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Reorganize into higher level module folders

Andreas Salzburger requested to merge 594-module-renaming into master

Closes #594 (closed)

Here's the proposed new organisation for the Core modules:

Module Content Comment
Surfaces all top level surface classes and surface bounds separated from rest of geometry because of EDM bindings
Geometry all other geometry calls and geometry building tools GeometryID, GeometryContext moved from Utilities
EventData all event data objects
Material all material classes and material mapping tools MaterialInteractor to stay in Propagation
MagneticField all magnetic field related classes MagneticFieldContext, MagFieldUtils from Utilities
Propagator all propagation and extrapolation classes including Navigator etc
Fitter all fitting classes KalmanFitter, GSF, etc.
Seeding everything with seeding might need a renaming to pattern recognition ?
Vertexing everything with and for vertexing
Utilities the original utilities container

The exact same modules should then also appear on the webpage (I have started working on this) as Core modules and in the Tests container.

Then, plugins should indicate some external dependency, e.g.

  • TGeoPlugin: binding to TGeo geometry
  • DD4hepPlugin: binding to DD4h4p geometry
  • GeoModelPlugin: binding to GeoModel geometry
  • RootPlugin: binding to root readers/writers
  • JsonPlugin: json based reading/writing

In a follow-up MR, the following Plugins will disappear:

  • DigitizationPlugin: code will split into acts-core/Core for the SpacePoint building and acts-fatras for the digitisation
  • IdentifiacationPlugin: not needed anymore after DigitizationPlugin goes
Edited by Andreas Salzburger

Merge request reports
