diff --git a/scripts/filesets/ttc_emulator_fileset.tcl b/scripts/filesets/ttc_emulator_fileset.tcl
index 4ce132cd5f39940dc4ed62045b4abec38dfcee58..9fe1e8b91ed96626e6e18aeb2e6b29d26f08d5c5 100644
--- a/scripts/filesets/ttc_emulator_fileset.tcl
+++ b/scripts/filesets/ttc_emulator_fileset.tcl
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 set VHDL_FILES [concat $VHDL_FILES \
   TTCdataEmulator/TTC_Emulator.vhd \
   TTCdataEmulator/delay_chain.vhd \
+  TTCdataEmulator/signal_delay.vhd \
   TTCdataEmulator/hilo_detect.vhd \
   TTCdataEmulator/pulse_extender.vhd \
diff --git a/sources/TTCdataEmulator/TTC_Emulator.vhd b/sources/TTCdataEmulator/TTC_Emulator.vhd
index 3080ba5b1822944dcab8a90e13f1b97a4f620ec3..9cbd7031c54b1185b7d01f6fb24d219e390a92a2 100644
--- a/sources/TTCdataEmulator/TTC_Emulator.vhd
+++ b/sources/TTCdataEmulator/TTC_Emulator.vhd
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
--- Design     : ttc_emulator_v2
+-- Design     : ttc_emulator_v2.1
 -- Author     : Alessandra Camplani
 -- Email      : alessandra.camplani@cern.ch
 -- Created    : 22.01.2020
+-- Revised by : Ali Skaf
+-- Email      : ali.skaf@uni-goettingen.de
+-- V2.1: provide OCR and long Bchannel support
+-- Last edited; 21.10.2021    
@@ -45,7 +50,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of TTC_Emulator is
     signal      input_bcr_period_r  : unsigned(31 downto 0);
     signal      input_long_Bch      : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);    -- default ...
-    signal      input_broadcast     : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);     -- default ...
+    signal      input_broadcast     : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);     
     signal      set_default         : std_logic;
     signal      cycle_mode          : std_logic;
@@ -56,6 +61,8 @@ architecture Behavioral of TTC_Emulator is
     signal      single_bcr_long     : std_logic := '0';
     signal      single_bcr          : std_logic := '0';
+    signal      ocr                 : std_logic := '0';  -- AS: OCR command signal: Single pulse generated at rising edge of BROADCAST(0)    
     signal      en                  : std_logic := '0';
     signal      user_reset          : std_logic := '0';
@@ -85,8 +92,6 @@ architecture Behavioral of TTC_Emulator is
     signal      Bch_l1_fifo_wr          : std_logic;
     signal      short_info              : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
     signal      short_hamming           : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
-    signal      long_info_0             : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
-    signal      long_info_1             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
     signal      long_hamming            : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
     signal      fifo_wr                 : std_logic;
@@ -101,16 +106,16 @@ architecture Behavioral of TTC_Emulator is
     signal      short_b_bchan_valid     : std_logic;
     signal      fifo_bchan_valid        : std_logic;
-    signal      Bch_short_cnt_init      : unsigned(4 downto 0) := "10000";
-    signal      fifo_cnt_init           : unsigned(6 downto 0) := "1000000";
+    constant    Bch_short_cnt_init      : unsigned(4 downto 0) := "10000";
+    constant    fifo_cnt_init           : unsigned(6 downto 0) := "1000000";
-    signal      short_bch_cnt           : unsigned(4 downto 0) := "10000";
-    signal      fifo_bch_cnt            : unsigned(6 downto 0) := "1000000";
+    signal      short_bch_cnt           : unsigned(4 downto 0) := Bch_short_cnt_init; --AS: "10000";
+    signal      fifo_bch_cnt            : unsigned(6 downto 0) := fifo_cnt_init ; --AS: "1000000";
     signal      serialization_process   : std_logic := '0';
     signal      Serial_Bchannel         : std_logic := '1';
     signal      Serial_Bchannel_r       : std_logic := '1';
-    type        state_type is (idle, init, shortB, longB);
+    type        state_type is (idle, shortB, longB);--(idle, init, shortB, longB);
     signal      state                   : state_type;
     signal      sm_short_cnt            : unsigned(3 downto 0);
     signal      sm_long_cnt             : unsigned(6 downto 0);
@@ -159,8 +164,8 @@ begin
                 input_ecr_period    <= unsigned(register_map_control.TTC_EMU_ECR_PERIOD);
                 input_bcr_period    <= unsigned(register_map_control.TTC_EMU_BCR_PERIOD);
-                input_long_Bch      <= (register_map_control.TTC_EMU_LONG_CHANNEL_DATA);
-                input_broadcast     <= (register_map_control.TTC_EMU_CONTROL.BROADCAST);
+                input_long_Bch      <= (register_map_control.TTC_EMU_LONG_CHANNEL_DATA); --AS: used for individually addressed command
+                input_broadcast     <= (register_map_control.TTC_EMU_CONTROL.BROADCAST); --AS: set delay bits(4:1) and OCR = bit(0)
                 set_default         <= to_sl(register_map_control.TTC_EMU_RESET);
@@ -227,6 +232,17 @@ begin
         sig_out => single_bcr      -- output signal
+    ocr_detect: entity work.hilo_detect
+    generic map (
+        lohi    => true
+    )
+    port map (
+        clk     => Clock,     -- clock
+        sig_in  => input_broadcast(0),     -- input signal
+        sig_out => ocr      -- output signal
+    );
     reset_detect: entity work.hilo_detect
     generic map (
         lohi    => true
@@ -401,25 +417,56 @@ begin
 --      D= Data, 8 bits
 --      H= Hamming Code, 7 bits
+--      We need to calculate corresponding Hamming code for input_long_Bch = d[31..0]
+-- h[0] = d[0]^d[1]^d[2]^d[3]^d[4]^d[5]; 
+-- h[1] = d[6]^d[7]^d[8]^d[9]^d[10]^d[11]^d[12]^d[13]^d[14]^d[15]^d[16]^d[17]^d[18]^d[19]^d[20];
+-- h[2] = d[6]^d[7]^d[8]^d[9]^d[10]^d[11]^d[12]^d[13]^d[21]^d[22]^d[23]^d[24]^d[25]^d[26]^d[27];
+-- h[3] = d[0]^d[1]^d[2]^d[6]^d[7]^d[8]^d[9]^d[14]^d[15]^d[16]^d[17]^d[21]^d[22]^d[23]^d[24]^d[28]^d[29]^d[30];
+-- h[4] = d[0]^d[3]^d[4]^d[6]^d[7]^d[10]^d[11]^d[14]^d[15]^d[18]^d[19]^d[21]^d[22]^d[25]^d[26]^d[28]^d[29]^d[31];
+-- h[5] = d[1]^d[3]^d[5]^d[6]^d[8]^d[10]^d[12]^d[14]^d[16]^d[18]^d[20]^d[21]^d[23]^d[25]^d[27]^d[28]^d[30]^d[31];
+-- h[6] = hmg[0]^hmg[1]^hmg[2]^hmg[3]^hmg[4]^hmg[5]^d[0]^d[1]^d[2]^d[3]^d[4]^d[5]^d[6]^d[7]^d[8]^d[9]^d[10]^d[11]^d[12]^d[13]^d[14]^d[15]^d[16]^d[17]^d[18]^d[19]^d[20]^d[21]^d[22]^d[23]^d[24]^d[25]^d[26]^d[27]^d[28]^d[29]^d[30]^d[31];
+    long_hamming(0) <= input_long_Bch(0) xor input_long_Bch(1) xor input_long_Bch(2) xor input_long_Bch(3) xor input_long_Bch(4) xor input_long_Bch(5); 
+    long_hamming(1) <= input_long_Bch(6) xor input_long_Bch(7) xor input_long_Bch(8) xor input_long_Bch(9) xor input_long_Bch(10) xor input_long_Bch(11) xor
+                       input_long_Bch(12) xor input_long_Bch(13) xor input_long_Bch(14) xor input_long_Bch(15) xor input_long_Bch(16) xor
+                       input_long_Bch(17) xor input_long_Bch(18) xor input_long_Bch(19) xor input_long_Bch(20);
-    -- For the moment all at zero
-    long_info_0     <= x"000" & "00" & '1'; -- A (14) + E (1) 
-    long_info_1     <= x"00" & "11010011"; -- S (8) + D (8)
-    long_hamming    <= (others => '0'); -- H (7)
+    long_hamming(2) <= input_long_Bch(6) xor input_long_Bch(7) xor input_long_Bch(8) xor input_long_Bch(9) xor input_long_Bch(10) xor input_long_Bch(11) xor
+                       input_long_Bch(12) xor input_long_Bch(13) xor input_long_Bch(21) xor input_long_Bch(22) xor input_long_Bch(23) xor
+                       input_long_Bch(24) xor input_long_Bch(25) xor input_long_Bch(26) xor input_long_Bch(27);
+    long_hamming(3) <= input_long_Bch(0) xor input_long_Bch(1) xor input_long_Bch(2) xor input_long_Bch(6) xor input_long_Bch(7) xor input_long_Bch(8) xor input_long_Bch(9) xor
+                       input_long_Bch(11) xor input_long_Bch(14) xor input_long_Bch(15) xor input_long_Bch(16) xor input_long_Bch(17) xor input_long_Bch(21) xor 
+                       input_long_Bch(22) xor input_long_Bch(23) xor input_long_Bch(24) xor input_long_Bch(28) xor input_long_Bch(29) xor input_long_Bch(30);
+    long_hamming(4) <= input_long_Bch(0) xor input_long_Bch(3) xor input_long_Bch(4) xor input_long_Bch(6) xor input_long_Bch(7) xor input_long_Bch(10) xor  
+                       input_long_Bch(11) xor input_long_Bch(14) xor input_long_Bch(15) xor input_long_Bch(18) xor input_long_Bch(19) xor input_long_Bch(21) xor 
+                       input_long_Bch(22) xor input_long_Bch(25) xor input_long_Bch(26) xor input_long_Bch(28) xor input_long_Bch(29) xor input_long_Bch(31);
+    long_hamming(5) <= input_long_Bch(1) xor input_long_Bch(3) xor input_long_Bch(5) xor input_long_Bch(6) xor input_long_Bch(8) xor input_long_Bch(10) xor  
+                       input_long_Bch(12) xor input_long_Bch(14) xor input_long_Bch(16) xor input_long_Bch(18) xor input_long_Bch(20) xor input_long_Bch(21) xor 
+                       input_long_Bch(23) xor input_long_Bch(25) xor input_long_Bch(27) xor input_long_Bch(28) xor input_long_Bch(30) xor input_long_Bch(31);
+    long_hamming(6) <= input_long_Bch(2) xor input_long_Bch(4) xor input_long_Bch(5) xor input_long_Bch(7) xor input_long_Bch(8) xor input_long_Bch(10) xor   
+                       input_long_Bch(11) xor input_long_Bch(13) xor input_long_Bch(14) xor input_long_Bch(17) xor input_long_Bch(19) xor input_long_Bch(20) xor 
+                       input_long_Bch(21) xor input_long_Bch(24) xor input_long_Bch(26) xor input_long_Bch(27) xor input_long_Bch(29) xor input_long_Bch(30) xor input_long_Bch(31);  
         if rising_edge(Clock) then
             if Reset = '1' or user_reset = '1' then
             elsif l1_accept = '1' then
-                Bch_long       <= '0' & '1' & long_info_0 & '1' & long_info_1 & long_hamming & "1" ;
+                Bch_long       <= '0' & '1' & input_long_Bch & long_hamming & "1" ;
                 Bch_l1_fifo_wr <= '1';
-                add_s8_i         <= long_info_1(15 downto 8);
+                add_s8_i         <= input_long_Bch(15 downto 8);
                 add_strobe_i     <= '1';
-                add_e_i          <= long_info_0(0);
-                add_d8_i         <= long_info_1(7 downto 0);
+                add_e_i          <= input_long_Bch(16);
+                add_d8_i         <= input_long_Bch(7 downto 0);
                 Bch_long <= (others => '1');
@@ -603,28 +650,20 @@ begin
         sig_out         => fifo_bchan_valid      -- output signal
+--FS: For 1 clock delay, we simply push our signals through a single flipflop. 
-    short_b_prep_delay: entity work.delay_chain
-    generic map (
-        d_depth     => 1     -- number of clock cycles it shell be delayed
-    )
-    port map (
-        clk         => Clock,     -- clock
-        rst         => Reset,     -- sync reset
-        sig_in(0)   => prepare_bcr,     -- input signal
-        sig_out(0)  => prepare_bcr_r      -- delayed output signal
-    );
-    short_e_prep_delay: entity work.delay_chain
-    generic map (
-        d_depth     => 1     -- number of clock cycles it shell be delayed
-    )
-    port map (
-        clk         => Clock,     -- clock
-        rst         => Reset,     -- sync reset
-        sig_in(0)   => fifo_read,     -- input signal
-        sig_out(0)  => fifo_read_r      -- delayed output signal
-    );
+    process(Clock)
+    begin
+        if rising_edge(Clock) then
+            if Reset = '1' then
+                fifo_read_r <= '0';
+                prepare_bcr_r <= '0';
+            else
+                fifo_read_r <= fifo_read;
+                prepare_bcr_r <= prepare_bcr;
+            end if;
+        end if;
+    end process;
     -- Depending on what is triggered, with the shortBchannel for the BCR or the fifo output are registered
     -- The 2 have different lengths
@@ -650,16 +689,13 @@ begin
         if rising_edge(Clock) then
             if Reset = '1' or user_reset = '1'then
-                Bch_short_cnt_init                  <= "10000";
-                fifo_cnt_init                       <= "1000000";
+                --Bch_short_cnt_init                  <= "10000";
+                --fifo_cnt_init                       <= "1000000";
                 short_b                             <= (others => '1');
                 short_bch_cnt                       <= Bch_short_cnt_init-1;
                 fifo_bch_cnt                        <= fifo_cnt_init-1;
-                if cycle_mode = '1' or cycle_mode = '0' then -- this condition can later be removed..
-                    Bch_short_cnt_init              <= "10000";
-                    fifo_cnt_init                   <= "1000000";
                     if short_b_bchan_valid = '1' then
                         if short_bch_cnt(short_bch_cnt'left) = '1' then
                             short_bch_cnt           <= Bch_short_cnt_init-1;
@@ -699,29 +735,26 @@ begin
                         short_bch_cnt               <= Bch_short_cnt_init;
                         fifo_bch_cnt                <= fifo_cnt_init;
                     end if;
-                else
-                    Serial_Bchannel                 <= '1';
-                    serialization_process           <= '0';
-                    short_b                         <= (others => '1');
-                    short_bch_cnt                   <= Bch_short_cnt_init;
-                    fifo_bch_cnt                    <= fifo_cnt_init;
                 end if;
-            end if;
-        end if;
+       end if;
     end process;
 ----- ECR, BCR decoding ---------------------------------------
 -- State machine to prerly decoded ECR/BCR from the short Bchannel
--- States are (i) IDLE, (ii) INIT and then, depeding on the serialized
--- info it can be either (iii) ShortB or (iii) LongB.
+-- States are (i) IDLE and then, depeding on the serialized
+-- info it can be either (ii) ShortB or (iii) LongB.
         if rising_edge(Clock) then
+                Serial_Bchannel_r <= Serial_Bchannel;
             if Reset = '1' or user_reset = '1'then
                 sm_short_cnt <= (others => '0');
                 sm_long_cnt  <= (others => '0');
+                state <= idle;
                 Serial_Bchannel_r <= Serial_Bchannel;
@@ -729,21 +762,17 @@ begin
                     -- IDLE STATE
                     when idle =>
-                    sm_short_cnt <= (others => '0');
-                    sm_long_cnt  <= (others => '0');
-                        if Serial_Bchannel = '0' and Serial_Bchannel_r = '1' then
-                            state <= init;
+--                    sm_short_cnt <= (others => '0');
+--                    sm_long_cnt  <= (others => '0');
+                        if Serial_Bchannel = '0' and Serial_Bchannel_r = '1' then --AS: falling edge of Serial_Bchannel
+                            state <= ShortB; 	--init
+                        elsif Serial_Bchannel = '1' and Serial_Bchannel_r = '0' then --AS: rising edge of Serial_Bchannel
+                            state <= longB;                        
                             state <= idle;
                         end if;
-                    -- INIT STATE
-                    when init =>
-                        if Serial_Bchannel_r = '0' and Serial_Bchannel = '0' then
-                            state <= shortB;
-                        elsif Serial_Bchannel_r = '0' and Serial_Bchannel = '1' then
-                            state <= longB;
-                        end if;
+                    -- INIT STATE  -- AS: Removed as no need to have a specific state for this!
                     --SHORT B STATE
                     when shortB =>
@@ -755,7 +784,7 @@ begin
                             state <= shortB;
                             ecr_dec <= '0';
                             bcr_dec <= '0';
                         elsif sm_short_cnt = 6 then
                             broad_dec <= broad_dec;
                             broad_done <= '1';
@@ -777,12 +806,12 @@ begin
                             ecr_dec <= '0';
                             broad_dec <= (others => '0');
                             broad_done <= '0';
                             state <= shortB;
                             bcr_dec <= '0';
                             ecr_dec <= '0';
-                            broad_dec <= (others => '0');
+			     broad_dec <= (others => '0');
                             broad_done <= '0';
                         end if;
@@ -804,29 +833,32 @@ begin
 -- In the normal decoding, these signals always appear after the Bchannel
--- The 15 or 16 clk cycles delay is freely chosen for both (but related to the appearance of the broadcast bits)
-    bcr_delay: entity work.delay_chain
+-- (but related to the appearance of the broadcast bits (4:1))
+    bcr_delay: entity work.signal_delay
     generic map (
-        d_depth     => 15     -- number of clock cycles it shell be delayed
+        width     =>  4  -- number counter stages used to generate delay given in count_in 
     port map (
         clk         => Clock,     -- clock
-        rst         => Reset,     -- sync reset
-        sig_in(0)   => bcr_dec,     -- input signal
-        sig_out(0)  => bcr      -- delayed output signal
+        rst         => Reset,     -- sync reset*
+        count_in    => unsigned(input_broadcast(4 downto 1)),
+        sig_in      => bcr_dec,     -- input signal
+        sig_out     => bcr      -- delayed output signal
-    ecr_delay: entity work.delay_chain
+    ecr_delay: entity work.signal_delay
     generic map (
-        d_depth     => 16     -- number of clock cycles it shell be delayed
+        width     => 4     -- number of clock cycles it shell be delayed- number of clock cycles it shell be delayed
     port map (
         clk         => Clock,     -- clock
         rst         => Reset,     -- sync reset
-        sig_in(0)   => ecr_dec,     -- input signal
-        sig_out(0)  => ecr      -- delayed output signal
+        count_in    => unsigned(input_broadcast(4 downto 1)),
+        sig_in   => ecr_dec,     -- input signal
+        sig_out  => ecr      -- delayed output signal
 -- Serialization process for both long and short Bchannel
@@ -861,23 +893,12 @@ begin
     TTCout(1) <= Serial_Bchannel;
     TTCout(2) <= bcr or single_bcr;
     TTCout(3) <= ecr or single_ecr;
-    TTCout(4) <= broad(5); -- d(0)
-    TTCout(5) <= broad(4); -- d(1)
-    TTCout(6) <= broad(3); -- d(2)
-    TTCout(7) <= broad(2); -- d(3)
-    TTCout(8) <= broad(1); -- t(0)
-    TTCout(9) <= broad(0); -- t(1)
+    TTCout(4) <= ocr;      -- AS: use this output instead of broad(0); d(0)
+    TTCout(5) <= broad(1); -- d(1)
+    TTCout(6) <= broad(2); -- d(2)
+    TTCout(7) <= broad(3); -- d(3)
+    TTCout(8) <= broad(4); -- t(0)
+    TTCout(9) <= broad(5); -- t(1)
- -- To miminc what is in the ttc fmc wrapper
- -- TTC_out_unsync(0)        <= l1a;
- -- TTC_out_unsync(1)        <= channelB; 
- -- TTC_out_unsync(2)        <= brc_b; --BCR
- -- TTC_out_unsync(3)        <= brc_e; --ECR
- -- TTC_out_unsync(4)        <= brc_d4(0); 
- -- TTC_out_unsync(5)        <= brc_d4(1);
- -- TTC_out_unsync(6)        <= brc_d4(2);
- -- TTC_out_unsync(7)        <= brc_d4(3); 
- -- TTC_out_unsync(8)        <= brc_t2(0);
- -- TTC_out_unsync(9)        <= brc_t2(1);
 end Behavioral;
diff --git a/sources/TTCdataEmulator/signal_delay.vhd b/sources/TTCdataEmulator/signal_delay.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7ee185e0f0cdfc2b67db8923aa8f81c4900533b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/TTCdataEmulator/signal_delay.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+-- Company      : CERN - University of Goettingen 
+-- Project	    : Felix
+-- Module	    : TTC_emulator_v 2.1
+-- Design	    : signal_delay.vhd
+-- Author     	: Ali Skaf
+-- Email      	: ali.skaf@uni-goettingen.de
+-- Created    	: 6.10.2021
+-- Description	: delay an input pulse sig_in for a numner of clks equal to count_in + 1
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+entity signal_delay is
+generic (
+    width : positive
+    );
+    port (
+        clk         	: in  std_logic;
+        rst         	: in  std_logic;
+        count_in	    : in  unsigned(width-1 downto 0);
+        sig_in      	: in  std_logic;
+        sig_out     	: out std_logic
+    );
+end signal_delay;
+architecture behavioral of signal_delay is
+  signal count_reg      : unsigned(width-1 downto 0);
+  signal enable, sig_r  : std_logic; 		
+  begin
+	process(clk)
+        begin
+            if rising_edge(clk) then
+                if rst = '1' then
+           		   count_reg <= (others => '0');
+   		 	       enable <='0';
+   		 	       sig_out <= '0'; 	
+                else
+   		 	        sig_out <= '0'; 	
+                    enable <= enable or sig_in;
+                    if enable <= '1' then
+                    		count_reg <= count_reg + 1;
+                    		if count_reg >= count_in then
+   		 			           enable <='0';
+   		 			           sig_out <= '1'; 
+         				       count_reg <= (others => '0');
+         			        end if;
+         		     else		
+   		 		            sig_out <= '0'; 	
+			      end if;                    
+                end if;
+            end if;
+        end process;
+  end behavioral;
+ --========================================================================================