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Wrr EFT job option with new gridpack 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3643
JOs for Vector-like-leptons (e/mu) full signal production at NLO 2 of 10 checklist items completed!3642
Run2+Run3, H to ZdZd to 4l in HAHM 8 of 10 checklist items completed!3641
Run2+Run3, HMBS SUSY EWK 1L, WW and WZ production 7 of 10 checklist items completed!3640
New Pythia8 showering jOs for Powheg ttW 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3639
H-/H+ decaying into cb/cs 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3638
JOs for X->HH->bbyy (mc20 and mc23) 9 of 10 checklist items completed!3636
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ttH pthard=1 variation for mc23 8 of 10 checklist items completed!3634
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ttH pthard=1 variation for mc23 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3633
adding jo for egamma calibration with R4 geometry 0 of 10 checklist items completed!3632
sherpa 95-170 mass slices Z to llgamma Sample 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3631
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Resonant spin-0 X>SS>4W 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3630