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Add HGTD information for r21.9 upgrade sample

Yizhou Cai requested to merge caiyi/training-dataset-dumper-new:main into main

As said in the comments, please temporarily use if you want to use the timing information now.

Hi, this MR is for the code to dump HGTD information, including track time, vertex time and so on.

I would say the current method to get timing information is primary, it is not something should be done by FTAG and I believe that we would be able to do it via Athena in the future. Therefore, those related scripts are stored in an additional folder BTagTrainingPreprocessing/HGTD rather than BTagTrainingPreprocessing/src. In particular, the track clustering code ClusteringHelper.h and the BDT file for vertex time reconstruction TMVA.VBFinv.mu200.Step3p1.8var.weights.xml are directly obtained from HGTDVertexTimeInterface, while the others are the implement of HGTDVertexTimeInterface and HGTDTrackTimeInterface.

Apart from introducing timing information, there are some more changes:

  • Possible cut on tracks is added as HGTD_delta_maximum and HGTD_signif_maximum. To accommodate other configuration files without this option, I use try {} catch(...) {} in BTagTrainingPreprocessing/src/SingleBTagConfig.cxx which might not be a smart approach.
  • An option truth_pass_matching for decorate is added, with this option we can know if jet/event has pass the truth level matching via nEventPassTruthPU/nJetPassTruthPU. In this case truth_jet_matching and truth_primary_vertex_matching are recommended to be false.
  • I want to get SV2 and JF vertex information, but AMVF is unavailable in my samples, so I use try {} catch(...) {} again in BTagTrainingPreprocessing/src/TrackVertexDecorator.cxx. I am not sure if it is okay for you or I should split the option track_sv_info into two parts.
  • This study is integrated into the grid submission script, you can directly do grid-submit upgrade-HGTD to dump single-top samples with HGTD information.
Edited by Yizhou Cai

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