Wprime 3 of 9 checklist items completed!2881
ggH NNLOPs missing HGam_batch3 3 of 9 checklist items completed!2880
VH(bb/cc) leptonic decay of vector boson MC23 shower JOs 0 of 9 checklist items completed!2874
Run 3 ttW Sherpa sample with systematic variations 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2871
JOs for validation for the new CKKWL UserHook for Pythia8 3 of 9 checklist items completed!2839
jO for EFT high-mass ttll sample 4 of 9 checklist items completed!2835
MG WWW EFT for Run2 3 of 9 checklist items completed!2816
Extension of exotics Prompt HNL request 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2812
JOs for boosted resonant VBF HH->bbbb using Composite Higgs Model 0 of 9 checklist items completed!2801
Run 3 JOs for VBF HH->4b 0 of 9 checklist items completed!2798
MC23 Z'->ll signal request at 13.6 TeV 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2789
Powheg Dijet Slices w/ Nuclear PDFs -- LHE Production 2 of 9 checklist items completed!2777
pThard1_tW_DR_dyn_with_new_LHE 3 of 9 checklist items completed!2771
VBF Hbb + Hcc Run 2 Pythia8+EvGen 5 of 9 checklist items completed!2759
HZy samples for MC23 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2738
MC23 Herwig H->4l and H->mumu 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2734