logParser fail due to inputGeneratorFile argument
Dear all, I just added a branch (spalazzo_600017) with 4 new JOs to register. These JOs depend on existing LHE and I tested them locally by givin the argument --inputGeneratorFile=../mc15_13TeV/410659/TXT.15180944._016918.tar.gz.1. These files are therefore outside the directories with the JOs. Locally, the log parser run currectly but now that I pushed the branch I got this error: Logfile error in log.generate: "AttributeError: 'RunArguments' object has no attribute 'inputGeneratorFile'" PyJobTransforms.transform.execute 2020-03-12 16:49:47,279 WARNING Transform now exiting early with exit code 65 (Non-zero return code from generate (8); Logfile error in log.generate: "AttributeError: 'RunArguments' object has no attribute 'inputGeneratorFile'")
here the full pipeline: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-physics/pmg/mcjoboptions/-/jobs/7564892
I guess this error is due to the fact that inside the JO directory I should put the soft link with the LHE file (as done for the gridpacks). If this is the case, I was wondering if it would be possible/useful to add a warning in the parser check to advise whether the inputGeneratorFile is linked correctly or not.
Thanks in advance! Cheers, Serena