diff --git a/545xxx/545790/mc.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttee_4lfilt.py b/545xxx/545790/mc.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttee_4lfilt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..949dd65f2f9acd3a8cbf77ccc7b3317fa639864b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/545xxx/545790/mc.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttee_4lfilt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob = 1000
diff --git a/545xxx/545790/mc_13TeV.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttee_4lfilt.GRID.tar.gz b/545xxx/545790/mc_13TeV.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttee_4lfilt.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..440294dd21f57ff57b6899dea564bd8c2b9b8840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/545xxx/545790/mc_13TeV.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttee_4lfilt.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/545xxx/545790/ttZ_NLO_with4lFilter.py b/545xxx/545790/ttZ_NLO_with4lFilter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..594309ff5463dbbbe0a58d9bfe82cdd0f25578ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/545xxx/545790/ttZ_NLO_with4lFilter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+## Note that this JO is a copy of 504329
+## only difference is the addition of the 4l filter
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtilsHelpers import get_physics_short
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphParamHelpers import set_top_params
+import os
+# General settings
+nevents       = int(1.1*runArgs.maxEvents) # safety factor
+mllcut        = 5                          # mininum m(ll) mass (to cut off DY)
+zdecay        = 'decay z > all all'        # placeholder
+ptgmincut     = 20                         # photons with pT>20 GeV
+lhe_version   = 3                          # LHE version to save reweighted scales+PDF
+gridpack_dir  = 'madevent/'                # to generate from gridpack
+gridpack_mode = True                       # we have gridpacks for everything so far
+do_systs      = True                       # whether to reweight muR/muF and PDF
+beamEnergy    = -999                       # safety check
+if hasattr(runArgs,'ecmEnergy'):
+    beamEnergy = runArgs.ecmEnergy / 2.
+    raise RuntimeError("No center of mass energy found.")
+# Parse the name of the JO to extract information about the process
+jo_name      = get_physics_short()
+ttee         = 'ttee' in jo_name
+ttmumu       = 'ttmumu' in jo_name
+tttautau     = 'tttautau' in jo_name
+ttZnunu      = 'ttZnunu' in jo_name
+ttZqq        = 'ttZqq' in jo_name
+lowmass      = 'lowmass' in jo_name
+a14Var1Up    = 'A14Var1Up' in jo_name
+a14Var1Down  = 'A14Var1Down' in jo_name
+a14Var2Up    = 'A14Var2Up' in jo_name
+a14Var2Down  = 'A14Var2Down' in jo_name
+a14Var3aUp   = 'A14Var3aUp' in jo_name
+a14Var3aDown = 'A14Var3aDown' in jo_name
+a14Var3bUp   = 'A14Var3bUp' in jo_name
+a14Var3bDown = 'A14Var3bDown' in jo_name
+a14Var3cUp   = 'A14Var3cUp' in jo_name
+a14Var3cDown = 'A14Var3cDown' in jo_name
+pythia       = 'Py8' in jo_name
+herwig       = 'H7' in jo_name
+herwig721    = 'H721' in jo_name
+herwig716    = 'H716' in jo_name
+_4lfiltered  = '4lfilt' in jo_name
+# Set MadGraph generate commands
+if ttee:
+    mgproc = '''generate p p > t t~ e+ e- [QCD]'''
+    name   = 'ttee_NLO'
+elif ttmumu:
+    mgproc = '''generate p p > t t~ mu+ mu- [QCD]'''
+    name   = 'ttmumu_NLO'
+elif tttautau:
+    mgproc = '''generate p p > t t~ ta+ ta- $$ h [QCD]'''
+    name   = 'tttautau_NLO'
+elif ttZnunu:
+    mgproc = '''generate p p > t t~ z [QCD]'''
+    name   = 'ttZnunu_NLO'
+    zdecay = 'decay z > vl vl~'
+elif ttZqq:
+    mgproc = '''generate p p > t t~ z [QCD]'''
+    name   = 'ttZqq_NLO'
+    zdecay = 'decay z > q q~'
+    raise RuntimeError("If your JO doesn't concern ttee, ttmumu, tttautau, ttZnunu or ttZqq, you've imported the wrong control file, buddy!")
+# Increase the intial generated events since we will throw out events in the 4l filter
+    nevents  = int(35*runArgs.maxEvents)
+# Set the parton shower
+if pythia:
+    psname      = 'PYTHIA8'
+elif herwig:
+    psname      = 'HERWIGPP'
+    do_systs    = False      # Herwig can't handle a reweighted LHE file
+    lhe_version = 1          # therefore also pass a different LHE version than usual
+    raise RuntimeError("Can't tell whether the parton shower is supposed to be Pythia8 or Herwig7, stopping this madness now!")
+# Write the proc_card
+process = '''
+import model loop_sm-no_b_mass
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+define l- = e- mu- ta-
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# Low mass cuts: 1-5 GeV
+if lowmass:
+    mllcut = 1
+    get_cuts_file = subprocess.Popen(['get_files','-data','ttZ_lowmass_cuts.f'])
+    get_cuts_file.wait()
+    import os, shutil
+    if not os.path.exists('ttZ_lowmass_cuts.f'):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot find ttZ_lowmass_cuts.f")
+    shutil.copy('ttZ_lowmass_cuts.f', os.path.join(process_dir, 'SubProcesses/cuts.f'))
+# Write the run_card
+settings = {
+    'nevents':        nevents,
+    'maxjetflavor':   5,
+    'parton_shower':  psname,
+    'ptgmin':         ptgmincut,
+    'mll_sf':         mllcut,
+    'reweight_scale': '.false.',
+    'reweight_PDF':   '.false.',
+    'pdlabel':        'lhapdf',
+    'lhaid':          260000,
+if do_systs:
+    settings['reweight_scale'] = '.true.'
+    settings['rw_Rscale_down'] =  0.5
+    settings['rw_Rscale_up']   =  2.0
+    settings['rw_Fscale_down'] =  0.5
+    settings['rw_Fscale_up']   =  2.0
+    settings['reweight_PDF']   = '.true.'
+    settings['PDF_set_min']    = 260001
+    settings['PDF_set_max']    = 260100
+                runArgs=runArgs,
+                settings=settings)
+# Modify the param card (important! this corrects the BR(W->had) issue in previous ttZ samples
+# Write the MadSpin card
+madspin_card = process_dir+'/Cards/madspin_card.dat'
+if os.access(madspin_card,os.R_OK):
+    os.unlink(madspin_card)
+mscard = open(madspin_card,'w')
+#*                        MadSpin                           *
+#*                                                          *
+#*    P. Artoisenet, R. Frederix, R. Rietkerk, O. Mattelaer *
+#*                                                          *
+#*    Part of the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Framework:              *
+#*    The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at   *
+#*    https://server06.fynu.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph     *
+#*                                                          *
+#Some options (uncomment to apply)
+set seed %i
+set Nevents_for_max_weight 75 # number of events for the estimate of the max. weight
+set BW_cut 15                 # cut on how far the particle can be off-shell
+set max_weight_ps_point 400   # number of PS to estimate the maximum for each event
+# specify the decay for the final state particles
+define q = u d s c b
+define q~ = u~ d~ s~ c~ b~
+decay t > w+ b, w+ > all all
+decay t~ > w- b~, w- > all all
+decay w+ > all all
+decay w- > all all
+# running the actual code
+# Print and generate
+         grid_pack=gridpack_mode,
+         gridpack_compile=False,  # set to True to generate the gridpack, to False to run from it
+         required_accuracy=0.001, # gridpack accuracy, ignored if running OTF
+         runArgs=runArgs)
+outputDS = arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir,
+                          runArgs=runArgs,
+                          saveProcDir=False,
+                          lhe_version=lhe_version)
+# Metadata
+evgenConfig.description      = 'aMcAtNlo_'+str(name)
+evgenConfig.keywords        += ['SM','ttZ']
+evgenConfig.contact          = ['baptiste.ravina@cern.ch']
+evgenConfig.generators       = ['aMcAtNlo','EvtGen']
+if pythia:
+    evgenConfig.generators  += ['Pythia8']
+if herwig:
+    evgenConfig.generators  += ['Herwig7']
+if a14Var1Up:
+    evgenConfig.description += '_A14Var1Up'
+if a14Var1Down:
+    evgenConfig.description += '_A14Var1Down'
+if a14Var2Up:
+    evgenConfig.description += '_A14Var2Up'
+if a14Var2Down:
+    evgenConfig.description += '_A14Var2Down'
+if a14Var3aUp:
+    evgenConfig.description += '_A14Var3aUp'
+if a14Var3aDown:
+    evgenConfig.description += '_A14Var3aDown'
+if a14Var3bUp:
+    evgenConfig.description += '_A14Var3bUp'
+if a14Var3bDown:
+    evgenConfig.description += '_A14Var3bDown'
+if a14Var3cUp:
+    evgenConfig.description += '_A14Var3cUp'
+if a14Var3cDown:
+    evgenConfig.description += '_A14Var3cDown'
+# go back to single-thread
+# shower
+if pythia:
+    if a14Var1Up:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_Var1Up_EvtGen_Common.py")
+    elif a14Var1Down:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_Var1Down_EvtGen_Common.py")
+    elif a14Var2Up:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_Var2Up_EvtGen_Common.py")
+    elif a14Var2Down:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_Var2Down_EvtGen_Common.py")
+    elif a14Var3aUp:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_Var3aUp_EvtGen_Common.py")
+    elif a14Var3aDown:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_Var3aDown_EvtGen_Common.py")
+    elif a14Var3bUp:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_Var3bUp_EvtGen_Common.py")
+    elif a14Var3bDown:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_Var3bDown_EvtGen_Common.py")
+    elif a14Var3cUp:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_Var3cUp_EvtGen_Common.py")
+    elif a14Var3cDown:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_Var3cDown_EvtGen_Common.py")
+    else:
+        include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_EvtGen_Common.py")        
+    include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_aMcAtNlo.py")
+    if(_4lfiltered):
+        include("GeneratorFilters/FourLeptonInvMassFilter.py")
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MinPt   = 4.*GeV
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MaxEta  = 3.
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MinMass = 100.*GeV 
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MaxMass = 170.*GeV
+        include("GeneratorFilters/FourLeptonMassFilter.py")
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinPt           = 4000.
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxEta          = 4.
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinMass1        = 40000.
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxMass1        = 14000000.
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinMass2        = 8000.
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxMass2        = 14000000.
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.AllowElecMu     = False
+        filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.AllowSameCharge = False
+        include("GeneratorFilters/MultiLeptonFilter.py")
+        filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.Ptcut    = 8000.
+        filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.Etacut   = 3.
+        filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.NLeptons = 3
+elif herwig:
+    evgenConfig.tune = "H7.1-Default"
+    runArgs.inputGeneratorFile = outputDS+'.events'
+    if herwig721:
+        include("Herwig7_i/Herwig72_LHEF.py")
+    elif herwig716:
+        include("Herwig7_i/Herwig7_LHEF.py")
+    Herwig7Config.me_pdf_commands(order="NLO",
+                                  name="NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118")
+    Herwig7Config.tune_commands()
+    Herwig7Config.lhef_mg5amc_commands(lhe_filename=runArgs.inputGeneratorFile,
+                                       me_pdf_order="NLO")
+    include("Herwig7_i/Herwig71_EvtGen.py")
+    Herwig7Config.run()
diff --git a/545xxx/545791/mc.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttmumu_4lfilt.py b/545xxx/545791/mc.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttmumu_4lfilt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..949dd65f2f9acd3a8cbf77ccc7b3317fa639864b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/545xxx/545791/mc.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttmumu_4lfilt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob = 1000
diff --git a/545xxx/545791/mc_13TeV.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttmumu_4lfilt.GRID.tar.gz b/545xxx/545791/mc_13TeV.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttmumu_4lfilt.GRID.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce6c74a8707b9af8b0a513cabb100a76992c6cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/545xxx/545791/mc_13TeV.aMCPy8EG_NNPDF30NLO_A14N23LO_ttmumu_4lfilt.GRID.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/545xxx/545791/ttZ_NLO_with4lFilter.py b/545xxx/545791/ttZ_NLO_with4lFilter.py
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fbcd3e5a3b0afa8c63ae83ad2661ab5e606ad7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/545xxx/545791/ttZ_NLO_with4lFilter.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/545xxx/545792/mc.MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF30NLO_ttWW_4lfilt.py b/545xxx/545792/mc.MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF30NLO_ttWW_4lfilt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9969fe034327559b3ab0e061e94517000af2f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/545xxx/545792/mc.MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF30NLO_ttWW_4lfilt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+# General settings
+lhe_version = 3.0
+# safe factor to generate sufficient events for filter
+evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob = 500
+nevents = runArgs.maxEvents*150.0 if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else 150.0*evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+# Define MadGraph process                                                                                                                                 
+process = """
+import model sm
+define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
+define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
+define w = w+ w-
+generate p p > t t~ w w
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# Set PDF via base fragment                                                                                                                                 
+import MadGraphControl.MadGraph_NNPDF30NLO_Base_Fragment
+# Define run card                                                                                                                                   
+extras = {
+    'lhe_version'  : lhe_version,
+    'nevents': int(nevents),
+modify_run_card(process_dir=process_dir, runArgs=runArgs, settings=extras)
+# Check cards and proceed with event generation                                                                                                                             
+generate(process_dir=process_dir, runArgs=runArgs)
+arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir, runArgs=runArgs, lhe_version=lhe_version)
+# Storing information and post-processing with parton shower                                                                                                                            
+evgenConfig.description = 'MadGraph_'+str(name)
+evgenConfig.contact = ["Philipp Gadow <paul.philipp.gadow@cern.ch>", "sabidi@cern.ch" ,"chiara.arcangeletti@cern.ch"]
+evgenConfig.process = "pp > tt~W+W-"
+# Finally, run the parton shower...
+# ...and pull in MadGraph-specific stuff
+# Event filter
+# include('GeneratorFilters/TTbarWToLeptonFilter.py')
+# filtSeq.TTbarWToLeptonFilter.NumLeptons = -1 #no-allhad
+# filtSeq.TTbarWToLeptonFilter.Ptcut = 0.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MinPt   = 4.*GeV
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MaxEta  = 3.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MinMass = 100.*GeV 
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MaxMass = 170.*GeV
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinPt           = 4000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxEta          = 4.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinMass1        = 40000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxMass1        = 14000000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinMass2        = 8000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxMass2        = 14000000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.AllowElecMu     = False
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.AllowSameCharge = False
+filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.Ptcut    = 8000.
+filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.Etacut   = 3.
+filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.NLeptons = 3
diff --git a/545xxx/545793/mc.MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF30NLO_ttWZ_4lfilt.py b/545xxx/545793/mc.MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF30NLO_ttWZ_4lfilt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8a7a66f4f9ee08352c0547eef3d1c3e3f360d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/545xxx/545793/mc.MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF30NLO_ttWZ_4lfilt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+# General settings
+lhe_version = 3.0
+# safe factor to generate sufficient events for filter
+evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob = 2000
+nevents = runArgs.maxEvents*150.0 if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else 150*evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+# Define MadGraph process                                                                                                                                 
+process = """
+import model sm
+define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
+define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
+define w = w+ w-
+generate p p > t t~ w z
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# Set PDF via base fragment                                                                                                                                 
+import MadGraphControl.MadGraph_NNPDF30NLO_Base_Fragment
+# Define run card                                                                                                                                   
+extras = {
+    'lhe_version'  : lhe_version,
+    'nevents': int(nevents),
+modify_run_card(process_dir=process_dir, runArgs=runArgs, settings=extras)
+# Check cards and proceed with event generation                                                                                                                             
+generate(process_dir=process_dir, runArgs=runArgs)
+arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir, runArgs=runArgs, lhe_version=lhe_version)
+# Storing information and post-processing with parton shower                                                                                                                            
+evgenConfig.description = 'MadGraph_'+str(name)
+evgenConfig.contact = ["Philipp Gadow <paul.philipp.gadow@cern.ch>", "nedaa.asbah@cern.ch", "sabidi@cern.ch" ,"chiara.arcangeletti@cern.ch"]
+evgenConfig.process = "pp > tt~WZ"
+# Finally, run the parton shower...
+# ...and pull in MadGraph-specific stuff
+# Event filter
+# include('GeneratorFilters/TTbarWToLeptonFilter.py')
+# filtSeq.TTbarWToLeptonFilter.NumLeptons = -1 #no-allhad
+# filtSeq.TTbarWToLeptonFilter.Ptcut = 0.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MinPt   = 4.*GeV
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MaxEta  = 3.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MinMass = 100.*GeV 
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MaxMass = 170.*GeV
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinPt           = 4000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxEta          = 4.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinMass1        = 40000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxMass1        = 14000000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinMass2        = 8000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxMass2        = 14000000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.AllowElecMu     = False
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.AllowSameCharge = False
+filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.Ptcut    = 8000.
+filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.Etacut   = 3.
+filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.NLeptons = 3
diff --git a/545xxx/545794/mc.MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF30NLO_ttZZ_4lfilt.py b/545xxx/545794/mc.MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF30NLO_ttZZ_4lfilt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..453d44f3ff253c3400972a66e1d399ecba55e0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/545xxx/545794/mc.MGPy8EG_A14NNPDF30NLO_ttZZ_4lfilt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
+# General settings
+lhe_version = 3.0
+# safe factor to generate sufficient events for filter
+evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob = 2000
+nevents = runArgs.maxEvents*100.0 if runArgs.maxEvents>0 else 100.0*evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob
+# Define MadGraph process                                                                                                                                 
+process = """
+import model sm
+define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
+define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
+define w = w+ w-
+generate p p > t t~ z z
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(process)
+# Set PDF via base fragment                                                                                                                                 
+import MadGraphControl.MadGraph_NNPDF30NLO_Base_Fragment
+# Define run card                                                                                                                                   
+extras = {
+    'lhe_version'  : lhe_version,
+    'nevents': int(nevents),
+modify_run_card(process_dir=process_dir, runArgs=runArgs, settings=extras)
+# Check cards and proceed with event generation                                                                                                                             
+generate(process_dir=process_dir, runArgs=runArgs)
+arrange_output(process_dir=process_dir, runArgs=runArgs, lhe_version=lhe_version)
+# Storing information and post-processing with parton shower                                                                                                                            
+evgenConfig.description = 'MadGraph_'+str(name)
+evgenConfig.contact = ["Philipp Gadow <paul.philipp.gadow@cern.ch>", "nedaa.asbah@cern.ch", "sabidi@cern.ch" ,"chiara.arcangeletti@cern.ch"]
+evgenConfig.process = "pp > tt~ZZ"
+# Finally, run the parton shower...
+# ...and pull in MadGraph-specific stuff
+# Event filter
+# include('GeneratorFilters/TTbarWToLeptonFilter.py')
+# filtSeq.TTbarWToLeptonFilter.NumLeptons = -1 #no-allhad
+# filtSeq.TTbarWToLeptonFilter.Ptcut = 0.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MinPt   = 4.*GeV
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MaxEta  = 3.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MinMass = 100.*GeV 
+filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MaxMass = 170.*GeV
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinPt           = 4000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxEta          = 4.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinMass1        = 40000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxMass1        = 14000000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinMass2        = 8000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxMass2        = 14000000.
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.AllowElecMu     = False
+filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.AllowSameCharge = False
+filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.Ptcut    = 8000.
+filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.Etacut   = 3.
+filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.NLeptons = 3
diff --git a/545xxx/545795/mc.aMCPy8EG_tWZ_Ztoll_DR1_4lfilt.py b/545xxx/545795/mc.aMCPy8EG_tWZ_Ztoll_DR1_4lfilt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22fac3d332e92559406c71b36aaf3e3767798d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/545xxx/545795/mc.aMCPy8EG_tWZ_Ztoll_DR1_4lfilt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import * 
+from MadGraphControl.MadGraphParamHelpers import set_top_params
+from MadGraphControl.DiagramRemoval import do_DRX
+import MadGraphControl.MadGraph_NNPDF30NLO_Base_Fragment
+evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob = 500
+nevents = int(50.*runArgs.maxEvents) if runArgs.maxEvents > 0 else int(50.*evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob)
+zdecay="decay z > l+ l-"
+if parton_shower=='PYTHIA8':
+  parton_shower_name = "Pythia8"
+elif parton_shower=='HERWIGPP':
+  parton_shower_name = "Herwig7"
+if decay_mode=='dilepton':
+  tandw_decays = """decay t > w+ b, w+ > l+ v
+ decay t~ > w- b~, w- > l- v~
+ decay w+ > l+ v
+ decay w- > l- v~"""
+elif decay_mode=='inclusive':
+  tandw_decays = """decay t > w+ b, w+ > all all
+ decay t~ > w- b~, w- > all all
+ decay w+ > all all
+ decay w- > all all"""
+gen_process = """
+import model loop_sm-no_b_mass
+define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~
+define w = w+ w-
+define ttbar = t t~
+generate p p > ttbar w Z [QCD]
+output -f
+process_dir = new_process(gen_process)
+#Call DR code
+run_settings = { 
+    'nevents'    : nevents,
+    'lhe_version':'3.0',
+    'maxjetflavor'  : 5,
+    'parton_shower' : parton_shower,
+    'fixed_ren_scale' : "False",
+    'fixed_fac_scale' : "False",
+    'fixed_QES_scale' : "False",
+    'mll_sf'        : -1,
+    'req_acc' :0.001,
+# Set up the process
+# Set up the run card
+mscard = open(madspin_card_loc,'w')  
+  set max_weight_ps_point 500
+  set BW_cut 50
+ set seed {}
+ # specify the decay for the final state particles
+ define q = u d s c b
+ define q~ = u~ d~ s~ c~ b~
+ define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+
+ define l- = e- mu- ta-
+ define v = ve vm vt
+ define v~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
+ {}
+ {}
+ # running the actual code
+ launch""".format(runArgs.randomSeed,tandw_decays,zdecay))
+# Generate the events
+# Remember to set saveProcDir to FALSE before sending for production!!
+#### Shower
+## run Pythia8 on-the-fly -----------------------------------------------------
+## Provide config information
+evgenConfig.generators += ["aMcAtNlo", parton_shower_name]
+evgenConfig.description = "MG5aMCatNLO/MadSpin/"+parton_shower_name+" tWZ_Ztoll "+decay_mode+" DR"+str(DR_mode)+", DR applied only to MG code"
+evgenConfig.keywords    = ["SM","top"]
+evgenConfig.contact     = ["andrej.saibel@cern.ch", "sabidi@cern.ch" ,"chiara.arcangeletti@cern.ch"]
+if parton_shower=='PYTHIA8':
+  include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_A14_NNPDF23LO_EvtGen_Common.py")
+  ## Enable MG5_aMC@NLO LHEF reading in Pythia8
+  include("Pythia8_i/Pythia8_LHEF.py")
+  #evgenConfig.generators += ["aMcAtNlo"]
+  #aMC@NLO default Pythia8 settings from http://amcatnlo.web.cern.ch/amcatnlo/list_detailed2.htm#showersettings
+  #plus MEC fix see https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.06389.pdf
+  genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += ["SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch = 1",
+                              "SpaceShower:pTmaxFudge = 1",
+                              "SpaceShower:MEcorrections = off",
+                              "TimeShower:pTmaxMatch = 1",
+                              "TimeShower:pTmaxFudge = 1",
+                              "TimeShower:MEcorrections = on",
+                              "TimeShower:MEextended    = off",
+                              "TimeShower:globalRecoil = on",
+                              "TimeShower:limitPTmaxGlobal = on",
+                              "TimeShower:nMaxGlobalRecoil = 1",
+                              "TimeShower:globalRecoilMode = 2",
+                              "TimeShower:nMaxGlobalBranch = 1.",
+                              "TimeShower:weightGluonToQuark=1.",
+                              "Check:epTolErr = 1e-2" ]
+  include("GeneratorFilters/FourLeptonInvMassFilter.py")
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MinPt   = 4.*GeV
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MaxEta  = 3.
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MinMass = 100.*GeV 
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonInvMassFilter.MaxMass = 170.*GeV
+  include("GeneratorFilters/FourLeptonMassFilter.py")
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinPt           = 4000.
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxEta          = 4.
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinMass1        = 40000.
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxMass1        = 14000000.
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MinMass2        = 8000.
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.MaxMass2        = 14000000.
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.AllowElecMu     = False
+  filtSeq.FourLeptonMassFilter.AllowSameCharge = False
+  include("GeneratorFilters/MultiLeptonFilter.py")
+  filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.Ptcut    = 8000.
+  filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.Etacut   = 3.
+  filtSeq.MultiLeptonFilter.NLeptons = 3
+elif parton_shower=='HERWIGPP':
+  evgenConfig.tune = "H7.2-Default"
+  # initialize Herwig7 generator configuration for showering of LHE files                                                                                               
+  include("Herwig7_i/Herwig72_LHEF.py")
+  # configure Herwig7 
+  Herwig7Config.me_pdf_commands(order="NLO", name="NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118")
+  Herwig7Config.tune_commands()
+  Herwig7Config.lhef_mg5amc_commands(lhe_filename=runArgs.inputGeneratorFile+".events", me_pdf_order="NLO")
+  # add EvtGen                                                                                                                                                                                                                
+  include("Herwig7_i/Herwig7_EvtGen.py")
+  # run Herwig7                                                                                                                                                                                                          
+  Herwig7Config.run()