diff --git a/601xxx/601417/mc.PhPy8EG_NNPDF3_AZNLO_ZH125J_qqtautau.py b/601xxx/601417/mc.PhPy8EG_NNPDF3_AZNLO_ZH125J_qqtautau.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83afce32cc720e26f01c1c4e8b9d2800c4167f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/601xxx/601417/mc.PhPy8EG_NNPDF3_AZNLO_ZH125J_qqtautau.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# EVGEN configuration
+evgenConfig.description = "POWHEG+MiNLO+Pythia8 qq->H+Z+jet->qq + tautau production"
+evgenConfig.keywords    = [ "SM", "Higgs", "SMHiggs", "mH125" , "ZHiggs"]
+evgenConfig.contact     = [ 'brian.moser@cern.ch' ]
+evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob = 500
+evgenConfig.process = "qq->ZH, H->tautau, Z->qq"
+# POWHEG+MiNLO+Pythia8 H+Z+jet->qq + tautau production
+PowhegConfig.runningscales = 1 # 
+PowhegConfig.decay_mode = "z > j j"
+PowhegConfig.bornktmin = 0.26 # settings suggested for pTV reweighting
+PowhegConfig.bornsuppfact = 0.00001
+PowhegConfig.ptVhigh = 200 # step-wise pTV reweighting
+PowhegConfig.ptVlow = 120
+PowhegConfig.Vstep = 10
+PowhegConfig.withnegweights = 1 # allow neg. weighted events
+PowhegConfig.doublefsr = 1
+PowhegConfig.PDF = list(range(93300,93343)) + list(range(90400,90433)) + [260000] + [27100] +  [14400] + [331700]
+PowhegConfig.mu_F = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 ] # scale variations: first pair is the nominal setting
+PowhegConfig.mu_R = [ 1.0, 0.5, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0 ]
+PowhegConfig.nEvents = evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob*1.1 if evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob>0 else  runArgs.maxEvents
+# Pythia8 showering
+# Pythia8 main31 matching
+genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += [ 'Powheg:NFinal = 3']
+# Higgs->bbar at Pythia8
+genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += [ '25:onMode = off', # decay of Higgs
+                             '25:onIfMatch = 15 15' ]
diff --git a/601xxx/601417/mc_13TeV.PhPy8EG_NNPDF3_AZNLO_ZH125J_qqtautau.GRID.tar.gz b/601xxx/601417/mc_13TeV.PhPy8EG_NNPDF3_AZNLO_ZH125J_qqtautau.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06d3e2d5615789cf552a08e9d1f5d6512b807505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/601xxx/601417/mc_13TeV.PhPy8EG_NNPDF3_AZNLO_ZH125J_qqtautau.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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