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Fix printout of branches that use DSID

Spyros Argyropoulos requested to merge fixprint into master

Description of bug

When a DSID was used by multiple branches only the first branch was printed:

Modified jO file: 421xxx/421332/ - jO file =
	OK: New jobOption file
	OK: name format correct
	OK: Sh_test physicsShort less than 50 characters long
	OK: 2 physicsShort parts found
	OK: Loading generator list file from /Users/sargyrop/Desktop/mcjoboptions/scripts/../common/GeneratorList.txt
	OK: No generator full name is found
	Generators used:  ['Sh']
	OK: file does not contain includes pointing to MC15JobOptions
	OK: file in unix format
	OK: evgenConfig.minevents not found
	OK: correct DSID range
	ERROR: 421332 used in branch: refs/remotes/origin/dsid_jveatch_600057

===> Errors found - check output of individual checks above

Changes introduced

Print out all branches where a DSID is used


python scripts/ 421xxx/421332/

===> Checking jobOption consistency...

Modified jO file: 421xxx/421332/ - jO file =
	OK: New jobOption file
	OK: name format correct
	OK: Sh_test physicsShort less than 50 characters long
	OK: 2 physicsShort parts found
	OK: Loading generator list file from /Users/sargyrop/Desktop/mcjoboptions/scripts/../common/GeneratorList.txt
	OK: No generator full name is found
	Generators used:  ['Sh']
	OK: file does not contain includes pointing to MC15JobOptions
	OK: file in unix format
	OK: evgenConfig.minevents not found
	OK: correct DSID range
	ERROR: 421332 used in branch: refs/remotes/origin/dsid_jveatch_600057
	ERROR: 421332 used in branch: refs/remotes/origin/dsid_jveatch_600058
	ERROR: 421332 used in branch: refs/remotes/origin/dsid_lsabetta_600065
	ERROR: 421332 used in branch: refs/remotes/origin/dsid_xiaohu_500290
	ERROR: 421332 used in branch: refs/remotes/origin/dsid_xiaohu_500308

===> Errors found - check output of individual checks above

Issues resolved

Closes #115 (closed)

Merge request reports
