From 2f17b313ba62e06b9dca6dd97308bdc1b8bfce10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rohin Thampilali Narayan <>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2022 04:00:22 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] registering Common top+X EFT samples - ttgamma, t/tH,

 .../   | 237 ++++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516243/log.generate.short              |   6 + |  14 ++
 ...Hq_leptons_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 211 ++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516244/log.generate.short              |   7 + |  18 ++
 ...amma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 211 ++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516245/log.generate.short              |   6 + |  18 ++
 ...decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 211 ++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516246/log.generate.short              |   6 + |  15 ++
 ...gamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 211 ++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516247/log.generate.short              |   6 + |  15 ++
 ..._prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 237 ++++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516248/log.generate.short              |   6 + |  14 ++
 ..._inclusive_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 +
 .../  | 217 ++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516249/log.generate.short              |   6 +
 .../      |  20 ++
 ...MGPy8_ttlv_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 229 +++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516250/log.generate.short              |   6 +
 .../  |  16 ++
 ...8_ttwj_ewk_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 +
 32 files changed, 1951 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516243/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516243/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516243/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516243/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_tHq_leptons_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516244/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516244/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516244/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516244/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516245/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516245/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516245/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516245/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516246/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516246/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516246/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516246/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516247/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516247/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516247/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516247/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516248/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516248/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516248/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516248/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttH_inclusive_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516249/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516249/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516249/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516249/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttlv_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516250/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516250/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516250/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516250/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttwj_ewk_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz

diff --git a/516xxx/516243/ b/516xxx/516243/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..861eb66ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516243/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'cHbox':  ('SMEFT', 4, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHG':    ('SMEFT', 6, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHW':    ('SMEFT', 7, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHB':    ('SMEFT', 8, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctHRe':  ('SMEFT', 11, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-0.6,-0.4,-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-1,-0.6,-0.3,-0.1,0.1,0.3,0.6,1]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHtbRe': ('SMEFT', 35, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.3,-0.2,0.15,0.3]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.6,-0.4,0.4,0.6]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ceHRe33':('SMEFT', 102, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHl311': ('SMEFT', 112, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cll1221':('SMEFT', 124, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-0.5,-0.4,-0.3,-0.2,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+    'ctHIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 20, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHtbIm': ('SMEFTcpv', 24, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ceHIm33':('SMEFTcpv', 47, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
+# Higgs decay in Pythia
+genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += [ '25:onMode = off',
+                             '25:oneChannel = 1 0.5770   100 5 -5',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0291   100 4 -4',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.000246 100 3 -3',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00000  100 6 -6',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.000219 100 13 -13',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0632   100 15 -15',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0857   100 21 21',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00228  100 22 22',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00154  100 22 23',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0264   100 23 23',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.2150   100 24 -24'
diff --git a/516xxx/516243/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516243/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f485fa121c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516243/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.01 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516243/ b/516xxx/516243/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e0b1a05ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516243/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+selected_operators = ['cHbox','cHW','ctHRe','ctWRe','cHQ3','cHl311','cll1221','ctWIm','ctHIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\n'
+process_definition = 'generate p p > t h j QCD=0 QED=3 NP=1 $$ w+ w-, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n'
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t~ h j QCD=0 QED=3 NP=1 $$ w+ w-, (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n'
+fixed_scale = 297.5  # ~ m(top)+m(Higgs)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tHq, multilepton, top model, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516243/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_tHq_leptons_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516243/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_tHq_leptons_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..07bdba1c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516243/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_tHq_leptons_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516244/ b/516xxx/516244/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d42ac1bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516244/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.5,-0.4,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516244/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516244/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f56f1fdd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516244/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.09 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  12345
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516244/ b/516xxx/516244/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d88d6ba976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516244/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+selected_operators = ['ctGRe','ctWRe','ctBRe','cHQ3','cQj11','cQj18','cQj31','cQj38','cQQ1','cQQ8','ctu1','ctu8','ctd1','ctd8','cQu1','cQu8','ctj1','ctj8','cQt1','cQt8','cQd1','cQd8','ctGIm','ctWIm','ctBIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b a), (t~ > ds uc~ b~) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # semi-leptonic +, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b), (t~ > ds uc~ b~ a) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # semi-leptonic +, photon in tbar decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > uc ds~ b a), (t~ > l- vl~ b~) @2 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # semi-leptonic -, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > uc ds~ b), (t~ > l- vl~ b~ a) @3 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # semi-leptonic -, photon in tbar decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b a), (t~ > l- vl~ b~) @4 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # di-leptonic, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b), (t~ > l- vl~ b~ a) @5 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # di-leptonic, photon in tbar decay
+fixed_scale = 431.25 # ~ 2.5*m(top)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+photon, decay mode, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516244/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516244/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..221b7f6137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516244/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516245/ b/516xxx/516245/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d42ac1bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516245/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.5,-0.4,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516245/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516245/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e95762590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516245/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.06 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516245/ b/516xxx/516245/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df4fd5df22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516245/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+selected_operators = ['ctWRe','cHQ3']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b a), (t~ > ds uc~ b~) @0 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # semi-leptonic +, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b), (t~ > ds uc~ b~ a) @1 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # semi-leptonic +, photon in tbar decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > uc ds~ b a), (t~ > l- vl~ b~) @2 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # semi-leptonic -, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > uc ds~ b), (t~ > l- vl~ b~ a) @3 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # semi-leptonic -, photon in tbar decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b a), (t~ > l- vl~ b~) @4 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # di-leptonic, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b), (t~ > l- vl~ b~ a) @5 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # di-leptonic, photon in tbar decay
+fixed_scale = 431.25 # ~ 2.5*m(top)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+photon, decay mode, top model, inclusive, reweighted, no EFT vertices, propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516245/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516245/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..a1f89cc6c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516245/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516246/ b/516xxx/516246/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d42ac1bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516246/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.5,-0.4,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516246/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516246/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8399eacd8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516246/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.08 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516246/ b/516xxx/516246/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49b8a689a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516246/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+selected_operators = ['ctGRe','ctWRe','ctBRe','cHQ1','cHQ3','cHt','cQj11','cQj18','cQj31','cQj38','cQQ1','cQQ8','ctu1','ctu8','ctd1','ctd8','cQu1','cQu8','ctj1','ctj8','cQt1','cQt8','cQd1','cQd8','ctGIm','ctWIm','ctBIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > uc~ ds NP=0) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # semi-leptonic +
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > uc ds~ NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # semi-leptonic -
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @2 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0' # di-leptonic
+fixed_scale = 431.25 # ~ 2.5*m(top)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+photon, production mode, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516246/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516246/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..eccdfbc823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516246/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516247/ b/516xxx/516247/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d42ac1bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516247/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.5,-0.4,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516247/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516247/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8019419946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516247/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.02 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516247/ b/516xxx/516247/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cd6593b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516247/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+selected_operators = ['ctWRe','cHQ3']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NPprop=2, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > uc~ ds NP=0) @0 NP=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # semi-leptonic +
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NPprop=2, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > uc ds~ NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @1 NP=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # semi-leptonic -
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NPprop=2, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @2 NP=0 SMHLOOP=0' # di-leptonic
+fixed_scale = 431.25 # ~ 2.5*m(top)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+photon, production mode, top model, inclusive, reweighted, no EFT vertices, propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516247/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516247/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..573e2c636a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516247/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516248/ b/516xxx/516248/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78f5d4f887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516248/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "/nfs/users/bravina/ttZ_EFT/CommonTopX/OfficialTTGAMMA/SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'cHbox':  ('SMEFT', 4, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHG':    ('SMEFT', 6, [-0.8,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHW':    ('SMEFT', 7, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHB':    ('SMEFT', 8, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctHRe':  ('SMEFT', 11, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHtbRe': ('SMEFT', 35, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.5,-0.4,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,-0.8,-0.6,0.2,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ceHRe33':('SMEFT', 102, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHl311': ('SMEFT', 112, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cll1221':('SMEFT', 124, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+    'ctHIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 20, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHtbIm': ('SMEFTcpv', 24, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ceHIm33':('SMEFTcpv', 47, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
+# Higgs decay in Pythia
+genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += [ '25:onMode = off',
+                             '25:oneChannel = 1 0.5770   100 5 -5',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0291   100 4 -4',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.000246 100 3 -3',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00000  100 6 -6',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.000219 100 13 -13',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0632   100 15 -15',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0857   100 21 21',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00228  100 22 22',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00154  100 22 23',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0264   100 23 23',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.2150   100 24 -24'
diff --git a/516xxx/516248/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516248/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67efb3ec16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516248/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.04 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516248/ b/516xxx/516248/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aefc11c41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516248/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+selected_operators = ['cHbox','cHG','ctHRe','ctGRe','cQj11','cQj18','cQj31','cQj38','cQQ1','cQQ8','ctu1','ctu8','ctd1','ctd8','cQu1','cQu8','ctj1','ctj8','cQt1','cQt8','cQd1','cQd8','cHl311','cll1221','ctGIm','ctHIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine wdec = u u~ c c~ d d~ s s~ l- l- vl vl~\n' # define inclusive W decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ h / z a h w+ w- QCD=2 QED=3, (t > wdec wdec b NP=0), (t~ > wdec wdec b~ NP=0) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n'
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ h j / z a h w+ w- QCD=3 QED=3, (t > wdec wdec b NP=0), (t~ > wdec wdec b~ NP=0) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n'
+fixed_scale = 470.0 # ~ 2*m(top)+m(Higgs)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+H, inclusive, top model, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516248/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttH_inclusive_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516248/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttH_inclusive_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..71403e9ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516248/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttH_inclusive_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516249/ b/516xxx/516249/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2156b940c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516249/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.4,-0.3,-0.2,-0.1,-0.05,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-3,-1.55,1,3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-5,3,3,5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-6,-3,3,6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,-0.1,-0.05,-0.02,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,-0.1,-0.05,-0.02,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cleQt1Re11':('SMEFT', 196, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt1Re22':('SMEFT', 197, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt1Re33':('SMEFT', 198, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt3Re11':('SMEFT', 202, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'cleQt3Re22':('SMEFT', 203, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'cleQt3Re33':('SMEFT', 204, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.6,0.6,1,1.5]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516249/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516249/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30a692caf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516249/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.03 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516249/ b/516xxx/516249/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e37bbf0fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516249/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+selected_operators = ['ctGRe','ctWRe','cQj11','cQj18','cQj31','cQj38','ctj1','ctj8','ctGIm','ctWIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ l+ vl / h z a b QCD=2 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > uc~ ds NP=0) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic ++
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l- vl~ / h z a b QCD=2 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > uc ds~ NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic --
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l+ vl / h z a b QCD=2 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @2 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # trileptonic +
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l- vl~ / h z a b QCD=2 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @3 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # trileptonic -
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l+ vl j / h z a b QCD=3 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > uc~ ds NP=0) @4 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic ++ extra jet
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l- vl~ j / h z a b QCD=3 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > uc ds~ NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @5 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic -- extra jet
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l+ vl j / h z a b QCD=3 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @6 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # trileptonic + extra jet
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l- vl~ j / h z a b QCD=3 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @7 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # trileptonic - extra jet
+fixed_scale = 425.0 # ~ 2*m(top)+m(W)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+W, top model, multilepton (2LSS/3L), reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516249/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttlv_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516249/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttlv_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..332d4e3296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516249/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttlv_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516250/ b/516xxx/516250/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e84daa963d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516250/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'cHbox':  ('SMEFT', 4, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHG':    ('SMEFT', 6, [-0.8,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHW':    ('SMEFT', 7, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHB':    ('SMEFT', 8, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctHRe':  ('SMEFT', 11, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHtbRe': ('SMEFT', 35, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.4,-0.3,-0.2,-0.1,-0.05,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-3,-1.55,1,3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-5,3,3,5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-6,-3,3,6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,-0.1,-0.05,-0.02,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,-0.1,-0.05,-0.02,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'ceHRe33':('SMEFT', 102, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHl311': ('SMEFT', 112, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cll1221':('SMEFT', 124, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cleQt1Re11':('SMEFT', 196, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt1Re22':('SMEFT', 197, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt1Re33':('SMEFT', 198, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt3Re11':('SMEFT', 202, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'cleQt3Re22':('SMEFT', 203, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'cleQt3Re33':('SMEFT', 204, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.6,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctHIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 20, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHtbIm': ('SMEFTcpv', 24, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ceHIm33':('SMEFTcpv', 47, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516250/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516250/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb866bc4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516250/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.05 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516250/ b/516xxx/516250/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e94d9a663d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516250/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+selected_operators = ['cHbox','cHG','cHW','ctHRe','ctGRe','ctWRe','ctBRe','cHQ1','cHQ3','cHt','cHl311','cll1221','ctGIm','ctWIm','ctBIm','ctHIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ w+ j $$ a z h w+ w- QCD=1 QED=4 NP=1 NPcQj11=0 NPcQj18=0 NPctj1=0 NPctj8=0 NPcQu1=0 NPcQu8=0 NPctu1=0 NPctu8=0 NPcQj31=0 NPcQj38=0 NPctd1=0 NPctd8=0 NPcQd1=0 NPcQd8=0, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > uc~ ds NP=0), (w+ > l+ vl NP=0) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic ++
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ w- j $$ a z h w+ w- QCD=1 QED=4 NP=1 NPcQj11=0 NPcQj18=0 NPctj1=0 NPctj8=0 NPcQu1=0 NPcQu8=0 NPctu1=0 NPctu8=0 NPcQj31=0 NPcQj38=0 NPctd1=0 NPctd8=0 NPcQd1=0 NPcQd8=0, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > uc ds~ NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0), (w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic --
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ w+ j $$ a z h w+ w- QCD=1 QED=4 NP=1 NPcQj11=0 NPcQj18=0 NPctj1=0 NPctj8=0 NPcQu1=0 NPcQu8=0 NPctu1=0 NPctu8=0 NPcQj31=0 NPcQj38=0 NPctd1=0 NPctd8=0 NPcQd1=0 NPcQd8=0, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0), (w+ > l+ vl NP=0) @2 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # trileptonic +
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ w- j $$ a z h w+ w- QCD=1 QED=4 NP=1 NPcQj11=0 NPcQj18=0 NPctj1=0 NPctj8=0 NPcQu1=0 NPcQu8=0 NPctu1=0 NPctu8=0 NPcQj31=0 NPcQj38=0 NPctd1=0 NPctd8=0 NPcQd1=0 NPcQd8=0, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0), (w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @3 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0' # trileptonic -
+fixed_scale = 425.0 # ~ 2*m(top)+m(W)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+W EWK, top model, multilepton (2LSS/3L), reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516250/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttwj_ewk_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516250/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttwj_ewk_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..6e0656382d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516250/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttwj_ewk_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

From 5f0036ed806c3c9ba8de9b7fddf6e7a2a456bfcf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rohin Thampilali Narayan <>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2022 04:00:22 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] registering Common top+X EFT samples - ttgamma, t/tH,

 .../   | 237 ++++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516243/log.generate.short              |   6 + |  14 ++
 ...Hq_leptons_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 211 ++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516244/log.generate.short              |   7 + |  18 ++
 ...amma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 211 ++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516245/log.generate.short              |   6 + |  18 ++
 ...decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 211 ++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516246/log.generate.short              |   6 + |  15 ++
 ...gamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 211 ++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516247/log.generate.short              |   6 + |  15 ++
 ..._prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 237 ++++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516248/log.generate.short              |   6 + |  14 ++
 ..._inclusive_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 +
 .../  | 217 ++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516249/log.generate.short              |   6 +
 .../      |  20 ++
 ...MGPy8_ttlv_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 + | 229 +++++++++++++++++
 516xxx/516250/log.generate.short              |   6 +
 .../  |  16 ++
 ...8_ttwj_ewk_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz |   1 +
 32 files changed, 1951 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516243/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516243/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516243/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516243/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_tHq_leptons_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516244/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516244/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516244/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516244/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516245/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516245/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516245/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516245/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516246/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516246/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516246/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516246/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516247/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516247/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516247/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516247/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516248/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516248/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516248/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516248/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttH_inclusive_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516249/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516249/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516249/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516249/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttlv_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516250/
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516250/log.generate.short
 create mode 100644 516xxx/516250/
 create mode 120000 516xxx/516250/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttwj_ewk_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz

diff --git a/516xxx/516243/ b/516xxx/516243/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..861eb66ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516243/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'cHbox':  ('SMEFT', 4, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHG':    ('SMEFT', 6, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHW':    ('SMEFT', 7, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHB':    ('SMEFT', 8, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctHRe':  ('SMEFT', 11, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-0.6,-0.4,-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-1,-0.6,-0.3,-0.1,0.1,0.3,0.6,1]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHtbRe': ('SMEFT', 35, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.3,-0.2,0.15,0.3]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.6,-0.4,0.4,0.6]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ceHRe33':('SMEFT', 102, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHl311': ('SMEFT', 112, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cll1221':('SMEFT', 124, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-0.5,-0.4,-0.3,-0.2,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+    'ctHIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 20, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHtbIm': ('SMEFTcpv', 24, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ceHIm33':('SMEFTcpv', 47, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
+# Higgs decay in Pythia
+genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += [ '25:onMode = off',
+                             '25:oneChannel = 1 0.5770   100 5 -5',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0291   100 4 -4',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.000246 100 3 -3',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00000  100 6 -6',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.000219 100 13 -13',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0632   100 15 -15',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0857   100 21 21',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00228  100 22 22',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00154  100 22 23',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0264   100 23 23',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.2150   100 24 -24'
diff --git a/516xxx/516243/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516243/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f485fa121c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516243/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.01 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516243/ b/516xxx/516243/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e0b1a05ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516243/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+selected_operators = ['cHbox','cHW','ctHRe','ctWRe','cHQ3','cHl311','cll1221','ctWIm','ctHIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\n'
+process_definition = 'generate p p > t h j QCD=0 QED=3 NP=1 $$ w+ w-, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n'
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t~ h j QCD=0 QED=3 NP=1 $$ w+ w-, (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n'
+fixed_scale = 297.5  # ~ m(top)+m(Higgs)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tHq, multilepton, top model, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516243/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_tHq_leptons_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516243/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_tHq_leptons_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..07bdba1c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516243/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_tHq_leptons_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516244/ b/516xxx/516244/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d42ac1bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516244/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.5,-0.4,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516244/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516244/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f56f1fdd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516244/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.09 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  12345
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516244/ b/516xxx/516244/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d88d6ba976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516244/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+selected_operators = ['ctGRe','ctWRe','ctBRe','cHQ3','cQj11','cQj18','cQj31','cQj38','cQQ1','cQQ8','ctu1','ctu8','ctd1','ctd8','cQu1','cQu8','ctj1','ctj8','cQt1','cQt8','cQd1','cQd8','ctGIm','ctWIm','ctBIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b a), (t~ > ds uc~ b~) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # semi-leptonic +, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b), (t~ > ds uc~ b~ a) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # semi-leptonic +, photon in tbar decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > uc ds~ b a), (t~ > l- vl~ b~) @2 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # semi-leptonic -, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > uc ds~ b), (t~ > l- vl~ b~ a) @3 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # semi-leptonic -, photon in tbar decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b a), (t~ > l- vl~ b~) @4 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # di-leptonic, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b), (t~ > l- vl~ b~ a) @5 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n' # di-leptonic, photon in tbar decay
+fixed_scale = 431.25 # ~ 2.5*m(top)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+photon, decay mode, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516244/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516244/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..221b7f6137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516244/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516245/ b/516xxx/516245/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d42ac1bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516245/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.5,-0.4,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516245/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516245/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e95762590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516245/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.06 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516245/ b/516xxx/516245/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df4fd5df22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516245/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+selected_operators = ['ctWRe','cHQ3']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b a), (t~ > ds uc~ b~) @0 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # semi-leptonic +, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b), (t~ > ds uc~ b~ a) @1 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # semi-leptonic +, photon in tbar decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > uc ds~ b a), (t~ > l- vl~ b~) @2 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # semi-leptonic -, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > uc ds~ b), (t~ > l- vl~ b~ a) @3 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # semi-leptonic -, photon in tbar decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b a), (t~ > l- vl~ b~) @4 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # di-leptonic, photon in top decay
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=2 / w+ w- z h a, (t > l+ vl b), (t~ > l- vl~ b~ a) @5 NPprop=2 SMHLOOP=0 NP=0\n' # di-leptonic, photon in tbar decay
+fixed_scale = 431.25 # ~ 2.5*m(top)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+photon, decay mode, top model, inclusive, reweighted, no EFT vertices, propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516245/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516245/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..a1f89cc6c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516245/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_decay_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516246/ b/516xxx/516246/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d42ac1bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516246/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.5,-0.4,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516246/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516246/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8399eacd8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516246/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.08 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516246/ b/516xxx/516246/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49b8a689a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516246/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+selected_operators = ['ctGRe','ctWRe','ctBRe','cHQ1','cHQ3','cHt','cQj11','cQj18','cQj31','cQj38','cQQ1','cQQ8','ctu1','ctu8','ctd1','ctd8','cQu1','cQu8','ctj1','ctj8','cQt1','cQt8','cQd1','cQd8','ctGIm','ctWIm','ctBIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > uc~ ds NP=0) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # semi-leptonic +
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > uc ds~ NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # semi-leptonic -
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @2 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0' # di-leptonic
+fixed_scale = 431.25 # ~ 2.5*m(top)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+photon, production mode, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516246/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516246/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..eccdfbc823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516246/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516247/ b/516xxx/516247/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d42ac1bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516247/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.5,-0.4,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516247/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516247/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8019419946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516247/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.02 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516247/ b/516xxx/516247/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cd6593b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516247/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+selected_operators = ['ctWRe','cHQ3']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NPprop=2, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > uc~ ds NP=0) @0 NP=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # semi-leptonic +
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NPprop=2, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > uc ds~ NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @1 NP=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # semi-leptonic -
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ a QCD=2 QED=3 NPprop=2, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @2 NP=0 SMHLOOP=0' # di-leptonic
+fixed_scale = 431.25 # ~ 2.5*m(top)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+photon, production mode, top model, inclusive, reweighted, no EFT vertices, propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516247/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516247/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..573e2c636a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516247/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttgamma_prod_SMEFTsim_reweighted_prop.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516248/ b/516xxx/516248/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78f5d4f887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516248/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "/nfs/users/bravina/ttZ_EFT/CommonTopX/OfficialTTGAMMA/SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'cHbox':  ('SMEFT', 4, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHG':    ('SMEFT', 6, [-0.8,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHW':    ('SMEFT', 7, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHB':    ('SMEFT', 8, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctHRe':  ('SMEFT', 11, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHtbRe': ('SMEFT', 35, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.5,-0.4,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.6,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-0.3,-0.15,0.1,0.3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-0.6,-0.3,0.3,0.6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,-0.8,-0.6,0.2,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-2.6,-1.2,1.3,2.4]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.8,1.3]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ceHRe33':('SMEFT', 102, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHl311': ('SMEFT', 112, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cll1221':('SMEFT', 124, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.8,0.8,1,1.5]),
+    'ctHIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 20, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHtbIm': ('SMEFTcpv', 24, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ceHIm33':('SMEFTcpv', 47, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
+# Higgs decay in Pythia
+genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += [ '25:onMode = off',
+                             '25:oneChannel = 1 0.5770   100 5 -5',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0291   100 4 -4',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.000246 100 3 -3',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00000  100 6 -6',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.000219 100 13 -13',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0632   100 15 -15',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0857   100 21 21',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00228  100 22 22',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.00154  100 22 23',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.0264   100 23 23',
+                             '25:addChannel = 1 0.2150   100 24 -24'
diff --git a/516xxx/516248/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516248/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67efb3ec16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516248/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.04 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516248/ b/516xxx/516248/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aefc11c41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516248/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+selected_operators = ['cHbox','cHG','ctHRe','ctGRe','cQj11','cQj18','cQj31','cQj38','cQQ1','cQQ8','ctu1','ctu8','ctd1','ctd8','cQu1','cQu8','ctj1','ctj8','cQt1','cQt8','cQd1','cQd8','cHl311','cll1221','ctGIm','ctHIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine wdec = u u~ c c~ d d~ s s~ l- l- vl vl~\n' # define inclusive W decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ h / z a h w+ w- QCD=2 QED=3, (t > wdec wdec b NP=0), (t~ > wdec wdec b~ NP=0) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n'
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ h j / z a h w+ w- QCD=3 QED=3, (t > wdec wdec b NP=0), (t~ > wdec wdec b~ NP=0) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0 NP=1\n'
+fixed_scale = 470.0 # ~ 2*m(top)+m(Higgs)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+H, inclusive, top model, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516248/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttH_inclusive_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516248/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttH_inclusive_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..71403e9ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516248/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttH_inclusive_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516249/ b/516xxx/516249/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2156b940c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516249/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.4,-0.3,-0.2,-0.1,-0.05,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-3,-1.55,1,3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-5,3,3,5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-6,-3,3,6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,-0.1,-0.05,-0.02,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,-0.1,-0.05,-0.02,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cleQt1Re11':('SMEFT', 196, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt1Re22':('SMEFT', 197, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt1Re33':('SMEFT', 198, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt3Re11':('SMEFT', 202, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'cleQt3Re22':('SMEFT', 203, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'cleQt3Re33':('SMEFT', 204, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.6,0.6,1,1.5]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516249/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516249/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30a692caf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516249/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.03 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516249/ b/516xxx/516249/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e37bbf0fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516249/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+selected_operators = ['ctGRe','ctWRe','cQj11','cQj18','cQj31','cQj38','ctj1','ctj8','ctGIm','ctWIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ l+ vl / h z a b QCD=2 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > uc~ ds NP=0) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic ++
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l- vl~ / h z a b QCD=2 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > uc ds~ NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic --
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l+ vl / h z a b QCD=2 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @2 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # trileptonic +
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l- vl~ / h z a b QCD=2 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @3 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # trileptonic -
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l+ vl j / h z a b QCD=3 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > uc~ ds NP=0) @4 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic ++ extra jet
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l- vl~ j / h z a b QCD=3 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > uc ds~ NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @5 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic -- extra jet
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l+ vl j / h z a b QCD=3 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @6 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # trileptonic + extra jet
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ l- vl~ j / h z a b QCD=3 QED=4 NP=1, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @7 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # trileptonic - extra jet
+fixed_scale = 425.0 # ~ 2*m(top)+m(W)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+W, top model, multilepton (2LSS/3L), reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516249/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttlv_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516249/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttlv_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..332d4e3296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516249/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttlv_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516250/ b/516xxx/516250/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e84daa963d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516250/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MCJobOptionUtils.JOsupport import get_physics_short
+# - create a separate JO for your process, e.g.
+# - declare "selected_operators", a list of SMEFTsim operators that is a subset of the keys of the "eft_dict" below
+# - declare "process_definition", a string that will be appended to "process" below and MUST contain at least the relevant MG generate command
+# - declare "fixed_scale", a float to fix muR=muF (because MG doesn't run the WCs). Recommended: = sum(masses)_{final state particles}
+# - declare "gridpack", a bool indicating whether generation (and possibly reweighting) is to be run from a gridpack
+# - declare "evgenConfig.description", a sufficiently descriptive string for the sample metadata,
+#                                      e.g. 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+ll, top model, inclusive, reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
+# - include this file, using the appropriate relative path
+# general parameters
+nevents     = runArgs.maxEvents if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+nevents    *= 1.1 # safety factor
+mllcut      = 5
+lhe_version = 3
+# process definition
+model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_UFO-massless_topX"
+if "_prop" in get_physics_short():
+    model = "SMEFTsim_top_MwScheme_PropCorr_UFO-massless_topX"
+process = '''
+import model ''' + model + '''
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+define wdec = l+ l- vl vl~ j
+''' + process_definition + '''
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# run card settings
+settings = {
+    'nevents'               : nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor'          : 5,
+    'pdlabel'               : 'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid'                 : 262000,
+    'use_syst'              : 'False',
+    'ptj'                   : '20.0',
+    'ptl'                   : '7.0',
+    'etaj'                  : '4.5',
+    'etal'                  : '2.5',
+    'drjj'                  : '0.0',
+    'drll'                  : '0.0',
+    'drjl'                  : '0.0',
+    'mmll'                  : mllcut,
+    'dynamical_scale_choice': '0',
+    'fixed_ren_scale'       : 'True',
+    'fixed_fac_scale'       : 'True',
+    'scale'                 : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact1'         : fixed_scale,
+    'dsqrt_q2fact2'         : fixed_scale,
+    'ickkw'                 : 0,
+    'xqcut'                 : 0,
+    'asrwgtflavor'          : 5,
+    'draj'                  : '0.0',
+    'dral'                  : '0.0',
+    'ptgmin'                : '15.0',
+    'R0gamma'               : '0.1',
+    'xn'                    : '2',
+    'epsgamma'              : '0.1',
+    'etaa'                  : '5.0',
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# SM param card settings
+params = dict()
+params['mass'] = dict()
+params['mass']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['mass']['23'] = '9.118760e+01'
+params['mass']['24'] = '8.039900e+01'
+params['mass']['25'] = '1.250000e+02'
+params['yukawa'] = dict()
+params['yukawa']['6'] = '1.725000e+02'
+params['DECAY'] = dict()
+params['DECAY']['23'] = 'DECAY  23   2.495200e+00'
+params['DECAY']['24'] = '''DECAY  24   2.085000e+00
+   3.377000e-01   2   -1   2
+   3.377000e-01   2   -3   4
+   1.082000e-01   2  -11  12
+   1.082000e-01   2  -13  14
+   1.082000e-01   2  -15  16'''
+params['DECAY']['25'] = 'DECAY  25   6.382339e-03'
+# EFT param card settings
+params = dict() 
+params['SMEFTcutoff'] = dict()
+params['SMEFTcutoff']['1'] = '1.000000e+03'
+# build a dictionary of EFT operators: dict[operator name] = (block, id, [values])
+eft_dict = {
+    'cHbox':  ('SMEFT', 4, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHG':    ('SMEFT', 6, [-0.8,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHW':    ('SMEFT', 7, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHB':    ('SMEFT', 8, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctHRe':  ('SMEFT', 11, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ctGRe':  ('SMEFT', 15, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,-0.2,0.3,0.5,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctWRe':  ('SMEFT', 17, [-1.3,-1,-0.7,-0.3,0.2,0.7,1,1.3]),
+    'ctBRe':  ('SMEFT', 19, [-1.5,-0.9,-0.3,0.3,0.9,1.5]),
+    'cHQ1':   ('SMEFT', 27, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHQ3':   ('SMEFT', 29, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHt':    ('SMEFT', 31, [-5,-2,-1,1,2,5]),
+    'cHtbRe': ('SMEFT', 35, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQj11':  ('SMEFT', 40, [-0.5,-0.3,0.3,0.5]),
+    'cQj18':  ('SMEFT', 41, [-1.3,-0.9,0.3,0.7]),
+    'cQj31':  ('SMEFT', 42, [-0.4,-0.3,-0.2,-0.1,-0.05,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4]),
+    'cQj38':  ('SMEFT', 43, [-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8]),
+    'cQQ1':   ('SMEFT', 44, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQQ8':   ('SMEFT', 45, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctu1':   ('SMEFT', 49, [-3,-1.55,1,3]),
+    'ctu8':   ('SMEFT', 50, [-5,3,3,5]),
+    'ctd1':   ('SMEFT', 58, [-6,-3,3,6]),
+    'ctd8':   ('SMEFT', 62, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQu1':   ('SMEFT', 67, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQu8':   ('SMEFT', 69, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'ctj1':   ('SMEFT', 70, [-1.4,-1,-0.1,-0.05,-0.02,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'ctj8':   ('SMEFT', 71, [-1.4,-1,-0.1,-0.05,-0.02,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt1':   ('SMEFT', 72, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQt8':   ('SMEFT', 73, [-1.4,-1,0.4,0.9]),
+    'cQd1':   ('SMEFT', 76, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'cQd8':   ('SMEFT', 77, [-14,-10,4,9]),
+    'ceHRe33':('SMEFT', 102, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHl311': ('SMEFT', 112, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cll1221':('SMEFT', 124, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cQl111': ('SMEFT', 133, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl122': ('SMEFT', 134, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl133': ('SMEFT', 135, [-5,-3,3,5]),
+    'cQl311': ('SMEFT', 136, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQl322': ('SMEFT', 137, [-1.1,-0.6,0.6,1.1]),
+    'cQl333': ('SMEFT', 138, [-5,-1,1,3,5]),
+    'cte11':  ('SMEFT', 148, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cte22':  ('SMEFT', 149, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cte33':  ('SMEFT', 150, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe11':  ('SMEFT', 160, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'cQe22':  ('SMEFT', 161, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'cQe33':  ('SMEFT', 162, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl11':  ('SMEFT', 166, [-2.4,-1,1,3]),
+    'ctl22':  ('SMEFT', 167, [-3,-1,1,5]),
+    'ctl33':  ('SMEFT', 168, [-5,-1,1,5]),
+    'cleQt1Re11':('SMEFT', 196, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt1Re22':('SMEFT', 197, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt1Re33':('SMEFT', 198, [-4.,-3.,-2.,2.,3.,4.]),
+    'cleQt3Re11':('SMEFT', 202, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'cleQt3Re22':('SMEFT', 203, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'cleQt3Re33':('SMEFT', 204, [-1.2,-0.8,-0.4,0.4,0.8,1.2]),
+    'ctGIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 8, [-1.5,-1,-0.4,-0.3,0.3,0.5,1,1.5]),
+    'ctWIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 10, [-1.5,-1.1,-0.8,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctBIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 12, [-1.5,-1,-0.6,0.6,1,1.5]),
+    'ctHIm':  ('SMEFTcpv', 20, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'cHtbIm': ('SMEFTcpv', 24, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+    'ceHIm33':('SMEFTcpv', 47, [-1.,-0.5,0.5,1]),
+# convert operator values to text format
+def value_to_string(value):
+    if value > 0:
+        string = "p"
+    else:
+        string = "m"
+    string += "{:.1f}".format(abs(value)).replace(".","p")
+    return string
+# define reweighting points
+reweight_commands = "change rwgt_dir rwgt\n"
+reweight_commands+= "change keep_ordering True\n"
+for operator in selected_operators:
+    block = eft_dict[operator][0]
+    idnumber = eft_dict[operator][1]
+    for value in eft_dict[operator][2]:
+        reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+        reweight_commands += "set "+ block + " " +str(idnumber) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+for i,operator1 in enumerate(selected_operators):
+    block1 = eft_dict[operator1][0]
+    idnumber1 = eft_dict[operator1][1]
+    for operator2 in selected_operators[i+1:]:
+        block2 = eft_dict[operator][0]
+        idnumber2 = eft_dict[operator2][1]
+        # avoid going beyond 1000 weights if possible
+        if len(selected_operators) <= 30:
+            for value in [-0.3,0.4]:
+                reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+                reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value) + "\n"
+        else:
+            value1 = -0.3
+            value2 = 0.4
+            reweight_commands += "launch --rwgt_info=" + operator1 + "_" + value_to_string(value1) + "_" + operator2 + "_" + value_to_string(value2) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block1 + " " + str(idnumber1) + " " + str(value1) + "\n"
+            reweight_commands += "set "+ block2 + " " + str(idnumber2) + " " + str(value2) + "\n"
+# write to reweight card
+reweight_card   = process_dir+'/Cards/reweight_card.dat'
+reweight_card_f = open(reweight_card,'w')
+         grid_pack=gridpack,
+         gridpack_compile=False,
+         required_accuracy=0.001,
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=True,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+          = ['']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['MadGraph','EvtGen','Pythia8']
diff --git a/516xxx/516250/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516250/log.generate.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb866bc4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516250/log.generate.short
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.05 hrs
+- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
+- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
+- randomSeed =  1
+- EVNT to EVNT =  False
+- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516250/ b/516xxx/516250/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e94d9a663d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516250/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+selected_operators = ['cHbox','cHG','cHW','ctHRe','ctGRe','ctWRe','ctBRe','cHQ1','cHQ3','cHt','cHl311','cll1221','ctGIm','ctWIm','ctBIm','ctHIm']
+process_definition = 'set group_subprocesses False\ndefine uc = u c\ndefine uc~ = u~ c~\ndefine ds = d s\ndefine ds~ = d~ s~\n' # define W hadronic decay
+process_definition+= 'generate p p > t t~ w+ j $$ a z h w+ w- QCD=1 QED=4 NP=1 NPcQj11=0 NPcQj18=0 NPctj1=0 NPctj8=0 NPcQu1=0 NPcQu8=0 NPctu1=0 NPctu8=0 NPcQj31=0 NPcQj38=0 NPctd1=0 NPctd8=0 NPcQd1=0 NPcQd8=0, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > uc~ ds NP=0), (w+ > l+ vl NP=0) @0 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic ++
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ w- j $$ a z h w+ w- QCD=1 QED=4 NP=1 NPcQj11=0 NPcQj18=0 NPctj1=0 NPctj8=0 NPcQu1=0 NPcQu8=0 NPctu1=0 NPctu8=0 NPcQj31=0 NPcQj38=0 NPctd1=0 NPctd8=0 NPcQd1=0 NPcQd8=0, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > uc ds~ NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0), (w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @1 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # dileptonic --
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ w+ j $$ a z h w+ w- QCD=1 QED=4 NP=1 NPcQj11=0 NPcQj18=0 NPctj1=0 NPctj8=0 NPcQu1=0 NPcQu8=0 NPctu1=0 NPctu8=0 NPcQj31=0 NPcQj38=0 NPctd1=0 NPctd8=0 NPcQd1=0 NPcQd8=0, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0), (w+ > l+ vl NP=0) @2 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0\n' # trileptonic +
+process_definition+= 'add process p p > t t~ w- j $$ a z h w+ w- QCD=1 QED=4 NP=1 NPcQj11=0 NPcQj18=0 NPctj1=0 NPctj8=0 NPcQu1=0 NPcQu8=0 NPctu1=0 NPctu8=0 NPcQj31=0 NPcQj38=0 NPctd1=0 NPctd8=0 NPcQd1=0 NPcQd8=0, (t > w+ b NP=0, w+ > l+ vl NP=0), (t~ > w- b~ NP=0, w- > l- vl~ NP=0), (w- > l- vl~ NP=0) @3 NPprop=0 SMHLOOP=0' # trileptonic -
+fixed_scale = 425.0 # ~ 2*m(top)+m(W)
+gridpack = True
+evgenConfig.description = 'SMEFTsim 3.0 tt+W EWK, top model, multilepton (2LSS/3L), reweighted, EFT vertices, no propagator correction'
diff --git a/516xxx/516250/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttwj_ewk_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz b/516xxx/516250/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttwj_ewk_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..6e0656382d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/516xxx/516250/mc_13TeV.MGPy8_ttwj_ewk_SMEFTsim_reweighted.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

From 9f54a2736cda14593f7a3ae98bd0830a9c9da601 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rohin Thampilali Narayan <>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2022 18:26:38 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] [skip Nfiles]


From df29508e63707fced73595894236810d6945cb13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rohin Thampilali Narayan <>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2022 18:44:51 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] [skip nfiles]


From 6eb728fed5fcfda84fcf888f3b1d8e2b7b0e53ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mcgensvc <>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2022 02:46:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Pipeline for df29508e succeeded. Removing log.generate
 files [skip all]

 516xxx/516243/log.generate.short | 6 ------
 516xxx/516244/log.generate.short | 7 -------
 516xxx/516245/log.generate.short | 6 ------
 516xxx/516246/log.generate.short | 6 ------
 516xxx/516247/log.generate.short | 6 ------
 516xxx/516248/log.generate.short | 6 ------
 516xxx/516249/log.generate.short | 6 ------
 516xxx/516250/log.generate.short | 6 ------
 8 files changed, 49 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 516xxx/516243/log.generate.short
 delete mode 100644 516xxx/516244/log.generate.short
 delete mode 100644 516xxx/516245/log.generate.short
 delete mode 100644 516xxx/516246/log.generate.short
 delete mode 100644 516xxx/516247/log.generate.short
 delete mode 100644 516xxx/516248/log.generate.short
 delete mode 100644 516xxx/516249/log.generate.short
 delete mode 100644 516xxx/516250/log.generate.short

diff --git a/516xxx/516243/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516243/log.generate.short
deleted file mode 100644
index f485fa121c..0000000000
--- a/516xxx/516243/log.generate.short
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.01 hrs
-- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
-- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
-- randomSeed =  1
-- EVNT to EVNT =  False
-- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516244/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516244/log.generate.short
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f56f1fdd0..0000000000
--- a/516xxx/516244/log.generate.short
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.09 hrs
-- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
-- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
-- randomSeed =  12345
-- EVNT to EVNT =  False
-- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516245/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516245/log.generate.short
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e95762590..0000000000
--- a/516xxx/516245/log.generate.short
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.06 hrs
-- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
-- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
-- randomSeed =  1
-- EVNT to EVNT =  False
-- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516246/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516246/log.generate.short
deleted file mode 100644
index 8399eacd8d..0000000000
--- a/516xxx/516246/log.generate.short
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.08 hrs
-- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
-- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
-- randomSeed =  1
-- EVNT to EVNT =  False
-- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516247/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516247/log.generate.short
deleted file mode 100644
index 8019419946..0000000000
--- a/516xxx/516247/log.generate.short
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.02 hrs
-- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
-- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
-- randomSeed =  1
-- EVNT to EVNT =  False
-- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516248/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516248/log.generate.short
deleted file mode 100644
index 67efb3ec16..0000000000
--- a/516xxx/516248/log.generate.short
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.04 hrs
-- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
-- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
-- randomSeed =  1
-- EVNT to EVNT =  False
-- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516249/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516249/log.generate.short
deleted file mode 100644
index 30a692caf6..0000000000
--- a/516xxx/516249/log.generate.short
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.03 hrs
-- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
-- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
-- randomSeed =  1
-- EVNT to EVNT =  False
-- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/516xxx/516250/log.generate.short b/516xxx/516250/log.generate.short
deleted file mode 100644
index bb866bc4c6..0000000000
--- a/516xxx/516250/log.generate.short
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.05 hrs
-- using release =  AthGeneration-21.6.97
-- ecmEnergy =  13000.0
-- randomSeed =  1
-- EVNT to EVNT =  False
-- LHEonly =  False
\ No newline at end of file