Sh2211 V+jets HF transforms 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1097
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- 5
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Epos+Py8 MinBias low/high 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1094
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- 2
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B+ and B0 production JOs (for the lifetime measurement) 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1099
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Sh2211 ttbar with unbinned biasing 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1096
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Madgraph5+Pythia8 yy->mumuy, new DSID: 506938 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1095
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H7 yj direct,frag valid 11 of 12 checklist items completed!1092
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Herwig7 yj direct,frag valid 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1093
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Draft: MinBias jO rel 21 5 of 12 checklist items completed!1065
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Sh2211 jj@LO DIRE validation setup with pTj5 bias 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1089
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Signal JOs for tta, a->mumu analysis 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1087
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MG ttbar semilep EFT 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1085
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Pair-produced up-type vector Leptoquarks decaying into t+tau, t+mu or t+e 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1086
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Powheg ttbar MPI off with LHE filter 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1084
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aMCH7 FCNC tqgamma 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1083
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Adding Wmunu+3jets FxFx unbiased and HT2-biased setups 12 of 12 checklist items completed!1082
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