ggH(yy) HC 1 of 10 checklist items completed!3107
PP8 ttbb allhad with bzd=2 3 of 10 checklist items completed!3055
Study of diphotons, generating two very-collimated photons (80 GeV and 5 GeV min, deltaR_yy < 0.25) 0 of 9 checklist items completed!2882
high pT H->WW*->qqlv sample - showering existing LHE events 8 of 10 checklist items completed!3407
MC23 SM H->tautau with 13.6 TeV 8 of 10 checklist items completed!3406
MC Production for Z(->ll)H, H->disp(aa)->gggg/qqqq 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3420
MC Production for 𝑍(->ll)H, H->disp(aa)→gggg/qqqq 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3395
g->4tau scale var1/2up var1/2down 3 of 10 checklist items completed!3416
MC23 tH H->tautau with new LHE scheme 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3389
JOs for ggF HH->bbll (Run 2 and Run 3) 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3397
JOs for ggF FRVZ/HAHM generation request 3 of 10 checklist items completed!3412
JOs for Z'->qq(bb) samples for TLA 3 of 10 checklist items completed!3405
JOs for ggF FRVZ/HAHM generation 3 of 10 checklist items completed!3402
JOs for Additional & Reprocessing of Z'->qq(bb) samples for TLA 3 of 10 checklist items completed!3381
ggF HH->multilepton 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3271
tH H->tautau with new LHE scheme 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3300
MC23 HiggsCP, ttH, Powheg+Pythia, H->tautau sample 8 of 10 checklist items completed!3348
Vertexed Long-lived Dark Photon grid extension request: mc23a + d 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3385