Multi-charged-particle search 12 of 12 checklist items completed!325
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MG+Py8 ttXX samples (ttZZ, ttWZ, ttHH, and ttWH) 4tops analysis 12 of 12 checklist items completed!323
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- Merged
- 2
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t-channel hadronic Powheg+Herwig7.1.6 12 of 12 checklist items completed!308
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- 33
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- 1
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QBH production in the the HQM mode - Adding new DSID [900002-900019] [skip athena] 11 of 12 checklist items completed!319
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- 5
- Approved
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Adding new DSIDs 950020 and 950035 (H7 validation, correspond to 830005 and 600016) 12 of 12 checklist items completed!313
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- 1
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- 6
- Approved
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- 1
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- 3
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600023 600024 for ggF HH bbtautau hadhad with external LHE [skip athena] 11 of 12 checklist items completed!295
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- 5
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Herwig 7.1.3 ggH and VBF samples with H->inv decays 11 of 12 checklist items completed!306
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- 2
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500002 500003 500014 for VBF HH bbll 9 of 9 checklist items completed!294
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- 2
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- Approved
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Single top Powheg+Herwig 7.1.6 samples (t-channel and s-channel) 10 of 12 checklist items completed!293
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- 7
- Approved
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Z' plus MET production 12 of 12 checklist items completed!297
- Merged
- 9
- Approved
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- Merged
- Approved