segmentation violation during cutflow creation in readAnalysis
Hi, I get a segmentation violation in the cutflow creation during readAnalysis. I'm currently on the master branch @ commit 593bb630. This is what happens:
xAOD::Init INFO Environment initialised for data access reading analysis results INFO: reading configuration for 'readAnalysis' from file 'config/run2-readMVA-polarized.cfg' Including file 'config/run2-readMVA-polarized.cfg INFO: loading sample folder 'output/vbf-v17-nominal.root:samples' INFO: successfully imported style tags from 'style/style-polarized-updated.txt' INFO: W+jets data-driven sample found -- removing W+jets MC folder if it exists INFO: No WjetsMC folder found, nothing to remove INFO in TQNFChainloader::initialize(...) : setting up normalization factor configuration 'normalization/run2-vbf-df.txt' INFO: creating cut diagram INFO: making cutflow 'polarized-fortables'/'vbf-bdt' in emme-channel DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : retrieving tags DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : creating preamble and comments DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process 'aL=1.0 aT=1.0' with path 'sig/[em+me]/mh125/AL1AT1' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process '|' with path '|' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process 'ggf' with path 'sig/[em+me]/mh125/ggf' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process '|' with path '|' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process 'Diboson' with path 'bkg/[em+me]/diboson/WW+bkg/[em+me]/diboson/NonWW+bkg/[em+me]/Vgamma/' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process '|' with path '|' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process 'Top' with path 'bkg/[em+me]/top/' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process '|' with path '|' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process 'Zjets' with path 'bkg/[em+me]/Zjets/?/?/ee+bkg/[em+me]/Zjets/?/?/mm+bkg/[em+me]/Zjets/?/?/tt' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process '|' with path '|' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process 'Wjets' with path 'bkg/[em+me]/Wjets/FakeM+bkg/[em+me]/Wjets/FakeE' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process '|' with path '|' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process 'bkg/$(lepch)+sig/$(lepch)/mh125/ggf+sig/$(lepch)/mh125/vh' with path 'bkg/[em+me]+sig/[em+me]/mh125/ggf+sig/[em+me]/mh125/vh' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process '|' with path '|' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process 'data' with path 'data/[em+me]' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over process '|' with path '|' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::createTable(...) : looping over cut 'CutChannels' DEBUG in TQCutflowPrinter::getValues(...) : processName 'sig/[em+me]/mh125/AL1AT1' TUnixSystem::DispatchS... ERROR segmentation violation Segmentation fault (core dumped)
In the input file there are both subfolders sig/em/mh125/AL1AT1 and sig/me/mh125/AL1AT1 and I can produce the histograms with no problems. Could you please help me with this issue? Many thanks!