Request for initial signal samples for b/c-tagged di-jet Run3 analysis 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3514
MC23 VBF H -> yy with modified Higgs couplings to polarised vector bosons (fixing issues in dsid_drebuzzi_562376) 7 of 9 checklist items completed!3544
MC23 VBF H -> yy with modified Higgs couplings to polarised vector bosons 8 of 10 checklist items completed!3537
Powheg + Pythia8 ttW jOs 6 of 10 checklist items completed!3438
LowMass Background (lly) for Run3 H->y*y analysis 8 of 10 checklist items completed!3508
LRSM Delta to dilepton + jets 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3513
Extended low-mass signal request for ttH(tt) BSM 4-top signal (mc20 & mc23) 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3510
MiNNLO W and Z LHE jO 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3567
MiNNLO W and Z LHE jO try2 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3571
MiNNLO W and Z LHE jO try3 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3572
MiNNLO W and Z LHE jO notreallyexpectingittowork 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3573
MiNNLO W and Z LHE jO skip nfiles tryX 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3574
LRSM Delta to dilepton + jets 6 of 10 checklist items completed!3585
LRSM Delta to dilepton + jets 6 of 10 checklist items completed!3597