xAODCutBookKeeperKernel tag no longer used
I just noticed that we have some garbage in the sample initialization / cutbookkeeper retrieval. I doubt it's an issue, but we should likely clean this up a bit: As far as I can see, the "xAODCutBookKeeperKernel" tag read here: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-caf/CAFCore/blob/master/QFramework/Root/TQSampleInitializerBase.cxx#L304 Is only forwarded via TQUtils::xAODMetaDataGetSumWeightsInitialFromCutBookkeeper to TQUtils::xAODMetaDataGetCutBookkeeper There, however, this argument is only present in a piece of code which is commented out (likely since a long time, it looks to me as if it originates from a time where the xAOD EDM was still a bit more buggy (->DC14?))
If someone knows a bit more in detail what this was(is?) about, please speak up.
Unless there is a good reason against it, we should simply remove this tag and clean up the involved functions' signatures (should be used internally only anyways)