VBF EFT aQGC HH->bbbb SM and linear boosted filter 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3564
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bb4l-dl beta showering jO: A14Var1, CR, pThard and recoil-to-top 9 of 10 checklist items completed!3560
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LowMass Background (lly) for Run3 H->y*y analysis Open 9 of 10 checklist items completed!3559
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GM H+ Run3 Gridpacks [skip nfiles] 9 of 10 checklist items completed!3558
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HWW VH Run 3 Herwig signal showering 8 of 10 checklist items completed!3554
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ttbar with Herwig7.3 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3552
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EFTracking single particles with improved eta/phi filtering 9 of 10 checklist items completed!3555
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MC23 VBF H -> yy with modified Higgs couplings to polarised vector bosons (fixing issues in dsid_drebuzzi_562376 2nd try) 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3546
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Stop Run3 3-body 0/1 L signal samples 9 of 10 checklist items completed!3553
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JOs for Additional & Reprocessing of Z'->qq(bb) samples for TLA 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3548
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JOs for Signal request for ttZ'(tt) BSM 4-top signal 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3536
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EVNT-to-EVNT filter jOs for run3 ttW 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3030
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PowhegPythia8 Z->tautau with no polarization/spin correlations 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3542
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Request for initial signal samples for b/c-tagged di-jet Run3 analysis 10 of 10 checklist items completed!3540
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MC23 Powheg gg4l samples 9 of 10 checklist items completed!3538
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