Herwig7 yj final 3 of 11 checklist items completed!1171
Draft: MinBias jO rel 21 5 of 12 checklist items completed!1065
Dummy control file for 4 pMSSM test points DSID 440089-440092 [skip modfiles] 4 of 12 checklist items completed!1042
Sherpa 8TeV V+jets HF filters for HION 4 of 12 checklist items completed!1041
New lifetime for RPV LRT models 4 of 12 checklist items completed!1023
WIP: Herwig7 yj jO part 2 3 of 12 checklist items completed!1021
WIP: Herwig7 yj jO 3 of 12 checklist items completed!1018
Draft: ttW and ttH FxFx 5 of 12 checklist items completed!930
JOs for SM non-resonant HH to multilepton VBF signal 4 of 12 checklist items completed!884
WIP: Pythia8 gamma+jet fragmentation component without biasing 4 of 12 checklist items completed!879