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Implementation Impact Ionization

Simon Spannagel requested to merge staging into master

This MR is a draft of implementing different models of impact ionization to simulate avalanches e.g. in LGAD detectors. This is based on work by @fpipper and follows the approach for parametrization models introduced in !450 (merged).

The implemented models have been compared with Weightfield2 in terms of formulae and parameter values, but the following things should be addressed before merging:

  • Documentation of the different models
  • Validation of the models with data, Weightfield2 and TCAD
  • Implement additional checks e.g. on the maximum step size allowed when using these models as they are very sensitive to binning effects and stepping parameters
  • Add test cases to check model instantiation as well as avalanche generation itself.
Edited by Simon Spannagel

Merge request reports