// This file is part of the Acts project.
// Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

#pragma once
#include <cmath>

#include "Acts/Surfaces/PlanarBounds.hpp"
#include "Acts/Surfaces/RectangleBounds.hpp"
#include "Acts/Utilities/Definitions.hpp"
#include "Acts/Utilities/ParameterDefinitions.hpp"

namespace Acts {

/// @class TrapezoidBounds
/// Bounds for a trapezoidal, planar Surface.
/// @image html TrapezoidBounds.gif
/// @todo can be speed optimized by calculating kappa/delta and caching it

class TrapezoidBounds : public PlanarBounds {
  enum BoundValues {
    eHalfLengthXnegY = 0,
    eHalfLengthXposY = 1,
    eHalfLengthY = 2,
    eSize = 3

  TrapezoidBounds() = delete;

  /// Constructor for symmetric Trapezoid
  /// @param halfXnegY minimal half length X, definition at negative Y
  /// @param halfXposY maximal half length X, definition at positive Y
  /// @param halfY half length Y - defined at x=0
  TrapezoidBounds(double halfXnegY, double halfXposY,
                  double halfY) noexcept(false)
      : m_values({halfXnegY, halfXposY, halfY}),
        m_boundingBox(std::max(halfXnegY, halfXposY), halfY) {

  /// Constructor for symmetric Trapezoid - from fixed size array
  /// @param values the values to be stream in
  TrapezoidBounds(const std::array<double, eSize>& values) noexcept(false)
      : m_values(values),
            std::max(values[eHalfLengthXnegY], values[eHalfLengthXposY]),
            values[eHalfLengthY]) {

  ~TrapezoidBounds() override;

  TrapezoidBounds* clone() const final;

  BoundsType type() const final;

  std::vector<double> values() const final;

  /// The orientation of the Trapezoid is according to the figure above,
  /// in words: the shorter of the two parallel sides of the trapezoid
  /// intersects
  /// with the negative @f$ y @f$ - axis of the local frame.
  /// @param lpos is the local position to be checked (Cartesian local frame)
  /// @param bcheck is the boundary check directive
  /// <br>
  /// The cases are:<br>
  /// (0) @f$ y @f$ or @f$ x @f$ bounds are 0 || 0<br>
  /// (1) the local position is outside @f$ y @f$ bounds <br>
  /// (2) the local position is inside @f$ y @f$ bounds, but outside maximum @f$
  /// x
  /// @f$ bounds  <br>
  /// (3) the local position is inside @f$ y @f$ bounds AND inside minimum @f$ x
  /// @f$ bounds <br>
  /// (4) the local position is inside @f$ y @f$ bounds AND inside maximum @f$ x
  /// @f$ bounds, so that it depends on the @f$ eta @f$ coordinate
  /// (5) the local position fails test of (4) <br>
  /// The inside check is done using single equations of straight lines and one
  /// has
  /// to take care if a point
  /// lies on the positive @f$ x @f$ half area(I) or the negative one(II).
  /// Denoting
  /// @f$ |x_{min}| @f$ and
  /// @f$ | x_{max} | @f$ as \c minHalfX respectively \c maxHalfX, such as @f$ |
  /// y_{H} | @f$ as \c halfY,
  /// the equations for the straing lines in (I) and (II) can be written as:<br>
  ///  <br>
  /// - (I):  @f$ y = \kappa_{I} x + \delta_{I} @f$ <br>
  /// - (II): @f$ y = \kappa_{II} x + \delta_{II} @f$ ,<br>
  ///  <br>
  /// where @f$  \kappa_{I} = - \kappa_{II} = 2 \frac{y_{H}}{x_{max} - x_{min}}
  /// @f$
  /// <br>
  /// and   @f$  \delta_{I} = \delta_{II} = - \frac{1}{2}\kappa_{I}(x_{max} +
  /// x_{min}) @f$
  /// @param lposition Local position (assumed to be in right surface frame)
  /// @param bcheck boundary check directive
  /// @return boolean indicator for the success of this operation
  bool inside(const Vector2D& lposition,
              const BoundaryCheck& bcheck) const final;

  /// Minimal distance to boundary ( > 0 if outside and <=0 if inside)
  /// @param lposition is the local position to check for the distance
  /// @return is a signed distance parameter
  double distanceToBoundary(const Vector2D& lposition) const final;

  /// Return the vertices
  /// @param lseg the number of segments used to approximate
  /// and eventually curved line
  /// @note the number of segements is ignored in this representation
  /// @return vector for vertices in 2D
  std::vector<Vector2D> vertices(unsigned int lseg = 1) const final;

  // Bounding box representation
  const RectangleBounds& boundingBox() const final;

  /// Output Method for std::ostream
  /// @param sl is the ostream to be dumped into
  std::ostream& toStream(std::ostream& sl) const final;

  /// Access to the bound values
  /// @param bValue the class nested enum for the array access
  double get(BoundValues bValue) const { return m_values[bValue]; }

  std::array<double, eSize> m_values;
  RectangleBounds m_boundingBox;

  /// Check the input values for consistency, will throw a logic_exception
  /// if consistency is not given
  void checkConsistency() noexcept(false);

inline std::vector<double> TrapezoidBounds::values() const {
  std::vector<double> valvector;
  valvector.insert(valvector.begin(), m_values.begin(), m_values.end());
  return valvector;

inline void TrapezoidBounds::checkConsistency() noexcept(false) {
  if (get(eHalfLengthXnegY) <= 0. or get(eHalfLengthXposY) <= 0.) {
    throw std::invalid_argument("TrapezoidBounds: invalid local x setup");
  if (get(eHalfLengthY) <= 0.) {
    throw std::invalid_argument("TrapezoidBounds: invalid local y setup");

}  // namespace Acts