ". vertex: " << &vtx << std::endl;
+  for (auto& vtx : vtxPtrList) {
+    state.addVertexToMultiMap(*vtx);
+    if (debugMode) {
+      std::cout << "Vertex, with ptr: " << vtx << std::endl;
+      for (auto& trk : state.vtxInfoMap[vtx].trackLinks) {
+        std::cout << "\t track ptr: " << trk << std::endl;
+      }
-  AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<BoundParameters, Linearizer>::State state(vtxList);
   if (debugMode) {
-    for (auto& trkAtVtx : allTracks) {
-      auto links = state.trkInfoMap[trkAtVtx.id].linksToVertices;
-      for (auto vtxLink : links) {
-        std::cout << "Track with ID: " << trkAtVtx.id << " used by vertex "
-                  << vtxLink << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Checking all vertices linked to a single track: "
+              << std::endl;
+    for (auto& trk : allTracks) {
+      std::cout << "Track with ptr: " << &trk << std::endl;
+      auto range = state.trackToVerticesMultiMap.equal_range(&trk);
+      for (auto vtxIter = range.first; vtxIter != range.second; ++vtxIter) {
+        std::cout << "\t used by vertex: " << vtxIter->second << std::endl;
@@ -205,53 +227,81 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_fitter_test) {
   // list in order to be able to compare later
   std::vector<Vertex<BoundParameters>> seedListCopy = vtxList;
-  auto res1 = fitter.addVtxToFit(state, vtxList[0], linearizer, fitterOptions);
+  auto res1 =
+      fitter.addVtxToFit(state, vtxList.at(0), linearizer, fitterOptions);
+  if (debugMode) {
+    std::cout << "Tracks linked to each vertex AFTER fit: " << std::endl;
+    int c = 0;
+    for (auto& vtx : vtxPtrList) {
+      c++;
+      std::cout << c << ". vertex, with ptr: " << vtx << std::endl;
+      for (auto& trk : state.vtxInfoMap[vtx].trackLinks) {
+        std::cout << "\t track ptr: " << trk << std::endl;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (debugMode) {
+    std::cout << "Checking all vertices linked to a single track AFTER fit: "
+              << std::endl;
+    for (auto& trk : allTracks) {
+      std::cout << "Track with ptr: " << &trk << std::endl;
+      auto range = state.trackToVerticesMultiMap.equal_range(&trk);
+      for (auto vtxIter = range.first; vtxIter != range.second; ++vtxIter) {
+        std::cout << "\t used by vertex: " << vtxIter->second << std::endl;
+      }
+    }
+  }
   if (debugMode) {
     std::cout << "Vertex positions after fit of vertex 1 and 2:" << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Vtx 1, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy[0].fullPosition()
-              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList[0].fullPosition()
+    std::cout << "Vtx 1, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy.at(0).fullPosition()
+              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList.at(0).fullPosition()
               << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Vtx 2, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy[1].fullPosition()
-              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList[1].fullPosition()
+    std::cout << "Vtx 2, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy.at(1).fullPosition()
+              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList.at(1).fullPosition()
               << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Vtx 3, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy[2].fullPosition()
-              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList[2].fullPosition()
+    std::cout << "Vtx 3, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy.at(2).fullPosition()
+              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList.at(2).fullPosition()
               << std::endl;
   // After fit of first vertex, only first and second vertex seed
   // should have been modified while third vertex should remain untouched
-  BOOST_CHECK_NE(vtxList[0].fullPosition(), seedListCopy[0].fullPosition());
-  BOOST_CHECK_NE(vtxList[1].fullPosition(), seedListCopy[1].fullPosition());
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vtxList[2].fullPosition(), seedListCopy[2].fullPosition());
-  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtxList[0].fullPosition(), seedListCopy[0].fullPosition(),
-                  1_mm);
-  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtxList[1].fullPosition(), seedListCopy[1].fullPosition(),
-                  1_mm);
-  auto res2 = fitter.addVtxToFit(state, vtxList[2], linearizer, fitterOptions);
+  BOOST_CHECK_NE(vtxList.at(0).fullPosition(),
+                 seedListCopy.at(0).fullPosition());
+  BOOST_CHECK_NE(vtxList.at(1).fullPosition(),
+                 seedListCopy.at(1).fullPosition());
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vtxList.at(2).fullPosition(),
+                    seedListCopy.at(2).fullPosition());
+  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtxList.at(0).fullPosition(),
+                  seedListCopy.at(0).fullPosition(), 1_mm);
+  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtxList.at(1).fullPosition(),
+                  seedListCopy.at(1).fullPosition(), 1_mm);
+  auto res2 =
+      fitter.addVtxToFit(state, vtxList.at(2), linearizer, fitterOptions);
   // Now also the third vertex should have been modified and fitted
-  BOOST_CHECK_NE(vtxList[2].fullPosition(), seedListCopy[2].fullPosition());
-  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtxList[2].fullPosition(), seedListCopy[2].fullPosition(),
-                  1_mm);
+  BOOST_CHECK_NE(vtxList.at(2).fullPosition(),
+                 seedListCopy.at(2).fullPosition());
+  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtxList.at(2).fullPosition(),
+                  seedListCopy.at(2).fullPosition(), 1_mm);
   if (debugMode) {
     std::cout << "Vertex positions after fit of vertex 3:" << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Vtx 1, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy[0].fullPosition()
-              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList[0].fullPosition()
+    std::cout << "Vtx 1, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy.at(0).fullPosition()
+              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList.at(0).fullPosition()
               << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Vtx 2, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy[1].fullPosition()
-              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList[1].fullPosition()
+    std::cout << "Vtx 2, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy.at(1).fullPosition()
+              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList.at(1).fullPosition()
               << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Vtx 3, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy[2].fullPosition()
-              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList[2].fullPosition()
+    std::cout << "Vtx 3, seed position:\n " << seedListCopy.at(2).fullPosition()
+              << "\nFitted position:\n " << vtxList.at(2).fullPosition()
               << std::endl;
@@ -363,17 +413,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_fitter_test_athena) {
       BoundParameters(tgContext, covMat2, pos2c, mom2c, -1, 0,
-  std::vector<TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>> tracksAtVtx1;
-  for (const auto& trk : params1) {
-    tracksAtVtx1.push_back(TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>(1.5, trk, trk));
-  }
-  std::vector<TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>> tracksAtVtx2;
-  for (const auto& trk : params2) {
-    tracksAtVtx2.push_back(TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>(1.5, trk, trk));
-  }
   std::vector<Vertex<BoundParameters>*> vtxList;
+  AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<BoundParameters, Linearizer>::State state;
   // The constraint vertex position covariance
   SpacePointSymMatrix covConstr(SpacePointSymMatrix::Identity());
   covConstr = covConstr * 1e+8;
@@ -382,8 +425,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_fitter_test_athena) {
   // Prepare first vertex
   Vector3D vtxPos1(0.15_mm, 0.15_mm, 2.9_mm);
   Vertex<BoundParameters> vtx1(vtxPos1);
-  // Set track for current vertex
-  vtx1.setTracksAtVertex(tracksAtVtx1);
   // Add to vertex list
@@ -393,18 +435,24 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_fitter_test_athena) {
   vtx1Constr.setFitQuality(0, -3);
   // Prepare vtx info for fitter
-  AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<BoundParameters, Linearizer>::VertexInfo vtxInfo1;
+  VertexInfo<BoundParameters> vtxInfo1;
   vtxInfo1.linPoint.head<3>() = vtxPos1;
   vtxInfo1.constraintVertex = vtx1Constr;
   vtxInfo1.oldPosition = vtxInfo1.linPoint;
   vtxInfo1.seedPosition = vtxInfo1.linPoint;
+  for (const auto& trk : params1) {
+    vtxInfo1.trackLinks.push_back(&trk);
+    state.tracksAtVerticesMap.insert(
+        std::make_pair(std::make_pair(&trk, &vtx1),
+                       TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>(1.5, trk, &trk)));
+  }
   // Prepare second vertex
   Vector3D vtxPos2(0.3_mm, -0.2_mm, -4.8_mm);
   Vertex<BoundParameters> vtx2(vtxPos2);
-  // Set track for current vertex
-  vtx2.setTracksAtVertex(tracksAtVtx2);
   // Add to vertex list
@@ -414,47 +462,55 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_fitter_test_athena) {
   vtx2Constr.setFitQuality(0, -3);
   // Prepare vtx info for fitter
-  AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<BoundParameters, Linearizer>::VertexInfo vtxInfo2;
+  VertexInfo<BoundParameters> vtxInfo2;
   vtxInfo2.linPoint.head<3>() = vtxPos2;
   vtxInfo2.constraintVertex = vtx2Constr;
   vtxInfo2.oldPosition = vtxInfo2.linPoint;
   vtxInfo2.seedPosition = vtxInfo2.linPoint;
-  AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter<BoundParameters, Linearizer>::State state(vtxList);
+  for (const auto& trk : params2) {
+    vtxInfo2.trackLinks.push_back(&trk);
+    state.tracksAtVerticesMap.insert(
+        std::make_pair(std::make_pair(&trk, &vtx2),
+                       TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>(1.5, trk, &trk)));
+  }
+  state.vtxInfoMap[&vtx1] = std::move(vtxInfo1);
+  state.vtxInfoMap[&vtx2] = std::move(vtxInfo2);
-  state.vtxInfoMap[&vtx1] = vtxInfo1;
-  state.vtxInfoMap[&vtx2] = vtxInfo2;
+  state.addVertexToMultiMap(vtx1);
+  state.addVertexToMultiMap(vtx2);
   // Fit vertices
   fitter.fit(state, vtxList, linearizer, fitterOptions);
-  auto vtx1Pos = state.vertexCollection[0]->position();
-  auto vtx1Cov = state.vertexCollection[0]->covariance();
-  auto vtx1Trks = state.vertexCollection[0]->tracks();
-  auto vtx1FQ = state.vertexCollection[0]->fitQuality();
+  auto vtx1Pos = state.vertexCollection.at(0)->position();
+  auto vtx1Cov = state.vertexCollection.at(0)->covariance();
+  // auto vtx1Trks = state.vertexCollection.at(0)->tracks();
+  auto vtx1FQ = state.vertexCollection.at(0)->fitQuality();
-  auto vtx2Pos = state.vertexCollection[1]->position();
-  auto vtx2Cov = state.vertexCollection[1]->covariance();
-  auto vtx2Trks = state.vertexCollection[1]->tracks();
-  auto vtx2FQ = state.vertexCollection[1]->fitQuality();
+  auto vtx2Pos = state.vertexCollection.at(1)->position();
+  auto vtx2Cov = state.vertexCollection.at(1)->covariance();
+  // auto vtx2Trks = state.vertexCollection.at(1)->tracks();
+  auto vtx2FQ = state.vertexCollection.at(1)->fitQuality();
   if (debugMode) {
     // Vertex 1
     std::cout << "Vertex 1, position: " << vtx1Pos << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Vertex 1, covariance: " << vtx1Cov << std::endl;
-    for (auto t : vtx1Trks) {
-      std::cout << "\tTrackWeight:" << t.trackWeight << std::endl;
-    }
+    // for (auto t : vtx1Trks) {
+    //   std::cout << "\tTrackWeight:" << t.trackWeight << std::endl;
+    // }
     std::cout << "Vertex 1, chi2: " << vtx1FQ.first << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Vertex 1, ndf: " << vtx1FQ.second << std::endl;
     // Vertex 2
     std::cout << "Vertex 2, position: " << vtx2Pos << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Vertex 2, covariance: " << vtx2Cov << std::endl;
-    for (auto t : vtx2Trks) {
-      std::cout << "\tTrackWeight:" << t.trackWeight << std::endl;
-    }
+    // for (auto t : vtx2Trks) {
+    //   std::cout << "\tTrackWeight:" << t.trackWeight << std::endl;
+    // }
     std::cout << "Vertex 2, chi2: " << vtx2FQ.first << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Vertex 2, ndf: " << vtx2FQ.second << std::endl;
@@ -487,7 +543,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_fitter_test_athena) {
   CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx1Pos, expVtx1Pos, 0.001_mm);
   CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx1Cov, expVtx1Cov, 0.001_mm);
   for (int i = 0; i < expVtx1TrkWeights.size(); i++) {
-    CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx1Trks[i].trackWeight, expVtx1TrkWeights[i], 0.001);
+    // CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx1Trks[i].trackWeight, expVtx1TrkWeights[i], 0.001);
   CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx1FQ.first, expVtx1chi2, 0.001);
   CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx1FQ.second, expVtx1ndf, 0.001);
@@ -496,7 +552,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(adaptive_multi_vertex_fitter_test_athena) {
   CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx2Pos, expVtx2Pos, 0.001_mm);
   CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx2Cov, expVtx2Cov, 0.001_mm);
   for (int i = 0; i < expVtx2TrkWeights.size(); i++) {
-    CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx2Trks[i].trackWeight, expVtx2TrkWeights[i], 0.001);
+    // CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx2Trks[i].trackWeight, expVtx2TrkWeights[i], 0.001);
   CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx2FQ.first, expVtx2chi2, 0.001);
   CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(vtx2FQ.second, expVtx2ndf, 0.001);
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/CMakeLists.txt
index ae5492d59addf4819f616e686258baa89a25227e..e7f49ea2fd78924aba20b0198466e538ba929bdf 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ add_unittest(KalmanVertexTrackUpdaterTests KalmanVertexTrackUpdaterTests.cpp)
 add_unittest(KalmanVertexUpdaterTests KalmanVertexUpdaterTests.cpp)
 add_unittest(LinearizedTrackFactoryTests LinearizedTrackFactoryTests.cpp)
 add_unittest(AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTests AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTests.cpp)
+add_unittest(AdaptiveMultiVertexFinderTests AdaptiveMultiVertexFinderTests.cpp)
 add_unittest(TrackToVertexIPEstimatorTests TrackToVertexIPEstimatorTests.cpp)
-add_unittest(VertexSmootherTests VertexSmootherTests.cpp)
 add_unittest(ZScanVertexFinderTests ZScanVertexFinderTests.cpp)
 add_unittest(TrackDensityVertexFinderTests TrackDensityVertexFinderTests.cpp)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitterTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitterTests.cpp
index 650bdd8174228b3834056b1451b82e15dd276f2c..cf4c7933242b7462d9117c928377428a47b76384 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitterTests.cpp
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitterTests.cpp
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(billoir_vertex_fitter_empty_input_test) {
   myConstraint.setFullPosition(SpacePointVector(0, 0, 0, 0));
-  std::vector<BoundParameters> emptyVector;
+  const std::vector<const BoundParameters*> emptyVector;
   VertexFitterOptions<BoundParameters> vfOptions(tgContext, mfContext,
@@ -205,15 +205,21 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(billoir_vertex_fitter_defaulttrack_test) {
       tracks.push_back(BoundParameters(tgContext, std::move(covMat), paramVec,
+    std::vector<const BoundParameters*> tracksPtr;
+    for (const auto& trk : tracks) {
+      tracksPtr.push_back(&trk);
+    }
     // Do the actual fit with 4 tracks without constraint
     Vertex<BoundParameters> fittedVertex =
-        billoirFitter.fit(tracks, linearizer, vfOptions).value();
+        billoirFitter.fit(tracksPtr, linearizer, vfOptions).value();
     if (fittedVertex.tracks().size() > 0) {
       CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(fittedVertex.position(), vertexPosition, 1_mm);
     // Do the fit with a constraint
     Vertex<BoundParameters> fittedVertexConstraint =
-        billoirFitter.fit(tracks, linearizer, vfOptionsConstr).value();
+        billoirFitter.fit(tracksPtr, linearizer, vfOptionsConstr).value();
     if (fittedVertexConstraint.tracks().size() > 0) {
       CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(fittedVertexConstraint.position(), vertexPosition, 1_mm);
@@ -341,15 +347,20 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(billoir_vertex_fitter_usertrack_test) {
                                                   paramVec, perigeeSurface)));
+    std::vector<const InputTrack*> tracksPtr;
+    for (const auto& trk : tracks) {
+      tracksPtr.push_back(&trk);
+    }
     // Do the actual fit with 4 tracks without constraint
     Vertex<InputTrack> fittedVertex =
-        billoirFitter.fit(tracks, linearizer, vfOptions).value();
+        billoirFitter.fit(tracksPtr, linearizer, vfOptions).value();
     if (fittedVertex.tracks().size() > 0) {
       CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(fittedVertex.position(), vertexPosition, 1_mm);
     // Do the fit with a constraint
     Vertex<InputTrack> fittedVertexConstraint =
-        billoirFitter.fit(tracks, linearizer, vfOptionsConstr).value();
+        billoirFitter.fit(tracksPtr, linearizer, vfOptionsConstr).value();
     if (fittedVertexConstraint.tracks().size() > 0) {
       CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(fittedVertexConstraint.position(), vertexPosition, 1_mm);
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinderTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinderTests.cpp
index b317df4b8f7a54d2a7060182196f4d3acd1bf256..99bf17eec4e5a3b62800c774df6b00fd851b202f 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinderTests.cpp
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinderTests.cpp
@@ -150,7 +150,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(iterative_finder_test) {
     VertexFinder finder(cfg);
     // Vector to be filled with all tracks in current event
-    std::vector<BoundParameters> tracks;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const BoundParameters>> tracks;
+    std::vector<const BoundParameters*> tracksPtr;
     // Vector to be filled with truth vertices for later comparison
     std::vector<Vertex<BoundParameters>> trueVertices;
@@ -211,9 +213,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(iterative_finder_test) {
         auto params = BoundParameters(tgContext, std::move(covMat), paramVec,
-        tracks.push_back(params);
+        tracks.push_back(std::make_unique<BoundParameters>(params));
-        TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters> trAtVt(0., params, params);
+        TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters> trAtVt(0., params, tracks.back().get());
@@ -225,10 +227,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(iterative_finder_test) {
     // shuffle list of tracks
     std::shuffle(std::begin(tracks), std::end(tracks), gen);
+    for (const auto& trk : tracks) {
+      tracksPtr.push_back(trk.get());
+    }
     VertexFinderOptions<BoundParameters> vFinderOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
     // find vertices
-    auto res = finder.find(tracks, vFinderOptions);
+    auto res = finder.find(tracksPtr, vFinderOptions);
@@ -364,10 +370,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(iterative_finder_test_user_track_type) {
     VertexFinder finder(cfg, extractParameters);
     // Same for user track type tracks
-    std::vector<InputTrack> tracks;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const InputTrack>> tracks;
+    std::vector<const InputTrack*> tracksPtr;
     // Vector to be filled with truth vertices for later comparison
-    std::vector<Vertex<BoundParameters>> trueVertices;
+    std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack>> trueVertices;
     // start creating event with nVertices vertices
     unsigned int nVertices = nVertexDist(gen);
@@ -390,8 +398,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(iterative_finder_test_user_track_type) {
       double z = vZDist(gen);
       // True vertex
-      Vertex<BoundParameters> trueV(Vector3D(x, y, z));
-      std::vector<TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>> tracksAtTrueVtx;
+      Vertex<InputTrack> trueV(Vector3D(x, y, z));
+      std::vector<TrackAtVertex<InputTrack>> tracksAtTrueVtx;
       // Calculate d0 and z0 corresponding to vertex position
       double d0_v = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
@@ -426,11 +434,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(iterative_finder_test_user_track_type) {
         auto paramsUT = InputTrack(BoundParameters(tgContext, std::move(covMat),
                                                    paramVec, perigeeSurface));
-        tracks.push_back(paramsUT);
+        tracks.push_back(std::make_unique<InputTrack>(paramsUT));
         auto params = extractParameters(paramsUT);
-        TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters> trAtVt(0., params, params);
+        TrackAtVertex<InputTrack> trAtVt(0., params, tracks.back().get());
@@ -442,11 +450,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(iterative_finder_test_user_track_type) {
     // shuffle list of tracks
     std::shuffle(std::begin(tracks), std::end(tracks), gen);
-    VertexFinderOptions<BoundParameters> vFinderOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
+    for (const auto& trk : tracks) {
+      tracksPtr.push_back(trk.get());
+    }
     VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack> vFinderOptionsUT(tgContext, mfContext);
     // find vertices
-    auto res = finder.find(tracks, vFinderOptionsUT);
+    auto res = finder.find(tracksPtr, vFinderOptionsUT);
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdaterTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdaterTests.cpp
index 903d1558f306be9bb411234aae6f4ce19bcd2bf7..864d36741668fdc3416405b890575d40c959fc4f 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdaterTests.cpp
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/KalmanVertexTrackUpdaterTests.cpp
@@ -134,31 +134,27 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Kalman_Vertex_TrackUpdater) {
     // Linearized state of the track
     LinearizedTrack linTrack =
-        linearizer.linearizeTrack(&params, SpacePointVector::Zero()).value();
+        linearizer.linearizeTrack(params, SpacePointVector::Zero()).value();
     // Create TrackAtVertex
-    TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters> trkAtVtx(0., params, params);
+    TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters> trkAtVtx(0., params, &params);
     // Set linearized state of trackAtVertex
     trkAtVtx.linearizedState = linTrack;
-    // Copy track for later comparison of old and new version
-    TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters> trkCopy = trkAtVtx;
+    // Copy parameters for later comparison of old and new version
+    auto fittedParamsCopy = trkAtVtx.fittedParams;
     // Create a vertex
     Vector3D vtxPos(vXYDist(gen), vXYDist(gen), vZDist(gen));
     Vertex<BoundParameters> vtx(vtxPos);
     // Update trkAtVertex with assumption of originating from vtx
-    auto res = KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::update<BoundParameters>(
-        tgContext, trkAtVtx, &vtx);
-    BOOST_CHECK(res.ok());
+    KalmanVertexTrackUpdater::update<BoundParameters>(tgContext, trkAtVtx, vtx);
     // The old distance
     double oldDistance =
-        ip3dEst.calculateDistance(tgContext, trkCopy.fittedParams, vtxPos)
-            .value();
+        ip3dEst.calculateDistance(tgContext, fittedParamsCopy, vtxPos).value();
     // The new distance after update
     double newDistance =
@@ -170,7 +166,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Kalman_Vertex_TrackUpdater) {
     // Parameters should have changed
-    BOOST_CHECK_NE(trkCopy.fittedParams, trkAtVtx.fittedParams);
+    BOOST_CHECK_NE(fittedParamsCopy, trkAtVtx.fittedParams);
     // After update, track should be closer to the vertex
     BOOST_CHECK(newDistance < oldDistance);
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdaterTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdaterTests.cpp
index e8697189a7670df61ca7acf328352877a123434f..8141369f751d2b0207f8df7fd2ca49b442d112d7 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdaterTests.cpp
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdaterTests.cpp
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Kalman_Vertex_Updater) {
     // Linearized state of the track
     LinearizedTrack linTrack =
-        linearizer.linearizeTrack(&params, SpacePointVector::Zero()).value();
+        linearizer.linearizeTrack(params, SpacePointVector::Zero()).value();
     // Create TrackAtVertex
-    TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters> trkAtVtx(0., params, params);
+    TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters> trkAtVtx(0., params, &params);
     // Set linearized state of trackAtVertex
     trkAtVtx.linearizedState = linTrack;
@@ -145,10 +145,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Kalman_Vertex_Updater) {
     vtx.setFullCovariance(SpacePointSymMatrix::Identity() * 0.01);
     // Update trkAtVertex with assumption of originating from vtx
-    auto res = KalmanVertexUpdater::updateVertexWithTrack<BoundParameters>(
-        &vtx, trkAtVtx);
-    BOOST_CHECK(res.ok());
+    KalmanVertexUpdater::updateVertexWithTrack<BoundParameters>(vtx, trkAtVtx);
     if (debug) {
       std::cout << "Old vertex position: " << vtxPos << std::endl;
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/LinearizedTrackFactoryTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/LinearizedTrackFactoryTests.cpp
index 4f59579a6c2706759e0897bec9a218fb0dc53481..48a9cae8f92cfe572c5d3a2c73723c5c94f69037 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/LinearizedTrackFactoryTests.cpp
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/LinearizedTrackFactoryTests.cpp
@@ -136,8 +136,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(linearized_track_factory_test) {
   for (const BoundParameters& parameters : tracks) {
     LinearizedTrack linTrack =
-        linFactory.linearizeTrack(&parameters, SpacePointVector::Zero())
-            .value();
+        linFactory.linearizeTrack(parameters, SpacePointVector::Zero()).value();
     BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack.parametersAtPCA, vecBoundZero);
     BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack.covarianceAtPCA, matBoundZero);
@@ -148,40 +147,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(linearized_track_factory_test) {
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(linearized_track_factory_empty_test) {
-  ConstantBField bField(0.0, 0.0, 1_T);
-  // Set up Eigenstepper
-  EigenStepper<ConstantBField> stepper(bField);
-  // Set up propagator with void navigator
-  auto propagator =
-      std::make_shared<Propagator<EigenStepper<ConstantBField>>>(stepper);
-  PropagatorOptions<> pOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
-  Linearizer::Config ltConfig(bField, propagator, pOptions);
-  Linearizer linFactory(ltConfig);
-  BoundVector vecBoundZero = BoundVector::Zero();
-  BoundSymMatrix matBoundZero = BoundSymMatrix::Zero();
-  SpacePointVector vecSPZero = SpacePointVector::Zero();
-  SpacePointToBoundMatrix matBound2SPZero = SpacePointToBoundMatrix::Zero();
-  ActsMatrixD<BoundParsDim, 3> matBound2MomZero =
-      ActsMatrixD<BoundParsDim, 3>::Zero();
-  LinearizedTrack linTrack =
-      linFactory.linearizeTrack(nullptr, SpacePointVector(1., 2., 3., 4.))
-          .value();
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(linTrack.parametersAtPCA, vecBoundZero);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(linTrack.covarianceAtPCA, matBoundZero);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(linTrack.linearizationPoint, vecSPZero);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(linTrack.positionJacobian, matBound2SPZero);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(linTrack.momentumJacobian, matBound2MomZero);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(linTrack.constantTerm, vecBoundZero);
 /// @brief Unit test for HelicalTrackLinearizer
@@ -260,8 +225,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(linearized_track_factory_straightline_test) {
   for (const BoundParameters& parameters : tracks) {
     LinearizedTrack linTrack =
-        linFactory.linearizeTrack(&parameters, SpacePointVector::Zero())
-            .value();
+        linFactory.linearizeTrack(parameters, SpacePointVector::Zero()).value();
     BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack.parametersAtPCA, vecBoundZero);
     BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack.covarianceAtPCA, matBoundZero);
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinderTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinderTests.cpp
index 1d586c08c062badbad4478a5b252dd38e88672ff..607b77daa89cf8fcb4866b83835cce39003be223 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinderTests.cpp
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinderTests.cpp
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(track_density_finder_test) {
   // Vectors of track parameters in different orders
-  std::vector<BoundParameters> vec1 = {params1a, params1b, params1c};
-  std::vector<BoundParameters> vec2 = {params1c, params1a, params1b};
+  std::vector<const BoundParameters*> vec1 = {&params1a, &params1b, &params1c};
+  std::vector<const BoundParameters*> vec2 = {&params1c, &params1a, &params1b};
   auto res1 = finder.find(vec1, vFinderOptions);
   auto res2 = finder.find(vec2, vFinderOptions);
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(track_density_finder_constr_test) {
   // Vector of track parameters
-  std::vector<BoundParameters> vec1 = {params1a, params1b, params1c};
+  std::vector<const BoundParameters*> vec1 = {&params1a, &params1b, &params1c};
   auto res = finder.find(vec1, vFinderOptions);
@@ -213,7 +213,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(track_density_finder_random_test) {
-  auto res3 = finder.find(trackVec, vFinderOptions);
+  std::vector<const BoundParameters*> trackPtrVec;
+  for (const auto& trk : trackVec) {
+    trackPtrVec.push_back(&trk);
+  }
+  auto res3 = finder.find(trackPtrVec, vFinderOptions);
   if (!res3.ok()) {
     std::cout << res3.error().message() << std::endl;
@@ -286,7 +291,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(track_density_finder_usertrack_test) {
       BoundParameters(tgContext, covMat, pos1c, mom1c, -1, 0, perigeeSurface));
   // Vector of track parameters
-  std::vector<InputTrack> vec1 = {params1a, params1b, params1c};
+  std::vector<const InputTrack*> vec1 = {&params1a, &params1b, &params1c};
   auto res = finder.find(vec1, vFinderOptions);
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimatorTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimatorTests.cpp
index 97bba2f01d23d05af648ca8e589ecae53e3ccaac..9e99cc1631b9e3fe059ff67eb210173cde0a172d 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimatorTests.cpp
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/TrackToVertexIPEstimatorTests.cpp
@@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(track_to_vertex_ip_estimator_test) {
         BoundParameters(tgContext, std::move(covMat), paramVec, perigeeSurface);
     // Check if IP are retrieved
-    std::unique_ptr<ImpactParametersAndSigma> output =
+    ImpactParametersAndSigma output =
         ipEst.estimate(track, myConstraint).value();
-    BOOST_CHECK_NE(output->IPd0, 0.);
-    BOOST_CHECK_NE(output->IPz0, 0.);
+    BOOST_CHECK_NE(output.IPd0, 0.);
+    BOOST_CHECK_NE(output.IPz0, 0.);
 }  // namespace Test
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/VertexSmootherTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/VertexSmootherTests.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9552cfc210f8b5b6d63c82b90d4bd0d67df96b89..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/VertexSmootherTests.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of the Acts project.
-// Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-#include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
-#include <boost/test/tools/output_test_stream.hpp>
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
-#include <Acts/Vertexing/VertexSmoother.hpp>
-#include "Acts/MagneticField/ConstantBField.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Propagator/EigenStepper.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Propagator/Propagator.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Surfaces/PerigeeSurface.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Tests/CommonHelpers/FloatComparisons.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.hpp"
-#include "Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp"
-namespace Acts {
-namespace Test {
-using Covariance = BoundSymMatrix;
-using Propagator = Propagator<EigenStepper<ConstantBField>>;
-using Linearizer_t = HelicalTrackLinearizer<Propagator>;
-// Create a test context
-GeometryContext tgContext = GeometryContext();
-MagneticFieldContext mfContext = MagneticFieldContext();
-// Vertex x/y position distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> vXYDist(-0.1 * units::_mm, 0.1 * units::_mm);
-// Vertex z position distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> vZDist(-20 * units::_mm, 20 * units::_mm);
-// Track d0 distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> d0Dist(-0.01 * units::_mm, 0.01 * units::_mm);
-// Track z0 distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> z0Dist(-0.2 * units::_mm, 0.2 * units::_mm);
-// Track pT distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> pTDist(0.4 * units::_GeV, 10. * units::_GeV);
-// Track phi distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> phiDist(-M_PI, M_PI);
-// Track theta distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> thetaDist(1.0, M_PI - 1.0);
-// Track charge helper distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> qDist(-1, 1);
-// Track IP resolution distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> resIPDist(0., 100. * units::_um);
-// Track angular distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> resAngDist(0., 0.1);
-// Track q/p resolution distribution
-std::uniform_real_distribution<> resQoPDist(-0.1, 0.1);
-// Number of tracks distritbution
-std::uniform_int_distribution<> nTracksDist(3, 10);
-/// @brief Unit test for VertexSmoother
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(sequential_vertex_smoother_test) {
-  bool debugMode = false;
-  // Set up RNG
-  int mySeed = 31415;
-  std::mt19937 gen(mySeed);
-  // Number of tracks
-  unsigned int nTracks = nTracksDist(gen);
-  // Set up constant B-Field
-  ConstantBField bField(Vector3D(0., 0., 1.) * units::_T);
-  // Set up Eigenstepper
-  EigenStepper<ConstantBField> stepper(bField);
-  // Set up propagator with void navigator
-  auto propagator = std::make_shared<Propagator>(stepper);
-  // Set up LinearizedTrackFactory, needed for linearizing the tracks
-  PropagatorOptions<> pOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
-  // Linearizer for BoundParameters type test
-  Linearizer_t::Config ltConfig(bField, propagator, pOptions);
-  Linearizer_t linearizer(ltConfig);
-  // Set up Billoir Vertex Fitter
-  FullBilloirVertexFitter<BoundParameters, Linearizer_t>::Config
-      vertexFitterCfg;
-  FullBilloirVertexFitter<BoundParameters, Linearizer_t> billoirFitter(
-      vertexFitterCfg);
-  VertexFitterOptions<BoundParameters> vfOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
-  // Now: create some tracks, fit and retrieve vertex using Billoirfitter
-  // Create position of vertex and perigee surface
-  double x = vXYDist(gen);
-  double y = vXYDist(gen);
-  double z = vZDist(gen);
-  SpacePointVector vertexPosition(x, y, z, 0.);
-  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
-      Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(Vector3D(0., 0., 0.));
-  // Calculate d0 and z0 corresponding to vertex position
-  double d0V = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
-  double z0V = z;
-  // Start constructing nTracks tracks in the following
-  std::vector<BoundParameters> tracks;
-  // Construct random track emerging from vicinity of vertex position
-  // Vector to store track objects used for vertex fit
-  for (unsigned int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) {
-    // Construct positive or negative charge randomly
-    double q = qDist(gen) < 0 ? -1. : 1.;
-    // Construct random track parameters
-    BoundParameters::ParVector_t paramVec;
-    paramVec << d0V + d0Dist(gen), z0V + z0Dist(gen), phiDist(gen),
-        thetaDist(gen), q / pTDist(gen), 0.;
-    // Fill vector of track objects with simple covariance matrix
-    Covariance covMat;
-    // Resolutions
-    double resD0 = resIPDist(gen);
-    double resZ0 = resIPDist(gen);
-    double resPh = resAngDist(gen);
-    double resTh = resAngDist(gen);
-    double resQp = resQoPDist(gen);
-    covMat << resD0 * resD0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., resZ0 * resZ0, 0., 0., 0.,
-        0., 0., 0., resPh * resPh, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., resTh * resTh, 0.,
-        0., 0., 0., 0., 0., resQp * resQp, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.;
-    tracks.push_back(BoundParameters(tgContext, std::move(covMat), paramVec,
-                                     perigeeSurface));
-  }
-  Vertex<BoundParameters> fittedVertex =
-      billoirFitter.fit(tracks, linearizer, vfOptions).value();
-  // copy vertex for later comparison
-  Vertex<BoundParameters> vertexBeforeSmoothing = fittedVertex;
-  VertexSmoothing::smoothVertexSequentially<BoundParameters>(tgContext,
-                                                             &fittedVertex);
-  // Billoirfitter does not provide the TracksAtVertex with a linearized
-  // state,
-  // hence returns tracks not refitted. However, sizes should match.
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vertexBeforeSmoothing.tracks().size(),
-                    fittedVertex.tracks().size());
-  std::vector<TrackAtVertex<BoundParameters>> tracksWithLinState;
-  for (auto trackAtVtx : fittedVertex.tracks()) {
-    BoundParameters fittedParams = trackAtVtx.fittedParams;
-    LinearizedTrack linTrack =
-        linearizer.linearizeTrack(&fittedParams, vertexPosition).value();
-    trackAtVtx.linearizedState = linTrack;
-    tracksWithLinState.push_back(trackAtVtx);
-  }
-  // set tracks with linearized state to vertex
-  fittedVertex.setTracksAtVertex(tracksWithLinState);
-  VertexSmoothing::smoothVertexSequentially<BoundParameters>(tgContext,
-                                                             &fittedVertex);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vertexBeforeSmoothing.tracks().size(),
-                    fittedVertex.tracks().size());
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fittedVertex.tracks().size(); ++i) {
-    auto paramOld = vertexBeforeSmoothing.tracks()[i].fittedParams;
-    auto paramNew = fittedVertex.tracks()[i].fittedParams;
-    BOOST_CHECK_NE(paramOld, paramNew);
-    if (debugMode) {
-      std::cout << "Track %d, old params: " << paramOld << std::endl;
-      std::cout << "Track %d, new params: " << paramNew << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-}  // namespace Test
-}  // namespace Acts
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinderTests.cpp b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinderTests.cpp
index 21a7a4e8136a2a19cc6beb33857d81b11c53a8d9..c92a866418ea696715916444ce158ee02a1d5a90 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinderTests.cpp
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinderTests.cpp
@@ -135,6 +135,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(zscan_finder_test) {
+    std::vector<const BoundParameters*> tracksPtr;
+    for (const auto& trk : tracks) {
+      tracksPtr.push_back(&trk);
+    }
     using VertexFinder = ZScanVertexFinder<BilloirFitter>;
@@ -150,7 +155,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(zscan_finder_test) {
     VertexFinderOptions<BoundParameters> vFinderOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
-    auto res = finder.find(tracks, vFinderOptions);
+    auto res = finder.find(tracksPtr, vFinderOptions);
@@ -250,6 +255,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(zscan_finder_usertrack_test) {
                                                   paramVec, perigeeSurface)));
+    std::vector<const InputTrack*> tracksPtr;
+    for (const auto& trk : tracks) {
+      tracksPtr.push_back(&trk);
+    }
     using VertexFinder = ZScanVertexFinder<BilloirFitter>;
@@ -270,7 +280,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(zscan_finder_usertrack_test) {
     VertexFinderOptions<InputTrack> vFinderOptions(tgContext, mfContext);
-    auto res = finder.find(tracks, vFinderOptions);
+    auto res = finder.find(tracksPtr, vFinderOptions);