diff --git a/simulation/FELIX_Top/felix_top_tb.vhd b/simulation/FELIX_Top/felix_top_tb.vhd
index 905ab31d88531a572239200a61bea73fa732bd13..ac7ee732fd3bf50d06c223eccfe6957830da87a5 100644
--- a/simulation/FELIX_Top/felix_top_tb.vhd
+++ b/simulation/FELIX_Top/felix_top_tb.vhd
@@ -71,84 +71,84 @@ architecture structure of felix_top_tb is
     constant BUILD_DATETIME         : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := x"0000FE71CE";
     constant GBT_NUM                : integer := 24; -- number of GBT channels
-    signal BUSY_OUT               :  std_logic;
-    signal CLK40_FPGA2LMK_N       :  std_logic;
-    signal CLK40_FPGA2LMK_P       :  std_logic;
-    signal OPTO_LOS               :  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    signal I2C_SMB                :  std_logic;
-    signal I2C_SMBUS_CFG_nEN      :  std_logic;
-    signal I2C_nRESET_PCIe        :  std_logic;
-    signal LMK_CLK                :  std_logic;
-    signal LMK_DATA               :  std_logic;
-    signal LMK_GOE                :  std_logic;
-    signal LMK_LD                 :  std_logic;
-    signal LMK_LE                 :  std_logic;
-    signal LMK_SYNCn              :  std_logic;
-    signal LOL_ADN                :  std_logic;
-    signal LOS_ADN                :  std_logic;
-    signal MGMT_PORT_EN           :  std_logic;
-    signal NT_PORTSEL             :  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-    signal PCIE_PERSTn1           :  std_logic;
-    signal PCIE_PERSTn2           :  std_logic;
-    signal PEX_PERSTn             :  std_logic;
-    signal PEX_SCL                :  std_logic;
-    signal PEX_SDA                :  std_logic;
-    signal PORT_GOOD              :  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    signal Perstn1_open           :  std_logic;
-    signal Perstn2_open           :  std_logic;
-    signal SCL                    :  std_logic;
-    signal SDA                    :  std_logic;
-    signal SHPC_INT               :  std_logic;
-    signal SI5345_A               :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    signal SI5345_INSEL           :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    signal SI5345_OE              :  std_logic;
-    signal SI5345_RSTN            :  std_logic;
-    signal SI5345_SEL             :  std_logic;
-    signal SI5345_nLOL            :  std_logic;
-    signal STN0_PORTCFG           :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    signal STN1_PORTCFG           :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    signal SmaOut_x3              :  std_logic;
-    signal SmaOut_x4              :  std_logic;
-    signal SmaOut_x5              :  std_logic;
-    signal SmaOut_x6              :  std_logic;
-    signal TACH                   :  std_logic;
-    signal TESTMODE               :  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-    signal UPSTREAM_PORTSEL       :  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-    signal clk_adn_160_out_n      :  std_logic;
-    signal clk_adn_160_out_p      :  std_logic;
-    signal clk40_ttc_ref_out_n    :  std_logic; -- Towards Si5345 CLKIN
-    signal clk40_ttc_ref_out_p    :  std_logic; -- Towards Si5345 CLKIN
-    signal clk_ttcfx_ref1_in_n    :  std_logic;
-    signal clk_ttcfx_ref1_in_p    :  std_logic;
-    signal clk_ttcfx_ref2_in_n    :  std_logic;
-    signal clk_ttcfx_ref2_in_p    :  std_logic;
-    signal i2cmux_rst             :  std_logic;
-    signal leds                   :  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    signal flash_SEL              :  std_logic;
-    signal flash_a                :  std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);
-    signal flash_a_msb            :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    signal flash_adv              :  std_logic;
-    signal flash_cclk             :  std_logic;
-    signal flash_ce               :  std_logic;
-    signal flash_d                :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    signal flash_re               :  std_logic;
-    signal flash_we               :  std_logic;
-    signal si5324_resetn          :  std_logic;
-    signal pcie_txn               :  std_logic_vector((1*8)-1 downto 0);
-    signal pcie_txp               :  std_logic_vector((1*8)-1 downto 0); --! PCIe link lanes
-    signal uC_reset_N             :  std_logic;
-    signal pcie_rxn               :  std_logic_vector((1*8)-1 downto 0);
-    signal pcie_rxp               :  std_logic_vector((1*8)-1 downto 0);
-    signal opto_inhibit           :  std_logic_vector(4-1 downto 0);
+                                                                                                        --@suppress
+    signal BUSY_OUT               :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal CLK40_FPGA2LMK_N       :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal CLK40_FPGA2LMK_P       :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal OPTO_LOS               :  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal I2C_SMB                :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal I2C_SMBUS_CFG_nEN      :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal I2C_nRESET_PCIe        :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal LMK_CLK                :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal LMK_DATA               :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal LMK_GOE                :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal LMK_LD                 :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal LMK_LE                 :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal LMK_SYNCn              :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal LOL_ADN                :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal LOS_ADN                :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal MGMT_PORT_EN           :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal NT_PORTSEL             :  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal PCIE_PERSTn1           :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal PCIE_PERSTn2           :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal PEX_PERSTn             :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal PEX_SCL                :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal PEX_SDA                :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal PORT_GOOD              :  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal Perstn1_open           :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal Perstn2_open           :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal SCL                    :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal SDA                    :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal SHPC_INT               :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal SI5345_A               :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal SI5345_INSEL           :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal SI5345_OE              :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal SI5345_RSTN            :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal SI5345_SEL             :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal SI5345_nLOL            :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal STN0_PORTCFG           :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal STN1_PORTCFG           :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal SmaOut_x3              :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal SmaOut_x4              :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal SmaOut_x5              :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal SmaOut_x6              :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal TACH                   :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal TESTMODE               :  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal UPSTREAM_PORTSEL       :  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal clk_adn_160_out_n      :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal clk_adn_160_out_p      :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal clk40_ttc_ref_out_n    :  std_logic; -- Towards Si5345 CLKIN                                 --@suppress
+    signal clk40_ttc_ref_out_p    :  std_logic; -- Towards Si5345 CLKIN                                 --@suppress
+    signal clk_ttcfx_ref1_in_n    :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal clk_ttcfx_ref1_in_p    :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal clk_ttcfx_ref2_in_n    :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal clk_ttcfx_ref2_in_p    :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal i2cmux_rst             :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal leds                   :  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal flash_SEL              :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal flash_a                :  std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);                                     --@suppress
+    signal flash_a_msb            :  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);                                      --@suppress
+    signal flash_adv              :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal flash_cclk             :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal flash_ce               :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal flash_d                :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);                                     --@suppress
+    signal flash_re               :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal flash_we               :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal si5324_resetn          :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal pcie_txn               :  std_logic_vector((1*8)-1 downto 0);                                --@suppress
+    signal pcie_txp               :  std_logic_vector((1*8)-1 downto 0); --! PCIe link lanes            --@suppress
+    signal uC_reset_N             :  std_logic;                                                         --@suppress
+    signal pcie_rxn               :  std_logic_vector((1*8)-1 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal pcie_rxn is never written"
+    signal pcie_rxp               :  std_logic_vector((1*8)-1 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal pcie_rxp is never written"
+    signal opto_inhibit           :  std_logic_vector(4-1 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal opto_inhibit is never read"
     signal sys_reset_n            :  std_logic; --! Active-low system reset from PCIe interface);
-    signal RX_N                   :  std_logic_vector(4-1 downto 0);
-    signal RX_P                   :  std_logic_vector(4-1 downto 0);
-    signal TX_N                   :  std_logic_vector(4-1 downto 0);
-    signal TX_P                   :  std_logic_vector(4-1 downto 0);
+    signal RX_N                   :  std_logic_vector(24-1 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal RX_N is never written" -- @suppress "signal RX_P is never written"
+    signal RX_P                   :  std_logic_vector(24-1 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal RX_P is never written"
+    signal TX_N                   :  std_logic_vector(24-1 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal TX_N is never read"
+    signal TX_P                   :  std_logic_vector(24-1 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal TX_P is never read"
     signal GTREFCLK_N_IN          :  std_logic_vector(5-1 downto 0);
     signal GTREFCLK_P_IN          :  std_logic_vector(5-1 downto 0);
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ architecture structure of felix_top_tb is
     signal DATA_TTC_N             :  std_logic;
     signal DATA_TTC_P             :  std_logic;
     signal DATA_TTC               :  std_logic;
-    signal GTREFCLK_Si5324_N_IN   :  std_logic;
-    signal GTREFCLK_Si5324_P_IN   :  std_logic;
-    signal GTREFCLK_Si5324_IN   :  std_logic;
+    signal GTREFCLK_Si5324_N_IN   :  std_logic; -- @suppress "signal GTREFCLK_Si5324_N_IN is never written"
+    signal GTREFCLK_Si5324_P_IN   :  std_logic; -- @suppress "signal GTREFCLK_Si5324_P_IN is never written"
+    signal GTREFCLK_Si5324_IN     :  std_logic; -- @suppress "Unused declaration"
     signal sys_clk_n              :  std_logic_vector(1-1 downto 0);
     signal sys_clk_p              :  std_logic_vector(1-1 downto 0); --! 100MHz PCIe reference clock
     signal sys_clk                :  std_logic;
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ architecture structure of felix_top_tb is
     constant GIT_COMMIT_NUMBER : integer := 1;
     constant COMMIT_DATETIME : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := (others => '0');
     constant GTHREFCLK_SEL : std_logic := '0';
-    constant wideMode : boolean := false;
+    constant wideMode : boolean := false; -- @suppress "Unused declaration"
     constant USE_Si5324_RefCLK : boolean := false;
     constant IncludeDecodingEpath2_HDLC : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '1');
     constant IncludeDecodingEpath2_8b10b : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '1');
diff --git a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/DecodingGearBox_tb.vhd b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/DecodingGearBox_tb.vhd
index 0b84225bbcfe3a857643f757499259ee3720480d..632179efb137db9cf1c2d07e571906fe0ca30a2a 100644
--- a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/DecodingGearBox_tb.vhd
+++ b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/DecodingGearBox_tb.vhd
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ library IEEE;
 use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
 use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
-  library STD;
-  use std.env.all;
+use std.env.all;
 library uvvm_util;
 context uvvm_util.uvvm_util_context;
@@ -32,13 +31,13 @@ end DecodingGearBox_tb;
 architecture tb of DecodingGearBox_tb is
-signal reset, clk40, DataOutValid, BitSlip, BitSlip_s, ElinkAligned: std_logic;
+signal reset, clk40, DataOutValid, BitSlip, ElinkAligned: std_logic;
 signal ElinkData: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal ElinkData8b: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+signal ElinkData8b: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal ElinkData8b is never read"
 signal DataOut: std_logic_vector(65 downto 0);
-signal DataOut10b: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
+signal DataOut10b: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal DataOut10b is never read"
 constant dataIn_66b: std_logic_vector(65 downto 0) := "10"& x"FEDC_BA98_7654_3305";
-signal cnt: integer := 0;
+--signal cnt: integer := 0;
 signal ElinkWidth, OutputWidth: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
 signal InputBits : integer := 32;
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ begin
     end if;
     for i in 0 to InputBits-1 loop
 		if ReverseInputBits = '1' then
-			ElinkData((InputBits-1) -i) <= ElinkData_v(i);
+			ElinkData((InputBits-1) -i) <= ElinkData_v(i); -- @suppress "Dead code"
 			ElinkData(i) <= ElinkData_v(i);
 		end if;
@@ -190,12 +189,12 @@ begin
 	if rising_edge(clk40) then
 		BitSlip <= '0';
 		if AlignmentPulse = '1' then
-			BitSlip <= not GearBoxAligned;
+			BitSlip <= not GearboxAligned;
 		end if;
 		if DataOut(OutputBits-1 downto 0) = dataIn_66b(OutputBits-1 downto 0) and DataOutValid = '1' then
-			GearBoxAligned <= '1';
+			GearboxAligned <= '1';
 		elsif DataOutValid = '1' then
-			GearBoxAligned <= '0';
+			GearboxAligned <= '0';
 		end if;
     end if;
 end process;
diff --git a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/EncodingEpath_tb.vhd b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/EncodingEpath_tb.vhd
index 52335b464d7b6fe0dd2eb4824cadd3719ec00a7d..18917f4b4c6ee9683e9fe5214eedafcb554be30d 100644
--- a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/EncodingEpath_tb.vhd
+++ b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/EncodingEpath_tb.vhd
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
-library STD;
 use std.env.all;
 library uvvm_util;
@@ -45,9 +44,9 @@ architecture tb of EncodingEpath_tb is
     signal   ElinkWidth_i: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) :="00";
     signal   DecodingEpathWidth_i : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
     signal   EpathEncoding_i: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := x"1";
-    signal    XOff_i    : std_logic := '0';
+    constant    XOff_i    : std_logic := '0';
     signal s_axis_i :  axis_8_type;
-    signal s_axis_tready_i : std_logic;
+    signal s_axis_tready_i : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal s_axis_tready_i is never read"
     signal   TTCOption_i: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) :=(others => '0');
     signal   TTCOption_control: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) :=(others => '0');
     signal   TTCin_i : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) :=(others => '0');
@@ -55,14 +54,14 @@ architecture tb of EncodingEpath_tb is
     --file OUTPUT, OUTPUT2 : text;
-    signal reading, finish_read, header_found: std_logic := '0';
+    signal reading, finish_read: std_logic := '0';
     signal ttc_wrote: std_logic := '0';
     --signal max : integer := 255;
     signal max : integer := 33;
     signal combined_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal word_length : integer:=0;
-    signal kflag : std_logic;
+    signal kflag : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal kflag is never read"
     signal DataOut_tmp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal data_two_words : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
     signal data_10b : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ architecture tb of EncodingEpath_tb is
     signal data_HDLC : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal data_HDLC_valid : std_logic;
-    signal debug_flag: std_logic;
+    --signal debug_flag: std_logic;
 gen: for i in 0 to 9 generate
@@ -87,33 +86,35 @@ end generate;
 EncodingEpathGBT_uut: entity work.EncodingEpathGBT
 generic Map(
-  MAX_OUTPUT     => 8,
-  INCLUDE_8b     => '1',
-  INCLUDE_4b     => '1',
-  INCLUDE_2b     => '1',
-  INCLUDE_8b10b  => '1',
-  INCLUDE_HDLC   => '1',
+  MAX_OUTPUT => 8,
+  INCLUDE_8b => '1',
+  INCLUDE_4b => '1',
+  INCLUDE_2b => '1',
+  INCLUDE_8b10b => '1',
+  INCLUDE_HDLC => '1',
-  BLOCKSIZE      => 1024,
+  INCLUDE_TTC => '1',
+  BLOCKSIZE => 1024,
   GENERATE_FEI4B => false,
   GENERATE_LCB_ENC => false,
 port Map(
-  clk40     => clk40,
-  reset     => reset,
-  EpathEnable   => '1',
-  EpathEncoding => EpathEncoding_i, 
-  ElinkWidth     => ElinkWidth_i, 
-  MsbFirst        => '1',     
+  clk40 => clk40,
+  reset => reset,
+  EpathEnable => '1',
+  EpathEncoding => EpathEncoding_i,
+  ElinkWidth => ElinkWidth_i,
+  MsbFirst => '1',
   ReverseOutputBits => '0',
-  ElinkData     => ElinkData_i,
-  XOff        => xOff_i,
-  s_axis     => s_axis_i,
+  ElinkData => ElinkData_i,
+  Xoff => XOff_i,
+  epath_almost_full => open,
+  s_axis => s_axis_i,
   s_axis_tready => s_axis_tready_i,
-  s_axis_aclk     => s_axis_aclk_i,
-  TTCOption     => TTCOption_i,
-  TTCin         => TTCin_i
+  s_axis_aclk => s_axis_aclk_i,
+  TTCOption => TTCOption_i,
+  TTCin => TTCin_i
 DecodingEpathWidth_i <= '0'&ElinkWidth_i;
@@ -189,15 +190,20 @@ PORT MAP(
 dec_HDLC_inst: entity work.DecoderHDLC 
+    generic map(
+        g_WORD_SIZE => 8,
+        g_DELIMITER => x"7E",
+        g_IDLE => x"7F"
+    )
-    clk40         => clk40,
-    reset         => reset,
-    ena           => '1',
-    DataIn        => ElinkData_i(1 downto 0),
-    DataOut       => data_HDLC,
-    DataOutValid  => data_HDLC_valid,
-    EOP           => open,
-    TruncateHDLC  => open,
+    clk40 => clk40,
+    ena => '1',
+    reset => reset,
+    DataIn => ElinkData_i(1 downto 0),
+    DataOut => data_HDLC,
+    DataOutValid => data_HDLC_valid,
+    EOP => open,
+    TruncateHDLC => open,
     EnableTruncation => '1'
@@ -218,9 +224,9 @@ p_output_check: process
     constant C_SCOPE     : string  := C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT;
     variable position_i: integer:=0;
     variable next_sign: integer:=0;
-    variable header_flag: std_logic:='0';
+    --variable header_flag: std_logic:='0';
     variable TP : std_logic:='0';
-    variable Brc_t2 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0):= (others=>'0');
+    variable Brc_t2 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0):= (others=>'0'); -- @suppress "variable Brc_t2 is never read"
     variable Brc_d4 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):= (others=>'0');
     variable ECR : std_logic:='0';
     variable BCR : std_logic:='0';
@@ -296,61 +302,61 @@ p_output_check: process
       wait for 5 ns;
-    procedure check_timing is
-    begin
-      while position_i = 1 loop 
-        slice_data;
-        if (data_10b_rev = COMMAp) then
-          next_sign := 2;
-          position_i := 2;
-          log("pos data " &to_string(data_two_words)& " "& to_string(data_10b_rev));
-        elsif (data_10b_rev = COMMAn) then
-          next_sign := 1;
-          position_i := 2;
-          log("neg data " &to_string(data_two_words)& " "& to_string(data_10b_rev));
-        end if;
-        wait for 10 ns;
-      end loop;
-    end;
-    procedure wait_header is
-    begin
-      header_flag := '0';
-      while header_flag = '0' loop 
-        slice_data;
-        log("In wait data " &to_string(data_two_words)& " "& to_string(data_10b_rev));
-        if (data_10b_rev = std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0, 10))) then
-          log("skip one cycle");
-        elsif (next_sign = 1) then
-          if(data_10b_rev = SOCp) then
-            log("header found");
-            header_flag := '1';
-          else 
-            check_value(data_10b_rev, COMMAp, ERROR, "Comma pos", C_SCOPE);
-          end if;
-          next_sign := 2;
-        elsif (next_sign = 2) then
-          if(data_10b_rev = SOCn) then
-            log("header found");
-            header_flag := '1';
-          else 
-            check_value(data_10b_rev, COMMAn, ERROR, "Comma neg", C_SCOPE);
-          end if;
-          next_sign := 1;
-        else
-          error("Unexpected sign",C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT);
-        end if;
-        change_pos;
-      end loop;
-    end;
+    --procedure check_timing is
+    --begin
+    --  while position_i = 1 loop 
+    --
+    --    slice_data;
+    --
+    --    if (data_10b_rev = COMMAp) then
+    --      next_sign := 2;
+    --      position_i := 2;
+    --      log("pos data " &to_string(data_two_words)& " "& to_string(data_10b_rev));
+    --    elsif (data_10b_rev = COMMAn) then
+    --      next_sign := 1;
+    --      position_i := 2;
+    --      log("neg data " &to_string(data_two_words)& " "& to_string(data_10b_rev));
+    --    end if;
+    --
+    --    wait for 10 ns;
+    --
+    --  end loop;
+    --end;
+    --procedure wait_header is
+    --begin
+    --  header_flag := '0';
+    --  while header_flag = '0' loop 
+    --
+    --    slice_data;
+    --    log("In wait data " &to_string(data_two_words)& " "& to_string(data_10b_rev));
+    --
+    --    if (data_10b_rev = std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0, 10))) then
+    --      log("skip one cycle");
+    --    elsif (next_sign = 1) then
+    --      if(data_10b_rev = SOCp) then
+    --        log("header found");
+    --        header_flag := '1';
+    --      else 
+    --        check_value(data_10b_rev, COMMAp, ERROR, "Comma pos", C_SCOPE);
+    --      end if;
+    --      next_sign := 2;
+    --    elsif (next_sign = 2) then
+    --      if(data_10b_rev = SOCn) then
+    --        log("header found");
+    --        header_flag := '1';
+    --      else 
+    --        check_value(data_10b_rev, COMMAn, ERROR, "Comma neg", C_SCOPE);
+    --      end if;
+    --      next_sign := 1;
+    --    else
+    --      error("Unexpected sign",C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT);
+    --    end if;
+    --
+    --    change_pos;
+    --  end loop;
+    --
+    --end;
     procedure check_data_8b10b(
       constant expected : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) is 
@@ -533,7 +539,7 @@ p_output_check: process
 p_combine: process(clk40,reset)
-  constant C_SCOPE     : string  := C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT;
+  --constant C_SCOPE     : string  := C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT;
     if (reset = '1') then
       combined_data <= (others => '0');
diff --git a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/FULLModeToHost_tb.vhd b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/FULLModeToHost_tb.vhd
index 48c100b7a327f4025f6a5d37385e17feaf9f08ae..f2def8d5a8bca1288676fea41600af4baa21998e 100644
--- a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/FULLModeToHost_tb.vhd
+++ b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/FULLModeToHost_tb.vhd
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ end entity;
 architecture arch of FULLModeToHost_tb is
   function to_dstring (a : natural; d : integer range 1 to 9) return string is
-    variable vString : string(1 to d) := (others => ' ');
+    constant vString : string(1 to d) := (others => ' ');
     if(a >= 10**d) then
       return integer'image(a);
@@ -55,30 +55,29 @@ architecture arch of FULLModeToHost_tb is
   constant BLOCKSIZE : integer :=1024;
   constant LOCK_PERIOD : integer := 640;
-  constant wideMode : boolean := false;
   constant CHUNK_TRAILER_32B : boolean := true;
   constant DATA_WIDTH : integer := 256;
   constant SIM_NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS : integer := 1000;
   constant pcie_endpoint: integer := 0;
-  signal GBT_UPLINK_USER_DATA                : txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
-  signal register_map_xoff_monitor           : register_map_xoff_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_gbtemu_monitor         : register_map_gbtemu_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_decoding_monitor       : register_map_decoding_monitor_type;
+  signal GBT_UPLINK_USER_DATA                : txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1)); -- @suppress "signal GBT_UPLINK_USER_DATA is never read"
+  signal register_map_xoff_monitor           : register_map_xoff_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_xoff_monitor is never read"
+  signal register_map_gbtemu_monitor         : register_map_gbtemu_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_gbtemu_monitor is never read"
+  signal register_map_decoding_monitor       : register_map_decoding_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_decoding_monitor is never read"
   signal register_map_40_control             : register_map_control_type;
   signal register_map_control_appreg_clk     : register_map_control_type;
-  signal emuToHost_GBTdata: std_logic_vector(119 downto 0);
-  signal emuToHost_GBTlinkValid : std_logic;
-  signal GBT_UPLINK_USER_DATA_FOSEL : txrx120b_type (0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1);
-  signal GBT_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA_ENCODING : txrx120b_type (0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1);
+  signal emuToHost_GBTdata: std_logic_vector(119 downto 0); -- @suppress "Unused declaration"
+  constant GBT_UPLINK_USER_DATA_FOSEL : txrx120b_type (0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1) := (others => (others => '0'));
+  --signal GBT_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA_ENCODING : txrx120b_type (0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1);
   signal LinkAligned_FOSEL : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1 downto 0);
   signal toHostFifo_din                      : slv_array(0 to NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2);
   signal toHostFifo_wr_en                    : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2 downto 0);
   signal toHostFifo_prog_full                : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2 downto 0);
   signal toHostFifo_wr_clk                   : std_logic;
-  signal toHostFifo_rst                      : std_logic;
-  signal wr_data_count                       : slv12_array(0 to NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2);
+  constant wr_data_count                     : slv12_array(0 to NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2) := (others => (others => '0'));
   signal decoding_aclk                       : std_logic;
   signal decoding_axis                       : axis_32_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
   signal decoding_axis_tready                : axis_tready_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
@@ -104,37 +103,18 @@ architecture arch of FULLModeToHost_tb is
   signal reset : std_logic;
   signal aresetn : std_logic;
-  signal rst_hw, rst_soft_40: std_logic;
   type slv16_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   signal block_data: slv16_array(0 to 511);
-  signal chunk_data: slv16_array(0 to 1023);
-  signal start_check: std_logic:='0';
-  signal Trunc      : std_logic:='0';
-  signal TrailerError:std_logic:='0';
-  signal CRCError : std_logic:='0';
-  signal chunk_count_s: integer range 0 to 1023;
-  signal chunk_length_s: integer range 0 to 1023;
-  signal chunk_index_s: integer range 0 to 1023;
-  signal trailer_s, Eout: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=X"0000";
-  signal block_count: integer range 0 to 511;
-  signal GBTdata : std_logic_vector (119 downto 0);
-  signal EPath_HFs, Epath_AFs, EPath_REs, EPath_Busy: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000";
-  signal anyEPATH_HFs: std_logic;
-  signal Eout_rdy : std_logic :='0';
-  constant toHostTimeoutBitn : integer := 16;
-  signal timeCntIn: unsigned(toHostTimeoutBitn-1 downto 0):=(others =>'0');
-  signal block_error0: std_logic:='0';
-  signal chunk_error0: std_logic:='0';
-  signal GbtConfig : std_logic_vector (63 downto 0) := (others =>'0');
-  signal EPATH_ID: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-  signal GTH_FM_RX_33b_out                   : txrx33b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
+  signal start_check: std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal start_check is never read"
+  signal Trunc      : std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal Trunc is never read"
+  signal TrailerError:std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal TrailerError is never read"
+  signal CRCError : std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal CRCError is never read"
+  signal block_error0: std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal block_error0 is never read"
+  signal chunk_error0: std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal chunk_error0 is never read"
+  signal GTH_FM_RX_33b_out                   : txrx33b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
   signal checker_done: std_logic;
   signal backpressure_applied : std_logic;
   constant Trailer32b : boolean := true; 
@@ -175,9 +155,7 @@ begin
   end process;
   aresetn     <= not reset;
-  rst_hw      <= reset;
-  rst_soft_40 <= reset;
   register_map_40_control.FE_EMU_ENA.EMU_TOHOST <= "1";
   register_map_40_control.FE_EMU_ENA.EMU_TOFRONTEND <= "1";
   register_map_40_control.FE_EMU_CONFIG.WE <= (others => '0');
@@ -200,11 +178,17 @@ begin
 decoding0: entity work.decoding
   generic map(
+    IncludeDecodingEpath2_HDLC => "1111111",
+    IncludeDecodingEpath2_8b10b => "1111111",
+    IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b => "1111111",
+    IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b => "1111111",
+    IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b => "1111111",
+    IncludeDecodingEpath32_8b10b => "1111111"
   Port map(
     RXUSRCLK                      => RXUSRCLK(((GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS)*(pcie_endpoint+1))-1 downto (GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS)*pcie_endpoint), --: in  std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
@@ -237,24 +221,25 @@ decoding0: entity work.decoding
   port map(
-    clk40                           => clk40,
-    clk250                          => clk250,
-    aclk_tohost                     => decoding_aclk,
-    aresetn                         => aresetn,
-    register_map_control            => register_map_40_control,
-    register_map_xoff_monitor       => register_map_xoff_monitor,
-    interrupt_call                  => open,
-    s_axis                          => fanout_sel_axis,
-    s_axis_tready                   => fanout_sel_axis_tready,
-    s_axis_prog_empty               => fanout_sel_axis_prog_empty,
-    toHostFifo_din                  => toHostFifo_din,
-    toHostFifo_wr_en                => toHostFifo_wr_en,
-    toHostFifo_prog_full            => toHostFifo_prog_full,
-    toHostFifo_wr_clk               => toHostFifo_wr_clk,
-    toHostFifo_rst                  => toHostFifo_rst,
-    thFIFObusyOut                   => open,
-    TTC_ToHost_Data_in              => TTC_ToHost_Data,
-    toHostFifo_wr_data_count        => wr_data_count);
+    clk40 => clk40,
+    clk250 => clk250,
+    aclk_tohost => decoding_aclk,
+    aresetn => aresetn,
+    register_map_control => register_map_40_control,
+    register_map_xoff_monitor => register_map_xoff_monitor,
+    register_map_crtohost_monitor => open,
+    interrupt_call => open,
+    s_axis => fanout_sel_axis,
+    s_axis_tready => fanout_sel_axis_tready,
+    s_axis_prog_empty => fanout_sel_axis_prog_empty,
+    toHostFifo_din => toHostFifo_din,
+    toHostFifo_wr_en => toHostFifo_wr_en,
+    toHostFifo_prog_full => toHostFifo_prog_full,
+    toHostFifo_wr_clk => toHostFifo_wr_clk,
+    toHostFifo_rst => open,
+    thFIFObusyOut => open,
+    TTC_ToHost_Data_in => TTC_ToHost_Data,
+    toHostFifo_wr_data_count => wr_data_count);
     g_EnableFullModeEmulator: if FIRMWARE_MODE = FIRMWARE_MODE_FULL generate
@@ -281,7 +266,7 @@ decoding0: entity work.decoding
       port map(
         aclk                       => decoding_aclk,
-        aresetn                    => aresetn,
+        --aresetn                    => aresetn,
         emu_axis                   => emu_axis,
         emu_axis_tready            => emu_axis_tready,
         emu_axis_prog_empty        => emu_axis_prog_empty,
@@ -359,8 +344,8 @@ begin
 end process; -- sequencer
 checker: process
-  variable re_count: integer range 0 to 511;
-    variable reading : boolean := false;
+  variable re_count: integer range 0 to 511; -- @suppress "variable re_count is never read"
+  variable reading : boolean := false; -- @suppress "variable reading is never read"
   --variable block_data0_v: slv16_array(0 to 511);  
   type ByteArray is array (natural range<>) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
   type Chunk2DArray is array (natural range<>, natural range<>) of ByteArray(0 to 2047);
@@ -381,9 +366,9 @@ checker: process
   --variable chunk_index: IntArray(0 to 63);
   variable ElinkID : integer range 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1;
   variable GBTID   : integer range 0 to GBT_NUM-1;
-  variable BlockSequence : integer range 0 to 31;
+  variable BlockSequence : integer range 0 to 31; -- @suppress "variable BlockSequence is never read"
-  variable checking: boolean;
+  variable checking: boolean; -- @suppress "variable checking is never read"
   variable trailer: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
   variable TrailerType: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):="000";
   variable progress : integer := 100;
@@ -494,7 +479,7 @@ begin
         if block_data(1) /= x"ABCE" then
             check_value(block_data(1), x"ABCE", ERROR, "Invalid block header", C_SCOPE);
         end if;
-    else
+    else -- @suppress "Dead code"
         if block_data(1) /= x"ABCD" then
             check_value(block_data(1), x"ABCD", ERROR, "Invalid block header", C_SCOPE);
         end if;
@@ -510,7 +495,7 @@ begin
                 trailer := block_data(chunk_count) & block_data(chunk_count-1);
                 TrailerType := trailer(31 downto 29);
                 chunk_count := chunk_count - 2; --Move to last data word
-            else
+            else -- @suppress "Dead code"
                 trailer := x"0000"&block_data(chunk_count);
                 TrailerType := trailer(15 downto 13);
                 chunk_count := chunk_count - 1; --Move to last data word
@@ -549,7 +534,7 @@ begin
               Trunc_v := trailer(28);
               Error_v := trailer(27);
               CRCError_v := trailer(26);
-          else
+          else -- @suppress "Dead code"
               trailer := x"0000"&block_data(chunk_count);
               TrailerType := trailer(15 downto 13);
               Trunc_v := trailer(12);
@@ -581,7 +566,7 @@ begin
           case(TrailerType) is
             when "000" => NULL;
             when "001" => --First
-                if ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) = true then
+                if ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) then
                     tb_error("ReceivingState was true while getting first trailer type", C_SCOPE);
                 end if;
                 ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) := true;
@@ -591,7 +576,7 @@ begin
                 end if;
                 ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) := false;
             when "011" => --Both
-                if ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) = true then
+                if ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) then
                     tb_error("ReceivingState was true while getting both trailer type", C_SCOPE);
                 end if;
                 ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) := false;
diff --git a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/GBTLinkToHost_tb.vhd b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/GBTLinkToHost_tb.vhd
index 8765e91c2855e89e835bc231ae46fbd7b8ce82f5..7ef8a07f402963210846a05441340762035950e4 100644
--- a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/GBTLinkToHost_tb.vhd
+++ b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/GBTLinkToHost_tb.vhd
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ end entity;
 architecture arch of GBTLinkToHost_tb is
   function to_dstring (a : natural; d : integer range 1 to 9) return string is
-    variable vString : string(1 to d) := (others => ' ');
+    constant vString : string(1 to d) := (others => ' ');
     if(a >= 10**d) then
       return integer'image(a);
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ architecture arch of GBTLinkToHost_tb is
   constant BLOCKSIZE : integer :=1024;
   constant LOCK_PERIOD : integer := 640;
-  constant wideMode : boolean := false;
   constant CHUNK_TRAILER_32B : boolean := true;
   constant DATA_WIDTH : integer := 256;
   constant SIM_NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS : integer := 1000;
@@ -62,27 +61,25 @@ architecture arch of GBTLinkToHost_tb is
   constant pcie_endpoint: integer := 0;
   signal GBT_UPLINK_USER_DATA                : txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
-  signal register_map_xoff_monitor           : register_map_xoff_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_gbtemu_monitor         : register_map_gbtemu_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_decoding_monitor       : register_map_decoding_monitor_type;
+  signal register_map_xoff_monitor           : register_map_xoff_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_xoff_monitor is never read"
+  signal register_map_gbtemu_monitor         : register_map_gbtemu_monitor_type; -- @suppress "Unused declaration"
+  signal register_map_decoding_monitor       : register_map_decoding_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_decoding_monitor is never read"
   signal register_map_40_control             : register_map_control_type;
   signal emuToHost_GBTdata: std_logic_vector(119 downto 0);
   signal emuToHost_GBTlinkValid : std_logic;
   signal GBT_UPLINK_USER_DATA_FOSEL : txrx120b_type (0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1);
-  signal GBT_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA_ENCODING : txrx120b_type (0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1);
   signal LinkAligned_FOSEL : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1 downto 0);
   signal toHostFifo_din                      : slv_array(0 to NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2);
   signal toHostFifo_wr_en                    : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2 downto 0);
   signal toHostFifo_prog_full                : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2 downto 0);
   signal toHostFifo_wr_clk                   : std_logic;
-  signal toHostFifo_rst                      : std_logic;
-  signal wr_data_count                       : slv12_array(0 to NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2);
+  signal toHostFifo_rst                      : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal toHostFifo_rst is never read"
+  signal wr_data_count                       : slv12_array(0 to NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2); -- @suppress "signal wr_data_count is never written"
   signal decoding_aclk                       : std_logic;
   signal decoding_axis                       : axis_32_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
   signal decoding_axis_tready                : axis_tready_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
   signal decoding_axis_prog_empty            : axis_tready_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
-  signal emu_axis                            : axis_32_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
-  signal emu_axis_tready                     : axis_tready_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
   signal fanout_sel_axis                     : axis_32_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
   signal fanout_sel_axis_tready              : axis_tready_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM/ENDPOINTS-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
   signal LinkAligned                         : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
@@ -103,30 +100,15 @@ architecture arch of GBTLinkToHost_tb is
   type slv16_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   signal block_data: slv16_array(0 to 511);
-  signal chunk_data: slv16_array(0 to 1023);
-  signal start_check: std_logic:='0';
-  signal Trunc      : std_logic:='0';
-  signal TrailerError:std_logic:='0';
-  signal CRCError : std_logic:='0';
-  signal chunk_count_s: integer range 0 to 1023;
-  signal chunk_length_s: integer range 0 to 1023;
-  signal chunk_index_s: integer range 0 to 1023;
-  signal trailer_s, Eout: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=X"0000";
-  signal block_count: integer range 0 to 511;
-  signal GBTdata : std_logic_vector (119 downto 0);
-  signal EPath_HFs, Epath_AFs, EPath_REs, EPath_Busy: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000";
-  signal anyEPATH_HFs: std_logic;
-  signal Eout_rdy : std_logic :='0';
-  constant toHostTimeoutBitn : integer := 16;
-  signal timeCntIn: unsigned(toHostTimeoutBitn-1 downto 0):=(others =>'0');
+  --signal chunk_data: slv16_array(0 to 1023); 
+  signal start_check: std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal start_check is never read"
+  signal Trunc      : std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal Trunc is never read"
+  signal TrailerError:std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal TrailerError is never read"
+  signal CRCError : std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal CRCError is never read"
-  signal block_error0: std_logic:='0';
-  signal chunk_error0: std_logic:='0';
-  signal GbtConfig : std_logic_vector (63 downto 0) := (others =>'0');
-  signal EPATH_ID: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+  signal block_error0: std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal block_error0 is never read" -- @suppress "signal chunk_error0 is never read"
+  signal chunk_error0: std_logic:='0'; -- @suppress "signal chunk_error0 is never read"
   signal GTH_FM_RX_33b_out                   : txrx33b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
   signal checker_done: std_logic;
@@ -138,7 +120,7 @@ architecture arch of GBTLinkToHost_tb is
   constant IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '1');
   constant IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '1');
   constant IncludeDecodingEpath32_8b10b : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '1');
-  signal register_map_crtohost_monitor : register_map_crtohost_monitor_type;
+  signal register_map_crtohost_monitor : register_map_crtohost_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_crtohost_monitor is never read"
   TTC_ToHost_Data <= (
@@ -402,8 +384,8 @@ begin
 end process; -- sequencer
 checker: process
-  variable re_count: integer range 0 to 511;
-    variable reading : boolean := false;
+  variable re_count: integer range 0 to 511; -- @suppress "variable re_count is never read"
+    variable reading : boolean := false; -- @suppress "variable reading is never read"
   --variable block_data0_v: slv16_array(0 to 511);  
   type ByteArray is array (natural range<>) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
   type Chunk2DArray is array (natural range<>, natural range<>) of ByteArray(0 to 2047);
@@ -424,9 +406,9 @@ checker: process
   --variable chunk_index: IntArray(0 to 63);
   variable ElinkID : integer range 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1;
   variable GBTID   : integer range 0 to GBT_NUM-1;
-  variable BlockSequence : integer range 0 to 31;
+  variable BlockSequence : integer range 0 to 31; -- @suppress "variable BlockSequence is never read"
-  variable checking: boolean;
+  variable checking: boolean; -- @suppress "variable checking is never read"
   variable trailer: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
   variable TrailerType: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):="000";
   variable progress : integer := 100;
@@ -577,7 +559,7 @@ begin
         if block_data(1) /= x"ABCE" then
             check_value(block_data(1), x"ABCE", ERROR, "Invalid block header", C_SCOPE);
         end if;
-    else
+    else -- @suppress "Dead code"
         if block_data(1) /= x"ABCD" then
             check_value(block_data(1), x"ABCD", ERROR, "Invalid block header", C_SCOPE);
         end if;
@@ -593,7 +575,7 @@ begin
                 trailer := block_data(chunk_count) & block_data(chunk_count-1);
                 TrailerType := trailer(31 downto 29);
                 chunk_count := chunk_count - 2; --Move to last data word
-            else
+            else -- @suppress "Dead code"
                 trailer := x"0000"&block_data(chunk_count);
                 TrailerType := trailer(15 downto 13);
                 chunk_count := chunk_count - 1; --Move to last data word
@@ -632,7 +614,7 @@ begin
               Trunc_v := trailer(28);
               Error_v := trailer(27);
               CRCError_v := trailer(26);
-          else
+          else -- @suppress "Dead code"
               trailer := x"0000"&block_data(chunk_count);
               TrailerType := trailer(15 downto 13);
               Trunc_v := trailer(12);
@@ -664,7 +646,7 @@ begin
           case(TrailerType) is
             when "000" => NULL;
             when "001" => --First
-                if ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) = true then
+                if ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) then
                     tb_error("ReceivingState was true while getting first trailer type", C_SCOPE);
                 end if;
                 ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) := true;
@@ -674,7 +656,7 @@ begin
                 end if;
                 ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) := false;
             when "011" => --Both
-                if ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) = true then
+                if ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) then
                     tb_error("ReceivingState was true while getting both trailer type", C_SCOPE);
                 end if;
                 ReceivingState(GBTID,ElinkID) := false;
diff --git a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amac_chip.vhd b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amac_chip.vhd
index 3a432ee5709c55b24590efbeb7775f08b14b1c86..f9f7a458020f5281a2c9cec1b7cbcb516a331756 100644
--- a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amac_chip.vhd
+++ b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amac_chip.vhd
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ library IEEE;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
 -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ end amac_chip;
 architecture Behavioral of amac_chip is
 	--------------------------------- SOGLIE DA CAMBIARE IN BASE AL CLOCK --------------------------------------------------------
-  constant TICKS_QUIESCENT : integer := 100;  -- 512 + ~40% = 704 (1011000000)
-  constant TICKS_TX2RX     : integer := 4;    -- =50ns
+  --constant TICKS_QUIESCENT : integer := 100;  -- 512 + ~40% = 704 (1011000000)
+  --constant TICKS_TX2RX     : integer := 4;    -- =50ns
   constant TICKS_DIT_MIN : integer := 6;     -- (*2 for 80MHz)
   constant TICKS_DIT_MAX : integer := 22;    -- 4+16=20 (*2)
   constant TICKS_DIT_MID : integer := (TICKS_DIT_MIN + TICKS_DIT_MAX)/2; --24  0  
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of amac_chip is
 type fsm_AMAC_t is (idle, readbit, readgap, idreply0, idreply1, idreplygap, seqreply0, seqreply1, seqreplygap, datareply0, datareply1, datareplygap, errorstate); --, intertransactgap);
 signal fsm_AMAC : fsm_AMAC_t := idle;
-signal nmaxbit, nbitrd, nclock : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+signal nmaxbit, nbitrd, nclock : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- @suppress "signal nmaxbit is never read"
 signal command, seqnum : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0');
 signal signalin_del, signalin_rising, signalin_falling: std_logic;
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ begin
             end if;
           end if;       
-        when errorstate =>           -- wait a little bit for things to settle
+        when errorstate =>           -- wait a little bit for things to settle -- @suppress "Dead state 'errorstate': state does not have outgoing transitions"
           fsm_AMAC <= errorstate;
diff --git a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amac_demo_tb.vhd b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amac_demo_tb.vhd
index 4bf93f54d3e1c6333bb7908bec70ac0459731f0d..7c07eba2ccf2947075640a8e11bbf4849d93b836 100644
--- a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amac_demo_tb.vhd
+++ b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amac_demo_tb.vhd
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
   use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
-  library STD;
+  --library STD;
   use std.env.all;
   library uvvm_util;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
   signal amac_signal : std_logic  := '0';
   signal gbt_signal : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ;
   signal to_amac : std_logic  := '0';
-  signal test_link : std_logic  := '0';
+  signal test_link : std_logic  := '0'; -- @suppress "signal test_link is never read"
   -- output
   signal data_axi_fromhost : axis_8_type;
   signal data_ready_fromhost : std_logic  := '0';
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
   constant C_CLK_PERIOD_40      : time := 25 ns;
   constant C_CLK_PERIOD_250     : time := 4 ns;
-  constant BIT1_TIME            : time := 76 * C_CLK_PERIOD_40;
-  constant BIT0_TIME            : time := 14 * C_CLK_PERIOD_40;
-  constant INTRAWORD_GAP_TIME   : time := 43 * C_CLK_PERIOD_40;
-  constant ENDWORD_GAP_TIME     : time := 100 * C_CLK_PERIOD_40;
+  --constant BIT1_TIME            : time := 76 * C_CLK_PERIOD_40;
+  --constant BIT0_TIME            : time := 14 * C_CLK_PERIOD_40;
+  --constant INTRAWORD_GAP_TIME   : time := 43 * C_CLK_PERIOD_40;
+  --constant ENDWORD_GAP_TIME     : time := 100 * C_CLK_PERIOD_40;
@@ -149,8 +149,7 @@
       --        clk, sbi_if, alert_level, C_SCOPE);
-      procedure set_inputs_passive(
-        dummy   : t_void) is
+      procedure set_inputs_passive is
         log(ID_SEQUENCER_SUB, "All inputs set passive", C_SCOPE);
@@ -174,7 +173,7 @@
       log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Simulation of TB for Endeveour", C_SCOPE);
-      set_inputs_passive(VOID);
+      set_inputs_passive;
       clock_ena <= true; -- to start clock generator
diff --git a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amacgbt_converter.vhd b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amacgbt_converter.vhd
index a3938ac8585c5300c158c6cccf903933920649ff..81f5a5e936db020d8f6912c45d6a57fd0b31c28b 100644
--- a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amacgbt_converter.vhd
+++ b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/amacgbt_converter.vhd
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ library IEEE;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
 -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ signal twobitsignal : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
 signal datavalid             : std_logic;
 signal readrq             : std_logic := '0';
 signal fifodataout : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); 
-signal fifofull             : std_logic;
-signal fifoempty             : std_logic;
-signal fifoafull             : std_logic;
-signal wrrstbusy             : std_logic;
-signal rdrstbusy             : std_logic;
+signal fifofull             : std_logic;  -- @suppress
+signal fifoempty             : std_logic; -- @suppress
+signal fifoafull             : std_logic; -- @suppress
+signal wrrstbusy             : std_logic; -- @suppress
+signal rdrstbusy             : std_logic; -- @suppress
diff --git a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/crc20_datagen.vhd b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/crc20_datagen.vhd
index 3c104fab2ccc55c42c1fb132a14ba57ae69d7bb5..1722f9b3155621d7e9e5e005ac2d56b677d6f006 100644
--- a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/crc20_datagen.vhd
+++ b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/crc20_datagen.vhd
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 library IEEE;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library uvvm_util;
 context uvvm_util.uvvm_util_context;
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ datagen_proc: process(clk)
   variable packageLength: integer range 0 to 10000;
   variable idleLength: integer range 0 to 10000;
-  variable rnd: integer range 0 to 1000;
-  constant C_SCOPE     : string  := C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT;
+  --variable rnd: integer range 0 to 1000;
+  --constant C_SCOPE     : string  := C_TB_SCOPE_DEFAULT;
   if rising_edge(clk) then
diff --git a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/crc20_tb.vhd b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/crc20_tb.vhd
index f710240c42051d0fcf3aa7a9a2d20ef3afadb3b8..e2595ceed67d28adf4f1d5714e75ab006b4196da 100644
--- a/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/crc20_tb.vhd
+++ b/simulation/UVVMExample/tb/crc20_tb.vhd
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
   use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
   use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
-  library STD;
   use std.env.all;
   library uvvm_util;
@@ -59,18 +58,18 @@
     -- Instantiate DUT
-    crc20: entity work.crc
-    generic map(
-     Nbits => 32,
-     CRC_Width => 20,
-     G_Poly => x"8359f",
-     G_InitVal => x"fffff"
-     )
+    crc20: entity work.CRC
+    --generic map(
+    -- Nbits => 32,
+    -- CRC_Width => 20,
+    -- G_Poly => x"8359f",
+    -- G_InitVal => x"fffff"
+    -- )
    port map(
      CRC   => crc_result,
      Calc  => crc_calc,
      Clk   => clk250,
-     DIn   => data,
+     Din   => data,
      Reset => sop);
     datagen: entity work.crc20_datagen 
diff --git a/simulation/Wupper/wupper_tb.vhd b/simulation/Wupper/wupper_tb.vhd
index 2ada120c5993e185ba0673cd4e0db6232733f9b0..e30e206507ea6d9ad122e825efc7ddc05f0bb75d 100644
--- a/simulation/Wupper/wupper_tb.vhd
+++ b/simulation/Wupper/wupper_tb.vhd
@@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ begin
       BUILD_DATETIME => (others => '0'),
-      SVN_VERSION => 0,
       CARD_TYPE => 128,
       GIT_HASH => (others => '0'),
       COMMIT_DATETIME => (others => '0'),
diff --git a/sources/AxisUtils/Axis32Fifo.vhd b/sources/AxisUtils/Axis32Fifo.vhd
index cb490532fa574d0dc797fc0b4b8e3a0c10de4a7c..21241b56433dec89a2f8867fa227ebee405646ec 100644
--- a/sources/AxisUtils/Axis32Fifo.vhd
+++ b/sources/AxisUtils/Axis32Fifo.vhd
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ fifo: xpm_fifo_axis
 	port map (
@@ -161,10 +162,10 @@ xpm_cdc_trunc : xpm_cdc_single
     SRC_INPUT_REG => 1   -- DECIMAL; integer; 0=do not register input, 1=register input
   port map (
-    dest_out => s_axis_tuser_3, -- 1-bit output: src_in synchronized to the destination clock domain. This output is registered.
+    src_clk => s_axis_aclk, -- 1-bit input: optional; required when SRC_INPUT_REG = 1
+    src_in => s_axis.tuser(3), -- 1-bit input: Input signal to be synchronized to dest_clk domain.
     dest_clk => m_axis_aclk, -- 1-bit input: Clock signal for the destination clock domain.
-    src_clk => s_axis_aclk,   -- 1-bit input: optional; required when SRC_INPUT_REG = 1
-    src_in => s_axis.tuser(3)      -- 1-bit input: Input signal to be synchronized to dest_clk domain.
+    dest_out => s_axis_tuser_3 -- 1-bit output: src_in synchronized to the destination clock domain. This output is registered.
 xpm_cdc_busy : xpm_cdc_single
@@ -175,10 +176,10 @@ xpm_cdc_busy : xpm_cdc_single
     SRC_INPUT_REG => 1   -- DECIMAL; integer; 0=do not register input, 1=register input
   port map (
-    dest_out => s_axis_tuser_2, -- 1-bit output: src_in synchronized to the destination clock domain. This output is registered.
+    src_clk => s_axis_aclk, -- 1-bit input: optional; required when SRC_INPUT_REG = 1
+    src_in => s_axis.tuser(2), -- 1-bit input: Input signal to be synchronized to dest_clk domain.
     dest_clk => m_axis_aclk, -- 1-bit input: Clock signal for the destination clock domain.
-    src_clk => s_axis_aclk,   -- 1-bit input: optional; required when SRC_INPUT_REG = 1
-    src_in => s_axis.tuser(2)      -- 1-bit input: Input signal to be synchronized to dest_clk domain.
+    dest_out => s_axis_tuser_2 -- 1-bit output: src_in synchronized to the destination clock domain. This output is registered.
diff --git a/sources/AxisUtils/Axis8Fifo.vhd b/sources/AxisUtils/Axis8Fifo.vhd
index fb88187f388592e6df34690a5fc2641ef1bb6815..f49a6680c17b7233dde1caec577f938e8a20a535 100644
--- a/sources/AxisUtils/Axis8Fifo.vhd
+++ b/sources/AxisUtils/Axis8Fifo.vhd
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ xpm_fifo_gen: if USE_BUILT_IN_FIFO = false generate
+			SIM_ASSERT_CHK => 0,
 		port map (
diff --git a/sources/CRC20/crc.vhd b/sources/CRC20/crc.vhd
index b26e23d878f5a5893c23d2562ccf162f56fd7ccb..8b2ef1ed1da80c0b3b1dabd50d44fcb8e310ce40 100644
--- a/sources/CRC20/crc.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRC20/crc.vhd
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 entity CRC is
-   generic(
-     Nbits :  positive 	:= 32;
-     CRC_Width		  :  positive 	:= 20;
-     G_Poly: Std_Logic_Vector :=x"8359f";
-     G_InitVal: std_logic_vector:=x"fffff"
-     );
+   --generic(
+     --Nbits :  positive 	:= 32;
+     --CRC_Width		  :  positive 	:= 20
+     --G_Poly: Std_Logic_Vector :=x"8359f";
+     --G_InitVal: std_logic_vector:=x"fffff"
+   --  );
-     CRC   : out    std_logic_vector(CRC_Width-1 downto 0);
+     CRC   : out    std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
      Calc  : in     std_logic;
      Clk   : in     std_logic;
-     DIn   : in     std_logic_vector(Nbits-1 downto 0);
+     Din   : in     std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
      Reset : in     std_logic);
 end CRC;
diff --git a/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostAxis.vhd b/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostAxis.vhd
index a7853846d6581d445b6c69c344d5743020c64848..1d18bbc256c3a15139abbf64de6e3b51d5ebbf19 100644
--- a/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostAxis.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostAxis.vhd
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ architecture rtl of CRFromHostAxis is
 	signal fromHostFifo_wait : std_logic;
 	signal fromHostFifo_valid : std_logic;
-	signal upstreamFifoPfull : std_logic_vector(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-	signal upstreamFifoPfull_ored : std_logic;
+	--signal upstreamFifoPfull : std_logic_vector(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+	--signal upstreamFifoPfull_ored : std_logic;
 	signal firstPacket : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
 	signal secondPacket : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
@@ -216,10 +216,10 @@ begin
 			linkFifo_rden => linkFifo_rden(GBT),
 			linkFifo_valid => linkFifo_valid(GBT),
 			linkFifo_empty => linkFifo_empty(GBT),
-			broadcastEnable => register_map_control.BROADCAST_ENABLE(GBT)(STREAMS_PER_LINK_FROMHOST-1 downto 0),
 			fhAxis_aclk => fhAxis_aclk,
 			fhAxis => channelFhAxis,
-			fhAxis_tready => channelFhAxis_tready
+			fhAxis_tready => channelFhAxis_tready,
+			broadcastEnable => register_map_control.BROADCAST_ENABLE(GBT)(STREAMS_PER_LINK_FROMHOST-1 downto 0)
 end generate;
diff --git a/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostDataManagerAxis.vhd b/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostDataManagerAxis.vhd
index 13ead1ac73cddba821e8aa29511ccfbe485ca632..8ebb809a149a381d50b5fc625c0847733fa9dcaa 100644
--- a/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostDataManagerAxis.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostDataManagerAxis.vhd
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ architecture rtl of CRFromHostDataManagerAxis is
 			if i = x then
 				return offs;
 			end if;
-			offs := offs + GROUP_CONFIG(I);
+			offs := offs + GROUP_CONFIG(i);
 		end loop;
 		return -1;		-- group not found
 	end function;
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ architecture rtl of CRFromHostDataManagerAxis is
 	signal groupFifo_dout : groupFifo_dout_array(0 to get_group_num(GROUP_CONFIG)-1);
 	signal groupFifo_wren : std_logic_vector(0 to get_group_num(GROUP_CONFIG)-1);
 	signal groupFifo_rden : std_logic_vector(0 to get_group_num(GROUP_CONFIG)-1);
-	signal groupFifo_valid : std_logic_vector(0 to get_group_num(GROUP_CONFIG)-1);
-	signal groupFifo_full : std_logic_vector(0 to get_group_num(GROUP_CONFIG)-1);
+	--signal groupFifo_valid : std_logic_vector(0 to get_group_num(GROUP_CONFIG)-1);
+	--signal groupFifo_full : std_logic_vector(0 to get_group_num(GROUP_CONFIG)-1);
 	signal groupFifo_pfull : std_logic_vector(0 to get_group_num(GROUP_CONFIG)-1);
 	signal groupFifo_empty : std_logic_vector(0 to get_group_num(GROUP_CONFIG)-1);
 	signal groupFifo_pfull_ored : std_logic;
@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ groupFifos: for I in 0 to get_group_num(GROUP_CONFIG)-1 generate
 			dout => groupFifo_dout(I),
 			wren => groupFifo_wren(I),
 			rden => groupFifo_rden(I),
-			valid => groupFifo_valid(I),
-			full => groupFifo_full(I),
-			pfull => groupFifo_pfull(I),
-			empty => groupFifo_empty(I)
+			valid => open, --groupFifo_valid(I),
+			full => open, --groupFifo_full(I),
+			empty => groupFifo_empty(I),
+			pfull => groupFifo_pfull(I)
 end generate;
diff --git a/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostGroupFifo.vhd b/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostGroupFifo.vhd
index 8099f04bd667f906b14a52e9de3bc7e1aa446266..c66ce5e3c81933b136a69ee8ac5a812e698f9020 100644
--- a/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostGroupFifo.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostGroupFifo.vhd
@@ -96,48 +96,49 @@ fifo_dout(255 downto 240) when 15;
 -- XPM macro
 fifo: xpm_fifo_sync
 	generic map (
-		ECC_MODE => "no_ecc",
 		FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE => "distributed",
+		READ_MODE => "fwft",
+		USE_ADV_FEATURES => "0002",
+		READ_DATA_WIDTH => 256,
-		READ_DATA_WIDTH => 256,
-		READ_MODE => "fwft",
-		USE_ADV_FEATURES => "0002",
-		WAKEUP_TIME => 0,
+		ECC_MODE => "no_ecc",
 	port map (
-		almost_empty => open,
+		sleep => '0',
+		rst => areset,
+		wr_clk => clk,
+		wr_en => fifo_wren,
+		din => fifo_din,
+		full => fifo_full,
+		prog_full => fifo_pfull,
+		wr_data_count => open,
+		overflow => open,
+		wr_rst_busy => open,
 		almost_full => open,
-		data_valid => open,
-		dbiterr => open,
+		wr_ack => open,
+		rd_en => fifo_rden,
 		dout => fifo_dout,
 		empty => fifo_empty,
-		full => fifo_full,
-		overflow => open,
 		prog_empty => open,
-		prog_full => fifo_pfull,
 		rd_data_count => open,
-		rd_rst_busy => open,
-		sbiterr => open,
 		underflow => open,
-		wr_ack => open,
-		wr_data_count => open,
-		wr_rst_busy => open,
-		din => fifo_din,
-		injectdbiterr => '0',
+		rd_rst_busy => open,
+		almost_empty => open,
+		data_valid => open,
 		injectsbiterr => '0',
-		rd_en => fifo_rden,
-		rst => areset,
-		sleep => '0',
-		wr_clk => clk,
-		wr_en => fifo_wren
+		injectdbiterr => '0',
+		sbiterr => open,
+		dbiterr => open
diff --git a/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostLinkFifo.vhd b/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostLinkFifo.vhd
index a723cef0f3c4791c64dc99547e4e45bf95a1ddf6..c61b7930b7144a80d327d6bd650992513cf53afc 100644
--- a/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostLinkFifo.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostLinkFifo.vhd
@@ -56,48 +56,49 @@ dout <= fifo_dout;
 -- XPM macro
 fifo: xpm_fifo_sync
 	generic map (
-		ECC_MODE => "no_ecc",
 		FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE => "block",
+		READ_MODE => "std",
+		USE_ADV_FEATURES => "0002",
+		READ_DATA_WIDTH => 256,
-		READ_DATA_WIDTH => 256,
-		READ_MODE => "std",
-		USE_ADV_FEATURES => "0002",
-		WAKEUP_TIME => 0,
+		ECC_MODE => "no_ecc",
 	port map (
-		almost_empty => open,
+		sleep => '0',
+		rst => areset,
+		wr_clk => clk,
+		wr_en => fifo_wren,
+		din => fifo_din,
+		full => fifo_full,
+		prog_full => fifo_pfull,
+		wr_data_count => open,
+		overflow => open,
+		wr_rst_busy => open,
 		almost_full => open,
-		data_valid => open,
-		dbiterr => open,
+		wr_ack => open,
+		rd_en => fifo_rden,
 		dout => fifo_dout,
 		empty => fifo_empty,
-		full => fifo_full,
-		overflow => open,
 		prog_empty => open,
-		prog_full => fifo_pfull,
 		rd_data_count => open,
-		rd_rst_busy => open,
-		sbiterr => open,
 		underflow => open,
-		wr_ack => open,
-		wr_data_count => open,
-		wr_rst_busy => open,
-		din => fifo_din,
-		injectdbiterr => '0',
+		rd_rst_busy => open,
+		almost_empty => open,
+		data_valid => open,
 		injectsbiterr => '0',
-		rd_en => fifo_rden,
-		rst => areset,
-		sleep => '0',
-		wr_clk => clk,
-		wr_en => fifo_wren
+		injectdbiterr => '0',
+		sbiterr => open,
+		dbiterr => open
diff --git a/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostTransferManager.vhd b/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostTransferManager.vhd
index 3ad6dec26473c838d12afdffca0c564f65650846..519735d40cfce3b987a3f5f88e7d584deba69769 100644
--- a/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostTransferManager.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRFromHostAxis/CRFromHostTransferManager.vhd
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ entity CRFromHostTransferManager is
 end CRFromHostTransferManager;
 architecture rtl of CRFromHostTransferManager is
-	constant ADDR_BITS_STREAM : integer := integer(ceil(log2(real(STREAMS_PER_GROUP_FROMHOST))));
+	--constant ADDR_BITS_STREAM : integer := integer(ceil(log2(real(STREAMS_PER_GROUP_FROMHOST))));
 	signal message_len : integer range 0 to 30;
 	signal last_block : std_logic;
 	signal byte_cnt : integer range 0 to 31;
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ begin
 end process;
 -- fanout streams
-stream_fanout_mux: process (stream, stream_sel, stream_out_tready)
+stream_fanout_mux: process (stream, stream_sel, stream_out_tready, broadcastEnable, broadcast_acked)
 	variable tready_anded : std_logic;
 	if stream_sel = STREAMS_PER_GROUP_FROMHOST then
diff --git a/sources/CRToHost/CRToHost.vhd b/sources/CRToHost/CRToHost.vhd
index f0ab63f5ecdfe7529aa0d990efad1bcf6b9b1378..56505688a87a3df64182fbb32a3f4169fbf9be15 100644
--- a/sources/CRToHost/CRToHost.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRToHost/CRToHost.vhd
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ port  (
     register_map_control               : in  register_map_control_type; --! configuration settings, 64 bit per EGROUP (7 EGROUPS total)
     register_map_xoff_monitor          : out register_map_xoff_monitor_type;
-    register_map_crtohost_monitor      : out register_map_crtohost_monitor_type;
+    register_map_crtohost_monitor      : out register_map_crtohost_monitor_type; -- @suppress "Unused port: register_map_crtohost_monitor is not used in work.CRToHost(Behavioral)"
     interrupt_call                     : out std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS-1 downto 4);
     -- decoding side
     s_axis              : in  axis_32_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
@@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ generic map(
     epathID => 3,
     generate_IC_EC_TTC_only => false,
     TimeoutCounterBitNum => 12, -- IG: number of timeout counter bits
 port  map(
     clk40       => clk40,
@@ -196,9 +197,9 @@ port  map(
     FIFOhasBlock  => chFifo_hasBlock_array(GBT_NUM),
     FIFOre        => chFifo_re_array(GBT_NUM),
     FIFOempty     => open,
-    FIFOdvalid    => chFifo_dvalid_array(GBT_NUM),
+    FIFOdvalid    => chFifo_dvalid_array(GBT_NUM)
-    xoff_in 	=> croutfifo_full
+    --xoff_in 	=> croutfifo_full
diff --git a/sources/CRToHost/CRToHostPCIeManager.vhd b/sources/CRToHost/CRToHostPCIeManager.vhd
index a177ab87013b4cd2c0aa59275af0bc4d0b68d386..d6db54184653121cb4d78825f0b6ca702eecd435 100644
--- a/sources/CRToHost/CRToHostPCIeManager.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRToHost/CRToHostPCIeManager.vhd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use work.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -86,7 +86,17 @@ thch_rdy_array_full((GBT_NUM-1) downto 0) <= thch_rdy_array; -- GBT_NUM bit
 thch_rdy   <= thch_rdy_array_full(to_integer(unsigned(FMCHcount(5 downto 1))));
 thch_rdy_s <= thch_rdy and (not FMCHcount(0)) and (not rst_state) and PCIe_ena;
-thch_rdy_pulse: entity work.pulse_pdxx_pwxx generic map(pd=>0,pw=>1) port map(clk, thch_rdy_s, thch_rdy_1clk);
+thch_rdy_pulse: entity work.pulse_pdxx_pwxx 
+generic map(
+    pd=>0,
+    pw=>1
+port map(
+    clk => clk,
+    trigger => thch_rdy_s,
+    pulseout => thch_rdy_1clk
 g_256: if DATA_WIDTH = 256 generate
 block_done <= '1' when (BLOCKcount = NUMBER_OF_256_PER_BLOCK) else '0'; -- 1KByte = 256 x 32
diff --git a/sources/CRToHost/CRToHostdm.vhd b/sources/CRToHost/CRToHostdm.vhd
index 0448e1531671fad05526b085f360c35ef4ae4a66..5c033b3cde294024d1be1232c512b15f86b7ec37 100644
--- a/sources/CRToHost/CRToHostdm.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRToHost/CRToHostdm.vhd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 library IEEE;
 use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use work.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -166,46 +166,52 @@ begin
     chFIFO : xpm_fifo_async
       generic map (
-        FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE     => "auto",   --string; "auto", "block", or "distributed";
-        ECC_MODE             => "no_ecc",  --string; "no_ecc" or "en_ecc";             
-        RELATED_CLOCKS       => 0,         --positive integer; 0 or 1                  
-        FIFO_WRITE_DEPTH     => FIFO_DEPTH,      --positive integer                          
-        WRITE_DATA_WIDTH     => 32,        --positive integer                          
-        WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH  => FIFO_COUNT_WIDTH,        --positive integer                          
-        PROG_FULL_THRESH     => FIFO_DEPTH-4,        --positive integer                          
-        FULL_RESET_VALUE     => 1,         --positive integer; 0 or 1;                 
-        READ_MODE            => "std",     --string; "std" or "fwft";                  
-        FIFO_READ_LATENCY    => 1,         --positive integer;                         
-        READ_DATA_WIDTH      => DATA_WIDTH,        --positive integer                          
-        RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH  => 1,        --positive integer                          
-        PROG_EMPTY_THRESH    => (BLOCKSIZE/(DATA_WIDTH/8))-1,        --!TODO: This doesn't work for 4k blocks, use rd_data_count instead                        
-        DOUT_RESET_VALUE     => "0",       --string                                    
-        CDC_SYNC_STAGES      => 2,         --positive integer                          
-        WAKEUP_TIME          => 0          --positive integer; 0 or 2;                 
+        FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE => "auto", --string; "auto", "block", or "distributed";
+        FIFO_WRITE_DEPTH => FIFO_DEPTH, --positive integer
+        RELATED_CLOCKS => 0, --positive integer; 0 or 1
+        WRITE_DATA_WIDTH => 32, --positive integer
+        READ_MODE => "std", --string; "std" or "fwft";
+        FIFO_READ_LATENCY => 1, --positive integer;
+        FULL_RESET_VALUE => 1, --positive integer; 0 or 1;
+        USE_ADV_FEATURES => "0707",
+        READ_DATA_WIDTH => DATA_WIDTH, --positive integer
+        CDC_SYNC_STAGES => 2, --positive integer
+        WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH => FIFO_COUNT_WIDTH, --positive integer
+        PROG_FULL_THRESH => FIFO_DEPTH-4, --positive integer
+        RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH => 1, --positive integer
+        PROG_EMPTY_THRESH => (BLOCKSIZE/(DATA_WIDTH/8))-1,        --!TODO: This doesn't work for 4k blocks, use rd_data_count instead                        
+        DOUT_RESET_VALUE => "0", --string
+        ECC_MODE => "no_ecc", --string; "no_ecc" or "en_ecc";
+        SIM_ASSERT_CHK => 0,
+        WAKEUP_TIME => 0 --positive integer; 0 or 2;
       port map (
-        sleep         => '0',           
-        rst           => fmchFifo_flush,           
-        wr_clk        => aclk,        
-        wr_en         => chFIFO_din32_valid_s,         
-        din           => chFIFO_din32_s,           
-        full          => open,          
-        overflow      => open,      
-        wr_rst_busy   => open,   
-        rd_clk        => clk250,        
-        rd_en         => fmchFifo_re,         
-        dout          => chFIFO_dout_s,          
-        empty         => empty,         
-        underflow     => open,     
-        rd_rst_busy   => open,   
-        prog_full     => chFIFO_pfull,     
-        wr_data_count => wr_data_count, 
-        prog_empty    => chFIFO_pempty,    
-        rd_data_count => open, 
-        injectsbiterr => '0',           
-        injectdbiterr => '0',           
-        sbiterr       => open,          
-        dbiterr       => open           
+        sleep => '0',
+        rst => fmchFifo_flush,
+        wr_clk => aclk,
+        wr_en => chFIFO_din32_valid_s,
+        din => chFIFO_din32_s,
+        full => open,
+        prog_full => chFIFO_pfull,
+        wr_data_count => wr_data_count,
+        overflow => open,
+        wr_rst_busy => open,
+        almost_full => open,
+        wr_ack => open,
+        rd_clk => clk250,
+        rd_en => fmchFifo_re,
+        dout => chFIFO_dout_s,
+        empty => empty,
+        prog_empty => chFIFO_pempty,
+        rd_data_count => open,
+        underflow => open,
+        rd_rst_busy => open,
+        almost_empty => open,
+        data_valid => open,
+        injectsbiterr => '0',
+        injectdbiterr => '0',
+        sbiterr => open,
+        dbiterr => open           
     valid_proc: process(clk250) 
diff --git a/sources/CRToHost/CRresetManager.vhd b/sources/CRToHost/CRresetManager.vhd
index d2db6ba0c4f35f8457936288ca9fc06ebd9f8af8..7eae11f705e339398faacfe680029293a1daa1ca 100644
--- a/sources/CRToHost/CRresetManager.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRToHost/CRresetManager.vhd
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 --! Project Name:   FELIX
 --! Use standard library
-library work, ieee;
+library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-use work.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 entity CRresetManager is
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ begin
             rstTimerCount <= rstTimerCount + 1;
         end if;
-	end if;
+    end if;
 end process;
 cr_rst_out: process(clk40,rst)
diff --git a/sources/CRToHost/MUXn.vhd b/sources/CRToHost/MUXn.vhd
index 2910063028a1e383a65d4d79409a98c98dee9a03..404661ed81e9bd4412febd989f2043305de78ef4 100644
--- a/sources/CRToHost/MUXn.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRToHost/MUXn.vhd
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 --! Use standard library
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
diff --git a/sources/CRToHost/ReMuxN.vhd b/sources/CRToHost/ReMuxN.vhd
index 187c773c40a7dffdb98aef07ad7f5a28faf0bb7b..b6cbf9922d3cb137b32b9625f7319dca02b52a23 100644
--- a/sources/CRToHost/ReMuxN.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRToHost/ReMuxN.vhd
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 --! Use standard library
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
 entity ReMuxN is
diff --git a/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd b/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd
index 588c004dabf8d0f2fb52a5ac7cc3d2a94ea2a716..7588458895257b3af61d30b0214ca28c653fc5e1 100644
--- a/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 --! Use standard library
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
 use work.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -176,11 +176,13 @@ end process;
 --This process counts a 40MHz timeout counter, but in the 240MHz (or 250MHz) domain.
 timeout_cnt: process(aclk, reset)
     variable cnt6 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+    variable timeOutEna_i_v : std_logic;
     if(reset = '1') then
         cnt6 := (others => '0');
         timeOutCnt <= (others => '0');
         timeout_pulse <= '0';
+        timeOutEna_i_v := '0';
     elsif rising_edge(aclk) then
         timeout_pulse <= '0';
         if (cnt6 < 5) then
@@ -191,9 +193,10 @@ begin
                 timeOutCnt <= timeOutCnt + 1;
                 timeOutCnt <= (others => '0');
-                timeout_pulse <= '1';
+                timeout_pulse <= timeOutEna_i_v;
             end if; 
         end if;
+        timeOutEna_i_v := timeOutEna_i;
     end if;
 end process;
@@ -228,7 +231,7 @@ toblock: process(aclk)
   variable chunkCounter : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);  --counts the length in the chunk, both for trailer generation and truncation
   variable create_trailer, create_zero_trailer, create_timeout_trailer : std_logic;
-  variable trunc , end_truncation: std_logic;
+  variable trunc: std_logic;
   variable trailerType : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
   variable first_subchunk, last_subchunk : std_logic_vector(STREAMS_TOHOST-1 downto 0);
   variable stream_select_v: integer range 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST;
diff --git a/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourDecoder.vhd b/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourDecoder.vhd
index 0fa92be6404d7f666aa3df18c60eb0320c68c935..05db3a805e00a97739024d5032ac715aef0369b4 100644
--- a/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourDecoder.vhd
+++ b/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourDecoder.vhd
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ library IEEE;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -45,23 +45,23 @@ architecture Behavioral of EndeavourDecoder is
 -------- the number of clock are half respect to the encoder for the lenght reduction done by the deglitcher
-    constant TICKS_QUIESCENT : integer := 100;
+    --constant TICKS_QUIESCENT : integer := 100;
     constant TICKS_DIT_MIN : integer := 6;     -- bit0 min
     constant TICKS_DIT_MAX : integer := 22;    -- bit0 max
-    constant TICKS_DIT_MID : integer := (TICKS_DIT_MIN + TICKS_DIT_MAX)/2; --bit0    
+    --constant TICKS_DIT_MID : integer := (TICKS_DIT_MIN + TICKS_DIT_MAX)/2; --bit0    
     constant TICKS_DAH_MIN : integer := 30;     --bit1 min
     constant TICKS_DAH_MAX : integer := 124;    --bit1 max
-    constant TICKS_DAH_MID : integer := (TICKS_DAH_MIN + TICKS_DAH_MAX)/2; --bit1       
-    constant TICKS_BITGAP_MIN : integer := 11;   -- intraword gap min
+    --constant TICKS_DAH_MID : integer := (TICKS_DAH_MIN + TICKS_DAH_MAX)/2; --bit1       
+    --constant TICKS_BITGAP_MIN : integer := 11;   -- intraword gap min
     constant TICKS_BITGAP_MAX : integer := 75;   -- intraword gap max
-    constant TICKS_BITGAP_MID : integer := (TICKS_BITGAP_MIN + TICKS_BITGAP_MAX)/2; --  intraword gap
+    --constant TICKS_BITGAP_MID : integer := (TICKS_BITGAP_MIN + TICKS_BITGAP_MAX)/2; --  intraword gap
     type fsm_rd_t is (idle, waitbit, readbit, waitgap, secondword); --, intertransactgap);
     signal fsm_rd : fsm_rd_t := idle;
-    type fsm_wr_t is (idle, waitfifo, writedata);
-    signal fsm_wr : fsm_wr_t := idle;
+    --type fsm_wr_t is (idle, waitfifo, writedata);
+    --signal fsm_wr : fsm_wr_t := idle;
     signal s_axis : axis_32_type;
     signal s_axis_tready : std_logic;
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ architecture Behavioral of EndeavourDecoder is
     signal reg_dataout   : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-    signal datavalid, readrq, fifofull, fifoempty, fifoafull: std_logic;
+    --signal datavalid, readrq, fifofull, fifoempty, fifoafull: std_logic;
-    signal datatofifo   : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-    signal fifodataout   : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+    --signal datatofifo   : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+    --signal fifodataout   : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := (others => '0');
diff --git a/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourDeglitcher.vhd b/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourDeglitcher.vhd
index 21ce157b3d82d1af2076c0f0a198ac11a43d8877..7fb875970a9413d2f6b7b3cefbf8e76d77088121 100644
--- a/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourDeglitcher.vhd
+++ b/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourDeglitcher.vhd
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
-library work, IEEE;
+library IEEE;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ end EndeavourDeglitcher;
 architecture Behavioral of EndeavourDeglitcher is
-constant BIGGAP : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"30";
+--constant BIGGAP : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"30";
 signal datain_state         : std_logic := '0';
 signal onecount             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-deglitch : process(clk40, aresetn)
+deglitch : process(clk40)
 ----- the process filters the gliches on the 2 bit line and it transfors the signal from 2 bit to 1 bit mantaing the same clock frequensy and so reducing to half the length signal 
 ----- (indeed in the decoder all the clock lenght are half of the one in the encoder). A counter increas when on the line there is a 11 and decrease with a 00; 01 and 10 are considered neutral
 ----- 2 thresholds of 7 and 1 are considered to transmit respectively a 1 and a 0 
diff --git a/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourEncoder.vhd b/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourEncoder.vhd
index 3f6cb814323a092b3f60a0cca32a5c871d25b13f..fb077654e920d68be0f94bd6131bb9d2664aebb3 100644
--- a/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourEncoder.vhd
+++ b/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourEncoder.vhd
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ library IEEE;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;
-use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -57,12 +57,11 @@ architecture Behavioral of EndeavourEncoder is
 type fsm_wr_t is (biggap, idle, waitword, startsend, sendbit_zero, sendbit_one, smallgap); --, intertransactgap);
 signal fsm_wr : fsm_wr_t := biggap;
-type fsm_rd_t is (idle, readdata);
-signal fsm_rd : fsm_rd_t := idle;
-signal m_axis, m_axisbis, s_axis_in, m_axis_out : axis_8_type;
-signal m_axis_tready, write_enable, readrq, fifofull, fifoempty, fifoafull, error_sig, error2_sig, serialout, s_axisbis_tready : std_logic;
-signal datain, dataout, nmaxwords, nwordsent: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+--type fsm_rd_t is (idle, readdata);
+--signal fsm_rd : fsm_rd_t := idle;
+signal m_axis, s_axis_in, m_axis_out : axis_8_type;
+signal m_axis_tready, error_sig, error2_sig, serialout : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal error_sig is never read" -- @suppress "signal error2_sig is never read"
+signal nwordsent, nmaxwords : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ fifoaxi8: entity work.Axis8Fifo
  endev_encod_proc: process (clk40)
     variable ntranfbit  : integer range -1 to 15 := 8;
-    variable writebit : std_logic;
+    --variable writebit : std_logic;
     variable counter  : integer range 0 to 1023 := 0;
     if rising_edge(clk40) then
diff --git a/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourInterface.vhd b/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourInterface.vhd
index 11f517b5a423c94e859a1e283ebd368aa3641a80..97b1919dc25779321c7c08ac31223c151d62fa84 100644
--- a/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourInterface.vhd
+++ b/sources/Endeavour/EndeavourInterface.vhd
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+--use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.FELIX_gbt_package.all;
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ begin
         aresetn => aresetn,
         s_axis => s_axis, --s_axis(i,0),
         s_axis_tready => s_axis_tready, --s_axis_tready(i,0),
-        amac_signal => toAMACsignal
+        amac_signal => toAMACsignal,
+        almost_full => open
 end Behavioral;
diff --git a/sources/FanoutSelectors/axis_32_fanout_selector.vhd b/sources/FanoutSelectors/axis_32_fanout_selector.vhd
index e810f3da0ea426bd5bfbe36c31c5c81ddeb04198..5838dd9d1a3befd6c4e5f7e2e3ecea11b0e42390 100644
--- a/sources/FanoutSelectors/axis_32_fanout_selector.vhd
+++ b/sources/FanoutSelectors/axis_32_fanout_selector.vhd
@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
-library ieee, UNISIM, work;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
@@ -16,7 +15,6 @@ entity axis_32_fanout_selector is
     STREAMS_TOHOST          : integer := 1);
   port (
     aclk                       : in std_logic;
-    aresetn                    : in std_logic;
     emu_axis                   : in axis_32_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
     emu_axis_tready            : out axis_tready_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
     emu_axis_prog_empty        : in axis_tready_2d_array_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1, 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
@@ -73,7 +71,7 @@ begin
     end if;
   end process;
-  tvalid_fanout: process(fanout_sel_axis_tready, fanout_sel_axis_s, fosel_aclk)
+  tvalid_fanout: process(fanout_sel_axis_s)
     for i in 0 to GBT_NUM-1 loop
       for j in 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1 loop
diff --git a/sources/FelixTop/felix_top.vhd b/sources/FelixTop/felix_top.vhd
index ec3859b4113c79c839588a048af61d532e2bb763..fddcfe481834b09cf2439ce4e6cc99f3f671567f 100644
--- a/sources/FelixTop/felix_top.vhd
+++ b/sources/FelixTop/felix_top.vhd
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ architecture structure of felix_top is
     signal BUSY_REQUESTs                       : busyOut_array_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
     signal TTC_ToHost_Data                     : TTC_ToHost_data_type;
-    signal cdrlocked_out                       : std_logic;
+    --signal cdrlocked_out                       : std_logic;
     signal lnk_up                              : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
     signal dma_busy_arr : std_logic_vector(ENDPOINTS-1 downto 0);
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ begin
             MMCM_OscSelect_out   => MMCM_OscSelect_out,
             app_clk_in_n         => app_clk_in_n,
             app_clk_in_p         => app_clk_in_p,
-            cdrlocked_in         => cdrlocked_out,
+            --cdrlocked_in         => cdrlocked_out,
             clk10_xtal           => clk10_xtal,--open,
             clk160               => clk160,
             clk240               => clk240,
@@ -435,7 +435,6 @@ begin
-                SVN_VERSION => 0,
                 CARD_TYPE => CARD_TYPE,
                 GIT_HASH => GIT_HASH,
@@ -759,7 +758,6 @@ begin
                 port map(
                     aclk                       => decoding_aclk,
-                    aresetn                    => aresetn,
                     emu_axis                   => emu_axis,
                     emu_axis_tready            => emu_axis_tready,
                     emu_axis_prog_empty        => emu_axis_prog_empty,
@@ -806,7 +804,7 @@ begin
             IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b => IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b,
             IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b => IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b,
             IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b => IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b,
-            IncludeDecodingEpath32_8b10b => IncludeDecodingEpath32_8b10b,
+            --IncludeDecodingEpath32_8b10b => IncludeDecodingEpath32_8b10b,
             IncludeEncodingEpath2_HDLC      => IncludeEncodingEpath2_HDLC, 
             IncludeEncodingEpath2_8b10b     => IncludeEncodingEpath2_8b10b, 
             IncludeEncodingEpath4_8b10b     => IncludeEncodingEpath4_8b10b,
@@ -844,7 +842,7 @@ begin
             clk40      => clk40, --MT added
             leds => leds,
             opto_inhibit => opto_inhibit,
-            opto_los => OPTO_LOS,
+            --opto_los => OPTO_LOS,
             register_map_control => global_register_map_control_appreg_clk,
             register_map_gen_board_info => register_map_gen_board_info,
             register_map_hk_monitor => register_map_hk_monitor,
@@ -880,7 +878,7 @@ begin
             DATA_TTC_N               => DATA_TTC_N,
             LOL_ADN => LOL_ADN,
             LOS_ADN => LOS_ADN,
-            RESET_N                  => sys_reset_n,
+            --RESET_N                  => sys_reset_n,
             register_map_control => global_register_map_40_control,
             register_map_ttc_monitor => register_map_ttc_monitor,
             TTC_out => TTC_path,
@@ -888,7 +886,7 @@ begin
             clk_ttc_40               => clk_ttc_40_s,
             clk40                    => clk40,
             BUSY                     => open,
-            cdrlocked_out            => cdrlocked_out,
+            cdrlocked_out            => open,
             TTC_ToHost_Data_out      => TTC_ToHost_Data,
             TTC_BUSY_mon_array => ttc_TTC_BUSY_mon_array,
             BUSY_IN => BUSY_OUT_s);
diff --git a/sources/FullModeDataEmulator/FullModeDataEmulator.vhd b/sources/FullModeDataEmulator/FullModeDataEmulator.vhd
index 2c32e06845a7f2166495af3ea704b236797c2937..c08796f21fc419bc914e9faa1f68c05903276f98 100644
--- a/sources/FullModeDataEmulator/FullModeDataEmulator.vhd
+++ b/sources/FullModeDataEmulator/FullModeDataEmulator.vhd
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 --! Project Name:   FELIX
 --! Use standard library
-library work, IEEE;
+library IEEE;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ begin
 -- reset state
-rst_sync: process(clk240,aresetn)
+rst_sync: process(clk240)
     if rising_edge (clk240) then
         reset_state <= aresetn;
diff --git a/sources/FullModeWrapper/FELIX_FM_gbt_wrapper.vhd b/sources/FullModeWrapper/FELIX_FM_gbt_wrapper.vhd
index ddf978b9cddd3e1326842a4bc241006dda5316cd..95bb82deb85329111ea1d4203029f48a2755e083 100644
--- a/sources/FullModeWrapper/FELIX_FM_gbt_wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/FullModeWrapper/FELIX_FM_gbt_wrapper.vhd
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
 -- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ architecture Behavioral of FELIX_FM_gbt_wrapper is
     type data20barray is array (0 to GBT_NUM-1) of std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
     signal TX_DATA_20b  : data20barray := (others => ("00000000000000000000"));
-    signal SOFT_TXRST_GT       :std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-    signal SOFT_RXRST_GT       :std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+    --signal SOFT_TXRST_GT       :std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+    --signal SOFT_RXRST_GT       :std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
     signal SOFT_TXRST_ALL      :std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
     signal SOFT_RXRST_ALL      :std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
-    signal TX_OPT              :std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+    --signal TX_OPT              :std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
     signal DATA_TXFORMAT       :std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
     signal DATA_TXFORMAT_i     :std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
     signal General_ctrl        : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
@@ -173,7 +173,11 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
     g_712a: if CARD_TYPE /= 709 and CARD_TYPE /= 710 generate
         g_RXUSRCLK_BUFG: for i in 0 to GBT_NUM-1 generate
-            buf0: BUFG_GT port map(
+            buf0: BUFG_GT     generic map(
+                    SIM_DEVICE => "ULTRASCALE",
+                    STARTUP_SYNC => "FALSE"
+                )
+            port map(
                     O => GT_RXUSRCLK(i),
                     CE => '1',
                     CEMASK => '0',
@@ -193,6 +197,11 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
     REFCLK_CXP2 <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
     g_709b: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
         ibufds_instq2_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE2
+                generic map(
+                    CLKCM_CFG => true,
+                    CLKRCV_TRST => true,
+                    CLKSWING_CFG => "11"
+                )
             port map   (
                 O               => 	CXP1_GTH_RefClk,
                 ODIV2           =>  open,
@@ -202,6 +211,11 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
         ibufds_instq8_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE2
+                generic map(
+                    CLKCM_CFG => true,
+                    CLKRCV_TRST => true,
+                    CLKSWING_CFG => "11"
+                )
             port map    (
                 O               => 	CXP2_GTH_RefClk,
                 ODIV2           =>  open,
@@ -408,8 +422,8 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
     cpll_reset(23 downto 0)         <= register_map_control.GBT_PLL_RESET.CPLL_RESET(23 downto 0);
     qpll_reset(5 downto 0)          <= register_map_control.GBT_PLL_RESET.QPLL_RESET(53 downto 48) or rst_hw_23(5 downto 0);
-    SOFT_TXRST_GT(23 downto 0)      <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET.RESET_GT(23 downto 0);
-    SOFT_RXRST_GT(23 downto 0)      <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET.RESET_GT(23 downto 0);
+    --SOFT_TXRST_GT(23 downto 0)      <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET.RESET_GT(23 downto 0);
+    --SOFT_RXRST_GT(23 downto 0)      <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET.RESET_GT(23 downto 0);
     SOFT_TXRST_ALL(5 downto 0)      <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET.RESET_ALL(53 downto 48) or rst_hw_23(5 downto 0);
     SOFT_RXRST_ALL(5 downto 0)      <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET.RESET_ALL(53 downto 48) or rst_hw_23(5 downto 0) or RXRESET_AUTO;
@@ -418,7 +432,7 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
     TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(47 downto 0)    <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE1;
     TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(95 downto 48)   <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE2;
-    TX_OPT(47 downto 0)             <= x"000000555555"; -- Register was removed in RM 4.0 register_map_control.GBT_TX_OPT;
+    --TX_OPT(47 downto 0)             <= x"000000555555"; -- Register was removed in RM 4.0 register_map_control.GBT_TX_OPT;
     DATA_TXFORMAT(47 downto 0)      <= register_map_control.GBT_DATA_TXFORMAT1(47 downto 0);
     --DATA_RXFORMAT(47 downto 0)      <= register_map_control.GBT_DATA_RXFORMAT1(47 downto 0);
@@ -606,8 +620,8 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
                 TX_RESET_I => TX_RESET_i(i),
                 TX_FRAMECLK_I => TX_FRAME_CLK_I,
                 TX_WORDCLK_I => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i),
-                Tx_latopt_scr => TX_OPT(24+i),
-                TX_LATOPT_TC => TX_OPT(i),
+                --Tx_latopt_scr => TX_OPT(24+i),
+                --TX_LATOPT_TC => TX_OPT(i),
                 TX_TC_METHOD => TX_TC_METHOD(i),
                 TC_EDGE => TC_EDGE(i),
                 DATA_MODE_CFG => DATA_TXFORMAT_i(2*i+1 downto 2*i),
@@ -635,6 +649,10 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
         g_712c: if CARD_TYPE /= 709 and CARD_TYPE /= 710 generate
+                    generic map(
+                        SIM_DEVICE => "ULTRASCALE",
+                        STARTUP_SYNC => "FALSE"
+                    )
                 port map (
                     O       => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
                     CE      => '1',           -- 1-bit input: Buffer enable
@@ -658,9 +676,9 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
     -- GTH RX using QPLL
     GTH_inst: for i in (GBT_NUM-1)/4 downto 0 generate
-        signal SOFT_RESET_IN_g, SOFT_TXRST_ALL_g, SOFT_RXRST_ALL_g: std_logic;
+        signal SOFT_TXRST_ALL_g, SOFT_RXRST_ALL_g: std_logic;
-        SOFT_RESET_IN_g              <= soft_reset(i) or rst_hw;
+        --SOFT_RESET_IN_g              <= soft_reset(i) or rst_hw;
         SOFT_TXRST_ALL_g             <= SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i) or rst_hw;
         SOFT_RXRST_ALL_g             <= SOFT_RXRST_ALL(i) or rst_hw;
@@ -676,89 +694,70 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
             GTH_FM_TOP_INST: entity work.gth_fullmode_wrapper_v7
                 Port map  (
                     ---------- Clocks
-                    DRP_CLK_IN                 => DRP_CLK_IN,
-                    GTH_RefClk                 => GTH_RefClk(4*i),
-                    gt3_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
-                    gt2_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
-                    gt1_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
-                    gt0_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i),
-                    gt3_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
-                    gt2_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
-                    gt1_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
-                    gt0_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i),
-                    gt3_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+3),
-                    gt2_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+2),
-                    gt1_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+1),
-                    gt0_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i),
-                    gt3_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
-                    gt2_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
-                    gt1_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
-                    gt0_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
-                    gt_txresetdone_out           => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxresetdone_out           => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_txfsmresetdone_out        => txfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxfsmresetdone_out        => rxfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_cpllfbclklost_out         => cpllfbclklost(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_cplllock_out              => cplllock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_cpllreset_in              => cpll_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxcdrlock_out             => rxcdrlock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt0_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+3 downto 16*i),
-                    gt0_rxnotintable_out          => open,  --RxNotIntable(16*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt1_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+7 downto 16*i+4),
-                    gt1_rxnotintable_out          => open,  --RxNotIntable(16*i+7 downto 4*i+4),
-                    gt2_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+11 downto 16*i+8),
-                    gt2_rxnotintable_out          => open,  --RxNotIntable(16*i+11 downto 4*i+8),
-                    gt3_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+15 downto 16*i+12),
-                    gt3_rxnotintable_out          => open,  --RxNotIntable(16*i+15 downto 4*i+12),
-                    gt_rxbyteisaligned_out       => RXByteisAligned(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_qplllock_out              => qplllock(i),
+                    GTH_RefClk             => GTH_RefClk(4*i),
+                    DRP_CLK_IN             => DRP_CLK_IN,
+                    gt0_rxusrclk_in        => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i),
+                    gt0_rxoutclk_out       => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i),
+                    gt1_rxusrclk_in        => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+1),
+                    gt1_rxoutclk_out       => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
+                    gt2_rxusrclk_in        => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+2),
+                    gt2_rxoutclk_out       => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
+                    gt3_rxusrclk_in        => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+3),
+                    gt3_rxoutclk_out       => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
+                    gt0_txusrclk_in        => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt0_txoutclk_out       => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i),
+                    --gt1_txusrclk_in        => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt1_txoutclk_out       => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
+                    --gt2_txusrclk_in        => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt2_txoutclk_out       => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
+                    --gt3_txusrclk_in        => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt3_txoutclk_out       => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
+                    gt_txresetdone_out     => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxresetdone_out     => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_txfsmresetdone_out  => txfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxfsmresetdone_out  => rxfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_cpllfbclklost_out   => cpllfbclklost(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_cplllock_out        => cplllock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxcdrlock_out       => rxcdrlock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_qplllock_out        => qplllock(i),
+                    gt0_rxdisperr_out      => RxDisperr(16*i+3 downto 16*i),
+                    gt0_rxnotintable_out   => open, --RxNotIntable(16*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt1_rxdisperr_out      => RxDisperr(16*i+7 downto 16*i+4),
+                    gt1_rxnotintable_out   => open, --RxNotIntable(16*i+7 downto 4*i+4),
+                    gt2_rxdisperr_out      => RxDisperr(16*i+11 downto 16*i+8),
+                    gt2_rxnotintable_out   => open, --RxNotIntable(16*i+11 downto 4*i+8),
+                    gt3_rxdisperr_out      => RxDisperr(16*i+15 downto 16*i+12),
+                    gt3_rxnotintable_out   => open, --RxNotIntable(16*i+15 downto 4*i+12),
+                    gt_rxbyteisaligned_out => RXByteisAligned(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_cpllreset_in        => cpll_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
                     ---- CTRL signals
-                    gt_txuserrdy_in            => txusrrdy(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxuserrdy_in            => rxusrrdy(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    ----------------------------------------------------------------
-                    ----------RESET SIGNALs
-                    ----------------------------------------------------------------
-                    SOFT_RESET_IN              => SOFT_RESET_IN_g,
-                    GTTX_RESET_IN              => gttx_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i),-- or rst_hw,
-                    GTRX_RESET_IN              => gtrx_reset_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    CPLL_RESET_IN              => cpll_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    QPLL_RESET_IN              => qpll_reset(i),
-                    SOFT_TXRST_GT              => SOFT_TXRST_GT(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    SOFT_RXRST_GT              => SOFT_RXRST_GT(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    SOFT_TXRST_ALL             => SOFT_TXRST_ALL_g,
-                    SOFT_RXRST_ALL             => SOFT_RXRST_ALL_g,
+                    gt_txuserrdy_in        => txusrrdy(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxuserrdy_in        => rxusrrdy(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    --SOFT_RESET_IN          => SOFT_RESET_IN_g,
+                    GTTX_RESET_IN          => gttx_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i), -- or rst_hw,
+                    GTRX_RESET_IN          => gtrx_reset_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    --CPLL_RESET_IN          => cpll_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    QPLL_RESET_IN          => qpll_reset(i),
+                    --SOFT_TXRST_GT          => SOFT_TXRST_GT(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    --SOFT_RXRST_GT          => SOFT_RXRST_GT(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    SOFT_TXRST_ALL         => SOFT_TXRST_ALL_g,
+                    SOFT_RXRST_ALL         => SOFT_RXRST_ALL_g,
                     ---------- DATA
-                    RX_DATA_gt0_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i),
-                    TX_DATA_gt0_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i),
-                    RX_DATA_gt1_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+1),
-                    TX_DATA_gt1_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+1),
-                    RX_DATA_gt2_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+2),
-                    TX_DATA_gt2_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+2),
-                    RX_DATA_gt3_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+3),
-                    TX_DATA_gt3_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+3),
+                    RX_DATA_gt0_33b        => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i),
+                    TX_DATA_gt0_20b        => TX_DATA_20b(4*i),
+                    RX_DATA_gt1_33b        => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+1),
+                    TX_DATA_gt1_20b        => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+1),
+                    RX_DATA_gt2_33b        => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+2),
+                    TX_DATA_gt2_20b        => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+2),
+                    RX_DATA_gt3_33b        => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+3),
+                    TX_DATA_gt3_20b        => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+3),
                     --------- GTH Data pins
-                    TXP_OUT                    => TX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    TXN_OUT                    => TX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    RXP_IN                     => RX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    RXN_IN                     => RX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
+                    RXN_IN                 => RX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    RXP_IN                 => RX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    TXN_OUT                => TX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    TXP_OUT                => TX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
         end generate;
@@ -767,78 +766,72 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
             GTH_FM_TOP_INST: entity work.gth_fullmode_wrapper_ku
                 Port map  (
                     ---------- Clocks
-                    DRP_CLK_IN                 => DRP_CLK_IN,
-                    GTH_RefClk                 => GTH_RefClk(4*i),
-                    gt3_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
-                    gt2_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
-                    gt1_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
-                    gt0_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i),
-                    gt3_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
-                    gt2_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
-                    gt1_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
-                    gt0_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i),
-                    gt3_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+3),
-                    gt2_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+2),
-                    gt1_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+1),
-                    gt0_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i),
-                    gt3_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
-                    gt2_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
-                    gt1_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
-                    gt0_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    GTH_RefClk => GTH_RefClk(4*i),
+                    DRP_CLK_IN => DRP_CLK_IN,
+                    gt0_rxusrclk_in => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i),
+                    gt1_rxusrclk_in => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+1),
+                    gt2_rxusrclk_in => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+2),
+                    gt3_rxusrclk_in => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+3),
+                    gt0_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i),
+                    gt1_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
+                    gt2_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
+                    gt3_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
+                    gt0_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt1_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt2_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt3_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt0_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i),
+                    gt1_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
+                    gt2_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
+                    gt3_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
                     ---- Control signals
-                    reset_all_in                 => soft_reset(i),
-                    cpllreset_in                 => cpll_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i),--QPLL_RESET(i),
-                    reset_tx_datapath_in         => SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i),
+                    reset_all_in => soft_reset(i),
+                    cpllreset_in => cpll_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    rxcommadeten_in => rxcommadeten_in(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i), --QPLL_RESET(i),
+                    reset_tx_datapath_in => SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i),
                     reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => qpll_reset(i),
-                    reset_rx_datapath_in         => SOFT_RXRST_ALL(i),
-                    rxcommadeten_in              => rxcommadeten_in(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    reset_rx_datapath_in => SOFT_RXRST_ALL(i),
                     ---- STATUS signals
-                    gt_qplllock_out              => qplllock(i),
-                    gt_cpllfbclklost_out         => cpllfbclklost(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_cplllock_out              => cplllock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_txresetdone_out           => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxresetdone_out           => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxcdrlock_out             => rxcdrlock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxbyteisaligned_out       => RXByteisAligned(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_txfsmresetdone_out        => txfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxfsmresetdone_out        => rxfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt0_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+3 downto 16*i),
-                    gt1_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+7 downto 16*i+4),
-                    gt2_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+11 downto 16*i+8),
-                    gt3_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+15 downto 16*i+12),
+                    gt_qplllock_out => qplllock(i),
+                    gt_cplllock_out => cplllock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_cpllfbclklost_out => cpllfbclklost(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_txresetdone_out => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_txfsmresetdone_out => txfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxfsmresetdone_out => rxfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxcdrlock_out => rxcdrlock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxbyteisaligned_out => RXByteisAligned(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt0_rxdisperr_out => RxDisperr(16*i+3 downto 16*i),
+                    gt1_rxdisperr_out => RxDisperr(16*i+7 downto 16*i+4),
+                    gt2_rxdisperr_out => RxDisperr(16*i+11 downto 16*i+8),
+                    gt3_rxdisperr_out => RxDisperr(16*i+15 downto 16*i+12),
                     ---------- DATA
-                    RX_DATA_gt0_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i),
-                    TX_DATA_gt0_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i),
-                    RX_DATA_gt1_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+1),
-                    TX_DATA_gt1_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+1),
-                    RX_DATA_gt2_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+2),
-                    TX_DATA_gt2_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+2),
-                    RX_DATA_gt3_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+3),
-                    TX_DATA_gt3_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+3),
+                    RX_DATA_gt0_33b => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i),
+                    TX_DATA_gt0_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i),
+                    RX_DATA_gt1_33b => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+1),
+                    TX_DATA_gt1_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+1),
+                    RX_DATA_gt2_33b => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+2),
+                    TX_DATA_gt2_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+2),
+                    RX_DATA_gt3_33b => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+3),
+                    TX_DATA_gt3_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+3),
                     --------- GTH Data pins
-                    TXP_OUT                    => TX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    TXN_OUT                    => TX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    RXP_IN                     => RX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    RXN_IN                     => RX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
+                    RXN_IN => RX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    RXP_IN => RX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    TXN_OUT => TX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    TXP_OUT => TX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
         end generate;
@@ -847,78 +840,64 @@ g_709a: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
             GTH_FM_TOP_INST: entity work.gth_fullmode_wrapper_vup
                 Port map  (
                     ---------- Clocks
-                    DRP_CLK_IN                 => DRP_CLK_IN,
-                    GTH_RefClk                 => GTH_RefClk(4*i),
-                    gt3_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
-                    gt2_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
-                    gt1_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
-                    gt0_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i),
-                    gt3_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
-                    gt2_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
-                    gt1_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
-                    gt0_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i),
-                    gt3_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+3),
-                    gt2_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+2),
-                    gt1_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+1),
-                    gt0_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i),
-                    gt3_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
-                    gt2_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
-                    gt1_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
-                    gt0_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    GTH_RefClk => GTH_RefClk(4*i),
+                    DRP_CLK_IN => DRP_CLK_IN,
+                    gt0_rxusrclk_in => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i),
+                    gt1_rxusrclk_in => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+1),
+                    gt2_rxusrclk_in => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+2),
+                    gt3_rxusrclk_in => GT_RXUSRCLK(4*i+3),
+                    gt0_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i),
+                    gt1_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
+                    gt2_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
+                    gt3_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
+                    gt0_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt1_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt2_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt3_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                    gt0_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i),
+                    gt1_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
+                    gt2_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
+                    gt3_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
                     ---- Control signals
-                    reset_all_in                 => soft_reset(i),
-                    cpllreset_in                 => cpll_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i),--QPLL_RESET(i),
-                    reset_tx_datapath_in         => SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i),
+                    reset_all_in => soft_reset(i),
+                    cpllreset_in => cpll_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    rxcommadeten_in => rxcommadeten_in(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i), --QPLL_RESET(i),
+                    reset_tx_datapath_in => SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i),
                     reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => qpll_reset(i),
-                    reset_rx_datapath_in         => SOFT_RXRST_ALL(i),
-                    rxcommadeten_in              => rxcommadeten_in(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    reset_rx_datapath_in => SOFT_RXRST_ALL(i),
                     ---- STATUS signals
-                    gt_qplllock_out              => qplllock(i),
-                    gt_cpllfbclklost_out         => cpllfbclklost(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_cplllock_out              => cplllock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_txresetdone_out           => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxresetdone_out           => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxcdrlock_out             => rxcdrlock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxbyteisaligned_out       => RXByteisAligned(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_txfsmresetdone_out        => txfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt_rxfsmresetdone_out        => rxfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    gt0_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+3 downto 16*i),
-                    gt1_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+7 downto 16*i+4),
-                    gt2_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+11 downto 16*i+8),
-                    gt3_rxdisperr_out             => RxDisperr(16*i+15 downto 16*i+12),
+                    gt_qplllock_out => qplllock(i),
+                    gt_cplllock_out => cplllock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_cpllfbclklost_out => cpllfbclklost(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_txresetdone_out => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_txfsmresetdone_out => txfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxfsmresetdone_out => rxfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxcdrlock_out => rxcdrlock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxbyteisaligned_out => RXByteisAligned(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt0_rxdisperr_out => RxDisperr(16*i+3 downto 16*i),
+                    gt1_rxdisperr_out => RxDisperr(16*i+7 downto 16*i+4),
+                    gt2_rxdisperr_out => RxDisperr(16*i+11 downto 16*i+8),
+                    gt3_rxdisperr_out => RxDisperr(16*i+15 downto 16*i+12),
                     ---------- DATA
-                    RX_DATA_gt0_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i),
-                    TX_DATA_gt0_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i),
-                    RX_DATA_gt1_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+1),
-                    TX_DATA_gt1_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+1),
-                    RX_DATA_gt2_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+2),
-                    TX_DATA_gt2_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+2),
-                    RX_DATA_gt3_33b            => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+3),
-                    TX_DATA_gt3_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+3),
+                    RX_DATA_gt0_33b => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i),
+                    TX_DATA_gt0_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i),
+                    RX_DATA_gt1_33b => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+1),
+                    TX_DATA_gt1_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+1),
+                    RX_DATA_gt2_33b => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+2),
+                    TX_DATA_gt2_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+2),
+                    RX_DATA_gt3_33b => RX_DATA_33b_s(4*i+3),
+                    TX_DATA_gt3_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+3),
                     --------- GTH Data pins
-                    TXP_OUT                    => TX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    TXN_OUT                    => TX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    RXP_IN                     => RX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-                    RXN_IN                     => RX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
+                    RXN_IN => RX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    RXP_IN => RX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    TXN_OUT => TX_N(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    TXP_OUT => TX_P(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
         end generate;
diff --git a/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_ku.vhd b/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_ku.vhd
index 36e929f0768eba667b600d07c6595bac500c08ec..70e2d57cddd58bbdf0aaffa17ed34441b7562390 100644
--- a/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_ku.vhd
+++ b/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_ku.vhd
@@ -182,171 +182,118 @@ architecture RTL of gth_fullmode_wrapper_ku is
     attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO of RTL : architecture is "gtwizard_qpll_4p8g_4ch,gtwizard_v3_4,{protocol_file=Start_from_scratch}";
 component gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku
-port (
-  gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in           : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in           : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in         : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out        : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in           : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_reset_all_in                   : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in   : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in           : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in   : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in           : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out        : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out              : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out              : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_userdata_tx_in                 : in std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
-  gtwiz_userdata_rx_out                : out std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
-  gtrefclk01_in                        : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  qpll1lock_out                        : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  qpll1outclk_out                      : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  qpll1outrefclk_out                   : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  cplllockdetclk_in                    : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  cpllreset_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  drpclk_in                            : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  gthrxn_in                            : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  gthrxp_in                            : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  gtrefclk0_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rx8b10ben_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxcommadeten_in                      : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxmcommaalignen_in                   : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxpcommaalignen_in                   : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxusrclk_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxusrclk2_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  txusrclk_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  txusrclk2_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  cpllfbclklost_out                    : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  cplllock_out                         : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  gthtxn_out                           : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  gthtxp_out                           : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxbyteisaligned_out                  : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxbyterealign_out                    : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxcdrlock_out                        : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxcommadet_out                       : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxctrl0_out                          : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  rxctrl1_out                          : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  rxctrl2_out                          : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-  rxctrl3_out                          : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-  rxoutclk_out                         : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxpmaresetdone_out                   : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  rxresetdone_out                      : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  txoutclk_out                         : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  txpmaresetdone_out                   : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  txresetdone_out                      : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
-end component;
-component vio_gbt_chk IS
-clk : IN STD_LOGIC;
-probe_in0 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in2 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in3 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in4 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in5 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in6 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in7 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in8 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in9 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in10 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in11 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in12 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in13 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in14 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in15 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in16 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in17 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in18 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in19 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in20 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in21 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in22 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out0 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out1 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out2 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out3 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out4 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out5 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out6 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out7 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0)
-END component;
-component ila_gbt_chk IS
-clk : IN STD_LOGIC;
-END component;
-signal GT0_QPLLLOCK_I: std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt1_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt2_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt3_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt1_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt2_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt3_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_qplloutclk_i:std_logic;
+    port(
+        gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in  : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_all_in                 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_userdata_tx_in               : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(79 downto 0);
+        gtwiz_userdata_rx_out              : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0);
+        gtrefclk01_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        qpll1lock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        qpll1outclk_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        qpll1outrefclk_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        cplllockdetclk_in                  : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        cpllreset_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        drpclk_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gthrxn_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gthrxp_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gtrefclk0_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rx8b10ben_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxcommadeten_in                    : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxmcommaalignen_in                 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxpcommaalignen_in                 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxusrclk_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxusrclk2_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txusrclk_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txusrclk2_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        cpllfbclklost_out                  : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        cplllock_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gthtxn_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gthtxp_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gtpowergood_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxbyteisaligned_out                : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxbyterealign_out                  : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxcdrlock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxcommadet_out                     : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxctrl0_out                        : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
+        rxctrl1_out                        : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
+        rxctrl2_out                        : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
+        rxctrl3_out                        : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
+        rxoutclk_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxpmaresetdone_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxresetdone_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txoutclk_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txpmaresetdone_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txresetdone_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)
+    );
+end component gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku;
+--signal GT0_QPLLLOCK_I: std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt1_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt2_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt3_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt1_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt2_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt3_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_qplloutclk_i:std_logic;
 signal  tied_to_ground_i                : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal  tied_to_ground_vec_i            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-signal  tied_to_vcc_i                   : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal  tied_to_vcc_vec_i               : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+--signal  tied_to_ground_vec_i            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+--signal  tied_to_vcc_i                   : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal  tied_to_vcc_vec_i               : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 signal  tied_to_vcc_vec                 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt0_drpaddr_in, gt1_drpaddr_in, gt2_drpaddr_in, gt3_drpaddr_in :  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";
-signal gt0_drpdi_in, gt1_drpdi_in, gt2_drpdi_in, gt3_drpdi_in :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";
-signal gt0_drpdo_out, gt1_drpdo_out, gt2_drpdo_out, gt3_drpdo_out :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal gt0_drpen_in, gt1_drpen_in,gt2_drpen_in,gt3_drpen_in:std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_drprdy_out, gt1_drprdy_out,gt2_drprdy_out,gt3_drprdy_out:std_logic;
-signal gt0_drpwe_in, gt1_drpwe_in,gt2_drpwe_in,gt3_drpwe_in:std_logic:='0';
-signal SOFT_RESET_RX_IN_VIO           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal gt0_rxdata_out, gt0_rxdata_chk : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt1_rxdata_out,gt1_rxdata_out_r, gt1_rxdata_chk,gt1_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt2_rxdata_out,gt2_rxdata_out_r, gt2_rxdata_chk,gt2_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt3_rxdata_out, gt3_rxdata_chk,gt3_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt0_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt1_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt2_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt3_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt0_drpaddr_in, gt1_drpaddr_in, gt2_drpaddr_in, gt3_drpaddr_in :  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";
+--signal gt0_drpdi_in, gt1_drpdi_in, gt2_drpdi_in, gt3_drpdi_in :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";
+--signal gt0_drpdo_out, gt1_drpdo_out, gt2_drpdo_out, gt3_drpdo_out :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+--signal gt0_drpen_in, gt1_drpen_in,gt2_drpen_in,gt3_drpen_in:std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_drprdy_out, gt1_drprdy_out,gt2_drprdy_out,gt3_drprdy_out:std_logic;
+--signal gt0_drpwe_in, gt1_drpwe_in,gt2_drpwe_in,gt3_drpwe_in:std_logic:='0';
+--signal SOFT_RESET_RX_IN_VIO           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal gt0_rxdata_out, gt0_rxdata_chk : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal gt1_rxdata_out,gt1_rxdata_out_r, gt1_rxdata_chk,gt1_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal gt2_rxdata_out,gt2_rxdata_out_r, gt2_rxdata_chk,gt2_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal gt3_rxdata_out, gt3_rxdata_chk,gt3_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal gt0_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt1_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt2_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt3_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal rx_data_gt0_33b_i      : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0);
 signal rx_data_gt1_33b_i      : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0);
 signal rx_data_gt2_33b_i      : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0);
 signal rx_data_gt3_33b_i      : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0);
-signal gt_cplllock_i          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt_cpllfbclklost_i     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt_cplllock_i          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt_cpllfbclklost_i     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal rxctrl0_out            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
 signal rxctrl1_out            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-signal rxctrl2_out            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal rxctrl3_out            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal rxcommadet_out         : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal rxcdrlock_out          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal rxctrl2_out            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxctrl3_out            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxcommadet_out         : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal rxcdrlock_out          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal rxbyteisaligned_out    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal rxbyterealign_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal rxbyterealign_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 --signal cpllreset_in           : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal userclk_tx_active_out  : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
@@ -361,22 +308,22 @@ signal txpmaresetdone_out     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal cplllock_out           : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal cpllfbclklost_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal reset_tx_done_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal reset_rx_done_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal reset_tx_done_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal reset_rx_done_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal reset_all              : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal buffbypass_tx_reset_in : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal buffbypass_tx_reset_in : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal userdata_rx_out        : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
-signal buffbypass_tx_error    : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal buffbypass_tx_done     : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal buffbypass_tx_error    : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal buffbypass_tx_done     : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal reset_tx_pll_and_datapath   : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal reset_tx_datapath           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal reset_rx_pll_and_datapath   : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal reset_rx_datapath           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal reset_cdr_stable        : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal reset_cdr_stable        : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal gt_drp_clk_in           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal gtrefclk01_in           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
@@ -390,36 +337,36 @@ signal txoutclk_out         : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal gt_drp_clk_vec    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal qpll1lock_out        : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal comma_8b10b_deted0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_8b10b_deted1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_8b10b_deted2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_8b10b_deted3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_8b10b_deted0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_8b10b_deted1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_8b10b_deted2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_8b10b_deted3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_deted0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_deted1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_deted2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_deted3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_deted0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_deted1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_deted2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_deted3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal rxdata0    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal rxdata1    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal rxdata2    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal rxdata3    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxdata0    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxdata1    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxdata2    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxdata3    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal disp_err0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal disp_err1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal disp_err2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal disp_err3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal disp_err0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal disp_err1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal disp_err2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal disp_err3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_not_tab0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_not_tab1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_not_tab2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_not_tab3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_not_tab0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_not_tab1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_not_tab2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_not_tab3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal lmk_reset_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal lmk_reset_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal gt_reset_tx_done     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt_reset_rx_done     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt_reset_tx_done     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt_reset_rx_done     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal gtwiz_userdata_tx_in : std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
 --**************************** Main Body of Code *******************************
@@ -481,10 +428,10 @@ begin
   end process;
   tied_to_ground_i              <= "0";
-  tied_to_ground_vec_i          <= x"0000000000000000";
-  tied_to_vcc_i                 <= "1";
+  --tied_to_ground_vec_i          <= x"0000000000000000";
+  --tied_to_vcc_i                 <= "1";
   tied_to_vcc_vec               <= x"f";
-  tied_to_vcc_vec_i             <= x"ff";
+  --tied_to_vcc_vec_i             <= x"ff";
   gt_drp_clk_in(0)              <= DRP_CLK_IN;
   gtrefclk0_in(0)               <= GTH_RefClk;
@@ -562,65 +509,60 @@ end generate;
   gtwiz_userdata_tx_in <= TX_DATA_gt3_20b & TX_DATA_gt2_20b & TX_DATA_gt1_20b & TX_DATA_gt0_20b;
   gth_fullmode_ultrascale_inst: gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku
   port map(
-    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in              => userclk_tx_active_out,
-    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in              => userclk_rx_active_out,
-    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in            => tied_to_ground_i,  --buffbypass_tx_reset_in,
-    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in       => tied_to_ground_i,
-    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out            => open,  --buffbypass_tx_done,
-    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out           => open,  --buffbypass_tx_error,
-    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in              => gt_drp_clk_in,
-    gtwiz_reset_all_in                      => reset_all,
-    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in      => reset_tx_pll_and_datapath,
-    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in              => reset_tx_datapath,
-    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in      => reset_rx_pll_and_datapath,
-    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in              => reset_rx_datapath,
-    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out           => reset_cdr_stable,
-    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out                 => reset_tx_done_out,
-    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out                 => reset_rx_done_out,
-    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in                    => gtwiz_userdata_tx_in,
-    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out                   => userdata_rx_out,
-    gtrefclk01_in                           => gtrefclk01_in,
-    qpll1lock_out                           => qpll1lock_out,
-    qpll1outclk_out                         => open,
-    qpll1outrefclk_out                      => open,
-    cplllockdetclk_in                       => gt_drp_clk_vec,  --gt_drp_clk_in,
-    cpllreset_in                            => cpllreset_in,
-    drpclk_in                               => gt_drp_clk_vec,
-    gthrxn_in                               => RXN_IN,
-    gthrxp_in                               => RXP_IN,
-    gtrefclk0_in                            => gtrefclk0_in,
-    rx8b10ben_in                            => tied_to_vcc_vec,
-    rxcommadeten_in                         => rxcommadeten_in,--tied_to_vcc_vec,
-    rxmcommaalignen_in                      => tied_to_vcc_vec,
-    rxpcommaalignen_in                      => tied_to_vcc_vec,
-    rxusrclk_in                             => rxusrclk_in,
-    rxusrclk2_in                            => rxusrclk_in,
-    txusrclk_in                             => txusrclk_in,
-    txusrclk2_in                            => txusrclk_in,
-    cpllfbclklost_out                       => cpllfbclklost_out,
-    cplllock_out                            => cplllock_out,
-    gthtxn_out                              => TXN_OUT,
-    gthtxp_out                              => TXP_OUT,
-    rxbyteisaligned_out                     => rxbyteisaligned_out,
-    rxbyterealign_out                       => open,  --rxbyterealign_out,
-    rxcdrlock_out                           => rxcdrlock_out,
-    rxcommadet_out                          => open,  --rxcommadet_out,
-    rxctrl0_out                             => rxctrl0_out,
-    rxctrl1_out                             => rxctrl1_out,
-    rxctrl2_out                             => rxctrl2_out,
-    rxctrl3_out                             => rxctrl3_out,
-    rxoutclk_out                            => rxoutclk_out,
-    rxpmaresetdone_out                      => rxpmaresetdone_out,
-    rxresetdone_out                         => rxresetdone_out,
-    txoutclk_out                            => txoutclk_out,
-    txpmaresetdone_out                      => txpmaresetdone_out,
-    txresetdone_out                         => txresetdone_out
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in => userclk_tx_active_out,
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in => userclk_rx_active_out,
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in => tied_to_ground_i, --buffbypass_tx_reset_in,
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in => tied_to_ground_i,
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out => open, --buffbypass_tx_done,
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out => open, --buffbypass_tx_error,
+    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in => gt_drp_clk_in,
+    gtwiz_reset_all_in => reset_all,
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => reset_tx_pll_and_datapath,
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in => reset_tx_datapath,
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => reset_rx_pll_and_datapath,
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in => reset_rx_datapath,
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out => open,
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out => open,
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out => open,
+    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in => gtwiz_userdata_tx_in,
+    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out => userdata_rx_out,
+    gtrefclk01_in => gtrefclk01_in,
+    qpll1lock_out => qpll1lock_out,
+    qpll1outclk_out => open,
+    qpll1outrefclk_out => open,
+    cplllockdetclk_in => gt_drp_clk_vec, --gt_drp_clk_in,
+    cpllreset_in => cpllreset_in,
+    drpclk_in => gt_drp_clk_vec,
+    gthrxn_in => RXN_IN,
+    gthrxp_in => RXP_IN,
+    gtrefclk0_in => gtrefclk0_in,
+    rx8b10ben_in => tied_to_vcc_vec,
+    rxcommadeten_in => rxcommadeten_in, --tied_to_vcc_vec,
+    rxmcommaalignen_in => tied_to_vcc_vec,
+    rxpcommaalignen_in => tied_to_vcc_vec,
+    rxusrclk_in => rxusrclk_in,
+    rxusrclk2_in => rxusrclk_in,
+    txusrclk_in => txusrclk_in,
+    txusrclk2_in => txusrclk_in,
+    cpllfbclklost_out => cpllfbclklost_out,
+    cplllock_out => cplllock_out,
+    gthtxn_out => TXN_OUT,
+    gthtxp_out => TXP_OUT,
+    gtpowergood_out => open,
+    rxbyteisaligned_out => rxbyteisaligned_out,
+    rxbyterealign_out => open, --rxbyterealign_out,
+    rxcdrlock_out => open,
+    rxcommadet_out => open, --rxcommadet_out,
+    rxctrl0_out => rxctrl0_out,
+    rxctrl1_out => rxctrl1_out,
+    rxctrl2_out => open,
+    rxctrl3_out => open,
+    rxoutclk_out => rxoutclk_out,
+    rxpmaresetdone_out => rxpmaresetdone_out,
+    rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone_out,
+    txoutclk_out => txoutclk_out,
+    txpmaresetdone_out => txpmaresetdone_out,
+    txresetdone_out => txresetdone_out
 gt_cpllfbclklost_out <= cpllfbclklost_out;
@@ -677,20 +619,20 @@ gt_qplllock_out      <= qpll1lock_out(0);
 --comma_not_tab2 <= rxctrl3_out(3 downto 0);
 --comma_not_tab3 <= rxctrl3_out(3 downto 0);
-comma_8b10b_deted0 <= rxctrl0_out(3 downto 0);
-comma_8b10b_deted1 <= rxctrl0_out(19 downto 16);
-comma_8b10b_deted2 <= rxctrl0_out(35 downto 32);
-comma_8b10b_deted3 <= rxctrl0_out(51 downto 48);
-comma_deted0 <= rxctrl2_out(3 downto 0);
-comma_deted1 <= rxctrl2_out(11 downto 8);
-comma_deted2 <= rxctrl2_out(19 downto 16);
-comma_deted3 <= rxctrl2_out(27 downto 24);
-rxdata0 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
-rxdata1 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
-rxdata2 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
-rxdata3 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
+--comma_8b10b_deted0 <= rxctrl0_out(3 downto 0);
+--comma_8b10b_deted1 <= rxctrl0_out(19 downto 16);
+--comma_8b10b_deted2 <= rxctrl0_out(35 downto 32);
+--comma_8b10b_deted3 <= rxctrl0_out(51 downto 48);
+--comma_deted0 <= rxctrl2_out(3 downto 0);
+--comma_deted1 <= rxctrl2_out(11 downto 8);
+--comma_deted2 <= rxctrl2_out(19 downto 16);
+--comma_deted3 <= rxctrl2_out(27 downto 24);
+--rxdata0 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
+--rxdata1 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
+--rxdata2 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
+--rxdata3 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
 --ila_gbt_chk_inst: ila_gbt_chk
diff --git a/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_v7.vhd b/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_v7.vhd
index 2b1978ff6f5c48eb8b73fbae401aed1fb6f80b9a..d61a8e9d329690fbde590ad63ef07f7177b77704 100644
--- a/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_v7.vhd
+++ b/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_v7.vhd
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ port
     --- TX clock, shared by all channels
     gt0_txusrclk_in             : in   std_logic;
     gt0_txoutclk_out            : out  std_logic;
-    gt1_txusrclk_in             : in   std_logic;
+    --gt1_txusrclk_in             : in   std_logic;
     gt1_txoutclk_out            : out  std_logic;   
-    gt2_txusrclk_in             : in   std_logic;
+    --gt2_txusrclk_in             : in   std_logic;
     gt2_txoutclk_out            : out  std_logic;   
-    gt3_txusrclk_in             : in   std_logic;
+    --gt3_txusrclk_in             : in   std_logic;
     gt3_txoutclk_out            : out  std_logic;
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ port
 ----------RESET SIGNALs
-    SOFT_RESET_IN               : in     std_logic; 
+    --SOFT_RESET_IN               : in     std_logic; 
     GTTX_RESET_IN               : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
     GTRX_RESET_IN               : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    CPLL_RESET_IN               : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+    --CPLL_RESET_IN               : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
     QPLL_RESET_IN               : in   std_logic;
-    SOFT_TXRST_GT               : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    SOFT_RXRST_GT               : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+    --SOFT_TXRST_GT               : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+    --SOFT_RXRST_GT               : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
     SOFT_TXRST_ALL              : in   std_logic;
     SOFT_RXRST_ALL              : in   std_logic;
@@ -532,22 +532,22 @@ signal gt0_qplloutclk_i:std_logic;
 signal  tied_to_ground_i                : std_logic;
 signal  tied_to_ground_vec_i            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
 signal  tied_to_vcc_i                   : std_logic;
-signal  tied_to_vcc_vec_i               : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+--signal  tied_to_vcc_vec_i               : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal gt0_drpaddr_in, gt1_drpaddr_in, gt2_drpaddr_in, gt3_drpaddr_in :  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";   
-signal gt0_drpdi_in, gt1_drpdi_in, gt2_drpdi_in, gt3_drpdi_in :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";   
-signal gt0_drpdo_out, gt1_drpdo_out, gt2_drpdo_out, gt3_drpdo_out :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 
-signal gt0_drpen_in, gt1_drpen_in,gt2_drpen_in,gt3_drpen_in:std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_drprdy_out, gt1_drprdy_out,gt2_drprdy_out,gt3_drprdy_out:std_logic;
-signal gt0_drpwe_in, gt1_drpwe_in,gt2_drpwe_in,gt3_drpwe_in:std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_drpaddr_in, gt1_drpaddr_in, gt2_drpaddr_in, gt3_drpaddr_in :  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";   
+--signal gt0_drpdi_in, gt1_drpdi_in, gt2_drpdi_in, gt3_drpdi_in :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";   
+--signal gt0_drpdo_out, gt1_drpdo_out, gt2_drpdo_out, gt3_drpdo_out :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 
+--signal gt0_drpen_in, gt1_drpen_in,gt2_drpen_in,gt3_drpen_in:std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_drprdy_out, gt1_drprdy_out,gt2_drprdy_out,gt3_drprdy_out:std_logic;
+--signal gt0_drpwe_in, gt1_drpwe_in,gt2_drpwe_in,gt3_drpwe_in:std_logic:='0';
-signal SOFT_RESET_RX_IN_VIO           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal gt0_rxdata_out, gt0_rxdata_chk : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt1_rxdata_out,gt1_rxdata_out_r, gt1_rxdata_chk,gt1_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt2_rxdata_out,gt2_rxdata_out_r, gt2_rxdata_chk,gt2_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt3_rxdata_out, gt3_rxdata_chk,gt3_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal SOFT_RESET_RX_IN_VIO           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+signal gt0_rxdata_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+signal gt1_rxdata_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+signal gt2_rxdata_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+signal gt3_rxdata_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
 signal gt0_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal gt1_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
@@ -597,8 +597,7 @@ begin
   tied_to_ground_i                             <= '0';
   tied_to_ground_vec_i                         <= x"0000000000000000";
   tied_to_vcc_i                                <= '1';
-  tied_to_vcc_vec_i                            <= x"ff";
   gt_cpllfbclklost_out     <= gt_cpllfbclklost_i;
   gt_cplllock_out          <= gt_cplllock_i;
@@ -617,11 +616,11 @@ begin
   gt2_gtrxreset_in <= GTRX_RESET_IN(2) or (not GT0_QPLLLOCK_I); 
   gt3_gtrxreset_in <= GTRX_RESET_IN(3) or (not GT0_QPLLLOCK_I);
     gthe2_common_0_i : GTHE2_COMMON
-    generic map
+    generic map -- @suppress "The order of the associations is different from the declaration order"
         -- Simulation attributes
         SIM_RESET_SPEEDUP    => ("FALSE"),
@@ -629,6 +628,9 @@ begin
         SIM_VERSION          => ("2.0"),
        ------------------COMMON BLOCK Attributes---------------
+        IS_DRPCLK_INVERTED                      => '0',
+        IS_GTGREFCLK_INVERTED                   => '0',
+        IS_QPLLLOCKDETCLK_INVERTED              => '0',
         BIAS_CFG                                =>     (x"0000040000001050"),
         COMMON_CFG                              =>     (x"0000001C"),
         QPLL_CFG                                =>     (x"04801C7"),
@@ -653,7 +655,7 @@ begin
-    port map
+    port map -- @suppress "The order of the associations is different from the declaration order"
         ------------- Common Block  - Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP) -----------
         DRPADDR                         =>      tied_to_ground_vec_i(7 downto 0),
@@ -675,7 +677,7 @@ begin
         QPLLDMONITOR                    =>      open,
         ----------------------- Common Block - Clocking Ports ----------------------
         QPLLOUTCLK                      =>      gt0_qplloutclk_i,
-        QPLLOUTREFCLK                   =>      gt0_qplloutrefclk_i,
+        QPLLOUTREFCLK                   =>      GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_I,
         REFCLKOUTMONITOR                =>      open,
         ------------------------- Common Block - QPLL Ports ------------------------
         BGRCALOVRDENB                   =>      tied_to_vcc_i,
@@ -706,343 +708,219 @@ qpll_inst: gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_v7
 port map
-       SYSCLK_IN                     => DRP_CLK_IN,
-       SOFT_RESET_TX_IN              => SOFT_TXRST_ALL,
-       SOFT_RESET_RX_IN              => SOFT_RXRST_ALL,        
-       DONT_RESET_ON_DATA_ERROR_IN   => '1',    
-       GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT     => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(0),
-       GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT     => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(0),
-       GT0_DATA_VALID_IN             => '1',
-       GT1_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT     => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(1),
-       GT1_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT     => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(1),
-       GT1_DATA_VALID_IN             => '1',
-       GT2_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT     => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(2),
-       GT2_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT     => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(2),
-       GT2_DATA_VALID_IN             => '1',
-       GT3_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT     => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(3),
-       GT3_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT     => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(3),
-       GT3_DATA_VALID_IN             => '1',
-    --_________________________________________________________________________
-      --_________________________________________________________________________
-     --GT0  (X1Y4)
-     --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-         --------------------------------- CPLL Ports -------------------------------
-       gt0_cpllfbclklost_out           =>      gt_cpllfbclklost_i(0),
-       gt0_cplllock_out                =>      gt_cplllock_i(0),
-       gt0_cplllockdetclk_in           =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-       gt0_cpllreset_in                =>      gt_cpllreset_in(0),
-   -------------------------- Channel - Clocking Ports ------------------------
-       gt0_gtrefclk0_in                =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-       gt0_gtrefclk1_in                =>      GTH_RefClk,
-   ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-       gt0_drpaddr_in                  =>      (others => '0'),  --gt0_drpaddr_in,
-       gt0_drpclk_in                   =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-       gt0_drpdi_in                    =>      (others => '0'),  --gt0_drpdi_in,
-       gt0_drpdo_out                   =>      open,  --gt0_drpdo_out,
-       gt0_drpen_in                    =>      '0',  --gt0_drpen_in,
-       gt0_drprdy_out                  =>      open,  --gt0_drprdy_out,
-       gt0_drpwe_in                    =>      '0',  --gt0_drpwe_in,
-   --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-       gt0_eyescanreset_in             =>      '0',
-       gt0_rxuserrdy_in                =>      gt_rxuserrdy_in(0),
-   -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-       gt0_eyescandataerror_out        =>      open,
-       gt0_eyescantrigger_in           =>      '0',
-   ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-       gt0_dmonitorout_out             =>      open,
-   ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-       gt0_rxusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_rxusrclk_in,
-       gt0_rxusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_rxusrclk_in,
-   ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-       gt0_rxdata_out                  =>      gt0_rxdata_out,  --RX_DATA_gt0_20b,
-   ------------------ Receive Ports - RX 8B/10B Decoder Ports -----------------
-       gt0_rxdisperr_out               =>      gt0_rxdisperr_out,
-       gt0_rxnotintable_out            =>      gt0_rxnotintable_out,
-   ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-       gt0_gthrxn_in                   =>      RXN_IN(0),
-   -------------- Receive Ports - RX Byte and Word Alignment Ports ------------
-       gt0_rxbyteisaligned_out         =>      gt_rxbyteisaligned_out(0),
-       gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in          =>      '0',--gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in,
-       gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in          =>      '1',--gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in,
-   --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-       gt0_rxmonitorout_out            =>      open,
-       gt0_rxmonitorsel_in             =>      "00",
-   --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-       gt0_rxoutclk_out                =>      gt0_rxoutclk_out,
-       gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,
-   ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-       gt0_gtrxreset_in                =>      gt0_gtrxreset_in,
-   ------------------- Receive Ports - RX8B/10B Decoder Ports -----------------
-       gt0_rxcharisk_out               =>      gt0_rxcharisk_out,
-   ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-       gt0_gthrxp_in                   =>      RXP_IN(0),
-   -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-       gt0_rxresetdone_out             =>      gt_rxresetdone_out(0),-- gt0_rxresetdone_out,
-   --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-       gt0_gttxreset_in                =>      gt0_gttxreset_in,
-       gt0_txuserrdy_in                =>      gt_txuserrdy_in(0),
-   ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-       gt0_txusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-       gt0_txusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-   ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-       gt0_txdata_in                   =>      TX_DATA_gt0_20b,
-   ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-       gt0_gthtxn_out                  =>      TXN_OUT(0),
-       gt0_gthtxp_out                  =>      TXP_OUT(0),
-   ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-       gt0_txoutclk_out                =>      gt0_txoutclk_out,
-       gt0_txoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt0_txoutclkfabric_out,
-       gt0_txoutclkpcs_out             =>      open,--gt0_txoutclkpcs_out,
-   ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-       gt0_txresetdone_out             =>      gt_txresetdone_out(0),
-       gt0_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
-       gt0_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open,
-     --GT1  (X1Y5)
-     --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-    --------------------------------- CPLL Ports -------------------------------
-        gt1_cpllfbclklost_out           =>      gt_cpllfbclklost_i(1),
-        gt1_cplllock_out                =>      gt_cplllock_i(1),
-        gt1_cplllockdetclk_in           =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-        gt1_cpllreset_in                =>      gt_cpllreset_in(1),
-    -------------------------- Channel - Clocking Ports ------------------------
-        gt1_gtrefclk0_in                =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        gt1_gtrefclk1_in                =>      GTH_RefClk,
-     ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-         gt1_drpaddr_in                  =>      gt1_drpaddr_in,
-         gt1_drpclk_in                   =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-         gt1_drpdi_in                    =>      gt1_drpdi_in,
-         gt1_drpdo_out                   =>      gt1_drpdo_out,
-         gt1_drpen_in                    =>      gt1_drpen_in,
-         gt1_drprdy_out                  =>      gt1_drprdy_out,
-         gt1_drpwe_in                    =>      gt1_drpwe_in,
-     --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-         gt1_eyescanreset_in             =>      '0',
-         gt1_rxuserrdy_in                =>      gt_rxuserrdy_in(1),
-     -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-         gt1_eyescandataerror_out        =>      open,
-         gt1_eyescantrigger_in           =>      '0',
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-         gt1_dmonitorout_out             =>      open,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-         gt1_rxusrclk_in                 =>      gt1_rxusrclk_in,
-         gt1_rxusrclk2_in                =>      gt1_rxusrclk_in,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-         gt1_rxdata_out                  =>      gt1_rxdata_out,  --RX_DATA_gt1_20b,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - RX 8B/10B Decoder Ports -----------------
-         gt1_rxdisperr_out               =>      gt1_rxdisperr_out,
-         gt1_rxnotintable_out            =>      gt1_rxnotintable_out,
-     ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-         gt1_gthrxn_in                   =>      RXN_IN(1),
-     -------------- Receive Ports - RX Byte and Word Alignment Ports ------------
-         gt1_rxbyteisaligned_out         =>      gt_rxbyteisaligned_out(1),
-         gt1_rxmcommaalignen_in          =>      '0',--gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in,
-         gt1_rxpcommaalignen_in          =>      '1',--gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in,
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - RX Buffer Bypass Ports -----------------
-         --gt1_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
-         --gt1_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open,
-     --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-         gt1_rxmonitorout_out            =>      open,
-         gt1_rxmonitorsel_in             =>      "00",
-     --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-         gt1_rxoutclk_out                =>      gt1_rxoutclk_out,
-         gt1_rxoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,
-     ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-         gt1_gtrxreset_in                =>      gt1_gtrxreset_in,
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - RX8B/10B Decoder Ports -----------------
-         gt1_rxcharisk_out               =>      gt1_rxcharisk_out,
-     ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-         gt1_gthrxp_in                   =>      RXP_IN(1),
-     -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-         gt1_rxresetdone_out             =>      gt_rxresetdone_out(1),
-     --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-         gt1_gttxreset_in                =>      gt1_gttxreset_in,
-         gt1_txuserrdy_in                =>      gt_txuserrdy_in(1),
-     ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-         gt1_txusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-         gt1_txusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-     ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-         gt1_txdata_in                   =>      TX_DATA_gt1_20b,
-     ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-         gt1_gthtxn_out                  =>      TXN_OUT(1),
-         gt1_gthtxp_out                  =>      TXP_OUT(1),
-     ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-         gt1_txoutclk_out                =>      gt1_txoutclk_out,
-         gt1_txoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt1_txoutclkfabric_out,
-         gt1_txoutclkpcs_out             =>      open,--gt1_txoutclkpcs_out,
-     ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-         gt1_txresetdone_out             =>      gt_txresetdone_out(1),
-         gt1_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
-         gt1_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open, 
-     --GT2  (X1Y6)
-     --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-     --------------------------------- CPLL Ports -------------------------------
-        gt2_cpllfbclklost_out           =>      gt_cpllfbclklost_i(2),
-        gt2_cplllock_out                =>      gt_cplllock_i(2),
-        gt2_cplllockdetclk_in           =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-        gt2_cpllreset_in                =>      gt_cpllreset_in(2),
-     -------------------------- Channel - Clocking Ports ------------------------
-        gt2_gtrefclk0_in                =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        gt2_gtrefclk1_in                =>      GTH_RefClk,
-     ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-         gt2_drpaddr_in                  =>      gt2_drpaddr_in,
-         gt2_drpclk_in                   =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-         gt2_drpdi_in                    =>      gt2_drpdi_in,
-         gt2_drpdo_out                   =>      gt2_drpdo_out,
-         gt2_drpen_in                    =>      gt2_drpen_in,
-         gt2_drprdy_out                  =>      gt2_drprdy_out,
-         gt2_drpwe_in                    =>      gt2_drpwe_in,
-     --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-         gt2_eyescanreset_in             =>      '0',
-         gt2_rxuserrdy_in                =>      gt_rxuserrdy_in(2),
-     -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-         gt2_eyescandataerror_out        =>      open,
-         gt2_eyescantrigger_in           =>      '0',
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-         gt2_dmonitorout_out             =>      open,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-         gt2_rxusrclk_in                 =>      gt2_rxusrclk_in,
-         gt2_rxusrclk2_in                =>      gt2_rxusrclk_in,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-         gt2_rxdata_out                  =>      gt2_rxdata_out,  --RX_DATA_gt2_20b,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - RX 8B/10B Decoder Ports -----------------
-         gt2_rxdisperr_out               =>      gt2_rxdisperr_out,
-         gt2_rxnotintable_out            =>      gt2_rxnotintable_out,
-     ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-         gt2_gthrxn_in                   =>      RXN_IN(2),
-     -------------- Receive Ports - RX Byte and Word Alignment Ports ------------
-         gt2_rxbyteisaligned_out         =>      gt_rxbyteisaligned_out(2),
-         gt2_rxmcommaalignen_in          =>      '0',--gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in,
-         gt2_rxpcommaalignen_in          =>      '1',--gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in,
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - RX Buffer Bypass Ports -----------------
-         --gt2_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
-         --gt2_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open,
-     --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-         gt2_rxmonitorout_out            =>      open,
-         gt2_rxmonitorsel_in             =>      "00",
-     --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-         gt2_rxoutclk_out                =>      gt2_rxoutclk_out,
-         gt2_rxoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,
-     ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-         gt2_gtrxreset_in                =>      gt2_gtrxreset_in,
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - RX8B/10B Decoder Ports -----------------
-         gt2_rxcharisk_out               =>      gt2_rxcharisk_out,
-     ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-         gt2_gthrxp_in                   =>      RXP_IN(2),
-     -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-         gt2_rxresetdone_out             =>      gt_rxresetdone_out(2),
-     --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-         gt2_gttxreset_in                =>      gt2_gttxreset_in,
-         gt2_txuserrdy_in                =>      gt_txuserrdy_in(2),
-     ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-         gt2_txusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-         gt2_txusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-     ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-         gt2_txdata_in                   =>      TX_DATA_gt2_20b,
-     ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-         gt2_gthtxn_out                  =>      TXN_OUT(2),
-         gt2_gthtxp_out                  =>      TXP_OUT(2),
-     ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-         gt2_txoutclk_out                =>      gt2_txoutclk_out,
-         gt2_txoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt2_txoutclkfabric_out,
-         gt2_txoutclkpcs_out             =>      open,--gt2_txoutclkpcs_out,
-     ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-         gt2_txresetdone_out             =>      gt_txresetdone_out(2),
-         gt2_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
-         gt2_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open,
-     --GT3  (X1Y7)
-     --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-     --------------------------------- CPLL Ports ------------------------------- 
-        gt3_cpllfbclklost_out           =>      gt_cpllfbclklost_i(3),
-        gt3_cplllock_out                =>      gt_cplllock_i(3),
-        gt3_cplllockdetclk_in           =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-        gt3_cpllreset_in                =>      gt_cpllreset_in(3),
-     -------------------------- Channel - Clocking Ports ------------------------
-        gt3_gtrefclk0_in                =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        gt3_gtrefclk1_in                =>      GTH_RefClk,
-     ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-         gt3_drpaddr_in                  =>      gt3_drpaddr_in,
-         gt3_drpclk_in                   =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-         gt3_drpdi_in                    =>      gt3_drpdi_in,
-         gt3_drpdo_out                   =>      gt3_drpdo_out,
-         gt3_drpen_in                    =>      gt3_drpen_in,
-         gt3_drprdy_out                  =>      gt3_drprdy_out,
-         gt3_drpwe_in                    =>      gt3_drpwe_in,
-     --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-         gt3_eyescanreset_in             =>      '0',
-         gt3_rxuserrdy_in                =>      gt_rxuserrdy_in(3),
-     -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-         gt3_eyescandataerror_out        =>      open,
-         gt3_eyescantrigger_in           =>      '0',
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-         gt3_dmonitorout_out             =>      open,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-         gt3_rxusrclk_in                 =>      gt3_rxusrclk_in,
-         gt3_rxusrclk2_in                =>      gt3_rxusrclk_in,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-         gt3_rxdata_out                  =>      gt3_rxdata_out,  --RX_DATA_gt3_20b,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - RX 8B/10B Decoder Ports -----------------
-         gt3_rxdisperr_out               =>      gt3_rxdisperr_out,
-         gt3_rxnotintable_out            =>      gt3_rxnotintable_out,
-     ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-         gt3_gthrxn_in                   =>      RXN_IN(3),
-     -------------- Receive Ports - RX Byte and Word Alignment Ports ------------
-         gt3_rxbyteisaligned_out         =>      gt_rxbyteisaligned_out(3),
-         gt3_rxmcommaalignen_in          =>      '0',--gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in,
-         gt3_rxpcommaalignen_in          =>      '1',--gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in,
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - RX Buffer Bypass Ports -----------------
-         --gt3_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
-         --gt3_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open,
-     --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-         gt3_rxmonitorout_out            =>      open,
-         gt3_rxmonitorsel_in             =>      "00",
-     --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-         gt3_rxoutclk_out                =>      gt3_rxoutclk_out,
-         gt3_rxoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,
-     ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-         gt3_gtrxreset_in                =>      gt3_gtrxreset_in,
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - RX8B/10B Decoder Ports -----------------
-         gt3_rxcharisk_out               =>      gt3_rxcharisk_out,         
-     ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-         gt3_gthrxp_in                   =>      RXP_IN(3),
-     -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-         gt3_rxresetdone_out             =>      gt_rxresetdone_out(3),
-     --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-         gt3_gttxreset_in                =>      gt3_gttxreset_in,
-         gt3_txuserrdy_in                =>      gt_txuserrdy_in(3),
-     ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-         gt3_txusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-         gt3_txusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-     ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-         gt3_txdata_in                   =>      TX_DATA_gt3_20b,
-     ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-         gt3_gthtxn_out                  =>      TXN_OUT(3),
-         gt3_gthtxp_out                  =>      TXP_OUT(3),
-     ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-         gt3_txoutclk_out                =>      gt3_txoutclk_out,
-         gt3_txoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt3_txoutclkfabric_out,
-         gt3_txoutclkpcs_out             =>      open,--gt3_txoutclkpcs_out,
-     ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-         gt3_txresetdone_out             =>      gt_txresetdone_out(3),
-         gt3_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
-         gt3_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open,
-    --____________________________COMMON PORTS________________________________
-    GT0_QPLLLOCK_IN             => GT0_QPLLLOCK_I, 
-    GT0_QPLLRESET_OUT           => GT0_QPLLRESET_I, 
+       SYSCLK_IN => DRP_CLK_IN,
+       GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(0),
+       GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(0),
+       GT0_DATA_VALID_IN => '1',
+       GT1_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(1),
+       GT1_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(1),
+       GT1_DATA_VALID_IN => '1',
+       GT2_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(2),
+       GT2_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(2),
+       GT2_DATA_VALID_IN => '1',
+       GT3_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(3),
+       GT3_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(3),
+       GT3_DATA_VALID_IN => '1',
+       gt0_cpllfbclklost_out => gt_cpllfbclklost_i(0),
+       gt0_cplllock_out => gt_cplllock_i(0),
+       gt0_cplllockdetclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+       gt0_cpllreset_in => gt_cpllreset_in(0),
+       gt0_gtrefclk0_in => tied_to_ground_i,
+       gt0_gtrefclk1_in => GTH_RefClk,
+       gt0_drpaddr_in => (others => '0'), --gt0_drpaddr_in,
+       gt0_drpclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+       gt0_drpdi_in => (others => '0'), --gt0_drpdi_in,
+       gt0_drpdo_out => open, --gt0_drpdo_out,
+       gt0_drpen_in => '0', --gt0_drpen_in,
+       gt0_drprdy_out => open, --gt0_drprdy_out,
+       gt0_drpwe_in => '0', --gt0_drpwe_in,
+       gt0_eyescanreset_in => '0',
+       gt0_rxuserrdy_in => gt_rxuserrdy_in(0),
+       gt0_eyescandataerror_out => open,
+       gt0_eyescantrigger_in => '0',
+       gt0_dmonitorout_out => open,
+       gt0_rxusrclk_in => gt0_rxusrclk_in,
+       gt0_rxusrclk2_in => gt0_rxusrclk_in,
+       gt0_rxdata_out => gt0_rxdata_out, --RX_DATA_gt0_20b,
+       gt0_rxdisperr_out => gt0_rxdisperr_out,
+       gt0_rxnotintable_out => gt0_rxnotintable_out,
+       gt0_gthrxn_in => RXN_IN(0),
+       gt0_rxphmonitor_out => open,
+       gt0_rxphslipmonitor_out => open,
+       gt0_rxbyteisaligned_out => gt_rxbyteisaligned_out(0),
+       gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in => '0', --gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in,
+       gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in => '1', --gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in,
+       gt0_rxmonitorout_out => open,
+       gt0_rxmonitorsel_in => "00",
+       gt0_rxoutclk_out => gt0_rxoutclk_out,
+       gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,
+       gt0_gtrxreset_in => gt0_gtrxreset_in,
+       gt0_rxcharisk_out => gt0_rxcharisk_out,
+       gt0_gthrxp_in => RXP_IN(0),
+       gt0_rxresetdone_out => gt_rxresetdone_out(0), -- gt0_rxresetdone_out,
+       gt0_gttxreset_in => gt0_gttxreset_in,
+       gt0_txuserrdy_in => gt_txuserrdy_in(0),
+       gt0_txusrclk_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+       gt0_txusrclk2_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+       gt0_txdata_in => TX_DATA_gt0_20b,
+       gt0_gthtxn_out => TXN_OUT(0),
+       gt0_gthtxp_out => TXP_OUT(0),
+       gt0_txoutclk_out => gt0_txoutclk_out,
+       gt0_txoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt0_txoutclkfabric_out,
+       gt0_txoutclkpcs_out => open, --gt0_txoutclkpcs_out,
+       gt0_txresetdone_out => gt_txresetdone_out(0),
+       gt1_cpllfbclklost_out => gt_cpllfbclklost_i(1),
+       gt1_cplllock_out => gt_cplllock_i(1),
+       gt1_cplllockdetclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+       gt1_cpllreset_in => gt_cpllreset_in(1),
+       gt1_gtrefclk0_in => tied_to_ground_i,
+       gt1_gtrefclk1_in => GTH_RefClk,
+       gt1_drpaddr_in => (others => '0'),
+       gt1_drpclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+       gt1_drpdi_in => (others => '0'),
+       gt1_drpdo_out => open,
+       gt1_drpen_in => '0',
+       gt1_drprdy_out => open,
+       gt1_drpwe_in => '0',
+       gt1_eyescanreset_in => '0',
+       gt1_rxuserrdy_in => gt_rxuserrdy_in(1),
+       gt1_eyescandataerror_out => open,
+       gt1_eyescantrigger_in => '0',
+       gt1_dmonitorout_out => open,
+       gt1_rxusrclk_in => gt1_rxusrclk_in,
+       gt1_rxusrclk2_in => gt1_rxusrclk_in,
+       gt1_rxdata_out => gt1_rxdata_out, --RX_DATA_gt1_20b,
+       gt1_rxdisperr_out => gt1_rxdisperr_out,
+       gt1_rxnotintable_out => gt1_rxnotintable_out,
+       gt1_gthrxn_in => RXN_IN(1),
+       gt1_rxphmonitor_out => open,
+       gt1_rxphslipmonitor_out => open,
+       gt1_rxbyteisaligned_out => gt_rxbyteisaligned_out(1),
+       gt1_rxmcommaalignen_in => '0', --gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in,
+       gt1_rxpcommaalignen_in => '1', --gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in,
+       gt1_rxmonitorout_out => open,
+       gt1_rxmonitorsel_in => "00",
+       gt1_rxoutclk_out => gt1_rxoutclk_out,
+       gt1_rxoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,
+       gt1_gtrxreset_in => gt1_gtrxreset_in,
+       gt1_rxcharisk_out => gt1_rxcharisk_out,
+       gt1_gthrxp_in => RXP_IN(1),
+       gt1_rxresetdone_out => gt_rxresetdone_out(1),
+       gt1_gttxreset_in => gt1_gttxreset_in,
+       gt1_txuserrdy_in => gt_txuserrdy_in(1),
+       gt1_txusrclk_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+       gt1_txusrclk2_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+       gt1_txdata_in => TX_DATA_gt1_20b,
+       gt1_gthtxn_out => TXN_OUT(1),
+       gt1_gthtxp_out => TXP_OUT(1),
+       gt1_txoutclk_out => gt1_txoutclk_out,
+       gt1_txoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt1_txoutclkfabric_out,
+       gt1_txoutclkpcs_out => open, --gt1_txoutclkpcs_out,
+       gt1_txresetdone_out => gt_txresetdone_out(1),
+       gt2_cpllfbclklost_out => gt_cpllfbclklost_i(2),
+       gt2_cplllock_out => gt_cplllock_i(2),
+       gt2_cplllockdetclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+       gt2_cpllreset_in => gt_cpllreset_in(2),
+       gt2_gtrefclk0_in => tied_to_ground_i,
+       gt2_gtrefclk1_in => GTH_RefClk,
+       gt2_drpaddr_in => (others => '0'),
+       gt2_drpclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+       gt2_drpdi_in => (others => '0'),
+       gt2_drpdo_out => open,
+       gt2_drpen_in => '0',
+       gt2_drprdy_out => open,
+       gt2_drpwe_in => '0',
+       gt2_eyescanreset_in => '0',
+       gt2_rxuserrdy_in => gt_rxuserrdy_in(2),
+       gt2_eyescandataerror_out => open,
+       gt2_eyescantrigger_in => '0',
+       gt2_dmonitorout_out => open,
+       gt2_rxusrclk_in => gt2_rxusrclk_in,
+       gt2_rxusrclk2_in => gt2_rxusrclk_in,
+       gt2_rxdata_out => gt2_rxdata_out, --RX_DATA_gt2_20b,
+       gt2_rxdisperr_out => gt2_rxdisperr_out,
+       gt2_rxnotintable_out => gt2_rxnotintable_out,
+       gt2_gthrxn_in => RXN_IN(2),
+       gt2_rxphmonitor_out => open,
+       gt2_rxphslipmonitor_out => open,
+       gt2_rxbyteisaligned_out => gt_rxbyteisaligned_out(2),
+       gt2_rxmcommaalignen_in => '0', --gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in,
+       gt2_rxpcommaalignen_in => '1', --gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in,
+       gt2_rxmonitorout_out => open,
+       gt2_rxmonitorsel_in => "00",
+       gt2_rxoutclk_out => gt2_rxoutclk_out,
+       gt2_rxoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,
+       gt2_gtrxreset_in => gt2_gtrxreset_in,
+       gt2_rxcharisk_out => gt2_rxcharisk_out,
+       gt2_gthrxp_in => RXP_IN(2),
+       gt2_rxresetdone_out => gt_rxresetdone_out(2),
+       gt2_gttxreset_in => gt2_gttxreset_in,
+       gt2_txuserrdy_in => gt_txuserrdy_in(2),
+       gt2_txusrclk_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+       gt2_txusrclk2_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+       gt2_txdata_in => TX_DATA_gt2_20b,
+       gt2_gthtxn_out => TXN_OUT(2),
+       gt2_gthtxp_out => TXP_OUT(2),
+       gt2_txoutclk_out => gt2_txoutclk_out,
+       gt2_txoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt2_txoutclkfabric_out,
+       gt2_txoutclkpcs_out => open, --gt2_txoutclkpcs_out,
+       gt2_txresetdone_out => gt_txresetdone_out(2),
+       gt3_cpllfbclklost_out => gt_cpllfbclklost_i(3),
+       gt3_cplllock_out => gt_cplllock_i(3),
+       gt3_cplllockdetclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+       gt3_cpllreset_in => gt_cpllreset_in(3),
+       gt3_gtrefclk0_in => tied_to_ground_i,
+       gt3_gtrefclk1_in => GTH_RefClk,
+       gt3_drpaddr_in => (others => '0'),
+       gt3_drpclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+       gt3_drpdi_in => (others => '0'),
+       gt3_drpdo_out => open,
+       gt3_drpen_in => '0',
+       gt3_drprdy_out => open,
+       gt3_drpwe_in => '0',
+       gt3_eyescanreset_in => '0',
+       gt3_rxuserrdy_in => gt_rxuserrdy_in(3),
+       gt3_eyescandataerror_out => open,
+       gt3_eyescantrigger_in => '0',
+       gt3_dmonitorout_out => open,
+       gt3_rxusrclk_in => gt3_rxusrclk_in,
+       gt3_rxusrclk2_in => gt3_rxusrclk_in,
+       gt3_rxdata_out => gt3_rxdata_out, --RX_DATA_gt3_20b,
+       gt3_rxdisperr_out => gt3_rxdisperr_out,
+       gt3_rxnotintable_out => gt3_rxnotintable_out,
+       gt3_gthrxn_in => RXN_IN(3),
+       gt3_rxphmonitor_out => open,
+       gt3_rxphslipmonitor_out => open,
+       gt3_rxbyteisaligned_out => gt_rxbyteisaligned_out(3),
+       gt3_rxmcommaalignen_in => '0', --gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in,
+       gt3_rxpcommaalignen_in => '1', --gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in,
+       gt3_rxmonitorout_out => open,
+       gt3_rxmonitorsel_in => "00",
+       gt3_rxoutclk_out => gt3_rxoutclk_out,
+       gt3_rxoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,
+       gt3_gtrxreset_in => gt3_gtrxreset_in,
+       gt3_rxcharisk_out => gt3_rxcharisk_out,
+       gt3_gthrxp_in => RXP_IN(3),
+       gt3_rxresetdone_out => gt_rxresetdone_out(3),
+       gt3_gttxreset_in => gt3_gttxreset_in,
+       gt3_txuserrdy_in => gt_txuserrdy_in(3),
+       gt3_txusrclk_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+       gt3_txusrclk2_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+       gt3_txdata_in => TX_DATA_gt3_20b,
+       gt3_gthtxn_out => TXN_OUT(3),
+       gt3_gthtxp_out => TXP_OUT(3),
+       gt3_txoutclk_out => gt3_txoutclk_out,
+       gt3_txoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt3_txoutclkfabric_out,
+       gt3_txoutclkpcs_out => open, --gt3_txoutclkpcs_out,
+       gt3_txresetdone_out => gt_txresetdone_out(3),
+       GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN => gt0_qplloutclk_i,
diff --git a/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_vup.vhd b/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_vup.vhd
index af5dba7c27a5d6c35a02bd818b5b56fb96fa3e43..3e3fc13d1e00a7adf203255662c299e298463016 100644
--- a/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_vup.vhd
+++ b/sources/FullModeWrapper/gth_fullmode_wrapper_vup.vhd
@@ -242,114 +242,114 @@ COMPONENT gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_vup
-component vio_gbt_chk IS
-clk : IN STD_LOGIC;
-probe_in0 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in2 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in3 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in4 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in5 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in6 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in7 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in8 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in9 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in10 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in11 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in12 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in13 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in14 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in15 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in16 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in17 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in18 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in19 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in20 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in21 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_in22 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out0 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out1 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out2 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out3 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out4 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out5 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out6 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-probe_out7 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0)
-END component;
-component ila_gbt_chk IS
-clk : IN STD_LOGIC;
-END component;
+--component vio_gbt_chk IS
+--PORT (
+--clk : IN STD_LOGIC;
+--probe_in0 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in2 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in3 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in4 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in5 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in6 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in7 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in8 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in9 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in10 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in11 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in12 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in13 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in14 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in15 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in16 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in17 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in18 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in19 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in20 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in21 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_in22 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_out0 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_out1 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_out2 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_out3 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_out4 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_out5 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_out6 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe_out7 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0)
+--END component;
+--component ila_gbt_chk IS
+--PORT (
+--clk : IN STD_LOGIC;
+--probe0 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe2 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe3 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe4 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe5 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe6 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe7 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe8 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe9 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe10 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
+--probe11 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0)
+--END component;
-signal GT0_QPLLLOCK_I: std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt1_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt2_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt3_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt1_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt2_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt3_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal GT0_QPLLLOCK_I: std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt1_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt2_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt3_gttxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt1_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt2_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt3_gtrxreset_in : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_qplloutclk_i:std_logic;
+--signal gt0_qplloutclk_i:std_logic;
 signal  tied_to_ground_i                : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal  tied_to_ground_vec_i            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-signal  tied_to_vcc_i                   : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal  tied_to_vcc_vec_i               : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+--signal  tied_to_ground_vec_i            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+--signal  tied_to_vcc_i                   : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal  tied_to_vcc_vec_i               : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 signal  tied_to_vcc_vec                 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt0_drpaddr_in, gt1_drpaddr_in, gt2_drpaddr_in, gt3_drpaddr_in :  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";
-signal gt0_drpdi_in, gt1_drpdi_in, gt2_drpdi_in, gt3_drpdi_in :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";
-signal gt0_drpdo_out, gt1_drpdo_out, gt2_drpdo_out, gt3_drpdo_out :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal gt0_drpen_in, gt1_drpen_in,gt2_drpen_in,gt3_drpen_in:std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_drprdy_out, gt1_drprdy_out,gt2_drprdy_out,gt3_drprdy_out:std_logic;
-signal gt0_drpwe_in, gt1_drpwe_in,gt2_drpwe_in,gt3_drpwe_in:std_logic:='0';
-signal SOFT_RESET_RX_IN_VIO           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal gt0_rxdata_out, gt0_rxdata_chk : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt1_rxdata_out,gt1_rxdata_out_r, gt1_rxdata_chk,gt1_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt2_rxdata_out,gt2_rxdata_out_r, gt2_rxdata_chk,gt2_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt3_rxdata_out, gt3_rxdata_chk,gt3_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal gt0_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt1_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt2_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt3_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt0_drpaddr_in, gt1_drpaddr_in, gt2_drpaddr_in, gt3_drpaddr_in :  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";
+--signal gt0_drpdi_in, gt1_drpdi_in, gt2_drpdi_in, gt3_drpdi_in :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";
+--signal gt0_drpdo_out, gt1_drpdo_out, gt2_drpdo_out, gt3_drpdo_out :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+--signal gt0_drpen_in, gt1_drpen_in,gt2_drpen_in,gt3_drpen_in:std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_drprdy_out, gt1_drprdy_out,gt2_drprdy_out,gt3_drprdy_out:std_logic;
+--signal gt0_drpwe_in, gt1_drpwe_in,gt2_drpwe_in,gt3_drpwe_in:std_logic:='0';
+--signal SOFT_RESET_RX_IN_VIO           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal gt0_rxdata_out, gt0_rxdata_chk : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal gt1_rxdata_out,gt1_rxdata_out_r, gt1_rxdata_chk,gt1_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal gt2_rxdata_out,gt2_rxdata_out_r, gt2_rxdata_chk,gt2_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal gt3_rxdata_out, gt3_rxdata_chk,gt3_rxdata_chk_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal gt0_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt1_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt2_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt3_rxcharisk_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal rx_data_gt0_33b_i      : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0);
 signal rx_data_gt1_33b_i      : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0);
 signal rx_data_gt2_33b_i      : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0);
 signal rx_data_gt3_33b_i      : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0);
-signal gt_cplllock_i          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt_cpllfbclklost_i     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt_cplllock_i          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt_cpllfbclklost_i     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal rxctrl0_out            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
 signal rxctrl1_out            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-signal rxctrl2_out            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal rxctrl3_out            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal rxcommadet_out         : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal rxcdrlock_out          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal rxctrl2_out            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxctrl3_out            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxcommadet_out         : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal rxcdrlock_out          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal rxbyteisaligned_out    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal rxbyterealign_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal rxbyterealign_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 --signal cpllreset_in           : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal userclk_tx_active_out  : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
@@ -364,22 +364,22 @@ signal txpmaresetdone_out     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal cplllock_out           : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal cpllfbclklost_out      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal reset_tx_done_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal reset_rx_done_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal reset_tx_done_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal reset_rx_done_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal reset_all              : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal buffbypass_tx_reset_in : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal buffbypass_tx_reset_in : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal userdata_rx_out        : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
-signal buffbypass_tx_error    : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal buffbypass_tx_done     : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal buffbypass_tx_error    : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal buffbypass_tx_done     : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal reset_tx_pll_and_datapath   : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal reset_tx_datapath           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal reset_rx_pll_and_datapath   : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal reset_rx_datapath           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal reset_cdr_stable        : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal reset_cdr_stable        : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal gt_drp_clk_in           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
 signal gtrefclk01_in           : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
@@ -393,36 +393,36 @@ signal txoutclk_out         : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal gt_drp_clk_vec    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal qpll1lock_out        : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal comma_8b10b_deted0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_8b10b_deted1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_8b10b_deted2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_8b10b_deted3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_8b10b_deted0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_8b10b_deted1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_8b10b_deted2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_8b10b_deted3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_deted0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_deted1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_deted2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_deted3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_deted0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_deted1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_deted2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_deted3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal rxdata0    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal rxdata1    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal rxdata2    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal rxdata3    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxdata0    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxdata1    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxdata2    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal rxdata3    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal disp_err0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal disp_err1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal disp_err2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal disp_err3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal disp_err0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal disp_err1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal disp_err2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal disp_err3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_not_tab0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_not_tab1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_not_tab2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal comma_not_tab3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_not_tab0    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_not_tab1    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_not_tab2    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal comma_not_tab3    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal lmk_reset_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+--signal lmk_reset_out      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-signal gt_reset_tx_done     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-signal gt_reset_rx_done     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt_reset_tx_done     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+--signal gt_reset_rx_done     : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 signal gtwiz_userdata_tx_in : std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
 --**************************** Main Body of Code *******************************
@@ -484,10 +484,10 @@ begin
   end process;
   tied_to_ground_i              <= "0";
-  tied_to_ground_vec_i          <= x"0000000000000000";
-  tied_to_vcc_i                 <= "1";
+  --tied_to_ground_vec_i          <= x"0000000000000000";
+  --tied_to_vcc_i                 <= "1";
   tied_to_vcc_vec               <= x"f";
-  tied_to_vcc_vec_i             <= x"ff";
+  --tied_to_vcc_vec_i             <= x"ff";
   gt_drp_clk_in(0)              <= DRP_CLK_IN;
   gtrefclk0_in(0)               <= GTH_RefClk;
@@ -565,67 +565,62 @@ end generate;
   gtwiz_userdata_tx_in <= TX_DATA_gt3_20b & TX_DATA_gt2_20b & TX_DATA_gt1_20b & TX_DATA_gt0_20b;
   gth_fullmode_ultrascale_inst: gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_vup
   port map(
-    gtwiz_userclk_tx_reset_in               => "0",
-    gtwiz_userclk_rx_reset_in               => "0",
-    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in              => userclk_tx_active_out,
-    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in              => userclk_rx_active_out,
-    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in            => tied_to_ground_i,  --buffbypass_tx_reset_in,
-    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in       => tied_to_ground_i,
-    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out            => open,  --buffbypass_tx_done,
-    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out           => open,  --buffbypass_tx_error,
-    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in              => gt_drp_clk_in,
-    gtwiz_reset_all_in                      => reset_all,
-    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in      => reset_tx_pll_and_datapath,
-    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in              => reset_tx_datapath,
-    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in      => reset_rx_pll_and_datapath,
-    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in              => reset_rx_datapath,
-    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out           => reset_cdr_stable,
-    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out                 => reset_tx_done_out,
-    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out                 => reset_rx_done_out,
-    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in                    => gtwiz_userdata_tx_in,
-    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out                   => userdata_rx_out,
-    gtrefclk01_in                           => gtrefclk01_in,
-    qpll1lock_out                           => qpll1lock_out,
-    qpll1outclk_out                         => open,
-    qpll1outrefclk_out                      => open,
-    cplllockdetclk_in                       => gt_drp_clk_vec,  --gt_drp_clk_in,
-    cpllreset_in                            => cpllreset_in,
-    drpclk_in                               => gt_drp_clk_vec,
-    gtyrxn_in                               => RXN_IN,
-    gtyrxp_in                               => RXP_IN,
-    gtrefclk0_in                            => gtrefclk0_in,
-    rx8b10ben_in                            => tied_to_vcc_vec,
-    rxcommadeten_in                         => rxcommadeten_in,--tied_to_vcc_vec,
-    rxmcommaalignen_in                      => tied_to_vcc_vec,
-    rxpcommaalignen_in                      => tied_to_vcc_vec,
-    rxusrclk_in                             => rxusrclk_in,
-    rxusrclk2_in                            => rxusrclk_in,
-    txusrclk_in                             => txusrclk_in,
-    txusrclk2_in                            => txusrclk_in,
-    cpllfbclklost_out                       => cpllfbclklost_out,
-    cplllock_out                            => cplllock_out,
-    gtytxn_out                              => TXN_OUT,
-    gtytxp_out                              => TXP_OUT,
-    rxbyteisaligned_out                     => rxbyteisaligned_out,
-    rxbyterealign_out                       => open,  --rxbyterealign_out,
-    rxcdrlock_out                           => rxcdrlock_out,
-    rxcommadet_out                          => open,  --rxcommadet_out,
-    rxctrl0_out                             => rxctrl0_out,
-    rxctrl1_out                             => rxctrl1_out,
-    rxctrl2_out                             => rxctrl2_out,
-    rxctrl3_out                             => rxctrl3_out,
-    rxoutclk_out                            => rxoutclk_out,
-    rxpmaresetdone_out                      => rxpmaresetdone_out,
-    rxresetdone_out                         => rxresetdone_out,
-    txoutclk_out                            => txoutclk_out,
-    txpmaresetdone_out                      => txpmaresetdone_out,
-    txresetdone_out                         => txresetdone_out
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_reset_in => "0",
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in => userclk_tx_active_out,
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_reset_in => "0",
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in => userclk_rx_active_out,
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in => tied_to_ground_i, --buffbypass_tx_reset_in,
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in => tied_to_ground_i,
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out => open, --buffbypass_tx_done,
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out => open, --buffbypass_tx_error,
+    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in => gt_drp_clk_in,
+    gtwiz_reset_all_in => reset_all,
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => reset_tx_pll_and_datapath,
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in => reset_tx_datapath,
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => reset_rx_pll_and_datapath,
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in => reset_rx_datapath,
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out => open,
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out => open,
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out => open,
+    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in => gtwiz_userdata_tx_in,
+    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out => userdata_rx_out,
+    gtrefclk01_in => gtrefclk01_in,
+    qpll1lock_out => qpll1lock_out,
+    qpll1outclk_out => open,
+    qpll1outrefclk_out => open,
+    cplllockdetclk_in => gt_drp_clk_vec, --gt_drp_clk_in,
+    cpllreset_in => cpllreset_in,
+    drpclk_in => gt_drp_clk_vec,
+    gtrefclk0_in => gtrefclk0_in,
+    gtyrxn_in => RXN_IN,
+    gtyrxp_in => RXP_IN,
+    rx8b10ben_in => tied_to_vcc_vec,
+    rxcommadeten_in => rxcommadeten_in, --tied_to_vcc_vec,
+    rxmcommaalignen_in => tied_to_vcc_vec,
+    rxpcommaalignen_in => tied_to_vcc_vec,
+    rxusrclk_in => rxusrclk_in,
+    rxusrclk2_in => rxusrclk_in,
+    txusrclk_in => txusrclk_in,
+    txusrclk2_in => txusrclk_in,
+    cpllfbclklost_out => cpllfbclklost_out,
+    cplllock_out => cplllock_out,
+    gtpowergood_out => open,
+    gtytxn_out => TXN_OUT,
+    gtytxp_out => TXP_OUT,
+    rxbyteisaligned_out => rxbyteisaligned_out,
+    rxbyterealign_out => open, --rxbyterealign_out,
+    rxcdrlock_out => open,
+    rxcommadet_out => open, --rxcommadet_out,
+    rxctrl0_out => rxctrl0_out,
+    rxctrl1_out => rxctrl1_out,
+    rxctrl2_out => open,
+    rxctrl3_out => open,
+    rxoutclk_out => rxoutclk_out,
+    rxpmaresetdone_out => rxpmaresetdone_out,
+    rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone_out,
+    txoutclk_out => txoutclk_out,
+    txpmaresetdone_out => txpmaresetdone_out,
+    txresetdone_out => txresetdone_out
 gt_cpllfbclklost_out <= cpllfbclklost_out;
@@ -682,20 +677,20 @@ gt_qplllock_out      <= qpll1lock_out(0);
 --comma_not_tab2 <= rxctrl3_out(3 downto 0);
 --comma_not_tab3 <= rxctrl3_out(3 downto 0);
-comma_8b10b_deted0 <= rxctrl0_out(3 downto 0);
-comma_8b10b_deted1 <= rxctrl0_out(19 downto 16);
-comma_8b10b_deted2 <= rxctrl0_out(35 downto 32);
-comma_8b10b_deted3 <= rxctrl0_out(51 downto 48);
+--comma_8b10b_deted0 <= rxctrl0_out(3 downto 0);
+--comma_8b10b_deted1 <= rxctrl0_out(19 downto 16);
+--comma_8b10b_deted2 <= rxctrl0_out(35 downto 32);
+--comma_8b10b_deted3 <= rxctrl0_out(51 downto 48);
-comma_deted0 <= rxctrl2_out(3 downto 0);
-comma_deted1 <= rxctrl2_out(11 downto 8);
-comma_deted2 <= rxctrl2_out(19 downto 16);
-comma_deted3 <= rxctrl2_out(27 downto 24);
+--comma_deted0 <= rxctrl2_out(3 downto 0);
+--comma_deted1 <= rxctrl2_out(11 downto 8);
+--comma_deted2 <= rxctrl2_out(19 downto 16);
+--comma_deted3 <= rxctrl2_out(27 downto 24);
-rxdata0 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
-rxdata1 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
-rxdata2 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
-rxdata3 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
+--rxdata0 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
+--rxdata1 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
+--rxdata2 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
+--rxdata3 <= userdata_rx_out(31 downto 0);
 --ila_gbt_chk_inst: ila_gbt_chk
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_GBT_RXSLIDE_FSM.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_GBT_RXSLIDE_FSM.vhd
index 1945d890137362c0086c27ef62823d7d352769f4..af2307ee11b4fab36b7cd086f49ed86b25159381 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_GBT_RXSLIDE_FSM.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_GBT_RXSLIDE_FSM.vhd
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
 -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;
   Port (
     alignment_chk_rst   : out std_logic;
-    ext_trig_realign    : in std_logic;
+    --ext_trig_realign    : in std_logic;
     FSM_RST             : in std_logic;
     FSM_CLK             : in std_logic;
     GBT_LOCK            : in std_logic;
@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@ architecture Behavioral of FELIX_GBT_RXSLIDE_FSM is
   signal alignwait_done_p               : std_logic:='0';
   signal alignwait_done                 : std_logic:='0';
   signal RxSlide_trig                   : std_logic:='0';
-  signal RxSlide_trig_2                 : std_logic:='0';
+  --signal RxSlide_trig_2                 : std_logic:='0';
   signal RxSlide_done                   : std_logic:='0';
-  signal waitcnt                        : std_logic:='0';
+  --signal waitcnt                        : std_logic:='0';
   signal alignwaitcnt                   : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0):="0000000";
-  signal phase                          : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0):="00000000000";
+  --signal phase                          : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0):="00000000000";
   signal step                           : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0):="00";
-  signal phase_data                     : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0):="0000000000";
-  signal rstcnt                         : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0):="0000000000";
-  signal cnt                            : integer:=0;
+  --signal phase_data                     : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0):="0000000000";
+  --signal rstcnt                         : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0):="0000000000";
+  --signal cnt                            : integer:=0;
   type fsmtype                          is (IDLE,ALIGN_DONE);
   signal RA_STATE                       : fsmtype;
   signal slide_vec                      : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0):=x"00000";
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ begin
       end if;
       RxSlide           <= RxSlide_trig;-- or RxSlide_trig_2 ;
-      RxSlide_trig_2    <= slide_vec(9);
+      --RxSlide_trig_2    <= slide_vec(9);
       RxSlide_done      <= slide_vec(19);
     end if;
   end process;
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ begin
                 --GBT_IS_LOCKED <= GBT_LOCK;
                 if GBT_LOCK = '1' then
                   RA_STATE              <= ALIGN_DONE;  
-                  cnt                   <= 0;  
+                  --cnt                   <= 0;  
                   step                  <= "10";          
                   step                  <= "11";
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ begin
             RA_STATE                    <= ALIGN_DONE;
           end if;
-        when others =>
+        when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
           RA_STATE                      <= IDLE;
           step                          <= "10";
       end case;
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_GBT_RX_AUTO_RST.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_GBT_RX_AUTO_RST.vhd
index cae083c39e0e290b802a537a1f127d91d00172a9..befde932e77aaf39af2babb6d8bc0b85bdc0b0e0 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_GBT_RX_AUTO_RST.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_GBT_RX_AUTO_RST.vhd
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
 -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
@@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ architecture Behavioral of FELIX_GBT_RX_AUTO_RST is
   signal AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p       : std_logic:='0';
-  signal GTHRXRESET_DONE_2r     : std_logic:='0';
-  signal GTHRXRESET_DONE_r      : std_logic:='0';
+  --signal GTHRXRESET_DONE_2r     : std_logic:='0';
+  --signal GTHRXRESET_DONE_r      : std_logic:='0';
   signal ext_trig_realign_p     : std_logic:='0';
-  signal ext_trig_realign_p_r   : std_logic:='0';
+  --signal ext_trig_realign_p_r   : std_logic:='0';
   signal long_counter16_2r      : std_logic:='0';
   signal long_counter16_r       : std_logic:='0';
-  signal AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p_r     : std_logic:='0';
-  signal AUTO_GTH_RXRST_p_r     : std_logic:='0';
+  --signal AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p_r     : std_logic:='0';
+  --signal AUTO_GTH_RXRST_p_r     : std_logic:='0';
   signal AUTO_GTH_RXRST_p       : std_logic:='0';
   signal alignment_chk_rst_p    : std_logic:='0';
-  signal alignment_chk_rst_p_r  : std_logic:='0';
+  --signal alignment_chk_rst_p_r  : std_logic:='0';
   signal wpulse                 : std_logic:='0';
-  signal long_counter           : std_logic_vector(26 downto 0):="000" & x"000000";
+  --signal long_counter           : std_logic_vector(26 downto 0):="000" & x"000000";
-  signal AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p_vec   : std_logic_vector(99 downto 0):=x"0000000000000000000000000";
+  --signal AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p_vec   : std_logic_vector(99 downto 0):=x"0000000000000000000000000";
   type fsmtype                  is (IDLE, GTHRST,GBTRST,ALIGNRST);
   signal statusA                : fsmtype:=IDLE;
@@ -86,16 +86,16 @@ begin
     if FSM_CLK'event and FSM_CLK='1' then
-      AUTO_GTH_RXRST_p_r        <= AUTO_GTH_RXRST_p;
+      --AUTO_GTH_RXRST_p_r        <= AUTO_GTH_RXRST_p;
       AUTO_GTH_RXRST            <= AUTO_GTH_RXRST_p;-- and (not AUTO_GTH_RXRST_p_r);
-      ext_trig_realign_p_r      <= ext_trig_realign_p;
+      --ext_trig_realign_p_r      <= ext_trig_realign_p;
       ext_trig_realign          <= ext_trig_realign_p;-- and (not ext_trig_realign_p_r);
-      AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p_r        <= AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p;
+      --AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p_r        <= AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p;
       AUTO_GBT_RXRST            <= AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p;-- and (not AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p_r);
-      alignment_chk_rst_p_r     <= alignment_chk_rst_p;
+      --alignment_chk_rst_p_r     <= alignment_chk_rst_p;
       alignment_chk_rst         <= alignment_chk_rst_p;-- and (not alignment_chk_rst_p_r);
       long_counter16_2r         <= long_counter16_r;
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ begin
           AUTO_GTH_RXRST_p      <= '0';
           AUTO_GBT_RXRST_p      <= '0';
           ext_trig_realign_p    <= '0';
-        when others =>
+        when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
           statusA               <= IDLE;
       end case;
     end if;
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_gbt_wrapper_KCU.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_gbt_wrapper_KCU.vhd
index beb14886a3d7939bdc3a55f53845ec0dd113ff85..ee59fc72c5a2c777e6e0b322841dcb568ca14966 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_gbt_wrapper_KCU.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_gbt_wrapper_KCU.vhd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 --!                                                                           --
 --!           BNL - Brookhaven National Lboratory                             --
 --!                       Physics Department                                  --
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
 -- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
@@ -39,1179 +39,1160 @@ use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
 use work.FELIX_gbt_package.all;
 use work.FELIX_package.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
 entity FELIX_gbt_wrapper_KCU is
-  Generic (
-    STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD         : integer   := 24;  --period of the drp_clock
-    GBT_NUM                     : integer := 24;
-    GTHREFCLK_SEL               : std_logic := '1'; --GREFCLK        : std_logic := '1';
-                                                    --MGTREFCLK      : std_logic := '0';
-    CARD_TYPE                   : integer := 712;                                         
-    PLL_SEL                     : std_logic := '0'  -- CPLL : '0'
-                                                     -- QPLL : '1'
-    --QUAD_NUM                  : integer := 6
+    Generic (
+        --STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD         : integer   := 24;  --period of the drp_clock
+        GBT_NUM                     : integer := 24;
+        GTHREFCLK_SEL               : std_logic := '1'; --GREFCLK        : std_logic := '1';
+        --MGTREFCLK      : std_logic := '0';
+        CARD_TYPE                   : integer := 712;
+        PLL_SEL                     : std_logic := '0'  -- CPLL : '0'
+        -- QPLL : '1'
+        --QUAD_NUM                  : integer := 6
+    );
+    Port (
+        -------------------
+        ---- For debug
+        -------------------
+        -- For Debugging
+        RX_FLAG_O                   : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        TX_FLAG_O                   : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        REFCLK_CXP1                 : out std_logic;
+        REFCLK_CXP2                 : out std_logic;
+        rst_hw                      : in std_logic;
+        register_map_control        : in register_map_control_type;
+        register_map_link_monitor    : out register_map_link_monitor_type;
+        --DRP_CLK_IN                  : in std_logic;
+        Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
+        Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
+        Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
+        Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
+        Q4_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
+        Q4_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
+        Q5_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
+        Q5_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
+        Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
+        Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
+        --GREFCLK_IN                  : in std_logic;
+        clk40_in                    : in std_logic;
+        --clk240_in                   : in std_logic;
+        -- for CentralRouter
+        TX_120b_in                  : in  txrx120b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+        RX_120b_out                 : out txrx120b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+        FRAME_LOCKED_O              : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        -- TX_ISDATA_I              : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        -- RX_ISDATA_O              : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        -- RX_FRAME_CLK_O           : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        TX_FRAME_CLK_I              : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        -- FIFO_RD_CLK              : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        -- FIFO_RD_EN               : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        -- FIFO_FULL                : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        -- FIFO_EMPTY               : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        -- GTH Data pins
+        TX_P                        : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        TX_N                        : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        RX_P                        : in  std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        RX_N                        : in  std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+        RXUSRCLK_OUT                : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0)
-  Port (
----- For debug
-    -- For Debugging
-    RX_FLAG_O                   : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    TX_FLAG_O                   : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    REFCLK_CXP1                 : out std_logic;
-    REFCLK_CXP2                 : out std_logic;
-    rst_hw                      : in std_logic;
-    register_map_control        : in register_map_control_type;
-    register_map_link_monitor    : out register_map_link_monitor_type;
-    DRP_CLK_IN                  : in std_logic;
-    Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
-    Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
-    Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
-    Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
-    Q4_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
-    Q4_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
-    Q5_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
-    Q5_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
-    Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
-    Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;    
-    GREFCLK_IN                  : in std_logic;
-    clk40_in                    : in std_logic;
-    clk240_in                   : in std_logic;
-    -- for CentralRouter
-    TX_120b_in                  : in  txrx120b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-    RX_120b_out                 : out txrx120b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-    FRAME_LOCKED_O              : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    -- TX_ISDATA_I              : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    -- RX_ISDATA_O              : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    -- RX_FRAME_CLK_O           : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    TX_FRAME_CLK_I              : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    -- FIFO_RD_CLK              : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    -- FIFO_RD_EN               : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    -- FIFO_FULL                : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    -- FIFO_EMPTY               : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    -- GTH Data pins
-    TX_P                        : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    TX_N                        : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    RX_P                        : in  std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    RX_N                        : in  std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    RXUSRCLK_OUT                : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0)
 end FELIX_gbt_wrapper_KCU;
 architecture Behavioral of FELIX_gbt_wrapper_KCU is
-  component fifo_GBT2CR IS
-    PORT (
-      wr_clk    : IN STD_LOGIC;
-      wr_rst    : IN STD_LOGIC;
-      rd_clk    : IN STD_LOGIC;
-      rd_rst    : IN STD_LOGIC;
-      din       : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(119 DOWNTO 0);
-      wr_en     : IN STD_LOGIC;
-      rd_en     : IN STD_LOGIC;
-      dout      : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(119 DOWNTO 0);
-      full      : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-      empty     : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-      prog_empty : OUT STD_LOGIC
-      );
-  END component;
- -- constant QUAD_NUM : integer := GBT_NUM / 4;
-  signal rxslide_manual : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(47 downto 0);
-  signal RxSlide_c      : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(47 downto 0);
-  signal RxSlide_i      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal rxslide_sel    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal txusrrdy       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal rxusrrdy       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal gttx_reset     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal gtrx_reset     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal soft_reset     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal cpll_reset     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal qpll_reset     : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal txresetdone    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal clk_sampled    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal rxresetdone    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal txfsmresetdone : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal rxfsmresetdone : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal cpllfbclklost  : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal cplllock       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal rxcdrlock,RxCdrLock_int      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal qplllock       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal cdr_cnt        : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-  signal tx_is_data     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal TX_RESET       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal TX_RESET_i     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RX_RESET       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RX_RESET_i     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GT_TXUSRCLK    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GT_RXUSRCLK    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RX_FLAG_Oi     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal gbt_data_format: std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL RX_ALIGN_SW    : STD_logic;
-  signal RX_ALIGN_TB_SW : STD_logic;
-  signal rx_pll_locked  : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal outsel_i       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal outsel_ii      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal outsel_o       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RX_120b_out_i  : txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
-  signal RX_120b_out_ii : txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
-  signal rx_is_header   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal alignment_done : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal rx_is_data     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RX_HEADER_FOUND: std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RxSlide        : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GT_TX_WORD_CLK : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal TX_TC_METHOD   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal TC_EDGE        : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  type data20barray     is array (0 to 47) of std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-  signal TX_DATA_20b    : data20barray := (others => ("00000000000000000000"));
-  signal RX_DATA_20b    : data20barray := (others => ("00000000000000000000"));
-  signal GT_RX_WORD_CLK         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal alignment_chk_rst_c    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal alignment_chk_rst_c1   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal alignment_chk_rst      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal alignment_chk_rst_f    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal rstframeclk            : std_logic;
-  signal alignment_chk_rst_i    : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk1           : std_logic;
-  signal DESMUX_USE_SW          : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk_3r         : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk_r          : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk_2r         : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk1_3r        : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk1_r         : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk1_2r        : std_logic;
-  signal cxp1_tx_pll_rst        : std_logic;
-  signal cxp2_tx_pll_rst        : std_logic;
-  signal SOFT_TXRST_GT          : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal TopBot                 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal TopBot_C               : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal TopBot_i               : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal SOFT_RXRST_GT          : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal SOFT_TXRST_ALL         : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal SOFT_RXRST_ALL         : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal TX_OPT                 : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-  signal RX_OPT                 : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL DATA_TXFORMAT          : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-  signal DATA_TXFORMAT_i        : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL DATA_RXFORMAT          : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-  signal DATA_RXFORMAT_i        : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL OddEven                : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal OddEven_i              : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal OddEven_c              : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal ext_trig_realign       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal General_ctrl           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_RXSLIDE            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TXUSRRDY           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_RXUSRRDY           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_GTTX_RESET         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_GTRX_RESET         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_PLL_RESET          : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_ODDEVEN            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TOPBOT             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE1   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE2   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE3   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE4   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);  
-  signal GBT_TX_OPT             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_RX_OPT             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_DATA_TXFORMAT      : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_DATA_RXFORMAT      : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TX_RESET           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_RX_RESET           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TX_TC_METHOD       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TC_EDGE            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_OUTMUX_SEL         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_TXRESET_DONE       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RXRESET_DONE       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal TXPMARESETDONE         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RXPMARESETDONE         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal alignment_done_f       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal soft_reset_f           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal fifo_empty             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal userclk_rx_reset_in    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal userclk_tx_reset_in    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal TXPMARESETDONE_out     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RXPMARESETDONE_out     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_TXFSMRESET_DONE    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RXFSMRESET_DONE    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_CPLL_FBCLK_LOST    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_PLL_LOCK           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RXCDR_LOCK         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_CLK_SAMPLED        : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RX_IS_HEADER       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RX_IS_DATA         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RX_HEADER_FOUND    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_ALIGNMENT_DONE     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_OUT_MUX_STATUS     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_ERROR              : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_GBT_TOPBOT_C       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal rxcdrlock_a            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL LOGIC_RST		: std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL Channel_disable        : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL Mode_ctrl              : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL TX_TC_DLY_VALUE        : std_logic_vector(191 downto 0);
-  signal data_sel               : std_logic_vector(191 downto 0);
-  signal GTH_RefClk             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal gbt_sel                : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal lock_lg                : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal pulse_cnt              : std_logic_vector(29 downto 0);
-  signal pulse_lg               : std_logic;
-  signal CXP1_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
-  signal CXP2_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
-  signal CXP4_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
-  signal CXP3_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
-  signal CXP5_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
-  signal des_rxusrclk_cxp1      : std_logic;
-  signal des_rxusrclk_cxp2      : std_logic;
-  signal alignment_done_chk_cnt : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
-  signal alignment_done_a       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal fifo_rst               : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal fifo_rden              : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal clksampled             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal des_rxusrclk           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal error_orig             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal error_f                : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal FSM_RST                : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal auto_gth_rxrst         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal auto_gbt_rxrst         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal gbt_rx_reset_i         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal gtrx_reset_i           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal TX_LINERATE            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RX_LINERATE            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GT_RXOUTCLK            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal GT_TXOUTCLK            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal BITSLIP_MANUAL_r       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal BITSLIP_MANUAL_3r      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  type txrx80b_12ch_type        is array (11 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
-  signal RX_DATA_80b            : txrx80b_12ch_type;
-  signal TX_DATA_80b            : txrx80b_12ch_type;
-  signal gttx_reset_merge       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal gtrx_reset_merge       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal rxcdrlock_quad         : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal rxresetdone_quad       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal txresetdone_quad       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal rxcdrlock_out          : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RxResetDone_f          : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal RX_N_i                 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0):=x"000000000000";
-  signal RX_P_i                 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0):=x"000000000000";
-  signal TX_N_i                 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0):=x"000000000000";
-  signal TX_P_i                 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0):=x"000000000000";
-  signal drpclk_in              : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  FRAME_LOCKED_O <= alignment_done_f(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-  -- GTHREFCLK_1 : if GTHREFCLK_SEL = '0' generate
-  REFCLK_CXP1 <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
-  REFCLK_CXP2 <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---bank 126, 127, 128 use clk from bank 127
-  ibufds_instq2_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
-    port map
-    (
-      O               => 	CXP1_GTH_RefClk,
-      ODIV2           =>    open,
-      CEB             => 	'0',
-      I               => 	Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
-      IB              => 	Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
-      );
---bank 131, 132, 133 use clk from bank 132
-   ibufds_instq8_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
-    port map
-    (
-      O               =>     CXP2_GTH_RefClk,
-      ODIV2           =>    open,
-      CEB             =>     '0',
-      I               =>     Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
-      IB              =>     Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
-      );      
---bank 231, 232, 233,use clk from bank 232
-  ibufds_instq4_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
-    port map
-    (
-      O               =>     CXP3_GTH_RefClk,
-      ODIV2           =>    open,
-      CEB             =>     '0',
-      I               =>     Q4_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
-      IB              =>     Q4_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
-      );
---bank 228 use clk from bank 228
-  ibufds_instq5_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
-    port map
-    (
-      O               =>     CXP4_GTH_RefClk,
-      ODIV2           =>    open,
-      CEB             =>     '0',
-      I               =>     Q5_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
-      IB              =>     Q5_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
-      ); 
---bank 224, 225 use clk from bank 225
-CXP5: if (CARD_TYPE = 712) generate      
-      ibufds_instq6_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
-    port map
-    (
-      O               =>     CXP5_GTH_RefClk,
-      ODIV2           =>    open,
-      CEB             =>     '0',
-      I               =>     Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
-      IB              =>     Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
-      );  
-end generate CXP5;
---SLR0 banks: 126, 127, 128, 224, 225, 228
---SLR1 banks: 131, 132, 133, 231, 232, 233
-g_refclk_8ch: if (GBT_NUM <= 8) generate
-    GTH_RefClk( 0)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 1)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 2)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 3)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 4)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 5)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 6)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 7)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
- end generate g_refclk_8ch;
-g_refclk_16ch: if ((8 < GBT_NUM) and (GBT_NUM <= 16)) generate
-    GTH_RefClk( 0)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 1)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 2)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 3)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 4)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 5)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 6)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 7)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 8)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 9)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(10)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(11)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(12)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(13)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(14)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(15)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-end generate g_refclk_16ch;
-g_refclk_24ch: if ((16 < GBT_NUM) and (GBT_NUM <= 24)) generate
-    GTH_RefClk( 0)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 1)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 2)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 3)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 4)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 5)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 6)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 7)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 8)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 9)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(10)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(11)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(12)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(13)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(14)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(15)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(16)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(17)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(18)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(19)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(20)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(21)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(22)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(23)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
-end generate g_refclk_24ch;
-g_refclk_48ch: if ((24 < GBT_NUM) and (GBT_NUM <= 48)) generate
-    GTH_RefClk( 0)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 1)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 2)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 3)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 4)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 5)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 6)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 7)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 8)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk( 9)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(10)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(11)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(12)         <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;--bank 228 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(13)         <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;--bank 228 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(14)         <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;--bank 228 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(15)         <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;--bank 228 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(16)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 224 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(17)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 224 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(18)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 224 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(19)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 224 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(20)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 225 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(21)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 225 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(22)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 225 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(23)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 225 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(24)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(25)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(26)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(27)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(28)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(29)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(30)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(31)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(32)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(33)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(34)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(35)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
-    GTH_RefClk(36)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 231 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(37)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 231 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(38)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 231 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(39)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 231 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(40)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 232 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(41)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 232 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(42)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 232 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(43)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 232 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(44)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 233 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(45)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 233 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(46)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 233 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-    GTH_RefClk(47)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 233 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
-end generate g_refclk_48ch;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(0)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(1)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(2)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(3)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(4)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(5)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(6)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(7)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    -- For 16 channels (and below) put 8 channels in SRL0, channel 8..15 in SRL1.
---IG  g_refclk0: if GBT_NUM <= 16 generate
---IG    GTH_RefClk(8)       <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(9)       <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(10)      <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(11)      <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  end generate;
---IG  -- For 24 channels put 12 channels in SRL0, channel 12..23 in SRL1.
---IG  g_refclk1: if GBT_NUM > 16 generate
---IG    GTH_RefClk(8)       <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(9)       <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(10)      <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(11)      <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  end generate;
---IG refclkgen_v2p0 : if CARD_TYPE=712 generate
---IG    g_refclk11: if GBT_NUM <25 generate
---IG    GTH_RefClk(12)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(13)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(14)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(15)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(16)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(17)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(18)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(19)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(20)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(21)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(22)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG    GTH_RefClk(23)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  end generate;
---IG  g_refclk12: if GBT_NUM >24 generate
---IG     GTH_RefClk(24)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(25)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(26)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(27)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(28)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(29)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(30)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(31)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(32)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(33)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(34)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(35)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG      GTH_RefClk(36)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(37)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(38)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(39)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(40)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(41)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(42)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(43)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(44)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(45)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(46)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(47)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(12)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(13)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(14)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(15)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(16)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(17)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(18)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(19)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(20)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(21)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(22)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
---IG GTH_RefClk(23)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
---IG--bank 224, 225 use clk from bank 225
---IG    ibufds_instq6_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
---IG  port map
---IG  (
---IG    O               =>     CXP5_GTH_RefClk,
---IG    ODIV2           =>    open,
---IG    CEB             =>     '0',
---IG    I               =>     Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
---IG    IB              =>     Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
---IG    );  
---IG end generate;
---IG end generate;
---IGrefclkgen_v1p5 : if CARD_TYPE=711 generate
---IG  GTH_RefClk(12)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(13)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(14)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(15)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(16)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(17)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(18)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(19)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(20)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(21)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(22)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(23)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(24)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(25)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(26)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(27)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(28)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(29)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(30)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(31)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(32)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(33)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(34)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(35)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(40)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(41)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(42)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(43)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(44)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(45)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(46)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(47)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(36)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(37)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(38)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
---IG  GTH_RefClk(39)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
---IG   end generate;
-  Channel_disable(47 downto 0)          <= register_map_control.GBT_CHANNEL_DISABLE;
-  General_ctrl                          <= register_map_control.GBT_GENERAL_CTRL;
-  RxSlide_Manual(47 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_RXSLIDE_MANUAL(47 downto 0);
-  RxSlide_Sel(47 downto 0)              <= register_map_control.GBT_RXSLIDE_SELECT(47 downto 0);
-  TXUSRRDY(47 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_TXUSRRDY(47 downto 0);
-  RXUSRRDY(47 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_RXUSRRDY(47 downto 0);
-  GTTX_RESET(47 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_GTTX_RESET(47 downto 0);
-  GTRX_RESET(47 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_GTRX_RESET(47 downto 0);
-  SOFT_RESET(47 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RESET(47 downto 0);
-  CPLL_RESET(47 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_PLL_RESET.CPLL_RESET(47 downto 0);
-  QPLL_RESET(11 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_PLL_RESET.QPLL_RESET(59 downto 48);
-    SOFT_TXRST_GT(47 downto 0)     <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET.RESET_GT;  -- Default: 0b000
-    SOFT_RXRST_GT(47 downto 0)     <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET.RESET_GT; -- Default: 0b000
-    SOFT_TXRST_ALL(11 downto 0)    <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET.RESET_ALL(59 downto 48);
-    SOFT_RXRST_ALL(11 downto 0)    <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET.RESET_ALL(59 downto 48);
-  OddEven(47 downto 0)              <= register_map_control.GBT_ODD_EVEN(47 downto 0);
-  TopBot(47 downto 0)               <= register_map_control.GBT_TOPBOT(47 downto 0);
-  TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(47 downto 0)  <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE1;
-  TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(95 downto 48) <=register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE2;
-  TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(143 downto 96)  <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE3;
-  TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(191 downto 144) <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE4;  
- -- TX_OPT(47 downto 0)           <= GBT_TX_OPT(47 DOWNTO 0);  --
- -- RX_OPT(47 downto 0)           <= GBT_RX_OPT(47 DOWNTO 0);  --
- -- GBT_TX_OPT(47 downto 0)               <= x"000000555555"; -- ! TODO:Register was removed in RM4.0 register_map_control.GBT_TX_OPT;
- -- GBT_RX_OPT(47 downto 0)               <= x"000000555555"; -- ! TODO:Register was removed in RM4.0 register_map_control.GBT_RX_OPT;
-  DATA_TXFORMAT(47 downto 0)        <= register_map_control.GBT_DATA_TXFORMAT1(47 downto 0);
-  DATA_RXFORMAT(47 downto 0)        <= register_map_control.GBT_DATA_RXFORMAT1(47 downto 0);
-  DATA_TXFORMAT(95 downto 48)       <= register_map_control.GBT_DATA_TXFORMAT2(47 downto 0);
-  DATA_RXFORMAT(95 downto 48)       <= register_map_control.GBT_DATA_RXFORMAT2(47 downto 0);
-  TX_RESET(47 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_RESET(47 downto 0);
-  RX_RESET(47 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_RX_RESET(47 downto 0);
-  TX_TC_METHOD(47 downto 0)         <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_METHOD(47 downto 0);
-  TC_EDGE(47 downto 0)              <= register_map_control.GBT_TC_EDGE(47 downto 0);
-  outsel_i(47 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_OUTMUX_SEL(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.DATE             <=  GBT_VERSION(63 downto 48);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.GBT_VERSION(35 downto 32)      <=  GBT_VERSION(23 downto 20);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.GTH_IP_VERSION(19 downto 16)   <=  GBT_VERSION(19 downto 16);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.RESERVED         <=  GBT_VERSION(15 downto 3);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.GTHREFCLK_SEL    <=  (others => GTHREFCLK_SEL);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.RX_CLK_SEL       <=  GBT_VERSION(1 downto 1);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.PLL_SEL          <=  GBT_VERSION(0 downto 0);
-  --
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_TXRESET_DONE(47 downto 0)        <= TxResetDone(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXRESET_DONE(47 downto 0)        <= RxResetDone(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_TXFSMRESET_DONE(47 downto 0)     <= txpmaresetdone(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXFSMRESET_DONE(47 downto 0)     <= rxpmaresetdone(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_CPLL_FBCLK_LOST(47 downto 0)     <= CpllFbClkLost (47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_PLL_LOCK.CPLL_LOCK(47 downto 0)  <= CpllLock(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_PLL_LOCK.QPLL_LOCK(59 downto 48) <= QpllLock(11 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXCDR_LOCK(47 downto 0)          <= RxCdrLock(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_CLK_SAMPLED(47 downto 0)         <= clk_sampled(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_IS_HEADER(47 downto 0)        <= RX_IS_HEADER(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_IS_DATA(47 downto 0)          <= RX_IS_DATA(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_HEADER_FOUND(47 downto 0)     <= RX_HEADER_FOUND(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_ALIGNMENT_DONE(47 downto 0)      <= alignment_done_f(47 downto 0);
-  -- aligndone_gen : for i in 23 downto 0 generate
-  --   alignment_done_f(i) <=  RxCdrLock(i) and alignment_done(i);
-  -- end generate;
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_OUT_MUX_STATUS(47 downto 0)    <= outsel_o(47 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_ERROR(47 downto 0)             <= error_f(47 downto 0);
-  error_gen : for i in 47 downto 0 generate
-    error_f(i) <= error_orig(i) and alignment_done_f(i);
-  end generate;
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_GBT_TOPBOT_C(47 downto 0)      <= TopBot_c(47 downto 0);
-  alignment_chk_rst_i           <= General_ctrl(0);
-  DESMUX_USE_SW                 <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.DESMUX_USE_SW(0);
-  RX_ALIGN_SW                   <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.RX_ALIGN_SW(1);
-  RX_ALIGN_TB_SW                <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.RX_ALIGN_TB_SW(2);
-  -------
-  datamod_gen1 : if DYNAMIC_DATA_MODE_EN='1' generate
-  end generate;
-  datamod_gen2 : if DYNAMIC_DATA_MODE_EN='0' generate
-  end generate;
-  process(clk40_in)
-  begin
-    if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
-      pulse_lg <= pulse_cnt(20);
-      if pulse_cnt(20)='1' then
-        pulse_cnt <=(others=>'0');
-      else
-        pulse_cnt <= pulse_cnt+'1';
-      end if;
-    end if;
-  end process;
-  process(clk40_in)
-  begin
-    if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
-      alignment_done_chk_cnt <= alignment_done_chk_cnt + '1';
-    end if;
-  end process;
-  rxalign_auto : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
---  process(clk40_in)
---  begin
---    if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
---      if pulse_lg = '1' then
---        gbt_sel(i) <= lock_lg(i);
---      end if;
---      if  pulse_lg = '1' then
---        lock_lg(i) <='1';
---      elsif alignment_done_f(i)='0' then
---        lock_lg(i) <='0';
---      end if;
---    end if;
---  end process;
-    process(clk40_in)
-    begin
-      if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
-        if alignment_done_chk_cnt="0000000000000" then
-          alignment_done_a(i) <= RxCdrLock(i) and alignment_done(i);
-        else
-          alignment_done_a(i) <= RxCdrLock(i) and alignment_done(i) and alignment_done_a(i);
-        end if;
-        if alignment_done_chk_cnt="0000000000000" then
-          alignment_done_f(i) <=  RxCdrLock(i) and alignment_done_a(i);
-        end if;
-      end if;
-    end process;
-    RX_120b_out(i) <= RX_120b_out_ii(i) when alignment_done_f(i)='1'
-                      else (others =>'0');
-    auto_rxrst : entity work.FELIX_GBT_RX_AUTO_RST
-      port map
-      (
-        FSM_CLK                 => clk40_in,
-        pulse_lg                => pulse_lg,
-        GTHRXRESET_DONE         => RxResetDone(i),-- and RxFsmResetDone(i),
-        alignment_chk_rst       => alignment_chk_rst_c1(i),
-        GBT_LOCK                => alignment_done_f(i),--alignment_done(i),
-        AUTO_GTH_RXRST          => auto_gth_rxrst(i),
-        ext_trig_realign        => ext_trig_realign(i),
-        AUTO_GBT_RXRST          => auto_gbt_rxrst(i)
+    component fifo_GBT2CR IS
+        PORT (
+            wr_clk    : IN STD_LOGIC;
+            wr_rst    : IN STD_LOGIC;
+            rd_clk    : IN STD_LOGIC;
+            rd_rst    : IN STD_LOGIC;
+            din       : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(119 DOWNTO 0);
+            wr_en     : IN STD_LOGIC;
+            rd_en     : IN STD_LOGIC;
+            dout      : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(119 DOWNTO 0);
+            full      : OUT STD_LOGIC;
+            empty     : OUT STD_LOGIC;
+            prog_empty : OUT STD_LOGIC
+    END component;
+    -- constant QUAD_NUM : integer := GBT_NUM / 4;
+    --signal rxslide_manual : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(47 downto 0);
+    signal RxSlide_c      : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(47 downto 0);
+    signal RxSlide_i      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal rxslide_sel    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal txusrrdy       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal rxusrrdy       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal gttx_reset     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal gtrx_reset     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal soft_reset     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal cpll_reset     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal qpll_reset     : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    signal txresetdone    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal clk_sampled    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal rxresetdone    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal txfsmresetdone : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal rxfsmresetdone : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal cpllfbclklost  : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal cplllock       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal rxcdrlock,RxCdrLock_int      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal qplllock       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    signal cdr_cnt        : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
+    --signal tx_is_data     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal TX_RESET       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal TX_RESET_i     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal RX_RESET       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal RX_RESET_i     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal GT_TXUSRCLK    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal GT_RXUSRCLK    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal RX_FLAG_Oi     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal gbt_data_format: std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL RX_ALIGN_SW    : STD_logic;
+    --signal RX_ALIGN_TB_SW : STD_logic;
+    --signal rx_pll_locked  : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal outsel_i       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal outsel_ii      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal outsel_o       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal RX_120b_out_i  : txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
+    signal RX_120b_out_ii : txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
+    signal rx_is_header   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal alignment_done : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal rx_is_data     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal RX_HEADER_FOUND: std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal RxSlide        : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal GT_TX_WORD_CLK : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal TX_TC_METHOD   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal TC_EDGE        : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    type data20barray     is array (0 to 47) of std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
+    signal TX_DATA_20b    : data20barray := (others => ("00000000000000000000"));
+    signal RX_DATA_20b    : data20barray := (others => ("00000000000000000000"));
+    signal GT_RX_WORD_CLK         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal alignment_chk_rst_c    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal alignment_chk_rst_c1   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal alignment_chk_rst      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal alignment_chk_rst_f    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal rstframeclk            : std_logic;
+    signal alignment_chk_rst_i    : std_logic;
+    --signal rstframeclk1           : std_logic;
+    signal DESMUX_USE_SW          : std_logic;
+    --signal rstframeclk_3r         : std_logic;
+    --signal rstframeclk_r          : std_logic;
+    --signal rstframeclk_2r         : std_logic;
+    --signal rstframeclk1_3r        : std_logic;
+    --signal rstframeclk1_r         : std_logic;
+    --signal rstframeclk1_2r        : std_logic;
+    --signal cxp1_tx_pll_rst        : std_logic;
+    --signal cxp2_tx_pll_rst        : std_logic;
+    --signal SOFT_TXRST_GT          : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal TopBot                 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal TopBot_C               : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal TopBot_i               : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal SOFT_RXRST_GT          : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal SOFT_TXRST_ALL         : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --signal SOFT_RXRST_ALL         : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --signal TX_OPT                 : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+    --signal RX_OPT                 : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+    SIGNAL DATA_TXFORMAT          : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+    signal DATA_TXFORMAT_i        : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+    SIGNAL DATA_RXFORMAT          : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+    signal DATA_RXFORMAT_i        : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL OddEven                : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal OddEven_i              : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal OddEven_c              : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal ext_trig_realign       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal General_ctrl           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_RXSLIDE            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_TXUSRRDY           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_RXUSRRDY           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_GTTX_RESET         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_GTRX_RESET         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_PLL_RESET          : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_ODDEVEN            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_TOPBOT             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE1   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE2   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE3   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE4   : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);  
+    --signal GBT_TX_OPT             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_RX_OPT             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_DATA_TXFORMAT      : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_DATA_RXFORMAT      : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_TX_RESET           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_RX_RESET           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_TX_TC_METHOD       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_TC_EDGE            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal GBT_OUTMUX_SEL         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_TXRESET_DONE       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_RXRESET_DONE       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal TXPMARESETDONE         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal RXPMARESETDONE         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal alignment_done_f       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal soft_reset_f           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal fifo_empty             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal userclk_rx_reset_in    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal userclk_tx_reset_in    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal TXPMARESETDONE_out     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal RXPMARESETDONE_out     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_TXFSMRESET_DONE    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_RXFSMRESET_DONE    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_CPLL_FBCLK_LOST    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_PLL_LOCK           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_RXCDR_LOCK         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_CLK_SAMPLED        : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_RX_IS_HEADER       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_RX_IS_DATA         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_RX_HEADER_FOUND    : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_ALIGNMENT_DONE     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_OUT_MUX_STATUS     : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_ERROR              : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL GBT_GBT_TOPBOT_C       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal rxcdrlock_a            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL LOGIC_RST        : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+    SIGNAL Channel_disable        : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+    --SIGNAL Mode_ctrl              : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    SIGNAL TX_TC_DLY_VALUE        : std_logic_vector(191 downto 0);
+    --signal data_sel               : std_logic_vector(191 downto 0);
+    signal GTH_RefClk             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal gbt_sel                : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal lock_lg                : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal pulse_cnt              : std_logic_vector(29 downto 0);
+    signal pulse_lg               : std_logic;
+    signal CXP1_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
+    signal CXP2_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
+    signal CXP4_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
+    signal CXP3_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
+    signal CXP5_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
+    --signal des_rxusrclk_cxp1      : std_logic;
+    --signal des_rxusrclk_cxp2      : std_logic;
+    signal alignment_done_chk_cnt : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
+    signal alignment_done_a       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal fifo_rst               : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal fifo_rden              : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal clksampled             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal des_rxusrclk           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal error_orig             : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal error_f                : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal FSM_RST                : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal auto_gth_rxrst         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal auto_gbt_rxrst         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal gbt_rx_reset_i         : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal gtrx_reset_i           : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal TX_LINERATE            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal RX_LINERATE            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal GT_RXOUTCLK            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal GT_TXOUTCLK            : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal BITSLIP_MANUAL_r       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal BITSLIP_MANUAL_3r      : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    type txrx80b_12ch_type        is array (11 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
+    signal RX_DATA_80b            : txrx80b_12ch_type;
+    signal TX_DATA_80b            : txrx80b_12ch_type;
+    signal gttx_reset_merge       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    signal gtrx_reset_merge       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --signal rxcdrlock_quad         : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --signal rxresetdone_quad       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --signal txresetdone_quad       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    signal rxcdrlock_out          : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    --signal RxResetDone_f          : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+    signal RX_N_i                 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0):=x"000000000000";
+    signal RX_P_i                 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0):=x"000000000000";
+    signal TX_N_i                 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0):=x"000000000000";
+    signal TX_P_i                 : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0):=x"000000000000";
+    signal drpclk_in              : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-    rafsm : entity work.FELIX_GBT_RXSLIDE_FSM
-      port map
-      (
-        ext_trig_realign        => ext_trig_realign(i),
-        FSM_RST                 => FSM_RST(i),
-        FSM_CLK                 => clk40_in,
-        GBT_LOCK                => alignment_done(i),
-        RxSlide                 => RxSlide_c(i),
-        alignment_chk_rst       => alignment_chk_rst_c(i)
-        );
-    FSM_RST(i)          <= RX_RESET(i);-- or RX_ALIGN_SW;
- -- GTRX_RESET_i(i)     <= --GTRX_RESET(i) when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
- --                      (GTRX_RESET(i) or auto_gth_rxrst(i));
-    RX_RESET_i(i)       <= --RX_RESET(i) when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
-                           (RX_RESET(i) or auto_gbt_rxrst(i));
-    alignment_chk_rst(i)        <= --alignment_chk_rst_i when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
-                                   (alignment_chk_rst_i or alignment_chk_rst_c(i) or alignment_chk_rst_c1(i));
-    RxSlide_i(i)             <= RxSlide_c(i) and RxCdrLock(i);
-    TX_RESET_i(i)       <= TX_RESET(i) or (not TxResetDone(i));-- or (not TxFsmResetDone(i));
-  end generate;
-  outsel_ii             <= outsel_o when DESMUX_USE_SW = '0' else
-                           outsel_i;
---  OddEven_i           <= OddEven_c when RX_ALIGN_SW ='0' else
---                      OddEven;
---  TopBot_i            <= TopBot_c when RX_ALIGN_SW='0' else --and RX_ALIGN_TB_SW='0'  else
---                      TopBot;
-  --RxSlide_i             <= RxSlide_c;-- when RX_ALIGN_SW='0' else
- --                     RxSlide_Manual;
-  RX_FLAG_O             <= RX_FLAG_Oi(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-  gbtRxTx : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
-    process(GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i))
-    begin
-      if GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i)'event and GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i)='1' then
-        BITSLIP_MANUAL_r(i)     <= RxSlide_i(i);
-        BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r(i)    <= BITSLIP_MANUAL_r(i);
-        BITSLIP_MANUAL_3r(i)    <= BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r(i);
-        RxSlide(i)              <= BITSLIP_MANUAL_r(i) and (not BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r(i));
-      end if;
-    end process;
+    FRAME_LOCKED_O <= alignment_done_f(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+    -- GTHREFCLK_1 : if GTHREFCLK_SEL = '0' generate
+    -- IBUFDS_GTE2
+    REFCLK_CXP1 <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    REFCLK_CXP2 <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
-    alignment_chk_rst_f(i)      <= alignment_chk_rst(i);-- or (not RxCdrLock(i));
-    gbtTxRx_inst: entity work.gbtTxRx_FELIX
-      generic map
-      (
-        channel => i
+    --bank 126, 127, 128 use clk from bank 127
+    ibufds_instq2_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
+        generic map(
+            REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+            REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+            REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
-      port map
-      (
-        error_o                 => error_orig(i),
-        RX_FLAG                 => RX_FLAG_Oi(i),--RX_FLAG_O(i),
-        TX_FLAG                 => TX_FLAG_O(i),
-        Tx_DATA_FORMAT          => DATA_TXFORMAT_i(2*i+1 downto 2*i),
-        Rx_DATA_FORMAT          => DATA_RXFORMAT_i(2*i+1 downto 2*i),
-        Tx_latopt_tc            => '1',--TX_OPT(i),
-        Tx_latopt_scr           => '1',--TX_OPT(24+i),
-        RX_LATOPT_DES           => '1',--RX_OPT(i),
-        TX_TC_METHOD            => TX_TC_METHOD(i),
-        TC_EDGE                 => TC_EDGE(i),
-        TX_TC_DLY_VALUE  	=> TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(4*i+2 downto 4*i),
-        alignment_chk_rst       => alignment_chk_rst_f(i),
-        alignment_done_O        => alignment_done(i),
-        L40M                    => clk40_in,
-        outsel_i                => outsel_ii(i),
-        outsel_o                => outsel_o(i),
-        --BITSLIP_MANUAL        => RxSlide_i(i),
-        --BITSLIP_SEL 	        => RxSlide_Sel(i),
-        --GT_RXSLIDE		=> RxSlide(i),
-        OddEven			=> '0',--OddEven_i(i),
-        TopBot                  => '0',--TopBot_i(i),
-        data_sel                => data_sel(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        TX_RESET_I 		=> TX_RESET_i(i),
-        TX_FRAMECLK_I	        => TX_FRAME_CLK_I(i),
-        TX_WORDCLK_I 	        => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i),
-        --TX_ISDATA_SEL_I	=> TX_IS_DATA(i),
-        TX_DATA_120b_I	        => TX_120b_in(i),
-        TX_DATA_20b_O	        => TX_DATA_20b(i),
-        RX_RESET_I  		=> RX_RESET_i(i),
-        RX_FRAME_CLK_O 		=> open,--RX_FRAME_CLK_O(i),
-        RX_WORD_IS_HEADER_O     => RX_IS_HEADER(i),
-        RX_HEADER_FOUND	        => RX_HEADER_FOUND(i),
-        RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O        => RX_IS_DATA(i),
-        RX_DATA_20b_I    	=> RX_DATA_20b(i),
-        RX_DATA_120b_O    	=> RX_120b_out_i(i),
-        des_rxusrclk            => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),
-        RX_WORDCLK_I      	=> GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i)
+        port map(
+            O               =>     CXP1_GTH_RefClk,
+            ODIV2           =>    open,
+            CEB             =>     '0',
+            I               =>     Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
+            IB              =>     Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
-    fifo_rst(i) <= rst_hw or (not alignment_done_f(i)) or RX_RESET_i(i) or General_ctrl(4);
-    fifo_rden(i) <= not fifo_empty(i);
-    fifo_inst: fifo_GBT2CR
-      PORT MAP(
-        rd_rst          => fifo_rst(i),--rst_hw,
-        wr_rst          => fifo_rst(i),--rst_hw,
-        wr_clk          => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),
-        rd_clk          => clk40_in,--FIFO_RD_CLK(i),
-        din             => RX_120b_out_i(i),
-        wr_en           => RX_FLAG_Oi(i),
-        rd_en           => fifo_rden(i),--not fifo_empty(i),--'1',--FIFO_RD_EN(i),
-        dout            => RX_120b_out_ii(i),
-        full            => open,
-        empty           => open,
-        prog_empty      => fifo_empty(i)--FIFO_EMPTY(i)
-        );
-  end generate;
-  clk_generate : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
-    GTTXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt
-      port map(
-        i       => GT_TXOUTCLK(i),
-        div     => "000",
-        clr     => '0',--userclk_tx_reset_in,--'0',
-        cemask  => '0',
-        clrmask => '0',
-        ce      => '1',
-        o       => GT_TXUSRCLK(i)
+    --bank 131, 132, 133 use clk from bank 132
+    ibufds_instq8_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
+        generic map(
+            REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+            REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+            REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+        )
+        port map(
+            O               =>     CXP2_GTH_RefClk,
+            ODIV2           =>    open,
+            CEB             =>     '0',
+            I               =>     Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
+            IB              =>     Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
-    GTRXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt
-      port map(
-        i       => GT_RXOUTCLK(i),
-        div     => "000",
-        clr     => '0',--userclk_tx_reset_in,--'0',
-        cemask  => '0',
-        clrmask => '0',
-        ce      => '1',
-        o       => GT_RXUSRCLK(i)
+    --bank 231, 232, 233,use clk from bank 232
+    ibufds_instq4_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
+        generic map(
+            REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+            REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+            REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+        )
+        port map(
+            O               =>     CXP3_GTH_RefClk,
+            ODIV2           =>    open,
+            CEB             =>     '0',
+            I               =>     Q4_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
+            IB              =>     Q4_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
-    -- GT_RXUSRCLK(i) <=  clk240_in;
-  end generate;
- drpclk_in(0) <= clk40_in;
- QPLL_GEN: if PLL_SEL = QPLL generate
-   port_trans : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
-     RX_N_i(i)   <= RX_N(i);
-     RX_P_i(i)   <= RX_P(i);
-     TX_N(i)     <= TX_N_i(i);
-     TX_P(i)     <= TX_P_i(i);
-   end generate;
-   GTH_inst : for i in (GBT_NUM-1)/4 downto 0 generate
-     RX_DATA_20b(4*i+0) <= RX_DATA_80b(i)(19 downto 0);
-     RX_DATA_20b(4*i+1) <= RX_DATA_80b(i)(39 downto 20);
-     RX_DATA_20b(4*i+2) <= RX_DATA_80b(i)(59 downto 40);
-     RX_DATA_20b(4*i+3) <= RX_DATA_80b(i)(79 downto 60);
-     TX_DATA_80b(i) <= TX_DATA_20b(4*i+3) & TX_DATA_20b(4*i+2) & TX_DATA_20b(4*i+1) & TX_DATA_20b(4*i+0);
-    GTH_TOP_INST: entity work.GTH_QPLL_Wrapper
-      Port map(
-        gthrxn_in                       => RX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gthrxp_in                       => RX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gthtxn_out                      => TX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gthtxp_out                      => TX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        drpclk_in                       => drpclk_in,--(others=>clk40_in),
-        gtrefclk0_in                    => GTH_RefClk(4*i downto 4*i),
-        gt_rxusrclk_in                  => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_rxoutclk_out                 => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_txusrclk_in                  => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_txoutclk_out                 => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        userdata_tx_in                  =>  TX_DATA_80b(i),
-        userdata_rx_out                 =>  RX_DATA_80b(i),
-        rxpolarity_in                   => register_map_control.GBT_RXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        txpolarity_in                   => register_map_control.GBT_TXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-         -- for loopback: default, both signal need to be all '0'
-         -- read kcu gth manual for the details. NOTE: the TXBUFFER is disabled, so some type of loopbhack may be
-         -- not supported.
-         -- for loopback rxcdrhold needs to be set, a register needs to be added, check KCU GTH manual for details
-         -- not tested yet
-        loopback_in                     => register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
-        rxcdrhold_in                    => '0',
-        userclk_rx_reset_in             => userclk_rx_reset_in(i downto i),--(others=>(not rxpmaresetdone_out(i))),--locked,
-        userclk_tx_reset_in             => userclk_tx_reset_in(i downto i),--(others=>(not txpmaresetdone_out(i))),--,--locked,
-        -- reset_clk_freerun_in                    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-        reset_all_in                           => SOFT_RESET_f(i downto i),
-        reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in           => QPLL_RESET(i downto i),
-        reset_tx_datapath_in                   => GTTX_RESET_MERGE(i downto i),
-        reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in           => QPLL_RESET(i downto i),
-        reset_rx_datapath_in                   => GTRX_RESET_MERGE(i downto i),
-        qpll0lock_out                          => open,
-        qpll1lock_out                          => QpllLock(i downto i),
-        qpll1fbclklost_out                     => open,--
-        qpll0fbclklost_out                     => open,
-        rxslide_in                             => RxSlide(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        rxresetdone_out                         => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        txresetdone_out                         => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        rxpmaresetdone_out                      => rxpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        txpmaresetdone_out                      => txpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        reset_tx_done_out                       => txresetdone_quad(i downto i),
-        reset_rx_done_out                       => rxresetdone_quad(i downto i),
-        reset_rx_cdr_stable_out                 => RxCdrLock_quad(i downto i),
-        rxcdrlock_out                           => rxcdrlock_out(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
+    --bank 228 use clk from bank 228
+    ibufds_instq5_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
+        generic map(
+            REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+            REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+            REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+        )
+        port map(
+            O               =>     CXP4_GTH_RefClk,
+            ODIV2           =>    open,
+            CEB             =>     '0',
+            I               =>     Q5_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
+            IB              =>     Q5_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
+    --bank 224, 225 use clk from bank 225
+    CXP5: if (CARD_TYPE = 712) generate
+        ibufds_instq6_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
+            generic map(
+                REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+                REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+                REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+            )
+            port map(
+                O               =>     CXP5_GTH_RefClk,
+                ODIV2           =>    open,
+                CEB             =>     '0',
+                I               =>     Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
+                IB              =>     Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
+            );
+    end generate CXP5;
+    --SLR0 banks: 126, 127, 128, 224, 225, 228
+    --SLR1 banks: 131, 132, 133, 231, 232, 233
+    g_refclk_8ch: if (GBT_NUM <= 8) generate
+        GTH_RefClk( 0)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 1)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 2)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 3)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 4)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 5)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 6)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 7)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+    end generate g_refclk_8ch;
+    g_refclk_16ch: if ((8 < GBT_NUM) and (GBT_NUM <= 16)) generate
+        GTH_RefClk( 0)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 1)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 2)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 3)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 4)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 5)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 6)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 7)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 8)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 9)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(10)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(11)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(12)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(13)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(14)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(15)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+    end generate g_refclk_16ch;
+    g_refclk_24ch: if ((16 < GBT_NUM) and (GBT_NUM <= 24)) generate
+        GTH_RefClk( 0)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 1)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 2)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 3)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 4)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 5)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 6)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 7)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 8)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 9)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(10)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(11)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(12)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(13)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(14)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(15)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(16)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(17)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(18)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(19)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(20)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(21)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(22)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(23)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
+    end generate g_refclk_24ch;
+    g_refclk_48ch: if ((24 < GBT_NUM) and (GBT_NUM <= 48)) generate
+        GTH_RefClk( 0)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 1)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 2)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 3)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 128 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 4)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 5)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 6)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 7)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 127 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 8)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk( 9)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(10)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(11)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;--bank 126 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(12)         <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;--bank 228 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(13)         <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;--bank 228 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(14)         <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;--bank 228 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(15)         <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;--bank 228 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(16)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 224 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(17)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 224 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(18)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 224 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(19)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 224 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(20)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 225 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(21)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 225 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(22)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 225 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(23)         <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;--bank 225 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(24)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(25)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(26)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(27)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 133 (up to  8 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(28)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(29)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(30)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(31)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 132 (up to 16 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(32)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(33)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(34)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(35)         <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;--bank 131 (up to 24 channels)
+        GTH_RefClk(36)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 231 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(37)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 231 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(38)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 231 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(39)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 231 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(40)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 232 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(41)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 232 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(42)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 232 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(43)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 232 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(44)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 233 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(45)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 233 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(46)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 233 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+        GTH_RefClk(47)         <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;--bank 233 (up to 48 channels) - BNL712 ONLY
+    end generate g_refclk_48ch;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(0)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(1)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(2)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(3)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(4)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(5)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(6)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(7)         <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG
+    --IG    -- For 16 channels (and below) put 8 channels in SRL0, channel 8..15 in SRL1.
+    --IG  g_refclk0: if GBT_NUM <= 16 generate
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(8)       <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(9)       <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(10)      <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(11)      <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  end generate;
+    --IG
+    --IG  -- For 24 channels put 12 channels in SRL0, channel 12..23 in SRL1.
+    --IG  g_refclk1: if GBT_NUM > 16 generate
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(8)       <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(9)       <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(10)      <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(11)      <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  end generate;
+    --IG 
+    --IG refclkgen_v2p0 : if CARD_TYPE=712 generate
+    --IG    g_refclk11: if GBT_NUM <25 generate
+    --IG   --IBUFDS_GTE2
+    --IG 
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(12)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(13)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(14)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(15)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(16)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(17)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(18)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(19)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(20)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(21)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(22)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG    GTH_RefClk(23)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  end generate;
+    --IG  g_refclk12: if GBT_NUM >24 generate
+    --IG     GTH_RefClk(24)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(25)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(26)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(27)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(28)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(29)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(30)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(31)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(32)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(33)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(34)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(35)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  
+    --IG      GTH_RefClk(36)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(37)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(38)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(39)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(40)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(41)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(42)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(43)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(44)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(45)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(46)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(47)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG 
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(12)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(13)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(14)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(15)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG 
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(16)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(17)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(18)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(19)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(20)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(21)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(22)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG GTH_RefClk(23)        <= CXP5_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG
+    --IG--bank 224, 225 use clk from bank 225
+    --IG    ibufds_instq6_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    --IG  port map
+    --IG  (
+    --IG    O               =>     CXP5_GTH_RefClk,
+    --IG    ODIV2           =>    open,
+    --IG    CEB             =>     '0',
+    --IG    I               =>     Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN,
+    --IG    IB              =>     Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN
+    --IG    );  
+    --IG
+    --IG end generate;
+    --IG
+    --IG end generate;
+    --IG
+    --IGrefclkgen_v1p5 : if CARD_TYPE=711 generate
+    --IG
+    --IG
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(12)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(13)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(14)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(15)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(16)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(17)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(18)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(19)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(20)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(21)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(22)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(23)        <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG
+    --IG
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(24)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(25)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(26)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(27)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(28)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(29)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(30)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(31)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(32)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(33)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(34)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(35)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(40)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(41)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(42)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(43)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(44)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(45)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(46)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(47)        <= CXP3_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG
+    --IG
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(36)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(37)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(38)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  GTH_RefClk(39)        <= CXP4_GTH_RefClk;
+    --IG  
+    --IG   end generate;
+    Channel_disable(47 downto 0)          <= register_map_control.GBT_CHANNEL_DISABLE;
+    General_ctrl                          <= register_map_control.GBT_GENERAL_CTRL;
+    --rxslide_manual(47 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_RXSLIDE_MANUAL(47 downto 0);
+    --rxslide_sel(47 downto 0)              <= register_map_control.GBT_RXSLIDE_SELECT(47 downto 0);
+    --txusrrdy(47 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_TXUSRRDY(47 downto 0);
+    --rxusrrdy(47 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_RXUSRRDY(47 downto 0);
+    gttx_reset(47 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_GTTX_RESET(47 downto 0);
+    gtrx_reset(47 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_GTRX_RESET(47 downto 0);
+    soft_reset(47 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RESET(47 downto 0);
+    cpll_reset(47 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_PLL_RESET.CPLL_RESET(47 downto 0);
+    qpll_reset(11 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_PLL_RESET.QPLL_RESET(59 downto 48);
+    --SOFT_TXRST_GT(47 downto 0)     <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET.RESET_GT;  -- Default: 0b000
+    --SOFT_RXRST_GT(47 downto 0)     <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET.RESET_GT; -- Default: 0b000
+    --SOFT_TXRST_ALL(11 downto 0)    <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET.RESET_ALL(59 downto 48);
+    --SOFT_RXRST_ALL(11 downto 0)    <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET.RESET_ALL(59 downto 48);
+    --OddEven(47 downto 0)              <= register_map_control.GBT_ODD_EVEN(47 downto 0);
+    --TopBot(47 downto 0)               <= register_map_control.GBT_TOPBOT(47 downto 0);
+    TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(47 downto 0)  <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE1;
+    TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(95 downto 48) <=register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE2;
+    TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(143 downto 96)  <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE3;
+    TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(191 downto 144) <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE4;
+    -- TX_OPT(47 downto 0)           <= GBT_TX_OPT(47 DOWNTO 0);  --
+    -- RX_OPT(47 downto 0)           <= GBT_RX_OPT(47 DOWNTO 0);  --
+    -- GBT_TX_OPT(47 downto 0)               <= x"000000555555"; -- ! TODO:Register was removed in RM4.0 register_map_control.GBT_TX_OPT;
+    -- GBT_RX_OPT(47 downto 0)               <= x"000000555555"; -- ! TODO:Register was removed in RM4.0 register_map_control.GBT_RX_OPT;
+    DATA_TXFORMAT(47 downto 0)        <= register_map_control.GBT_DATA_TXFORMAT1(47 downto 0);
+    DATA_RXFORMAT(47 downto 0)        <= register_map_control.GBT_DATA_RXFORMAT1(47 downto 0);
+    DATA_TXFORMAT(95 downto 48)       <= register_map_control.GBT_DATA_TXFORMAT2(47 downto 0);
+    DATA_RXFORMAT(95 downto 48)       <= register_map_control.GBT_DATA_RXFORMAT2(47 downto 0);
+    TX_RESET(47 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_RESET(47 downto 0);
+    RX_RESET(47 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_RX_RESET(47 downto 0);
+    TX_TC_METHOD(47 downto 0)         <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_METHOD(47 downto 0);
+    TC_EDGE(47 downto 0)              <= register_map_control.GBT_TC_EDGE(47 downto 0);
+    outsel_i(47 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_OUTMUX_SEL(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.DATE             <=  GBT_VERSION(63 downto 48);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.GBT_VERSION(35 downto 32)      <=  GBT_VERSION(23 downto 20);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.GTH_IP_VERSION(19 downto 16)   <=  GBT_VERSION(19 downto 16);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.RESERVED         <=  GBT_VERSION(15 downto 3);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.GTHREFCLK_SEL    <=  (others => GTHREFCLK_SEL);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.RX_CLK_SEL       <=  GBT_VERSION(1 downto 1);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_VERSION.PLL_SEL          <=  GBT_VERSION(0 downto 0);
+    --
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_TXRESET_DONE(47 downto 0)        <= txresetdone(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXRESET_DONE(47 downto 0)        <= rxresetdone(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_TXFSMRESET_DONE(47 downto 0)     <= TXPMARESETDONE(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXFSMRESET_DONE(47 downto 0)     <= RXPMARESETDONE(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_CPLL_FBCLK_LOST(47 downto 0)     <= cpllfbclklost (47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_PLL_LOCK.CPLL_LOCK(47 downto 0)  <= cplllock(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_PLL_LOCK.QPLL_LOCK(59 downto 48) <= qplllock(11 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXCDR_LOCK(47 downto 0)          <= rxcdrlock(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_CLK_SAMPLED(47 downto 0)         <= (others => '0'); --never written clk_sampled(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_IS_HEADER(47 downto 0)        <= rx_is_header(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_IS_DATA(47 downto 0)          <= (others => '0'); --rx_is_data(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_HEADER_FOUND(47 downto 0)     <= RX_HEADER_FOUND(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_ALIGNMENT_DONE(47 downto 0)      <= alignment_done_f(47 downto 0);
+    -- aligndone_gen : for i in 23 downto 0 generate
+    --   alignment_done_f(i) <=  RxCdrLock(i) and alignment_done(i);
+    -- end generate;
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_OUT_MUX_STATUS(47 downto 0)    <= outsel_o(47 downto 0);
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_ERROR(47 downto 0)             <= error_f(47 downto 0);
-     process(clk40_in)
-     begin
-       if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
-         if cdr_cnt ="00000000000000000000" then
-           RxCdrLock_a(4*i)     <= rxcdrlock_out(4*i);
-           RxCdrLock_a(4*i+1)   <= rxcdrlock_out(4*i+1);
-           RxCdrLock_a(4*i+2)   <= rxcdrlock_out(4*i+2);
-           RxCdrLock_a(4*i+3)   <= rxcdrlock_out(4*i+3);
-         else
-           RxCdrLock_a(4*i) <= RxCdrLock_a(4*i) and rxcdrlock_out(4*i);
-           RxCdrLock_a(4*i+1) <= RxCdrLock_a(4*i+1) and rxcdrlock_out(4*i+1);
-           RxCdrLock_a(4*i+2) <= RxCdrLock_a(4*i+2) and rxcdrlock_out(4*i+2);
-           RxCdrLock_a(4*i+3) <= RxCdrLock_a(4*i+3) and rxcdrlock_out(4*i+3);
-         end if;
-         if cdr_cnt="00000000000000000000" then
-           RxCdrLock_int(4*i) <=RxCdrLock_a(4*i);
-           RxCdrLock_int(4*i+1) <=RxCdrLock_a(4*i+1);
-           RxCdrLock_int(4*i+2) <=RxCdrLock_a(4*i+2);
-           RxCdrLock_int(4*i+3) <=RxCdrLock_a(4*i+3);
-         end if;
-       end if;
-     end process;
-     RxCdrLock(4*i) <= (not Channel_disable(4*i)) and RxCdrLock_int(4*i);
-     RxCdrLock(4*i+1) <= (not Channel_disable(4*i+1)) and RxCdrLock_int(4*i+1);
-     RxCdrLock(4*i+2) <= (not Channel_disable(4*i+2)) and RxCdrLock_int(4*i+2);
-     RxCdrLock(4*i+3) <= (not Channel_disable(4*i+3)) and RxCdrLock_int(4*i+3);
-     SOFT_RESET_f(i) <= SOFT_RESET(i) or QPLL_RESET(i);--or rst_hw;-- or GTRX_RESET(i);
-     userclk_rx_reset_in(i) <=not (rxpmaresetdone(4*i+0) or rxpmaresetdone(4*i+1) or rxpmaresetdone(4*i+2) or rxpmaresetdone(4*i+3));
-     userclk_tx_reset_in(i) <=not (txpmaresetdone(4*i+0) or txpmaresetdone(4*i+1) or txpmaresetdone(4*i+2) or txpmaresetdone(4*i+3));
-     GTTX_RESET_MERGE(i) <= GTTX_RESET(4*i) or GTTX_RESET(4*i+1) or GTTX_RESET(4*i+2) or GTTX_RESET(4*i+3);
-     GTRX_RESET_MERGE(i) <= (GTRX_RESET(4*i) or (auto_gth_rxrst(4*i) and RxCdrLock(4*i)))
-                            or (GTRX_RESET(4*i+1) or (auto_gth_rxrst(4*i+1) and RxCdrLock(4*i+1)))
-                            or (GTRX_RESET(4*i+2) or (auto_gth_rxrst(4*i+2) and RxCdrLock(4*i+2)))
-                            or (GTRX_RESET(4*i+3) or (auto_gth_rxrst(4*i+3) and RxCdrLock(4*i+3))) ;
-     --GTRX_RESET_MERGE(i) <= GTRX_RESET(4*i) or GTRX_RESET(4*i+1) or GTRX_RESET(4*i+2) or GTRX_RESET(4*i+3);
-     -- CpllLock(i) <= '1';
-   end generate;
- end generate;
+    error_gen : for i in 47 downto 0 generate
+        error_f(i) <= error_orig(i) and alignment_done_f(i);
+    end generate;
- process(clk40_in)
-  begin
-  if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
-   cdr_cnt <=cdr_cnt+'1';
-  end if;
-  end process;
+    register_map_link_monitor.GBT_GBT_TOPBOT_C(47 downto 0)      <= (others => '0');--TopBot_C(47 downto 0);
- CPLL_GEN: if  PLL_SEL = CPLL generate
-   GTH_inst : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
+    ----------------------------------------
+    ----------------------------------------
+    alignment_chk_rst_i           <= General_ctrl(0);
-     GTH_TOP_INST: entity work.GTH_CPLL_Wrapper
-       Port map(
-         gthrxn_in                              => RX_N(i downto i),
-         gthrxp_in                              => RX_P(i downto i),
-         gthtxn_out                             => TX_N(i downto i),
-         gthtxp_out                             => TX_P(i downto i),
-         drpclk_in                              => drpclk_in,--(others=>clk40_in),
-         gtrefclk0_in                           => GTH_RefClk(i downto i),
-         gt0_rxusrclk_in                        => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i downto i),
-         gt0_rxoutclk_out                       => GT_RXOUTCLK(i downto i),
-         gt0_txusrclk_in                        => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i downto i),
-         gt0_txoutclk_out                       => GT_TXOUTCLK(i downto i),
+    DESMUX_USE_SW                 <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.DESMUX_USE_SW(0);
+    --RX_ALIGN_SW                   <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.RX_ALIGN_SW(1);
+    --RX_ALIGN_TB_SW                <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.RX_ALIGN_TB_SW(2);
-         userdata_tx_in                         =>  TX_DATA_20b(i),
-         userdata_rx_out                        =>  RX_DATA_20b(i),
-         rxpolarity_in                          => register_map_control.GBT_RXPOLARITY(i downto i),
-         txpolarity_in                          => register_map_control.GBT_TXPOLARITY(i downto i),
-         -- for loopback: default, both signal need to be all '0'
-         -- read kcu gth manual for the details. NOTE: the TXBUFFER is disabled, so some type of loopbhack may be
-         -- not supported.
-         -- for loopback rxcdrhold needs to be set, a register needs to be added, check KCU GTH manual for details
-         -- not tested yet
-         loopback_in                            => register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
-         rxcdrhold_in                           => '0',
-         userclk_rx_reset_in                    => userclk_rx_reset_in(i downto i),--(others=>(not rxpmaresetdone_out(i))),--locked,
-         userclk_tx_reset_in                    => userclk_tx_reset_in(i downto i),--(others=>(not txpmaresetdone_out(i))),--,--locked,
-         -- reset_clk_freerun_in                    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-         reset_all_in                           => SOFT_RESET_f(i downto i),
-         reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in           => CPLL_RESET(i downto i),
-         reset_tx_datapath_in                   => GTTX_RESET(i downto i),
-         reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in           => CPLL_RESET(i downto i),
-         reset_rx_datapath_in                   => GTRX_RESET_i(i downto i),-- and RxCdrLock(i downto i),
+    -------
-         cpllfbclklost_out                      => cpllfbclklost(i downto i),
-         cplllock_out                           => cplllock(i downto i),
+    datamod_gen1 : if DYNAMIC_DATA_MODE_EN='1' generate
+    end generate;
+    datamod_gen2 : if DYNAMIC_DATA_MODE_EN='0' generate
+    end generate;
-         rxslide_in                             => RxSlide(i downto i),
-         rxpmaresetdone_out                     => rxpmaresetdone(i downto i),
-         txpmaresetdone_out                     => txpmaresetdone(i downto i),
-         reset_tx_done_out                      => txresetdone(i downto i),
-         reset_rx_done_out                      => rxresetdone(i downto i),
-         reset_rx_cdr_stable_out                => RxCdrLock_int(i downto i)
+    process(clk40_in)
+    begin
+        if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
+            pulse_lg <= pulse_cnt(20);
+            if pulse_cnt(20)='1' then
+                pulse_cnt <=(others=>'0');
+            else
+                pulse_cnt <= pulse_cnt+'1';
+            end if;
+        end if;
+    end process;
-         );
+    process(clk40_in)
+    begin
+        if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
+            alignment_done_chk_cnt <= alignment_done_chk_cnt + '1';
+        end if;
+    end process;
+    rxalign_auto : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
+        --  process(clk40_in)
+        --  begin
+        --    if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
+        --      if pulse_lg = '1' then
+        --        gbt_sel(i) <= lock_lg(i);
+        --      end if;
+        --      if  pulse_lg = '1' then
+        --        lock_lg(i) <='1';
+        --      elsif alignment_done_f(i)='0' then
+        --        lock_lg(i) <='0';
+        --      end if;
+        --    end if;
+        --  end process;
+        process(clk40_in)
+        begin
+            if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
+                if alignment_done_chk_cnt="0000000000000" then
+                    alignment_done_a(i) <= rxcdrlock(i) and alignment_done(i);
+                else
+                    alignment_done_a(i) <= rxcdrlock(i) and alignment_done(i) and alignment_done_a(i);
+                end if;
+                if alignment_done_chk_cnt="0000000000000" then
+                    alignment_done_f(i) <=  rxcdrlock(i) and alignment_done_a(i);
+                end if;
+            end if;
+        end process;
+        RX_120b_out(i) <= RX_120b_out_ii(i) when alignment_done_f(i)='1'
+ else (others =>'0');
+        auto_rxrst : entity work.FELIX_GBT_RX_AUTO_RST
+            port map(
+                ext_trig_realign        => open, --ext_trig_realign(i),
+                FSM_CLK                 => clk40_in,
+                GBT_LOCK                => alignment_done_f(i), --alignment_done(i),
+                pulse_lg                => pulse_lg,
+                GTHRXRESET_DONE         => rxresetdone(i), -- and RxFsmResetDone(i),
+                AUTO_GTH_RXRST          => auto_gth_rxrst(i),
+                alignment_chk_rst       => alignment_chk_rst_c1(i),
+                AUTO_GBT_RXRST          => auto_gbt_rxrst(i)
+            );
+        rafsm : entity work.FELIX_GBT_RXSLIDE_FSM
+            port map(
+                alignment_chk_rst       => alignment_chk_rst_c(i),
+                --ext_trig_realign        => ext_trig_realign(i),
+                FSM_RST                 => FSM_RST(i),
+                FSM_CLK                 => clk40_in,
+                GBT_LOCK                => alignment_done(i),
+                RxSlide                 => RxSlide_c(i)
+            );
+        FSM_RST(i)          <= RX_RESET(i);-- or RX_ALIGN_SW;
+        -- GTRX_RESET_i(i)     <= --GTRX_RESET(i) when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
+        --                      (GTRX_RESET(i) or auto_gth_rxrst(i));
+        RX_RESET_i(i)       <= --RX_RESET(i) when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
+                                (RX_RESET(i) or auto_gbt_rxrst(i));
+        alignment_chk_rst(i)        <= --alignment_chk_rst_i when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
+                                (alignment_chk_rst_i or alignment_chk_rst_c(i) or alignment_chk_rst_c1(i));
+        RxSlide_i(i)             <= RxSlide_c(i) and rxcdrlock(i);
+        TX_RESET_i(i)       <= TX_RESET(i) or (not txresetdone(i));-- or (not TxFsmResetDone(i));
+    end generate;
+    outsel_ii             <= outsel_o when DESMUX_USE_SW = '0' else outsel_i;
+    --  OddEven_i           <= OddEven_c when RX_ALIGN_SW ='0' else
+    --                      OddEven;
+    --  TopBot_i            <= TopBot_c when RX_ALIGN_SW='0' else --and RX_ALIGN_TB_SW='0'  else
+    --                      TopBot;
+    --RxSlide_i             <= RxSlide_c;-- when RX_ALIGN_SW='0' else
+    --                     RxSlide_Manual;
+    RX_FLAG_O             <= RX_FLAG_Oi(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+    gbtRxTx : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
+        process(GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i))
+        begin
+            if GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i)'event and GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i)='1' then
+                BITSLIP_MANUAL_r(i)     <= RxSlide_i(i);
+                BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r(i)    <= BITSLIP_MANUAL_r(i);
+                --BITSLIP_MANUAL_3r(i)    <= BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r(i);
+                RxSlide(i)              <= BITSLIP_MANUAL_r(i) and (not BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r(i));
+            end if;
+        end process;
+        alignment_chk_rst_f(i)      <= alignment_chk_rst(i);-- or (not RxCdrLock(i));
+        gbtTxRx_inst: entity work.gbtTxRx_FELIX
+            generic map(
+                channel => i
+            )
+            port map(
+                alignment_chk_rst => alignment_chk_rst_f(i),
+                alignment_done_O => alignment_done(i),
+                outsel_i => outsel_ii(i),
+                outsel_o => outsel_o(i),
+                error_o => error_orig(i),
+                TX_TC_DLY_VALUE => TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(4*i+2 downto 4*i),
+                TX_TC_METHOD => TX_TC_METHOD(i),
+                TC_EDGE => TC_EDGE(i),
+                RX_FLAG => RX_FLAG_Oi(i), --RX_FLAG_O(i),
+                TX_FLAG => TX_FLAG_O(i),
+                --Tx_latopt_scr => '1', --TX_OPT(24+i),
+                --Tx_latopt_tc => '1', --TX_OPT(i),
+                RX_LATOPT_DES => '1', --RX_OPT(i),
+                Tx_DATA_FORMAT => DATA_TXFORMAT_i(2*i+1 downto 2*i),
+                Rx_Data_Format => DATA_RXFORMAT_i(2*i+1 downto 2*i),
+                RX_RESET_I => RX_RESET_i(i),
+                RX_FRAME_CLK_O => open, --RX_FRAME_CLK_O(i),
+                RX_HEADER_FOUND => RX_HEADER_FOUND(i),
+                RX_WORD_IS_HEADER_O => rx_is_header(i),
+                RX_WORDCLK_I => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),
+                L40M => clk40_in,
+                --RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O        => rx_is_data(i),
+                RX_DATA_20b_I => RX_DATA_20b(i),
+                RX_DATA_120b_O => RX_120b_out_i(i),
+                TX_RESET_I => TX_RESET_i(i),
+                TX_FRAMECLK_I => TX_FRAME_CLK_I(i),
+                des_rxusrclk => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),
+                TX_WORDCLK_I => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i),
+                --TX_ISDATA_SEL_I    => TX_IS_DATA(i),
+                TX_DATA_120b_I => TX_120b_in(i),
+                TX_DATA_20b_O => TX_DATA_20b(i)
+            );
+        fifo_rst(i) <= rst_hw or (not alignment_done_f(i)) or RX_RESET_i(i) or General_ctrl(4);
+        fifo_rden(i) <= not fifo_empty(i);
+        fifo_inst: fifo_GBT2CR
+            PORT MAP(
+                wr_clk      => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),
+                wr_rst      => fifo_rst(i), --rst_hw,
+                rd_clk      => clk40_in, --FIFO_RD_CLK(i),
+                rd_rst      => fifo_rst(i), --rst_hw,
+                din         => RX_120b_out_i(i),
+                wr_en       => RX_FLAG_Oi(i),
+                rd_en       => fifo_rden(i), --not fifo_empty(i),--'1',--FIFO_RD_EN(i),
+                dout        => RX_120b_out_ii(i),
+                full        => open,
+                empty       => open,
+                prog_empty  => fifo_empty(i) --FIFO_EMPTY(i)
+            );
+    end generate;
+    -------------------------------
+    ------ GTH TOP WRAPPER
+    -------------------------------
+    clk_generate : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
+        GTTXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt
+            generic map(
+                SIM_DEVICE => "ULTRASCALE",
+                STARTUP_SYNC => "FALSE"
+            )
+            port map(
+                o       => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+                ce      => '1',
+                cemask  => '0',
+                clr     => '0', --userclk_tx_reset_in,--'0',
+                clrmask => '0',
+                div     => "000",
+                i       => GT_TXOUTCLK(i)
+            );
+        GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i) <= GT_TXUSRCLK(i);
+        GTRXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt
+            generic map(
+                SIM_DEVICE => "ULTRASCALE",
+                STARTUP_SYNC => "FALSE"
+            )
+            port map(
+                o       => GT_RXUSRCLK(i),
+                ce      => '1',
+                cemask  => '0',
+                clr     => '0', --userclk_tx_reset_in,--'0',
+                clrmask => '0',
+                div     => "000",
+                i       => GT_RXOUTCLK(i)
+            );
+        -- GT_RXUSRCLK(i) <=  clk240_in;
+        GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i) <= GT_RXUSRCLK(i);
+        RXUSRCLK_OUT(i)   <= GT_RXUSRCLK(i);
+    end generate;
+    drpclk_in(0) <= clk40_in;
+    QPLL_GEN: if PLL_SEL = QPLL generate
+        port_trans : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
+            RX_N_i(i)   <= RX_N(i);
+            RX_P_i(i)   <= RX_P(i);
+            TX_N(i)     <= TX_N_i(i);
+            TX_P(i)     <= TX_P_i(i);
+        end generate;
+        GTH_inst : for i in (GBT_NUM-1)/4 downto 0 generate
+            RX_DATA_20b(4*i+0) <= RX_DATA_80b(i)(19 downto 0);
+            RX_DATA_20b(4*i+1) <= RX_DATA_80b(i)(39 downto 20);
+            RX_DATA_20b(4*i+2) <= RX_DATA_80b(i)(59 downto 40);
+            RX_DATA_20b(4*i+3) <= RX_DATA_80b(i)(79 downto 60);
+            TX_DATA_80b(i) <= TX_DATA_20b(4*i+3) & TX_DATA_20b(4*i+2) & TX_DATA_20b(4*i+1) & TX_DATA_20b(4*i+0);
+            GTH_TOP_INST: entity work.GTH_QPLL_Wrapper
+                Port map(
+                    gt_rxusrclk_in               => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_txusrclk_in               => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_rxoutclk_out              => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gt_txoutclk_out              => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gthrxn_in                    => RX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gthrxp_in                    => RX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gthtxn_out                   => TX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    gthtxp_out                   => TX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    drpclk_in                    => drpclk_in, --(others=>clk40_in),
+                    gtrefclk0_in                 => GTH_RefClk(4*i downto 4*i),
+                    rxpolarity_in                => register_map_control.GBT_RXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    txpolarity_in                => register_map_control.GBT_TXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    loopback_in                  => register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
+                    rxcdrhold_in                 => '0',
+                    userdata_tx_in               => TX_DATA_80b(i),
+                    userdata_rx_out              => RX_DATA_80b(i),
+                    userclk_rx_reset_in          => userclk_rx_reset_in(i downto i), --(others=>(not rxpmaresetdone_out(i))),--locked,
+                    userclk_tx_reset_in          => userclk_tx_reset_in(i downto i), --(others=>(not txpmaresetdone_out(i))),--,--locked,
+                    reset_all_in                 => soft_reset_f(i downto i),
+                    reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => qpll_reset(i downto i),
+                    reset_tx_datapath_in         => gttx_reset_merge(i downto i),
+                    reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => qpll_reset(i downto i),
+                    reset_rx_datapath_in         => gtrx_reset_merge(i downto i),
+                    qpll1lock_out                => qplllock(i downto i),
+                    qpll1fbclklost_out           => open, --
+                    qpll0lock_out                => open,
+                    qpll0fbclklost_out           => open,
+                    rxslide_in                   => RxSlide(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    txresetdone_out              => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    txpmaresetdone_out           => TXPMARESETDONE(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    rxresetdone_out              => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    rxpmaresetdone_out           => RXPMARESETDONE(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+                    reset_tx_done_out            => open, --txresetdone_quad(i downto i),
+                    reset_rx_done_out            => open, --rxresetdone_quad(i downto i),
+                    reset_rx_cdr_stable_out      => open, --rxcdrlock_quad(i downto i),
+                    rxcdrlock_out                => rxcdrlock_out(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
+                );
+            process(clk40_in)
+            begin
+                if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
+                    if cdr_cnt ="00000000000000000000" then
+                        rxcdrlock_a(4*i)     <= rxcdrlock_out(4*i);
+                        rxcdrlock_a(4*i+1)   <= rxcdrlock_out(4*i+1);
+                        rxcdrlock_a(4*i+2)   <= rxcdrlock_out(4*i+2);
+                        rxcdrlock_a(4*i+3)   <= rxcdrlock_out(4*i+3);
+                    else
+                        rxcdrlock_a(4*i) <= rxcdrlock_a(4*i) and rxcdrlock_out(4*i);
+                        rxcdrlock_a(4*i+1) <= rxcdrlock_a(4*i+1) and rxcdrlock_out(4*i+1);
+                        rxcdrlock_a(4*i+2) <= rxcdrlock_a(4*i+2) and rxcdrlock_out(4*i+2);
+                        rxcdrlock_a(4*i+3) <= rxcdrlock_a(4*i+3) and rxcdrlock_out(4*i+3);
+                    end if;
+                    if cdr_cnt="00000000000000000000" then
+                        RxCdrLock_int(4*i) <=rxcdrlock_a(4*i);
+                        RxCdrLock_int(4*i+1) <=rxcdrlock_a(4*i+1);
+                        RxCdrLock_int(4*i+2) <=rxcdrlock_a(4*i+2);
+                        RxCdrLock_int(4*i+3) <=rxcdrlock_a(4*i+3);
+                    end if;
+                end if;
+            end process;
+            rxcdrlock(4*i) <= (not Channel_disable(4*i)) and RxCdrLock_int(4*i);
+            rxcdrlock(4*i+1) <= (not Channel_disable(4*i+1)) and RxCdrLock_int(4*i+1);
+            rxcdrlock(4*i+2) <= (not Channel_disable(4*i+2)) and RxCdrLock_int(4*i+2);
+            rxcdrlock(4*i+3) <= (not Channel_disable(4*i+3)) and RxCdrLock_int(4*i+3);
+            soft_reset_f(i) <= soft_reset(i) or qpll_reset(i);--or rst_hw;-- or GTRX_RESET(i);
+            userclk_rx_reset_in(i) <=not (RXPMARESETDONE(4*i+0) or RXPMARESETDONE(4*i+1) or RXPMARESETDONE(4*i+2) or RXPMARESETDONE(4*i+3));
+            userclk_tx_reset_in(i) <=not (TXPMARESETDONE(4*i+0) or TXPMARESETDONE(4*i+1) or TXPMARESETDONE(4*i+2) or TXPMARESETDONE(4*i+3));
+            gttx_reset_merge(i) <= gttx_reset(4*i) or gttx_reset(4*i+1) or gttx_reset(4*i+2) or gttx_reset(4*i+3);
+            gtrx_reset_merge(i) <= (gtrx_reset(4*i) or (auto_gth_rxrst(4*i) and rxcdrlock(4*i)))
+                                or (gtrx_reset(4*i+1) or (auto_gth_rxrst(4*i+1) and rxcdrlock(4*i+1)))
+                                or (gtrx_reset(4*i+2) or (auto_gth_rxrst(4*i+2) and rxcdrlock(4*i+2)))
+                                or (gtrx_reset(4*i+3) or (auto_gth_rxrst(4*i+3) and rxcdrlock(4*i+3))) ;
+            --GTRX_RESET_MERGE(i) <= GTRX_RESET(4*i) or GTRX_RESET(4*i+1) or GTRX_RESET(4*i+2) or GTRX_RESET(4*i+3);
+            -- CpllLock(i) <= '1';
+        end generate;
+    end generate;
-     RxCdrLock(i) <= (not Channel_disable(i)) and RxCdrLock_int(i);
-     GTRX_RESET_i(i) <= --GTRX_RESET(i) when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
-                       GTRX_RESET(i) or (auto_gth_rxrst(i) and RxCdrLock(i));
-     SOFT_RESET_f(i) <= SOFT_RESET(i/4) or CPLL_RESET(i);--or rst_hw; -- or GTRX_RESET(i);
+    process(clk40_in)
+    begin
+        if clk40_in'event and clk40_in='1' then
+            cdr_cnt <=cdr_cnt+'1';
+        end if;
+    end process;
-     userclk_rx_reset_in(i) <=not rxpmaresetdone(i);
-     userclk_tx_reset_in(i) <=not txpmaresetdone(i);
-     --RxResetDone_f(i) <= RxResetDone(i);
-   end generate;
- end generate;
+    CPLL_GEN: if  PLL_SEL = CPLL generate
+        GTH_inst : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
+            GTH_TOP_INST: entity work.GTH_CPLL_Wrapper
+                Port map(
+                    cpllfbclklost_out => cpllfbclklost(i downto i),
+                    cplllock_out      => cplllock(i downto i),
+                    gt0_rxusrclk_in   => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i downto i),
+                    gt0_txusrclk_in   => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i downto i),
+                    gt0_rxoutclk_out  => GT_RXOUTCLK(i downto i),
+                    gt0_txoutclk_out  => GT_TXOUTCLK(i downto i),
+                    gthrxn_in         => RX_N(i downto i),
+                    gthrxp_in         => RX_P(i downto i),
+                    gthtxn_out        => TX_N(i downto i),
+                    gthtxp_out        => TX_P(i downto i),
+                    drpclk_in         => drpclk_in, --(others=>clk40_in),
+                    gtrefclk0_in      => GTH_RefClk(i downto i),
+                    rxpolarity_in     => register_map_control.GBT_RXPOLARITY(i downto i),
+                    txpolarity_in     => register_map_control.GBT_TXPOLARITY(i downto i),
+                    -- for loopback: default, both signal need to be all '0'
+                    -- read kcu gth manual for the details. NOTE: the TXBUFFER is disabled, so some type of loopbhack may be
+                    -- not supported.
+                    -- for loopback rxcdrhold needs to be set, a register needs to be added, check KCU GTH manual for details
+                    -- not tested yet
+                    loopback_in                  => register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
+                    rxcdrhold_in                 => '0',
+                    userdata_tx_in               => TX_DATA_20b(i),
+                    userdata_rx_out              => RX_DATA_20b(i),
+                    userclk_rx_reset_in          => userclk_rx_reset_in(i downto i), --(others=>(not rxpmaresetdone_out(i))),--locked,
+                    userclk_tx_reset_in          => userclk_tx_reset_in(i downto i), --(others=>(not txpmaresetdone_out(i))),--,--locked,
+                    reset_all_in                 => soft_reset_f(i downto i),
+                    reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => cpll_reset(i downto i),
+                    reset_tx_datapath_in         => gttx_reset(i downto i),
+                    reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => cpll_reset(i downto i),
+                    reset_rx_datapath_in         => gtrx_reset_i(i downto i), -- and RxCdrLock(i downto i),
+                    rxslide_in                   => RxSlide(i downto i),
+                    rxpmaresetdone_out           => RXPMARESETDONE(i downto i),
+                    txpmaresetdone_out           => TXPMARESETDONE(i downto i),
+                    reset_tx_done_out            => txresetdone(i downto i),
+                    reset_rx_done_out            => rxresetdone(i downto i),
+                    reset_rx_cdr_stable_out      => RxCdrLock_int(i downto i)
+                );
+            rxcdrlock(i) <= (not Channel_disable(i)) and RxCdrLock_int(i);
+            gtrx_reset_i(i) <= --GTRX_RESET(i) when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
+                               gtrx_reset(i) or (auto_gth_rxrst(i) and rxcdrlock(i));
+            soft_reset_f(i) <= soft_reset(i/4) or cpll_reset(i);--or rst_hw; -- or GTRX_RESET(i);
+            userclk_rx_reset_in(i) <=not RXPMARESETDONE(i);
+            userclk_tx_reset_in(i) <=not TXPMARESETDONE(i);
+            --RxResetDone_f(i) <= RxResetDone(i);
+        end generate;
+    end generate;
 end Behavioral;
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_gbt_wrapper_V7.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_gbt_wrapper_V7.vhd
index 8fe0b54d56fd7f8d239225ac3c0f6aaa2b786d8c..7816cc887bbaab597d62dae8cfb5fea36424778e 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_gbt_wrapper_V7.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/FELIX_gbt_wrapper_V7.vhd
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
 -- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ use work.pcie_package.all;
 entity FELIX_gbt_wrapper is
   Generic (
     CARD_TYPE                   : integer := 709;
-    STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD         : integer := 24;  --period of the drp_clock
+    --STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD         : integer := 24;  --period of the drp_clock
     GBT_NUM                     : integer := 24;
     OPTO_TRX                    : integer := 4;  -- number of optical transceivers
     GTHREFCLK_SEL               : std_logic; --GREFCLK   : std_logic := '1';
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ entity FELIX_gbt_wrapper is
     GREFCLK_IN                  : in std_logic;
     clk40_in                    : in std_logic;
-    clk240_in                   : in std_logic;
+    --clk240_in                   : in std_logic;
     -- for CentralRouter
     TX_120b_in                  : in  txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
     RX_120b_out                 : out txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ entity FELIX_gbt_wrapper is
 end FELIX_gbt_wrapper;
 architecture Behavioral of FELIX_gbt_wrapper is
-  component fifo_GBT2CR IS
+  component fifo_GBT2CR IS -- @suppress "Component declaration is not equal to its matching entity"
     PORT (
       rst       : IN STD_LOGIC;
       wr_clk    : IN STD_LOGIC;
@@ -125,22 +125,22 @@ architecture Behavioral of FELIX_gbt_wrapper is
   END component;
   -- constant QUAD_NUM : integer := GBT_NUM / 4;
-  signal rxslide_manual         : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal rxslide_manual         : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal RxSlide_c              : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal RxSlide_i              : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal rxslide_sel            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal txusrrdy               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal rxusrrdy               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal rxslide_sel            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal txusrrdy               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal rxusrrdy               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal gttx_reset             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal gtrx_reset             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal soft_reset             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal soft_reset             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal cpll_reset             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal qpll_reset             : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
   signal GT_TXUSRCLK            : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
   signal txresetdone            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal clk_sampled            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal clk_sampled            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal rxresetdone            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal txfsmresetdone         : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
@@ -151,32 +151,32 @@ architecture Behavioral of FELIX_gbt_wrapper is
   signal RxCdrLock_f            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal qplllock               : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
-  signal tx_is_data             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal tx_is_data             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal TX_RESET               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal TX_RESET_i             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal RX_RESET               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal RX_RESET_i             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal gbt_data_format        : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+  --signal gbt_data_format        : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-  signal CXP2_TX_PLL_LOCKED     : STD_LOGIC;
-  signal cpu_rst                : STD_LOGIC;
-  signal RX_ALIGN_SW            : STD_LOGIC;
-  signal RX_ALIGN_TB_SW         : STD_logic;
+  --signal CXP2_TX_PLL_LOCKED     : STD_LOGIC;
+  --signal cpu_rst                : STD_LOGIC;
+  --signal RX_ALIGN_SW            : STD_LOGIC;
+  --signal RX_ALIGN_TB_SW         : STD_logic;
-  signal rx_pll_locked          : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal rx_pll_locked          : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal outsel_i               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal outsel_ii              : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal outsel_o               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal rx_is_header           : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal alignment_done         : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal rx_is_data             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal rx_is_data             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal RX_HEADER_FOUND        : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal cxp1_rx_bitslip_nbr    : std_logic_vector(71 downto 0);
-  signal cxp2_rx_bitslip_nbr    : std_logic_vector(71 downto 0);
+  --signal cxp1_rx_bitslip_nbr    : std_logic_vector(71 downto 0);
+  --signal cxp2_rx_bitslip_nbr    : std_logic_vector(71 downto 0);
   signal RxSlide                : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
@@ -193,46 +193,46 @@ architecture Behavioral of FELIX_gbt_wrapper is
   signal alignment_chk_rst_c1   : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal alignment_chk_rst      : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal rstframeclk            : STD_LOGIC;
+  --signal rstframeclk            : STD_LOGIC;
   signal alignment_chk_rst_i    : STD_LOGIC;
-  signal rstframeclk1           : STD_LOGIC;
-  signal rx_frame_phase_ok_cxp1 : STD_LOGIC;
-  signal rx_frame_phase_ok_cxp2 : std_logic;
-  signal CXP2_GTH_REF_CLK_BUF   : std_logic;
-  signal CXP1_GTH_REF_CLK       : std_logic;
-  signal CXP2_GTH_REF_CLK       : std_logic;
-  signal CXP1_GTH_REF_CLK_BUF   : std_logic;
+  --signal rstframeclk1           : STD_LOGIC;
+  --signal rx_frame_phase_ok_cxp1 : STD_LOGIC;
+  --signal rx_frame_phase_ok_cxp2 : std_logic;
+  --signal CXP2_GTH_REF_CLK_BUF   : std_logic;
+  --signal CXP1_GTH_REF_CLK       : std_logic;
+  --signal CXP2_GTH_REF_CLK       : std_logic;
+  --signal CXP1_GTH_REF_CLK_BUF   : std_logic;
   signal DESMUX_USE_SW          : std_logic;
-  signal counterbig             : std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);
-  signal counterbig1            : std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);
-  signal rstframeclk_3r         : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk_r          : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk_2r         : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk1_3r        : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk1_r         : std_logic;
-  signal rstframeclk1_2r        : std_logic;
-  signal cxp1_tx_pll_rst        : std_logic;
-  signal cxp2_tx_pll_rst        : std_logic;
+  --signal counterbig             : std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);
+  --signal counterbig1            : std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);
+  --signal rstframeclk_3r         : std_logic;
+  --signal rstframeclk_r          : std_logic;
+  --signal rstframeclk_2r         : std_logic;
+  --signal rstframeclk1_3r        : std_logic;
+  --signal rstframeclk1_r         : std_logic;
+  --signal rstframeclk1_2r        : std_logic;
+  --signal cxp1_tx_pll_rst        : std_logic;
+  --signal cxp2_tx_pll_rst        : std_logic;
   signal SOFT_TXRST_GT          : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal TopBot                 : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal TopBot_C               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal TopBot_i               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal TopBot                 : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal TopBot_C               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal TopBot_i               : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal SOFT_RXRST_GT          : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal SOFT_TXRST_ALL         : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
   signal SOFT_RXRST_ALL         : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal TX_OPT                 : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-  signal RX_OPT                 : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+  --signal TX_OPT                 : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+  --signal RX_OPT                 : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
   SIGNAL DATA_TXFORMAT          : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
   signal DATA_TXFORMAT_i        : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
   SIGNAL DATA_RXFORMAT          : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
   signal DATA_RXFORMAT_i        : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL OddEven                : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal OddEven_i              : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal OddEven_c              : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal ext_trig_realign       : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL OddEven                : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal OddEven_i              : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal OddEven_c              : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal ext_trig_realign       : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
@@ -240,100 +240,100 @@ architecture Behavioral of FELIX_gbt_wrapper is
   signal fifo_empty             : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_RXSLIDE          : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TXUSRRDY         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_RXUSRRDY         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_GTTX_RESET       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_GTRX_RESET       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_PLL_RESET        : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_ODDEVEN          : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TOPBOT           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_RXSLIDE          : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_TXUSRRDY         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_RXUSRRDY         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_GTTX_RESET       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_GTRX_RESET       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_PLL_RESET        : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_ODDEVEN          : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_TOPBOT           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
   --signal GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE1 : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
  -- signal GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE2 : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TX_OPT           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_RX_OPT           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_DATA_TXFORMAT    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_DATA_RXFORMAT    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TX_RESET         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_RX_RESET         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TX_TC_METHOD     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_TC_EDGE          : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal GBT_OUTMUX_SEL       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_TXRESET_DONE     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RXRESET_DONE     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal TXPMARESETDONE       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal RXPMARESETDONE       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_TX_OPT           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_RX_OPT           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_DATA_TXFORMAT    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_DATA_RXFORMAT    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_TX_RESET         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_RX_RESET         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_TX_TC_METHOD     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_TC_EDGE          : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal GBT_OUTMUX_SEL       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_TXRESET_DONE     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_RXRESET_DONE     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal TXPMARESETDONE       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal RXPMARESETDONE       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
   signal alignment_done_f     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal soft_reset_f           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal userclk_rx_reset_in    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal userclk_tx_reset_in    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal TXPMARESETDONE_out     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal RXPMARESETDONE_out     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal soft_reset_f           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal userclk_rx_reset_in    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal userclk_tx_reset_in    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal TXPMARESETDONE_out     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal RXPMARESETDONE_out     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
   signal GT_RXUSRCLK            : std_logic;
-  SIGNAL GBT_TXFSMRESET_DONE  : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RXFSMRESET_DONE  : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_CPLL_FBCLK_LOST  : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_PLL_LOCK         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RXCDR_LOCK       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_CLK_SAMPLED      : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RX_IS_HEADER     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RX_IS_DATA       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_RX_HEADER_FOUND  : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_ALIGNMENT_DONE   : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_OUT_MUX_STATUS   : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_ERROR            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  SIGNAL GBT_GBT_TOPBOT_C     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_TXFSMRESET_DONE  : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_RXFSMRESET_DONE  : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_CPLL_FBCLK_LOST  : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_PLL_LOCK         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_RXCDR_LOCK       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_CLK_SAMPLED      : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_RX_IS_HEADER     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_RX_IS_DATA       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_RX_HEADER_FOUND  : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_ALIGNMENT_DONE   : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_OUT_MUX_STATUS   : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_ERROR            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL GBT_GBT_TOPBOT_C     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  type txrx4b_24ch_type         is array (23 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+  --type txrx4b_24ch_type         is array (23 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
   signal RX_120b_out_i          : txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
   signal RX_120b_out_ii         : txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
-  signal RxWordCnt_out          : txrx4b_24ch_type;
+  --signal RxWordCnt_out          : txrx4b_24ch_type;
-  SIGNAL LOGIC_RST              : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal Mode_ctrl              : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --SIGNAL LOGIC_RST              : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+  --signal Mode_ctrl              : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
   SIGNAL TX_TC_DLY_VALUE        : std_logic_vector(191 downto 0);
-  signal data_sel               : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+  --signal data_sel               : std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
   signal GTH_RefClk             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal RX_FLAG_Oi             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal lock_lg                : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal lock_lg                : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal pulse_cnt              : std_logic_vector(29 downto 0);
   signal pulse_lg               : std_logic;
   signal CXP1_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
   signal CXP2_GTH_RefClk        : std_logic;
-  signal des_rxusrclk_cxp1      : std_logic;
-  signal des_rxusrclk_cxp2      : std_logic;
+  --signal des_rxusrclk_cxp1      : std_logic;
+  --signal des_rxusrclk_cxp2      : std_logic;
-  signal clksampled             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal des_rxusrclk           : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal clksampled             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal des_rxusrclk           : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal error_orig             : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal FSM_RST                : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal auto_gth_rxrst         : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal auto_gbt_rxrst         : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal gbt_rx_reset_i         : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal gbt_rx_reset_i         : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal gtrx_reset_i           : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal gbt_sel                : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal gbt_sel                : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal TX_LINERATE            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal RX_LINERATE            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal TX_LINERATE            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal RX_LINERATE            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal GT_RXOUTCLK            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal GT_TXOUTCLK            : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal BITSLIP_MANUAL_r       : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r      : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal error_f                : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-  signal BITSLIP_MANUAL_3r      : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  --signal BITSLIP_MANUAL_3r      : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal alignment_done_chk_cnt : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
   signal alignment_done_a       : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
@@ -353,6 +353,11 @@ begin
     REFCLK_CXP2 <= CXP2_GTH_RefClk;
     ibufds_instq2_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE2
+          generic map(
+              CLKCM_CFG => true,
+              CLKRCV_TRST => true,
+              CLKSWING_CFG => "11"
+          )
       port map
         O               => 	CXP1_GTH_RefClk,
@@ -375,6 +380,11 @@ begin
     GTH_RefClk(11) <= CXP1_GTH_RefClk;
     ibufds_instq8_clk0 : IBUFDS_GTE2
+        generic map(
+            CLKCM_CFG => true,
+            CLKRCV_TRST => true,
+            CLKSWING_CFG => "11"
+        )
     port map
         O               => 	CXP2_GTH_RefClk,
@@ -429,29 +439,29 @@ begin
-  LOGIC_RST(47 downto 0) <= register_map_control.GBT_CHANNEL_DISABLE;
+  --LOGIC_RST(47 downto 0) <= register_map_control.GBT_CHANNEL_DISABLE;
   General_ctrl           <= register_map_control.GBT_GENERAL_CTRL;
-  RxSlide_Manual(23 downto 0)   <= register_map_control.GBT_RXSLIDE_MANUAL(23 downto 0);
-  RxSlide_Sel(23 downto 0)      <= register_map_control.GBT_RXSLIDE_SELECT(23 downto 0);
-  TxUsrRdy(23 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_TXUSRRDY(23 downto 0);
-  RxUsrRdy(23 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_RXUSRRDY(23 downto 0);
-  GTTX_RESET(23 downto 0)         <= register_map_control.GBT_GTTX_RESET(23 downto 0);
-  GTRX_RESET(23 downto 0)         <= register_map_control.GBT_GTRX_RESET(23 downto 0);
+  --rxslide_manual(23 downto 0)   <= register_map_control.GBT_RXSLIDE_MANUAL(23 downto 0);
+  --rxslide_sel(23 downto 0)      <= register_map_control.GBT_RXSLIDE_SELECT(23 downto 0);
+  --txusrrdy(23 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_TXUSRRDY(23 downto 0);
+  --rxusrrdy(23 downto 0)             <= register_map_control.GBT_RXUSRRDY(23 downto 0);
+  gttx_reset(23 downto 0)         <= register_map_control.GBT_GTTX_RESET(23 downto 0);
+  gtrx_reset(23 downto 0)         <= register_map_control.GBT_GTRX_RESET(23 downto 0);
-  SOFT_RESET(23 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RESET(23 downto 0);
-  CPLL_RESET(23 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_PLL_RESET.CPLL_RESET(23 downto 0);
-  QPLL_RESET(11 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_PLL_RESET.QPLL_RESET(59 downto 48);
+  --soft_reset(23 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RESET(23 downto 0);
+  cpll_reset(23 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_PLL_RESET.CPLL_RESET(23 downto 0);
+  qpll_reset(11 downto 0)           <= register_map_control.GBT_PLL_RESET.QPLL_RESET(59 downto 48);
   SOFT_TXRST_GT(23 downto 0)     <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET.RESET_GT(23 downto 0);  -- Default: 0b000
   SOFT_RXRST_GT(23 downto 0)     <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET.RESET_GT(23 downto 0); -- Default: 0b000
   SOFT_TXRST_ALL(11 downto 0)    <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_TX_RESET.RESET_ALL(59 downto 48);
   SOFT_RXRST_ALL(11 downto 0)    <= register_map_control.GBT_SOFT_RX_RESET.RESET_ALL(59 downto 48);
-  OddEven(23 downto 0)              <= register_map_control.GBT_ODD_EVEN(23 downto 0);
-  TopBot(23 downto 0)               <= register_map_control.GBT_TOPBOT(23 downto 0);
+  --OddEven(23 downto 0)              <= register_map_control.GBT_ODD_EVEN(23 downto 0);
+  --TopBot(23 downto 0)               <= register_map_control.GBT_TOPBOT(23 downto 0);
   TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(47 downto 0)  <= register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE1;
   TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(95 downto 48) <=register_map_control.GBT_TX_TC_DLY_VALUE2;
@@ -485,18 +495,18 @@ begin
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_TXRESET_DONE(23 downto 0)        <= TxResetDone(23 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXRESET_DONE(23 downto 0)        <= RxResetDone(23 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_TXFSMRESET_DONE(23 downto 0)     <= txpmaresetdone(23 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXFSMRESET_DONE(23 downto 0)     <= rxpmaresetdone(23 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_CPLL_FBCLK_LOST(23 downto 0)     <= CpllFbClkLost (23 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_PLL_LOCK.CPLL_LOCK(23 downto 0)  <= CpllLock(23 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_PLL_LOCK.QPLL_LOCK(53 downto 48) <= QpllLock(5 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXCDR_LOCK(23 downto 0)          <= RxCdrLock(23 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_CLK_SAMPLED(23 downto 0)         <= clk_sampled(23 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_IS_HEADER(23 downto 0)        <= RX_IS_HEADER(23 downto 0);
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_IS_DATA(23 downto 0)          <= RX_IS_DATA(23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_TXRESET_DONE(23 downto 0)        <= txresetdone(23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXRESET_DONE(23 downto 0)        <= rxresetdone(23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_TXFSMRESET_DONE(23 downto 0)     <= (others => '0'); --TXPMARESETDONE(23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXFSMRESET_DONE(23 downto 0)     <= (others => '0'); --RXPMARESETDONE(23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_CPLL_FBCLK_LOST(23 downto 0)     <= cpllfbclklost (23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_PLL_LOCK.CPLL_LOCK(23 downto 0)  <= cplllock(23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_PLL_LOCK.QPLL_LOCK(53 downto 48) <= qplllock(5 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RXCDR_LOCK(23 downto 0)          <= rxcdrlock(23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_CLK_SAMPLED(23 downto 0)         <= (others => '0'); --clk_sampled(23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_IS_HEADER(23 downto 0)        <= rx_is_header(23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_IS_DATA(23 downto 0)          <= (others => '0'); --rx_is_data(23 downto 0);
   register_map_link_monitor.GBT_RX_HEADER_FOUND(23 downto 0)     <= RX_HEADER_FOUND(23 downto 0);
   register_map_link_monitor.GBT_ALIGNMENT_DONE(23 downto 0)      <= alignment_done_f(23 downto 0);
@@ -513,7 +523,7 @@ begin
     error_f(i) <= error_orig(i) and alignment_done_f(i);
   end generate;
-  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_GBT_TOPBOT_C(23 downto 0)      <= TopBot_c(23 downto 0);
+  register_map_link_monitor.GBT_GBT_TOPBOT_C(23 downto 0)      <= (others => '0'); --TopBot_C(23 downto 0);
@@ -523,8 +533,8 @@ begin
   DESMUX_USE_SW         <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.DESMUX_USE_SW(0); --Mode_ctrl(0);
-  RX_ALIGN_SW           <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.RX_ALIGN_SW(1); --Mode_ctrl(1);
-  RX_ALIGN_TB_SW        <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.RX_ALIGN_TB_SW(2); --Mode_ctrl(2);
+  --RX_ALIGN_SW           <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.RX_ALIGN_SW(1); --Mode_ctrl(1);
+  --RX_ALIGN_TB_SW        <= register_map_control.GBT_MODE_CTRL.RX_ALIGN_TB_SW(2); --Mode_ctrl(2);
@@ -593,17 +603,17 @@ begin
     end process;
     RXCDRGEN: if CARD_TYPE = 709 generate
-        RxCdrLock_f(0) <= RxCdrLock(0) and (not opto_los(0)) when register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL="000"
-                          else RxCdrLock(0);
-        RxCdrLock_f(1) <= RxCdrLock(1) and (not opto_los(1)) when register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL="000"
-                          else RxCdrLock(1);
-        RxCdrLock_f(2) <= RxCdrLock(2) and (not opto_los(2)) when register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL="000"
-                          else RxCdrLock(2);
-        RxCdrLock_f(3) <= RxCdrLock(3) and (not opto_los(3)) when register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL="000"
-                          else RxCdrLock(3);
+        RxCdrLock_f(0) <= rxcdrlock(0) and (not opto_los(0)) when register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL="000"
+                          else rxcdrlock(0);
+        RxCdrLock_f(1) <= rxcdrlock(1) and (not opto_los(1)) when register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL="000"
+                          else rxcdrlock(1);
+        RxCdrLock_f(2) <= rxcdrlock(2) and (not opto_los(2)) when register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL="000"
+                          else rxcdrlock(2);
+        RxCdrLock_f(3) <= rxcdrlock(3) and (not opto_los(3)) when register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL="000"
+                          else rxcdrlock(3);
     end generate;
     RXCDRGEN1: if CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
-        RxCdrLock_f <= RxCdrLock;
+        RxCdrLock_f <= rxcdrlock;
     end generate;
     RX_120b_out(i) <= RX_120b_out_ii(i) when alignment_done_f(i)='1' else
@@ -612,39 +622,36 @@ begin
     auto_rxrst : entity work.FELIX_GBT_RX_AUTO_RST
       port map
-        FSM_CLK                 => clk40_in,
-        pulse_lg                => pulse_lg,
-        GTHRXRESET_DONE         => RxResetDone(i) and RxFsmResetDone(i),
-        alignment_chk_rst       => alignment_chk_rst_c1(i),
-        GBT_LOCK                => alignment_done_f(i),--alignment_done(i),
-        AUTO_GTH_RXRST          => auto_gth_rxrst(i),
-        ext_trig_realign        => ext_trig_realign(i),
-        AUTO_GBT_RXRST          => auto_gbt_rxrst(i)
+        ext_trig_realign   => open, --ext_trig_realign(i),
+        FSM_CLK            => clk40_in,
+        GBT_LOCK           => alignment_done_f(i), --alignment_done(i),
+        pulse_lg           => pulse_lg,
+        GTHRXRESET_DONE    => rxresetdone(i) and rxfsmresetdone(i),
+        AUTO_GTH_RXRST     => auto_gth_rxrst(i),
+        alignment_chk_rst  => alignment_chk_rst_c1(i),
+        AUTO_GBT_RXRST     => auto_gbt_rxrst(i)
     rafsm : entity work.FELIX_GBT_RXSLIDE_FSM
       port map
-        ext_trig_realign        => ext_trig_realign(i),
-        FSM_RST                 => FSM_RST(i),
-        FSM_CLK                 => clk40_in,
-        GBT_LOCK                => alignment_done(i),
-        RxSlide                 => RxSlide_c(i),
-        alignment_chk_rst       => alignment_chk_rst_c(i)
+        alignment_chk_rst  => alignment_chk_rst_c(i),
+        --ext_trig_realign   => ext_trig_realign(i),
+        FSM_RST            => FSM_RST(i),
+        FSM_CLK            => clk40_in,
+        GBT_LOCK           => alignment_done(i),
+        RxSlide            => RxSlide_c(i)
     FSM_RST(i)          <= RX_RESET(i);-- or RX_ALIGN_SW;
-    GTRX_RESET_i(i)     <= --GTRX_RESET(i) when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
-                           (GTRX_RESET(i) or auto_gth_rxrst(i));
+    gtrx_reset_i(i)     <= --GTRX_RESET(i) when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
+                           (gtrx_reset(i) or auto_gth_rxrst(i));
     RX_RESET_i(i)       <= --RX_RESET(i) when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
                            (RX_RESET(i) or auto_gbt_rxrst(i));
     alignment_chk_rst(i) <= --alignment_chk_rst_i when RX_ALIGN_SW='1' else
                             (alignment_chk_rst_i or alignment_chk_rst_c(i) or alignment_chk_rst_c1(i));
-    TX_RESET_i(i)       <= TX_RESET(i) or (not TxResetDone(i)) or (not TxFsmResetDone(i));-- for V7
+    TX_RESET_i(i)       <= TX_RESET(i) or (not txresetdone(i)) or (not txfsmresetdone(i));-- for V7
     RxSlide_i(i)     <= RxCdrLock_f(i) and RxSlide_c(i);
   end generate;
@@ -672,7 +679,7 @@ gbtRxTx : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
     if GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i)'event and GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i)='1' then
       BITSLIP_MANUAL_r(i)       <= RxSlide_i(i);
       BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r(i)      <= BITSLIP_MANUAL_r(i);
-      BITSLIP_MANUAL_3r(i)      <= BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r(i);
+      --BITSLIP_MANUAL_3r(i)      <= BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r(i);
       RxSlide(i)                <= BITSLIP_MANUAL_r(i) and (not BITSLIP_MANUAL_2r(i));
     end if;
   end process;
@@ -685,50 +692,43 @@ gbtRxTx : for i in GBT_NUM-1 downto 0 generate
     port map
-      error_o                 => error_orig(i),
-      RX_FLAG                 => RX_FLAG_Oi(i),
-      TX_FLAG                 => TX_FLAG_O(i),
-      Tx_DATA_FORMAT          => DATA_TXFORMAT_i(2*i+1 downto 2*i),
-      Rx_DATA_FORMAT          => DATA_RXFORMAT_i(2*i+1 downto 2*i),
-      Tx_latopt_tc            => '1',--TX_OPT(i),
-      Tx_latopt_scr           => '1',--TX_OPT(24+i),
-      RX_LATOPT_DES           => '1',--RX_OPT(i),
-      TX_TC_METHOD            => TX_TC_METHOD(i),
-      TC_EDGE                 => TC_EDGE(i),
-      TX_TC_DLY_VALUE  	      => TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(4*i+2 downto 4*i),
-      alignment_chk_rst       => alignment_chk_rst(i),
-      alignment_done_O        => alignment_done(i),
-      L40M                    => clk40_in,
-      outsel_i                => outsel_ii(i),
-      outsel_o                => outsel_o(i),
-      --BITSLIP_MANUAL	        => RxSlide_i(i),
-      --BITSLIP_SEL 	        => RxSlide_Sel(i),
-      --GT_RXSLIDE		=> RxSlide(i),
-      OddEven			=> '0',--OddEven_i(i),
-      TopBot                    => '0',--TopBot_i(i),
-      data_sel                  => data_sel(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-      TX_RESET_I 		=> TX_RESET_i(i),
-      TX_FRAMECLK_I	        => TX_FRAME_CLK_I(i),
-      TX_WORDCLK_I 	        => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i),
-      -- TX_ISDATA_SEL_I	=> TX_IS_DATA(i),
-      TX_DATA_120b_I	        => TX_120b_in(i),
-      TX_DATA_20b_O	        => TX_DATA_20b(i),
-      RX_RESET_I  		=> RX_RESET_i(i),
-      RX_FRAME_CLK_O 		=> open,--RX_FRAME_CLK_O(i),
-      RX_WORD_IS_HEADER_O       => RX_IS_HEADER(i),
-      RX_HEADER_FOUND	        => RX_HEADER_FOUND(i),
-      RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O          => RX_IS_DATA(i),
-      RX_DATA_20b_I    	        => RX_DATA_20b(i),
-      RX_DATA_120b_O    	=> RX_120b_out_i(i),
-      des_rxusrclk              => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),
-      RX_WORDCLK_I      	=> GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i)
+      alignment_chk_rst => alignment_chk_rst(i),
+      alignment_done_O => alignment_done(i),
+      outsel_i => outsel_ii(i),
+      outsel_o => outsel_o(i),
+      error_o => error_orig(i),
+      TX_TC_DLY_VALUE => TX_TC_DLY_VALUE(4*i+2 downto 4*i),
+      TC_EDGE => TC_EDGE(i),
+      --BITSLIP_MANUAL            => RxSlide_i(i),
+      --BITSLIP_SEL             => RxSlide_Sel(i),
+      --GT_RXSLIDE        => RxSlide(i),
+      --OddEven => '0', --OddEven_i(i),
+      --TopBot => '0', --TopBot_i(i),
+      --data_sel => "0000", -- FS: never written. data_sel(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+      RX_FLAG => RX_FLAG_Oi(i),
+      TX_FLAG => TX_FLAG_O(i),
+      --Tx_latopt_scr => '1', --TX_OPT(24+i),
+      --Tx_latopt_tc => '1', --TX_OPT(i),
+      RX_LATOPT_DES => '1', --RX_OPT(i),
+      Tx_DATA_FORMAT => DATA_TXFORMAT_i(2*i+1 downto 2*i),
+      Rx_Data_Format => DATA_RXFORMAT_i(2*i+1 downto 2*i),
+      RX_RESET_I => RX_RESET_i(i),
+      RX_FRAME_CLK_O => open, --RX_FRAME_CLK_O(i),
+      RX_WORD_IS_HEADER_O => rx_is_header(i),
+      --RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O => rx_is_data(i),
+      L40M => clk40_in,
+      RX_DATA_20b_I => RX_DATA_20b(i),
+      RX_DATA_120b_O => RX_120b_out_i(i),
+      TX_RESET_I => TX_RESET_i(i),
+      des_rxusrclk => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),
+      -- TX_ISDATA_SEL_I    => TX_IS_DATA(i),
+      TX_DATA_120b_I => TX_120b_in(i),
+      TX_DATA_20b_O => TX_DATA_20b(i)
@@ -755,8 +755,8 @@ clk_generate : for i in (GBT_NUM-1)/4 downto 0 generate
     port map
-      I => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i),
-      O => GT_TXUSRCLK(i)
+      O => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+      I => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i)
   GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+0) <= GT_TXUSRCLK(i);
@@ -772,8 +772,8 @@ end generate;
 RXCLK_GEN: if CARD_TYPE = 710 or CARD_TYPE = 709 generate
     port map(
-      I => GT_RXOUTCLK(0),
-      O => GT_RXUSRCLK
+      O => GT_RXUSRCLK,
+      I => GT_RXOUTCLK(0)
 end generate;
@@ -787,18 +787,18 @@ RXCLK_GEN_709: if CARD_TYPE = 709 generate
     port map(
-      I => GT_RXOUTCLK(1),
-      O => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(1)
+      O => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(1),
+      I => GT_RXOUTCLK(1)
     port map(
-      I => GT_RXOUTCLK(2),
-      O => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(2)
+      O => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(2),
+      I => GT_RXOUTCLK(2)
     port map(
-      I => GT_RXOUTCLK(3),
-      O => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(3)
+      O => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(3),
+      I => GT_RXOUTCLK(3)
 end generate;
@@ -814,79 +814,39 @@ CPLL_GEN: if PLL_SEL = CPLL generate
     GTH_TOP_INST:entity work.GTH_CPLL_Wrapper_V7
       port map
-        GTH_RefClk                              => GTH_RefClk(i),--local_rx_240m_in,--gtrefclk0_in,
-        DRP_CLK_IN                              => DRP_CLK_IN,
+        GTH_RefClk => GTH_RefClk(i), --local_rx_240m_in,--gtrefclk0_in,
+        DRP_CLK_IN => DRP_CLK_IN,
+        gt0_loopback_in => register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
+        gt0_rxcdrhold_in => '0',
         --- RX clock, for each channel
-        gt0_rxusrclk_in                         => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),--(i)
-        gt0_rxoutclk_out                        => GT_RXOUTCLK(i),
-        gt0_txusrclk_in                         => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i),
-        gt0_txoutclk_out                        => GT_TXOUTCLK(i),
-        -----------------------------------------
-        ---- STATUS signals
-        -----------------------------------------
-        gt0_txresetdone_out                     => TxResetDone(i),--: out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-        gt0_rxresetdone_out                     => RxResetDone(i),--: out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-        gt0_tx_fsm_reset_done_out               => TxFsmResetDone(i),--: out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-        gt0_rx_fsm_reset_done_out               => RxFsmResetDone(i),--: out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-        gt0_cpllfbclklost_out                   => CpllFbClkLost(i),--  : out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-        gt0_cplllock_out                        => CpllLock(i),--   : out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-        gt0_rxcdrlock_out                       => RxCdrLock(i),-- : out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-        -- gt0_qplllock_out                     => open,--      : out  std_logic;
-  ---------------------------
-  ---- CTRL signals
-  ---------------------------
-        gt0_rxslide_in                          => RxSlide(i),
-        gt0_txuserrdy_in                        => '1',
-        gt0_rxuserrdy_in                        => '1',
-        gt_rxpolarity_in			=> register_map_control.GBT_RXPOLARITY(i),
-        gt_txpolarity_in		        => register_map_control.GBT_TXPOLARITY(i),
-        -- for loopback: default, both signal need to be all '0'
-        -- read UG476 for the details. NOTE: the TXBUFFER is disabled, so some type of loopbhack may be
-        --not supported.
-       -- for loopback rxcdrhold needs to be set, a register needs to be added, check GTH manual for details
-       -- not tested yet
-        gt0_loopback_in                         => register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
-        gt0_rxcdrhold_in                        => '0',
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------
-  ----------RESET SIGNALs
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        SOFT_RESET_IN                           => SOFT_RESET(i/4) or rst_hw or SOFT_TXRST_GT(i),
-        GTTX_RESET_IN                           => GTTX_RESET(i),
-        GTRX_RESET_IN                           => GTRX_RESET(i),
-        gt0_cpllreset_in                        => CPLL_RESET(i),
-        --QPLL_RESET_IN                           : in   std_logic;
-        SOFT_TXRST_GT                           => SOFT_TXRST_GT(i) or rst_hw,
-        SOFT_RXRST_GT                           => SOFT_RXRST_GT(i)  or rst_hw,-- or GTRX_RESET(i),
-        --SOFT_TXRST_ALL                        : in   std_logic;
-        --SOFT_RXRST_ALL                        : in   std_logic;
-  -----------------------------------------------------------
-  ----------- Data and TX/RX Ports
-  -----------------------------------------------------------
-        gt0_txdata_in                           => TX_DATA_20b(i),
-        gt0_rxdata_out                          => RX_DATA_20b(i),
-        gt0_gthrxn_in                           => RX_N(i),
-        gt0_gthrxp_in                           => RX_P(i),
-        gt0_gthtxn_out                          => TX_N(i),
-        gt0_gthtxp_out                          => TX_P(i)
+        gt0_rxusrclk_in => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i), --(i)
+        gt0_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(i),
+        gt0_txusrclk_in => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i),
+        gt0_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(i),
+        gt0_txresetdone_out => txresetdone(i), --: out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+        gt0_rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone(i), --: out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+        gt0_tx_fsm_reset_done_out => txfsmresetdone(i), --: out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+        gt0_rx_fsm_reset_done_out => rxfsmresetdone(i), --: out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+        gt0_cpllfbclklost_out => cpllfbclklost(i), --  : out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+        gt0_cplllock_out => cplllock(i), --   : out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+        gt0_rxcdrlock_out => rxcdrlock(i), -- : out  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+        gt0_rxslide_in => RxSlide(i),
+        gt_txpolarity_in => register_map_control.GBT_TXPOLARITY(i),
+        gt_rxpolarity_in => register_map_control.GBT_RXPOLARITY(i),
+        gt0_txuserrdy_in => '1',
+        gt0_rxuserrdy_in => '1',
+        --SOFT_RESET_IN                           => soft_reset(i/4) or rst_hw or SOFT_TXRST_GT(i),
+        GTTX_RESET_IN => gttx_reset(i),
+        GTRX_RESET_IN => gtrx_reset(i),
+        gt0_cpllreset_in => cpll_reset(i),
+        SOFT_TXRST_GT => SOFT_TXRST_GT(i) or rst_hw,
+        SOFT_RXRST_GT => SOFT_RXRST_GT(i)  or rst_hw, -- or GTRX_RESET(i),
+        gt0_txdata_in => TX_DATA_20b(i),
+        gt0_rxdata_out => RX_DATA_20b(i),
+        gt0_gthrxn_in => RX_N(i),
+        gt0_gthrxp_in => RX_P(i),
+        gt0_gthtxn_out => TX_N(i),
+        gt0_gthtxp_out => TX_P(i)
   --QpllLock(i) <='1';
@@ -910,103 +870,66 @@ QPLL_GEN: if PLL_SEL = QPLL generate
     GTH_TOP_INST: entity work.GTH_QPLL_Wrapper_V7
       Port map
---------- Registers in & out
-        gt_txresetdone_out         => TxResetDone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_rxresetdone_out         => RxResetDone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_txfsmresetdone_out      => TxFsmResetDone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_rxfsmresetdone_out      => RxFsmResetDone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_cpllfbclklost_out       => CpllFbClkLost(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_cplllock_out            => CpllLock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_rxcdrlock_out           => RxCdrLock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_qplllock_out            => QpllLock(i),
----- CTRL signals
-        gt_rxslide_in              => RxSlide(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_txuserrdy_in            => "1111",--TxUsrRdy(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_rxuserrdy_in            => "1111",--RxUsrRdy(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_rxpolarity_in           => register_map_control.GBT_RXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_txpolarity_in           => register_map_control.GBT_TXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        -- for loopback: default, both signal need to be all '0'
-        -- read UG476 for the details. NOTE: the TXBUFFER is disabled, so some type of loopbhack may be
-        --not supported.
-       -- for loopback rxcdrhold needs to be set, a register needs to be added, check GTH manual for details
-       -- not tested yet
-        gt0_loopback_in                 =>  register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
-        gt0_rxcdrhold_in                => '0',
-        gt1_loopback_in                 =>  register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
-        gt1_rxcdrhold_in                => '0',
-        gt2_loopback_in                 =>  register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
-        gt2_rxcdrhold_in                => '0',
-        gt3_loopback_in                 =>  register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
-        gt3_rxcdrhold_in                => '0',
-----------RESET SIGNALs
-        SOFT_RESET_IN              => SOFT_RESET(i) or rst_hw,
-        GTTX_RESET_IN              => GTTX_RESET(4*i+3 downto 4*i),-- or rst_hw,
-        GTRX_RESET_IN              => GTRX_RESET_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        CPLL_RESET_IN              => CPLL_RESET(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        QPLL_RESET_IN              => QPLL_RESET(i),
-        SOFT_TXRST_GT              => SOFT_TXRST_GT(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        SOFT_RXRST_GT              => SOFT_RXRST_GT(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        SOFT_TXRST_ALL             => SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i) or rst_hw,
-        SOFT_RXRST_ALL             => SOFT_RXRST_ALL(i) or rst_hw,
----------- Clocks
-        DRP_CLK_IN                 => DRP_CLK_IN,
-        GTH_RefClk                 => GTH_RefClk(4*i),
-        gt3_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
-        gt2_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
-        gt1_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
-        gt0_rxoutclk_out           => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i),
-        gt3_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
-        gt2_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
-        gt1_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
-        gt0_txoutclk_out           => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i),
-        gt3_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3),
-        gt2_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+2),
-        gt1_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+1),
-        gt0_rxusrclk_in            => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i),
-        gt3_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),--GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3),
-        gt2_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),--GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+2),
-        gt1_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),--GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+1),
-        gt0_txusrclk_in            => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),--GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i),
----------- DATA
-        RX_DATA_gt0_20b            => RX_DATA_20b(4*i),
-        TX_DATA_gt0_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i),
-        RX_DATA_gt1_20b            => RX_DATA_20b(4*i+1),
-        TX_DATA_gt1_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+1),
-        RX_DATA_gt2_20b            => RX_DATA_20b(4*i+2),
-        TX_DATA_gt2_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+2),
-        RX_DATA_gt3_20b            => RX_DATA_20b(4*i+3),
-        TX_DATA_gt3_20b            => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+3),
---------- GTH Data pins
-        TXP_OUT                         => TX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        TXN_OUT                         => TX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        RXP_IN                          => RX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        RXN_IN                          => RX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
+        GTH_RefClk => GTH_RefClk(4*i),
+        DRP_CLK_IN => DRP_CLK_IN,
+        gt0_rxusrclk_in => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i),
+        gt0_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i),
+        gt1_rxusrclk_in => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+1),
+        gt1_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
+        gt2_rxusrclk_in => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+2),
+        gt2_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
+        gt3_rxusrclk_in => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3),
+        gt3_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
+        gt0_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i), --GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i),
+        gt0_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i),
+        --gt1_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i), --GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+1),
+        gt1_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+1),
+        --gt2_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i), --GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+2),
+        gt2_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+2),
+        --gt3_txusrclk_in => GT_TXUSRCLK(i), --GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3),
+        gt3_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3),
+        gt_txresetdone_out => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_txfsmresetdone_out => txfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_rxfsmresetdone_out => rxfsmresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_cpllfbclklost_out => cpllfbclklost(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_cplllock_out => cplllock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_rxcdrlock_out => rxcdrlock(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_qplllock_out => qplllock(i),
+        gt_rxslide_in => RxSlide(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_txpolarity_in => register_map_control.GBT_TXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_rxpolarity_in => register_map_control.GBT_RXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_txuserrdy_in => "1111", --TxUsrRdy(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_rxuserrdy_in => "1111", --RxUsrRdy(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt0_loopback_in => register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
+        gt0_rxcdrhold_in => '0',
+        gt1_loopback_in => register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
+        gt1_rxcdrhold_in => '0',
+        gt2_loopback_in => register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
+        gt2_rxcdrhold_in => '0',
+        gt3_loopback_in => register_map_control.GTH_LOOPBACK_CONTROL,
+        gt3_rxcdrhold_in => '0',
+        --SOFT_RESET_IN => soft_reset(i) or rst_hw,
+        GTTX_RESET_IN => gttx_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i), -- or rst_hw,
+        GTRX_RESET_IN => gtrx_reset_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        --CPLL_RESET_IN => cpll_reset(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        QPLL_RESET_IN => qpll_reset(i),
+        --SOFT_TXRST_GT => SOFT_TXRST_GT(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        --SOFT_RXRST_GT => SOFT_RXRST_GT(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        SOFT_TXRST_ALL => SOFT_TXRST_ALL(i) or rst_hw,
+        SOFT_RXRST_ALL => SOFT_RXRST_ALL(i) or rst_hw,
+        RX_DATA_gt0_20b => RX_DATA_20b(4*i),
+        TX_DATA_gt0_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i),
+        RX_DATA_gt1_20b => RX_DATA_20b(4*i+1),
+        TX_DATA_gt1_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+1),
+        RX_DATA_gt2_20b => RX_DATA_20b(4*i+2),
+        TX_DATA_gt2_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+2),
+        RX_DATA_gt3_20b => RX_DATA_20b(4*i+3),
+        TX_DATA_gt3_20b => TX_DATA_20b(4*i+3),
+        RXN_IN => RX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        RXP_IN => RX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        TXN_OUT => TX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        TXP_OUT => TX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtRx_FELIX.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtRx_FELIX.vhd
index 498b962d1e203b808a30e630b9d23186de1aa1d4..f3338f975abddce276010e5c50e949d211e39cc6 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtRx_FELIX.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtRx_FELIX.vhd
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use work.FELIX_gbt_package.all;
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
@@ -50,17 +50,17 @@ entity gbtRx_FELIX is
       error_o                   : out std_logic;
     --  RxWordCnt_out : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
       RX_RESET_I  		: in  std_logic;
-      data_sel                  : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+      --data_sel                  : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
       RX_LATOPT_DES             : in  std_logic;
       RX_WORDCLK_I 		: in  std_logic;
       des_rxusrclk              : in std_logic;
      -- L40M : in std_logic;
-      OddEven, TopBot	        : in  std_logic;
+      --OddEven, TopBot	        : in  std_logic;
       HeaderFlag 	        : out std_logic;  --For 40MHz generation
       header_found     	        : out std_logic;
       Rx_Data_Format            : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-      RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O          : out std_logic;
+      --RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O          : out std_logic;
       RX_DATA_20b_I             : in  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);	
@@ -75,15 +75,15 @@ end gbtRx_FELIX;
 architecture Behavioral of gbtRx_FELIX is
-  signal Rx_40M_FrameClk, Rx_240M_WordClk,data_valid_i           : std_logic;
-  signal RxIsData             		: std_logic;
+  signal Rx_40M_FrameClk, Rx_240M_WordClk           : std_logic;
+  --signal RxIsData             		: std_logic;
   signal RxCommon84b            	: std_logic_vector(83 downto 0);
   signal RxExtraWidebus32b      	: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);     
   signal Descrambler_enable, Descrambler_enable_r    ,error_i   ,error_buf, Descrambler_enable_3r,Descrambler_enable_2r         : std_logic;
   signal RxFrame120b : std_logic_vector(119 downto 0);
-  signal RX_HEADER_r, RX_HEADER: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  signal cnta:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-  signal HeaderLocked_5r, HeaderLocked_4r, HeaderLocked_3r, HeaderLocked_2r, HeaderLocked_r, HeaderLocked,Rx_40M_FrameClk_A:std_logic;
+  signal RX_HEADER: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+  --signal cnta:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+  signal  HeaderLocked:std_logic;
@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ begin
   FelixRxGearbox: entity work.gbt_rx_gearbox_FELIX  
     port map
-      OddEven                   => OddEven,
-      TopBot                    => TopBot,
+      --OddEven                   => OddEven,
+      --TopBot                    => TopBot,
       HeaderFlag                => HeaderFlag,
       HeaderLocked              => HeaderLocked,
       Descrambler_enable        => Descrambler_enable,
       Rx_40M_FrameClk_O         => Rx_40M_FrameClk,
       Rx_240M_WordClk_I         => Rx_240M_WordClk,
-      RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O          => RxIsData,
+      RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O          => open,
       RX_LATOPT_DES             => RX_LATOPT_DES,
       Rx_Data_Format            => Rx_Data_Format,
       ---- Data in & out
@@ -118,17 +118,17 @@ begin
   Decoder: entity work.gbt_rx_decoder_FELIX 
     port map
+      ---------------------------------------
+      RX_FRAME_I => RxFrame120b,
+      DATA_MODE_CFG => Rx_Data_Format,
       --RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O                       => RxIsData,
       --RX_HEADER_LOCKED_FLAG                  => HeaderLocked,
-      RX_HEADER                                 => RX_HEADER,
-      Rx_240M_WordClk_I                         => Rx_240M_WordClk,
-      error_o                                     => error_i,
-      ---------------------------------------
-      RX_FRAME_I                                => RxFrame120b,
-      DATA_MODE_CFG                             => Rx_Data_Format,
+      error_o => error_i,
+      Rx_240M_WordClk_I => Rx_240M_WordClk,
-      RX_COMMON_FRAME_O                         => RxCommon84b,
-      RX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_O                  => RxExtraWidebus32b        
+      RX_COMMON_FRAME_O => RxCommon84b,
+      RX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_O => RxExtraWidebus32b        
  -- data_valid <= data_valid_i;
@@ -137,16 +137,16 @@ begin
     if des_rxusrclk'event and  des_rxusrclk='1' then
 --  if Rx_240M_WordClk'event and Rx_240M_WordClk='1' then
-      RX_HEADER_r               <= RX_HEADER;
+      --RX_HEADER_r               <= RX_HEADER;
       Descrambler_enable_r      <= Descrambler_enable;
       Descrambler_enable_2r     <= Descrambler_enable_r;
       Descrambler_enable_3r     <= Descrambler_enable_2r;
  --   Descrambler_enable_2r     <= Descrambler_enable_r;
-      HeaderLocked_5r           <= HeaderLocked_4r;
-      HeaderLocked_4r           <= HeaderLocked_3r;
-      HeaderLocked_3r           <= HeaderLocked_2r;
-      HeaderLocked_2r           <= HeaderLocked_r;
-      HeaderLocked_r            <= HeaderLocked;
+      --HeaderLocked_5r           <= HeaderLocked_4r;
+      --HeaderLocked_4r           <= HeaderLocked_3r;
+      --HeaderLocked_3r           <= HeaderLocked_2r;
+      --HeaderLocked_2r           <= HeaderLocked_r;
+      --HeaderLocked_r            <= HeaderLocked;
       header_found              <= HeaderLocked;
       if Descrambler_enable = '1' then
@@ -165,22 +165,17 @@ begin
   FelixDescrambler: entity work.gbt_rx_descrambler_FELIX
     port map
-      RX_HEADER_O                               => RX_HEADER_O,
-      RX_HEADER_I                               => RX_HEADER,
-      RX_RESET_I                             	=> RX_RESET_I, 
-      RX_FRAMECLK_I                          	=> Rx_40M_FrameClk, 
-      RX_WORDCLK_I                           	=> des_rxusrclk,--Rx_240M_WordClk, 
-      Descrambler_enable		        => Descrambler_enable,
-      DATA_MODE_CFG                             => Rx_Data_Format,
-      ---------------------------------------
-      ---------------------------------------
-      RX_COMMON_FRAME_I                      	=> RxCommon84b,
-      RX_DATA_O                              	=> RX_DATA_84b_O ,
-      ---------------------------------------
-      RX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_I               	=> RxExtraWidebus32b,
+      RX_RESET_I => RX_RESET_I,
+      descrambler_enable => Descrambler_enable,
+      DATA_MODE_CFG => Rx_Data_Format,
+      RX_WORDCLK_I => des_rxusrclk, --Rx_240M_WordClk,
+      --RX_FRAMECLK_I => Rx_40M_FrameClk,
+      RX_COMMON_FRAME_I => RxCommon84b,
+      RX_DATA_O => RX_DATA_84b_O,
+      RX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_I => RxExtraWidebus32b,
 end Behavioral;
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtTxRx_FELIX.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtTxRx_FELIX.vhd
index bb6ea226fba6aa8ba1989af80f373c1f5f9e0969..a8a9e87ed0111ffc534b17a85745e0647ba0adb6 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtTxRx_FELIX.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtTxRx_FELIX.vhd
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ entity gbtTxRx_FELIX is
       --BITSLIP_MANUAL	       	: in  std_logic;
       --BITSLIP_SEL 	     	: in  std_logic; --backup for auto bitslip
       --GT_RXSLIDE		: out std_logic;
-      OddEven                   : in std_logic;
-      TopBot		        : in std_logic;
-      data_sel                  : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+      --OddEven                   : in std_logic;
+      --TopBot		        : in std_logic;
+      --data_sel                  : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
       RX_FLAG                   : out std_logic;
       TX_FLAG                   : out std_logic;
-      Tx_latopt_scr             : in std_logic;
-      Tx_latopt_tc              : in std_logic;
+      --Tx_latopt_scr             : in std_logic;
+      --Tx_latopt_tc              : in std_logic;
       RX_LATOPT_DES             : in std_logic;
       Rx_Data_Format            : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0);
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ entity gbtTxRx_FELIX is
       RX_HEADER_FOUND 		: out std_logic;
       RX_WORD_IS_HEADER_O 	: out std_logic;
       RX_WORDCLK_I 		: in std_logic;
-      RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O    	: out std_logic;
+      --RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O    	: out std_logic;
       L40M                      : in std_logic;
       RX_DATA_20b_I       	: in  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ begin
   outsel_o      <= outsel_gen;
-  process(RX_RESET_I, L40M)
+  process(L40M)
     if L40M'event and L40M='1' then
       if RX_RESET_I = '1' then
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ begin
   desmux_en : if RX_DESCR_MUX_EN = '1' generate
-    process(RX_RESET_I, L40M)
+    process(L40M)
       if L40M'event and L40M = '0' then
         RX_DATA_120b_O_r        <= RX_DATA_120b_Oi;
@@ -161,26 +161,24 @@ begin
   gbtRx_inst: entity work.gbtRx_FELIX
     Port Map(
-      RX_FLAG                   => RX_FLAG,
-      error_o                   => error_orig,
-      RX_RESET_I  		=> RX_RESET_I,
-      des_rxusrclk              => des_rxusrclk,
-  --  L40M                      => L40M,
-      OddEven 			=> OddEven,
-      TopBot                    => TopBot,
-      data_sel                  => data_sel,
-      HeaderFlag		=> HeaderFlag,
-      header_found		=> header_found,
-      Rx_Data_Format            => Rx_Data_Format,
-      RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O          => RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O,
-      RX_LATOPT_DES             => RX_LATOPT_DES,
-      RX_DATA_20b_I    		=> RX_DATA_20b_I,
-      RX_HEADER_O               => RX_DATA_120b_Oi(119 downto 116),
-      RX_DATA_84b_O    		=> RX_DATA_120b_Oi(115 downto 32),
-      RX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_O   => RX_DATA_120b_Oi(31 downto 0)
+      RX_FLAG => RX_FLAG,
+      error_o => error_orig,
+      RX_RESET_I => RX_RESET_I,
+      --RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O          => RX_ISDATA_FLAG_O,
+      des_rxusrclk => des_rxusrclk,
+      --OddEven             => OddEven,
+      --TopBot                    => TopBot,
+      --data_sel                  => data_sel,
+      HeaderFlag => HeaderFlag,
+      header_found => header_found,
+      Rx_Data_Format => Rx_Data_Format,
+      RX_DATA_20b_I => RX_DATA_20b_I,
+      RX_HEADER_O => RX_DATA_120b_Oi(119 downto 116),
+      RX_DATA_84b_O => RX_DATA_120b_Oi(115 downto 32),
+      RX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_O => RX_DATA_120b_Oi(31 downto 0)
   RX_HEADER_FOUND       <= header_found;
@@ -245,22 +243,21 @@ begin
     Port map
-      TX_FLAG                   => TX_FLAG,
-      TX_RESET_I                => TX_RESET_I,
-      TX_FRAMECLK_I             => TX_FRAMECLK_I,
-      TX_WORDCLK_I              => TX_WORDCLK_I,
-      TX_TC_METHOD              => TX_TC_METHOD,
-      TC_EDGE                   => TC_EDGE,
-      Tx_latopt_scr             => Tx_latopt_scr,
-      TX_LATOPT_TC              => TX_LATOPT_TC,
-      DATA_MODE_CFG             => Tx_DATA_FORMAT,
-      TX_TC_DLY_VALUE           => TX_TC_DLY_VALUE,
+      TX_FLAG => TX_FLAG,
+      TX_RESET_I => TX_RESET_I,
+      --Tx_latopt_scr => Tx_latopt_scr,
+      --TX_LATOPT_TC => Tx_latopt_tc,
+      TC_EDGE => TC_EDGE,
       --TX_ISDATA_SEL_I         => TX_ISDATA_SEL_I,
-      TX_HEADER_I               => TX_DATA_120b_I(119 downto 116),
-      TX_DATA_84b_I             => TX_DATA_120b_I(115 downto 32),
-      TX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_I   => TX_DATA_120b_I(31 downto 0),
-      TX_DATA_20b_O	        => TX_DATA_20b_O
+      TX_HEADER_I => TX_DATA_120b_I(119 downto 116),
+      TX_DATA_84b_I => TX_DATA_120b_I(115 downto 32),
+      TX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_I => TX_DATA_120b_I(31 downto 0),
+      TX_DATA_20b_O => TX_DATA_20b_O
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtTx_FELIX.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtTx_FELIX.vhd
index 40bb2836c8354ef22c4083e4aadad1e4ff54c80b..dce23d485d3f519dc0da763ec0b99d68437e7fec 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtTx_FELIX.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbtTx_FELIX.vhd
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ entity gbtTx_FELIX is
       TX_FLAG                   : out std_logic;
-      TX_RESET_I  	        : in  std_logic;
+      TX_RESET_I  	            : in  std_logic;
       TX_FRAMECLK_I 	        : in std_logic;
-      TX_WORDCLK_I 	        : in std_logic;
-      Tx_latopt_scr             : in std_logic;
-      TX_LATOPT_TC              : in std_logic;
+      TX_WORDCLK_I 	            : in std_logic;
+      --Tx_latopt_scr             : in std_logic;
+      --TX_LATOPT_TC              : in std_logic;
       TX_TC_METHOD              : in std_logic;
       TC_EDGE                   : in std_logic;
       DATA_MODE_CFG             : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ entity gbtTx_FELIX is
       TX_HEADER_I               : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
       --TX_ISDATA_SEL_I  			: in  std_logic;
-      TX_DATA_84b_I		: in  std_logic_vector(83 downto 0);
+      TX_DATA_84b_I		        : in  std_logic_vector(83 downto 0);
       TX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_I 	: in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); 
-      TX_DATA_20b_O	        : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0)
+      TX_DATA_20b_O	            : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0)
 end gbtTx_FELIX;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of gbtTx_FELIX is
   signal Scrambler_Enable       : std_logic;
   signal Tx_Align_Signal        : std_logic;
-  signal Tx_latopt_tc_i         : std_logic;
+  --signal Tx_latopt_tc_i         : std_logic;
   signal TX_HEADER              : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
   signal TxExtraWidebus32b      : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
   signal TxCommon84b            : std_logic_vector(83 downto 0);
@@ -82,37 +82,30 @@ begin
   TX_FLAG               <= Scrambler_Enable;
   -- Scrambler, clock changed, ctrl signal added.
-  Tx_latopt_tc_i        <= '1' when TX_DLY_SW_CTRL='1' else
-                           Tx_latopt_tc;
+  --Tx_latopt_tc_i        <= '1' when TX_DLY_SW_CTRL='1' else
+  --                         TX_LATOPT_TC;
   FelixScrambler: entity work.gbt_tx_scrambler_FELIX
-    generic map
-    (
-      channel                                   => channel       
-      )
+    --generic map
+    --(
+    --  channel                                   => channel       
+    --  )
     port map ( 
-      TX_TC_METHOD                              => TX_TC_METHOD,
-      TC_EDGE                                   => TC_EDGE,
-      Scrambler_Enable                          => Scrambler_Enable,
-      Tx_Align_Signal                           => Tx_Align_Signal,
-      Tx_latopt_tc                              => Tx_latopt_tc_i,-- Tx_latopt_tc,
-      TX_RESET_I                                => TX_RESET_I,
-      TX_WORDCLK_I                              => TX_WORDCLK_I,
-      TX_FRAMECLK_I                             => TX_FRAMECLK_I,
-      TX_TC_DLY_VALUE                           => TX_TC_DLY_VALUE,
-        ---------------------------------------  
-        --TX_ISDATA_SEL_I                            => TX_ISDATA_SEL_I,
-      TX_HEADER_I                               => TX_HEADER_I,
-      TX_HEADER_O                               => TX_HEADER,
-        ---------------------------------------  
-      TX_DATA_I                                 => TX_DATA_84b_I,
-      TX_COMMON_FRAME_O                         => TxCommon84b,
-        ---------------------------------------
-      TX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_I                   => TX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_I,
-      TX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_O                  => TxExtraWidebus32b
+      Scrambler_Enable => Scrambler_Enable,
+      Tx_Align_Signal => Tx_Align_Signal,
+      --TX_LATOPT_TC => Tx_latopt_tc_i, -- Tx_latopt_tc,
+      TC_EDGE => TC_EDGE,
+      TX_RESET_I => TX_RESET_I,
+      TX_DATA_I => TX_DATA_84b_I,
+      TX_COMMON_FRAME_O => TxCommon84b,
+      TX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_O => TxExtraWidebus32b
@@ -120,14 +113,11 @@ begin
   -- Encoder
   encoder: entity work.gbt_tx_encoder_FELIX
     port map (
-      TX_HEADER_I                            => TX_HEADER,
-      DATA_MODE_CFG                          => DATA_MODE_CFG,
-      ---------------------------------------
-      TX_COMMON_FRAME_I                      => TxCommon84b,
-      TX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_I               => TxExtraWidebus32b,
-      ---------------------------------------
-      TX_FRAME_O                             => TxFrame120b
+      TX_COMMON_FRAME_I => TxCommon84b,
+      TX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_I => TxExtraWidebus32b,
+      TX_FRAME_O => TxFrame120b
   ---- TxGearBox, control signal added,
@@ -140,16 +130,14 @@ begin
       channel                                   => channel       
     port map (
-      Scrambler_Enable_o     	       		=> Scrambler_Enable,
-      Tx_Align_Signal     	      		=> Tx_Align_Signal,
-      TX_LATOPT_SCR                             => '1',--TX_LATOPT_SCR,
-      TX_RESET_I                             	=> TX_RESET_I,
-      TX_FRAMECLK_I                          	=> TX_FRAMECLK_I,
-      TX_WORDCLK_I                           	=> TX_WORDCLK_I,
-      ---------------------------------------
-      TX_FRAME_I                             	=> TxFrame120b,
-      TX_WORD_OO                              	=> TX_DATA_20b_o
+      Scrambler_Enable_o => Scrambler_Enable,
+      Tx_Align_Signal => Tx_Align_Signal,
+      TX_LATOPT_SCR => '1', --TX_LATOPT_SCR,
+      --TX_RESET_I => TX_RESET_I,
+      TX_FRAME_I => TxFrame120b,
+      TX_WORD_OO => TX_DATA_20b_O
 end Behavioral;
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rs2errcor.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rs2errcor.vhd
index a2a6c2f0d16b8734b9e400976d37aa096dd25a55..c538eadd30f4285182f24fc0d95b38a1d6c18b6e 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rs2errcor.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rs2errcor.vhd
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ use work.FELIX_gbt_package.all;
 entity gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rs2errcor is
    port (
-      Rx_240M_WordClk_I : in std_logic;
+      --Rx_240M_WordClk_I : in std_logic;
       -- Inputs --
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rsdec.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rsdec.vhd
index 048fe7626f0524bb3ac00d6f6fd80e16ab4f9063..8725918f46a29cbe01df12fb23026a7502eefe32 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rsdec.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rsdec.vhd
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ begin                 --========####   Architecture Body   ####========--
    rsTwoErrorsCorrect: entity work.gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rs2errcor
       port map(
-         Rx_240M_WordClk_I                              =>'0',
+         --Rx_240M_WordClk_I                              =>'0',
          S1_I                                   => s1_from_syndromes,
          S2_I                                   => s2_from_syndromes,
          XX0_I                                  => xx0_from_chienSearch,
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rsdec_sync.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rsdec_sync.vhd
index ca538f669e6dde4d88ca23bdd53493c4463889b9..1618b8dc5770702154412f2a8456d067e0aa97aa 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rsdec_sync.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rsdec_sync.vhd
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ architecture structural of gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rsdec_sync is
    signal error1loc_from_errorLocPolynomial ,error1loc_from_errorLocPolynomial_buf   : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
    signal error2loc_from_errorLocPolynomial  ,error2loc_from_errorLocPolynomial_buf   : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
-   signal xx0_from_chienSearch  ,xx0_from_chienSearch_buf                : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
-   signal xx1_from_chienSearch   ,xx1_from_chienSearch_buf               : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
+   signal xx0_from_chienSearch_buf                : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
+   signal xx1_from_chienSearch_buf               : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
    signal corCoeffs_from_rsTwoErrorsCorrect  ,corCoeffs_from_rsTwoErrorsCorrect_buf   : std_logic_vector(59 downto 0);
@@ -170,15 +170,15 @@ begin                 --========####   Architecture Body   ####========--
          ERROR_2_LOC_I                          => error2loc_from_errorLocPolynomial,
          DET_IS_ZERO_I                          => detIsZero_from_lambdaDeterminant,
          XX0_O                                  => xx0_from_chienSearch_buf,
-         XX1_O                                  => xx1_from_chienSearch_Buf
+         XX1_O                                  => xx1_from_chienSearch_buf
     if Rx_240M_WordClk_I'event and Rx_240M_WordClk_I='1' then
-      xx0_from_chienSearch <= xx0_from_chienSearch_buf;
-      xx1_from_chienSearch <= xx1_from_chienSearch_Buf;
+      --xx0_from_chienSearch <= xx0_from_chienSearch_buf;
+      --xx1_from_chienSearch <= xx1_from_chienSearch_buf;
       error1loc_from_errorLocPolynomial <= error1loc_from_errorLocPolynomial_buf;
       error2loc_from_errorLocPolynomial <= error2loc_from_errorLocPolynomial_buf;
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ begin                 --========####   Architecture Body   ####========--
 corCoeffs_from_rsTwoErrorsCorrect  <= corCoeffs_from_rsTwoErrorsCorrect_buf;
    rsTwoErrorsCorrect: entity work.gbt_rx_decoder_gbtframe_rs2errcor
       port map(
-         Rx_240M_WordClk_I  => Rx_240M_WordClk_I,
+         --Rx_240M_WordClk_I  => Rx_240M_WordClk_I,
          S1_I                                   => s1_from_syndromes_r,
          S2_I                                   => s2_from_syndromes_r,
          XX0_I                                  => xx0_from_chienSearch_buf,
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_descrambler_FELIX.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_descrambler_FELIX.vhd
index 7f9e30ac760534f788b5d0930092d42fb6e233b3..8a46d839c6e82b7ef43f3852bcad30bf887f988e 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_descrambler_FELIX.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_descrambler_FELIX.vhd
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ entity gbt_rx_descrambler_FELIX is
     -- Clock:
     RX_WORDCLK_I                           	: IN STD_LOGIC;
-    RX_FRAMECLK_I                               : in  std_logic;
+    --RX_FRAMECLK_I                               : in  std_logic;
@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ begin                 --========####   Architecture Body   ####========--
       gbtRxDescrambler21bit: entity work.gbt_rx_descrambler_21bit
         port map(
-          RX_RESET_I                       => RX_RESET_I,
-          RX_FRAMECLK_I                    => RX_WORDCLK_I,
-          Descrambler_enable               => Descrambler_enable,
-          RX_COMMON_FRAME_I                => RX_COMMON_FRAME_I(((21*i)+20) downto (21*i)), 
-          RX_DATA_O                        => RX_DATA_O(((21*i)+20) downto (21*i))
+          Descrambler_enable => descrambler_enable,
+          RX_RESET_I => RX_RESET_I,
+          RX_COMMON_FRAME_I => RX_COMMON_FRAME_I(((21*i)+20) downto (21*i)),
+          RX_DATA_O => RX_DATA_O(((21*i)+20) downto (21*i))
     end generate;
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ begin                 --========####   Architecture Body   ####========--
       -- Comment: [31:16] & [15:0]
       gbtRxDescrambler16bit: entity work.gbt_rx_descrambler_16bit
         port map(
-          RX_RESET_I                       	=> RX_RESET_I,
-          RX_FRAMECLK_I                    	=> RX_WORDCLK_I,
-          Descrambler_enable 			=> Descrambler_enable,
-          RX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_I         	=> RX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_I(((16*i)+15) downto (16*i)),
-          RX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_O          	=> RX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_O_DES(((16*i)+15) downto (16*i))
+          Descrambler_enable => descrambler_enable,
+          RX_RESET_I => RX_RESET_I,
+          RX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_I => RX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_I(((16*i)+15) downto (16*i)),
+          RX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_O => RX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_O_DES(((16*i)+15) downto (16*i))
     end generate; 
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_gearbox_FELIX_wi_rxbuffer.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_gearbox_FELIX_wi_rxbuffer.vhd
index b7b4d512f7ba9b0e4149b5a9c6335ac023216ced..9219dd35a8267ac79a9d7c4d06ce39cb0f5ebf10 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_gearbox_FELIX_wi_rxbuffer.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_rx_gearbox_FELIX_wi_rxbuffer.vhd
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
 -- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ use work.FELIX_gbt_package.all;
 entity gbt_rx_gearbox_FELIX is
   port (    
     ---- Ctrl & Status
-    OddEven                     : in std_logic;
-    TopBot                      : in std_logic;
+    --OddEven                     : in std_logic;
+    --TopBot                      : in std_logic;
     HeaderFlag                  : out std_logic; 
     HeaderLocked                : out std_logic;
     Descrambler_enable          : out std_logic;
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ architecture Behavioral of gbt_rx_gearbox_FELIX is
   signal reg_inv                : std_logic_vector(119 downto 0);
   signal shiftreg               : std_logic_vector(119 downto 0);
-  signal reg_inv_wb             : std_logic_vector(119 downto 0);
-  signal reg_inv_gf	        : std_logic_vector(119 downto 0);
+  --signal reg_inv_wb             : std_logic_vector(119 downto 0);
+  --signal reg_inv_gf	        : std_logic_vector(119 downto 0);
   signal RxWordCnt		: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
   signal Rx_40M_FrameClk        : std_logic;
   signal Data_Header            : std_logic;
@@ -74,17 +74,17 @@ architecture Behavioral of gbt_rx_gearbox_FELIX is
   signal Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf     : std_logic;
   signal Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf1    : std_logic;
   signal Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb     : std_logic;
-  signal Descrambler_enable1    : std_logic;
+  --signal Descrambler_enable1    : std_logic;
   signal Descrambler_enable_gf1	: std_logic;
   signal errcnt			: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
-  signal data_sel               : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
-  signal Descrambler_enable_wb1 : std_logic;
-  signal Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb1    : std_logic;
-  signal Descrambler_enable_gf_r: std_logic;
-  signal Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf_r   : std_logic;
+  --signal data_sel               : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
+  --signal Descrambler_enable_wb1 : std_logic;
+  --signal Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb1    : std_logic;
+  --signal Descrambler_enable_gf_r: std_logic;
+  --signal Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf_r   : std_logic;
   signal Rx_Word_I              : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-  signal Rx_Word_In_buf         : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-  signal Rx_Word_In_buf2        : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
+  --signal Rx_Word_In_buf         : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
+  --signal Rx_Word_In_buf2        : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ begin
         when "011" =>           
           Descrambler_enable_gf                 <= '0';
           if RX_LATOPT_DESCRAMBLER = '1' and DYNAMIC_LATENCY_OPT = '0' then
-            Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf                  <= '1';
+            Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf                  <= '1'; -- @suppress "Dead code"
           elsif RX_LATOPT_DES = '1' and DYNAMIC_LATENCY_OPT = '1' then
             Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf                  <= '1';
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ begin
           -- reg_inv                            <= Rx_Word_I & shiftreg(119 downto 20);  
           Descrambler_enable_gf                 <= '0';
           if RX_LATOPT_DESCRAMBLER = '1' and DYNAMIC_LATENCY_OPT = '0' then
-            Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf                  <= '0';
+            Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf                  <= '0'; -- @suppress "Dead code"
           elsif RX_LATOPT_DES = '1' and DYNAMIC_LATENCY_OPT = '1' then
             Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf                  <= '0';
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ begin
     end if;
   end process;     
-  data_sel <= topbot & OddEven;
+  --data_sel <= TopBot & OddEven;
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ begin
         when "001" =>  
           Descrambler_enable_wb         <= '0';                                 
           if RX_LATOPT_DESCRAMBLER = '1' and DYNAMIC_LATENCY_OPT = '0' then
-            Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb          <= '1';
+            Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb          <= '1'; -- @suppress "Dead code"
           elsif RX_LATOPT_DES = '1' and DYNAMIC_LATENCY_OPT = '1' then
             Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb          <= '1';
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ begin
         when "100" =>  
           Descrambler_enable_wb         <= '0';
           if RX_LATOPT_DESCRAMBLER = '1' and DYNAMIC_LATENCY_OPT = '0' then
-            Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb          <= '0';
+            Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb          <= '0'; -- @suppress "Dead code"
           elsif RX_LATOPT_DES = '1' and DYNAMIC_LATENCY_OPT = '1' then
             Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb          <= '0';
@@ -254,8 +254,8 @@ end generate;
   if Rx_240M_WordClk_I'event and Rx_240M_WordClk_I = '1' then
-    Descrambler_enable_wb1      <= Descrambler_enable_wb;
-    Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb1         <= Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb;
+    --Descrambler_enable_wb1      <= Descrambler_enable_wb;
+    --Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb1         <= Rx_40M_FrameClk_wb;
     Descrambler_enable_gf1      <= Descrambler_enable_gf;
     Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf1         <= Rx_40M_FrameClk_gf;                      
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_gearbox_FELIX.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_gearbox_FELIX.vhd
index cce09d1742ecd00186ba33343df2e5d70243dbb9..80c97ebaaca473ecada51d7219ac2d885883a2e0 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_gearbox_FELIX.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_gearbox_FELIX.vhd
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Custom libraries and packages:
 use work.FELIX_gbt_package.all;
@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ channel             : integer   := 0
     -- Reset:
-    TX_RESET_I                          : in std_logic;
+    --TX_RESET_I                          : in std_logic;
     -- Clocks:
     TX_WORDCLK_I                        : in std_logic;
-    TX_FRAMECLK_I                       : in std_logic;
+    --TX_FRAMECLK_I                       : in std_logic;
     -- Frame & Word --
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ architecture behavioral of gbt_tx_gearbox_FELIX is
   signal txFrame_from_frameInverter     : std_logic_vector (119 downto 0);
   signal tx_buffer                      : std_logic_vector (119 downto 0);
-  signal gearboxSyncReset               : std_logic;  
+  --signal gearboxSyncReset               : std_logic;  
   signal address                        : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
   signal TX_WORD_O_r                    : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
   signal TX_WORD_O                      : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_16bit.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_16bit.vhd
index e26d38ed4791ae057a8b165437ace44fb2b456ef..2d7e499b17e5953e0a8e3d3391f6bf3bb9b0c8f6 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_16bit.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_16bit.vhd
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ begin                 --========####   Architecture Body   ####========--
   --==================================== User Logic =====================================--
-  scrambler16bit: process(TX_RESET_I, TX_FRAMECLK_I)
+  scrambler16bit: process(TX_FRAMECLK_I)
     if rising_edge(TX_FRAMECLK_I) then
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_21bit.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_21bit.vhd
index f9abdb1df97f51186bcbf333545f19c3a6921162..1c6e6c26a3710fab67d304413f638c19cee95a79 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_21bit.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_21bit.vhd
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ begin                 --========####   Architecture Body   ####========--
   --==================================== User Logic =====================================--
-  scrambler21bit: process(TX_RESET_I, TX_FRAMECLK_I)
+  scrambler21bit: process(TX_FRAMECLK_I)
     if rising_edge(TX_FRAMECLK_I) then
       if TX_RESET_I = '1' then
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_FELIX.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_FELIX.vhd
index 339ace707b647e9e18731297455aacd3335aec6f..c51a2ba5ea80c401e500c034f1f7e7bf654191a1 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_FELIX.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_scrambler_FELIX.vhd
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 library ieee;
 use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
 use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@ use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
 use work.FELIX_gbt_package.all;
 entity gbt_tx_scrambler_FELIX is
-  generic
+  --generic
-    (
-      channel                   : integer := 0
-      );
+    --(
+    --  channel                   : integer := 0
+    --  );
       TX_TC_METHOD              : in std_logic;
       Scrambler_Enable	        : in std_logic;
       Tx_Align_Signal           : out std_logic;
-      TX_LATOPT_TC              : in std_logic;
+      --TX_LATOPT_TC              : in std_logic;
       TC_EDGE                   : in std_logic;
       TX_TC_DLY_VALUE           : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
@@ -69,26 +69,21 @@ begin
  ---- Dec. 2014
   timedomaincrossing_C :entity work.gbt_tx_timedomaincrossing_FELIX
-    generic map
-    (
-      channel           => channel
-      )
+    --generic map
+    --(
+    --  channel           => channel
+    --  )
     port map
-      TC_EDGE           => TC_EDGE,
-      Tx_Align_Signal   => Tx_Align_Signal,
-      TX_LATOPT_TC      => TX_LATOPT_TC,
-      TX_TC_METHOD      => TX_TC_METHOD,
-      TX_WORDCLK_I      => TX_WORDCLK_I,
-      TX_RESET_I        => TX_RESET_I,
-      );
+      Tx_Align_Signal => Tx_Align_Signal,
+      TC_EDGE => TC_EDGE,
+      TX_RESET_I => TX_RESET_I,
+    );
@@ -110,16 +105,15 @@ begin
       -- Comment: [83:63] & [62:42] & [41:21] & [20:0]
       gbtTxScrambler21bit: entity work.gbt_tx_scrambler_21bit
         port map(
-          TX_RESET_I                       	=> TX_RESET_I,
-          Scrambler_Enable 			=> Scrambler_Enable,
-          RESET_PATTERN_I                  	=> SCRAMBLER_21BIT_RESET_PATTERNS(i),
+          Scrambler_Enable => Scrambler_Enable,
+          TX_RESET_I => TX_RESET_I,
-          TX_FRAMECLK_I                    	=> TX_WORDCLK_I,
-          TX_DATA_I                        	=> TX_DATA_I(((21*i)+20) downto (21*i)),
-          TX_COMMON_FRAME_O                	=> TX_COMMON_FRAME_O(((21*i)+20) downto (21*i))
-          );
+          TX_DATA_I => TX_DATA_I(((21*i)+20) downto (21*i)),
+          TX_COMMON_FRAME_O => TX_COMMON_FRAME_O(((21*i)+20) downto (21*i))
+        );
     end generate;
   end generate;
@@ -133,15 +127,15 @@ begin
       ---- Comment: [31:16] & [15:0]
       gbtTxScrambler16bit: entity work.gbt_tx_scrambler_16bit
         port map(
-          TX_RESET_I                       => TX_RESET_I,
-          Scrambler_Enable 		   => Scrambler_Enable,	--'1',
-          RESET_PATTERN_I                  => SCRAMBLER_16BIT_RESET_PATTERNS(i),
+          Scrambler_Enable => Scrambler_Enable, --'1',
+          TX_RESET_I => TX_RESET_I,
-          TX_FRAMECLK_I                    => TX_WORDCLK_I,
-          TX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_I          => TX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_I(((16*i)+15) downto (16*i)),
-          TX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_O         => TX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_O(((16*i)+15) downto (16*i))
-          );
+          TX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_I => TX_EXTRA_DATA_WIDEBUS_I(((16*i)+15) downto (16*i)),
+          TX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_O => TX_EXTRA_FRAME_WIDEBUS_O(((16*i)+15) downto (16*i))
+        );
     end generate;
   end generate;
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_timedomaincrossing_FELIX.vhd b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_timedomaincrossing_FELIX.vhd
index d0f901d3b2d2324610c0cdd92ecdce2ecd93af75..759f11015b4bc909e561a0717f8d87b3489c395b 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_timedomaincrossing_FELIX.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gbt_code/gbt_tx_timedomaincrossing_FELIX.vhd
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 library ieee;
 use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
 use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
 use work.FELIX_gbt_package.all;
 entity gbt_tx_timedomaincrossing_FELIX is
-  generic
-    (
-      channel                   : integer := 0
-      );
+--  generic
+--      (
+--        channel                   : integer := 0
+--      );
       Tx_Align_Signal           : out std_logic;
       TX_TC_METHOD              : in std_logic;
-      TX_LATOPT_TC              : in  std_logic;
+      --TX_LATOPT_TC              : in  std_logic;
       TC_EDGE                   : in std_logic;
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ end gbt_tx_timedomaincrossing_FELIX;
 architecture Behavior of gbt_tx_timedomaincrossing_FELIX is   
-  signal fsm_rst                : std_logic := '0';
+  --signal fsm_rst                : std_logic := '0';
   signal TX_FRAMECLK_I_4r       : std_logic;
   signal TX_FRAMECLK_I_5r       : std_logic;
   signal TX_FRAMECLK_I_2r       : std_logic;
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ architecture Behavior of gbt_tx_timedomaincrossing_FELIX is
   signal TX_RESET_r             : std_logic;
   signal TX_RESET_2r            : std_logic;
   signal pulse_rising           : std_logic;
-  signal pulse_rising_r         : std_logic;
+  --signal pulse_rising_r         : std_logic;
   signal pulse_falling_r        : std_logic;
   signal pulse_falling          : std_logic;
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ begin
       end if;
       pulse_rising      <= TX_FRAMECLK_I_r and (not TX_FRAMECLK_I_2r);
       pulse_falling     <= TX_FRAMECLK_I_4r and (not TX_FRAMECLK_I_5r);
-      pulse_rising_r    <= pulse_rising;
+      --pulse_rising_r    <= pulse_rising;
       pulse_falling_r   <= pulse_falling;
       if (TX_TC_METHOD='1' or TX_RESET_FLAG='1') then
         if TC_EDGE='0' then
@@ -140,37 +140,37 @@ begin
         case cnt is
           when "000" =>
             cnt                 <= "001";
-            fsm_rst             <= '0';
+            --fsm_rst             <= '0';
             Tx_Align_Signal     <= '0';
           -- tx_frameclk_i_shifted <='1';
           when "001" =>
             cnt                 <= "010";
-            fsm_rst             <= '0';
+            --fsm_rst             <= '0';
             Tx_Align_Signal     <= '0';
           -- tx_frameclk_i_shifted <='1';
           when "010" =>
             cnt                 <= "011";
-            fsm_rst             <= '0';
+            --fsm_rst             <= '0';
             Tx_Align_Signal     <= '1';
           -- tx_frameclk_i_shifted <='0';
           when "011" =>
             cnt                 <= "100";
-            fsm_rst             <= '0';
+            --fsm_rst             <= '0';
             Tx_Align_Signal     <= '0';
           -- tx_frameclk_i_shifted <='0';
           when "100" =>
             cnt                 <= "101";
-            fsm_rst             <= '0';
+            --fsm_rst             <= '0';
             Tx_Align_Signal     <= '0';
           -- tx_frameclk_i_shifted <='0';
           when "101" =>
             cnt <="000";
-            fsm_rst             <= '0';
+            --fsm_rst             <= '0';
             Tx_Align_Signal     <= '0';
           -- tx_frameclk_i_shifted <= '1';
           when others =>
             cnt                 <= "101";
-            fsm_rst             <= '1';
+            --fsm_rst             <= '1';
             Tx_Align_Signal     <= '0';
         end case;
       end if; 
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gth_code/cpll4p8g1ch_KCU/GTH_CPLL_Wrapper.vhd b/sources/GBT/gth_code/cpll4p8g1ch_KCU/GTH_CPLL_Wrapper.vhd
index e7172fbf36cab66fc75e92a7d08d316496af60de..8c789cac6bd58968f31cb3ac68e238c197cc27e9 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gth_code/cpll4p8g1ch_KCU/GTH_CPLL_Wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gth_code/cpll4p8g1ch_KCU/GTH_CPLL_Wrapper.vhd
@@ -97,61 +97,67 @@ end GTH_CPLL_Wrapper;
 architecture Behavioral of GTH_CPLL_Wrapper is
-  component KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH is
-    port(
-      gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in        : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in        : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in      : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out      : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out     : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_reset_in      : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_start_user_in : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_done_out      : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_error_out     : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in        : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_all_in                : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in: in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in        : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in: in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in        : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      cplllockdetclk_in                 : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out     : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out           : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out           : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userdata_tx_in              : in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userdata_rx_out             : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-      cpllreset_in                      : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      drpclk_in                         : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtgrefclk_in                      : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gthrxn_in                         : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      loopback_in                       : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-      rxcdrhold_in                      : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gthrxp_in                         : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtrefclk0_in                      : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      rxcdrreset_in                     : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      rxcommadeten_in                   : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      rxslide_in                        : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      rxusrclk_in                       : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      rxusrclk2_in                      : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      rxpolarity_in                     : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      txpolarity_in                     : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      txusrclk_in                       : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      txusrclk2_in                      : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      cpllfbclklost_out                 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      cplllock_out                      : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gthtxn_out                        : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gthtxp_out                        : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      rxcdrlock_out                     : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      rxdata_out                        : out std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
-      rxoutclk_out                      : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      rxpmaresetdone_out                : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      rxresetdone_out                   : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      txoutclk_out                      : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      txpmaresetdone_out                : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      txresetdone_out                   : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0)
+      port(
+          gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in  : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_reset_in       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_start_user_in  : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_done_out       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_error_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_all_in                 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_userdata_tx_in               : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+          gtwiz_userdata_rx_out              : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+          cplllockdetclk_in                  : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          cpllreset_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          drpclk_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtgrefclk_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gthrxn_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gthrxp_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtrefclk0_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          loopback_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
+          rxcdrhold_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxcdrreset_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxcommadeten_in                    : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxmcommaalignen_in                 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxpcommaalignen_in                 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxpolarity_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxslide_in                         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxusrclk_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxusrclk2_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          txpolarity_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          txusrclk_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          txusrclk2_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          cpllfbclklost_out                  : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          cplllock_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gthtxn_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gthtxp_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtpowergood_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxbyteisaligned_out                : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxbyterealign_out                  : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxcdrlock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxcommadet_out                     : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxdata_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0);
+          rxoutclk_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxpmaresetdone_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          rxresetdone_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          txoutclk_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          txpmaresetdone_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          txresetdone_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0)
-  end component;
+  end component KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH;
     PORT (
@@ -279,6 +285,12 @@ begin
   NORXBUF_GEN: if KCU_LOWER_LATENCY = '1' generate 
     gtwizard_ultrascale_single_channel_cpll_inst:  KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH 
       port map(
+        gtpowergood_out => open,
+        rxbyteisaligned_out => open,
+        rxbyterealign_out => open,
+        rxcommadet_out => open,
+        rxmcommaalignen_in => "0",
+        rxpcommaalignen_in => "0",
         cpllreset_in                            => gndvec,
         gtgrefclk_in                            => gndvec,
         rxcdrreset_in                           =>  gndvec,--
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gth_code/cpll4p8g1ch_V7/GTH_CPLL_Wrapper_V7.vhd b/sources/GBT/gth_code/cpll4p8g1ch_V7/GTH_CPLL_Wrapper_V7.vhd
index 27541575cf0b5a689a82f1329cfa06c40240e333..78597402628dd9aa752258f77b60c1ee89f98015 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gth_code/cpll4p8g1ch_V7/GTH_CPLL_Wrapper_V7.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gth_code/cpll4p8g1ch_V7/GTH_CPLL_Wrapper_V7.vhd
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ port
 ----------RESET SIGNALs
-  SOFT_RESET_IN                         : in   std_logic; 
+  --SOFT_RESET_IN                         : in   std_logic; 
   GTTX_RESET_IN                         : in   std_logic;
   GTRX_RESET_IN                         : in   std_logic;
   gt0_cpllreset_in                      : in   std_logic;
@@ -122,111 +122,80 @@ architecture RTL of GTH_CPLL_Wrapper_V7 is
 component gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7
-    SYSCLK_IN                               : in   std_logic;
-    SOFT_RESET_TX_IN                        : in   std_logic;
-    SOFT_RESET_RX_IN                        : in   std_logic;
-    DONT_RESET_ON_DATA_ERROR_IN             : in   std_logic;
-    GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT               : out  std_logic;
-    GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT               : out  std_logic;
-    GT0_DATA_VALID_IN                       : in   std_logic;
-    --_________________________________________________________________________
-    --GT0  (X1Y4)
-    --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-    --------------------------------- CPLL Ports -------------------------------
-    gt0_cpllfbclklost_out                   : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_cplllock_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_cplllockdetclk_in                   : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_cpllreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    -------------------------- Channel - Clocking Ports ------------------------
-    gt0_gtrefclk0_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_gtrefclk1_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-    gt0_drpaddr_in                          : in   std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
-    gt0_drpclk_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_drpdi_in                            : in   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    gt0_drpdo_out                           : out  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    gt0_drpen_in                            : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_drprdy_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_drpwe_in                            : in   std_logic;
-    --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt0_eyescanreset_in                     : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_rxuserrdy_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-    gt0_eyescandataerror_out                : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_eyescantrigger_in                   : in   std_logic;
-    --------------- Receive Ports - Comma Detection and Alignment --------------
-    gt0_rxslide_in ,gt0_txpolarity_in,gt0_rxpolarity_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-    gt0_dmonitorout_out                     : out  std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
-    ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-    gt0_rxusrclk_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_rxusrclk2_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-    gt0_rxdata_out                          : out  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-    ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-    gt0_gthrxn_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-    gt0_rxmonitorout_out                    : out  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
-    gt0_rxmonitorsel_in                     : in   std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-    gt0_rxoutclk_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out                  : out  std_logic;
-    ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt0_gtrxreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-    gt0_gthrxp_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt0_rxresetdone_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt0_gttxreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_txuserrdy_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-    gt0_txusrclk_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_txusrclk2_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-    gt0_txdata_in                           : in   std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-    ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-    gt0_gthtxn_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_gthtxp_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-    gt0_txoutclk_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_txoutclkfabric_out                  : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_txoutclkpcs_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-    gt0_txresetdone_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_loopback_in                         : in   std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-    gt0_rxcdrhold_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    --____________________________COMMON PORTS________________________________
-    GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN                           : in std_logic;
-    GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_IN                        : in std_logic
-end component;
+    port(
+        SYSCLK_IN                   : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        SOFT_RESET_TX_IN            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        SOFT_RESET_RX_IN            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT0_DATA_VALID_IN           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_cpllfbclklost_out       : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_cplllock_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_cplllockdetclk_in       : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_cpllreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_gtrefclk0_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_gtrefclk1_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_drpaddr_in              : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8 downto 0);
+        gt0_drpclk_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_drpdi_in                : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        gt0_drpdo_out               : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        gt0_drpen_in                : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_drprdy_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_drpwe_in                : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_loopback_in             : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
+        gt0_eyescanreset_in         : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxuserrdy_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_eyescandataerror_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_eyescantrigger_in       : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxcdrhold_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxslide_in              : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_dmonitorout_out         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 downto 0);
+        gt0_rxusrclk_in             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxusrclk2_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxdata_out              : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+        gt0_gthrxn_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxmonitorout_out        : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0);
+        gt0_rxmonitorsel_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);
+        gt0_rxoutclk_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_gtrxreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxpolarity_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_gthrxp_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxresetdone_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_gttxreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txuserrdy_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txusrclk_in             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txusrclk2_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txdata_in               : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+        gt0_gthtxn_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_gthtxp_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txoutclk_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txoutclkfabric_out      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txoutclkpcs_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txresetdone_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txpolarity_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_IN        : in  STD_LOGIC
+    );
+end component gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7;
 signal  tied_to_ground_i                : std_logic;
 signal  gt0_cplllock_i                  : std_logic;
-signal  tied_to_ground_vec_i            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-signal  tied_to_vcc_i                   : std_logic;
-signal  tied_to_vcc_vec_i               : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+--signal  tied_to_ground_vec_i            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+--signal  tied_to_vcc_i                   : std_logic;
+--signal  tied_to_vcc_vec_i               : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal gt0_drpaddr_in                   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";  
-signal gt0_drpdi_in                     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";  
-signal gt0_drpdo_out                    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal gt0_drpen_in                     : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_drprdy_out                   : std_logic;
-signal gt0_drpwe_in                     : std_logic:='0';
+constant gt0_drpaddr_in                   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";  
+constant gt0_drpdi_in                     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";  
+constant gt0_drpen_in                     : std_logic:='0';
+constant gt0_drpwe_in                     : std_logic:='0';
-signal GT0_QPLLREFCLKLOST_I             : std_logic;
-signal GT0_QPLLRESET_I                  : std_logic;
-signal GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_I              : std_logic;
+--signal GT0_QPLLREFCLKLOST_I             : std_logic;
+--signal GT0_QPLLRESET_I                  : std_logic;
+--signal GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_I              : std_logic;
 signal gt0_gttxreset_in                 : std_logic;
 signal gt0_gtrxreset_in                 : std_logic;
@@ -235,11 +204,7 @@ signal gt0_gtrxreset_in                 : std_logic;
   tied_to_ground_i                             <= '0';
-  tied_to_ground_vec_i                         <= x"0000000000000000";
-  tied_to_vcc_i                                <= '1';
-  tied_to_vcc_vec_i                            <= x"ff";
   gt0_cplllock_out      <= gt0_cplllock_i;
@@ -251,91 +216,78 @@ begin
   gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7_init_i : gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7
     port map
-      sysclk_in                       =>      DRP_CLK_IN,--sysclk_in_i,
-      soft_reset_tx_in                =>      SOFT_TXRST_GT,--SOFT_RESET_TX_IN,
-      soft_reset_rx_in                =>      SOFT_RXRST_GT,--SOFT_RESET_RX_IN,
-      dont_reset_on_data_error_in     =>      '1',--DONT_RESET_ON_DATA_ERROR_IN,
-      gt0_tx_fsm_reset_done_out       =>      gt0_tx_fsm_reset_done_out,
-      gt0_rx_fsm_reset_done_out       =>      gt0_rx_fsm_reset_done_out,
-      gt0_data_valid_in               =>      '1',--gt0_data_valid_in,
-        --_____________________________________________________________________
-        --_____________________________________________________________________
-        --GT0  (X1Y4)
-      gt0_txpolarity_in                 => gt_txpolarity_in,
-      gt0_rxpolarity_in                 => gt_rxpolarity_in,
-        --------------------------------- CPLL Ports -------------------------------
-      gt0_cpllfbclklost_out           =>      gt0_cpllfbclklost_out,
-      gt0_cplllock_out                =>      gt0_cplllock_i,
-      gt0_cplllockdetclk_in           =>      DRP_CLK_IN,--sysclk_in_i,
-      gt0_cpllreset_in                =>      gt0_cpllreset_in,
+      SYSCLK_IN => DRP_CLK_IN, --sysclk_in_i,
+      GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt0_tx_fsm_reset_done_out,
+      GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt0_rx_fsm_reset_done_out,
+      GT0_DATA_VALID_IN => '1', --gt0_data_valid_in,
+      gt0_cpllfbclklost_out => gt0_cpllfbclklost_out,
+      gt0_cplllock_out => gt0_cplllock_i,
+      gt0_cplllockdetclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN, --sysclk_in_i,
+      gt0_cpllreset_in => gt0_cpllreset_in,
       -------------------------- Channel - Clocking Ports ------------------------
-      gt0_gtrefclk0_in                =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-      gt0_gtrefclk1_in                =>      GTH_RefClk,
-      ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-      gt0_drpaddr_in                  =>      gt0_drpaddr_in,
-      gt0_drpclk_in                   =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-      gt0_drpdi_in                    =>      gt0_drpdi_in,
-      gt0_drpdo_out                   =>      gt0_drpdo_out,
-      gt0_drpen_in                    =>      gt0_drpen_in,
-      gt0_drprdy_out                  =>      gt0_drprdy_out,
-      gt0_drpwe_in                    =>      gt0_drpwe_in,
+      gt0_gtrefclk0_in => tied_to_ground_i,
+      gt0_gtrefclk1_in => GTH_RefClk,
+      gt0_drpaddr_in => gt0_drpaddr_in,
+      gt0_drpclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+      gt0_drpdi_in => gt0_drpdi_in,
+      gt0_drpdo_out => open,
+      gt0_drpen_in => gt0_drpen_in,
+      gt0_drprdy_out => open,
+      gt0_drpwe_in => gt0_drpwe_in,
+      gt0_loopback_in => gt0_loopback_in,
       --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-      gt0_eyescanreset_in             =>      '0',
-      gt0_rxuserrdy_in                =>      gt0_rxuserrdy_in,
+      gt0_eyescanreset_in => '0',
+      gt0_rxuserrdy_in => gt0_rxuserrdy_in,
       -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-      gt0_eyescandataerror_out        =>      open,
-      gt0_eyescantrigger_in           =>      '0',
+      gt0_eyescandataerror_out => open,
+      gt0_eyescantrigger_in => '0',
+      gt0_rxcdrhold_in => gt0_rxcdrhold_in,
       --------------- Receive Ports - Comma Detection and Alignment --------------
-      gt0_rxslide_in                  =>      gt0_rxslide_in,
+      gt0_rxslide_in => gt0_rxslide_in,
       ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-      gt0_dmonitorout_out             =>      open,
+      gt0_dmonitorout_out => open,
       ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-      gt0_rxusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_rxusrclk_in,
-      gt0_rxusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_rxusrclk_in,
+      gt0_rxusrclk_in => gt0_rxusrclk_in,
+      gt0_rxusrclk2_in => gt0_rxusrclk_in,
       ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-      gt0_rxdata_out                  =>      gt0_rxdata_out,
+      gt0_rxdata_out => gt0_rxdata_out,
       ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-      gt0_gthrxn_in                   =>      gt0_gthrxn_in,
+      gt0_gthrxn_in => gt0_gthrxn_in,
       --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-      gt0_rxmonitorout_out            =>      open,
-      gt0_rxmonitorsel_in             =>      "00", -------------
-      gt0_rxoutclk_out                =>      gt0_rxoutclk_out,
-      gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,
+      gt0_rxmonitorout_out => open,
+      gt0_rxmonitorsel_in => "00", -------------
+      gt0_rxoutclk_out => gt0_rxoutclk_out,
+      gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,
       ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-      gt0_gtrxreset_in                =>      gt0_gtrxreset_in,
+      gt0_gtrxreset_in => gt0_gtrxreset_in,
+      gt0_rxpolarity_in => gt_rxpolarity_in,
       ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-      gt0_gthrxp_in                   =>      gt0_gthrxp_in,
+      gt0_gthrxp_in => gt0_gthrxp_in,
       -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-      gt0_rxresetdone_out             =>      gt0_rxresetdone_out,
+      gt0_rxresetdone_out => gt0_rxresetdone_out,
       --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-      gt0_gttxreset_in                =>      gt0_gttxreset_in,
-      gt0_txuserrdy_in                =>      gt0_txuserrdy_in,
+      gt0_gttxreset_in => gt0_gttxreset_in,
+      gt0_txuserrdy_in => gt0_txuserrdy_in,
       ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-      gt0_txusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-      gt0_txusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
+      gt0_txusrclk_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+      gt0_txusrclk2_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
       ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-      gt0_txdata_in                   =>      gt0_txdata_in,
+      gt0_txdata_in => gt0_txdata_in,
       ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-      gt0_gthtxn_out                  =>      gt0_gthtxn_out,
-      gt0_gthtxp_out                  =>      gt0_gthtxp_out,
+      gt0_gthtxn_out => gt0_gthtxn_out,
+      gt0_gthtxp_out => gt0_gthtxp_out,
       ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-      gt0_txoutclk_out                =>      gt0_txoutclk_out,
-      gt0_txoutclkfabric_out          =>     open,-- gt0_txoutclkfabric_out,
-      gt0_txoutclkpcs_out             =>      open,--gt0_txoutclkpcs_out,
+      gt0_txoutclk_out => gt0_txoutclk_out,
+      gt0_txoutclkfabric_out => open, -- gt0_txoutclkfabric_out,
+      gt0_txoutclkpcs_out => open, --gt0_txoutclkpcs_out,
       ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-      gt0_txresetdone_out             =>      gt0_txresetdone_out,
-      gt0_loopback_in                 =>      gt0_loopback_in,
-      gt0_rxcdrhold_in                =>      gt0_rxcdrhold_in,
-      gt0_qplloutclk_in               =>      '0',--gt0_qplloutclk_in,
-      gt0_qplloutrefclk_in            =>      '0'--gt0_qplloutrefclk_in
+      gt0_txresetdone_out => gt0_txresetdone_out,
+      gt0_txpolarity_in => gt_txpolarity_in,
+      GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN => '0', --gt0_qplloutclk_in,
+      GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_IN => '0' --gt0_qplloutrefclk_in
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gth_code/qpll4p8g4ch_KCU/GTH_QPLL_Wrapper.vhd b/sources/GBT/gth_code/qpll4p8g4ch_KCU/GTH_QPLL_Wrapper.vhd
index dc1a033ea479ae7cb2ee588b0cae8e343ec5c55e..32ac6a05100d4bd826db6fa39624419f1102ef51 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gth_code/qpll4p8g4ch_KCU/GTH_QPLL_Wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gth_code/qpll4p8g4ch_KCU/GTH_QPLL_Wrapper.vhd
@@ -96,54 +96,55 @@ end GTH_QPLL_Wrapper;
 architecture Behavioral of GTH_QPLL_Wrapper is
-  component KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH is
-    port(
-      gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in          : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in     : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out          : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_all_in                    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out               : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out               : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userdata_tx_in                  : in std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userdata_rx_out                 : out std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
-      gtrefclk01_in                         : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll1outclk_out                       : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll1outrefclk_out                    : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      loopback_in                           : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-      gthrxn_in                             : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gthrxp_in                             : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxcdrhold_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxpolarity_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxusrclk_in                           : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxusrclk2_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txpolarity_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txusrclk_in                           : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      qpll1lock_out                         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll1fbclklost_out                    : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll0fbclklost_out                    : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll0lock_out                         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      txusrclk2_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gthtxn_out                            : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gthtxp_out                            : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxslide_in                            : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxcdrlock_out                         : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxoutclk_out                          : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxpmaresetdone_out                    : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txoutclk_out                          : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txresetdone_out                       : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxresetdone_out                       : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txpmaresetdone_out                    : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
+  component KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH
+      port(
+          gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in  : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_all_in                 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_userdata_tx_in               : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(79 downto 0);
+          gtwiz_userdata_rx_out              : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(79 downto 0);
+          gtrefclk01_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll0fbclklost_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll0lock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll1fbclklost_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll1lock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll1outclk_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll1outrefclk_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gthrxn_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          gthrxp_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          loopback_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(11 downto 0);
+          rxcdrhold_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxpolarity_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxslide_in                         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxusrclk_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxusrclk2_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txpolarity_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txusrclk_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txusrclk2_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          gthtxn_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          gthtxp_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          gtpowergood_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxcdrlock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxoutclk_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxpmaresetdone_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxresetdone_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txoutclk_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txpmaresetdone_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txresetdone_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)
-  end component;
+  end component KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH;
   signal rxusrclk               : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
@@ -158,16 +159,12 @@ architecture Behavioral of GTH_QPLL_Wrapper is
   signal userclk_rx_active_out_p: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
   signal userclk_tx_active_out_p: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
   signal txusrclk               : std_logic;
-  signal vccvec                 : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  signal gndvec                 : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
   signal loopback_in_s          : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
   signal rxcdrhold_in_s           : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  vccvec(0)     <= '1';
-  gndvec(0)     <= '0';
    -- RxUsrClk
   rxusrclk      <= gt_rxusrclk_in;
   rxusrclk_int  <= rxusrclk;
@@ -224,54 +221,51 @@ begin
   gtwizard_ultrascale_four_channel_qpll_inst:  KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH
     port map(
-      gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in            => userclk_tx_active_out,
-      gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in            => userclk_rx_active_out,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in          => gndvec,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in     => gndvec,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out          => open,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out         => open,
-      gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in            => drpclk_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_all_in                    => reset_all_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in    => reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in            => reset_tx_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in    => reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in            => reset_rx_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out         => reset_rx_cdr_stable_out,
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out               => reset_tx_done_out,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out               => reset_rx_done_out,
-      qpll1lock_out                         => qpll1lock_out,
-      qpll0lock_out                         => qpll0lock_out,
-      qpll1fbclklost_out                    => qpll1fbclklost_out,
-      qpll0fbclklost_out                    => qpll0fbclklost_out,
-      gtwiz_userdata_tx_in                  => userdata_tx_in,
-      gtwiz_userdata_rx_out                 => userdata_rx_out,
-      gtrefclk01_in                         => gtrefclk0_in,
-      loopback_in                           => loopback_in_s,
-      qpll1outclk_out                       => open,
-      qpll1outrefclk_out                    => open,
-      gthrxn_in                             => gthrxn_in,
-      gthrxp_in                             => gthrxp_in,
-      rxcdrhold_in                          => rxcdrhold_in_s,
-      rxpolarity_in                         => rxpolarity_in,
-      rxusrclk_in                           => rxusrclk_int,
-      rxusrclk2_in                          => rxusrclk2_int,
-      txpolarity_in                         => txpolarity_in,
-      txusrclk_in                           => txusrclk_int,
-      txusrclk2_in                          => txusrclk2_int,
-      gthtxn_out                            => gthtxn_out,
-      gthtxp_out                            => gthtxp_out,
-      rxcdrlock_out                         => rxcdrlock_out,
-      rxoutclk_out                          => rxoutclk_int,
-      rxpmaresetdone_out                    => rxpmaresetdone_out,
-      rxslide_in                            => rxslide_in,
-      txoutclk_out                          => txoutclk_int,
-      txpmaresetdone_out                    => txpmaresetdone_out,
-      txresetdone_out                       => txresetdone_out,
-      rxresetdone_out                       => rxresetdone_out
+      gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in => userclk_tx_active_out,
+      gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in => userclk_rx_active_out,
+      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in => "0",
+      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in => "0",
+      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out => open,
+      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out => open,
+      gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in => drpclk_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_all_in => reset_all_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in => reset_tx_datapath_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in => reset_rx_datapath_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out => reset_rx_cdr_stable_out,
+      gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out => reset_tx_done_out,
+      gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out => reset_rx_done_out,
+      gtwiz_userdata_tx_in => userdata_tx_in,
+      gtwiz_userdata_rx_out => userdata_rx_out,
+      gtrefclk01_in => gtrefclk0_in,
+      qpll0fbclklost_out => qpll0fbclklost_out,
+      qpll0lock_out => qpll0lock_out,
+      qpll1fbclklost_out => qpll1fbclklost_out,
+      qpll1lock_out => qpll1lock_out,
+      qpll1outclk_out => open,
+      qpll1outrefclk_out => open,
+      gthrxn_in => gthrxn_in,
+      gthrxp_in => gthrxp_in,
+      loopback_in => loopback_in_s,
+      rxcdrhold_in => rxcdrhold_in_s,
+      rxpolarity_in => rxpolarity_in,
+      rxslide_in => rxslide_in,
+      rxusrclk_in => rxusrclk_int,
+      rxusrclk2_in => rxusrclk2_int,
+      txpolarity_in => txpolarity_in,
+      txusrclk_in => txusrclk_int,
+      txusrclk2_in => txusrclk2_int,
+      gthtxn_out => gthtxn_out,
+      gthtxp_out => gthtxp_out,
+      gtpowergood_out => open,
+      rxcdrlock_out => rxcdrlock_out,
+      rxoutclk_out => rxoutclk_int,
+      rxpmaresetdone_out => rxpmaresetdone_out,
+      rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone_out,
+      txoutclk_out => txoutclk_int,
+      txpmaresetdone_out => txpmaresetdone_out,
+      txresetdone_out => txresetdone_out
 --end generate;
diff --git a/sources/GBT/gth_code/qpll4p8g4ch_V7/GTH_QPLL_Wrapper_V7.vhd b/sources/GBT/gth_code/qpll4p8g4ch_V7/GTH_QPLL_Wrapper_V7.vhd
index d9ca339b19dc9e48554e7a777cdca822707a785b..c7d523af7015fc003026a2f97e4d02056ac6d55c 100644
--- a/sources/GBT/gth_code/qpll4p8g4ch_V7/GTH_QPLL_Wrapper_V7.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBT/gth_code/qpll4p8g4ch_V7/GTH_QPLL_Wrapper_V7.vhd
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ entity GTH_QPLL_Wrapper_V7 is
       gt0_txusrclk_in                   : in   std_logic;
       gt0_txoutclk_out                  : out  std_logic;
-      gt1_txusrclk_in                   : in   std_logic;
+      --gt1_txusrclk_in                   : in   std_logic;
       gt1_txoutclk_out                  : out  std_logic;
-      gt2_txusrclk_in                   : in   std_logic;
+      --gt2_txusrclk_in                   : in   std_logic;
       gt2_txoutclk_out                  : out  std_logic;
-      gt3_txusrclk_in                   : in   std_logic;
+      --gt3_txusrclk_in                   : in   std_logic;
       gt3_txoutclk_out                  : out  std_logic;       
 ---- STATUS signals
@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ entity GTH_QPLL_Wrapper_V7 is
 ----------RESET SIGNALs
-      SOFT_RESET_IN                             : in   std_logic; 
+      --SOFT_RESET_IN                             : in   std_logic; 
       GTTX_RESET_IN                             : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
       GTRX_RESET_IN                             : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      CPLL_RESET_IN                             : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+      --CPLL_RESET_IN                             : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
       QPLL_RESET_IN                             : in   std_logic;
-      SOFT_TXRST_GT                             : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      SOFT_RXRST_GT                             : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+      --SOFT_TXRST_GT                             : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+      --SOFT_RXRST_GT                             : in   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
       SOFT_TXRST_ALL                            : in   std_logic;
       SOFT_RXRST_ALL                            : in   std_logic;
@@ -150,286 +150,190 @@ architecture RTL of GTH_QPLL_Wrapper_V7 is
 component gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7
-    SYSCLK_IN                               : in   std_logic;
-    SOFT_RESET_TX_IN                        : in   std_logic;
-    SOFT_RESET_RX_IN                        : in   std_logic;
-    DONT_RESET_ON_DATA_ERROR_IN             : in   std_logic;
-    GT0_DRP_BUSY_OUT                        : out  std_logic;
-    GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT               : out  std_logic;
-    GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT               : out  std_logic;
-    GT0_DATA_VALID_IN                       : in   std_logic;
-    GT1_DRP_BUSY_OUT                        : out  std_logic;
-    GT1_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT               : out  std_logic;
-    GT1_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT               : out  std_logic;
-    GT1_DATA_VALID_IN                       : in   std_logic;
-    GT2_DRP_BUSY_OUT                        : out  std_logic;
-    GT2_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT               : out  std_logic;
-    GT2_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT               : out  std_logic;
-    GT2_DATA_VALID_IN                       : in   std_logic;
-    GT3_DRP_BUSY_OUT                        : out  std_logic;
-    GT3_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT               : out  std_logic;
-    GT3_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT               : out  std_logic;
-    GT3_DATA_VALID_IN                       : in   std_logic;
-    --_________________________________________________________________________
-    --GT0  (X1Y4)
-    --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-    ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-    gt0_drpaddr_in                          : in   std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
-    gt0_drpclk_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_drpdi_in                            : in   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    gt0_drpdo_out                           : out  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    gt0_drpen_in                            : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_drprdy_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_drpwe_in                            : in   std_logic;
-    --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt0_eyescanreset_in                     : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_rxuserrdy_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-    gt0_eyescandataerror_out                : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_eyescantrigger_in                   : in   std_logic;
-    --------------- Receive Ports - Comma Detection and Alignment --------------
-    gt0_rxslide_in                          : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-    gt0_dmonitorout_out                     : out  std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
-    ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-    gt0_rxusrclk_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_rxusrclk2_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-    gt0_rxdata_out                          : out  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-    ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-    gt0_gthrxn_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-    gt0_rxmonitorout_out                    : out  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
-    gt0_rxmonitorsel_in                     : in   std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-    gt0_rxoutclk_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out                  : out  std_logic;
-    ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt0_gtrxreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-    gt0_gthrxp_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt0_rxresetdone_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt0_gttxreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_txuserrdy_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-    gt0_txusrclk_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    gt0_txusrclk2_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-    gt0_txdata_in                           : in   std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-    ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-    gt0_gthtxn_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_gthtxp_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-    gt0_txoutclk_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_txoutclkfabric_out                  : out  std_logic;
-    gt0_txoutclkpcs_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-    gt0_txresetdone_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    --GT1  (X1Y5)
-    --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-    ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-    gt1_drpaddr_in                          : in   std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
-    gt1_drpclk_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    gt1_drpdi_in                            : in   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    gt1_drpdo_out                           : out  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    gt1_drpen_in                            : in   std_logic;
-    gt1_drprdy_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    gt1_drpwe_in                            : in   std_logic;
-    --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt1_eyescanreset_in                     : in   std_logic;
-    gt1_rxuserrdy_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-    gt1_eyescandataerror_out                : out  std_logic;
-    gt1_eyescantrigger_in                   : in   std_logic;
-    --------------- Receive Ports - Comma Detection and Alignment --------------
-    gt1_rxslide_in                          : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-    gt1_dmonitorout_out                     : out  std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
-    ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-    gt1_rxusrclk_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    gt1_rxusrclk2_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-    gt1_rxdata_out                          : out  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-    ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-    gt1_gthrxn_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-    gt1_rxmonitorout_out                    : out  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
-    gt1_rxmonitorsel_in                     : in   std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-    gt1_rxoutclk_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt1_rxoutclkfabric_out                  : out  std_logic;
-    ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt1_gtrxreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-    gt1_gthrxp_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt1_rxresetdone_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt1_gttxreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    gt1_txuserrdy_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-    gt1_txusrclk_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    gt1_txusrclk2_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-    gt1_txdata_in                           : in   std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-    ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-    gt1_gthtxn_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    gt1_gthtxp_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-    gt1_txoutclk_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt1_txoutclkfabric_out                  : out  std_logic;
-    gt1_txoutclkpcs_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-    gt1_txresetdone_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    --GT2  (X1Y6)
-    --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-    ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-    gt2_drpaddr_in                          : in   std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
-    gt2_drpclk_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    gt2_drpdi_in                            : in   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    gt2_drpdo_out                           : out  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    gt2_drpen_in                            : in   std_logic;
-    gt2_drprdy_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    gt2_drpwe_in                            : in   std_logic;
-    --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt2_eyescanreset_in                     : in   std_logic;
-    gt2_rxuserrdy_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-    gt2_eyescandataerror_out                : out  std_logic;
-    gt2_eyescantrigger_in                   : in   std_logic;
-    --------------- Receive Ports - Comma Detection and Alignment --------------
-    gt2_rxslide_in                          : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-    gt2_dmonitorout_out                     : out  std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
-    ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-    gt2_rxusrclk_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    gt2_rxusrclk2_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-    gt2_rxdata_out                          : out  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-    ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-    gt2_gthrxn_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-    gt2_rxmonitorout_out                    : out  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
-    gt2_rxmonitorsel_in                     : in   std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-    gt2_rxoutclk_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt2_rxoutclkfabric_out                  : out  std_logic;
-    ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt2_gtrxreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-    gt2_gthrxp_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt2_rxresetdone_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt2_gttxreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    gt2_txuserrdy_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-    gt2_txusrclk_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    gt2_txusrclk2_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-    gt2_txdata_in                           : in   std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-    ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-    gt2_gthtxn_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    gt2_gthtxp_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-    gt2_txoutclk_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt2_txoutclkfabric_out                  : out  std_logic;
-    gt2_txoutclkpcs_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-    gt2_txresetdone_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    --GT3  (X1Y7)
-    --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-    ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-    gt3_drpaddr_in                          : in   std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
-    gt3_drpclk_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    gt3_drpdi_in                            : in   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    gt3_drpdo_out                           : out  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    gt3_drpen_in                            : in   std_logic;
-    gt3_drprdy_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    gt3_drpwe_in                            : in   std_logic;
-    --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt3_eyescanreset_in                     : in   std_logic;
-    gt3_rxuserrdy_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-    gt3_eyescandataerror_out                : out  std_logic;
-    gt3_eyescantrigger_in                   : in   std_logic;
-    --------------- Receive Ports - Comma Detection and Alignment --------------
-    gt3_rxslide_in                          : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-    gt3_dmonitorout_out                     : out  std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
-    ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-    gt3_rxusrclk_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    gt3_rxusrclk2_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-    gt3_rxdata_out                          : out  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-    ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-    gt3_gthrxn_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-    gt3_rxmonitorout_out                    : out  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
-    gt3_rxmonitorsel_in                     : in   std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-    gt3_rxoutclk_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt3_rxoutclkfabric_out                  : out  std_logic;
-    ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt3_gtrxreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-    gt3_gthrxp_in                           : in   std_logic;
-    -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt3_rxresetdone_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt3_gttxreset_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    gt3_txuserrdy_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-    gt3_txusrclk_in                         : in   std_logic;
-    gt3_txusrclk2_in                        : in   std_logic;
-    ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-    gt3_txdata_in                           : in   std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-    ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-    gt3_gthtxn_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    gt3_gthtxp_out                          : out  std_logic;
-    ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-    gt3_txoutclk_out                        : out  std_logic;
-    gt3_txoutclkfabric_out                  : out  std_logic;
-    gt3_txoutclkpcs_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-    gt3_txresetdone_out                     : out  std_logic;
-    gt3_txpolarity_in                           : in std_logic;
-    gt2_txpolarity_in                           : in std_logic;
-    gt1_txpolarity_in                           : in std_logic;
-    gt0_txpolarity_in                           : in std_logic;
-    gt3_rxpolarity_in                           : in std_logic;
-    gt2_rxpolarity_in                           : in std_logic;
-    gt1_rxpolarity_in                           : in std_logic;
-    gt0_rxpolarity_in                           : in std_logic;
-    gt0_loopback_in                             : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-    gt0_rxcdrhold_in                            : in std_logic;
-    gt1_loopback_in                             : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-    gt1_rxcdrhold_in                            : in std_logic;
-    gt2_loopback_in                             : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-    gt2_rxcdrhold_in                            : in std_logic;
-    gt3_loopback_in                             : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-    gt3_rxcdrhold_in                            : in std_logic;   
-    --____________________________COMMON PORTS________________________________
-    GT0_QPLLLOCK_IN                             : in std_logic;
-    GT0_QPLLREFCLKLOST_IN                       : in std_logic;
-    GT0_QPLLRESET_OUT                           : out std_logic;
-    GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN                           : in std_logic;
-    GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_IN                        : in std_logic
-end component;
+    port(
+        SYSCLK_IN                   : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        SOFT_RESET_TX_IN            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        SOFT_RESET_RX_IN            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT0_DRP_BUSY_OUT            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        GT0_DATA_VALID_IN           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT1_DRP_BUSY_OUT            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        GT1_DATA_VALID_IN           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT2_DRP_BUSY_OUT            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        GT2_DATA_VALID_IN           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT3_DRP_BUSY_OUT            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        GT3_DATA_VALID_IN           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_drpaddr_in              : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8 downto 0);
+        gt0_drpclk_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_drpdi_in                : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        gt0_drpdo_out               : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        gt0_drpen_in                : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_drprdy_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_drpwe_in                : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_loopback_in             : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
+        gt0_eyescanreset_in         : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxuserrdy_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_eyescandataerror_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_eyescantrigger_in       : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxcdrhold_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxslide_in              : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_dmonitorout_out         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 downto 0);
+        gt0_rxusrclk_in             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxusrclk2_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxdata_out              : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+        gt0_gthrxn_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxmonitorout_out        : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0);
+        gt0_rxmonitorsel_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);
+        gt0_rxoutclk_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_gtrxreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxpolarity_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_gthrxp_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_rxresetdone_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_gttxreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txuserrdy_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txusrclk_in             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txusrclk2_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txdata_in               : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+        gt0_gthtxn_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_gthtxp_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txoutclk_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txoutclkfabric_out      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txoutclkpcs_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txresetdone_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt0_txpolarity_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_drpaddr_in              : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8 downto 0);
+        gt1_drpclk_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_drpdi_in                : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        gt1_drpdo_out               : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        gt1_drpen_in                : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_drprdy_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_drpwe_in                : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_loopback_in             : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
+        gt1_eyescanreset_in         : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_rxuserrdy_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_eyescandataerror_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_eyescantrigger_in       : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_rxcdrhold_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_rxslide_in              : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_dmonitorout_out         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 downto 0);
+        gt1_rxusrclk_in             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_rxusrclk2_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_rxdata_out              : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+        gt1_gthrxn_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_rxmonitorout_out        : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0);
+        gt1_rxmonitorsel_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);
+        gt1_rxoutclk_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_rxoutclkfabric_out      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_gtrxreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_rxpolarity_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_gthrxp_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_rxresetdone_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_gttxreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_txuserrdy_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_txusrclk_in             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_txusrclk2_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_txdata_in               : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+        gt1_gthtxn_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_gthtxp_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_txoutclk_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_txoutclkfabric_out      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_txoutclkpcs_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_txresetdone_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt1_txpolarity_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_drpaddr_in              : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8 downto 0);
+        gt2_drpclk_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_drpdi_in                : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        gt2_drpdo_out               : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        gt2_drpen_in                : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_drprdy_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_drpwe_in                : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_loopback_in             : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
+        gt2_eyescanreset_in         : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_rxuserrdy_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_eyescandataerror_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_eyescantrigger_in       : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_rxcdrhold_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_rxslide_in              : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_dmonitorout_out         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 downto 0);
+        gt2_rxusrclk_in             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_rxusrclk2_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_rxdata_out              : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+        gt2_gthrxn_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_rxmonitorout_out        : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0);
+        gt2_rxmonitorsel_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);
+        gt2_rxoutclk_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_rxoutclkfabric_out      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_gtrxreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_rxpolarity_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_gthrxp_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_rxresetdone_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_gttxreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_txuserrdy_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_txusrclk_in             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_txusrclk2_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_txdata_in               : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+        gt2_gthtxn_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_gthtxp_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_txoutclk_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_txoutclkfabric_out      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_txoutclkpcs_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_txresetdone_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt2_txpolarity_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_drpaddr_in              : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8 downto 0);
+        gt3_drpclk_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_drpdi_in                : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        gt3_drpdo_out               : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        gt3_drpen_in                : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_drprdy_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_drpwe_in                : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_loopback_in             : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
+        gt3_eyescanreset_in         : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_rxuserrdy_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_eyescandataerror_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_eyescantrigger_in       : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_rxcdrhold_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_rxslide_in              : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_dmonitorout_out         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 downto 0);
+        gt3_rxusrclk_in             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_rxusrclk2_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_rxdata_out              : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+        gt3_gthrxn_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_rxmonitorout_out        : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0);
+        gt3_rxmonitorsel_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);
+        gt3_rxoutclk_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_rxoutclkfabric_out      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_gtrxreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_rxpolarity_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_gthrxp_in               : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_rxresetdone_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_gttxreset_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_txuserrdy_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_txusrclk_in             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_txusrclk2_in            : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_txdata_in               : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 downto 0);
+        gt3_gthtxn_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_gthtxp_out              : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_txoutclk_out            : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_txoutclkfabric_out      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_txoutclkpcs_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_txresetdone_out         : out STD_LOGIC;
+        gt3_txpolarity_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT0_QPLLLOCK_IN             : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT0_QPLLREFCLKLOST_IN       : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT0_QPLLRESET_OUT           : out STD_LOGIC;
+        GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN           : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_IN        : in  STD_LOGIC
+    );
+end component gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7;
@@ -448,32 +352,32 @@ signal gt0_qplloutclk_i :std_logic;
 signal  tied_to_ground_i                : std_logic;
 signal  tied_to_ground_vec_i            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
 signal  tied_to_vcc_i                   : std_logic;
-signal  tied_to_vcc_vec_i               : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+--signal  tied_to_vcc_vec_i               : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal gt0_drpaddr_in                   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";
-signal gt1_drpaddr_in                   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";
-signal gt2_drpaddr_in                   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";
-signal gt3_drpaddr_in                   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";   
-signal gt0_drpdi_in                     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";
-signal gt1_drpdi_in                     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";
-signal gt2_drpdi_in                     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";
-signal gt3_drpdi_in                     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";   
-signal gt0_drpdo_out                    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal gt1_drpdo_out                    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal gt2_drpdo_out                    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal gt3_drpdo_out                    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 
-signal gt0_drpen_in                     : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt1_drpen_in                     : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt2_drpen_in                     : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt3_drpen_in                     : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt0_drprdy_out                   : std_logic;
-signal gt1_drprdy_out                   : std_logic;
-signal gt2_drprdy_out                   : std_logic;
-signal gt3_drprdy_out                   : std_logic;
-signal gt0_drpwe_in                     : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt1_drpwe_in                     : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt2_drpwe_in                     : std_logic:='0';
-signal gt3_drpwe_in                     : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_drpaddr_in                   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";
+--signal gt1_drpaddr_in                   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";
+--signal gt2_drpaddr_in                   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";
+--signal gt3_drpaddr_in                   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0):="000000000";   
+--signal gt0_drpdi_in                     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";
+--signal gt1_drpdi_in                     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";
+--signal gt2_drpdi_in                     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";
+--signal gt3_drpdi_in                     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000";   
+--signal gt0_drpdo_out                    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+--signal gt1_drpdo_out                    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+--signal gt2_drpdo_out                    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+--signal gt3_drpdo_out                    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 
+--signal gt0_drpen_in                     : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt1_drpen_in                     : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt2_drpen_in                     : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt3_drpen_in                     : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt0_drprdy_out                   : std_logic;
+--signal gt1_drprdy_out                   : std_logic;
+--signal gt2_drprdy_out                   : std_logic;
+--signal gt3_drprdy_out                   : std_logic;
+--signal gt0_drpwe_in                     : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt1_drpwe_in                     : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt2_drpwe_in                     : std_logic:='0';
+--signal gt3_drpwe_in                     : std_logic:='0';
 signal GT0_QPLLREFCLKLOST_I             : std_logic;
@@ -487,8 +391,6 @@ begin
     tied_to_ground_i                             <= '0';
     tied_to_ground_vec_i                         <= x"0000000000000000";
     tied_to_vcc_i                                <= '1';
-    tied_to_vcc_vec_i                            <= x"ff";
     gt_cpllfbclklost_out        <= "0000";
     gt_cplllock_out             <= "1111";
@@ -513,82 +415,82 @@ begin
     gthe2_common_0_i : GTHE2_COMMON
     generic map
+            BIAS_CFG => (x"0000040000001050"),
+            COMMON_CFG => (x"0000001C"),
             -- Simulation attributes
-            SIM_RESET_SPEEDUP    => ("FALSE"),
-            SIM_QPLLREFCLK_SEL   => ("001"),
-            SIM_VERSION          => ("2.0"),
-       ------------------COMMON BLOCK Attributes---------------
-        BIAS_CFG                                =>     (x"0000040000001050"),
-        COMMON_CFG                              =>     (x"0000001C"),
-        QPLL_CFG                                =>     (x"04801C7"),
-        QPLL_CLKOUT_CFG                         =>     ("1111"),
-        QPLL_COARSE_FREQ_OVRD                   =>     ("010000"),
-        QPLL_COARSE_FREQ_OVRD_EN                =>     ('0'),
-        QPLL_CP                                 =>     ("0000011111"),
-        QPLL_CP_MONITOR_EN                      =>     ('0'),
-        QPLL_DMONITOR_SEL                       =>     ('0'),
-        QPLL_FBDIV                              =>     ("0010000000"),--(QPLL_FBDIV_IN),
-        QPLL_FBDIV_MONITOR_EN                   =>     ('0'),
-        QPLL_FBDIV_RATIO                        =>      ('1'),--(QPLL_FBDIV_RATIO),
-        QPLL_INIT_CFG                           =>     (x"000006"),
-        QPLL_LOCK_CFG                           =>     (x"05E8"),
-        QPLL_LPF                                =>     ("1111"),
-        QPLL_REFCLK_DIV                         =>     (1),
-        RSVD_ATTR0                              =>     (x"0000"),
-        RSVD_ATTR1                              =>     (x"0000"),
-        QPLL_RP_COMP                            =>     ('0'),
-        QPLL_VTRL_RESET                         =>     ("00"),
-        RCAL_CFG                                =>     ("00")
+            IS_DRPCLK_INVERTED => '0',
+            IS_GTGREFCLK_INVERTED => '0',
+            QPLL_CFG => (x"04801C7"),
+            QPLL_CLKOUT_CFG => ("1111"),
+            QPLL_COARSE_FREQ_OVRD => ("010000"),
+            QPLL_COARSE_FREQ_OVRD_EN => ('0'),
+            QPLL_CP => ("0000011111"),
+            QPLL_CP_MONITOR_EN => ('0'),
+            QPLL_DMONITOR_SEL => ('0'),
+            QPLL_FBDIV => ("0010000000"), --(QPLL_FBDIV_IN),
+            QPLL_FBDIV_MONITOR_EN => ('0'),
+            QPLL_FBDIV_RATIO => ('1'), --(QPLL_FBDIV_RATIO),
+            QPLL_INIT_CFG => (x"000006"),
+            QPLL_LOCK_CFG => (x"05E8"),
+            QPLL_LPF => ("1111"),
+            QPLL_REFCLK_DIV => (1),
+            QPLL_RP_COMP => ('0'),
+            QPLL_VTRL_RESET => ("00"),
+            RCAL_CFG => ("00"),
+            RSVD_ATTR0 => (x"0000"),
+            RSVD_ATTR1 => (x"0000"),
+            SIM_QPLLREFCLK_SEL => ("001"),
+            SIM_RESET_SPEEDUP => ("FALSE"),
+            SIM_VERSION => ("2.0")
     port map
-        ------------- Common Block  - Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP) -----------
-        DRPADDR                         =>      tied_to_ground_vec_i(7 downto 0),
-        DRPCLK                          =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        DRPDI                           =>      tied_to_ground_vec_i(15 downto 0),
-        DRPDO                           =>      open,
-        DRPEN                           =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        DRPRDY                          =>      open,
-        DRPWE                           =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        ---------------------- Common Block  - Ref Clock Ports ---------------------
-        GTGREFCLK                       =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        GTNORTHREFCLK0                  =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        GTNORTHREFCLK1                  =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        GTREFCLK0                       =>      GTH_RefClk,
-        GTREFCLK1                       =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        GTSOUTHREFCLK0                  =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        GTSOUTHREFCLK1                  =>      tied_to_ground_i,
+        DRPDO => open,
+        DRPRDY => open,
+        PMARSVDOUT => open,
         ------------------------- Common Block -  QPLL Ports -----------------------
-        QPLLDMONITOR                    =>      open,
+        QPLLDMONITOR => open,
+        QPLLFBCLKLOST => open,
         ----------------------- Common Block - Clocking Ports ----------------------
-        QPLLOUTCLK                      =>      gt0_qplloutclk_i,
-        QPLLOUTREFCLK                   =>      gt0_qplloutrefclk_i,
-        REFCLKOUTMONITOR                =>      open,
-        ------------------------- Common Block - QPLL Ports ------------------------
-        BGRCALOVRDENB                   =>      tied_to_vcc_i,
-        PMARSVDOUT                      =>      open,
-        QPLLFBCLKLOST                   =>      open,
-        QPLLLOCK                        =>      GT0_QPLLLOCK_I,
-        QPLLLOCKDETCLK                  =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-        QPLLLOCKEN                      =>      tied_to_vcc_i,
-        QPLLOUTRESET                    =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        QPLLPD                          =>      tied_to_ground_i,
-        QPLLREFCLKLOST                  =>      GT0_QPLLREFCLKLOST_I,
-        QPLLREFCLKSEL                   =>      "001",
-        QPLLRESET                       =>      GT0_QPLLRESET_i or QPLL_RESET_IN,
-        QPLLRSVD1                       =>      "0000000000000000",
-        QPLLRSVD2                       =>      "11111",
+        QPLLOUTCLK => gt0_qplloutclk_i,
+        REFCLKOUTMONITOR => open,
         --------------------------------- QPLL Ports -------------------------------
-        BGBYPASSB                       =>      tied_to_vcc_i,
-        BGMONITORENB                    =>      tied_to_vcc_i,
-        BGPDB                           =>      tied_to_vcc_i,
-        BGRCALOVRD                      =>      "00000",
-        PMARSVD                         =>      "00000000",
-        RCALENB                         =>      tied_to_vcc_i
+        BGBYPASSB => tied_to_vcc_i,
+        BGMONITORENB => tied_to_vcc_i,
+        BGPDB => tied_to_vcc_i,
+        BGRCALOVRD => "00000",
+        ------------------------- Common Block - QPLL Ports ------------------------
+        BGRCALOVRDENB => tied_to_vcc_i,
+        ------------- Common Block  - Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP) -----------
+        DRPADDR => tied_to_ground_vec_i(7 downto 0),
+        DRPCLK => tied_to_ground_i,
+        DRPDI => tied_to_ground_vec_i(15 downto 0),
+        DRPEN => tied_to_ground_i,
+        DRPWE => tied_to_ground_i,
+        ---------------------- Common Block  - Ref Clock Ports ---------------------
+        GTGREFCLK => tied_to_ground_i,
+        GTNORTHREFCLK0 => tied_to_ground_i,
+        GTNORTHREFCLK1 => tied_to_ground_i,
+        GTREFCLK0 => GTH_RefClk,
+        GTREFCLK1 => tied_to_ground_i,
+        GTSOUTHREFCLK0 => tied_to_ground_i,
+        GTSOUTHREFCLK1 => tied_to_ground_i,
+        PMARSVD => "00000000",
+        QPLLLOCKEN => tied_to_vcc_i,
+        QPLLOUTRESET => tied_to_ground_i,
+        QPLLPD => tied_to_ground_i,
+        QPLLREFCLKSEL => "001",
+        QPLLRSVD1 => "0000000000000000",
+        QPLLRSVD2 => "11111",
+        RCALENB => tied_to_vcc_i
@@ -599,295 +501,245 @@ qpll_inst: gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7
 port map
-    SYSCLK_IN                           => DRP_CLK_IN,
-    SOFT_RESET_TX_IN                    => SOFT_TXRST_ALL,
-    SOFT_RESET_RX_IN                    => SOFT_RXRST_ALL,
-     DONT_RESET_ON_DATA_ERROR_IN        => '1',
-     GT0_DRP_BUSY_OUT                   => open,
-     GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT          => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(0),
-     GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT          => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(0),
-     GT0_DATA_VALID_IN                  => '1',
-     GT1_DRP_BUSY_OUT                   => open,
-     GT1_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT          => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(1),
-     GT1_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT          => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(1),
-     GT1_DATA_VALID_IN                  => '1',
-     GT2_DRP_BUSY_OUT                   => open,
-     GT2_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT          => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(2),
-     GT2_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT          => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(2),
-     GT2_DATA_VALID_IN                  => '1',
-     GT3_DRP_BUSY_OUT                   => open,
-     GT3_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT          => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(3),
-     GT3_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT          => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(3),
-     GT3_DATA_VALID_IN                  => '1',
-    --_________________________________________________________________________
-      --_________________________________________________________________________
-     --GT0  (X1Y4)
-     --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-     ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-    gt0_drpaddr_in                  =>      gt0_drpaddr_in,
-    gt0_drpclk_in                   =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-    gt0_drpdi_in                    =>      gt0_drpdi_in,
-    gt0_drpdo_out                   =>      gt0_drpdo_out,
-    gt0_drpen_in                    =>      gt0_drpen_in,
-    gt0_drprdy_out                  =>      gt0_drprdy_out,
-    gt0_drpwe_in                    =>      gt0_drpwe_in,
-     --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt0_eyescanreset_in             =>      '0',
-    gt0_rxuserrdy_in                =>      gt_rxuserrdy_in(0),
-     -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-    gt0_eyescandataerror_out        =>      open,
-    gt0_eyescantrigger_in           =>      '0',
-     --------------- Receive Ports - Comma Detection and Alignment --------------
-    gt0_rxslide_in                  =>      gt_rxslide_in(0),
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-    gt0_dmonitorout_out             =>      open,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-    gt0_rxusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_rxusrclk_in,
-    gt0_rxusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_rxusrclk_in,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-    gt0_rxdata_out                  =>      RX_DATA_gt0_20b,
-     ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-    gt0_gthrxn_in                   =>      RXN_IN(0),
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - RX Buffer Bypass Ports -----------------
-    -- gt0_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
-    --gt0_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open,
-     --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-    gt0_rxmonitorout_out            =>      open,
-    gt0_rxmonitorsel_in             =>      "00",
-     --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-    gt0_rxoutclk_out                =>      gt0_rxoutclk_out,
-     ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt0_gtrxreset_in                =>      gt0_gtrxreset_in,
-     ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-    gt0_gthrxp_in                   =>      RXP_IN(0),
-     -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt0_rxresetdone_out             =>      gt_rxresetdone_out(0),-- gt0_rxresetdone_out,
-     --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt0_gttxreset_in                =>      gt0_gttxreset_in,
-    gt0_txuserrdy_in                =>      gt_txuserrdy_in(0),
-     ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-    gt0_txusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-    gt0_txusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-     ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-    gt0_txdata_in                   =>      TX_DATA_gt0_20b,
-     ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-    gt0_gthtxn_out                  =>      TXN_OUT(0),
-    gt0_gthtxp_out                  =>      TXP_OUT(0),
-     ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-    gt0_txoutclk_out                =>      gt0_txoutclk_out,
-    gt0_txoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt0_txoutclkfabric_out,
-    gt0_txoutclkpcs_out             =>      open,--gt0_txoutclkpcs_out,
-     ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-    gt0_txresetdone_out             =>      gt_txresetdone_out(0),
-     --GT1  (X1Y5)
-     --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-     ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-    gt1_drpaddr_in                  =>      gt1_drpaddr_in,
-    gt1_drpclk_in                   =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-    gt1_drpdi_in                    =>      gt1_drpdi_in,
-    gt1_drpdo_out                   =>      gt1_drpdo_out,
-    gt1_drpen_in                    =>      gt1_drpen_in,
-    gt1_drprdy_out                  =>      gt1_drprdy_out,
-    gt1_drpwe_in                    =>      gt1_drpwe_in,
-     --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt1_eyescanreset_in             =>      '0',
-    gt1_rxuserrdy_in                =>      gt_rxuserrdy_in(1),
-     -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-    gt1_eyescandataerror_out        =>      open,
-    gt1_eyescantrigger_in           =>      '0',
-     --------------- Receive Ports - Comma Detection and Alignment --------------
-    gt1_rxslide_in                  =>      gt_rxslide_in(1),
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-    gt1_dmonitorout_out             =>      open,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-    gt1_rxusrclk_in                 =>      gt1_rxusrclk_in,
-    gt1_rxusrclk2_in                =>      gt1_rxusrclk_in,
-     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-    gt1_rxdata_out                  =>      RX_DATA_gt1_20b,
-     ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-    gt1_gthrxn_in                   =>      RXN_IN(1),
-     ------------------- Receive Ports - RX Buffer Bypass Ports -----------------
+    GT0_DRP_BUSY_OUT => open,
+    GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(0),
+    GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(0),
+    GT0_DATA_VALID_IN => '1',
+    GT1_DRP_BUSY_OUT => open,
+    GT1_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(1),
+    GT1_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(1),
+    GT1_DATA_VALID_IN => '1',
+    GT2_DRP_BUSY_OUT => open,
+    GT2_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(2),
+    GT2_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(2),
+    GT2_DATA_VALID_IN => '1',
+    GT3_DRP_BUSY_OUT => open,
+    GT3_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_txfsmresetdone_out(3),
+    GT3_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT => gt_rxfsmresetdone_out(3),
+    GT3_DATA_VALID_IN => '1',
+    gt0_drpaddr_in => (others => '0'),
+    gt0_drpclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+    gt0_drpdi_in => (others => '0'),
+    gt0_drpdo_out => open,
+    gt0_drpen_in => '0',
+    gt0_drprdy_out => open,
+    gt0_drpwe_in => '0',
+    gt0_loopback_in => gt0_loopback_in,
+    gt0_eyescanreset_in => '0',
+    gt0_rxuserrdy_in => gt_rxuserrdy_in(0),
+    gt0_eyescandataerror_out => open,
+    gt0_eyescantrigger_in => '0',
+    gt0_rxcdrhold_in => gt0_rxcdrhold_in,
+    gt0_rxslide_in => gt_rxslide_in(0),
+    gt0_dmonitorout_out => open,
+    gt0_rxusrclk_in => gt0_rxusrclk_in,
+    gt0_rxusrclk2_in => gt0_rxusrclk_in,
+    gt0_rxdata_out => RX_DATA_gt0_20b,
+    gt0_gthrxn_in => RXN_IN(0),
+    gt0_rxmonitorout_out => open,
+    gt0_rxmonitorsel_in => "00",
+    gt0_rxoutclk_out => gt0_rxoutclk_out,
+    gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out => open,
+    gt0_gtrxreset_in => gt0_gtrxreset_in,
+    gt0_rxpolarity_in => gt_rxpolarity_in(0),
+    gt0_gthrxp_in => RXP_IN(0),
+    gt0_rxresetdone_out => gt_rxresetdone_out(0), -- gt0_rxresetdone_out,
+    gt0_gttxreset_in => gt0_gttxreset_in,
+    gt0_txuserrdy_in => gt_txuserrdy_in(0),
+    gt0_txusrclk_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+    gt0_txusrclk2_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+    gt0_txdata_in => TX_DATA_gt0_20b,
+    gt0_gthtxn_out => TXN_OUT(0),
+    gt0_gthtxp_out => TXP_OUT(0),
+    gt0_txoutclk_out => gt0_txoutclk_out,
+    gt0_txoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt0_txoutclkfabric_out,
+    gt0_txoutclkpcs_out => open, --gt0_txoutclkpcs_out,
+    gt0_txresetdone_out => gt_txresetdone_out(0),
+    gt0_txpolarity_in => gt_txpolarity_in(0),
+    gt1_drpaddr_in => (others => '0'),
+    gt1_drpclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+    gt1_drpdi_in => (others => '0'),
+    gt1_drpdo_out => open,
+    gt1_drpen_in => '0',
+    gt1_drprdy_out => open,
+    gt1_drpwe_in => '0',
+    gt1_loopback_in => gt1_loopback_in,
+    gt1_eyescanreset_in => '0',
+    gt1_rxuserrdy_in => gt_rxuserrdy_in(1),
+    gt1_eyescandataerror_out => open,
+    gt1_eyescantrigger_in => '0',
+    gt1_rxcdrhold_in => gt1_rxcdrhold_in,
+    gt1_rxslide_in => gt_rxslide_in(1),
+    gt1_dmonitorout_out => open,
+    gt1_rxusrclk_in => gt1_rxusrclk_in,
+    gt1_rxusrclk2_in => gt1_rxusrclk_in,
+    gt1_rxdata_out => RX_DATA_gt1_20b,
+    gt1_gthrxn_in => RXN_IN(1),
     --gt1_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
     --gt1_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open,
     --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-    gt1_rxmonitorout_out            =>      open,
-    gt1_rxmonitorsel_in             =>      "00",
+    gt1_rxmonitorout_out => open,
+    gt1_rxmonitorsel_in => "00",
     --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-    gt1_rxoutclk_out                =>      gt1_rxoutclk_out,
+    gt1_rxoutclk_out => gt1_rxoutclk_out,
+    gt1_rxoutclkfabric_out => open,
     ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt1_gtrxreset_in                =>      gt1_gtrxreset_in,
+    gt1_gtrxreset_in => gt1_gtrxreset_in,
+    gt1_rxpolarity_in => gt_rxpolarity_in(1),
     ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-    gt1_gthrxp_in                   =>      RXP_IN(1),
+    gt1_gthrxp_in => RXP_IN(1),
     -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt1_rxresetdone_out             =>      gt_rxresetdone_out(1),
+    gt1_rxresetdone_out => gt_rxresetdone_out(1),
     --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt1_gttxreset_in                =>      gt1_gttxreset_in,
-    gt1_txuserrdy_in                =>      gt_txuserrdy_in(1),
+    gt1_gttxreset_in => gt1_gttxreset_in,
+    gt1_txuserrdy_in => gt_txuserrdy_in(1),
     ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-    gt1_txusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-    gt1_txusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
+    gt1_txusrclk_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+    gt1_txusrclk2_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
     ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-    gt1_txdata_in                   =>      TX_DATA_gt1_20b,
+    gt1_txdata_in => TX_DATA_gt1_20b,
     ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-    gt1_gthtxn_out                  =>      TXN_OUT(1),
-    gt1_gthtxp_out                  =>      TXP_OUT(1),
+    gt1_gthtxn_out => TXN_OUT(1),
+    gt1_gthtxp_out => TXP_OUT(1),
     ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-    gt1_txoutclk_out                =>      gt1_txoutclk_out,
-    gt1_txoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt1_txoutclkfabric_out,
-    gt1_txoutclkpcs_out             =>      open,--gt1_txoutclkpcs_out,
+    gt1_txoutclk_out => gt1_txoutclk_out,
+    gt1_txoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt1_txoutclkfabric_out,
+    gt1_txoutclkpcs_out => open, --gt1_txoutclkpcs_out,
     ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-    gt1_txresetdone_out             =>      gt_txresetdone_out(1),
-    --GT2  (X1Y6)
-     --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
-     ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-    gt2_drpaddr_in                  =>      gt2_drpaddr_in,
-    gt2_drpclk_in                   =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-    gt2_drpdi_in                    =>      gt2_drpdi_in,
-    gt2_drpdo_out                   =>      gt2_drpdo_out,
-    gt2_drpen_in                    =>      gt2_drpen_in,
-    gt2_drprdy_out                  =>      gt2_drprdy_out,
-    gt2_drpwe_in                    =>      gt2_drpwe_in,
+    gt1_txresetdone_out => gt_txresetdone_out(1),
+    gt1_txpolarity_in => gt_txpolarity_in(1),
+    gt2_drpaddr_in => (others => '0'),
+    gt2_drpclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+    gt2_drpdi_in => (others => '0'),
+    gt2_drpdo_out => open,
+    gt2_drpen_in => '0',
+    gt2_drprdy_out => open,
+    gt2_drpwe_in => '0',
+    gt2_loopback_in => gt2_loopback_in,
     --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt2_eyescanreset_in             =>      '0',
-    gt2_rxuserrdy_in                =>      gt_rxuserrdy_in(2),
+    gt2_eyescanreset_in => '0',
+    gt2_rxuserrdy_in => gt_rxuserrdy_in(2),
     -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-    gt2_eyescandataerror_out        =>      open,
-    gt2_eyescantrigger_in           =>      '0',
+    gt2_eyescandataerror_out => open,
+    gt2_eyescantrigger_in => '0',
+    gt2_rxcdrhold_in => gt2_rxcdrhold_in,
     --------------- Receive Ports - Comma Detection and Alignment --------------
-    gt2_rxslide_in                  =>      gt_rxslide_in(2),
+    gt2_rxslide_in => gt_rxslide_in(2),
     ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-    gt2_dmonitorout_out             =>      open,
+    gt2_dmonitorout_out => open,
     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-    gt2_rxusrclk_in                 =>      gt2_rxusrclk_in,
-    gt2_rxusrclk2_in                =>      gt2_rxusrclk_in,
+    gt2_rxusrclk_in => gt2_rxusrclk_in,
+    gt2_rxusrclk2_in => gt2_rxusrclk_in,
     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-    gt2_rxdata_out                  =>      RX_DATA_gt2_20b,
+    gt2_rxdata_out => RX_DATA_gt2_20b,
     ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-    gt2_gthrxn_in                   =>      RXN_IN(2),
+    gt2_gthrxn_in => RXN_IN(2),
     ------------------- Receive Ports - RX Buffer Bypass Ports -----------------
     --gt2_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
     --gt2_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open,
     --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-    gt2_rxmonitorout_out            =>      open,
-    gt2_rxmonitorsel_in             =>      "00",
+    gt2_rxmonitorout_out => open,
+    gt2_rxmonitorsel_in => "00",
     --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-    gt2_rxoutclk_out                =>      gt2_rxoutclk_out,
+    gt2_rxoutclk_out => gt2_rxoutclk_out,
+    gt2_rxoutclkfabric_out => open,
     ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt2_gtrxreset_in                =>      gt2_gtrxreset_in,
+    gt2_gtrxreset_in => gt2_gtrxreset_in,
+    gt2_rxpolarity_in => gt_rxpolarity_in(2),
     ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-    gt2_gthrxp_in                   =>      RXP_IN(2),
+    gt2_gthrxp_in => RXP_IN(2),
     -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt2_rxresetdone_out             =>      gt_rxresetdone_out(2),
+    gt2_rxresetdone_out => gt_rxresetdone_out(2),
     --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt2_gttxreset_in                =>      gt2_gttxreset_in,
-    gt2_txuserrdy_in                =>      gt_txuserrdy_in(2),
+    gt2_gttxreset_in => gt2_gttxreset_in,
+    gt2_txuserrdy_in => gt_txuserrdy_in(2),
     ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-    gt2_txusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-    gt2_txusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
+    gt2_txusrclk_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+    gt2_txusrclk2_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
     ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-    gt2_txdata_in                   =>      TX_DATA_gt2_20b,
+    gt2_txdata_in => TX_DATA_gt2_20b,
     ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-    gt2_gthtxn_out                  =>      TXN_OUT(2),
-    gt2_gthtxp_out                  =>      TXP_OUT(2),
+    gt2_gthtxn_out => TXN_OUT(2),
+    gt2_gthtxp_out => TXP_OUT(2),
     ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-    gt2_txoutclk_out                =>      gt2_txoutclk_out,
-    gt2_txoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt2_txoutclkfabric_out,
-    gt2_txoutclkpcs_out             =>      open,--gt2_txoutclkpcs_out,
+    gt2_txoutclk_out => gt2_txoutclk_out,
+    gt2_txoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt2_txoutclkfabric_out,
+    gt2_txoutclkpcs_out => open, --gt2_txoutclkpcs_out,
     ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-    gt2_txresetdone_out             =>      gt_txresetdone_out(2),
+    gt2_txresetdone_out => gt_txresetdone_out(2),
+    gt2_txpolarity_in => gt_txpolarity_in(2),
     --GT3  (X1Y7)
     --____________________________CHANNEL PORTS________________________________
     ---------------------------- Channel - DRP Ports  --------------------------
-    gt3_drpaddr_in                  =>      gt3_drpaddr_in,
-    gt3_drpclk_in                   =>      DRP_CLK_IN,
-    gt3_drpdi_in                    =>      gt3_drpdi_in,
-    gt3_drpdo_out                   =>      gt3_drpdo_out,
-    gt3_drpen_in                    =>      gt3_drpen_in,
-    gt3_drprdy_out                  =>      gt3_drprdy_out,
-    gt3_drpwe_in                    =>      gt3_drpwe_in,
+    gt3_drpaddr_in => (others => '0'),
+    gt3_drpclk_in => DRP_CLK_IN,
+    gt3_drpdi_in => (others => '0'),
+    gt3_drpdo_out => open,
+    gt3_drpen_in => '0',
+    gt3_drprdy_out => open,
+    gt3_drpwe_in => '0',
+    gt3_loopback_in => gt3_loopback_in,
     --------------------- RX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt3_eyescanreset_in             =>      '0',
-    gt3_rxuserrdy_in                =>      gt_rxuserrdy_in(3),
+    gt3_eyescanreset_in => '0',
+    gt3_rxuserrdy_in => gt_rxuserrdy_in(3),
     -------------------------- RX Margin Analysis Ports ------------------------
-    gt3_eyescandataerror_out        =>      open,
-    gt3_eyescantrigger_in           =>      '0',
+    gt3_eyescandataerror_out => open,
+    gt3_eyescantrigger_in => '0',
+    gt3_rxcdrhold_in => gt3_rxcdrhold_in,
     --------------- Receive Ports - Comma Detection and Alignment --------------
-    gt3_rxslide_in                  =>      gt_rxslide_in(3),
+    gt3_rxslide_in => gt_rxslide_in(3),
     ------------------- Receive Ports - Digital Monitor Ports ------------------
-    gt3_dmonitorout_out             =>      open,
+    gt3_dmonitorout_out => open,
     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX Interface Ports -----------------
-    gt3_rxusrclk_in                 =>      gt3_rxusrclk_in,
-    gt3_rxusrclk2_in                =>      gt3_rxusrclk_in,
+    gt3_rxusrclk_in => gt3_rxusrclk_in,
+    gt3_rxusrclk2_in => gt3_rxusrclk_in,
     ------------------ Receive Ports - FPGA RX interface Ports -----------------
-    gt3_rxdata_out                  =>      RX_DATA_gt3_20b,
+    gt3_rxdata_out => RX_DATA_gt3_20b,
     ------------------------ Receive Ports - RX AFE Ports ----------------------
-    gt3_gthrxn_in                   =>      RXN_IN(3),
+    gt3_gthrxn_in => RXN_IN(3),
     ------------------- Receive Ports - RX Buffer Bypass Ports -----------------
     --gt3_rxphmonitor_out             =>      open,
     --gt3_rxphslipmonitor_out         =>      open,
     --------------------- Receive Ports - RX Equalizer Ports -------------------
-    gt3_rxmonitorout_out            =>      open,
-    gt3_rxmonitorsel_in             =>      "00",
+    gt3_rxmonitorout_out => open,
+    gt3_rxmonitorsel_in => "00",
     --------------- Receive Ports - RX Fabric Output Control Ports -------------
-    gt3_rxoutclk_out                =>      gt3_rxoutclk_out,
+    gt3_rxoutclk_out => gt3_rxoutclk_out,
+    gt3_rxoutclkfabric_out => open,
     ------------- Receive Ports - RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt3_gtrxreset_in                =>      gt3_gtrxreset_in,
+    gt3_gtrxreset_in => gt3_gtrxreset_in,
+    gt3_rxpolarity_in => gt_rxpolarity_in(3),
     ------------------------ Receive Ports -RX AFE Ports -----------------------
-    gt3_gthrxp_in                   =>      RXP_IN(3),
+    gt3_gthrxp_in => RXP_IN(3),
     -------------- Receive Ports -RX Initialization and Reset Ports ------------
-    gt3_rxresetdone_out             =>      gt_rxresetdone_out(3),
+    gt3_rxresetdone_out => gt_rxresetdone_out(3),
     --------------------- TX Initialization and Reset Ports --------------------
-    gt3_gttxreset_in                =>      gt3_gttxreset_in,
-    gt3_txuserrdy_in                =>      gt_txuserrdy_in(3),
+    gt3_gttxreset_in => gt3_gttxreset_in,
+    gt3_txuserrdy_in => gt_txuserrdy_in(3),
     ------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
-    gt3_txusrclk_in                 =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
-    gt3_txusrclk2_in                =>      gt0_txusrclk_in,
+    gt3_txusrclk_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
+    gt3_txusrclk2_in => gt0_txusrclk_in,
     ------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
-    gt3_txdata_in                   =>      TX_DATA_gt3_20b,
+    gt3_txdata_in => TX_DATA_gt3_20b,
     ---------------- Transmit Ports - TX Driver and OOB signaling --------------
-    gt3_gthtxn_out                  =>      TXN_OUT(3),
-    gt3_gthtxp_out                  =>      TXP_OUT(3),
+    gt3_gthtxn_out => TXN_OUT(3),
+    gt3_gthtxp_out => TXP_OUT(3),
     ----------- Transmit Ports - TX Fabric Clock Output Control Ports ----------
-    gt3_txoutclk_out                =>      gt3_txoutclk_out,
-    gt3_txoutclkfabric_out          =>      open,--gt3_txoutclkfabric_out,
-    gt3_txoutclkpcs_out             =>      open,--gt3_txoutclkpcs_out,
+    gt3_txoutclk_out => gt3_txoutclk_out,
+    gt3_txoutclkfabric_out => open, --gt3_txoutclkfabric_out,
+    gt3_txoutclkpcs_out => open, --gt3_txoutclkpcs_out,
     ------------- Transmit Ports - TX Initialization and Reset Ports -----------
-    gt3_txresetdone_out             =>      gt_txresetdone_out(3),
-    gt3_txpolarity_in                   => gt_txpolarity_in(3),
-    gt2_txpolarity_in                   => gt_txpolarity_in(2),
-    gt1_txpolarity_in                   => gt_txpolarity_in(1),
-    gt0_txpolarity_in                   => gt_txpolarity_in(0),
-    gt3_rxpolarity_in                   => gt_rxpolarity_in(3),
-    gt2_rxpolarity_in                   => gt_rxpolarity_in(2),
-    gt1_rxpolarity_in                   => gt_rxpolarity_in(1),
-    gt0_rxpolarity_in                   => gt_rxpolarity_in(0),
-    gt0_loopback_in                     => gt0_loopback_in,
-    gt0_rxcdrhold_in                    => gt0_rxcdrhold_in,
-    gt1_loopback_in                     => gt1_loopback_in,
-    gt1_rxcdrhold_in                    => gt1_rxcdrhold_in,
-    gt2_loopback_in                     => gt2_loopback_in,
-    gt2_rxcdrhold_in                    => gt2_rxcdrhold_in,
-    gt3_loopback_in                     => gt3_loopback_in,
-    gt3_rxcdrhold_in                    => gt3_rxcdrhold_in,
-    --____________________________COMMON PORTS________________________________
-    GT0_QPLLLOCK_IN             => GT0_QPLLLOCK_I, 
-    GT0_QPLLRESET_OUT           => GT0_QPLLRESET_I, 
+    gt3_txresetdone_out => gt_txresetdone_out(3),
+    gt3_txpolarity_in => gt_txpolarity_in(3),
+    GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN => gt0_qplloutclk_i,
diff --git a/sources/GBTlinksDataEmulator/GBTdataEmulator.vhd b/sources/GBTlinksDataEmulator/GBTdataEmulator.vhd
index ddff09afa497638798f8c3a092fb651cb3225448..9e31e4acf2f00458b2b9cbf9234c24e8d5eea7c6 100644
--- a/sources/GBTlinksDataEmulator/GBTdataEmulator.vhd
+++ b/sources/GBTlinksDataEmulator/GBTdataEmulator.vhd
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 --! Project Name:   FELIX
 --! Use standard library
-library work, IEEE;
+library IEEE;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -142,7 +142,13 @@ begin
 -- global reset
-rst_fall_pulse: entity work.pulse_fall_pw01(behavioral) port map(clk40, rst_soft, rst_fall);
+rst_fall_pulse: entity work.pulse_fall_pw01 port map(
+    clk => clk40,
+    trigger => rst_soft,
+    pulseout => rst_fall
 RESET_latch: process(clk40, rst_hw)
diff --git a/sources/LinkWrapper/link_wrapper.vhd b/sources/LinkWrapper/link_wrapper.vhd
index 0f97b351f1221460894a595612041161756dd67f..e1d10a9c7cca3a88eac349cd4a953087cef2c659 100644
--- a/sources/LinkWrapper/link_wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/LinkWrapper/link_wrapper.vhd
@@ -51,71 +51,40 @@ architecture rtl of link_wrapper is
   component FELIX_gbt_wrapper
-        Generic (
-            CARD_TYPE                   : integer := 709;
-            STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD         : integer := 24;  --period of the drp_clock
-            GBT_NUM                     : integer := 24;
-            OPTO_TRX                    : integer := 4;  -- number of optical transceivers
-            GTHREFCLK_SEL               : std_logic; --GREFCLK   : std_logic := '1';
-            --MGTREFCLK : std_logic := '0';
-            PLL_SEL                     : std_logic       -- CPLL : '0'
-            -- QPLL : '1'
-            -- QUAD_NUM : integer := 6
-        );
-        Port (
-            -------------------
-            ---- For debug
-            -------------------
-            RX_FLAG_O           : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            TX_FLAG_O           : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            REFCLK_CXP1         : out std_logic;
-            REFCLK_CXP2         : out std_logic;
-            -----------------------
-            ---- Used ports
-            ----------------------
-            rst_hw                      : in std_logic;
-            opto_los                     : in std_logic_vector(OPTO_TRX-1 downto 0);
-            -- for VC709, use LOS from SFP
-            -- for HTG710, use all '0', or use software to read
-            -- optical module register, then set it.
-            register_map_control        : in    register_map_control_type;
-            register_map_link_monitor    : out     register_map_link_monitor_type;
-            DRP_CLK_IN                  : in std_logic;
-            Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
-            Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
-            Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN   : in std_logic;
-            Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN   : in std_logic;
-            GREFCLK_IN                  : in std_logic;
-    clk40_in                    : in std_logic;
-            clk240_in                   : in std_logic;
-            -- for CentralRouter
-            TX_120b_in                  : in  txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
-            RX_120b_out                 : out txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
-            FRAME_LOCKED_O              : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            -- TX_ISDATA_I               : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            -- RX_ISDATA_O               : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            -- RX_FRAME_CLK_O            : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            TX_FRAME_CLK_I              : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    --FIFO_RD_CLK               : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            --FIFO_RD_EN                : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            --FIFO_FULL                 : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            --FIFO_EMPTY                : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-    -- GTH Data pins
-            TX_P                        : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            TX_N                        : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            RX_P                        : in  std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            RX_N                        : in  std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-            RXUSRCLK_OUT                : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0)
-    );
-    end component FELIX_gbt_wrapper;
+      generic(
+          CARD_TYPE     : integer;
+          GBT_NUM       : integer;
+          OPTO_TRX      : integer;
+          GTHREFCLK_SEL : std_logic;
+          PLL_SEL       : std_logic
+      );
+      port(
+          RX_FLAG_O                 : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM - 1 downto 0);
+          TX_FLAG_O                 : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM - 1 downto 0);
+          REFCLK_CXP1               : out std_logic;
+          REFCLK_CXP2               : out std_logic;
+          rst_hw                    : in  std_logic;
+          opto_los                  : in  std_logic_vector(OPTO_TRX - 1 downto 0);
+          register_map_control      : in  register_map_control_type;
+          register_map_link_monitor : out register_map_link_monitor_type;
+          DRP_CLK_IN                : in  std_logic;
+          Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN : in  std_logic;
+          Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN : in  std_logic;
+          Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN : in  std_logic;
+          Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN : in  std_logic;
+          GREFCLK_IN                : in  std_logic;
+          clk40_in                  : in  std_logic;
+          TX_120b_in                : in  txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM - 1));
+          RX_120b_out               : out txrx120b_type(0 to (GBT_NUM - 1));
+          FRAME_LOCKED_O            : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM - 1 downto 0);
+          TX_FRAME_CLK_I            : in  std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM - 1 downto 0);
+          TX_P                      : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM - 1 downto 0);
+          TX_N                      : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM - 1 downto 0);
+          RX_P                      : in  std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM - 1 downto 0);
+          RX_N                      : in  std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM - 1 downto 0);
+          RXUSRCLK_OUT              : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM - 1 downto 0)
+      );
+  end component FELIX_gbt_wrapper;
@@ -134,7 +103,7 @@ begin
             u2: FELIX_gbt_wrapper
                 generic map(
                     CARD_TYPE => CARD_TYPE,
-                    STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD => 24,
+                    --STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD => 24,
                     GBT_NUM             => GBT_NUM,
                     OPTO_TRX => OPTO_TRX,
                     GTHREFCLK_SEL       => GTHREFCLK_SEL,
@@ -155,7 +124,7 @@ begin
                     Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN => GTREFCLK_P_in(1),
                     GREFCLK_IN                => clk240,
                     clk40_in => clk40,
-                    clk240_in => clk240,
+                    --clk240_in => clk240,
                     TX_120b_in                => GBT_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA,
                     RX_120b_out               => GBT_UPLINK_USER_DATA,
                     FRAME_LOCKED_O            => LinkAligned,
@@ -170,7 +139,7 @@ begin
         g_712: if CARD_TYPE = 711 or CARD_TYPE = 712 generate
             u2: entity work.FELIX_gbt_wrapper_KCU
                 generic map(
-                    STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD   => 24,
+                    --STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD   => 24,
                     GBT_NUM               => GBT_NUM,
                     GTHREFCLK_SEL         => GTHREFCLK_SEL,
                     CARD_TYPE             => CARD_TYPE,
@@ -183,7 +152,7 @@ begin
                     rst_hw => rst_hw,
                     register_map_control => register_map_control,
                     register_map_link_monitor => register_map_link_monitor,
-                    DRP_CLK_IN                => clk40_xtal,
+                    --DRP_CLK_IN                => clk40_xtal,
                     Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN => GTREFCLK_N_in(0),
                     Q2_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN => GTREFCLK_P_in(0),
                     Q8_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN => GTREFCLK_N_in(1),
@@ -194,9 +163,9 @@ begin
                     Q5_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN => GTREFCLK_P_in(3),
                     Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_N_IN => GTREFCLK_N_in(4),
                     Q6_CLK0_GTREFCLK_PAD_P_IN => GTREFCLK_P_in(4),
-                    GREFCLK_IN                => clk240,
+                    --GREFCLK_IN                => clk240,
                     clk40_in => clk40,
-                    clk240_in => clk240,
+                    --clk240_in => clk240,
                     TX_120b_in                => GBT_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA,
                     RX_120b_out               => GBT_UPLINK_USER_DATA,
                     FRAME_LOCKED_O            => LinkAligned,
@@ -214,30 +183,23 @@ begin
                     FIRMWARE_MODE = FIRMWARE_MODE_STRIP generate
         u2: entity work.FELIX_LpGBT_Wrapper
             Generic map(
-                STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD => 24,
                 GBT_NUM => GBT_NUM,
-                PRBS_TEST_EN => 0,
-                GTHREFCLK_SEL => GTHREFCLK_SEL,
-                CARD_TYPE => CARD_TYPE,
+                --CARD_TYPE => CARD_TYPE,
                 FE_EMU_EN => 0,
                 CLK_CHIP_SEL => 1,
-                PLL_SEL => PLL_SEL,
                 GTREFCLKS => GTREFCLKS                              
             Port map(
                 rst_hw => rst_hw,
-                rxrecclk40m_out => open,
                 register_map_control => register_map_control,
                 register_map_link_monitor => register_map_link_monitor,
                 CLK40_IN => clk40,
 --                GREFCLK_IN => clk240, --MT commented unused
-                RX320_CH0 => open,
                 GTREFCLK_P_s => GTREFCLK_P_in,
                 GTREFCLK_N_s => GTREFCLK_N_in,
                 LMK_P => LMK_P,
                 LMK_N => LMK_N,
-                RX_LINK_LCK => open,
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/BIT_ERROR_CALC.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/BIT_ERROR_CALC.vhd
index 399f54059b341e7355938a8958b1fb09f7f9b21b..364d1ad90ad9fb4f7653ede8a3719116ea3b0267 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/BIT_ERROR_CALC.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/BIT_ERROR_CALC.vhd
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 library  ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 entity BIT_ERROR_CALC is
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FELIX_LpGBT_Wrapper.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FELIX_LpGBT_Wrapper.vhd
index 4d11e5261dc8bd9a019f4bc71d835033128c9852..4d9986fa585624b9ebabbf0e3ec5829537e5a0ed 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FELIX_LpGBT_Wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FELIX_LpGBT_Wrapper.vhd
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
@@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ use work.pcie_package.all;
 entity FELIX_LpGBT_Wrapper is
     Generic (
-        STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD         : integer   := 24;  
+        --STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD         : integer   := 24;  
             -- period of the drp_clock
         GBT_NUM                     : integer   := 24;
-        PRBS_TEST_EN                : integer := 1;
-        GTHREFCLK_SEL               : std_logic := '0'; 
+        --PRBS_TEST_EN                : integer := 1;
+        --GTHREFCLK_SEL               : std_logic := '0'; 
             -- GREFCLK              : std_logic := '1';
             -- MGTREFCLK            : std_logic := '0';
-        CARD_TYPE                   : integer   := 712;
+        --CARD_TYPE                   : integer   := 712;
         FE_EMU_EN                   : integer   := 0;    
         CLK_CHIP_SEL                : integer   := 1; --tested only with =1
             -- SI5345               : integer   := 0;
             -- LMK03200             : integer   := 1;                                     
-        PLL_SEL                     : std_logic := '0';  
+        --PLL_SEL                     : std_logic := '0';  
             -- CPLL : '0'
             -- QPLL : '1'
         GTREFCLKS                   : integer := 5
@@ -60,20 +60,20 @@ entity FELIX_LpGBT_Wrapper is
     Port (
         rst_hw                      : in std_logic;
-        rxrecclk40m_out             : out std_logic;
+        --rxrecclk40m_out             : out std_logic;
         register_map_control        : in register_map_control_type;
         register_map_link_monitor    : out register_map_link_monitor_type;
         CLK40_IN                    : in std_logic;
 --        GREFCLK_IN                  : in std_logic; --MT not used
-        RX320_CH0                   : out std_logic;
+        --RX320_CH0                   : out std_logic;
         GTREFCLK_P_s                : in std_logic_vector(GTREFCLKS-1 downto 0);
         GTREFCLK_N_s                : in std_logic_vector(GTREFCLKS-1 downto 0);
         LMK_P                       : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
         LMK_N                       : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-        RX_LINK_LCK                 : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
+        --RX_LINK_LCK                 : out std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
         FELIX_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA    : in txrx32b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
         FELIX_DOWNLINK_IC_DATA      : in txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
@@ -96,15 +96,15 @@ end FELIX_LpGBT_Wrapper;
 architecture Behavioral of FELIX_LpGBT_Wrapper is
-signal FE_SIDE_RX40MCLK         : std_logic;
-signal FELIX_SIDE_RX40MCLK      : std_logic;
-signal PRBS_ERR_CLR             : std_logic;
+--signal FE_SIDE_RX40MCLK         : std_logic;
+--signal FELIX_SIDE_RX40MCLK      : std_logic;
+--signal PRBS_ERR_CLR             : std_logic;
 signal GTH_REFCLK_OUT           : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0); 
-signal GTH_EMU_REFCLK_OUT       : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0); 
+--signal GTH_EMU_REFCLK_OUT       : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0); 
 signal CTRL_TXPOLARITY          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
-signal CTRL_RXPOLARITY          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
+--signal CTRL_RXPOLARITY          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
 signal CTRL_GBTTXRST          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
 signal CTRL_GBTRXRST          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
 --signal CTRL_DATARATE            : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ signal MON_TXPMARSTDONE          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 down
 signal MON_RXCDR_LCK          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
 signal MON_CPLL_LCK          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
 signal MON_ALIGNMENT_DONE   : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
-signal MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG     : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
+--signal MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG     : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0); 
-signal MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
-signal MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
-signal MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
+--signal MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
+--signal MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
+--signal MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
 signal MON_QPLL_LCK          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
@@ -135,12 +135,12 @@ signal CTRL_GBT_General_ctrl    : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
 signal PRBS_ERR_CNT             : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-signal FE_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA    : txrx32b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-signal FE_DOWNLINK_IC_DATA    : txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-signal FE_DOWNLINK_EC_DATA    : txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-signal FE_UPLINK_USER_DATA      : txrx224b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-signal FE_UPLINK_EC_DATA        : txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-signal FE_UPLINK_IC_DATA        : txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+--signal FE_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA    : txrx32b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+--signal FE_DOWNLINK_IC_DATA    : txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+--signal FE_DOWNLINK_EC_DATA    : txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+--signal FE_UPLINK_USER_DATA      : txrx224b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+--signal FE_UPLINK_EC_DATA        : txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+--signal FE_UPLINK_IC_DATA        : txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
 --MT commented
 --signal FELIX_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA_s    : txrx32b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ signal FE_UPLINK_IC_DATA        : txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
 --signal FELIX_UPLINK_IC_DATA_s        : txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-signal PRBS_CH_SEL       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+--signal PRBS_CH_SEL       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
@@ -177,10 +177,10 @@ begin
     Reference_Clk_Gen : entity work.RefClk_Gen
         Generic Map(
             GBT_NUM                     => GBT_NUM,
-            GTHREFCLK_SEL               => '0',
+            --GTHREFCLK_SEL               => '0',
                 -- GREFCLK              : std_logic := '1';
                 -- MGTREFCLK            : std_logic := '0';
-            CARD_TYPE                   => CARD_TYPE,
+            --CARD_TYPE                   => CARD_TYPE,
             FE_EMU_EN                   => FE_EMU_EN,    
             CLK_CHIP_SEL                => CLK_CHIP_SEL
                 -- SI5345               : integer   := 0;
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ begin
             LMK7_N                      => LMK_N(7),
             GTH_REFCLK_OUT              => GTH_REFCLK_OUT,
-            GTH_EMU_REFCLK_OUT          => GTH_EMU_REFCLK_OUT
+            GTH_EMU_REFCLK_OUT          => open --GTH_EMU_REFCLK_OUT
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ begin
             CTRL_TXPOLARITY             => CTRL_TXPOLARITY,
-            CTRL_RXPOLARITY             => CTRL_RXPOLARITY,
+            CTRL_RXPOLARITY             => open, --CTRL_RXPOLARITY,
             CTRL_GBTTXRST               => CTRL_GBTTXRST,
             CTRL_GBTRXRST               => CTRL_GBTRXRST,
@@ -246,29 +246,31 @@ begin
+            CTRL_PRBS_ERR_CLR           => open, -- PRBS_ERR_CLR,
+            CTRL_ERROR_CNT_SEL          => open, -- PRBS_CH_SEL,
             MON_RXRSTDONE               => MON_RXRSTDONE,
             MON_TXRSTDONE               => MON_TXRSTDONE,
+            --MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD          => MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD,
+            --MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD          => MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD,
             MON_RXPMARSTDONE            => MON_RXPMARSTDONE,
             MON_TXPMARSTDONE            => MON_TXPMARSTDONE,
             MON_RXCDR_LCK               => MON_RXCDR_LCK,
-            MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD          => MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD,
+            --MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD          => MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD,
             MON_QPLL_LCK                => MON_QPLL_LCK,
             MON_CPLL_LCK                => MON_CPLL_LCK,
-            MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG            => MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG,
+            --MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG            => MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG,
             MON_PRBS_ERRCNT             => PRBS_ERR_CNT,
-            CTRL_PRBS_ERR_CLR           => PRBS_ERR_CLR,
-            CTRL_ERROR_CNT_SEL          => PRBS_CH_SEL,
             register_map_control        => register_map_control,
             register_map_link_monitor    => register_map_link_monitor
+        PRBS_ERR_CNT <= (others => '0');
 --MT commented: FE will live in FELIG    
     --PRBS_TEST: if PRBS_TEST_EN = 1 generate
@@ -322,18 +324,6 @@ begin
         Port map(
-            clk40_in                    => clk40_in,
-            rst_hw                      => rst_hw,
-            FELIX_SIDE_RX40MCLK         => FELIX_SIDE_RX40MCLK,
-            GTHREFCLK                   => GTH_REFCLK_OUT,
-            RX_P                        => RX_P(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
-            RX_N                        => RX_N(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
-            TX_P                        => TX_P(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
-            TX_N                        => TX_N(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
@@ -342,6 +332,17 @@ begin
             FELIX_UPLINK_EC_DATA        => FELIX_UPLINK_EC_DATA, --_s,
             FELIX_UPLINK_IC_DATA        => FELIX_UPLINK_IC_DATA, --_s,
+            clk40_in                    => CLK40_IN,
+            rst_hw                      => rst_hw,
+            FELIX_SIDE_RX40MCLK         => open, --FELIX_SIDE_RX40MCLK,
+            RX_P                        => RX_P(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
+            RX_N                        => RX_N(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
+            TX_P                        => TX_P(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
+            TX_N                        => TX_N(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
+            GTHREFCLK                   => GTH_REFCLK_OUT,
             CTRL_SOFT_RESET             => CTRL_SOFT_RESET(GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0),
@@ -360,17 +361,17 @@ begin
             MON_RXRSTDONE               => MON_RXRSTDONE(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
             MON_TXRSTDONE               => MON_TXRSTDONE(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
-            MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD          => MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD(GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0),
-            MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD          => MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD(GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0),
+            MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD          => open, --MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD(GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0),
+            MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD          => open, --MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD(GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0),
             MON_RXPMARSTDONE            => MON_RXPMARSTDONE(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
             MON_TXPMARSTDONE            => MON_TXPMARSTDONE(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
             MON_RXCDR_LCK               => MON_RXCDR_LCK(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
-            MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD          => MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD(GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0),
+            MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD          => open, --open, --MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD(GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0),
             MON_QPLL_LCK                => MON_QPLL_LCK(GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0),
             MON_CPLL_LCK                => MON_CPLL_LCK(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
             MON_ALIGNMENT_DONE          => MON_ALIGNMENT_DONE(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0),
-            MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG            => MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0)
+            MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG            => open --MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0)
 --MT commented: FE will live in FELIG
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_BE.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_BE.vhd
index 11ba0b332d17c9d5c7717e610f58792446998621..8e9c86a94aaed862f6d2fae4b18663571348a9db 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_BE.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_BE.vhd
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
@@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ entity FLX_LpGBT_BE is
         downlinkEcData_i                        : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
         downlinkIcData_i                        : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 
         TXCLK40                                 : in std_logic;
-        RXCLK40                                 : in std_logic;
+        --RXCLK40                                 : in std_logic;
         TXCLK320                                : in std_logic;
         RXCLK320m                               : in std_logic;
         uplinkSelectFEC_i                       : in std_logic; 
         data_rdy                                : out std_logic;
         Tx_scrambler_bypass                     : in std_logic;
         Tx_Interleaver_bypass                   : in std_logic;
-        phase_sel                               : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+        --phase_sel                               : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
         Tx_FEC_bypass                           : in std_logic;
         TxData_Out                              : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
         rxdatain                                : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
         GBT_TX_RST                              : in std_logic;
         GBT_RX_RST                              : in std_logic;
-        rst_patternsearch                       : in std_logic; 
+        --rst_patternsearch                       : in std_logic; 
 --        uplinkSelectDataRate_i                  : in std_logic; --MT now hard coded to 1024Gbps               
         uplinkBypassInterleaver_i               : in std_logic;
         uplinkBypassFECEncoder_i                : in std_logic;
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ entity FLX_LpGBT_BE is
         sta_headeLocked_o                       : out std_logic;
         sta_headerFlag_o                        : out std_logic;
         ctr_clkSlip_o                           : out std_logic;        
-        sta_rxGbRdy_o                           : out std_logic;
+        --sta_rxGbRdy_o                           : out std_logic;
         uplinkReady_o                           : out std_logic;
         uplinkUserData_o                        : out std_logic_vector(229 downto 0);
@@ -93,55 +93,55 @@ signal cnt                              : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
 signal TxData_Interleaved               : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
 signal TxData_Interleaved_inv           : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); 
 signal TxData_Interleaved_latched       : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-signal ctr_clkSlip_5g12_s               : std_logic;
-signal ctr_clkSlip_10g24_s              : std_logic;
-signal sta_headeLocked_10g24_s          : std_logic;
-signal sta_headeLocked_5g12_s           : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_5g12_s            : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_10g24_s           : std_logic;
-signal clk_dataFlag_rxgearbox_5g12_s    : std_logic;
-signal rst_rxgearbox_10g24_s            : std_logic;
-signal rst_rxgearbox_5g12_s             : std_logic;
-signal clk_dataFlag_rxgearbox_10g24_s   : std_logic;
-signal uplinkFrame_from_rxgb_s          : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
-signal uplinkFrame_from_5g12_rxgb_s     : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
-signal uplinkFrame_from_10g24_rxgb_s    : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
-signal dat_upLinkWord_fromMgt_s256_1024 : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
-signal dat_upLinkWord_fromGb_s1024_buf  : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
-signal sta_rxGbRdy_5g12_s               : std_logic;
-signal sta_rxGbRdy_10g24_s              : std_logic;
-signal clk_dataFlag_rxgearbox_s         : std_logic;
-signal uplinkUserData_s                 : std_logic_vector(229 downto 0);
-signal uplinkEcData_s                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal uplinkIcData_s                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-signal uplinkReady_s                    : std_logic;
+--signal ctr_clkSlip_5g12_s               : std_logic;
+--signal ctr_clkSlip_10g24_s              : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headeLocked_10g24_s          : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headeLocked_5g12_s           : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_5g12_s            : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_10g24_s           : std_logic;
+--signal clk_dataFlag_rxgearbox_5g12_s    : std_logic;
+--signal rst_rxgearbox_10g24_s            : std_logic;
+--signal rst_rxgearbox_5g12_s             : std_logic;
+--signal clk_dataFlag_rxgearbox_10g24_s   : std_logic;
+--signal uplinkFrame_from_rxgb_s          : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
+--signal uplinkFrame_from_5g12_rxgb_s     : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
+--signal uplinkFrame_from_10g24_rxgb_s    : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
+--signal dat_upLinkWord_fromMgt_s256_1024 : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
+--signal dat_upLinkWord_fromGb_s1024_buf  : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
+--signal sta_rxGbRdy_5g12_s               : std_logic;
+--signal sta_rxGbRdy_10g24_s              : std_logic;
+--signal clk_dataFlag_rxgearbox_s         : std_logic;
+--signal uplinkUserData_s                 : std_logic_vector(229 downto 0);
+--signal uplinkEcData_s                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+--signal uplinkIcData_s                   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+--signal uplinkReady_s                    : std_logic;
 signal TXCLK40_r                        : std_logic;
 signal data_rdy_or                      : std_logic;
 signal data_rdy_o                       : std_logic;
 signal downLinkData_s                   : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
-signal TxData_Out_i                     : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+--signal TxData_Out_i                     : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
 signal dat_upLinkWord_fromMgt_s32_1024  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-signal dat_upLinkWord_fromMgt_s128_512  : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
-signal dat_upLinkWord_fromGb_s512_buf   : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
-signal count_rx                         : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-signal count_rx2                        : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+--signal dat_upLinkWord_fromMgt_s128_512  : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
+--signal dat_upLinkWord_fromGb_s512_buf   : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
+--signal count_rx                         : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+--signal count_rx2                        : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
 signal TxData_Out_8                     : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal dat_upLinkWord_fromMgt_s16_512   : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal sta_headerFlag_5g12_s_vec        : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
-signal sta_headerFlag_10g24_s_vec       : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
-signal sta_headerFlag_s512              : std_logic;
-signal RXCLK40_r                        : std_logic;
-signal sel                              : std_logic;
-signal sel2                             : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_s512_r1           : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_s1024             : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_s512_r2           : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_s512_r3           : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_s512_r4           : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_s1024_r4          : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_s1024_r3          : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_s1024_r2          : std_logic;
-signal sta_headerFlag_s1024_r1          : std_logic;
+--signal dat_upLinkWord_fromMgt_s16_512   : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+--signal sta_headerFlag_5g12_s_vec        : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
+--signal sta_headerFlag_10g24_s_vec       : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
+--signal sta_headerFlag_s512              : std_logic;
+--signal RXCLK40_r                        : std_logic;
+--signal sel                              : std_logic;
+--signal sel2                             : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_s512_r1           : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_s1024             : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_s512_r2           : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_s512_r3           : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_s512_r4           : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_s1024_r4          : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_s1024_r3          : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_s1024_r2          : std_logic;
+--signal sta_headerFlag_s1024_r1          : std_logic;
 signal uplinkUserData_fec12_s           : std_logic_vector(229 downto 0);
 signal uplinkEcData_fec12_s             : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
@@ -169,6 +169,9 @@ begin
                     TxData_Out_8(0) & TxData_Out_8(0);
       lpgbtfpga_scrambler_inst: entity work.lpgbtfpga_scrambler
+            generic map(
+                INIT_SEED => x"1fba847af"
+            )
         port map 
             clk_i                => TXCLK40,
@@ -252,9 +255,9 @@ begin
     dat_upLinkWord_fromMgt_s32_1024 <=  rxdatain(31 downto 0);
-    process(RxClk320m)
+    process(RXCLK320m)
-      if RxClk320m'event and RxClk320m='1' then
+      if RXCLK320m'event and RXCLK320m='1' then
         data_rdy_or <= data_rdy_o;
         data_rdy    <= data_rdy_or;
       end if;
@@ -280,7 +283,7 @@ begin
     port map 
-        uplinkClk_i                     => RxClk320m,
+        uplinkClk_i                     => RXCLK320m,
         uplinkClkOutEn_o                => open, 
         uplinkRst_n_i                   => not(GBT_RX_RST), 
@@ -330,7 +333,7 @@ begin
     port map 
-        uplinkClk_i                     => RxClk320m,
+        uplinkClk_i                     => RXCLK320m,
         uplinkClkOutEn_o                => data_rdy_o, 
         uplinkRst_n_i                   => not(GBT_RX_RST), 
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_BE_Wrapper.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_BE_Wrapper.vhd
index e8860de6cbcde433c0b3b4d4b63bf68d743bc50f..d894ed20f685fed50f399dc7bd323394357569a9 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_BE_Wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_BE_Wrapper.vhd
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ signal GT_RX_WORD_CLK       : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal rxresetdone          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal data_rdy             : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal RxSlide              : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-signal UplinkRdy            : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+--signal UplinkRdy            : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal fifo_rst             : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal fifo_empty           : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal fifo_rden            : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
@@ -245,42 +245,34 @@ gbtRxTx : for i in 0 to GBT_NUM-1 generate
     lpgbt_inst: entity work.FLX_LpGBT_BE
       Port map (
-        downlinkUserData_i                      => downlinkUserData_i(i),
-        downlinkEcData_i                        => downlinkEcData_i(i),
-        downlinkIcData_i                        => downlinkIcData_i(i),
-        TXCLK40                                 => clk40_in,
-        RXCLK40                                 => rxrecclk40m,
-        TXCLK320                                => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i),
-        rxclk320m                               => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),       
-        Tx_scrambler_bypass                     =>'0',
-        Tx_Interleaver_bypass                   => '0',
-        Tx_FEC_bypass                           => '0',
-        TxData_Out                              => TX_DATA_16b(i),
-        rxdatain                                => RX_DATA_32b(i),
-        GBT_TX_RST                              => TX_RESET_i(i),
-        gbt_rx_rst                              => RX_RESET_i(i),
-        rst_patternsearch                       => not rxresetdone(i),
---        uplinkSelectDataRate_i                  => CTRL_DATARATE(i),
-        uplinkSelectFEC_i                       => CTRL_FECMODE(i),
-        uplinkBypassInterleaver_i               => GBT_General_ctrl(35),
-        uplinkBypassFECEncoder_i                => GBT_General_ctrl(36),
-        uplinkBypassScrambler_i                 => GBT_General_ctrl(37),
-        phase_sel                               => "100",
-        data_rdy                                => data_rdy(i),
---        sta_headeLocked_s                       => alignment_done_f(i),
---        sta_headerFlag_s                        => open,
---        ctr_clkSlip_s                           => RxSlide(i),
---        sta_rxGbRdy_s                           => open,
-        sta_headeLocked_o                       => alignment_done_f(i),
-        sta_headerFlag_o                        => open,
-        ctr_clkSlip_o                           => RxSlide(i),
-        sta_rxGbRdy_o                           => open,        
-        uplinkReady_o                           => UplinkRdy(i),
-        uplinkUserData_o                        => uplinkData_i(i)(229 downto 0), 
-        uplinkEcData_o                          => uplinkData_i(i)(231 downto 230),
-        uplinkIcData_o                          => uplinkData_i(i)(233 downto 232)
+        downlinkUserData_i => downlinkUserData_i(i),
+        downlinkEcData_i => downlinkEcData_i(i),
+        downlinkIcData_i => downlinkIcData_i(i),
+        TXCLK40 => clk40_in,
+        --RXCLK40                                 => rxrecclk40m,
+        TXCLK320 => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i),
+        RXCLK320m => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),
+        uplinkSelectFEC_i => CTRL_FECMODE(i),
+        --phase_sel                               => "100",
+        data_rdy => data_rdy(i),
+        Tx_scrambler_bypass => '0',
+        Tx_Interleaver_bypass => '0',
+        Tx_FEC_bypass => '0',
+        TxData_Out => TX_DATA_16b(i),
+        rxdatain => RX_DATA_32b(i),
+        GBT_TX_RST => TX_RESET_i(i),
+        GBT_RX_RST => RX_RESET_i(i),
+        uplinkBypassInterleaver_i => GBT_General_ctrl(35),
+        uplinkBypassFECEncoder_i => GBT_General_ctrl(36),
+        uplinkBypassScrambler_i => GBT_General_ctrl(37),
+        sta_headeLocked_o => alignment_done_f(i),
+        sta_headerFlag_o => open,
+        ctr_clkSlip_o => RxSlide(i),
+        --sta_rxGbRdy_o                           => open,        
+        uplinkReady_o => open, --UplinkRdy(i),
+        uplinkUserData_o => uplinkData_i(i)(229 downto 0),
+        uplinkEcData_o => uplinkData_i(i)(231 downto 230),
+        uplinkIcData_o => uplinkData_i(i)(233 downto 232)
@@ -332,28 +324,28 @@ rxclkgen_inst: rxclkgen
 clk_generate : for i in 0 to GBT_NUM-1 generate
-    GTTXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt
+    GTTXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: SIM_DEVICE, STARTUP_SYNC"
       port map(
-        i       => GT_TXOUTCLK(i),
-        div     => "000",
-        clr     => '0',
-        cemask  => '0',
+        o => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+        ce => '1',
+        cemask => '0',
+        clr => '0',
         clrmask => '0',
-        ce      => '1',
-        o       => GT_TXUSRCLK(i)
+        div => "000",
+        i => GT_TXOUTCLK(i)
-    GTRXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt
+    GTRXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: SIM_DEVICE, STARTUP_SYNC"
       port map(
-        i       => GT_RXOUTCLK(i),
-        div     => "000",
-        clr     => '0',
-        cemask  => '0',
+        o => GT_RXUSRCLK(i),
+        ce => '1',
+        cemask => '0',
+        clr => '0',
         clrmask => '0',
-        ce      => '1',
-        o       => GT_RXUSRCLK(i)
+        div => "000",
+        i => GT_RXOUTCLK(i)
@@ -378,55 +370,47 @@ GTH_inst : for i in 0 to (GBT_NUM-1)/4 generate
     GTH_TOP_INST: entity work.FLX_LpGBT_GTH_BE
         Port map
-            gthrxn_in                               => RX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            gthrxp_in                               => RX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            gthtxn_out                              => TX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            gthtxp_out                              => TX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            drpclk_in                               => drpclk_vec(i downto i),
-            gtrefclk0_in                            => GTHREFCLK(4*i downto 4*i),
-            gt_rxusrclk_in                          => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            gt_rxoutclk_out                         => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            gt_txusrclk_in                          => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            gt_txoutclk_out                         => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            userdata_tx_in                          => TX_DATA_64b(i),
-            userdata_rx_out                         => RX_DATA_128b(i),
-            rxpolarity_in                           => CTRL_RXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            txpolarity_in                           => CTRL_TXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            loopback_in                             => "000",
-            rxcdrhold_in                            => '0',
-            userclk_rx_reset_in                     => userclk_rx_reset_in(i downto i),--(others=>(not rxpmaresetdone_out(i))),--locked,
-            userclk_tx_reset_in                     => userclk_tx_reset_in(i downto i),--(others=>(not txpmaresetdone_out(i))),--,--locked,
-            reset_all_in                            => CTRL_SOFT_RESET(i downto i),
-            reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in            => CTRL_TXPLL_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
-            reset_tx_datapath_in                    => CTRL_TX_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
-            reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in            => CTRL_RXPLL_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
-            reset_rx_datapath_in                    => RX_DATAPATH_RESET_FINL(i downto i),--CTRL_RX_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),-- may need to add auto reset in the future?
-            qpll0lock_out                           => open,
-            qpll1lock_out                           => MON_QPLL_LCK(i downto i),
-            qpll1fbclklost_out                      => open,--
-            qpll0fbclklost_out                      => open,
-            rxslide_in                              => RxSlide(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            cplllock_out                            => MON_CPLL_LCK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            rxresetdone_out                         => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            txresetdone_out                         => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            rxpmaresetdone_out                      => rxpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            txpmaresetdone_out                      => txpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-            reset_tx_done_out                       => txresetdone_quad(i downto i),
-            reset_rx_done_out                       => rxresetdone_quad(i downto i),
-            reset_rx_cdr_stable_out                 => RxCdrLock_quad(i downto i),
-            rxcdrlock_out                           => rxcdrlock_out(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
+            gt_rxusrclk_in => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            gt_txusrclk_in => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            gt_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            gt_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            gthrxn_in => RX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            gthrxp_in => RX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            gthtxn_out => TX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            gthtxp_out => TX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            drpclk_in => drpclk_vec(i downto i),
+            gtrefclk0_in => GTHREFCLK(4*i downto 4*i),
+            rxpolarity_in => CTRL_RXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            txpolarity_in => CTRL_TXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            loopback_in => "000",
+            rxcdrhold_in => '0',
+            userdata_tx_in => TX_DATA_64b(i),
+            userdata_rx_out => RX_DATA_128b(i),
+            userclk_rx_reset_in => userclk_rx_reset_in(i downto i), --(others=>(not rxpmaresetdone_out(i))),--locked,
+            userclk_tx_reset_in => userclk_tx_reset_in(i downto i), --(others=>(not txpmaresetdone_out(i))),--,--locked,
+            reset_all_in => CTRL_SOFT_RESET(i downto i),
+            reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => CTRL_TXPLL_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
+            reset_tx_datapath_in => CTRL_TX_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
+            reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => CTRL_RXPLL_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
+            reset_rx_datapath_in => RX_DATAPATH_RESET_FINL(i downto i), --CTRL_RX_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),-- may need to add auto reset in the future?
+            qpll1lock_out => MON_QPLL_LCK(i downto i),
+            qpll1fbclklost_out => open, --
+            qpll0lock_out => open,
+            qpll0fbclklost_out => open,
+            rxslide_in => RxSlide(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            txresetdone_out => TxResetDone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            txpmaresetdone_out => txpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            rxpmaresetdone_out => rxpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            reset_tx_done_out => txresetdone_quad(i downto i),
+            reset_rx_done_out => rxresetdone_quad(i downto i),
+            reset_rx_cdr_stable_out => RxCdrLock_quad(i downto i),
+            rxcdrlock_out => rxcdrlock_out(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+            cplllock_out => MON_CPLL_LCK(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
     MON_RXRSTDONE(4*i+3 downto 4*i)             <= rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i);
-    MON_TXRSTDONE(4*i+3 downto 4*i)             <= txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i);
+    MON_TXRSTDONE(4*i+3 downto 4*i)             <= TxResetDone(4*i+3 downto 4*i);
     MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD(i downto i)              <= rxresetdone_quad(i downto i);
     MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD(i downto i)              <= txresetdone_quad(i downto i);
     MON_RXPMARSTDONE(4*i+3 downto 4*i)          <= rxpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i);
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_FE.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_FE.vhd
index 41ed36e3795de1b29be759ac055fa7af32bfd458..64d6ead111240aa6087d9682f8374122de760323 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_FE.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_FE.vhd
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
@@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ entity FLX_LpGBT_FE is
         clk_mgtRxUsrclk_s               : in std_logic; 
         clk_mgtTxUsrclk_s               : in std_logic;
         rst_uplink_i                    : in std_logic;
-        uplinkClkEn_i                   : in std_logic;
+        --uplinkClkEn_i                   : in std_logic;
         ctr_clkSlip_s                   : out std_logic;
         aligned                         : out std_logic;
-        uplinkRdy_o                     : out std_logic;
-        downlinkRdy_o                   : out std_logic;
+        --uplinkRdy_o                     : out std_logic;
+        --downlinkRdy_o                   : out std_logic;
         sta_headerFlag_o                : out std_logic;
         sta_headerFlag_shift            : out std_logic;
-        sta_rxgbxRdy_o                  : out std_logic;
+        --sta_rxgbxRdy_o                  : out std_logic;
         clk_dataFlag_rxGb_s_o           : out std_logic;
         dat_upLinkWord_fromGb_s         : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
         dat_downLinkWord_fromMgt_s16    : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-        sta_mgtTxRdy_s                  : in std_logic;
+        --sta_mgtTxRdy_s                  : in std_logic;
         rst_dnlink_i                    : in std_logic;
         sta_mgtRxRdy_s                  : in std_logic;
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ end FLX_LpGBT_FE;
 architecture Behavioral of FLX_LpGBT_FE is
-    signal clk_mgtTxUsrclkToEmul_s              : std_logic;
-    signal clk_mgtRxUsrclkToEmul_s              : std_logic;
+    --signal clk_mgtTxUsrclkToEmul_s              : std_logic;
+    --signal clk_mgtRxUsrclkToEmul_s              : std_logic;
     signal rst_pattsearch_s                     : std_logic;
@@ -101,41 +101,41 @@ architecture Behavioral of FLX_LpGBT_FE is
     signal sta_headerFlag_s_r1                  : std_logic;
     signal sta_headerFlag_s_r2                  : std_logic;
-    signal sta_rxgbxRdy_s                       : std_logic;
+    --signal sta_rxgbxRdy_s                       : std_logic;
     signal sta_headerFlag_s_r3                  : std_logic;
     signal sta_headerFlag_s_r4                  : std_logic;
-    signal rstn_datapath_s                      : std_logic;
-    signal rst_datapath_s                       : std_logic;
+    --signal rstn_datapath_s                      : std_logic;
+    --signal rst_datapath_s                       : std_logic;
     signal dat_downLinkWord_fromGb_s            : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-    signal dat_downLinkWord_fromGbInv_s         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+    --signal dat_downLinkWord_fromGbInv_s         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
     signal dat_downLinkWord_toPattSrch_s        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    signal downlinkRdy_s0                       : std_logic;
-    signal downlinkRdy_s1                       : std_logic;
+    --signal downlinkRdy_s0                       : std_logic;
+    --signal downlinkRdy_s1                       : std_logic;
-    signal uplinkClkEn_sh_s                     : std_logic;
-    signal uplinkClkEn_shgb_s                   : std_logic;
-    signal sta_txGbRdy_s                        : std_logic;
+    --signal uplinkClkEn_sh_s                     : std_logic;
+    --signal uplinkClkEn_shgb_s                   : std_logic;
+    --signal sta_txGbRdy_s                        : std_logic;
     signal dat_upLinkWord_fromLpGBT_s           : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
-    signal dat_upLinkWord_fromLpGBT_pipeline_s  : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
-    signal dat_upLinkWord_toGb_s                : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
+    --signal dat_upLinkWord_fromLpGBT_pipeline_s  : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
+    --signal dat_upLinkWord_toGb_s                : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
     signal dat_upLinkWord_toGb_pipeline_s       : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
     signal dat_upLinkWord_toGb_pipeline_s_r     : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
     signal dat_upLinkWord_toGb_pipeline_s_inv   : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
-    signal rst_uplinkGb_s                       : std_logic;
+    --signal rst_uplinkGb_s                       : std_logic;
     signal RXCLK40_r                            : std_logic;
-    signal rst_uplinkGb_synch_s                 : std_logic;
-    signal rst_uplinkMgt_s                      : std_logic;
+    --signal rst_uplinkGb_synch_s                 : std_logic;
+    --signal rst_uplinkMgt_s                      : std_logic;
     signal sel                                  : std_logic;
-    signal rst_uplinkInitDone_s                 : std_logic;
-    signal rst_downlinkInitDone_s               : std_logic;
+    --signal rst_uplinkInitDone_s                 : std_logic;
+    --signal rst_downlinkInitDone_s               : std_logic;
-    signal RX_CLKEn_s                           : std_logic;
-    signal RX_CLK40_s                           : std_logic;
+    --signal RX_CLKEn_s                           : std_logic;
+    --signal RX_CLK40_s                           : std_logic;
     signal TXCLK40_r                            : std_logic;
     signal downLinkDataIc_s                     : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of FLX_LpGBT_FE is
     signal downLinkDataGroup1_s                 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
     signal downLinkDataGroup0_s                 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    signal clk_dataFlag_rxGb_s                  : std_logic;
+    constant clk_dataFlag_rxGb_s                  : std_logic := '0';
     signal txcnt                                : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
     signal count_rx                             : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
     signal upLinkData0_s                        : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
@@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ architecture Behavioral of FLX_LpGBT_FE is
     signal upLinkData5_s                        : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
     signal dat_downLinkWord_fromMgt_s           : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
     signal upLinkData6_s                        : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-    signal upLinkDataIC_s                       : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    signal upLinkDataEC_s                       : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+    --signal upLinkDataIC_s                       : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+    --signal upLinkDataEC_s                       : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
     signal dat_downLinkWord_fromMgt_s64         : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
     signal dat_downLinkWord_fromGb_s_buf        : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
     signal dat_downLinkWord_fromMgt_s8          : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    COMPONENT LpGBT_Model_dataPath
+    COMPONENT LpGBT_Model_dataPath --@suppress
        PORT (
             -- Clock
             upClki                           : in  std_logic;
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of FLX_LpGBT_FE is
     signal sta_headerFlag_s_vec: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
     signal sta_headerFlag_s0: std_logic;
-    COMPONENT mgt_framealigner
+    COMPONENT mgt_framealigner--@suppress
         generic (
             c_wordRatio                      : integer;
             c_headerPattern                  : std_logic_vector;
@@ -271,21 +271,21 @@ begin
     aligned                 <= sta_headeLocked_s;
     sta_headerFlag_o        <= sta_headerFlag_s0;
     sta_headerFlag_shift    <= sta_headerFlag_s;
-    sta_rxgbxRdy_o          <= sta_rxgbxRdy_s;
+    --sta_rxgbxRdy_o          <= sta_rxgbxRdy_s;
     clk_dataFlag_rxGb_s_o   <= clk_dataFlag_rxGb_s;
     downLinkData(15 downto 0)       <= downLinkDataGroup0_s;
     downLinkData(31 downto 16)      <= downLinkDataGroup1_s;
-    downLinkDataEc                  <= downLinkDataEc_s;
-    downLinkDataIc                  <= downLinkDataIc_s;
+    downLinkDataEC                  <= downLinkDataEc_s;
+    downLinkDataIC                  <= downLinkDataIc_s;
     rst_pattsearch_s                <= not(sta_mgtRxRdy_s);
-    rst_datapath_s                  <= not(sta_headeLocked_s);
+    --rst_datapath_s                  <= not(sta_headeLocked_s);
-    rst_uplinkGb_s                  <= rst_uplink_i or not(sta_mgtTxRdy_s);-- or not(sta_headeLocked_s);
+    --rst_uplinkGb_s                  <= rst_uplink_i or not(sta_mgtTxRdy_s);-- or not(sta_headeLocked_s);
-    uplinkRdy_o                     <= sta_txGbRdy_s;
+    --uplinkRdy_o                     <= sta_txGbRdy_s;
     -- Pattern aligner
@@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ begin
         c_allowedFalseHeader             => 32,
         c_allowedFalseHeaderOverN        => 40,
         c_requiredTrueHeader             => 30,
+        c_resetOnEven                    => 0,
         c_bitslip_mindly                 => 40
     port map (     
@@ -444,8 +445,8 @@ begin
     upLinkData4_s       <= upLinkData(159 downto 128);
     upLinkData5_s       <= upLinkData(191 downto 160);
     upLinkData6_s       <= upLinkData(223 downto 192);
-    upLinkDataIC_s      <= upLinkDataIC;
-    upLinkDataEC_s      <= upLinkDataEC;
+    --upLinkDataIC_s      <= upLinkDataIC;
+    --upLinkDataEC_s      <= upLinkDataEC;
     -- LpGBT Model
     LpGBT_Model_dataPath_inst: LpGBT_Model_dataPath
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_FE_Wrapper.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_FE_Wrapper.vhd
index 7271e79a93a8438ac3cdf7c07ed5079191202ef0..06b489f8998d87885ad3c1a9ac9a2b7982636bee 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_FE_Wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_FE_Wrapper.vhd
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ signal TxResetDone          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal GT_TX_WORD_CLK       : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal GT_RX_WORD_CLK       : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal rxresetdone          : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-signal data_rdy             : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+--signal data_rdy             : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal RxSlide              : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
-signal UplinkRdy            : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
+--signal UplinkRdy            : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal fifo_rst             : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal fifo_empty           : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
 signal fifo_rden            : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM-1 downto 0);
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ signal RX_DATAPATH_RESET_FINL   : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0);
 signal GBT_General_ctrl     : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-type txrx80b_12ch_type        is array (GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
-signal RX_DATA_80b            : txrx80b_12ch_type;
+--type txrx80b_12ch_type        is array (GBT_NUM/4-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
+--signal RX_DATA_80b            : txrx80b_12ch_type;
 type data16barray       is array (0 to GBT_NUM-1) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
 type data32barray       is array (0 to GBT_NUM-1) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
 type data128barray       is array (0 to GBT_NUM/4-1) of std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
@@ -243,44 +243,41 @@ gbtRxTx : for i in 0 to GBT_NUM-1 generate
     Port map
-        TXCLK40                     => clk40_in,
-        RXCLK40                     => rxrecclk40m,
-        phase_sel                   => "100",
-        downLinkBypassDeinterleaver => '0',
-        downLinkBypassFECDecoder    => '0',
-        downLinkBypassDescsrambler  => '0',
-        enableFECErrCounter         => '0',
-        upLinkScramblerBypass       => GBT_General_ctrl(32),
-        upLinkFecBypass             =>  GBT_General_ctrl(33),
-        upLinkInterleaverBypass     =>  GBT_General_ctrl(34),
-        fecMode                     => CTRL_FECMODE(i),
-        txDataRate                  => CTRL_DATARATE(i),
-        rst_uplink_i                => TX_RESET_i(i),
-        rst_dnlink_i                => (not rxclk_locked) or RX_RESET_i(i),
-        uplinkClkEn_i               => '1',
-        clk_mgtRxUsrclk_s           => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),
-        clk_mgtTxUsrclk_s           => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i),
-        sta_headerFlag_o            => open,--sta_headerFlag_o(i),
-        sta_headerFlag_shift        => open,--sta_headerFlag_shift(i),
-        sta_rxgbxRdy_o              => open,--sta_rxgbxRdy_o(i), 
-        ctr_clkSlip_s               => RxSlide(i),
-        aligned                     => alignment_done_f(i),
-        downlinkRdy_o               => open,--downlinkrdy(i),
-        uplinkRdy_o                 => open,
-        dat_upLinkWord_fromGb_s     => TX_DATA_32b(i),
+        TXCLK40 => clk40_in,
+        RXCLK40 => rxrecclk40m,
+        --uplinkClkEn_i               => '1',
+        clk_mgtRxUsrclk_s => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(i),
+        clk_mgtTxUsrclk_s => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(i),
+        rst_uplink_i => TX_RESET_i(i),
+        --sta_rxgbxRdy_o              => open,--sta_rxgbxRdy_o(i), 
+        ctr_clkSlip_s => RxSlide(i),
+        aligned => alignment_done_f(i),
+        sta_headerFlag_o => open, --sta_headerFlag_o(i),
+        sta_headerFlag_shift => open, --sta_headerFlag_shift(i),
+        clk_dataFlag_rxGb_s_o => open, --clk_dataFlag_rxGb_s_o(i),
+        --downlinkRdy_o               => open,--downlinkrdy(i),
+        --uplinkRdy_o                 => open,
+        dat_upLinkWord_fromGb_s => TX_DATA_32b(i),
         dat_downLinkWord_fromMgt_s16 => RX_DATA_16b(i),
-        sta_mgtTxRdy_s              => txresetdone(i),
-        sta_mgtRxRdy_s              => rxresetdone(i),
-        clk_dataFlag_rxGb_s_o       => open,--clk_dataFlag_rxGb_s_o(i),
-        upLinkData                  => FE_UPLINK_USER_DATA(i),
-        upLinkDataIC                => FE_UPLINK_IC_DATA(i),
-        upLinkDataEC                => FE_UPLINK_EC_DATA(i),
-        downLinkData                => downLinkData_i(i)(31 downto 0),
-        downLinkDataIC              => downLinkData_i(i)(33 downto 32),
-        downLinkDataEC              => downLinkData_i(i)(35 downto 34)
+        rst_dnlink_i => (not rxclk_locked) or RX_RESET_i(i),
+        --sta_mgtTxRdy_s              => txresetdone(i),
+        sta_mgtRxRdy_s => rxresetdone(i),
+        downLinkBypassDeinterleaver => '0',
+        downLinkBypassFECDecoder => '0',
+        downLinkBypassDescsrambler => '0',
+        enableFECErrCounter => '0',
+        upLinkScramblerBypass => GBT_General_ctrl(32),
+        upLinkFecBypass => GBT_General_ctrl(33),
+        upLinkInterleaverBypass => GBT_General_ctrl(34),
+        fecMode => CTRL_FECMODE(i),
+        txDataRate => CTRL_DATARATE(i),
+        phase_sel => "100",
+        upLinkData => FE_UPLINK_USER_DATA(i),
+        upLinkDataIC => FE_UPLINK_IC_DATA(i),
+        upLinkDataEC => FE_UPLINK_EC_DATA(i),
+        downLinkData => downLinkData_i(i)(31 downto 0),
+        downLinkDataIC => downLinkData_i(i)(33 downto 32),
+        downLinkDataEC => downLinkData_i(i)(35 downto 34)
@@ -324,28 +321,28 @@ rxclkgen_inst: rxclkgen
 clk_generate : for i in 0 to GBT_NUM-1 generate
-    GTTXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt
+    GTTXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: SIM_DEVICE, STARTUP_SYNC"
         port map(
-            i       => GT_TXOUTCLK(i),
-            div     => "000",
-            clr     => '0',--userclk_tx_reset_in,--'0',
-            cemask  => '0',
+            o => GT_TXUSRCLK(i),
+            ce => '1',
+            cemask => '0',
+            clr => '0', --userclk_tx_reset_in,--'0',
             clrmask => '0',
-            ce      => '1',
-            o       => GT_TXUSRCLK(i)
+            div => "000",
+            i => GT_TXOUTCLK(i)
-    GTRXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt
+    GTRXOUTCLK_BUFG: bufg_gt -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: SIM_DEVICE, STARTUP_SYNC"
         port map(
-            i       => GT_RXOUTCLK(i),
-            div     => "000",
-            clr     => '0',--userclk_tx_reset_in,--'0',
-            cemask  => '0',
+            o => GT_RXUSRCLK(i),
+            ce => '1',
+            cemask => '0',
+            clr => '0', --userclk_tx_reset_in,--'0',
             clrmask => '0',
-            ce      => '1',
-            o       => GT_RXUSRCLK(i)
+            div => "000",
+            i => GT_RXOUTCLK(i)
@@ -373,55 +370,48 @@ GTH_inst : for i in 0 to (GBT_NUM/4)-1 generate
     GTH_TOP_INST: entity work.FLX_LpGBT_GTH_FE
     Port map
-        gthrxn_in                       => RX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gthrxp_in                       => RX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gthtxn_out                      => TX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gthtxp_out                      => TX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        drpclk_in                       => drpclk_vec(i downto i),
-        gtrefclk0_in                    => GTHREFCLK(4*i downto 4*i),
-        gt_rxusrclk_in                  => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_rxoutclk_out                 => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_txusrclk_in                  => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        gt_txoutclk_out                 => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        userdata_tx_in                  =>  TX_DATA_128b(i),
-        userdata_rx_out                 =>  RX_DATA_64b(i),
-        rxpolarity_in                   => CTRL_RXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        txpolarity_in                   => CTRL_TXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        loopback_in                     => "000",
-        rxcdrhold_in                    => '0',
-        userclk_rx_reset_in             => userclk_rx_reset_in(i downto i),--(others=>(not rxpmaresetdone_out(i))),--locked,
-        userclk_tx_reset_in             => userclk_tx_reset_in(i downto i),--(others=>(not txpmaresetdone_out(i))),--,--locked,
-        reset_all_in                           => CTRL_SOFT_RESET(i downto i),
-        reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in           => CTRL_TXPLL_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
-        reset_tx_datapath_in                   => CTRL_TX_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
-        reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in           => CTRL_RXPLL_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
-        reset_rx_datapath_in                   => RX_DATAPATH_RESET_FINL(i downto i),
-        qpll0lock_out                          => open,
-        qpll1lock_out                          => MON_QPLL_LCK(i downto i),
-        qpll1fbclklost_out                     => open,--
-        qpll0fbclklost_out                     => open,
-        rxslide_in                             => RxSlide(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        cplllock_out                            => MON_CPLL_LCK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        rxresetdone_out                         => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        txresetdone_out                         => txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        rxpmaresetdone_out                      => rxpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        txpmaresetdone_out                      => txpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
-        reset_tx_done_out                       => txresetdone_quad(i downto i),
-        reset_rx_done_out                       => rxresetdone_quad(i downto i),
-        reset_rx_cdr_stable_out                 => RxCdrLock_quad(i downto i),
-        rxcdrlock_out                           => rxcdrlock_out(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
+        gt_rxusrclk_in => GT_RX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_txusrclk_in => GT_TX_WORD_CLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_rxoutclk_out => GT_RXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gt_txoutclk_out => GT_TXOUTCLK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gthrxn_in => RX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gthrxp_in => RX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gthtxn_out => TX_N_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        gthtxp_out => TX_P_i(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        drpclk_in => drpclk_vec(i downto i),
+        gtrefclk0_in => GTHREFCLK(4*i downto 4*i),
+        rxpolarity_in => CTRL_RXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        txpolarity_in => CTRL_TXPOLARITY(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        loopback_in => "000",
+        rxcdrhold_in => '0',
+        userdata_tx_in => TX_DATA_128b(i),
+        userdata_rx_out => RX_DATA_64b(i),
+        userclk_rx_reset_in => userclk_rx_reset_in(i downto i), --(others=>(not rxpmaresetdone_out(i))),--locked,
+        userclk_tx_reset_in => userclk_tx_reset_in(i downto i), --(others=>(not txpmaresetdone_out(i))),--,--locked,
+        reset_all_in => CTRL_SOFT_RESET(i downto i),
+        reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => CTRL_TXPLL_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
+        reset_tx_datapath_in => CTRL_TX_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
+        reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => CTRL_RXPLL_DATAPATH_RESET(i downto i),
+        reset_rx_datapath_in => RX_DATAPATH_RESET_FINL(i downto i),
+        qpll1lock_out => MON_QPLL_LCK(i downto i),
+        qpll1fbclklost_out => open, --
+        qpll0lock_out => open,
+        qpll0fbclklost_out => open,
+        rxslide_in => RxSlide(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        txresetdone_out => TxResetDone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        txpmaresetdone_out => txpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        rxpmaresetdone_out => rxpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        cplllock_out => MON_CPLL_LCK(4*i+3 downto 4*i),
+        reset_tx_done_out => txresetdone_quad(i downto i),
+        reset_rx_done_out => rxresetdone_quad(i downto i),
+        reset_rx_cdr_stable_out => RxCdrLock_quad(i downto i),
+        rxcdrlock_out => rxcdrlock_out(4*i+3 downto 4*i)
     MON_RXRSTDONE(4*i+3 downto 4*i)             <= rxresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i);
-    MON_TXRSTDONE(4*i+3 downto 4*i)             <= txresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i);
+    MON_TXRSTDONE(4*i+3 downto 4*i)             <= TxResetDone(4*i+3 downto 4*i);
     MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD(i downto i)              <= rxresetdone_quad(i downto i);
     MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD(i downto i)              <= txresetdone_quad(i downto i);
     MON_RXPMARSTDONE(4*i+3 downto 4*i)          <= rxpmaresetdone(4*i+3 downto 4*i);
@@ -481,4 +471,4 @@ end process;
-end Behavioral;
\ No newline at end of file
+end Behavioral;
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_GTH_BE.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_GTH_BE.vhd
index 394fbab597642c81d1215dc99641afa1ce4126af..ebdda80eaf2ded0eff0de1117f942fb78029e6d9 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_GTH_BE.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_GTH_BE.vhd
@@ -93,60 +93,58 @@ end FLX_LpGBT_GTH_BE;
 architecture Behavioral of FLX_LpGBT_GTH_BE is
-  component KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT is
-    port(
-    gtrefclk0_in: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    drpclk_in: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    gtpowergood_out: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    --txprgdivresetdone_out: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    cplllock_out : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in          : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in     : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out          : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_all_in                    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out               : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out               : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userdata_tx_in                  : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userdata_rx_out                 : out std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
-      gtrefclk01_in                         : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll1outclk_out                       : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll1outrefclk_out                    : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      loopback_in                           : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-      gthrxn_in                             : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gthrxp_in                             : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxcdrhold_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxpolarity_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxusrclk_in                           : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxusrclk2_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txpolarity_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txusrclk_in                           : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      qpll1lock_out                         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll1fbclklost_out                    : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll0fbclklost_out                    : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll0lock_out                         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      txusrclk2_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gthtxn_out                            : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gthtxp_out                            : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxslide_in                            : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxcdrlock_out                         : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxoutclk_out                          : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxpmaresetdone_out                    : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txoutclk_out                          : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txresetdone_out                       : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxresetdone_out                       : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txpmaresetdone_out                    : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
+      port(
+          gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in  : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_all_in                 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          gtwiz_userdata_tx_in               : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
+          gtwiz_userdata_rx_out              : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0);
+          gtrefclk01_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll0fbclklost_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll0lock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll1fbclklost_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll1lock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll1outclk_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          qpll1outrefclk_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+          drpclk_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          gthrxn_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          gthrxp_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          gtrefclk0_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          loopback_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(11 downto 0);
+          rxcdrhold_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxpolarity_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxslide_in                         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxusrclk_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxusrclk2_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txpolarity_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txusrclk_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txusrclk2_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          cplllock_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          gthtxn_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          gthtxp_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          gtpowergood_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxcdrlock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxoutclk_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxpmaresetdone_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          rxresetdone_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txoutclk_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txpmaresetdone_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+          txresetdone_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)
-  end component;
+  end component KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT;
   signal rxusrclk               : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
@@ -161,12 +159,10 @@ architecture Behavioral of FLX_LpGBT_GTH_BE is
   signal userclk_rx_active_out_p: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
   signal userclk_tx_active_out_p: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
   signal txusrclk               : std_logic;
-  signal vccvec                 : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
   signal gndvec                 : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  vccvec(0)     <= '1';
   gndvec(0)     <= '0';
    -- RxUsrClk
   rxusrclk      <= gt_rxusrclk_in;
@@ -221,58 +217,54 @@ begin
   gtwizard_ultrascale_four_channel_qpll_inst:  KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT
     port map(
-      gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in            => userclk_tx_active_out,
-      gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in            => userclk_rx_active_out,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in          => gndvec,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in     => gndvec,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out          => open,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out         => open,
-      gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in            => drpclk_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_all_in                    => reset_all_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in    => reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in            => reset_tx_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in    => reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in            => reset_rx_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out         => reset_rx_cdr_stable_out,
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out               => reset_tx_done_out,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out               => reset_rx_done_out,
-  gtrefclk0_in=> gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0),
-          drpclk_in=>drpclk_in(0) & drpclk_in(0) &  drpclk_in(0) & drpclk_in(0),
-          gtpowergood_out=> open,
-          cplllock_out => cplllock_out,
-         -- txprgdivresetdone_out=> open,
-      qpll1lock_out                         => qpll1lock_out,
-      qpll0lock_out                         => qpll0lock_out,
-      qpll1fbclklost_out                    => qpll1fbclklost_out,
-      qpll0fbclklost_out                    => qpll0fbclklost_out,
-      gtwiz_userdata_tx_in                  => userdata_tx_in,
-      gtwiz_userdata_rx_out                 => userdata_rx_out,
-      gtrefclk01_in                         => gtrefclk0_in,
-      loopback_in                           => loopback_in & loopback_in & loopback_in & loopback_in,
-      qpll1outclk_out                       => open,
-      qpll1outrefclk_out                    => open,
-      gthrxn_in                             => gthrxn_in,
-      gthrxp_in                             => gthrxp_in,
-      rxcdrhold_in                          => (others=>rxcdrhold_in),
-      rxpolarity_in                         => rxpolarity_in,
-      rxusrclk_in                           => rxusrclk_int,
-      rxusrclk2_in                          => rxusrclk2_int,
-      txpolarity_in                         => txpolarity_in,
-      txusrclk_in                           => txusrclk_int,
-      txusrclk2_in                          => txusrclk2_int,
-      gthtxn_out                            => gthtxn_out,
-      gthtxp_out                            => gthtxp_out,
-      rxcdrlock_out                         => rxcdrlock_out,
-      rxoutclk_out                          => rxoutclk_int,
-      rxpmaresetdone_out                    => rxpmaresetdone_out,
-      rxslide_in                            => rxslide_in,
-      txoutclk_out                          => txoutclk_int,
-      txpmaresetdone_out                    => txpmaresetdone_out,
-      txresetdone_out                       => txresetdone_out,
-      rxresetdone_out                       => rxresetdone_out
+      gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in => userclk_tx_active_out,
+      gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in => userclk_rx_active_out,
+      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in => gndvec,
+      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in => gndvec,
+      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out => open,
+      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out => open,
+      gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in => drpclk_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_all_in => reset_all_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in => reset_tx_datapath_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in => reset_rx_datapath_in,
+      gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out => reset_rx_cdr_stable_out,
+      gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out => reset_tx_done_out,
+      gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out => reset_rx_done_out,
+      gtwiz_userdata_tx_in => userdata_tx_in,
+      gtwiz_userdata_rx_out => userdata_rx_out,
+      gtrefclk01_in => gtrefclk0_in,
+      qpll0fbclklost_out => qpll0fbclklost_out,
+      qpll0lock_out => qpll0lock_out,
+      qpll1fbclklost_out => qpll1fbclklost_out,
+      qpll1lock_out => qpll1lock_out,
+      qpll1outclk_out => open,
+      qpll1outrefclk_out => open,
+      drpclk_in => drpclk_in(0) & drpclk_in(0) &  drpclk_in(0) & drpclk_in(0),
+      gthrxn_in => gthrxn_in,
+      gthrxp_in => gthrxp_in,
+      gtrefclk0_in => gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0),
+      loopback_in => loopback_in & loopback_in & loopback_in & loopback_in,
+      rxcdrhold_in => (others=>rxcdrhold_in),
+      rxpolarity_in => rxpolarity_in,
+      rxslide_in => rxslide_in,
+      rxusrclk_in => rxusrclk_int,
+      rxusrclk2_in => rxusrclk2_int,
+      txpolarity_in => txpolarity_in,
+      txusrclk_in => txusrclk_int,
+      txusrclk2_in => txusrclk2_int,
+      cplllock_out => cplllock_out,
+      gthtxn_out => gthtxn_out,
+      gthtxp_out => gthtxp_out,
+      gtpowergood_out => open,
+      rxcdrlock_out => rxcdrlock_out,
+      rxoutclk_out => rxoutclk_int,
+      rxpmaresetdone_out => rxpmaresetdone_out,
+      rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone_out,
+      txoutclk_out => txoutclk_int,
+      txpmaresetdone_out => txpmaresetdone_out,
+      txresetdone_out => txresetdone_out
 --end generate;
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_GTH_FE.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_GTH_FE.vhd
index 2fe0d6808af71c65a946388edbcd3a75456f4970..b872d2ee2f62661644b0bafdbd418236ff49eb48 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_GTH_FE.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_GTH_FE.vhd
@@ -94,62 +94,58 @@ end FLX_LpGBT_GTH_FE;
 architecture Behavioral of FLX_LpGBT_GTH_FE is
-  port
-  (
-      gtrefclk0_in: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gtpowergood_out : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    --txprgdivresetdone_out : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      drpclk_in: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);   
-      cplllock_out : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in          : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in     : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out          : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_all_in                    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in    : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in            : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out               : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out               : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userdata_tx_in                  : in std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
-      gtwiz_userdata_rx_out                 : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-      gtrefclk01_in                         : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll1outclk_out                       : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll1outrefclk_out                    : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      loopback_in                           : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-      gthrxn_in                             : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gthrxp_in                             : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxcdrhold_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxpolarity_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxusrclk_in                           : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxusrclk2_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txpolarity_in                         : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txusrclk_in                           : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      qpll1lock_out                         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll1fbclklost_out                    : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll0fbclklost_out                    : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      qpll0lock_out                         : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-      txusrclk2_in                          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gthtxn_out                            : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      gthtxp_out                            : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxslide_in                            : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxcdrlock_out                         : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxoutclk_out                          : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxpmaresetdone_out                    : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txoutclk_out                          : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txresetdone_out                       : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      rxresetdone_out                       : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      txpmaresetdone_out                    : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
-      );
-  end component;
+    port(
+        gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in  : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_all_in                 : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        gtwiz_userdata_tx_in               : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0);
+        gtwiz_userdata_rx_out              : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
+        gtrefclk01_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        qpll0fbclklost_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        qpll0lock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        qpll1fbclklost_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        qpll1lock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        qpll1outclk_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        qpll1outrefclk_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 0);
+        drpclk_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gthrxn_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gthrxp_in                          : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gtrefclk0_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        loopback_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(11 downto 0);
+        rxcdrhold_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxpolarity_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxslide_in                         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxusrclk_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxusrclk2_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txpolarity_in                      : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txusrclk_in                        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txusrclk2_in                       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        cplllock_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gthtxn_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gthtxp_out                         : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        gtpowergood_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxcdrlock_out                      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxoutclk_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxpmaresetdone_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        rxresetdone_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txoutclk_out                       : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txpmaresetdone_out                 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
+        txresetdone_out                    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)
+    );
   signal rxusrclk               : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
@@ -164,12 +160,10 @@ component KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_FE4CH_LPGBT is
   signal userclk_rx_active_out_p: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
   signal userclk_tx_active_out_p: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
   signal txusrclk               : std_logic;
-  signal vccvec                 : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
   signal gndvec                 : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  vccvec(0)     <= '1';
   gndvec(0)     <= '0';
    -- RxUsrClk
   rxusrclk      <= gt_rxusrclk_in;
@@ -224,61 +218,54 @@ begin
   gtwizard_ultrascale_four_channel_qpll_inst:  KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_FE4CH_LPGBT
     port map(
+         gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in => userclk_tx_active_out,
+         gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in => userclk_rx_active_out,
+         gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in => gndvec,
+         gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in => gndvec,
+         gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out => open,
+         gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out => open,
+         gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in => drpclk_in,
+         gtwiz_reset_all_in => reset_all_in,
+         gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in => reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in,
+         gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in => reset_tx_datapath_in,
+         gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in => reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in,
+         gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in => reset_rx_datapath_in,
+         gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out => reset_rx_cdr_stable_out,
+         gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out => reset_tx_done_out,
+         gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out => reset_rx_done_out,
+         gtwiz_userdata_tx_in => userdata_tx_in,
+         gtwiz_userdata_rx_out => userdata_rx_out,
+         gtrefclk01_in => gtrefclk0_in,
+         qpll0fbclklost_out => qpll0fbclklost_out,
+         qpll0lock_out => qpll0lock_out,
+         qpll1fbclklost_out => qpll1fbclklost_out,
+         qpll1lock_out => qpll1lock_out,
+         qpll1outclk_out => open,
+         qpll1outrefclk_out => open,
          drpclk_in => (others=>drpclk_in(0)),
-     gtrefclk0_in=> gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0),
-             gtpowergood_out => open,
-            -- txprgdivresetdone_out => open,
-      gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in            => userclk_tx_active_out,
-      gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in            => userclk_rx_active_out,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in          => gndvec,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in     => gndvec,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out          => open,
-      gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out         => open,
-      gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in            => drpclk_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_all_in                    => reset_all_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in    => reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in            => reset_tx_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in    => reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in            => reset_rx_datapath_in,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out         => reset_rx_cdr_stable_out,
-      gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out               => reset_tx_done_out,
-      gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out               => reset_rx_done_out,
-  cplllock_out => cplllock_out ,
-      qpll1lock_out                         => qpll1lock_out,
-      qpll0lock_out                         => qpll0lock_out,
-      qpll1fbclklost_out                    => qpll1fbclklost_out,
-      qpll0fbclklost_out                    => qpll0fbclklost_out,
-      gtwiz_userdata_tx_in                  => userdata_tx_in,
-      gtwiz_userdata_rx_out                 => userdata_rx_out,
-      gtrefclk01_in                         => gtrefclk0_in,
-      loopback_in                           => loopback_in & loopback_in & loopback_in & loopback_in,
-      qpll1outclk_out                       => open,
-      qpll1outrefclk_out                    => open,
-      gthrxn_in                             => gthrxn_in,
-      gthrxp_in                             => gthrxp_in,
-      rxcdrhold_in                          => (others=>rxcdrhold_in),
-      rxpolarity_in                         => rxpolarity_in,
-      rxusrclk_in                           => rxusrclk_int,
-      rxusrclk2_in                          => rxusrclk2_int,
-      txpolarity_in                         => txpolarity_in,
-      txusrclk_in                           => txusrclk_int,
-      txusrclk2_in                          => txusrclk2_int,
-      gthtxn_out                            => gthtxn_out,
-      gthtxp_out                            => gthtxp_out,
-      rxcdrlock_out                         => rxcdrlock_out,
-      rxoutclk_out                          => rxoutclk_int,
-      rxpmaresetdone_out                    => rxpmaresetdone_out,
-      rxslide_in                            => rxslide_in,
-      txoutclk_out                          => txoutclk_int,
-      txpmaresetdone_out                    => txpmaresetdone_out,
-      txresetdone_out                       => txresetdone_out,
-      rxresetdone_out                       => rxresetdone_out
+         gthrxn_in => gthrxn_in,
+         gthrxp_in => gthrxp_in,
+         gtrefclk0_in => gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0) & gtrefclk0_in(0),
+         loopback_in => loopback_in & loopback_in & loopback_in & loopback_in,
+         rxcdrhold_in => (others=>rxcdrhold_in),
+         rxpolarity_in => rxpolarity_in,
+         rxslide_in => rxslide_in,
+         rxusrclk_in => rxusrclk_int,
+         rxusrclk2_in => rxusrclk2_int,
+         txpolarity_in => txpolarity_in,
+         txusrclk_in => txusrclk_int,
+         txusrclk2_in => txusrclk2_int,
+         cplllock_out => cplllock_out,
+         gthtxn_out => gthtxn_out,
+         gthtxp_out => gthtxp_out,
+         gtpowergood_out => open,
+         rxcdrlock_out => rxcdrlock_out,
+         rxoutclk_out => rxoutclk_int,
+         rxpmaresetdone_out => rxpmaresetdone_out,
+         rxresetdone_out => rxresetdone_out,
+         txoutclk_out => txoutclk_int,
+         txpmaresetdone_out => txpmaresetdone_out,
+         txresetdone_out => txresetdone_out
 --end generate;
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_PRBS.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_PRBS.vhd
index 1059beb6fa7e77514c573932b39ad81d78d72bcf..7ece16cfe527391aadd1113584d0741a3e2ad1c6 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_PRBS.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/FLX_LpGBT_PRBS.vhd
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ entity FLX_LpGBT_PRBS is
         FELIX_DOWNLINK_EC_DATA      : out txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
         FELIX_DOWNLINK_IC_DATA      : out txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
         FE_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA       : in txrx32b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-        FE_DOWNLINK_EC_DATA         : in txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-        FE_DOWNLINK_IC_DATA         : in txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);    
+        --FE_DOWNLINK_EC_DATA         : in txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+        --FE_DOWNLINK_IC_DATA         : in txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);    
         FELIX_UPLINK_USER_DATA      : in txrx230b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-        FELIX_UPLINK_EC_DATA        : in txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
-        FELIX_UPLINK_IC_DATA        : in txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);  
+        --FELIX_UPLINK_EC_DATA        : in txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
+        --FELIX_UPLINK_IC_DATA        : in txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);  
         FE_UPLINK_USER_DATA         : out txrx224b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
         FE_UPLINK_EC_DATA           : out txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
         FE_UPLINK_IC_DATA           : out txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1) 
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ begin
                     dataA                   => x"55559999",
                     dataB                   => PRBS_RX32_OUT(i*7+j),
                     error_counter           => error_cnt(i*7+j),
-                    error_clr               => error_clear,
+                    error_clr               => ERROR_CLEAR,
                     clk                     => FELIX_SIDE_RX40MCLK,
                     charflag                => '0'
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ begin
                 dataA                   => x"55559999",
                 dataB                   => PRBS_FERX32_OUT(i),
                 error_counter           => error_cnt_fe(i),
-                error_clr               => error_clear,
+                error_clr               => ERROR_CLEAR,
                 clk                     => FE_SIDE_RX40MCLK,
                 charflag                => '0'
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/PRBS31_32BIT_Chk.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/PRBS31_32BIT_Chk.vhd
index 010e294ee4e98ddb99ae9242f8df6b17df237a0c..97b62b3b065dfff9f325674c6a1a1c1b54db5f37 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/PRBS31_32BIT_Chk.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/PRBS31_32BIT_Chk.vhd
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ begin
            elsif (DATA_VALID_IN = '1') then 
                poly          <=   PRBS_DATA_IN(31 downto 1);
-               poly          <=   POLY;   
+               poly          <=   poly;   
            end if;
     end if;
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/PRBS31_32BIT_Gen.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/PRBS31_32BIT_Gen.vhd
index 38a1cee13a44b16af8fff10efbb1f91455c2fe5d..2c3670bc6d3a9d1f877eab676a86ed0743ebfa77 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/PRBS31_32BIT_Gen.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/PRBS31_32BIT_Gen.vhd
@@ -64,38 +64,38 @@ process( CLK )
         if (RESET = '1') then
             poly          <= "000" & x"0000000";
         elsif DATA_VALID_IN='1' then
-            poly31 <= poly(3) xor poly(0) xor datain(0);
-            poly(0) <= poly(4) xor poly(1) xor datain(1);
-            poly(1) <= poly(5) xor poly(2) xor datain(2);
-            poly(2) <= poly(6) xor poly(3) xor datain(3);
-            poly(3) <= poly(7) xor poly(4) xor datain(4);
-            poly(4) <= poly(8) xor poly(5) xor datain(5);                
-            poly(5) <= poly(9) xor poly(6) xor datain(6);
-            poly(6) <= poly(10) xor poly(7) xor datain(7);
-            poly(7) <= poly(11) xor poly(8) xor datain(8);
-            poly(8) <= poly(12) xor poly(9) xor datain(9);
-            poly(9) <= poly(13) xor poly(10) xor datain(10);
-            poly(10) <= poly(14) xor poly(11) xor datain(11);     
-            poly(11) <= poly(15) xor poly(12) xor datain(12);
-            poly(12) <= poly(16) xor poly(13) xor datain(13);
-            poly(13) <= poly(17) xor poly(14) xor datain(14);
-            poly(14) <= poly(18) xor poly(15) xor datain(15);                
-            poly(15) <= poly(19) xor poly(16) xor datain(16);
-            poly(16) <= poly(20) xor poly(17) xor datain(17);
-            poly(17) <= poly(21) xor poly(18) xor datain(18);
-            poly(18) <= poly(22) xor poly(19) xor datain(19);
-            poly(19) <= poly(23) xor poly(20) xor datain(20);
-            poly(20) <= poly(24) xor poly(21) xor datain(21);  
-            poly(21) <= poly(25) xor poly(22) xor datain(22);
-            poly(22) <= poly(26) xor poly(23) xor datain(23);
-            poly(23) <= poly(27) xor poly(24) xor datain(24);
-            poly(24) <= poly(28) xor poly(25) xor datain(25);                
-            poly(25) <= poly(29) xor poly(26) xor datain(26);
-            poly(26) <= poly(30) xor poly(27) xor datain(27);
-            poly(27) <= poly(3) xor poly(0) xor datain(0) xor poly(28) xor datain(28);
-            poly(28) <= poly(4) xor poly(1) xor datain(1) xor poly(29) xor datain(29);
-            poly(29) <= poly(5) xor poly(2) xor datain(2) xor poly(30) xor datain(30);
-            poly(30) <= poly(6) xor poly(3) xor datain(3) xor poly(3) xor poly(0) xor datain(0) xor datain(31); 
+            poly31 <= poly(3) xor poly(0) xor DATAIN(0);
+            poly(0) <= poly(4) xor poly(1) xor DATAIN(1);
+            poly(1) <= poly(5) xor poly(2) xor DATAIN(2);
+            poly(2) <= poly(6) xor poly(3) xor DATAIN(3);
+            poly(3) <= poly(7) xor poly(4) xor DATAIN(4);
+            poly(4) <= poly(8) xor poly(5) xor DATAIN(5);                
+            poly(5) <= poly(9) xor poly(6) xor DATAIN(6);
+            poly(6) <= poly(10) xor poly(7) xor DATAIN(7);
+            poly(7) <= poly(11) xor poly(8) xor DATAIN(8);
+            poly(8) <= poly(12) xor poly(9) xor DATAIN(9);
+            poly(9) <= poly(13) xor poly(10) xor DATAIN(10);
+            poly(10) <= poly(14) xor poly(11) xor DATAIN(11);     
+            poly(11) <= poly(15) xor poly(12) xor DATAIN(12);
+            poly(12) <= poly(16) xor poly(13) xor DATAIN(13);
+            poly(13) <= poly(17) xor poly(14) xor DATAIN(14);
+            poly(14) <= poly(18) xor poly(15) xor DATAIN(15);                
+            poly(15) <= poly(19) xor poly(16) xor DATAIN(16);
+            poly(16) <= poly(20) xor poly(17) xor DATAIN(17);
+            poly(17) <= poly(21) xor poly(18) xor DATAIN(18);
+            poly(18) <= poly(22) xor poly(19) xor DATAIN(19);
+            poly(19) <= poly(23) xor poly(20) xor DATAIN(20);
+            poly(20) <= poly(24) xor poly(21) xor DATAIN(21);  
+            poly(21) <= poly(25) xor poly(22) xor DATAIN(22);
+            poly(22) <= poly(26) xor poly(23) xor DATAIN(23);
+            poly(23) <= poly(27) xor poly(24) xor DATAIN(24);
+            poly(24) <= poly(28) xor poly(25) xor DATAIN(25);                
+            poly(25) <= poly(29) xor poly(26) xor DATAIN(26);
+            poly(26) <= poly(30) xor poly(27) xor DATAIN(27);
+            poly(27) <= poly(3) xor poly(0) xor DATAIN(0) xor poly(28) xor DATAIN(28);
+            poly(28) <= poly(4) xor poly(1) xor DATAIN(1) xor poly(29) xor DATAIN(29);
+            poly(29) <= poly(5) xor poly(2) xor DATAIN(2) xor poly(30) xor DATAIN(30);
+            poly(30) <= poly(6) xor poly(3) xor DATAIN(3) xor poly(3) xor poly(0) xor DATAIN(0) xor DATAIN(31); 
             poly <= poly;
         end if;             
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/RefClk_Gen.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/RefClk_Gen.vhd
index f12a0bd6fb45c4c44ea13d1d6834190dc64f82e1..09fb5bba1f4a31360309aac5fe302d1fc05d630a 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/RefClk_Gen.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/RefClk_Gen.vhd
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ use work.pcie_package.all;
 entity RefClk_Gen is
     Generic (
         GBT_NUM                     : integer   := 24;
-        GTHREFCLK_SEL               : std_logic := '0'; 
+        --GTHREFCLK_SEL               : std_logic := '0'; 
             -- GREFCLK              : std_logic := '1';
             -- MGTREFCLK            : std_logic := '0';
-        CARD_TYPE                   : integer   := 712;
+        --CARD_TYPE                   : integer   := 712;
         FE_EMU_EN                   : integer   := 1;    
         CLK_CHIP_SEL                : integer   := 1
             -- SI5345               : integer   := 0;
@@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ signal GTH_RefClk  : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
     lmk0_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+        generic map(
+            REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+            REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+            REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+        )
     port map
         O               => 	    LMK0_REFCLK,
@@ -118,6 +123,11 @@ begin
     lmk1_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      LMK1_REFCLK,
@@ -128,6 +138,11 @@ begin
     lmk2_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      LMK2_REFCLK,
@@ -138,6 +153,11 @@ begin
     lmk3_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      LMK3_REFCLK,
@@ -148,6 +168,11 @@ begin
     lmk4_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      LMK4_REFCLK,
@@ -158,6 +183,11 @@ begin
     lmk5_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )    
     port map
         O               =>      LMK5_REFCLK,
@@ -168,6 +198,11 @@ begin
     lmk6_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      LMK6_REFCLK,
@@ -178,6 +213,11 @@ begin
     lmk7_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      LMK7_REFCLK,
@@ -189,6 +229,11 @@ begin
     si0_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      SI0_REFCLK,
@@ -199,6 +244,11 @@ begin
     si2_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      SI2_REFCLK,
@@ -209,6 +259,11 @@ begin
     si4_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      SI4_REFCLK,
@@ -219,6 +274,11 @@ begin
     si5_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      SI5_REFCLK,
@@ -229,6 +289,11 @@ begin
     si8_gen : IBUFDS_GTE3
+    generic map(
+        REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH => '0',
+        REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL => "00",
+        REFCLK_ICNTL_RX => "00"
+    )
     port map
         O               =>      SI8_REFCLK,
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/Regs_RW.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/Regs_RW.vhd
index 4ce25f07bd989fc75a4e85e370268f5871cc8b49..266a80b560bfdafedec97671db51a891b5bffe43 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/Regs_RW.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/Regs_RW.vhd
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
@@ -65,17 +65,17 @@ entity Regs_RW is
         MON_RXRSTDONE               : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0);
         MON_TXRSTDONE               : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0);
-        MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD          : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
-        MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD          : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
+        --MON_RXRSTDONE_QUAD          : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
+        --MON_TXRSTDONE_QUAD          : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
         MON_RXPMARSTDONE            : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0);
         MON_TXPMARSTDONE            : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0);
         MON_RXCDR_LCK               : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0);
-        MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD          : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
+        --MON_RXCDR_LCK_QUAD          : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
         MON_QPLL_LCK                : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)/4-1 downto 0);
         MON_CPLL_LCK                : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0);
         MON_ALIGNMENT_DONE          : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0);
-        MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG            : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0);
+        --MON_LPGBT_ERRFLG            : in std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM*(FE_EMU_EN+1)-1 downto 0);
         MON_PRBS_ERRCNT             : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
diff --git a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/lpgbtfpga_uplink.vhd b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/lpgbtfpga_uplink.vhd
index f6b2c0dfa92925c9fd07df47c4a47c67a40dab24..56d1d5923a59e2b064187a42b17277652abd5695 100644
--- a/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/lpgbtfpga_uplink.vhd
+++ b/sources/LpGBT/LpGBT_FELIX/lpgbtfpga_uplink.vhd
@@ -164,31 +164,26 @@ ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF lpgbtfpga_uplink IS
     --! Uplink decoder component
-    COMPONENT lpgbtfpga_decoder
-       GENERIC(
-            DATARATE                        : integer RANGE 0 to 2;
-            FEC                             : integer RANGE 0 to 2
-       );
-       PORT (
-            uplinkClk_i                     : in  std_logic;
-            uplinkClkInEn_i                 : in  std_logic;
-            uplinkClkOutEn_i                : in  std_logic;
-            -- Data
-            fec5_data_i                     : in  std_logic_vector(233 downto 0);
-            fec5_fec_i                      : in  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
-            fec12_data_i                    : in  std_logic_vector(205 downto 0);
-            fec12_fec_i                     : in  std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
-            fec5_data_o                     : out std_logic_vector(233 downto 0);
-            fec12_data_o                    : out std_logic_vector(205 downto 0);
-            fec5_correction_pattern_o       : out std_logic_vector(233 downto 0);
-            fec12_correction_pattern_o      : out std_logic_vector(205 downto 0);
-            -- Control
-            bypass                          : in  std_logic
-       );
+    component lpgbtfpga_decoder
+        generic(
+            DATARATE : integer RANGE 0 TO 2;
+            FEC      : integer RANGE 0 TO 2
+        );
+        port(
+            uplinkClk_i                : in  std_logic;
+            uplinkClkInEn_i            : in  std_logic;
+            uplinkClkOutEn_i           : in  std_logic;
+            fec5_data_i                : in  std_logic_vector(233 downto 0);
+            fec5_fec_i                 : in  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
+            fec12_data_i               : in  std_logic_vector(205 downto 0);
+            fec12_fec_i                : in  std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+            fec5_data_o                : out std_logic_vector(233 downto 0);
+            fec12_data_o               : out std_logic_vector(205 downto 0);
+            fec5_correction_pattern_o  : out std_logic_vector(233 downto 0);
+            fec12_correction_pattern_o : out std_logic_vector(205 downto 0);
+            bypass                     : in  std_logic
+        );
+    end component lpgbtfpga_decoder;
     --! Uplink datapath
     COMPONENT lpgbtfpga_descrambler
diff --git a/sources/TTCdataEmulator/TTC_Emulator.vhd b/sources/TTCdataEmulator/TTC_Emulator.vhd
index 194004d231dfc15c6b476f2439f91e6db6faa16e..1bb4541917b85cb9fe524174a52b054d6f793b80 100644
--- a/sources/TTCdataEmulator/TTC_Emulator.vhd
+++ b/sources/TTCdataEmulator/TTC_Emulator.vhd
@@ -10,9 +10,8 @@
 library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
-library work;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.FELIX_package.all;
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of TTC_Emulator is
     signal      input_ecr_period : unsigned(31 downto 0);
     signal      input_bcr_period : unsigned(31 downto 0);
     signal      input_long_Bch  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);    -- default ...
-    signal      input_broadcast : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);     -- default ...
+    --signal      input_broadcast : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);     -- default ...
     signal      set_default     : std_logic;
     signal      single_l1a_long : std_logic := '0';
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of TTC_Emulator is
     signal      Bch_long_one_bit : std_logic := '1';
     signal      Bch_long_valid_i : std_logic := '0';
     signal      Bch_long_valid  : std_logic := '0';
-    signal      Bch_long_end    : std_logic := '0';
+    --signal      Bch_long_end    : std_logic := '0';
     signal      Bch_long_user   : std_logic_vector(41 downto 0) := (others => '1');
     signal      l1_accept       : std_logic := '0';
@@ -71,12 +70,12 @@ architecture Behavioral of TTC_Emulator is
     signal      Data_LongB      : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal      Hamming         : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
-    signal      Bch_broad       : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)  := (others => '1');
+    --signal      Bch_broad       : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)  := (others => '1');
 -- if both ttc selector and ttc enable are high, than the enable will be active
-    en <= to_sl(register_map_control.ttc_emu.sel) and to_sl(register_map_control.ttc_emu.ena);
+    en <= to_sl(register_map_control.TTC_EMU.SEL) and to_sl(register_map_control.TTC_EMU.ENA);
 -- temporary here, I am not yet sure I want to keep it..
@@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ begin
         if rising_edge(Clock) then
             if Reset = '1' then
                 input_long_Bch      <= (others => '1');
-                input_broadcast     <= (others => '0');
+                --input_broadcast     <= (others => '0');
                 set_default         <= '0';
                 single_l1a_long     <= '0';
                 single_ecr_long     <= '0';
@@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ begin
                 input_bcr_period    <= unsigned(register_map_control.TTC_EMU_BCR_PERIOD);
                 input_long_Bch      <= (register_map_control.TTC_EMU_LONG_CHANNEL_DATA);
-                input_broadcast     <= (register_map_control.TTC_EMU_CONTROL.BROADCAST);
+                --input_broadcast     <= (register_map_control.TTC_EMU_CONTROL.BROADCAST);
                 set_default         <= to_sl(register_map_control.TTC_EMU_RESET);
@@ -291,20 +290,21 @@ begin
     -- Assignation of values for Bchannel
     Bch_long_user    <= "01" & TTCrx_address & External & '1' & SubAddress & Data_LongB & Hamming & '1';
-    valid_creation: entity work.pulse_extender
+    valid_creation: entity work.PULSE_EXTENDER
     generic map (
-        pulse_length    => 42    -- number of counts
+        PULSE_LENGTH    => 42    -- number of counts
     port map (
-        clk             => Clock,     -- clock
-        rst             => Reset,     -- sync reset
-        sig_in          => l1_accept,     -- input signal
-        sig_out         => Bch_long_valid_i      -- output signal
+        CLK             => Clock,     -- clock
+        RST             => Reset,     -- sync reset
+        SIG_IN          => l1_accept,     -- input signal
+        SIG_OUT         => Bch_long_valid_i      -- output signal
   delay_bch: entity work.delay_chain
   generic map (
-      d_depth     => 10     -- number of clock cycles it shell be delayed
+      d_depth     => 10,     -- number of clock cycles it shell be delayed
+      d_width     => 1
   port map (
       clk         => Clock,     -- clock
diff --git a/sources/TTCdataEmulator/pulse_extender.vhd b/sources/TTCdataEmulator/pulse_extender.vhd
index 365e98825f14f6bf21576296215ffc3c1caa549c..b8f4edc1a46f329db39ffe5a5f92fc04ac8675f2 100644
--- a/sources/TTCdataEmulator/pulse_extender.vhd
+++ b/sources/TTCdataEmulator/pulse_extender.vhd
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-library work;
 use work.FELIX_package.all;
diff --git a/sources/centralRouter/MUX8_Nbit.vhd b/sources/centralRouter/MUX8_Nbit.vhd
index be9f697dbac1122b35d67af43c670d8fda9e6d5c..f2f214da354ef199abe569839d009783a6911dad 100644
--- a/sources/centralRouter/MUX8_Nbit.vhd
+++ b/sources/centralRouter/MUX8_Nbit.vhd
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
 --! Project Name:   FELIX
 --! Use standard library
-library IEEE,work;
+library IEEE;
-use work.all;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library unisim;
 use unisim.vcomponents.all;
diff --git a/sources/centralRouter/TTCtoHost_channel.vhd b/sources/centralRouter/TTCtoHost_channel.vhd
index 0d279c98fc69e181c3f344c1f4c5d7fe033e52f7..612960e95ed0d3ca7151e5bac2dc4b62402f1376 100644
--- a/sources/centralRouter/TTCtoHost_channel.vhd
+++ b/sources/centralRouter/TTCtoHost_channel.vhd
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 --! Project Name:   FELIX
 --! Use standard library
-library work, ieee, XPM;
+library ieee, XPM;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use work.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ port  (
     FIFOhasBlock  : out std_logic;
     FIFOre        : in std_logic;
     FIFOempty     : out std_logic;
-    FIFOdvalid    : out std_logic;
+    FIFOdvalid    : out std_logic
-    xoff_in 	: in  std_logic
+    --xoff_in 	: in  std_logic
 end TTCtoHost_channel;
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ signal block_header             : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
 signal TTCpacket_payload_in,TTCpacket_payload : std_logic_vector(159 downto 0); 
 signal block_count, seq_count   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); 
-signal fifo_full,fifo_pempty,fifo_almost_full    : std_logic;
+signal fifo_pempty,fifo_almost_full    : std_logic;
 signal data_rdy,fifo_we : std_logic := '0';
 signal fifo_din     	: std_logic_vector(255 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); 
 signal fifo_din_pre     : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); --IG: preparing the fifo din value
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ begin
         -- counting times between data_rdy signals.
         -- the timeout counter runs until it is resetting, then it hold the value zero (counting down) until the next data_rdy signal
         -- data_rdy signal reload the counter with the define maximum value 
-        if (timeoutSearch = '1') then
+        if (TimeoutSearch = '1') then
             if (data_rdy = '1') then
                 TimeoutCounting <= TTC_ToHost_TO_max;
                 InsertTO_Bytes  <= '0';
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ block_header <= "1010101111001101" & seq_count & (std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(G
     TTCchFIFO : xpm_fifo_async
-      generic map (
+      generic map ( -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: USE_ADV_FEATURES, SIM_ASSERT_CHK"
         FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE     => "auto",   --string; "auto", "block", or "distributed";
         ECC_MODE             => "no_ecc",  --string; "no_ecc" or "en_ecc";             
         RELATED_CLOCKS       => 0,         --positive integer; 0 or 1                  
@@ -347,28 +347,32 @@ block_header <= "1010101111001101" & seq_count & (std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(G
         WAKEUP_TIME          => 0          --positive integer; 0 or 2;                 
       port map (
-        sleep         => '0',           
-        rst           => FifoFlush,           
-        wr_clk        => clk40,        
-        wr_en         => fifo_we,         
-        din           => fifo_din,           
-        full          => fifo_full,          
-        overflow      => open,      
-        wr_rst_busy   => open,   
-        rd_clk        => clk240,        
-        rd_en         => FIFOre,         
-        dout          => FIFOdout_s,          
-        empty         => FIFOempty_s,         
-        underflow     => open,     
-        rd_rst_busy   => open,   
-        prog_full     => fifo_almost_full,     
-        wr_data_count => open, 
-        prog_empty    => fifo_pempty,    
-        rd_data_count => open, 
-        injectsbiterr => '0',           
-        injectdbiterr => '0',           
-        sbiterr       => open,          
-        dbiterr       => open           
+        sleep => '0',
+        rst => FifoFlush,
+        wr_clk => clk40,
+        wr_en => fifo_we,
+        din => fifo_din,
+        full => open,
+        prog_full => fifo_almost_full,
+        wr_data_count => open,
+        overflow => open,
+        wr_rst_busy => open,
+        almost_full => open,
+        wr_ack => open,
+        rd_clk => clk240,
+        rd_en => FIFOre,
+        dout => FIFOdout_s,
+        empty => FIFOempty_s,
+        prog_empty => fifo_pempty,
+        rd_data_count => open,
+        underflow => open,
+        rd_rst_busy => open,
+        almost_empty => open,
+        data_valid => open,
+        injectsbiterr => '0',
+        injectdbiterr => '0',
+        sbiterr => open,
+        dbiterr => open           
 FIFOempty <= FIFOempty_s;
@@ -398,7 +402,7 @@ end generate generate_all;
-ICandEC_only: if generate_IC_EC_TTC_only = true generate
+ICandEC_only: if generate_IC_EC_TTC_only generate
 FIFOdout      <= (others =>'0');
 FIFOhasBlock  <= '0';
diff --git a/sources/centralRouter/centralRouter.vhd b/sources/centralRouter/centralRouter.vhd
index 9ef976299de899ec2e6e6af729731714ab83efa9..f85dcc649f401b08709d2d1078cabcbe20342352 100644
--- a/sources/centralRouter/centralRouter.vhd
+++ b/sources/centralRouter/centralRouter.vhd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 library IEEE, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use work.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
diff --git a/sources/decoding/ByteToAxiStream.vhd b/sources/decoding/ByteToAxiStream.vhd
index bd99ec5bd02225dda347330bd30f88a4fa66d56d..16214de07322c5f9de2ccfccfaccba891de79d78 100644
--- a/sources/decoding/ByteToAxiStream.vhd
+++ b/sources/decoding/ByteToAxiStream.vhd
@@ -193,10 +193,10 @@ xpm_cdc_enable : xpm_cdc_single
     SRC_INPUT_REG => 1   -- DECIMAL; integer; 0=do not register input, 1=register input
   port map (
-    dest_out => EnableIn_aclk,
-    dest_clk => m_axis_aclk,
     src_clk => clk40,
-    src_in => EnableIn
+    src_in => EnableIn,
+    dest_clk => m_axis_aclk,
+    dest_out => EnableIn_aclk
 m_axis.tdata <= m_axis_s.tdata;
diff --git a/sources/decoding/Decoder8b10b.vhd b/sources/decoding/Decoder8b10b.vhd
index e380ea415313933460dd86e4b83d2d4d7bad4dfc..ec053b42d0ee2b133c94d1bae0f01dbd15ba9400 100644
--- a/sources/decoding/Decoder8b10b.vhd
+++ b/sources/decoding/Decoder8b10b.vhd
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ GBT_mode: if (GENERATE_FEI4B = false and GENERATE_LCB_ENC = false) generate
     Char_EOB    <=  '1' when (decoder_out = Kchar_eob   and CharIsK = '1' and DataInValid_p1 = '1') else '0';
 end generate GBT_mode;
-FEI4B: if (GENERATE_FEI4B = true) generate
+FEI4B: if (GENERATE_FEI4B) generate
     ISK_comma   <=  '1' when (DataIn = FEI4B_COMMAp or DataIn = FEI4B_COMMAn) else '0';
     Char_comma  <=  '1' when (decoder_out = FEI4B_Kchar_comma and CharIsK = '1' and DataInValid_p1 = '1') else '0';
     Char_SOC    <=  '1' when (decoder_out = FEI4B_Kchar_sop   and CharIsK = '1' and DataInValid_p1 = '1') else '0';
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ FEI4B: if (GENERATE_FEI4B = true) generate
 end generate FEI4B;
 -- DG: block below still configured for FEI4, only names were changed
-LCB: if (GENERATE_LCB_ENC = true) generate
+LCB: if (GENERATE_LCB_ENC) generate
     ISK_comma   <=  '1' when (DataIn = LCB_COMMAp or DataIn = LCB_COMMAn) else '0';
     Char_comma  <=  '1' when (decoder_out = LCB_Kchar_comma and CharIsK = '1' and DataInValid_p1 = '1') else '0';
     Char_SOC    <=  '1' when (decoder_out = LCB_Kchar_sop   and CharIsK = '1' and DataInValid_p1 = '1') else '0';
diff --git a/sources/decoding/DecodingEgroupGBT.vhd b/sources/decoding/DecodingEgroupGBT.vhd
index 3a94cfc59511d18909874280b52c913c23be1243..b00125bc91ed78738bfed7454e963f8ddf80dc9f 100644
--- a/sources/decoding/DecodingEgroupGBT.vhd
+++ b/sources/decoding/DecodingEgroupGBT.vhd
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ entity DecodingEgroupGBT is
   INCLUDE_8b10b  : std_logic := '1';
   INCLUDE_HDLC   : std_logic := '1';
   INCLUDE_DIRECT : std_logic := '1';
-  BLOCKSIZE      : integer := 1024;
-  LOCK_PERIOD    : integer := 20480 --Maximum chunk size of 2048 bytes on slowest E-link supported. 
+  BLOCKSIZE      : integer := 1024
+  --LOCK_PERIOD    : integer := 20480 --Maximum chunk size of 2048 bytes on slowest E-link supported. 
  port (
   clk40 : in std_logic; --BC clock for DataIn
diff --git a/sources/decoding/DecodingEpathGBT.vhd b/sources/decoding/DecodingEpathGBT.vhd
index 9a5a3342dc4cd4501a84ebecc7fbd5fe4bd5b566..52b1a55ab79dd0b4037f9a359d319142a939df0c 100644
--- a/sources/decoding/DecodingEpathGBT.vhd
+++ b/sources/decoding/DecodingEpathGBT.vhd
@@ -155,10 +155,15 @@ g_includeHDLC: if INCLUDE_HDLC = '1' generate
     DecoderHDLCAligned <= '1';
     DecoderHDLCFramingError <= '0';
     decoderHDLC0: entity work.DecoderHDLC 
+        generic map(
+            g_WORD_SIZE => 8,
+            g_DELIMITER => x"7E",
+            g_IDLE => x"7F"
+        )
     port map( 
         clk40 => clk40,
-        reset => reset,
         ena => EpathEnable,
+        reset => reset,
         DataIn => ElinkData(1 downto 0),
         DataOut => DecoderHDLCDataOut,
         DataOutValid => DecoderHDLCDataOutValid,
diff --git a/sources/decoding/FullToAxis.vhd b/sources/decoding/FullToAxis.vhd
index f1bde63894f7297b8c69b24c0989735cad049f99..3158ed27066afd2f252a42ede4e202b8a7ee313e 100644
--- a/sources/decoding/FullToAxis.vhd
+++ b/sources/decoding/FullToAxis.vhd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-library work, IEEE;
+library IEEE;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+--use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ begin
         SRC_INPUT_REG => 0
       port map (
-        dest_out => LinkAligned_240,
-        dest_clk => clk240,
         src_clk => '0',
-        src_in => LinkAligned
+        src_in => LinkAligned,
+        dest_clk => clk240,
+        dest_out => LinkAligned_240
     xpm_cdc_PathEnable : xpm_cdc_single
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ begin
         SRC_INPUT_REG => 0
       port map (
-        dest_out => PathEnable_240,
-        dest_clk => clk240,
         src_clk => '0',
-        src_in => path_ena
+        src_in => path_ena,
+        dest_clk => clk240,
+        dest_out => PathEnable_240
@@ -189,17 +189,17 @@ crc_block: block
 -- CRC module takes 2 clock cycles to calculate CRC
 crc20_0: entity work.CRC 
-   generic map(
-     Nbits     => 32,
-     CRC_Width => 20,
-     G_Poly    => x"8359f",
-     G_InitVal => x"fffff"
-     )
+   --generic map(
+   --  Nbits     => 32,
+   --  CRC_Width => 20,
+   --  G_Poly    => x"8359f",
+   --  G_InitVal => x"fffff"
+   --  )
    port map(
      CRC   => crc_out,  --in sync with din_r
      Calc  => crc_calc,
      Clk   => clk240,
-     DIn   => s_axis.tdata,
+     Din   => s_axis.tdata,
      Reset => crc_start);
 crc_calc <= not FMdin(32);
@@ -296,7 +296,8 @@ fifo0: entity work.Axis32Fifo
 		CLOCKING_MODE => "independent_clock",
 		FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE => "auto",
-		PACKET_FIFO => "false"
+		PACKET_FIFO => "false",
+		USE_BUILT_IN_FIFO => false
 	port map (
 		-- axi stream slave
diff --git a/sources/decoding/decoding.vhd b/sources/decoding/decoding.vhd
index db2a930b204c1d04490c2f65708f1766955709ca..4209cf27a670cd66f7675c2330c4572b0800277c 100644
--- a/sources/decoding/decoding.vhd
+++ b/sources/decoding/decoding.vhd
@@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ begin
                             INCLUDE_8b10b  => IncludeDecodingEpath2_8b10b(egroup) or IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b(egroup) or IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b(egroup),
                             INCLUDE_HDLC   => IncludeDecodingEpath2_HDLC(egroup),
                             INCLUDE_DIRECT => '1',
-                            BLOCKSIZE      => BLOCKSIZE,
-                            LOCK_PERIOD    => LOCK_PERIOD
+                            BLOCKSIZE      => BLOCKSIZE
+                            --LOCK_PERIOD    => LOCK_PERIOD
                         port map(
                             clk40 => clk40,
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ begin
             port map(
                 clk40 => clk40,
-                AlignmentPulseDeAlign => AlignmentPulseDeAlign,
-                AlignmentPulseAlign => AlignmentPulseAlign
+                AlignmentPulseAlign => AlignmentPulseAlign,
+                AlignmentPulseDeAlign => AlignmentPulseDeAlign
     end generate;
diff --git a/sources/encoding/EncoderHDLC.vhd b/sources/encoding/EncoderHDLC.vhd
index db6ed0cc0d37fdcf58e1feaf103ade016f375d58..c0873401b34ef4893ad9906ff4c43ea3f031507e 100644
--- a/sources/encoding/EncoderHDLC.vhd
+++ b/sources/encoding/EncoderHDLC.vhd
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 --! Use standard library
 library IEEE;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library XPM;
@@ -19,25 +19,25 @@ use work.all;
 --! HDLC data mode EPROC_OUT2 module
 entity EncoderHDLC is
-generic (
-  HDLC_IDLE_STATE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others=>'1') --IG: determine the HDLC line idle state. for EC: 0x7F, for IC: 0xFF
-port (
-  clk40 : in std_logic; --BC clock for DataIn
-  EnableIn : in std_logic;
-  DataIn : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --8b Data from AxiStreamtoByte
-  DataInValid : in std_logic; -- Data validated by AxiStreamtoByte 
-  EOP_in : in std_logic; --End of Packet from AxiStreamtoByte   
-  --        readyIn	: in std_logic; --gearbox not ready
-  readyOut : out std_logic; --m_axis_tready toward AxiStreamToByte   --falfonsi=getDataTirg 
-  DataOut : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --falfonsi: towards ???
-  --        DataOutValid : out std_logic; --falfonsi: towards ???
-  rst         : in  std_logic 
+    generic (
+        HDLC_IDLE_STATE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others=>'1') --IG: determine the HDLC line idle state. for EC: 0x7F, for IC: 0xFF
+    );
+    port (
+        clk40 : in std_logic; --BC clock for DataIn
+        EnableIn : in std_logic;
+        DataIn : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --8b Data from AxiStreamtoByte
+        DataInValid : in std_logic; -- Data validated by AxiStreamtoByte 
+        EOP_in : in std_logic; --End of Packet from AxiStreamtoByte   
+        --        readyIn    : in std_logic; --gearbox not ready
+        readyOut : out std_logic; --m_axis_tready toward AxiStreamToByte   --falfonsi=getDataTirg 
+        DataOut : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --falfonsi: towards ???
+        --        DataOutValid : out std_logic; --falfonsi: towards ???
+        rst         : in  std_logic
+    );
 end EncoderHDLC;
@@ -50,224 +50,226 @@ end EncoderHDLC;
 architecture Behavioral of EncoderHDLC is
-  signal readyout_i, readyout_ii : std_logic:= '0';
-  signal vetoReadyOut_i : std_logic:= '0';
-  signal bit_cnt,bit_cnt_r : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others=>'1');
-  signal two_bit_out,EdataOUT_s : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others=>'1');
-  signal bit_cnt_ena,ce,ce_i,re_r,oe : std_logic := '0';
-  signal isflag_i : std_logic := '1';
-  signal rst_fall,restart, re, isflag : std_logic;
-  signal dataByte : std_logic_vector (8 downto 0) := (others=>'1');
-  signal bit_out_sr : std_logic_vector (5 downto 0);
+    signal readyout_i, readyout_ii : std_logic:= '0';
+    signal vetoReadyOut_i : std_logic:= '0';
+    signal bit_cnt : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others=>'1');
+    signal two_bit_out,EdataOUT_s : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others=>'1');
+    signal bit_cnt_ena,ce,ce_i : std_logic := '0';
+    signal isflag_i : std_logic := '1';
+    signal rst_fall,restart, re, isflag : std_logic;
+    signal dataByte : std_logic_vector (8 downto 0) := (others=>'1');
+    signal bit_out_sr : std_logic_vector (5 downto 0);
-  signal send_out_trig : std_logic := '0';
-  signal fifo_empty: std_logic := '0';
+    --signal send_out_trig : std_logic := '0';
+    --signal fifo_empty: std_logic := '0';
-  signal DataInValid_i : std_logic := '0';
-	signal DataIn_i : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    signal DataInValid_i : std_logic := '0';
+    signal DataIn_i : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-  signal shift : std_logic := '0';
-  signal shift_i : std_logic := '0';
-  signal running : std_logic := '0';
-  signal sendSOP, sendEOP : std_logic := '0';
+    signal shift : std_logic := '0';
+    signal shift_i : std_logic := '0';
+    signal running : std_logic := '0';
+    signal sendEOP : std_logic := '0';
-pipeline : process(clk40)
-    if(clk40'event and clk40='1')then
-        DataInValid_i 	<= DataInValid;
-        DataIn_i				<= DataIn;
-        readyout_ii 		<= readyout_i;
-        readyOut 				<= readyout_ii and not vetoReadyOut_i and not (dataInValid and not running );
-    end if;
-end process;
--- restarting data requests after reset fall
-rst_fall_pulse: entity work.pulse_fall_pw01 port map(clk => clk40,trigger => rst,pulseout => rst_fall);
-restart_pulse:  entity work.pulse_pdxx_pwxx generic map(pd=>10,pw=>1) port map(clk => clk40, trigger => rst_fall,pulseout => restart); 
-	if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then     
-        if rst = '1' then
-            ce <= '0';
-        elsif restart = '1' then
-            ce <= '1';
+    pipeline : process(clk40)
+    begin
+        if(clk40'event and clk40='1')then
+            DataInValid_i   <= DataInValid;
+            DataIn_i        <= DataIn;
+            readyout_ii     <= readyout_i;
+            readyOut        <= readyout_ii and not vetoReadyOut_i and not (DataInValid and not running );
         end if;
-        ce_i <= ce;
-	end if;
-end process;
---ce_1st_clk_pulse:  entity work.pulse_pdxx_pwxx generic map(pd=>0,pw=>1) port map(clk40,ce,ce_1st_clk); 
--- input latching @ bitCLKx4
-	if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then	   
-		if (rst = '1') then
-			running         <= '0';
-			vetoReadyOut_i  <= '0';
-      dataByte        <= '1' & HDLC_IDLE_STATE;
-      sendEOP         <= '0';
-		else
-			if(EnableIn = '1')then
-				if (readyout_i = '1') then
-				  vetoReadyOut_i <= '0';
-				  if (DataInValid_i = '1') and (running = '0') then --send SOP
-            vetoReadyOut_i  <= '1';
-            dataByte        <= '1' & HDLC_flag;
-            running         <= '1';
-          elsif (sendEOP = '1') then --send EOP
-            dataByte        <= '1' & HDLC_flag;
-            running         <= '0';
-            sendEOP         <= '0';
-            vetoReadyOut_i  <= '1';
-          elsif (DataInValid_i = '1') and (EOP_in = '1') and (running = '1') then --last word before EOP     
-            sendEOP         <= '1';
-            dataByte        <= '0' & DataIn_i(7 downto 0);
-          elsif (DataInValid_i = '1') and (running = '1') then --normal word 
-            dataByte        <= '0' & DataIn_i(7 downto 0);
-          else --fifo empty or dataInValid = '0'
-             dataByte        <= '1' & HDLC_IDLE_STATE;
-          end if;
+    end process;
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- restarting data requests after reset fall
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    rst_fall_pulse: entity work.pulse_fall_pw01 port map(clk => clk40,trigger => rst,pulseout => rst_fall);
+    restart_pulse:  entity work.pulse_pdxx_pwxx generic map(pd=>10,pw=>1) port map(clk => clk40, trigger => rst_fall,pulseout => restart);
+    --
+    process(clk40)
+    begin
+        if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then
+            if rst = '1' then
+                ce <= '0';
+            elsif restart = '1' then
+                ce <= '1';
+            end if;
+            ce_i <= ce;
         end if;
-			end if;
-		end if;
-	end if;
-end process;
--- bit counter: counting 8 bit to serialize the out while pausing for zero-bit stuffing
---bit_stuffing_case   <= '1' when (bit_out_sr_clk0 = "11111" and isflag_i = '0') else '0';
---bit_cnt_ena         <= ce and (not bit_stuffing_case);
-re                  <= '1' when (bit_cnt = "11" and bit_cnt_ena = '1') else '0';
-getDataTrig_pulse_readyout:  entity work.pulse_pdxx_pwxx generic map(pd=>0,pw=>1) port map(clk=>clk40,trigger=>re,pulseout=>readyout_i); 
---getDataTrig_pulse_DataOutValid:  entity work.pulse_pdxx_pwxx generic map(pd=>0,pw=>1) port map(clk=>clk40,trigger=>re,pulseout=>DataOutValid);
-	if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then     
-        if ce = '1' then
-            if bit_cnt_ena = '1' then
-                bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 1;
+    end process;
+    --
+    --ce_1st_clk_pulse:  entity work.pulse_pdxx_pwxx generic map(pd=>0,pw=>1) port map(clk40,ce,ce_1st_clk); 
+    --
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- input latching @ bitCLKx4
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    process(clk40)
+    begin
+        if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then
+            if (rst = '1') then
+                running         <= '0';
+                vetoReadyOut_i  <= '0';
+                dataByte        <= '1' & HDLC_IDLE_STATE;
+                sendEOP         <= '0';
+            else
+                if(EnableIn = '1')then
+                    if (readyout_i = '1') then
+                        vetoReadyOut_i <= '0';
+                        if (DataInValid_i = '1') and (running = '0') then --send SOP
+                            vetoReadyOut_i  <= '1';
+                            dataByte        <= '1' & HDLC_flag;
+                            running         <= '1';
+                        elsif (sendEOP = '1') then --send EOP
+                            dataByte        <= '1' & HDLC_flag;
+                            running         <= '0';
+                            sendEOP         <= '0';
+                            vetoReadyOut_i  <= '1';
+                        elsif (DataInValid_i = '1') and (EOP_in = '1') and (running = '1') then --last word before EOP     
+                            sendEOP         <= '1';
+                            dataByte        <= '0' & DataIn_i(7 downto 0);
+                        elsif (DataInValid_i = '1') and (running = '1') then --normal word 
+                            dataByte        <= '0' & DataIn_i(7 downto 0);
+                        else --fifo empty or dataInValid = '0'
+                            dataByte        <= '1' & HDLC_IDLE_STATE;
+                        end if;
+                    end if;
+                end if;
             end if;
-        else
-            bit_cnt  <= (others=>'1');
         end if;
-	end if;
-end process;
--- comma selector
-	if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then    
-        re_r            <= re;
-	end if;
-end process;
-isflag <= dataByte(8); --'1' when (byte_out = HDLC_flag) else '0';
+    end process;
+    --
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- bit counter: counting 8 bit to serialize the out while pausing for zero-bit stuffing
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    --bit_stuffing_case   <= '1' when (bit_out_sr_clk0 = "11111" and isflag_i = '0') else '0';
+    --bit_cnt_ena         <= ce and (not bit_stuffing_case);
+    re                  <= '1' when (bit_cnt = "11" and bit_cnt_ena = '1') else '0';
+    getDataTrig_pulse_readyout:  entity work.pulse_pdxx_pwxx generic map(pd=>0,pw=>1) port map(clk=>clk40,trigger=>re,pulseout=>readyout_i);
--- bit selector
-	if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then     
-        bit_cnt_r <= bit_cnt;
-	end if;
-end process;
-process(bit_cnt,dataByte, bit_cnt_ena)
-	if bit_cnt_ena = '1' then
-		case (bit_cnt) is 
-			when "00" => two_bit_out <= dataByte(1 downto 0);
-			when "01" => two_bit_out <= dataByte(3 downto 2);
-			when "10" => two_bit_out <= dataByte(5 downto 4);
-			when "11" => two_bit_out <= dataByte(7 downto 6);
-			when others =>
-		end case;		
-	end if;
-end process;
-	if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then   
-        oe  <= bit_cnt_ena;
-	end if;
-end process;
-	if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then     
-        if rst = '1' then
-            bit_out_sr <= (others=>'1');
-            EdataOUT_s <= "11";
+    --getDataTrig_pulse_DataOutValid:  entity work.pulse_pdxx_pwxx generic map(pd=>0,pw=>1) port map(clk=>clk40,trigger=>re,pulseout=>DataOutValid);
+    --
+    process(clk40)
+    begin
+        if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then
+            if ce = '1' then
+                if bit_cnt_ena = '1' then
+                    bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 1;
+                end if;
+            else
+                bit_cnt  <= (others=>'1');
+            end if;
+        end if;
+    end process;
+    --
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- comma selector
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    --process(clk40)
+    --begin
+    --    if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then
+    --        re_r            <= re;
+    --    end if;
+    --end process;
+    --
+    isflag <= dataByte(8); --'1' when (byte_out = HDLC_flag) else '0';
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- bit selector
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    --
+    --process(clk40)
+    --begin
+    --    if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then
+    --        bit_cnt_r <= bit_cnt;
+    --    end if;
+    --end process;
+    --
+    process(bit_cnt,dataByte, bit_cnt_ena)
+    begin
+        if bit_cnt_ena = '1' then
+            case (bit_cnt) is
+                when "00" => two_bit_out <= dataByte(1 downto 0);
+                when "01" => two_bit_out <= dataByte(3 downto 2);
+                when "10" => two_bit_out <= dataByte(5 downto 4);
+                when "11" => two_bit_out <= dataByte(7 downto 6);
+                when others => two_bit_out <= "00"; --default to avoid creating a latch
+            end case;
-          bit_cnt_ena <= ce;
-          shift_i <= shift;
-          isflag_i <= isflag;
-        	if shift = '0' then
-            EdataOUT_s <= (bit_out_sr(4)  or (not ce_i)) & (bit_out_sr(5) or (not ce_i));
-            if(bit_out_sr(5 downto 2) = x"F") and (two_bit_out(0) = '1') and (isflag = '0') then --5 consecutive 1, adding '0'
-              bit_out_sr <= two_bit_out(1) & '0' & two_bit_out(0) & bit_out_sr(5 downto 3);
-              shift <= '1';
-            elsif(bit_out_sr(5 downto 3) = "111") and (two_bit_out = "11") and (isflag = '0') then --5 consecutive 1, adding '0'
-							bit_out_sr <= '0' & two_bit_out(1) & two_bit_out(0) & bit_out_sr(5 downto 3);
-							shift <= '1';
+            two_bit_out <= "00"; --default to avoid creating a latch
+        end if;
+    end process;
+    --
+    --process(clk40)
+    --begin
+    --    if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then
+    --        oe  <= bit_cnt_ena;
+    --    end if;
+    --end process;
+    --
+    --
+    process(clk40)
+    begin
+        if clk40'event and clk40 = '1' then
+            if rst = '1' then
+                bit_out_sr <= (others=>'1');
+                EdataOUT_s <= "11";
-            	bit_out_sr <= two_bit_out & bit_out_sr(5 downto 2);
-          	end if;
-          else --shift = '1'
-          	EdataOUT_s <= (bit_out_sr(3) or (not ce_i)) & (bit_out_sr(4)  or (not ce_i));
-          	if(bit_out_sr(4 downto 0) = "11111") and (isflag_i = '0') and (shift_i = '1') then --5 consecutive 1, adding '0'
-          		bit_cnt_ena <= '0';
-							bit_out_sr <=  bit_out_sr(5) & '0' & bit_out_sr(4 downto 1);
-							shift <= '0';
-						elsif(bit_out_sr(5 downto 1) = "11111") and (isflag_i = '0') then --5 consecutive 1, adding '0'
-							bit_cnt_ena <= '0';
-							bit_out_sr <= '0' & bit_out_sr(5 downto 1);
-							shift <= '0';
-						else
-							bit_out_sr <= two_bit_out & bit_out_sr(5 downto 2);
-						end if;
-          end if;
+                bit_cnt_ena <= ce;
+                shift_i <= shift;
+                isflag_i <= isflag;
+                if shift = '0' then
+                    EdataOUT_s <= (bit_out_sr(4)  or (not ce_i)) & (bit_out_sr(5) or (not ce_i));
+                    if(bit_out_sr(5 downto 2) = x"F") and (two_bit_out(0) = '1') and (isflag = '0') then --5 consecutive 1, adding '0'
+                        bit_out_sr <= two_bit_out(1) & '0' & two_bit_out(0) & bit_out_sr(5 downto 3);
+                        shift <= '1';
+                    elsif(bit_out_sr(5 downto 3) = "111") and (two_bit_out = "11") and (isflag = '0') then --5 consecutive 1, adding '0'
+                        bit_out_sr <= '0' & two_bit_out(1) & two_bit_out(0) & bit_out_sr(5 downto 3);
+                        shift <= '1';
+                    else
+                        bit_out_sr <= two_bit_out & bit_out_sr(5 downto 2);
+                    end if;
+                else --shift = '1'
+                    EdataOUT_s <= (bit_out_sr(3) or (not ce_i)) & (bit_out_sr(4)  or (not ce_i));
+                    if(bit_out_sr(4 downto 0) = "11111") and (isflag_i = '0') and (shift_i = '1') then --5 consecutive 1, adding '0'
+                        bit_cnt_ena <= '0';
+                        bit_out_sr <=  bit_out_sr(5) & '0' & bit_out_sr(4 downto 1);
+                        shift <= '0';
+                    elsif(bit_out_sr(5 downto 1) = "11111") and (isflag_i = '0') then --5 consecutive 1, adding '0'
+                        bit_cnt_ena <= '0';
+                        bit_out_sr <= '0' & bit_out_sr(5 downto 1);
+                        shift <= '0';
+                    else
+                        bit_out_sr <= two_bit_out & bit_out_sr(5 downto 2);
+                    end if;
+                end if;
+            end if;
         end if;
-    end if;
-end process;
+    end process;
+    --
--- sending out 2 bits @ bitCLK
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- sending out 2 bits @ bitCLK
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    --
-DataOut <= EdataOUT_s;
+    DataOut <= EdataOUT_s;
+    --
 end Behavioral;
diff --git a/sources/encoding/EncodingGearBox.vhd b/sources/encoding/EncodingGearBox.vhd
index c52d4ed667b7ecba74ad39ba1aeba0056719c204..c5a38a410eb8920c28201226db3788cb6dc0ebc7 100644
--- a/sources/encoding/EncodingGearBox.vhd
+++ b/sources/encoding/EncodingGearBox.vhd
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ begin
             end if;
             if((ReverseOutputBits xor MsbFirst) = '0') then
-                ElinkData(wOut -1 downto 0)        <= reverse_any_vector(shift(cnt_s - 1 downto cnt_s-Wout));
+                ELinkData(wOut -1 downto 0)        <= reverse_any_vector(shift(cnt_s - 1 downto cnt_s-wOut));
-                ElinkData(wOut -1 downto 0)        <= shift(cnt_s - 1 downto cnt_s-wOut);
+                ELinkData(wOut -1 downto 0)        <= shift(cnt_s - 1 downto cnt_s-wOut);
             end if;
         end if;
diff --git a/sources/encoding/ExtendedTestPulse.vhd b/sources/encoding/ExtendedTestPulse.vhd
index e7f6accfa9c8aa30fb78778d9425745e282e08bc..e515521475d739229e05b775f1bb97bb5d8e62a3 100644
--- a/sources/encoding/ExtendedTestPulse.vhd
+++ b/sources/encoding/ExtendedTestPulse.vhd
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 --! Use standard library
-library work, IEEE, UNISIM;
+library IEEE, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
diff --git a/sources/encoding/enc_8b10.vhd b/sources/encoding/enc_8b10.vhd
index f605068b042be65983812c54fcb7e205c399883c..54f37d9b792482a76fcd316ff5af7b3c38f98d6d 100644
--- a/sources/encoding/enc_8b10.vhd
+++ b/sources/encoding/enc_8b10.vhd
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ architecture behavioral of enc_8b10b is
   signal pd1s4 : std_logic; -- (!fi & !gi) | (ki & ((fi & !gi) | (!fi & gi))) ;
   signal ndos4 : std_logic; -- (!fi & !gi) ;
   signal pdos4 : std_logic; -- fi & gi & hi ;
-  signal illegalk : std_logic; -- ki & 
+  --signal illegalk : std_logic; -- ki & 
   signal compls6 : std_logic; -- (pd1s6 & !dispin) | (nd1s6 & dispin) ;
   signal disp6 : std_logic; -- dispin ^ (ndos6 | pdos6) ;
   signal compls4 : std_logic; -- (pd1s4 & !disp6) | (nd1s4 & disp6) ;
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ begin
   --    K27 is 11011
   --    K29 is 11101
   --    K30 is 11110 - so K23/27/29/30 are ei  and  l31
-   illegalk <= KI  and  
-          (ai  or  bi  or  not ci  or  not di  or  not ei)  and  -- not K28.0->7
-          (not fi  or  not gi  or  not hi  or  not ei  or  not l31) ; -- not K23/27/29/30.7
+   --illegalk <= KI  and  
+          --(ai  or  bi  or  not ci  or  not di  or  not ei)  and  -- not K28.0->7
+          --(not fi  or  not gi  or  not hi  or  not ei  or  not l31) ; -- not K23/27/29/30.7
   -- now determine whether to do the complementing
   -- complement if prev disp is - and pd1s6 is set, or + and nd1s6 is set
diff --git a/sources/encoding/encoding.vhd b/sources/encoding/encoding.vhd
index 3d9c3efe13367932056f9d1e81dba0c583a2f1b5..b1800e116608dbaffdc9e9162ffeeff996e09abd 100644
--- a/sources/encoding/encoding.vhd
+++ b/sources/encoding/encoding.vhd
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
 use work.axi_stream_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.FELIX_gbt_package.all;
 use work.FELIX_package.all;
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ entity encoding is
         register_map_control : in  register_map_control_type;
         register_map_encoding_monitor : out register_map_encoding_monitor_type;
         GBT_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA : out  txrx120b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);   --GBT data output
-        lpGBT_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA            : out txrx32b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1); --TODO: Connect to E-groups, e.g. Strips LCB encoder
+        lpGBT_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA            : out txrx32b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1); --TODO: Connect to E-groups, e.g. Strips LCB encoder -- @suppress "Unused port: lpGBT_DOWNLINK_USER_DATA is not used in work.encoding(Behavioral)"
         lpGBT_DOWNLINK_IC_DATA              : out txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
         lpGBT_DOWNLINK_EC_DATA              : out txrx2b_type(0 to GBT_NUM-1);
         TTCin                                 : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0)
@@ -288,6 +288,10 @@ begin
             --IG ttcFanDly : for J in 0 to 9 generate
             ttcFanDly : for J in 0 to 10 generate --IG: add another bit to support the extended Test Pulse
                 TTC_DELAY_SRL : SRL16E
+                        generic map(
+                            INIT => x"0000",
+                            IS_CLK_INVERTED => '0'
+                        )
                     port map (
                         Q => TTCin_array(I)(J), --delayed copy of TTCin
                         A0 => TTC_DELAY_array(I)(0), --input from control register
diff --git a/sources/flash/flash_ipcore_bnl.vhd b/sources/flash/flash_ipcore_bnl.vhd
index 99cb536dbef5d4e90b2ab403625aa907e43fc693..8bddbfcf15ca36b8b743b8221ca26d22891a1bf9 100644
--- a/sources/flash/flash_ipcore_bnl.vhd
+++ b/sources/flash/flash_ipcore_bnl.vhd
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
 library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
 -- any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ entity flash_ipcore_bnl is
   Port (
     clk_i             : in std_logic;
     rst_i             : in std_logic;
-    init_i            : in std_logic;
+    --init_i            : in std_logic;
     readstatus_i      : in std_logic;
     clearstatus_i     : in std_logic;
     eraseblock_i      : in std_logic;
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ entity flash_ipcore_bnl is
     flash_ce_n_o      : out std_logic;
     flash_clk_o       : out std_logic;
     flash_re_n_o      : out std_logic;
-    flash_rst_n_o     : out std_logic;
+    --flash_rst_n_o     : out std_logic;
     --flash_wait_i      : in std_logic;
     flash_we_n_o      : out std_logic;
     flash_wp_n_o      : out std_logic
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ signal ipcore_op_done   : std_logic:='0';
 signal WRITE_A          : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
 signal WRITE_B          : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
 signal flash_data_out   : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal flash_data_rd_o_i : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+--signal flash_data_rd_o_i : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
 signal cmd_type         : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0):="00";
 signal counter          : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):="000";
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ begin
             ipcore_op_done      <= '0';
             ipcore_busy         <= '0';
             bus_status          <= IDLE;
-          when others =>
+          when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
             bus_status          <= IDLE;
         end case;
       end if;
diff --git a/sources/flash/flash_wrapper.vhd b/sources/flash/flash_wrapper.vhd
index cc7e88cb2a2a42a1c5705f51ef2b87a3372190d7..b7dd5c4fba454734922f6a9b9ffdb4b1040d7d8f 100644
--- a/sources/flash/flash_wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/flash/flash_wrapper.vhd
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@
 library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
-library WORK;
+--library WORK;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
 -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ architecture Behavioral of flash_wrapper is
   signal flash_a_i              : std_logic_vector(26 downto 0);
-  signal  do_rst_i              : std_logic;
-  signal  do_init_i             : std_logic;
+  --signal  do_rst_i              : std_logic;
+  --signal  do_init_i             : std_logic;
   signal do_readstatus_i        : std_logic;
   signal do_clearstatus_i       : std_logic;
   signal do_eraseblock_i        : std_logic;
@@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ architecture Behavioral of flash_wrapper is
   signal  do_readstatus_i_2r            : std_logic;
   signal  do_readstatus_i_rising        : std_logic;
-  signal  do_init_i_r                   : std_logic;
-  signal  do_init_i_2r                  : std_logic;
-  signal  do_init_i_rising              : std_logic;
+  --signal  do_init_i_r                   : std_logic;
+  --signal  do_init_i_2r                  : std_logic;
+  --signal  do_init_i_rising              : std_logic;
-  signal  do_rst_i_r                    : std_logic;
-  signal  do_rst_i_2r                   : std_logic;
-  signal  do_rst_i_rising               : std_logic;
+  --signal  do_rst_i_r                    : std_logic;
+  --signal  do_rst_i_2r                   : std_logic;
+  --signal  do_rst_i_rising               : std_logic;
   signal do_special_rdstatus_i_r        : std_logic;
   signal do_special_rdstatus_i          : std_logic;
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of flash_wrapper is
   flash_a         <= flash_a_i(24 downto 0);
-  flash_SEL       <= flash_SEL_i;
+  flash_SEL       <= flash_sel_i;
   flash_a_msb     <= flash_par_wr when flash_par_sel_i = '1' else "ZZ";
   flash_par_rd    <= flash_a_msb when flash_par_sel_i = '0' else flash_par_wr;
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ begin
   do_cfiquery_i        <= '0';
   do_readdeviceident_i <= to_sl(register_map_control.CONFIG_FLASH_WR.DO_READDEVICEID);
-  do_init_i            <= to_sl(register_map_control.CONFIG_FLASH_WR.DO_INIT);
-  do_rst_i             <= to_sl(register_map_control.CONFIG_FLASH_WR.DO_RESET);
+  --do_init_i            <= to_sl(register_map_control.CONFIG_FLASH_WR.DO_INIT);
+  --do_rst_i             <= to_sl(register_map_control.CONFIG_FLASH_WR.DO_RESET);
   flash_wr_data        <= register_map_control.CONFIG_FLASH_WR.WRITE_DATA;
   flash_adr            <= register_map_control.CONFIG_FLASH_WR.ADDRESS;
@@ -224,13 +224,13 @@ begin
       do_readstatus_i_2r        <= do_readstatus_i_r;
       do_readstatus_i_rising    <= do_readstatus_i_r and (not do_readstatus_i_2r);
-      do_init_i_r               <= do_init_i;
-      do_init_i_2r              <= do_init_i_r;
-      do_init_i_rising          <= do_init_i_r and (not do_init_i_2r);
+      --do_init_i_r               <= do_init_i;
+      --do_init_i_2r              <= do_init_i_r;
+      --do_init_i_rising          <= do_init_i_r and (not do_init_i_2r);
-      do_rst_i_r                <= do_rst_i;
-      do_rst_i_2r               <= do_rst_i_r;
-      do_rst_i_rising           <= do_rst_i_r and (not do_rst_i_2r);
+      --do_rst_i_r                <= do_rst_i;
+      --do_rst_i_2r               <= do_rst_i_r;
+      --do_rst_i_rising           <= do_rst_i_r and (not do_rst_i_2r);
       do_special_rdstatus_i_r   <= do_special_rdstatus_i;
       do_special_rdstatus_i_2r  <= do_special_rdstatus_i_r;
@@ -249,38 +249,35 @@ cfi: entity work.flash_ipcore_bnl
     ADDR_WIDTH => 27
   port map(
-    clk_i       => clk,
-    rst_i       => rst,
-    init_i              => do_init_i_rising,
-    readstatus_i        => do_readstatus_i_rising,
-    clearstatus_i       => do_clearstatus_i_rising,
-    eraseblock_i        => do_eraseblock_i_rising,
-    unlockblock_i       => do_unlockblock_i_rising,
-    write_word_i        => do_write_i_rising,
-    read_i              => do_read_i_rising,
-    readdevid_i         => do_readdeviceident_i_rising,
-    cfiquery_i          => do_cfiquery_i_rising,
-    special_write_i     => do_special_write_i_rising,
-    special_rdstatus_i  => do_special_rdstatus_i_rising,
-    flash_data_rd_o     => flash_rd_data,
-    flash_data_wr_i     => flash_wr_data,
-    flash_d_debug       => open,
-    flash_addr_cmd_i    => flash_adr,
-    ipcore_op_done_o    => flash_req_done_o,
-    ipcore_busy_o       => flash_busy_o,
-    flash_dq_io         => flash_d,
-    flash_addr_o        => flash_a_i,
-    flash_adv_n_o       => flash_adv,
-    flash_ce_n_o        => flash_ce,
-    flash_clk_o         => flash_cclk,
-    flash_re_n_o        => flash_re,
-    flash_rst_n_o       => open,
+    clk_i => clk,
+    rst_i => rst,
+    --init_i              => do_init_i_rising,
+    readstatus_i => do_readstatus_i_rising,
+    clearstatus_i => do_clearstatus_i_rising,
+    eraseblock_i => do_eraseblock_i_rising,
+    unlockblock_i => do_unlockblock_i_rising,
+    write_word_i => do_write_i_rising,
+    special_write_i => do_special_write_i_rising,
+    read_i => do_read_i_rising,
+    readdevid_i => do_readdeviceident_i_rising,
+    cfiquery_i => do_cfiquery_i_rising,
+    special_rdstatus_i => do_special_rdstatus_i_rising,
+    flash_data_rd_o => flash_rd_data,
+    flash_data_wr_i => flash_wr_data,
+    flash_d_debug => open,
+    flash_addr_cmd_i => flash_adr,
+    ipcore_op_done_o => flash_req_done_o,
+    ipcore_busy_o => flash_busy_o,
+    flash_dq_io => flash_d,
+    flash_addr_o => flash_a_i,
+    flash_adv_n_o => flash_adv,
+    flash_ce_n_o => flash_ce,
+    flash_clk_o => flash_cclk,
+    flash_re_n_o => flash_re,
+    --flash_rst_n_o       => open,
     --flash_wait_i        => '0',
-    flash_we_n_o        => flash_we,
-    flash_wp_n_o        => open
+    flash_we_n_o => flash_we,
+    flash_wp_n_o => open
diff --git a/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd b/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd
index ead77e4bbf1b60d3513bcd23417f911b13e1a9a9..04397f536a548065f1cebb6915c79e82ab8ad048 100644
--- a/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd
+++ b/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
-library ieee, UNISIM, work;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -14,21 +14,17 @@ entity GenericConstantsToRegs is
     GBT_NUM                         : integer := 24;
     ENDPOINTS                       : integer := 1; --Number of PCIe endpoints on the card.
-    GBT_MAPPING                     : integer := 0; -- GBT mapping: 0 NORMAL CXP1 -> GBT1-12 | 1 ALTERNATE CXP1 -> GBT 1-4,9-12,17-20
     OPTO_TRX                        : integer := 2;
-    DEBUG_MODE                      : boolean := false;
     generateTTCemu                  : boolean := false;
     AUTOMATIC_CLOCK_SWITCH          : boolean := false;
     FIRMWARE_MODE                   : integer := 0;
     USE_Si5324_RefCLK               : boolean := false;
-    includeDirectMode               : boolean := true;
     GENERATE_XOFF                   : boolean := true; -- FromHost Xoff transmission enabled on Full mode busy
     IncludeDecodingEpath2_HDLC      : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1111111"; 
     IncludeDecodingEpath2_8b10b     : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1111111"; 
     IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b     : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1111111";
     IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b     : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1111111";
     IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b    : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000000"; --lpGBT only
-    IncludeDecodingEpath32_8b10b    : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000000"; --lpGBT only
     IncludeEncodingEpath2_HDLC      : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000";
     IncludeEncodingEpath2_8b10b     : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000";
     IncludeEncodingEpath4_8b10b     : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000";
diff --git a/sources/housekeeping/clock_and_reset.vhd b/sources/housekeeping/clock_and_reset.vhd
index 485770a0ffc2a0579639ceb9da969bbd731c063e..6ee140c7930945225047a6158a17fede423f9eef 100644
--- a/sources/housekeeping/clock_and_reset.vhd
+++ b/sources/housekeeping/clock_and_reset.vhd
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ entity clock_and_reset is
     MMCM_OscSelect_out   : out    std_logic;
     app_clk_in_n         : in     std_logic;
     app_clk_in_p         : in     std_logic;
-    cdrlocked_in         : in     std_logic;
+    --cdrlocked_in         : in     std_logic;
     clk10_xtal           : out    std_logic;
     clk160               : out    std_logic;
     clk240               : out    std_logic;
@@ -99,80 +99,64 @@ architecture rtl of clock_and_reset is
 component clk_wiz_40_0
- (-- Clock in ports
-  clk_40_in           : in     std_logic;
-  clk_in2             : in     std_logic;
-  clk_in_sel          : in     std_logic;
-  -- Clock out ports
-  clk40           : out    std_logic;
-  clk80           : out    std_logic;
-  clk160          : out    std_logic;
-  clk320          : out    std_logic;
-  clk240          : out    std_logic;
-  clk250          : out    std_logic;
-  -- Status and control signals
-  reset             : in     std_logic;
-  locked            : out    std_logic
- );
-end component;
+    port(
+        clk_in2    : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_in_sel : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        clk40      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk80      : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk160     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk320     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk240     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk250     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        reset      : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        locked     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_40_in  : in  STD_LOGIC
+    );
+end component clk_wiz_40_0;
 component clk_wiz_250
- (-- Clock in ports
-  clk_in40_1           : in     std_logic;
-  clk_in40_2           : in     std_logic;
-  clk_in_sel           : in     std_logic;
-  -- Clock out ports
-  clk250          : out    std_logic;
-  -- Status and control signals
-  reset             : in     std_logic;
-  locked            : out    std_logic
- );
-end component;
+    port(
+        clk_in40_2 : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_in_sel : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        clk250     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        reset      : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        locked     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_in40_1 : in  STD_LOGIC
+    );
+end component clk_wiz_250;
 component clk_wiz_100_0
- (-- Clock in ports
-  clk_in1_p      : in    std_logic;
-  clk_in1_n      : in    std_logic;
-  -- Clock out ports
-  clk40          : out    std_logic;
-  clk10          : out    std_logic;
-  -- Status and control signals
-  reset             : in     std_logic;
-  locked            : out    std_logic
- );
-end component;
+    port(
+        clk40     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk10     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        reset     : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        locked    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_in1_p : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_in1_n : in  STD_LOGIC
+    );
+end component clk_wiz_100_0;
 component clk_wiz_200_0
- (-- Clock in ports
-  clk_in1_p      : in    std_logic;
-  clk_in1_n      : in    std_logic;
-  -- Clock out ports
-  clk40          : out    std_logic;
-  clk10          : out    std_logic;
-  -- Status and control signals
-  reset          : in     std_logic;
-  locked         : out    std_logic
- );
-end component;
+    port(
+        clk40     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk10     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        reset     : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        locked    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_in1_p : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_in1_n : in  STD_LOGIC
+    );
+end component clk_wiz_200_0;
 component clk_wiz_156_0
- (-- Clock in ports
-  clk_in1_p      : in    std_logic;
-  clk_in1_n      : in    std_logic;
-  -- Clock out ports
-  clk40          : out    std_logic;
-  clk10          : out    std_logic;
-  -- Status and control signals
-  reset             : in     std_logic;
-  locked            : out    std_logic
- );
-end component;
+    port(
+        clk40     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk10     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        reset     : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        locked    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_in1_p : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_in1_n : in  STD_LOGIC
+    );
+end component clk_wiz_156_0;
    signal reset_in        : std_logic; 
@@ -184,16 +168,16 @@ end component;
    signal clk160_out_s    : std_logic;
    signal clk_ttcfx_ref_s : std_logic;
-   signal ttc_locked       : std_logic;
-   signal ttcCounter       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-   signal ttcCounterXtal   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-   signal ttcCounterXtalP1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-   signal xtalCounter      : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+   --signal ttc_locked       : std_logic;
+   --signal ttcCounter       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+   --signal ttcCounterXtal   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+   --signal ttcCounterXtalP1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+   --signal xtalCounter      : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    signal OscSelect        : std_logic;
    constant TTC_SRC        : std_logic  := '1';
    constant XTAL_SRC       : std_logic  := '0';
-   signal unused_app_clk : std_logic;
+   signal unused_app_clk : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal unused_app_clk is never read"
    attribute dont_touch : string;
    attribute dont_touch of unused_app_clk : signal is "true";
@@ -204,49 +188,45 @@ begin
   -- Main MMCM
   clk0 : clk_wiz_40_0
   port map ( 
-   -- Clock in ports
-   clk_40_in => clk_ttc_40,
-   clk_in2   => clk_xtal_40_s,
-   clk_in_sel=> OscSelect,
-  -- Clock out ports  
-   clk40  => clk40_s,
-   clk80  => clk80,
+   clk_in2 => clk_xtal_40_s,
+   clk_in_sel => OscSelect,
+   clk40 => clk40_s,
+   clk80 => clk80,
    clk160 => clk160_s,
    clk320 => clk320,
-   clk240  => clk240,
+   clk240 => clk240,
    clk250 => open,
-  -- Status and control signals                
    reset => reset_in,
-   locked => locked_s
+   locked => locked_s,
+   -- Clock in ports
+   clk_40_in => clk_ttc_40
   clk250_0 : clk_wiz_250
    port map ( 
-   -- Clock in ports
-   clk_in40_1 => clk_ttc_40,
    clk_in40_2 => clk_xtal_40_s,
    clk_in_sel => OscSelect,
-  -- Clock out ports  
    clk250 => clk250,
-  -- Status and control signals                
    reset => reset_in,
-   locked => open            
+   locked => open,
+   -- Clock in ports
+   clk_in40_1 => clk_ttc_40            
  -- FLX-709 Si570 @ 156.25MHz
   g_156M: if(APP_CLK_FREQ = 156) generate
     clk0 : clk_wiz_156_0
       port map ( 
-        -- Clock in ports
-        clk_in1_p => app_clk_in_p,
-        clk_in1_n => app_clk_in_n,
         -- Clock out ports  
-        clk40  => clk_xtal_40_s,
-        clk10  => clk10_xtal,
+        clk40 => clk_xtal_40_s,
+        clk10 => clk10_xtal,
         -- Status and control signals                
         reset => '0',
-        locked => open
+        locked => open,
+        -- Clock in ports
+        clk_in1_p => app_clk_in_p,
+        clk_in1_n => app_clk_in_n
   end generate;
@@ -254,15 +234,15 @@ begin
   g_200M: if(APP_CLK_FREQ = 200) generate
     clk0 : clk_wiz_200_0
       port map ( 
-        -- Clock in ports
-        clk_in1_p => app_clk_in_p,
-        clk_in1_n => app_clk_in_n,
         -- Clock out ports  
-        clk40  => clk_xtal_40_s,
-        clk10  => clk10_xtal,
+        clk40 => clk_xtal_40_s,
+        clk10 => clk10_xtal,
         -- Status and control signals                
         reset => '0',
-        locked => open
+        locked => open,
+        -- Clock in ports
+        clk_in1_p => app_clk_in_p,
+        clk_in1_n => app_clk_in_n
   end generate;
@@ -270,15 +250,15 @@ begin
   g_100M: if(APP_CLK_FREQ = 100) generate
     clk0 : clk_wiz_100_0
       port map ( 
-        -- Clock in ports
-        clk_in1_p => app_clk_in_p,
-        clk_in1_n => app_clk_in_n,
         -- Clock out ports  
-        clk40  => clk_xtal_40_s,
-        clk10  => clk10_xtal,
+        clk40 => clk_xtal_40_s,
+        clk10 => clk10_xtal,
         -- Status and control signals                
         reset => '0',
-        locked => open
+        locked => open,
+        -- Clock in ports
+        clk_in1_p => app_clk_in_p,
+        clk_in1_n => app_clk_in_n
   end generate;
@@ -286,16 +266,16 @@ begin
   g1b: if(USE_BACKUP_CLK = false and AUTOMATIC_CLOCK_SWITCH = false) generate
     signal unused_app_clk_temp: std_logic;
-    buf0: IBUFDS
+    buf0: IBUFDS -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: CAPACITANCE, DIFF_TERM, DQS_BIAS, IBUF_DELAY_VALUE, IBUF_LOW_PWR, IFD_DELAY_VALUE, IOSTANDARD"
       port map (
+        O => unused_app_clk_temp,
         I => app_clk_in_p,
-        Ib => app_clk_in_n,
-        O => unused_app_clk_temp
+        Ib => app_clk_in_n
     bufg0: BUFG
       port map (
-      	I => unused_app_clk_temp,
-      	O => unused_app_clk
+      	O => unused_app_clk,
+      	I => unused_app_clk_temp
   end generate;
@@ -314,28 +294,28 @@ begin
   	signal clk_ttcfx_mon2_temp: std_logic;
-  buf1: IBUFDS
+  buf1: IBUFDS -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: CAPACITANCE, DIFF_TERM, DQS_BIAS, IBUF_DELAY_VALUE, IBUF_LOW_PWR, IFD_DELAY_VALUE, IOSTANDARD"
   port map (
+      O => clk_ttcfx_mon1_temp,
       I => clk_ttcfx_ref1_in_p,
-      Ib => clk_ttcfx_ref1_in_n,
-      O => clk_ttcfx_mon1_temp
+      Ib => clk_ttcfx_ref1_in_n
   bufg1: BUFG 
   port map (
-  	I => clk_ttcfx_mon1_temp,
-  	O => clk_ttcfx_mon1
+  	O => clk_ttcfx_mon1,
+  	I => clk_ttcfx_mon1_temp
-  buf2: IBUFDS
+  buf2: IBUFDS -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: CAPACITANCE, DIFF_TERM, DQS_BIAS, IBUF_DELAY_VALUE, IBUF_LOW_PWR, IFD_DELAY_VALUE, IOSTANDARD"
   port map (
+      O => clk_ttcfx_mon2_temp,
       I => clk_ttcfx_ref2_in_p,
-      Ib => clk_ttcfx_ref2_in_n,
-      O => clk_ttcfx_mon2_temp
+      Ib => clk_ttcfx_ref2_in_n
   bufg2: BUFG 
   port map (
-  	I => clk_ttcfx_mon2_temp,
-  	O => clk_ttcfx_mon2
+  	O => clk_ttcfx_mon2,
+  	I => clk_ttcfx_mon2_temp
   end block;
@@ -352,7 +332,7 @@ begin
   -- input to the Si5345 from Main MMCM 40 MHz
   OBUFDS_ttcfx_ref_out : OBUFDS
-  generic map
+  generic map -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: CAPACITANCE, SLEW"
   port map (
     O  => clk_ttcfx_ref_out_p,
@@ -362,7 +342,7 @@ begin
   -- extra input to the Si5345
   OBUFDS_ttcfx_ref2_out : OBUFDS
-  generic map
+  generic map -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: CAPACITANCE, SLEW"
   port map (
     O  => clk_ttcfx_ref2_out_p,
@@ -375,14 +355,14 @@ begin
     g2c: if(USE_BACKUP_CLK = false) generate
       OscSelect <= TTC_SRC;
     end generate;
-    g2d: if(USE_BACKUP_CLK = true) generate
+    g2d: if(USE_BACKUP_CLK) generate
       OscSelect <= XTAL_SRC;
     end generate;
   end generate;
   -- autoclock switch turned into manual select
-  g2b: if (AUTOMATIC_CLOCK_SWITCH = true) generate
-    ttc_locked <= cdrlocked_in;
+  g2b: if (AUTOMATIC_CLOCK_SWITCH) generate
+    --ttc_locked <= cdrlocked_in;
     OscSelect <= XTAL_SRC when register_map_control.MMCM_MAIN.LCLK_SEL = "1" else  TTC_SRC; --ttc_locked;
   end generate;
@@ -390,26 +370,25 @@ begin
   reset_out <= not locked_s;
   -- 160 Mhz to the Si5324 (FLX-709 only)
-  g_160_out_bufgmux0: if(AUTOMATIC_CLOCK_SWITCH = true) generate
+  g_160_out_bufgmux0: if(AUTOMATIC_CLOCK_SWITCH) generate
   	signal CE1, CE0: std_logic;
   	CE1 <= OscSelect;
   	CE0 <= not OscSelect;
-    bufgmux_160_0: BUFGCTRL
     port map (
+      O => clk160_out_s, -- insert clock output
+      CE0 => CE0,
+      CE1 => CE1,
+      I0 => clk160_s, -- insert clock input used when select (S) is Low
+      I1 => clk_adn_160, -- insert clock input used when select (S) is High
       IGNORE0 => '0',
       IGNORE1 => '0',
       S0 => '1',
-      S1 => '1',
-      I0     => clk160_s, -- insert clock input used when select (S) is Low 
-      I1     => clk_adn_160, -- insert clock input used when select (S) is High
-      CE0    => CE0,
-      CE1    => CE1,
-      O      => clk160_out_s  -- insert clock output
-      );
+      S1 => '1'      );
   end generate;
-  g_160_out_xtal: if(USE_BACKUP_CLK = true and AUTOMATIC_CLOCK_SWITCH = false) generate
+  g_160_out_xtal: if(USE_BACKUP_CLK and AUTOMATIC_CLOCK_SWITCH = false) generate
     clk160_out_s <= clk160_s;
   end generate;
@@ -420,12 +399,13 @@ begin
   --OBUFDS to route the 160 MHz clock into the Si5324 jitter cleaner (VC709) to create the GBT Reference clock
   generic map (
     SLEW       => "FAST")
   port map(
-    I => clk160_out_s,
     O => clk_adn_160_out_p,
-    OB => clk_adn_160_out_n);
+    OB => clk_adn_160_out_n,
+    I => clk160_out_s);
 end architecture rtl ; -- of clock_and_reset
diff --git a/sources/housekeeping/gc_multichannel_frequency_meter.vhd b/sources/housekeeping/gc_multichannel_frequency_meter.vhd
index b1a7875b4fab96e64074fa9e5dac956c7b02e647..757622dab55c3dd63b4292159384eca36fbe95f2 100644
--- a/sources/housekeeping/gc_multichannel_frequency_meter.vhd
+++ b/sources/housekeeping/gc_multichannel_frequency_meter.vhd
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ architecture arch of gc_multichannel_frequency_meter is
-  gen_internal_timebase : if(g_WITH_INTERNAL_TIMEBASE = true) generate
+  gen_internal_timebase : if(g_WITH_INTERNAL_TIMEBASE) generate
     p_gate_counter : process(clk_sys_i)
diff --git a/sources/housekeeping/gc_pulse_synchronizer.vhd b/sources/housekeeping/gc_pulse_synchronizer.vhd
index ff015e576803aefa635dd8061013bdde3ef34219..1df5f212424f33c27d3f6374d052f98a2c98197d 100644
--- a/sources/housekeeping/gc_pulse_synchronizer.vhd
+++ b/sources/housekeeping/gc_pulse_synchronizer.vhd
@@ -53,12 +53,13 @@ begin  -- rtl
   -- using the same reset on both domains
   cmp_gc_pulse_sync : entity work.gc_pulse_synchronizer2
     port map (
-      clk_in_i    => clk_in_i,
-      rst_in_n_i  => rst_n_i,
-      clk_out_i   => clk_out_i,
+      clk_in_i => clk_in_i,
+      rst_in_n_i => rst_n_i,
+      clk_out_i => clk_out_i,
       rst_out_n_i => rst_n_i,
-      d_ready_o   => d_ready_o,
-      d_p_i       => d_p_i,
-      q_p_o       => q_p_o);
+      d_ready_o => d_ready_o,
+      d_ack_p_o => open,
+      d_p_i => d_p_i,
+      q_p_o => q_p_o);
 end rtl;
diff --git a/sources/housekeeping/gc_pulse_synchronizer2.vhd b/sources/housekeeping/gc_pulse_synchronizer2.vhd
index 67c99542a4785a86feb74641fe3a06e6ff54dfd6..ae5c7365043ae76c0e0f4980cbc80f039d88d775 100644
--- a/sources/housekeeping/gc_pulse_synchronizer2.vhd
+++ b/sources/housekeeping/gc_pulse_synchronizer2.vhd
@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ architecture rtl of gc_pulse_synchronizer2 is
 begin  -- rtl
   cmp_in2out_sync : entity work.gc_sync_ffs
+        generic map(
+            g_sync_edge => "positive"
+        )
     port map (
       clk_i    => clk_out_i,
       rst_n_i  => rst_out_n_i,
@@ -72,6 +75,9 @@ begin  -- rtl
       ppulse_o => q_p_o);
   cmp_out2in_sync : entity work.gc_sync_ffs
+        generic map(
+            g_sync_edge => "positive"
+        )
     port map (
       clk_i    => clk_in_i,
       rst_n_i  => rst_in_n_i,
diff --git a/sources/housekeeping/housekeeping_module.vhd b/sources/housekeeping/housekeeping_module.vhd
index d4d522cd34237db5971fcb3f31b0e7cd1edd5b52..32204acf24e0163141d3fd3acbcccd776ae45cd5 100644
--- a/sources/housekeeping/housekeeping_module.vhd
+++ b/sources/housekeeping/housekeeping_module.vhd
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.I2C.all;
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ entity housekeeping_module is
     IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b     : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1111111";
     IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b     : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1111111";
     IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b    : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000000"; --lpGBT only
-    IncludeDecodingEpath32_8b10b    : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000000"; --lpGBT only
     IncludeEncodingEpath2_HDLC      : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000";
     IncludeEncodingEpath2_8b10b     : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000";
     IncludeEncodingEpath4_8b10b     : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000";
@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ entity housekeeping_module is
     clk40                       : in     std_logic; --MT added        
     leds                        : out    std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     opto_inhibit                : out    std_logic_vector(OPTO_TRX-1 downto 0);
-    opto_los                    : in     std_logic_vector(OPTO_TRX-1 downto 0);
+    --opto_los                    : in     std_logic_vector(OPTO_TRX-1 downto 0);
     register_map_control        : in     register_map_control_type;
     register_map_gen_board_info : out    register_map_gen_board_info_type;
     register_map_hk_monitor     : out    register_map_hk_monitor_type;
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ architecture structure of housekeeping_module is
   signal nReset                         : std_logic;
   signal clk                            : std_logic;
   signal cmd_ack                        : std_logic;
-  signal ack_out                        : std_logic;
+  --signal ack_out                        : std_logic;
   signal Dout                           : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
   signal Din                            : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
   signal ack_in                         : std_logic;
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ begin
       ack_in  => ack_in,
       Din     => Din,
       cmd_ack => cmd_ack,
-      ack_out => ack_out,
+      ack_out => open, --ack_out,
       Dout    => Dout,
       SCL     => SCL,
       SDA     => SDA);
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ begin
       I2C_WR               => register_map_hk_monitor.I2C_WR,
       RST                  => RST,
       ack_in               => ack_in,
-      ack_out              => ack_out,
+      --ack_out              => ack_out,
       appreg_clk           => appreg_clk,
       clk                  => clk,
       cmd_ack              => cmd_ack,
@@ -166,26 +165,25 @@ begin
   const0: entity work.GenericConstantsToRegs
     generic map(
-      GBT_NUM                         => GBT_NUM,
-      OPTO_TRX                        => OPTO_TRX,
-      ENDPOINTS                       => ENDPOINTS,
-      generateTTCemu                  => generateTTCemu,
-      FIRMWARE_MODE                   => FIRMWARE_MODE,
-      USE_Si5324_RefCLK               => USE_Si5324_RefCLK,
+      GBT_NUM => GBT_NUM,
+      OPTO_TRX => OPTO_TRX,
+      generateTTCemu => generateTTCemu,
+      USE_Si5324_RefCLK => USE_Si5324_RefCLK,
       --CREnableFromHost                => CREnableFromHost,
       --includeDirectMode               => includeDirectMode,
-      GENERATE_XOFF                   => GENERATE_XOFF,
-      IncludeDecodingEpath2_HDLC      => IncludeDecodingEpath2_HDLC,
-      IncludeDecodingEpath2_8b10b     => IncludeDecodingEpath2_8b10b,
-      IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b     => IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b,
-      IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b     => IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b,
-      IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b    => IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b,
-      IncludeDecodingEpath32_8b10b    => IncludeDecodingEpath32_8b10b,
-      IncludeEncodingEpath2_HDLC      => IncludeEncodingEpath2_HDLC ,
-      IncludeEncodingEpath2_8b10b     => IncludeEncodingEpath2_8b10b,
-      IncludeEncodingEpath4_8b10b     => IncludeEncodingEpath4_8b10b,
-      IncludeEncodingEpath8_8b10b     => IncludeEncodingEpath8_8b10b,
+      IncludeDecodingEpath2_HDLC => IncludeDecodingEpath2_HDLC,
+      IncludeDecodingEpath2_8b10b => IncludeDecodingEpath2_8b10b,
+      IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b => IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b,
+      IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b => IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b,
+      IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b => IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b,
+      IncludeEncodingEpath2_HDLC => IncludeEncodingEpath2_HDLC,
+      IncludeEncodingEpath2_8b10b => IncludeEncodingEpath2_8b10b,
+      IncludeEncodingEpath4_8b10b => IncludeEncodingEpath4_8b10b,
+      IncludeEncodingEpath8_8b10b => IncludeEncodingEpath8_8b10b,
@@ -285,7 +283,7 @@ begin
         clk40             => clk40_xtal,
         lnk_up0           => lnk_up(0),
         lnk_up1           => lnk_up(1),
-        reset_pcie        => open,
+        --reset_pcie        => open,
         sys_reset_n       => sys_reset_n);
   end generate;
diff --git a/sources/housekeeping/i2c_interface.vhd b/sources/housekeeping/i2c_interface.vhd
index 2adc42ff3c1d2394368f0a6fcfaaaa8b9c06edab..f3f120bc6b45d1cbdd0a0a9418fa642f4ccd5d52 100644
--- a/sources/housekeeping/i2c_interface.vhd
+++ b/sources/housekeeping/i2c_interface.vhd
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
-library ieee, UNISIM, work;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ entity i2c_interface is
     I2C_WR               : out    bitfield_i2c_wr_r_type;
     RST                  : in     std_logic;
     ack_in               : out    std_logic;
-    ack_out              : in     std_logic;
+    --ack_out              : in     std_logic;
     appreg_clk           : in     std_logic;
     clk                  : out    std_logic;
     cmd_ack              : in     std_logic;
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ fifo_wr : I2C_WRFifo
           RnW <= RnW;
-          twoBytes <= twoBytes;
+          twobytes <= twobytes;
           write <= '0';
           read <= '0';
@@ -184,12 +184,12 @@ fifo_wr : I2C_WRFifo
                   start_s <= '1';
                   stop_s <= '0';
                   RnW <= wrfifo_dout(0);
-                  twoBytes <= wrfifo_dout(24);
+                  twobytes <= wrfifo_dout(24);
                   i2c_wr_state <= ADDRACK;
               when ADDRACK =>
                   if(cmd_ack = '1') then
-                    if(twoBytes = '1') then
+                    if(twobytes = '1') then
                       if(RnW = '1') then --Write one byte, then repeated start, address and read
                         i2c_wr_state <= WRITE1B; --first write one byte, then read
                       else               --Write two bytes, then stop
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ fifo_wr : I2C_WRFifo
                     i2c_wr_state <= READDATAACK;
                   end if;
-              when others =>
+              when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
                   i2c_wr_state <= IDLE;
           end case;
diff --git a/sources/i2c_master/I2C_Master_PEX.vhd b/sources/i2c_master/I2C_Master_PEX.vhd
index 8008b0477876d986d7acd331b9b5b5913bf18a56..62e83befbfe6958056597da6af3422a8d0060219 100644
--- a/sources/i2c_master/I2C_Master_PEX.vhd
+++ b/sources/i2c_master/I2C_Master_PEX.vhd
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 LIBRARY ieee;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 ENTITY i2c_master_pex IS
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ARCHITECTURE logic OF i2c_master_pex IS
   SIGNAL  adr_rw        :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);     
   SIGNAL  data_tx       :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0);     
-  SIGNAL  data_rx       :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);    
+  --SIGNAL  data_rx       :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);    
   SIGNAL  bit_cnt       :  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 7 := 7;        
   signal sda_o          : STD_LOGIC:='0';
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ ARCHITECTURE logic OF i2c_master_pex IS
   signal start_cnt      : std_logic:='0';
   signal stop_cnt       : std_logic:='0';
   signal sda_sel        : std_logic:='0';
-  signal busy           : std_logic:='0';
+  --signal busy           : std_logic:='0';
   signal command_cnt    : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0):="00";
   signal ack_cnt        : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0):="00";
   signal rd_cnt         : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0):="00";
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ BEGIN
       ack_error <= '0';
       iread     <= 0;
       iwrite    <= 0;
-      busy      <= '0';
+      --busy      <= '0';
       state_display             <= "00000";
       wr_number                 <= "0000";
       rd_number                 <="0000";
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ BEGIN
             i2c_process_finished        <= '0';
             state                       <= start;
             state_display               <= "00001";
-            busy                        <= '1';
+            --busy                        <= '1';
             adr_rw                      <= addr & '0';--(not wr_mod);
             --if special='1' then
             --  adr_rw <= addr & '1';
@@ -292,12 +292,12 @@ BEGIN
               ack_cnt                   <= "00";
               if addr_cnt =3 then
                 if wr_mod = '0' then
-                  state                 <= restartP2;
+                  state                 <= restartp2;
                 elsif no_data = '1' then	 
 --            elsif  wr_number_in = "0000" then
                   state                 <= stop;
-                  WR_number             <= "0000";
+                  wr_number             <= "0000";
                   state                 <= data_write_buf;
                   wr_data_update        <= '1';
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ BEGIN
               stop_cnt                  <= '0';
               if wr_number = "0000" then
                 state                   <= stop;
-                WR_number               <= "0000";
+                wr_number               <= "0000";
                 wr_number               <= wr_number - '1';
                 state                   <= data_write_buf;
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ BEGIN
             sda_o                       <= '0';
             stop_cnt                    <= '0';
             state                       <= stop1;
-            busy                        <= '0';
+            --busy                        <= '0';
           end if;
         when stop1 =>
@@ -593,11 +593,11 @@ BEGIN
           sda_o                         <= '1';
           state                         <= ready;
-        when others =>
+        when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
           state_display                 <= "10010";
           i2c_process_finished          <= '1';
           state                         <= ready;
-          busy                          <='0';
+          --busy                          <='0';
       end case;	         
     end if;
   end process;
diff --git a/sources/i2c_master/i2c.vhd b/sources/i2c_master/i2c.vhd
index 685897432d0aeedcad87f03b7539aa0a65bf7a36..9c5078942a05073529f1c6db21408c85c71d0298 100644
--- a/sources/i2c_master/i2c.vhd
+++ b/sources/i2c_master/i2c.vhd
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 package I2C is
 	component simple_i2c is
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ end package I2C;
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 entity simple_i2c is
 	port (
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ architecture structural of simple_i2c is
 	-- signals for i2c_core
 	signal core_cmd : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-	signal core_ack, core_busy, core_txd, core_rxd : std_logic;
+	signal core_ack, core_rxd, core_txd : std_logic;
 	-- signals for shift register
 	signal sr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- 8bit shift register
@@ -114,8 +114,18 @@ architecture structural of simple_i2c is
 	signal go, host_ack : std_logic;
 	-- hookup i2c core
-	u1: i2c_core port map (clk, nReset, clk_cnt, core_cmd, core_ack, core_busy, core_txd, core_rxd, SCL, SDA);
+    u1: i2c_core port map(
+        clk => clk,
+        nReset => nReset,
+        clk_cnt => clk_cnt,
+        cmd => core_cmd,
+        cmd_ack => core_ack,
+        busy => open,
+        Din => core_txd,
+        Dout => core_rxd,
+        SCL => SCL,
+        SDA => SDA
+    );
 	-- generate host-command-acknowledge
 	cmd_ack <= host_ack;
@@ -133,7 +143,7 @@ begin
 		if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
 			if (ld = '1') then
-				sr <= din;
+				sr <= Din;
 			elsif (shift = '1') then
 				sr <= (sr(6 downto 0) & core_rxd);
 			end if;
@@ -256,7 +266,7 @@ begin
 						icore_cmd := CMD_NOP;
 					end if;
-				when others => -- illegal states
+				when others => -- illegal states -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
 					nxt_state := st_idle;
 					icore_cmd := CMD_NOP;
 			end case;
@@ -334,7 +344,7 @@ end architecture structural;
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 entity i2c_core is
 	port (
@@ -356,7 +366,7 @@ entity i2c_core is
 end entity i2c_core;
 architecture structural of i2c_core is
-	constant CMD_NOP	: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";
+	--constant CMD_NOP	: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";
 	constant CMD_START	: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010";
 	constant CMD_STOP	: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";
 	constant CMD_READ	: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100";
@@ -393,7 +403,7 @@ begin
 	end process gen_clken;
 	-- generate statemachine
-	nxt_state_decoder : process (clk, nReset, state, cmd, SDA, txd, Din)
+	nxt_state_decoder : process (clk, nReset, state, cmd, txd, Din)
 		variable nxt_state : cmds;
 		variable icmd_ack, ibusy, store_sda : std_logic;
 		variable itxd : std_logic;
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/VU37P/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_v7_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/VU37P/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_v7_stub.vhdl
index f778215be5c31d2df63cee2ba5eff186c412fd6f..14d9d6dc3a27556726915bccbd08d34cf0b5916b 100644
--- a/sources/ip_cores/VU37P/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_v7_stub.vhdl
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/VU37P/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_v7_stub.vhdl
@@ -14,219 +14,219 @@ use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
 entity gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_v7 is
   Port ( 
-    gt0_cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_gtrefclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );
-    gt0_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    gt0_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    gt0_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );
-    gt0_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
-    gt0_rxdisperr_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt0_rxnotintable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt0_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_rxphmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    gt0_rxphslipmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    gt0_rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );
-    gt0_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    gt0_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_rxcharisk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt0_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );
-    gt0_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt0_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_gtrefclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );
-    gt1_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    gt1_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    gt1_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );
-    gt1_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
-    gt1_rxdisperr_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt1_rxnotintable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt1_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_rxphmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    gt1_rxphslipmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    gt1_rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );
-    gt1_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    gt1_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_rxcharisk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt1_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );
-    gt1_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt1_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_gtrefclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );
-    gt2_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    gt2_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    gt2_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );
-    gt2_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
-    gt2_rxdisperr_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt2_rxnotintable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt2_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_rxphmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    gt2_rxphslipmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    gt2_rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );
-    gt2_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    gt2_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_rxcharisk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt2_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );
-    gt2_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt2_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_gtrefclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );
-    gt3_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    gt3_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    gt3_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );
-    gt3_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
-    gt3_rxdisperr_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt3_rxnotintable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt3_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_rxphmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    gt3_rxphslipmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    gt3_rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );
-    gt3_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    gt3_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_rxcharisk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    gt3_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );
-    gt3_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    gt3_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;
+    SYSCLK_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                                         --@suppress
+    SOFT_RESET_TX_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    SOFT_RESET_RX_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    DONT_RESET_ON_DATA_ERROR_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    GT0_DATA_VALID_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    GT1_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    GT1_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    GT1_DATA_VALID_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    GT2_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    GT2_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    GT2_DATA_VALID_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    GT3_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    GT3_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    GT3_DATA_VALID_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt0_cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    gt0_cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_gtrefclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gt0_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt0_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    gt0_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    gt0_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    gt0_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt0_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    gt0_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                               --@suppress
+    gt0_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    gt0_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    gt0_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt0_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt0_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gt0_rxdisperr_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gt0_rxnotintable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt0_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt0_rxphmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    gt0_rxphslipmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    gt0_rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                          --@suppress
+    gt0_rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt0_rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt0_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt0_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    gt0_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    gt0_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_rxcharisk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gt0_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt0_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt0_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt0_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gt0_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt0_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt0_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    gt0_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt0_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt1_cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt1_cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt1_cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    gt1_cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_gtrefclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gt1_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt1_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    gt1_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    gt1_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    gt1_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt1_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    gt1_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                               --@suppress
+    gt1_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    gt1_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    gt1_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt1_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt1_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gt1_rxdisperr_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gt1_rxnotintable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt1_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt1_rxphmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    gt1_rxphslipmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    gt1_rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                          --@suppress
+    gt1_rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt1_rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt1_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt1_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    gt1_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt1_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    gt1_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_rxcharisk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gt1_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt1_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt1_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt1_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gt1_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt1_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt1_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt1_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    gt1_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt1_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt2_cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt2_cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt2_cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    gt2_cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_gtrefclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gt2_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt2_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    gt2_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    gt2_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    gt2_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt2_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    gt2_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                               --@suppress
+    gt2_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    gt2_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    gt2_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt2_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt2_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gt2_rxdisperr_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gt2_rxnotintable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt2_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt2_rxphmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    gt2_rxphslipmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    gt2_rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                          --@suppress
+    gt2_rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt2_rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt2_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt2_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    gt2_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt2_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    gt2_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_rxcharisk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gt2_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt2_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt2_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt2_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gt2_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt2_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt2_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt2_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    gt2_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt2_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt3_cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt3_cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt3_cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    gt3_cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_gtrefclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gt3_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt3_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    gt3_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    gt3_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    gt3_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt3_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    gt3_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                               --@suppress
+    gt3_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    gt3_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    gt3_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt3_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt3_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gt3_rxdisperr_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gt3_rxnotintable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt3_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt3_rxphmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    gt3_rxphslipmonitor_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    gt3_rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                          --@suppress
+    gt3_rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt3_rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    gt3_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gt3_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    gt3_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt3_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    gt3_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_rxcharisk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gt3_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    gt3_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt3_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt3_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gt3_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt3_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    gt3_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    gt3_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    gt3_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    gt3_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLLOCK_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLREFCLKLOST_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLRESET_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                                                --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_IN : in STD_LOGIC                                               --@suppress
 end gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_v7;
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/kintexUltrascale/pcie_x8_gen3_3_0_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/kintexUltrascale/pcie_x8_gen3_3_0_stub.vhdl
index 915cfaa9ae9c00e6ba94cdcdd9aa086457bc15de..56e75f8324a6f654bc0c4a517d154e62cf4588af 100644
--- a/sources/ip_cores/kintexUltrascale/pcie_x8_gen3_3_0_stub.vhdl
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/kintexUltrascale/pcie_x8_gen3_3_0_stub.vhdl
@@ -14,151 +14,151 @@ use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
 entity pcie_x8_gen3_3_0 is
   Port ( 
-    pci_exp_txn : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    pci_exp_txp : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    pci_exp_rxn : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    pci_exp_rxp : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    pipe_pclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    pipe_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    pipe_rxoutclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    pipe_dclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    pipe_userclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    pipe_userclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    pipe_oobclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    pipe_mmcm_lock_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    pipe_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    pipe_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    pipe_pclk_sel_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    pipe_gen3_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    pipe_mmcm_rst_n : in STD_LOGIC;
-    user_clk : out STD_LOGIC;
-    user_reset : out STD_LOGIC;
-    user_lnk_up : out STD_LOGIC;
-    user_app_rdy : out STD_LOGIC;
-    s_axis_rq_tlast : in STD_LOGIC;
-    s_axis_rq_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );
-    s_axis_rq_tuser : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 59 downto 0 );
-    s_axis_rq_tkeep : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    s_axis_rq_tready : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    s_axis_rq_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC;
-    m_axis_rc_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );
-    m_axis_rc_tuser : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 74 downto 0 );
-    m_axis_rc_tlast : out STD_LOGIC;
-    m_axis_rc_tkeep : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    m_axis_rc_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC;
-    m_axis_rc_tready : in STD_LOGIC;
-    m_axis_cq_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );
-    m_axis_cq_tuser : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 84 downto 0 );
-    m_axis_cq_tlast : out STD_LOGIC;
-    m_axis_cq_tkeep : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    m_axis_cq_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC;
-    m_axis_cq_tready : in STD_LOGIC;
-    s_axis_cc_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );
-    s_axis_cc_tuser : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 32 downto 0 );
-    s_axis_cc_tlast : in STD_LOGIC;
-    s_axis_cc_tkeep : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    s_axis_cc_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC;
-    s_axis_cc_tready : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    pcie_rq_seq_num : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    pcie_rq_seq_num_vld : out STD_LOGIC;
-    pcie_rq_tag : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );
-    pcie_rq_tag_vld : out STD_LOGIC;
-    pcie_tfc_nph_av : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    pcie_tfc_npd_av : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    pcie_cq_np_req : in STD_LOGIC;
-    pcie_cq_np_req_count : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );
-    cfg_phy_link_down : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_phy_link_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_negotiated_width : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    cfg_current_speed : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );
-    cfg_max_payload : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );
-    cfg_max_read_req : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );
-    cfg_function_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    cfg_function_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );
-    cfg_vf_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );
-    cfg_vf_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 17 downto 0 );
-    cfg_link_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_mgmt_addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 18 downto 0 );
-    cfg_mgmt_write : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_mgmt_write_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
-    cfg_mgmt_byte_enable : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    cfg_mgmt_read : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_mgmt_read_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
-    cfg_mgmt_read_write_done : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_mgmt_type1_cfg_reg_access : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_err_cor_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_err_nonfatal_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_err_fatal_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_ltr_enable : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_ltssm_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );
-    cfg_rcb_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_dpa_substate_change : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_obff_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_pl_status_change : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_tph_requester_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_tph_st_mode : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );
-    cfg_vf_tph_requester_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );
-    cfg_vf_tph_st_mode : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 17 downto 0 );
-    cfg_msg_received : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_msg_received_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    cfg_msg_received_type : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    cfg_msg_transmit : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_msg_transmit_type : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );
-    cfg_msg_transmit_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
-    cfg_msg_transmit_done : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_fc_ph : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    cfg_fc_pd : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );
-    cfg_fc_nph : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    cfg_fc_npd : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );
-    cfg_fc_cplh : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    cfg_fc_cpld : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );
-    cfg_fc_sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );
-    cfg_per_func_status_control : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );
-    cfg_per_func_status_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    cfg_per_function_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );
-    cfg_per_function_output_request : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_per_function_update_done : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_subsys_vend_id : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    cfg_dsn : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );
-    cfg_power_state_change_ack : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_power_state_change_interrupt : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_err_cor_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_err_uncor_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_flr_in_process : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_flr_done : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_vf_flr_in_process : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );
-    cfg_vf_flr_done : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );
-    cfg_link_training_enable : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_ext_read_received : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_ext_write_received : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_ext_register_number : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 9 downto 0 );
-    cfg_ext_function_number : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    cfg_ext_write_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
-    cfg_ext_write_byte_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    cfg_ext_read_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
-    cfg_ext_read_data_valid : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_interrupt_int : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
-    cfg_interrupt_pending : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_interrupt_sent : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_mask : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_mask : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_address : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_int : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_sent : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_fail : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_hot_reset_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_config_space_enable : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_req_pm_transition_l23_ready : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_hot_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    cfg_ds_port_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    cfg_ds_bus_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
-    cfg_ds_device_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    cfg_ds_function_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );
-    sys_clk : in STD_LOGIC;
-    sys_reset : in STD_LOGIC
+    pci_exp_txn : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                     --@suppress
+    pci_exp_txp : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                     --@suppress
+    pci_exp_rxn : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                      --@suppress
+    pci_exp_rxp : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                      --@suppress
+    pipe_pclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                           --@suppress
+    pipe_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    pipe_rxoutclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    pipe_dclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                           --@suppress
+    pipe_userclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    pipe_userclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    pipe_oobclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                         --@suppress
+    pipe_mmcm_lock_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    pipe_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    pipe_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    pipe_pclk_sel_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    pipe_gen3_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                         --@suppress
+    pipe_mmcm_rst_n : in STD_LOGIC;                                                        --@suppress
+    user_clk : out STD_LOGIC;                                                              --@suppress
+    user_reset : out STD_LOGIC;                                                            --@suppress
+    user_lnk_up : out STD_LOGIC;                                                           --@suppress
+    user_app_rdy : out STD_LOGIC;                                                          --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tlast : in STD_LOGIC;                                                        --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );                                --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tuser : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 59 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tkeep : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                  --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tready : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                                --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tuser : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 74 downto 0 );                                --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tlast : out STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tkeep : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tready : in STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tuser : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 84 downto 0 );                                --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tlast : out STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tkeep : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tready : in STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );                                --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tuser : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 32 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tlast : in STD_LOGIC;                                                        --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tkeep : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                  --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tready : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                                --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_seq_num : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_seq_num_vld : out STD_LOGIC;                                                   --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_tag : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                                     --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_tag_vld : out STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    pcie_tfc_nph_av : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    pcie_tfc_npd_av : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    pcie_cq_np_req : in STD_LOGIC;                                                         --@suppress
+    pcie_cq_np_req_count : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    cfg_phy_link_down : out STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_phy_link_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    cfg_negotiated_width : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    cfg_current_speed : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    cfg_max_payload : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    cfg_max_read_req : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                                --@suppress
+    cfg_function_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    cfg_function_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                                  --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 17 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    cfg_link_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 18 downto 0 );                                   --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_write : in STD_LOGIC;                                                         --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_write_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_byte_enable : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_read : in STD_LOGIC;                                                          --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_read_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_read_write_done : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_type1_cfg_reg_access : in STD_LOGIC;                                          --@suppress
+    cfg_err_cor_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_err_nonfatal_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    cfg_err_fatal_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_ltr_enable : out STD_LOGIC;                                                        --@suppress
+    cfg_ltssm_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    cfg_rcb_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                                  --@suppress
+    cfg_dpa_substate_change : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    cfg_obff_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    cfg_pl_status_change : out STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    cfg_tph_requester_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    cfg_tph_st_mode : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                                 --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_tph_requester_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_tph_st_mode : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 17 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_received : out STD_LOGIC;                                                      --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_received_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_received_type : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit : in STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit_type : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit_done : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_ph : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_pd : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                                      --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_nph : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                      --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_npd : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_cplh : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_cpld : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                                    --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_per_func_status_control : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    cfg_per_func_status_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    cfg_per_function_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    cfg_per_function_output_request : in STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    cfg_per_function_update_done : out STD_LOGIC;                                          --@suppress
+    cfg_subsys_vend_id : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    cfg_dsn : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );                                         --@suppress
+    cfg_power_state_change_ack : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    cfg_power_state_change_interrupt : out STD_LOGIC;                                      --@suppress
+    cfg_err_cor_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                         --@suppress
+    cfg_err_uncor_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_flr_in_process : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    cfg_flr_done : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_flr_in_process : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_flr_done : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                                  --@suppress
+    cfg_link_training_enable : in STD_LOGIC;                                               --@suppress
+    cfg_ext_read_received : out STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    cfg_ext_write_received : out STD_LOGIC;                                                --@suppress
+    cfg_ext_register_number : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 9 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    cfg_ext_function_number : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    cfg_ext_write_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    cfg_ext_write_byte_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    cfg_ext_read_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    cfg_ext_read_data_valid : in STD_LOGIC;                                                --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_int : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                                --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_pending : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_sent : out STD_LOGIC;                                                    --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_mask : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_mask : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_address : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_int : in STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_sent : out STD_LOGIC;                                               --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_fail : out STD_LOGIC;                                               --@suppress
+    cfg_hot_reset_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_config_space_enable : in STD_LOGIC;                                                --@suppress
+    cfg_req_pm_transition_l23_ready : in STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    cfg_hot_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_port_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                               --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_bus_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                                --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_device_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_function_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    sys_clk : in STD_LOGIC;                                                                --@suppress
+    sys_reset : in STD_LOGIC                                                               --@suppress
 end pcie_x8_gen3_3_0;
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/kintexUltrascale/xadc_wiz_0_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/kintexUltrascale/xadc_wiz_0_stub.vhdl
index 52de367a010744f5d7d302d7822372762336da9a..00ff9f3cee8a692fa5da8439801ff3ecb94439c0 100644
--- a/sources/ip_cores/kintexUltrascale/xadc_wiz_0_stub.vhdl
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/kintexUltrascale/xadc_wiz_0_stub.vhdl
@@ -14,21 +14,21 @@ use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
 entity xadc_wiz_0 is
   Port ( 
-    daddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );
-    den_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    di_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    dwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    do_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
-    drdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    dclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    reset_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    busy_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    channel_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );
-    eoc_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    eos_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    alarm_out : out STD_LOGIC;
-    vp_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-    vn_in : in STD_LOGIC
+    daddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: daddr_in is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    den_in : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: den_in is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    di_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: di_in is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    dwe_in : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: dwe_in is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    do_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: do_out is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    drdy_out : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: drdy_out is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    dclk_in : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: dclk_in is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    reset_in : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: reset_in is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    busy_out : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: busy_out is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    channel_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: channel_out is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    eoc_out : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: eoc_out is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    eos_out : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: eos_out is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    alarm_out : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: alarm_out is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    vp_in : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: vp_in is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
+    vn_in : in STD_LOGIC -- @suppress "Unused port: vn_in is not used in work.xadc_wiz_0(stub)"
 end xadc_wiz_0;
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/BUFGMUX_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/BUFGMUX_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5e0ade2db1b217c65b7da27c7ca1570c9dc1348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/BUFGMUX_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+library IEEE;
+entity BUFGMUX is
+    generic (
+      CLK_SEL_TYPE : string := "SYNC");--@suppress
+    port (                             --@suppress
+      O  : out std_ulogic := '0';      --@suppress
+      I0 : in  std_ulogic := '0';      --@suppress
+      I1 : in  std_ulogic := '0';      --@suppress
+      S  : in  std_ulogic := '0');     --@suppress
+architecture stub of BUFGMUX is
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/I2C_RDFifo_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/I2C_RDFifo_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a4c210728a64eb165383ebafa0d8426714242d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/I2C_RDFifo_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:33:46 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/I2C_RDFifo/I2C_RDFifo_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : I2C_RDFifo
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity I2C_RDFifo is
+  Port ( 
+    rst : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    wr_en : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    rd_en : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    full : out STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    empty : out STD_LOGIC--@suppress
+  );
+end I2C_RDFifo;
+architecture stub of I2C_RDFifo is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "rst,wr_clk,rd_clk,din[7:0],wr_en,rd_en,dout[7:0],full,empty";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "fifo_generator_v13_2_5,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/I2C_WRFifo_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/I2C_WRFifo_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..767eff4eea07f44359a7e8d1f81ff724cd93cbca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/I2C_WRFifo_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:33:56 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/I2C_WRFifo/I2C_WRFifo_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : I2C_WRFifo
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity I2C_WRFifo is
+  Port ( 
+    rst : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 24 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    wr_en : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    rd_en : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 24 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    full : out STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    empty : out STD_LOGIC--@suppress
+  );
+end I2C_WRFifo;
+architecture stub of I2C_WRFifo is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "rst,wr_clk,rd_clk,din[24:0],wr_en,rd_en,dout[24:0],full,empty";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "fifo_generator_v13_2_5,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd3c157b9a90335a2f3fe2b03e0d699c9d3322e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:41:43 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH/KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+  Port ( 
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_start_user_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_error_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_all_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtgrefclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    loopback_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxcdrhold_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxcdrreset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxcommadeten_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxslide_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    txpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtpowergood_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxbyterealign_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxcdrlock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxcommadet_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 127 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    txpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 )--@suppress
+  );
+architecture stub of KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_reset_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_start_user_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_error_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_all_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_userdata_tx_in[19:0],gtwiz_userdata_rx_out[19:0],cplllockdetclk_in[0:0],cpllreset_in[0:0],drpclk_in[0:0],gtgrefclk_in[0:0],gthrxn_in[0:0],gthrxp_in[0:0],gtrefclk0_in[0:0],loopback_in[2:0],rxcdrhold_in[0:0],rxcdrreset_in[0:0],rxcommadeten_in[0:0],rxmcommaalignen_in[0:0],rxpcommaalignen_in[0:0],rxpolarity_in[0:0],rxslide_in[0:0],rxusrclk_in[0:0],rxusrclk2_in[0:0],txpolarity_in[0:0],txusrclk_in[0:0],txusrclk2_in[0:0],cpllfbclklost_out[0:0],cplllock_out[0:0],gthtxn_out[0:0],gthtxp_out[0:0],gtpowergood_out[0:0],rxbyteisaligned_out[0:0],rxbyterealign_out[0:0],rxcdrlock_out[0:0],rxcommadet_out[0:0],rxdata_out[127:0],rxoutclk_out[0:0],rxpmaresetdone_out[0:0],rxresetdone_out[0:0],txoutclk_out[0:0],txpmaresetdone_out[0:0],txresetdone_out[0:0]";
+attribute X_CORE_INFO : string;
+attribute X_CORE_INFO of stub : architecture is "KCU_NORXBUF_PCS_CPLL_1CH_gtwizard_top,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_CPLL_1CH_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_CPLL_1CH_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1f21cae296e60b3bc78dace15b54a2ba2c5ace6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_CPLL_1CH_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:41:45 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_CPLL_1CH/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_CPLL_1CH_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : KCU_RXBUF_PMA_CPLL_1CH
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+  Port ( 
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );           --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );      --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );          --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );         --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_all_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                     --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );     --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );     --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );         --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );              --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                      --@suppress
+    cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                           --@suppress
+    drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gtgrefclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                           --@suppress
+    gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                           --@suppress
+    loopback_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    rxcdrhold_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                           --@suppress
+    rxcdrreset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                          --@suppress
+    rxcommadeten_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                        --@suppress
+    rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                     --@suppress
+    rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                     --@suppress
+    rxpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                          --@suppress
+    rxslide_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                             --@suppress
+    rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                            --@suppress
+    rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                           --@suppress
+    txpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                          --@suppress
+    txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                            --@suppress
+    txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                           --@suppress
+    cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                     --@suppress
+    cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gtpowergood_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                       --@suppress
+    rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                   --@suppress
+    rxbyterealign_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                     --@suppress
+    rxcdrlock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                         --@suppress
+    rxcommadet_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                        --@suppress
+    rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 127 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                          --@suppress
+    rxpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                    --@suppress
+    rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                       --@suppress
+    txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                          --@suppress
+    txpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                    --@suppress
+    txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 )                        --@suppress
+  );
+architecture stub of KCU_RXBUF_PMA_CPLL_1CH is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_all_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_userdata_tx_in[19:0],gtwiz_userdata_rx_out[19:0],cplllockdetclk_in[0:0],cpllreset_in[0:0],drpclk_in[0:0],gtgrefclk_in[0:0],gthrxn_in[0:0],gthrxp_in[0:0],gtrefclk0_in[0:0],loopback_in[2:0],rxcdrhold_in[0:0],rxcdrreset_in[0:0],rxcommadeten_in[0:0],rxmcommaalignen_in[0:0],rxpcommaalignen_in[0:0],rxpolarity_in[0:0],rxslide_in[0:0],rxusrclk_in[0:0],rxusrclk2_in[0:0],txpolarity_in[0:0],txusrclk_in[0:0],txusrclk2_in[0:0],cpllfbclklost_out[0:0],cplllock_out[0:0],gthtxn_out[0:0],gthtxp_out[0:0],gtpowergood_out[0:0],rxbyteisaligned_out[0:0],rxbyterealign_out[0:0],rxcdrlock_out[0:0],rxcommadet_out[0:0],rxdata_out[127:0],rxoutclk_out[0:0],rxpmaresetdone_out[0:0],rxresetdone_out[0:0],txoutclk_out[0:0],txpmaresetdone_out[0:0],txresetdone_out[0:0]";
+attribute X_CORE_INFO : string;
+attribute X_CORE_INFO of stub : architecture is "KCU_RXBUF_PMA_CPLL_1CH_gtwizard_top,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3956bfbee8a7d42232ce0f4c1d06811b07ec37d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:29:51 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+  Port ( 
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );        --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );            --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );           --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_all_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                       --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );       --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );       --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );           --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 127 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtrefclk01_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                            --@suppress
+    qpll0fbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                      --@suppress
+    qpll0lock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                           --@suppress
+    qpll1fbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                      --@suppress
+    qpll1lock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                           --@suppress
+    qpll1outclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                         --@suppress
+    qpll1outrefclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                      --@suppress
+    drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    loopback_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    rxcdrhold_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    rxpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    rxslide_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    txpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gtpowergood_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    rxcdrlock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    rxpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    txpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 )                      --@suppress
+  );
+architecture stub of KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_all_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_userdata_tx_in[63:0],gtwiz_userdata_rx_out[127:0],gtrefclk01_in[0:0],qpll0fbclklost_out[0:0],qpll0lock_out[0:0],qpll1fbclklost_out[0:0],qpll1lock_out[0:0],qpll1outclk_out[0:0],qpll1outrefclk_out[0:0],drpclk_in[3:0],gthrxn_in[3:0],gthrxp_in[3:0],gtrefclk0_in[3:0],loopback_in[11:0],rxcdrhold_in[3:0],rxpolarity_in[3:0],rxslide_in[3:0],rxusrclk_in[3:0],rxusrclk2_in[3:0],txpolarity_in[3:0],txusrclk_in[3:0],txusrclk2_in[3:0],cplllock_out[3:0],gthtxn_out[3:0],gthtxp_out[3:0],gtpowergood_out[3:0],rxcdrlock_out[3:0],rxoutclk_out[3:0],rxpmaresetdone_out[3:0],rxresetdone_out[3:0],txoutclk_out[3:0],txpmaresetdone_out[3:0],txresetdone_out[3:0]";
+attribute X_CORE_INFO : string;
+attribute X_CORE_INFO of stub : architecture is "KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_LPGBT_gtwizard_top,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d19fb272583fcba8db99dacd29d5071565a7878d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:41:52 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+  Port ( 
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );          --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );              --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_all_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                         --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );         --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );         --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                   --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                   --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 79 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 79 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    gtrefclk01_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                              --@suppress
+    qpll0fbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                        --@suppress
+    qpll0lock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                             --@suppress
+    qpll1fbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                        --@suppress
+    qpll1lock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                             --@suppress
+    qpll1outclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                           --@suppress
+    qpll1outrefclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                        --@suppress
+    gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    loopback_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    rxcdrhold_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    rxpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    rxslide_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    txpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gtpowergood_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    rxcdrlock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    rxpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    txpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 )                        --@suppress
+  );
+architecture stub of KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_all_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_userdata_tx_in[79:0],gtwiz_userdata_rx_out[79:0],gtrefclk01_in[0:0],qpll0fbclklost_out[0:0],qpll0lock_out[0:0],qpll1fbclklost_out[0:0],qpll1lock_out[0:0],qpll1outclk_out[0:0],qpll1outrefclk_out[0:0],gthrxn_in[3:0],gthrxp_in[3:0],loopback_in[11:0],rxcdrhold_in[3:0],rxpolarity_in[3:0],rxslide_in[3:0],rxusrclk_in[3:0],rxusrclk2_in[3:0],txpolarity_in[3:0],txusrclk_in[3:0],txusrclk2_in[3:0],gthtxn_out[3:0],gthtxp_out[3:0],gtpowergood_out[3:0],rxcdrlock_out[3:0],rxoutclk_out[3:0],rxpmaresetdone_out[3:0],rxresetdone_out[3:0],txoutclk_out[3:0],txpmaresetdone_out[3:0],txresetdone_out[3:0]";
+attribute X_CORE_INFO : string;
+attribute X_CORE_INFO of stub : architecture is "KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_4CH_gtwizard_top,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_FE4CH_LPGBT_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_FE4CH_LPGBT_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8bce893ab7172a6335fa0671bcd68c29ac4e01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_FE4CH_LPGBT_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:30:21 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_FE4CH_LPGBT/KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_FE4CH_LPGBT_stub.vhdl
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+  Port ( 
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );          --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );              --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_all_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                         --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );         --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );         --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                   --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                   --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 127 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    gtrefclk01_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                              --@suppress
+    qpll0fbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                        --@suppress
+    qpll0lock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                             --@suppress
+    qpll1fbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                        --@suppress
+    qpll1lock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                             --@suppress
+    qpll1outclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                           --@suppress
+    qpll1outrefclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );                        --@suppress
+    drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                              --@suppress
+    gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    loopback_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    rxcdrhold_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    rxpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    rxslide_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    txpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                            --@suppress
+    gtpowergood_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    rxcdrlock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    rxpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    txpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 )                        --@suppress
+  );
+architecture stub of KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_FE4CH_LPGBT is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_all_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_userdata_tx_in[127:0],gtwiz_userdata_rx_out[63:0],gtrefclk01_in[0:0],qpll0fbclklost_out[0:0],qpll0lock_out[0:0],qpll1fbclklost_out[0:0],qpll1lock_out[0:0],qpll1outclk_out[0:0],qpll1outrefclk_out[0:0],drpclk_in[3:0],gthrxn_in[3:0],gthrxp_in[3:0],gtrefclk0_in[3:0],loopback_in[11:0],rxcdrhold_in[3:0],rxpolarity_in[3:0],rxslide_in[3:0],rxusrclk_in[3:0],rxusrclk2_in[3:0],txpolarity_in[3:0],txusrclk_in[3:0],txusrclk2_in[3:0],cplllock_out[3:0],gthtxn_out[3:0],gthtxp_out[3:0],gtpowergood_out[3:0],rxcdrlock_out[3:0],rxoutclk_out[3:0],rxpmaresetdone_out[3:0],rxresetdone_out[3:0],txoutclk_out[3:0],txpmaresetdone_out[3:0],txresetdone_out[3:0]";
+attribute X_CORE_INFO : string;
+attribute X_CORE_INFO of stub : architecture is "KCU_RXBUF_PMA_QPLL_FE4CH_LPGBT_gtwizard_top,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/TTCtoHostData_fwft_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/TTCtoHostData_fwft_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c6c55d96e780d38f3dd93cd4003d2b858a69784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/TTCtoHostData_fwft_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:35:43 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/TTCtoHostData_fwft/TTCtoHostData_fwft_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : TTCtoHostData_fwft
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity TTCtoHostData_fwft is
+  Port ( 
+    clk : in STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    srst : in STD_LOGIC;                                      --@suppress
+    din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 144 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    wr_en : in STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    rd_en : in STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 144 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    full : out STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    empty : out STD_LOGIC;                                    --@suppress
+    data_count : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 10 downto 0 )         --@suppress
+  );
+end TTCtoHostData_fwft;
+architecture stub of TTCtoHostData_fwft is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clk,srst,din[144:0],wr_en,rd_en,dout[144:0],full,empty,data_count[10:0],wr_rst_busy,rd_rst_busy";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "fifo_generator_v13_2_5,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/TTCtoHostData_reclock_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/TTCtoHostData_reclock_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e9dedb660fc994909aed07f92d884a48e0403c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/TTCtoHostData_reclock_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:35:50 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/TTCtoHostData_reclock/TTCtoHostData_reclock_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : TTCtoHostData_reclock
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity TTCtoHostData_reclock is
+  Port ( 
+    rst : in STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 159 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    wr_en : in STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    rd_en : in STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 159 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    full : out STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    empty : out STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    valid : out STD_LOGIC                                   --@suppress
+  );
+end TTCtoHostData_reclock;
+architecture stub of TTCtoHostData_reclock is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "rst,wr_clk,rd_clk,din[159:0],wr_en,rd_en,dout[159:0],full,empty,valid";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "fifo_generator_v13_2_5,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/axi8_fifo_bif_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/axi8_fifo_bif_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a99a046cb7c808daeb2f80aa83af7ad9207b424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/axi8_fifo_bif_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:34:59 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/axi8_fifo_bif/axi8_fifo_bif_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : axi8_fifo_bif
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity axi8_fifo_bif is
+  Port ( 
+    wr_rst_busy : out STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    rd_rst_busy : out STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    m_aclk : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_aclk : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_aresetn : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_axis_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_axis_tready : out STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_axis_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 ); --@suppress
+    s_axis_tlast : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    m_axis_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    m_axis_tready : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    m_axis_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 ); --@suppress
+    m_axis_tlast : out STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    axis_prog_full : out STD_LOGIC --@suppress
+  );
+end axi8_fifo_bif;
+architecture stub of axi8_fifo_bif is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "wr_rst_busy,rd_rst_busy,m_aclk,s_aclk,s_aresetn,s_axis_tvalid,s_axis_tready,s_axis_tdata[7:0],s_axis_tlast,m_axis_tvalid,m_axis_tready,m_axis_tdata[7:0],m_axis_tlast,axis_prog_full";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "fifo_generator_v13_2_5,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/axis32_fifo_bif_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/axis32_fifo_bif_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9d1db5fb6e4643f53640a39223de3ebf9488df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/axis32_fifo_bif_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:35:00 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/axis32_fifo_bif/axis32_fifo_bif_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : axis32_fifo_bif
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity axis32_fifo_bif is
+  Port ( 
+    m_aclk : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_aclk : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_aresetn : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_axis_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_axis_tready : out STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_axis_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 ); --@suppress
+    s_axis_tlast : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    s_axis_tuser : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 ); --@suppress
+    m_axis_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    m_axis_tready : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    m_axis_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 ); --@suppress
+    m_axis_tlast : out STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    m_axis_tuser : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 ); --@suppress
+    axis_prog_empty : out STD_LOGIC --@suppress
+  );
+end axis32_fifo_bif;
+architecture stub of axis32_fifo_bif is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "m_aclk,s_aclk,s_aresetn,s_axis_tvalid,s_axis_tready,s_axis_tdata[31:0],s_axis_tlast,s_axis_tuser[2:0],m_axis_tvalid,m_axis_tready,m_axis_tdata[31:0],m_axis_tlast,m_axis_tuser[2:0],axis_prog_empty";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "fifo_generator_v13_2_5,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_100_0_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_100_0_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..895389016de924936511d7ae201ff233d08cbfb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_100_0_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:29:57 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/clk_wiz_100_0/clk_wiz_100_0_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : clk_wiz_100_0
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity clk_wiz_100_0 is
+  Port ( 
+    clk40 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk40 is not used in work.clk_wiz_100_0(stub)"
+    clk10 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk10 is not used in work.clk_wiz_100_0(stub)"
+    reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: reset is not used in work.clk_wiz_100_0(stub)"
+    locked : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: locked is not used in work.clk_wiz_100_0(stub)"
+    clk_in1_p : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in1_p is not used in work.clk_wiz_100_0(stub)"
+    clk_in1_n : in STD_LOGIC -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in1_n is not used in work.clk_wiz_100_0(stub)"
+  );
+end clk_wiz_100_0;
+architecture stub of clk_wiz_100_0 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clk40,clk10,reset,locked,clk_in1_p,clk_in1_n";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_156_0_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_156_0_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c70479bd0e96dff8e0a983cc53aa46550a805daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_156_0_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:29:57 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/clk_wiz_156_0/clk_wiz_156_0_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : clk_wiz_156_0
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity clk_wiz_156_0 is
+  Port ( 
+    clk40 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk40 is not used in work.clk_wiz_156_0(stub)" -- @suppress "Unused port: clk10 is not used in work.clk_wiz_156_0(stub)"
+    clk10 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk10 is not used in work.clk_wiz_156_0(stub)"
+    reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: reset is not used in work.clk_wiz_156_0(stub)"
+    locked : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: locked is not used in work.clk_wiz_156_0(stub)"
+    clk_in1_p : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in1_p is not used in work.clk_wiz_156_0(stub)"
+    clk_in1_n : in STD_LOGIC -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in1_n is not used in work.clk_wiz_156_0(stub)"
+  );
+end clk_wiz_156_0;
+architecture stub of clk_wiz_156_0 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clk40,clk10,reset,locked,clk_in1_p,clk_in1_n";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_200_0_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_200_0_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b277cd977ed260f9bc8602b6f358427631f886fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_200_0_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:30:03 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/clk_wiz_200_0/clk_wiz_200_0_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : clk_wiz_200_0
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity clk_wiz_200_0 is
+  Port ( 
+    clk40 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk40 is not used in work.clk_wiz_200_0(stub)"
+    clk10 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk10 is not used in work.clk_wiz_200_0(stub)"
+    reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: reset is not used in work.clk_wiz_200_0(stub)"
+    locked : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: locked is not used in work.clk_wiz_200_0(stub)"
+    clk_in1_p : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in1_p is not used in work.clk_wiz_200_0(stub)"
+    clk_in1_n : in STD_LOGIC -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in1_n is not used in work.clk_wiz_200_0(stub)"
+  );
+end clk_wiz_200_0;
+architecture stub of clk_wiz_200_0 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clk40,clk10,reset,locked,clk_in1_p,clk_in1_n";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_250_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_250_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ef6c36551210b7366c30c8401309015b333c8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_250_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 15:30:00 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/clk_wiz_250/clk_wiz_250_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : clk_wiz_250
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity clk_wiz_250 is
+  Port ( 
+    clk_in40_2 : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in40_2 is not used in work.clk_wiz_250(stub)"
+    clk_in_sel : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in_sel is not used in work.clk_wiz_250(stub)"
+    clk250 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk250 is not used in work.clk_wiz_250(stub)"
+    reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: reset is not used in work.clk_wiz_250(stub)"
+    locked : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: locked is not used in work.clk_wiz_250(stub)"
+    clk_in40_1 : in STD_LOGIC -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in40_1 is not used in work.clk_wiz_250(stub)"
+  );
+end clk_wiz_250;
+architecture stub of clk_wiz_250 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clk_in40_2,clk_in_sel,clk250,reset,locked,clk_in40_1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_40_0_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_40_0_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8b9010dd048d6e90c6707d9adabee64646f7226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_40_0_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:44:24 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/clk_wiz_40_0/clk_wiz_40_0_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : clk_wiz_40_0
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity clk_wiz_40_0 is
+  Port ( 
+    clk_in2 : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in2 is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+    clk_in_sel : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_in_sel is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+    clk40 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk40 is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+    clk80 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk80 is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+    clk160 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk160 is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+    clk320 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk320 is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+    clk240 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk240 is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+    clk250 : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clk250 is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+    reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: reset is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+    locked : out STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: locked is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+    clk_40_in : in STD_LOGIC -- @suppress "Unused port: clk_40_in is not used in work.clk_wiz_40_0(stub)"
+  );
+end clk_wiz_40_0;
+architecture stub of clk_wiz_40_0 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clk_in2,clk_in_sel,clk40,clk80,clk160,clk320,clk240,clk250,reset,locked,clk_40_in";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_regmap_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_regmap_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..915d002332e54409f1d38cda8cd42d4fd0fa0cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/clk_wiz_regmap_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:44:46 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/clk_wiz_regmap/clk_wiz_regmap_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : clk_wiz_regmap
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity clk_wiz_regmap is
+  Port ( 
+    clk_out25 : out STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    reset : in STD_LOGIC;     --@suppress
+    locked : out STD_LOGIC;   --@suppress
+    clk_in1 : in STD_LOGIC    --@suppress
+  );
+end clk_wiz_regmap;
+architecture stub of clk_wiz_regmap is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clk_out25,reset,locked,clk_in1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_0_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_0_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d9de0595bd8b20412842cdfa1e9a0fe483369a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_0_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:46:31 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/emuram_0/emuram_0_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : emuram_0
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity emuram_0 is
+  Port ( 
+    clka : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clka is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)"
+    wea : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: wea is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)" -- @suppress "Unused port: addra is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)"
+    addra : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 13 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: addra is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)"
+    dina : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: dina is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)"
+    douta : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: douta is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)"
+    clkb : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clkb is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)"
+    web : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: web is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)"
+    addrb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 13 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: addrb is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)"
+    dinb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: dinb is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)"
+    doutb : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ) -- @suppress "Unused port: doutb is not used in work.emuram_0(stub)"
+  );
+end emuram_0;
+architecture stub of emuram_0 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clka,wea[0:0],addra[13:0],dina[15:0],douta[15:0],clkb,web[0:0],addrb[13:0],dinb[15:0],doutb[15:0]";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "blk_mem_gen_v8_4_4,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_1_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_1_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22d651c57f21533780e3614ee44f55828eb317e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_1_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:46:33 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/emuram_1/emuram_1_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : emuram_1
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity emuram_1 is
+  Port ( 
+    clka : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clka is not used in work.emuram_1(stub)"
+    wea : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: wea is not used in work.emuram_1(stub)" 
+    addra : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 13 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: addra is not used in work.emuram_1(stub)"
+    dina : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: dina is not used in work.emuram_1(stub)"
+    douta : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: douta is not used in work.emuram_1(stub)"
+    clkb : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clkb is not used in work.emuram_1(stub)"
+    web : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: web is not used in work.emuram_1(stub)"
+    addrb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 13 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: addrb is not used in work.emuram_1(stub)"
+    dinb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: dinb is not used in work.emuram_1(stub)"
+    doutb : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ) -- @suppress "Unused port: doutb is not used in work.emuram_1(stub)"
+  );
+end emuram_1;
+architecture stub of emuram_1 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clka,wea[0:0],addra[13:0],dina[15:0],douta[15:0],clkb,web[0:0],addrb[13:0],dinb[15:0],doutb[15:0]";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "blk_mem_gen_v8_4_4,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_2_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_2_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f578cd8e19d71c854d6fe38bc01026123561973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_2_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:46:36 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/emuram_2/emuram_2_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : emuram_2
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity emuram_2 is
+  Port ( 
+    clka : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clka is not used in work.emuram_2(stub)"
+    wea : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: wea is not used in work.emuram_2(stub)"
+    addra : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 13 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: addra is not used in work.emuram_2(stub)"
+    dina : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: dina is not used in work.emuram_2(stub)"
+    douta : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: douta is not used in work.emuram_2(stub)"
+    clkb : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clkb is not used in work.emuram_2(stub)"
+    web : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: web is not used in work.emuram_2(stub)"
+    addrb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 13 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: addrb is not used in work.emuram_2(stub)"
+    dinb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: dinb is not used in work.emuram_2(stub)"
+    doutb : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ) -- @suppress "Unused port: doutb is not used in work.emuram_2(stub)"
+  );
+end emuram_2;
+architecture stub of emuram_2 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clka,wea[0:0],addra[13:0],dina[15:0],douta[15:0],clkb,web[0:0],addrb[13:0],dinb[15:0],doutb[15:0]";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "blk_mem_gen_v8_4_4,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_3_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_3_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6acfa8d2e9279ea944a486a4771152b93106b340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_3_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:46:39 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/emuram_3/emuram_3_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : emuram_3
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity emuram_3 is
+  Port ( 
+    clka : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clka is not used in work.emuram_3(stub)"
+    wea : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: wea is not used in work.emuram_3(stub)"
+    addra : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 13 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: addra is not used in work.emuram_3(stub)"
+    dina : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: dina is not used in work.emuram_3(stub)"
+    douta : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: douta is not used in work.emuram_3(stub)"
+    clkb : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clkb is not used in work.emuram_3(stub)"
+    web : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: web is not used in work.emuram_3(stub)"
+    addrb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 13 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: addrb is not used in work.emuram_3(stub)"
+    dinb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: dinb is not used in work.emuram_3(stub)"
+    doutb : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ) -- @suppress "Unused port: doutb is not used in work.emuram_3(stub)"
+  );
+end emuram_3;
+architecture stub of emuram_3 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clka,wea[0:0],addra[13:0],dina[15:0],douta[15:0],clkb,web[0:0],addrb[13:0],dinb[15:0],doutb[15:0]";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "blk_mem_gen_v8_4_4,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_4_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_4_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10d30efacbb23937139a29c0478b06adbaa92327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/emuram_4_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:46:37 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/emuram_4/emuram_4_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : emuram_4
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity emuram_4 is
+  Port ( 
+    clka : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clka is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)"
+    wea : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: wea is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)" -- @suppress "Unused port: addra is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)"
+    addra : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 13 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: addra is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)"
+    dina : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: dina is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)"
+    douta : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: douta is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)"
+    clkb : in STD_LOGIC; -- @suppress "Unused port: clkb is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)"
+    web : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: web is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)"
+    addrb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 13 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: addrb is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)"
+    dinb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ); -- @suppress "Unused port: dinb is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)"
+    doutb : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 ) -- @suppress "Unused port: doutb is not used in work.emuram_4(stub)"
+  );
+end emuram_4;
+architecture stub of emuram_4 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clka,wea[0:0],addra[13:0],dina[15:0],douta[15:0],clkb,web[0:0],addrb[13:0],dinb[15:0],doutb[15:0]";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "blk_mem_gen_v8_4_4,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/fifo_GBT2CR_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/fifo_GBT2CR_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90e8b2c94656dfe89ace6f65644774324861ece6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/fifo_GBT2CR_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:46:41 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/fifo_GBT2CR/fifo_GBT2CR_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : fifo_GBT2CR
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity fifo_GBT2CR is
+  Port ( 
+    wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    wr_rst : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    rd_rst : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 119 downto 0 );        --@suppress
+    wr_en : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    rd_en : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 119 downto 0 );      --@suppress
+    full : out STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    empty : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    prog_empty : out STD_LOGIC                         --@suppress
+  );
+end fifo_GBT2CR;
+architecture stub of fifo_GBT2CR is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "wr_clk,wr_rst,rd_clk,rd_rst,din[119:0],wr_en,rd_en,dout[119:0],full,empty,prog_empty";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "fifo_generator_v13_2_5,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/fifo_generator_fe_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/fifo_generator_fe_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5557b36f66e3b526f424a17a933ab6a39daf9877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/fifo_generator_fe_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+library IEEE;
+entity  fifo_generator_fe IS
+  PORT (
+    rst : IN STD_LOGIC;                       --@suppress
+    wr_clk : IN STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    rd_clk : IN STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    din : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(35 DOWNTO 0);   --@suppress
+    wr_en : IN STD_LOGIC;                     --@suppress
+    rd_en : IN STD_LOGIC;                     --@suppress
+    dout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(35 DOWNTO 0); --@suppress
+    full : OUT STD_LOGIC;                     --@suppress
+    empty : OUT STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    prog_full : OUT STD_LOGIC;                --@suppress
+    prog_empty : OUT STD_LOGIC;               --@suppress
+    wr_rst_busy : OUT STD_LOGIC;              --@suppress
+    rd_rst_busy : OUT STD_LOGIC               --@suppress
+  );
+END fifo_generator_fe;
+architecture stub of fifo_generator_fe is
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/fifo_generator_felix_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/fifo_generator_felix_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..609a9f579532581aef45a749291d049da35f5d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/fifo_generator_felix_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:49:58 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/fifo_generator_felix/fifo_generator_felix_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : fifo_generator_felix
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity fifo_generator_felix is
+  Port ( 
+    rst : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    wr_clk : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    rd_clk : in STD_LOGIC; --@suppress
+    din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 227 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    wr_en : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    rd_en : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 227 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    full : out STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    empty : out STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    prog_full : out STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    prog_empty : out STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    wr_rst_busy : out STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    rd_rst_busy : out STD_LOGIC--@suppress
+  );
+end fifo_generator_felix;
+architecture stub of fifo_generator_felix is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "rst,wr_clk,rd_clk,din[227:0],wr_en,rd_en,dout[227:0],full,empty,prog_full,prog_empty,wr_rst_busy,rd_rst_busy";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "fifo_generator_v13_2_5,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/fmemuram_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/fmemuram_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72fda93efdf111176fadd242705406bac58bdecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/fmemuram_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:46:39 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/fmemuram/fmemuram_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : fmemuram
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity fmemuram is
+  Port ( 
+    clka : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    wea : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    addra : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 12 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    dina : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 35 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    douta : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 35 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    clkb : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    enb : in STD_LOGIC;--@suppress
+    web : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    addrb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 12 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    dinb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 35 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    doutb : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 35 downto 0 )--@suppress
+  );
+end fmemuram;
+architecture stub of fmemuram is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clka,wea[0:0],addra[12:0],dina[35:0],douta[35:0],clkb,enb,web[0:0],addrb[12:0],dinb[35:0],doutb[35:0]";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "blk_mem_gen_v8_4_4,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4d9c8417bf0b9506f1a603bfacae50e844c8ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2018.1 (lin64) Build 2188600 Wed Apr  4 18:39:19 MDT 2018
+-- Date        : Mon Mar  9 16:45:10 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX709_FELIX/FLX709_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7/gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xc7vx690tffg1761-2
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7 is
+  Port ( 
+    SYSCLK_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    SOFT_RESET_TX_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    SOFT_RESET_RX_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    DONT_RESET_ON_DATA_ERROR_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                       --@suppress
+    GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                        --@suppress
+    GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                        --@suppress
+    GT0_DATA_VALID_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC;                            --@suppress
+    gt0_cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt0_cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_gtrefclk1_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );              --@suppress
+    gt0_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    gt0_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    gt0_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    gt0_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                      --@suppress
+    gt0_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    gt0_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                      --@suppress
+    gt0_loopback_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    gt0_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt0_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;                         --@suppress
+    gt0_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt0_rxcdrhold_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_rxslide_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                    --@suppress
+    gt0_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );       --@suppress
+    gt0_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    gt0_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    gt0_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    gt0_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );       --@suppress
+    gt0_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    gt0_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                           --@suppress
+    gt0_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_rxpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    gt0_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt0_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    gt0_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );              --@suppress
+    gt0_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    gt0_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    gt0_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                           --@suppress
+    gt0_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt0_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt0_txpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_IN : in STD_LOGIC                               --@suppress
+  );
+end gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7;
+architecture stub of gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "SYSCLK_IN,SOFT_RESET_TX_IN,SOFT_RESET_RX_IN,DONT_RESET_ON_DATA_ERROR_IN,GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT,GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT,GT0_DATA_VALID_IN,gt0_cpllfbclklost_out,gt0_cplllock_out,gt0_cplllockdetclk_in,gt0_cpllreset_in,gt0_gtrefclk0_in,gt0_gtrefclk1_in,gt0_drpaddr_in[8:0],gt0_drpclk_in,gt0_drpdi_in[15:0],gt0_drpdo_out[15:0],gt0_drpen_in,gt0_drprdy_out,gt0_drpwe_in,gt0_loopback_in[2:0],gt0_eyescanreset_in,gt0_rxuserrdy_in,gt0_eyescandataerror_out,gt0_eyescantrigger_in,gt0_rxcdrhold_in,gt0_rxslide_in,gt0_dmonitorout_out[14:0],gt0_rxusrclk_in,gt0_rxusrclk2_in,gt0_rxdata_out[19:0],gt0_gthrxn_in,gt0_rxmonitorout_out[6:0],gt0_rxmonitorsel_in[1:0],gt0_rxoutclk_out,gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,gt0_gtrxreset_in,gt0_rxpolarity_in,gt0_gthrxp_in,gt0_rxresetdone_out,gt0_gttxreset_in,gt0_txuserrdy_in,gt0_txusrclk_in,gt0_txusrclk2_in,gt0_txdata_in[19:0],gt0_gthtxn_out,gt0_gthtxp_out,gt0_txoutclk_out,gt0_txoutclkfabric_out,gt0_txoutclkpcs_out,gt0_txresetdone_out,gt0_txpolarity_in,GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN,GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_IN";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "gtwizard_CPLL_4p8g_V7,gtwizard_v3_6_9,{protocol_file=Start_from_scratch}";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75274faa46327afab913dc2599b9495e3d216b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2018.1 (lin64) Build 2188600 Wed Apr  4 18:39:19 MDT 2018
+-- Date        : Mon Mar  9 16:46:01 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX709_FELIX/FLX709_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7/gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xc7vx690tffg1761-2
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7 is
+  Port ( 
+    SYSCLK_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    SOFT_RESET_TX_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    SOFT_RESET_RX_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    DONT_RESET_ON_DATA_ERROR_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                   --@suppress
+    GT0_DRP_BUSY_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    GT0_DATA_VALID_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    GT1_DRP_BUSY_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    GT1_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    GT1_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    GT1_DATA_VALID_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    GT2_DRP_BUSY_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    GT2_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    GT2_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    GT2_DATA_VALID_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    GT3_DRP_BUSY_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    GT3_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    GT3_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                    --@suppress
+    GT3_DATA_VALID_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt0_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    gt0_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    gt0_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    gt0_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt0_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt0_loopback_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    gt0_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                           --@suppress
+    gt0_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt0_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;                     --@suppress
+    gt0_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;                         --@suppress
+    gt0_rxcdrhold_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt0_rxslide_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                --@suppress
+    gt0_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );   --@suppress
+    gt0_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt0_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt0_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );        --@suppress
+    gt0_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );   --@suppress
+    gt0_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );     --@suppress
+    gt0_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                       --@suppress
+    gt0_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt0_rxpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt0_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt0_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt0_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt0_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt0_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt0_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt0_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    gt0_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt0_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt0_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt0_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                       --@suppress
+    gt0_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt0_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt0_txpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt1_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    gt1_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt1_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    gt1_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    gt1_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt1_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt1_loopback_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    gt1_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                           --@suppress
+    gt1_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt1_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;                     --@suppress
+    gt1_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;                         --@suppress
+    gt1_rxcdrhold_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt1_rxslide_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                --@suppress
+    gt1_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );   --@suppress
+    gt1_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt1_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt1_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );        --@suppress
+    gt1_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt1_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );   --@suppress
+    gt1_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );     --@suppress
+    gt1_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt1_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                       --@suppress
+    gt1_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt1_rxpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt1_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt1_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt1_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt1_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt1_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt1_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt1_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    gt1_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt1_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt1_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt1_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                       --@suppress
+    gt1_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt1_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt1_txpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt2_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    gt2_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt2_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    gt2_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    gt2_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt2_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt2_loopback_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    gt2_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                           --@suppress
+    gt2_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt2_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;                     --@suppress
+    gt2_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;                         --@suppress
+    gt2_rxcdrhold_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt2_rxslide_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                --@suppress
+    gt2_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );   --@suppress
+    gt2_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt2_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt2_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );        --@suppress
+    gt2_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt2_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );   --@suppress
+    gt2_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );     --@suppress
+    gt2_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt2_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                       --@suppress
+    gt2_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt2_rxpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt2_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt2_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt2_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt2_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt2_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt2_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt2_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    gt2_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt2_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt2_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt2_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                       --@suppress
+    gt2_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt2_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt2_txpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt3_drpaddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 8 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    gt3_drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt3_drpdi_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    gt3_drpdo_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    gt3_drpen_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_drprdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt3_drpwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    gt3_loopback_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    gt3_eyescanreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                           --@suppress
+    gt3_rxuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt3_eyescandataerror_out : out STD_LOGIC;                     --@suppress
+    gt3_eyescantrigger_in : in STD_LOGIC;                         --@suppress
+    gt3_rxcdrhold_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt3_rxslide_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                --@suppress
+    gt3_dmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 14 downto 0 );   --@suppress
+    gt3_rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt3_rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt3_rxdata_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );        --@suppress
+    gt3_gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt3_rxmonitorout_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 6 downto 0 );   --@suppress
+    gt3_rxmonitorsel_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );     --@suppress
+    gt3_rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt3_rxoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                       --@suppress
+    gt3_gtrxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt3_rxpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt3_gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    gt3_rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt3_gttxreset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt3_txuserrdy_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt3_txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt3_txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    gt3_txdata_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 19 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    gt3_gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt3_gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    gt3_txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    gt3_txoutclkfabric_out : out STD_LOGIC;                       --@suppress
+    gt3_txoutclkpcs_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt3_txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    gt3_txpolarity_in : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLLOCK_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLREFCLKLOST_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                         --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLRESET_OUT : out STD_LOGIC;                            --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_IN : in STD_LOGIC                           --@suppress
+  );
+end gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7;
+architecture stub of gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "SYSCLK_IN,SOFT_RESET_TX_IN,SOFT_RESET_RX_IN,DONT_RESET_ON_DATA_ERROR_IN,GT0_DRP_BUSY_OUT,GT0_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT,GT0_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT,GT0_DATA_VALID_IN,GT1_DRP_BUSY_OUT,GT1_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT,GT1_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT,GT1_DATA_VALID_IN,GT2_DRP_BUSY_OUT,GT2_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT,GT2_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT,GT2_DATA_VALID_IN,GT3_DRP_BUSY_OUT,GT3_TX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT,GT3_RX_FSM_RESET_DONE_OUT,GT3_DATA_VALID_IN,gt0_drpaddr_in[8:0],gt0_drpclk_in,gt0_drpdi_in[15:0],gt0_drpdo_out[15:0],gt0_drpen_in,gt0_drprdy_out,gt0_drpwe_in,gt0_loopback_in[2:0],gt0_eyescanreset_in,gt0_rxuserrdy_in,gt0_eyescandataerror_out,gt0_eyescantrigger_in,gt0_rxcdrhold_in,gt0_rxslide_in,gt0_dmonitorout_out[14:0],gt0_rxusrclk_in,gt0_rxusrclk2_in,gt0_rxdata_out[19:0],gt0_gthrxn_in,gt0_rxmonitorout_out[6:0],gt0_rxmonitorsel_in[1:0],gt0_rxoutclk_out,gt0_rxoutclkfabric_out,gt0_gtrxreset_in,gt0_rxpolarity_in,gt0_gthrxp_in,gt0_rxresetdone_out,gt0_gttxreset_in,gt0_txuserrdy_in,gt0_txusrclk_in,gt0_txusrclk2_in,gt0_txdata_in[19:0],gt0_gthtxn_out,gt0_gthtxp_out,gt0_txoutclk_out,gt0_txoutclkfabric_out,gt0_txoutclkpcs_out,gt0_txresetdone_out,gt0_txpolarity_in,gt1_drpaddr_in[8:0],gt1_drpclk_in,gt1_drpdi_in[15:0],gt1_drpdo_out[15:0],gt1_drpen_in,gt1_drprdy_out,gt1_drpwe_in,gt1_loopback_in[2:0],gt1_eyescanreset_in,gt1_rxuserrdy_in,gt1_eyescandataerror_out,gt1_eyescantrigger_in,gt1_rxcdrhold_in,gt1_rxslide_in,gt1_dmonitorout_out[14:0],gt1_rxusrclk_in,gt1_rxusrclk2_in,gt1_rxdata_out[19:0],gt1_gthrxn_in,gt1_rxmonitorout_out[6:0],gt1_rxmonitorsel_in[1:0],gt1_rxoutclk_out,gt1_rxoutclkfabric_out,gt1_gtrxreset_in,gt1_rxpolarity_in,gt1_gthrxp_in,gt1_rxresetdone_out,gt1_gttxreset_in,gt1_txuserrdy_in,gt1_txusrclk_in,gt1_txusrclk2_in,gt1_txdata_in[19:0],gt1_gthtxn_out,gt1_gthtxp_out,gt1_txoutclk_out,gt1_txoutclkfabric_out,gt1_txoutclkpcs_out,gt1_txresetdone_out,gt1_txpolarity_in,gt2_drpaddr_in[8:0],gt2_drpclk_in,gt2_drpdi_in[15:0],gt2_drpdo_out[15:0],gt2_drpen_in,gt2_drprdy_out,gt2_drpwe_in,gt2_loopback_in[2:0],gt2_eyescanreset_in,gt2_rxuserrdy_in,gt2_eyescandataerror_out,gt2_eyescantrigger_in,gt2_rxcdrhold_in,gt2_rxslide_in,gt2_dmonitorout_out[14:0],gt2_rxusrclk_in,gt2_rxusrclk2_in,gt2_rxdata_out[19:0],gt2_gthrxn_in,gt2_rxmonitorout_out[6:0],gt2_rxmonitorsel_in[1:0],gt2_rxoutclk_out,gt2_rxoutclkfabric_out,gt2_gtrxreset_in,gt2_rxpolarity_in,gt2_gthrxp_in,gt2_rxresetdone_out,gt2_gttxreset_in,gt2_txuserrdy_in,gt2_txusrclk_in,gt2_txusrclk2_in,gt2_txdata_in[19:0],gt2_gthtxn_out,gt2_gthtxp_out,gt2_txoutclk_out,gt2_txoutclkfabric_out,gt2_txoutclkpcs_out,gt2_txresetdone_out,gt2_txpolarity_in,gt3_drpaddr_in[8:0],gt3_drpclk_in,gt3_drpdi_in[15:0],gt3_drpdo_out[15:0],gt3_drpen_in,gt3_drprdy_out,gt3_drpwe_in,gt3_loopback_in[2:0],gt3_eyescanreset_in,gt3_rxuserrdy_in,gt3_eyescandataerror_out,gt3_eyescantrigger_in,gt3_rxcdrhold_in,gt3_rxslide_in,gt3_dmonitorout_out[14:0],gt3_rxusrclk_in,gt3_rxusrclk2_in,gt3_rxdata_out[19:0],gt3_gthrxn_in,gt3_rxmonitorout_out[6:0],gt3_rxmonitorsel_in[1:0],gt3_rxoutclk_out,gt3_rxoutclkfabric_out,gt3_gtrxreset_in,gt3_rxpolarity_in,gt3_gthrxp_in,gt3_rxresetdone_out,gt3_gttxreset_in,gt3_txuserrdy_in,gt3_txusrclk_in,gt3_txusrclk2_in,gt3_txdata_in[19:0],gt3_gthtxn_out,gt3_gthtxp_out,gt3_txoutclk_out,gt3_txoutclkfabric_out,gt3_txoutclkpcs_out,gt3_txresetdone_out,gt3_txpolarity_in,GT0_QPLLLOCK_IN,GT0_QPLLREFCLKLOST_IN,GT0_QPLLRESET_OUT,GT0_QPLLOUTCLK_IN,GT0_QPLLOUTREFCLK_IN";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "gtwizard_QPLL_4p8g_V7,gtwizard_v3_6_9,{protocol_file=Start_from_scratch}";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3db732899ffccbed7a9cecca47e5a35899400813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:44:51 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku is
+  Port ( 
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_all_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 79 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 127 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    gtrefclk01_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    qpll1lock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    qpll1outclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    qpll1outrefclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 0 to 0 );--@suppress
+    cplllockdetclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    cpllreset_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    drpclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    gthrxn_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    gthrxp_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    gtrefclk0_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rx8b10ben_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxcommadeten_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxmcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxpcommaalignen_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    txusrclk_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    txusrclk2_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    cpllfbclklost_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    cplllock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    gthtxn_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    gthtxp_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    gtpowergood_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxbyteisaligned_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxbyterealign_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxcdrlock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxcommadet_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxctrl0_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxctrl1_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxctrl2_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxctrl3_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    rxresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    txoutclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    txpmaresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    txresetdone_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 )--@suppress
+  );
+end gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku;
+architecture stub of gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_all_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out[0:0],gtwiz_userdata_tx_in[79:0],gtwiz_userdata_rx_out[127:0],gtrefclk01_in[0:0],qpll1lock_out[0:0],qpll1outclk_out[0:0],qpll1outrefclk_out[0:0],cplllockdetclk_in[3:0],cpllreset_in[3:0],drpclk_in[3:0],gthrxn_in[3:0],gthrxp_in[3:0],gtrefclk0_in[3:0],rx8b10ben_in[3:0],rxcommadeten_in[3:0],rxmcommaalignen_in[3:0],rxpcommaalignen_in[3:0],rxusrclk_in[3:0],rxusrclk2_in[3:0],txusrclk_in[3:0],txusrclk2_in[3:0],cpllfbclklost_out[3:0],cplllock_out[3:0],gthtxn_out[3:0],gthtxp_out[3:0],gtpowergood_out[3:0],rxbyteisaligned_out[3:0],rxbyterealign_out[3:0],rxcdrlock_out[3:0],rxcommadet_out[3:0],rxctrl0_out[63:0],rxctrl1_out[63:0],rxctrl2_out[31:0],rxctrl3_out[31:0],rxoutclk_out[3:0],rxpmaresetdone_out[3:0],rxresetdone_out[3:0],txoutclk_out[3:0],txpmaresetdone_out[3:0],txresetdone_out[3:0]";
+attribute X_CORE_INFO : string;
+attribute X_CORE_INFO of stub : architecture is "gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku_gtwizard_top,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_vup_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_vup_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05b39e811210ae79c28cb14d45da09b4a7a2faf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_vup_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:44:51 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku/gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_ku
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_vup is
+  PORT (
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_reset_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);                --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userclk_tx_active_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_reset_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);                --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_reset_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);             --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_start_user_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);        --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);            --@suppress
+    gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_error_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);           --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_all_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);                       --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);       --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);       --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);               --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);           --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);                 --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_tx_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(79 DOWNTO 0);                    --@suppress
+    gtwiz_userdata_rx_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 DOWNTO 0);                 --@suppress
+    gtrefclk01_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);                            --@suppress
+    qpll1lock_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);                           --@suppress
+    qpll1outclk_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);                         --@suppress
+    qpll1outrefclk_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);                      --@suppress
+    cplllockdetclk_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                        --@suppress
+    cpllreset_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                             --@suppress
+    drpclk_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                                --@suppress
+    gtrefclk0_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                             --@suppress
+    gtyrxn_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                                --@suppress
+    gtyrxp_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                                --@suppress
+    rx8b10ben_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                             --@suppress
+    rxcommadeten_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                          --@suppress
+    rxmcommaalignen_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                       --@suppress
+    rxpcommaalignen_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                       --@suppress
+    rxusrclk_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                              --@suppress
+    rxusrclk2_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                             --@suppress
+    txusrclk_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                              --@suppress
+    txusrclk2_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                             --@suppress
+    cpllfbclklost_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                       --@suppress
+    cplllock_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                            --@suppress
+    gtpowergood_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                         --@suppress
+    gtytxn_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                              --@suppress
+    gtytxp_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                              --@suppress
+    rxbyteisaligned_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                     --@suppress
+    rxbyterealign_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                       --@suppress
+    rxcdrlock_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                           --@suppress
+    rxcommadet_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                          --@suppress
+    rxctrl0_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 DOWNTO 0);                            --@suppress
+    rxctrl1_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 DOWNTO 0);                            --@suppress
+    rxctrl2_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0);                            --@suppress
+    rxctrl3_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0);                            --@suppress
+    rxoutclk_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                            --@suppress
+    rxpmaresetdone_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                      --@suppress
+    rxresetdone_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                         --@suppress
+    txoutclk_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                            --@suppress
+    txpmaresetdone_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);                      --@suppress
+    txresetdone_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0)                          --@suppress
+  );
+end gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_vup;
+architecture stub of gtwizard_fullmode_txcpll_rxqpll_vup is
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/pcie3_ultrascale_7038_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/pcie3_ultrascale_7038_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55c60d4dbdb342fb559461c018cdd8e9b4338601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/pcie3_ultrascale_7038_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:45:31 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/pcie3_ultrascale_7038/pcie3_ultrascale_7038_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : pcie3_ultrascale_7038
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity pcie3_ultrascale_7038 is
+  Port ( 
+    pci_exp_txn : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    pci_exp_txp : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    pci_exp_rxn : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    pci_exp_rxp : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    user_clk : out STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    user_reset : out STD_LOGIC;                                                --@suppress
+    user_lnk_up : out STD_LOGIC;                                               --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tkeep : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tlast : in STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tready : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tuser : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 59 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );                   --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tkeep : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tlast : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tready : in STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tuser : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 74 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC;                                          --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );                   --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tkeep : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tlast : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tready : in STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tuser : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 84 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC;                                          --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tkeep : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tlast : in STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tready : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tuser : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 32 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_seq_num : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_seq_num_vld : out STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_tag : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_tag_av : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_tag_vld : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    pcie_tfc_nph_av : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    pcie_tfc_npd_av : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    pcie_cq_np_req : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    pcie_cq_np_req_count : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    cfg_phy_link_down : out STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    cfg_phy_link_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    cfg_negotiated_width : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    cfg_current_speed : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                   --@suppress
+    cfg_max_payload : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    cfg_max_read_req : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    cfg_function_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    cfg_function_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 23 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    cfg_link_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 18 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_write : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_write_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_byte_enable : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_read : in STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_read_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_read_write_done : out STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_type1_cfg_reg_access : in STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    cfg_err_cor_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    cfg_err_nonfatal_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                      --@suppress
+    cfg_err_fatal_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    cfg_local_error : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    cfg_ltr_enable : out STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    cfg_ltssm_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    cfg_rcb_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    cfg_dpa_substate_change : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    cfg_obff_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    cfg_pl_status_change : out STD_LOGIC;                                      --@suppress
+    cfg_tph_requester_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    cfg_tph_st_mode : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_tph_requester_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_tph_st_mode : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 23 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_received : out STD_LOGIC;                                          --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_received_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_received_type : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit : in STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit_type : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit_done : out STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_ph : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_pd : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_nph : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                          --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_npd : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_cplh : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_cpld : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                        --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                           --@suppress
+    cfg_per_func_status_control : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    cfg_per_func_status_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    cfg_per_function_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );              --@suppress
+    cfg_per_function_output_request : in STD_LOGIC;                            --@suppress
+    cfg_per_function_update_done : out STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    cfg_dsn : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );                             --@suppress
+    cfg_power_state_change_ack : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    cfg_power_state_change_interrupt : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    cfg_err_cor_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    cfg_err_uncor_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    cfg_flr_in_process : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    cfg_flr_done : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_flr_in_process : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_flr_done : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    cfg_link_training_enable : in STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_int : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_pending : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_sent : out STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msi_function_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );    --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_mask : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );        --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_mask : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_address : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_int : in STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_sent : out STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_fail : out STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    cfg_hot_reset_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    cfg_config_space_enable : in STD_LOGIC;                                    --@suppress
+    cfg_req_pm_transition_l23_ready : in STD_LOGIC;                            --@suppress
+    cfg_hot_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_port_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                   --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_bus_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_device_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_function_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    cfg_subsys_vend_id : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    sys_clk : in STD_LOGIC;                                                    --@suppress
+    sys_clk_gt : in STD_LOGIC;                                                 --@suppress
+    sys_reset : in STD_LOGIC;                                                  --@suppress
+    int_qpll1lock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                   --@suppress
+    int_qpll1outrefclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );              --@suppress
+    int_qpll1outclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    phy_rdy_out : out STD_LOGIC                                                --@suppress
+  );
+end pcie3_ultrascale_7038;
+architecture stub of pcie3_ultrascale_7038 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "pci_exp_txn[7:0],pci_exp_txp[7:0],pci_exp_rxn[7:0],pci_exp_rxp[7:0],user_clk,user_reset,user_lnk_up,s_axis_rq_tdata[255:0],s_axis_rq_tkeep[7:0],s_axis_rq_tlast,s_axis_rq_tready[3:0],s_axis_rq_tuser[59:0],s_axis_rq_tvalid,m_axis_rc_tdata[255:0],m_axis_rc_tkeep[7:0],m_axis_rc_tlast,m_axis_rc_tready,m_axis_rc_tuser[74:0],m_axis_rc_tvalid,m_axis_cq_tdata[255:0],m_axis_cq_tkeep[7:0],m_axis_cq_tlast,m_axis_cq_tready,m_axis_cq_tuser[84:0],m_axis_cq_tvalid,s_axis_cc_tdata[255:0],s_axis_cc_tkeep[7:0],s_axis_cc_tlast,s_axis_cc_tready[3:0],s_axis_cc_tuser[32:0],s_axis_cc_tvalid,pcie_rq_seq_num[3:0],pcie_rq_seq_num_vld,pcie_rq_tag[5:0],pcie_rq_tag_av[1:0],pcie_rq_tag_vld,pcie_tfc_nph_av[1:0],pcie_tfc_npd_av[1:0],pcie_cq_np_req,pcie_cq_np_req_count[5:0],cfg_phy_link_down,cfg_phy_link_status[1:0],cfg_negotiated_width[3:0],cfg_current_speed[2:0],cfg_max_payload[2:0],cfg_max_read_req[2:0],cfg_function_status[15:0],cfg_function_power_state[11:0],cfg_vf_status[15:0],cfg_vf_power_state[23:0],cfg_link_power_state[1:0],cfg_mgmt_addr[18:0],cfg_mgmt_write,cfg_mgmt_write_data[31:0],cfg_mgmt_byte_enable[3:0],cfg_mgmt_read,cfg_mgmt_read_data[31:0],cfg_mgmt_read_write_done,cfg_mgmt_type1_cfg_reg_access,cfg_err_cor_out,cfg_err_nonfatal_out,cfg_err_fatal_out,cfg_local_error,cfg_ltr_enable,cfg_ltssm_state[5:0],cfg_rcb_status[3:0],cfg_dpa_substate_change[3:0],cfg_obff_enable[1:0],cfg_pl_status_change,cfg_tph_requester_enable[3:0],cfg_tph_st_mode[11:0],cfg_vf_tph_requester_enable[7:0],cfg_vf_tph_st_mode[23:0],cfg_msg_received,cfg_msg_received_data[7:0],cfg_msg_received_type[4:0],cfg_msg_transmit,cfg_msg_transmit_type[2:0],cfg_msg_transmit_data[31:0],cfg_msg_transmit_done,cfg_fc_ph[7:0],cfg_fc_pd[11:0],cfg_fc_nph[7:0],cfg_fc_npd[11:0],cfg_fc_cplh[7:0],cfg_fc_cpld[11:0],cfg_fc_sel[2:0],cfg_per_func_status_control[2:0],cfg_per_func_status_data[15:0],cfg_per_function_number[3:0],cfg_per_function_output_request,cfg_per_function_update_done,cfg_dsn[63:0],cfg_power_state_change_ack,cfg_power_state_change_interrupt,cfg_err_cor_in,cfg_err_uncor_in,cfg_flr_in_process[3:0],cfg_flr_done[3:0],cfg_vf_flr_in_process[7:0],cfg_vf_flr_done[7:0],cfg_link_training_enable,cfg_interrupt_int[3:0],cfg_interrupt_pending[3:0],cfg_interrupt_sent,cfg_interrupt_msi_function_number[3:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_enable[3:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_mask[3:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_enable[7:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_mask[7:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_data[31:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_address[63:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_int,cfg_interrupt_msix_sent,cfg_interrupt_msix_fail,cfg_hot_reset_out,cfg_config_space_enable,cfg_req_pm_transition_l23_ready,cfg_hot_reset_in,cfg_ds_port_number[7:0],cfg_ds_bus_number[7:0],cfg_ds_device_number[4:0],cfg_ds_function_number[2:0],cfg_subsys_vend_id[15:0],sys_clk,sys_clk_gt,sys_reset,int_qpll1lock_out[1:0],int_qpll1outrefclk_out[1:0],int_qpll1outclk_out[1:0],phy_rdy_out";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "pcie3_ultrascale_7038_pcie3_uscale_core_top,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/pcie3_ultrascale_7039_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/pcie3_ultrascale_7039_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c16d6387b1a1b67da33080e07f8f8c6c12a7d0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/pcie3_ultrascale_7039_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:46:32 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/pcie3_ultrascale_7039/pcie3_ultrascale_7039_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : pcie3_ultrascale_7039
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity pcie3_ultrascale_7039 is
+  Port ( 
+    pci_exp_txn : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    pci_exp_txp : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    pci_exp_rxn : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    pci_exp_rxp : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    user_clk : out STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    user_reset : out STD_LOGIC;                                            --@suppress
+    user_lnk_up : out STD_LOGIC;                                           --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tkeep : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tlast : in STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tready : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tuser : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 59 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    s_axis_rq_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tkeep : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tlast : out STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tready : in STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tuser : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 74 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    m_axis_rc_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC;                                      --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tkeep : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tlast : out STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tready : in STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tuser : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 84 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    m_axis_cq_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC;                                      --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 255 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tkeep : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tlast : in STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tready : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tuser : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 32 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    s_axis_cc_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_seq_num : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_seq_num_vld : out STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_tag : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_tag_av : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    pcie_rq_tag_vld : out STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    pcie_tfc_nph_av : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    pcie_tfc_npd_av : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    pcie_cq_np_req : in STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    pcie_cq_np_req_count : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    cfg_phy_link_down : out STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_phy_link_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    cfg_negotiated_width : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    cfg_current_speed : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    cfg_max_payload : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    cfg_max_read_req : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    cfg_function_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    cfg_function_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );       --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 23 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    cfg_link_power_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 18 downto 0 );                   --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_write : in STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_write_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_byte_enable : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_read : in STD_LOGIC;                                          --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_read_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_read_write_done : out STD_LOGIC;                              --@suppress
+    cfg_mgmt_type1_cfg_reg_access : in STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    cfg_err_cor_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_err_nonfatal_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    cfg_err_fatal_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_local_error : out STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_ltr_enable : out STD_LOGIC;                                        --@suppress
+    cfg_ltssm_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    cfg_rcb_status : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    cfg_dpa_substate_change : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    cfg_obff_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );                 --@suppress
+    cfg_pl_status_change : out STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    cfg_tph_requester_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );        --@suppress
+    cfg_tph_st_mode : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_tph_requester_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );     --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_tph_st_mode : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 23 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_received : out STD_LOGIC;                                      --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_received_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_received_type : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit : in STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit_type : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    cfg_msg_transmit_done : out STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_ph : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_pd : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_nph : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                      --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_npd : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_cplh : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_cpld : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );                    --@suppress
+    cfg_fc_sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );                       --@suppress
+    cfg_per_func_status_control : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );      --@suppress
+    cfg_per_func_status_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );       --@suppress
+    cfg_per_function_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    cfg_per_function_output_request : in STD_LOGIC;                        --@suppress
+    cfg_per_function_update_done : out STD_LOGIC;                          --@suppress
+    cfg_dsn : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );                         --@suppress
+    cfg_power_state_change_ack : in STD_LOGIC;                             --@suppress
+    cfg_power_state_change_interrupt : out STD_LOGIC;                      --@suppress
+    cfg_err_cor_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                         --@suppress
+    cfg_err_uncor_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_flr_in_process : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );              --@suppress
+    cfg_flr_done : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                     --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_flr_in_process : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    cfg_vf_flr_done : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                  --@suppress
+    cfg_link_training_enable : in STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_int : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_pending : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_sent : out STD_LOGIC;                                    --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msi_function_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );--@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );       --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_mask : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );    --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_mask : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );      --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 31 downto 0 );         --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_address : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 63 downto 0 );      --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_int : in STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_sent : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    cfg_interrupt_msix_fail : out STD_LOGIC;                               --@suppress
+    cfg_hot_reset_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                     --@suppress
+    cfg_config_space_enable : in STD_LOGIC;                                --@suppress
+    cfg_req_pm_transition_l23_ready : in STD_LOGIC;                        --@suppress
+    cfg_hot_reset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                       --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_port_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_bus_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );                --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_device_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 4 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    cfg_ds_function_number : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 );           --@suppress
+    cfg_subsys_vend_id : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );              --@suppress
+    sys_clk : in STD_LOGIC;                                                --@suppress
+    sys_clk_gt : in STD_LOGIC;                                             --@suppress
+    sys_reset : in STD_LOGIC;                                              --@suppress
+    int_qpll1lock_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );               --@suppress
+    int_qpll1outrefclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );          --@suppress
+    int_qpll1outclk_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );             --@suppress
+    phy_rdy_out : out STD_LOGIC                                            --@suppress
+  );
+end pcie3_ultrascale_7039;
+architecture stub of pcie3_ultrascale_7039 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "pci_exp_txn[7:0],pci_exp_txp[7:0],pci_exp_rxn[7:0],pci_exp_rxp[7:0],user_clk,user_reset,user_lnk_up,s_axis_rq_tdata[255:0],s_axis_rq_tkeep[7:0],s_axis_rq_tlast,s_axis_rq_tready[3:0],s_axis_rq_tuser[59:0],s_axis_rq_tvalid,m_axis_rc_tdata[255:0],m_axis_rc_tkeep[7:0],m_axis_rc_tlast,m_axis_rc_tready,m_axis_rc_tuser[74:0],m_axis_rc_tvalid,m_axis_cq_tdata[255:0],m_axis_cq_tkeep[7:0],m_axis_cq_tlast,m_axis_cq_tready,m_axis_cq_tuser[84:0],m_axis_cq_tvalid,s_axis_cc_tdata[255:0],s_axis_cc_tkeep[7:0],s_axis_cc_tlast,s_axis_cc_tready[3:0],s_axis_cc_tuser[32:0],s_axis_cc_tvalid,pcie_rq_seq_num[3:0],pcie_rq_seq_num_vld,pcie_rq_tag[5:0],pcie_rq_tag_av[1:0],pcie_rq_tag_vld,pcie_tfc_nph_av[1:0],pcie_tfc_npd_av[1:0],pcie_cq_np_req,pcie_cq_np_req_count[5:0],cfg_phy_link_down,cfg_phy_link_status[1:0],cfg_negotiated_width[3:0],cfg_current_speed[2:0],cfg_max_payload[2:0],cfg_max_read_req[2:0],cfg_function_status[15:0],cfg_function_power_state[11:0],cfg_vf_status[15:0],cfg_vf_power_state[23:0],cfg_link_power_state[1:0],cfg_mgmt_addr[18:0],cfg_mgmt_write,cfg_mgmt_write_data[31:0],cfg_mgmt_byte_enable[3:0],cfg_mgmt_read,cfg_mgmt_read_data[31:0],cfg_mgmt_read_write_done,cfg_mgmt_type1_cfg_reg_access,cfg_err_cor_out,cfg_err_nonfatal_out,cfg_err_fatal_out,cfg_local_error,cfg_ltr_enable,cfg_ltssm_state[5:0],cfg_rcb_status[3:0],cfg_dpa_substate_change[3:0],cfg_obff_enable[1:0],cfg_pl_status_change,cfg_tph_requester_enable[3:0],cfg_tph_st_mode[11:0],cfg_vf_tph_requester_enable[7:0],cfg_vf_tph_st_mode[23:0],cfg_msg_received,cfg_msg_received_data[7:0],cfg_msg_received_type[4:0],cfg_msg_transmit,cfg_msg_transmit_type[2:0],cfg_msg_transmit_data[31:0],cfg_msg_transmit_done,cfg_fc_ph[7:0],cfg_fc_pd[11:0],cfg_fc_nph[7:0],cfg_fc_npd[11:0],cfg_fc_cplh[7:0],cfg_fc_cpld[11:0],cfg_fc_sel[2:0],cfg_per_func_status_control[2:0],cfg_per_func_status_data[15:0],cfg_per_function_number[3:0],cfg_per_function_output_request,cfg_per_function_update_done,cfg_dsn[63:0],cfg_power_state_change_ack,cfg_power_state_change_interrupt,cfg_err_cor_in,cfg_err_uncor_in,cfg_flr_in_process[3:0],cfg_flr_done[3:0],cfg_vf_flr_in_process[7:0],cfg_vf_flr_done[7:0],cfg_link_training_enable,cfg_interrupt_int[3:0],cfg_interrupt_pending[3:0],cfg_interrupt_sent,cfg_interrupt_msi_function_number[3:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_enable[3:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_mask[3:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_enable[7:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_vf_mask[7:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_data[31:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_address[63:0],cfg_interrupt_msix_int,cfg_interrupt_msix_sent,cfg_interrupt_msix_fail,cfg_hot_reset_out,cfg_config_space_enable,cfg_req_pm_transition_l23_ready,cfg_hot_reset_in,cfg_ds_port_number[7:0],cfg_ds_bus_number[7:0],cfg_ds_device_number[4:0],cfg_ds_function_number[2:0],cfg_subsys_vend_id[15:0],sys_clk,sys_clk_gt,sys_reset,int_qpll1lock_out[1:0],int_qpll1outrefclk_out[1:0],int_qpll1outclk_out[1:0],phy_rdy_out";
+attribute x_core_info : string;
+attribute x_core_info of stub : architecture is "pcie3_ultrascale_7039_pcie3_uscale_core_top,Vivado 2020.1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/rxclkgen_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/rxclkgen_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..012af5ae23a2a1f65fc3c56eb373005274b0b59c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/rxclkgen_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:44:30 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/rxclkgen/rxclkgen_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : rxclkgen
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity rxclkgen is
+  Port ( 
+    clk_out1 : out STD_LOGIC;  --@suppress
+    reset : in STD_LOGIC;      --@suppress
+    locked : out STD_LOGIC;    --@suppress
+    clk_in1 : in STD_LOGIC     --@suppress
+  );
+end rxclkgen;
+architecture stub of rxclkgen is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "clk_out1,reset,locked,clk_in1";
diff --git a/sources/ip_cores/stub/system_management_wiz_0_stub.vhdl b/sources/ip_cores/stub/system_management_wiz_0_stub.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c17e2937662c0e279a5bd40a245e93d712aa3f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/ip_cores/stub/system_management_wiz_0_stub.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+-- Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tool Version: Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
+-- Date        : Mon Sep 28 16:48:22 2020
+-- Host        : tarfa running 64-bit CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
+-- Command     : write_vhdl -force -mode synth_stub
+--               /localstore/et/franss/felix/firmware2/Projects/FLX712_FELIX/FLX712_FELIX.srcs/sources_1/ip/system_management_wiz_0/system_management_wiz_0_stub.vhdl
+-- Design      : system_management_wiz_0
+-- Purpose     : Stub declaration of top-level module interface
+-- Device      : xcku115-flvf1924-2-e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+library IEEE;
+entity system_management_wiz_0 is
+  Port ( 
+    daddr_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    den_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                    --@suppress
+    di_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );              --@suppress
+    dwe_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                    --@suppress
+    do_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );            --@suppress
+    drdy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    dclk_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                   --@suppress
+    reset_in : in STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    busy_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                 --@suppress
+    channel_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 5 downto 0 );        --@suppress
+    eoc_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    eos_out : out STD_LOGIC;                                  --@suppress
+    alarm_out : out STD_LOGIC                                 --@suppress
+  );
+end system_management_wiz_0;
+architecture stub of system_management_wiz_0 is
+attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin : string;
+attribute syn_black_box of stub : architecture is true;
+attribute black_box_pad_pin of stub : architecture is "daddr_in[7:0],den_in,di_in[15:0],dwe_in,do_out[15:0],drdy_out,dclk_in,reset_in,busy_out,channel_out[5:0],eoc_out,eos_out,alarm_out";
diff --git a/sources/opencores/application.vhd b/sources/opencores/application.vhd
index 66f7478ff6fa2b2098bbf5e09c0cf07850d3433d..304c86b1f15e5929e507b46f0431f8b9bf68d98e 100644
--- a/sources/opencores/application.vhd
+++ b/sources/opencores/application.vhd
@@ -55,30 +55,25 @@
-library ieee, UNISIM, work;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 entity application is
-  generic(
-    NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS : integer := 8;
-    CARD_TYPE            : integer := 709;
-    DATA_WIDTH           : integer := 512);
   port (
-    appreg_clk           : in     std_logic;
     clk250               : in     std_logic;
     flush_fifo           : in     std_logic;
-    fromHostFifo_dout    : in     std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
-    fromHostFifo_empty   : in     std_logic;
+    --fromHostFifo_dout    : in     std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
+    --fromHostFifo_empty   : in     std_logic;
     fromHostFifo_rd_clk  : out    std_logic;
-    fromHostFifo_rd_en   : out    std_logic;
-    fromHostFifo_rst     : out    std_logic;
+    --fromHostFifo_rd_en   : out    std_logic;
+    --fromHostFifo_rst     : out    std_logic;
     register_map_control : in     register_map_control_type; --! contains all read/write registers that control the application. The record members are described in pcie_package.vhd
     reset_hard           : in     std_logic;
-    reset_soft           : in     std_logic;
+    --reset_soft           : in     std_logic;
     toHostFifo_din       : out    std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
     toHostFifo_prog_full : in     std_logic;
     toHostFifo_rst       : out    std_logic;
diff --git a/sources/opencores/wupper_oc_top.vhd b/sources/opencores/wupper_oc_top.vhd
index 3172d86f49f2526921afc2e0fb79f31f6cc75e08..9a1d13f5376d571eee3da1d63f271988ed0a7ffa 100644
--- a/sources/opencores/wupper_oc_top.vhd
+++ b/sources/opencores/wupper_oc_top.vhd
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
-library ieee, UNISIM, work;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ entity wupper_oc_top is
     NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS  : integer := 8;
     NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS : integer := 8;
     CARD_TYPE             : integer := 709;
-    SVN_VERSION           : integer := 0;
     BUILD_DATETIME        : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := x"0000FE71CE";
     GIT_HASH              : std_logic_vector(159 downto 0) := x"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
     COMMIT_DATETIME       : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := x"0000FE71CE";
@@ -80,11 +79,11 @@ entity wupper_oc_top is
     pcie_txn    : out    std_logic_vector((ENDPOINTS*PCIE_LANES)-1 downto 0);
     pcie_txp    : out    std_logic_vector((ENDPOINTS*PCIE_LANES)-1 downto 0); --! PCIe link lanes
     sys_clk_n   : in     std_logic_vector(ENDPOINTS-1 downto 0);
-    sys_clk_p   : in     std_logic_vector(ENDPOINTS-1 downto 0) --! 100MHz PCIe reference clock
-    --sys_reset_n : in     std_logic;
-    --SDA         : inout  std_logic;
-    --SCL         : inout  std_logic;
-    --i2cmux_rst  : out    std_logic
+    sys_clk_p   : in     std_logic_vector(ENDPOINTS-1 downto 0); --! 100MHz PCIe reference clock
+    sys_reset_n : in     std_logic;
+    SDA         : inout  std_logic;
+    SCL         : inout  std_logic;
+    i2cmux_rst  : out    std_logic
     ); --! Active-low system reset from PCIe interface
 end entity wupper_oc_top;
@@ -92,127 +91,147 @@ end entity wupper_oc_top;
 architecture structure of wupper_oc_top is
   signal leds_s                              : std_logic_vector(ENDPOINTS*8-1 downto 0);
-  signal pll_locked                          : std_logic;
-  signal appreg_clk                          : std_logic;
-  signal register_map_hk_monitor : register_map_hk_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_gen_board_info : register_map_gen_board_info_type;
-  signal register_map_ttc_monitor : register_map_ttc_monitor_type;
-  --signal register_map_gbt_monitor : register_map_gbt_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_control             : register_map_control_type; --! contains all read/write registers that control the application. The record members are described in pcie_package.vhd
-  signal reset_soft : std_logic;
-  signal reset_hard : std_logic;
-  signal lnk_up : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  signal pll_locked                          : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal pll_locked is never read"
+  signal appreg_clk                          : std_logic; 
+  signal register_map_hk_monitor : register_map_hk_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_hk_monitor is never written"
+  signal register_map_gen_board_info : register_map_gen_board_info_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_gen_board_info is never written"
+  signal register_map_ttc_monitor : register_map_ttc_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_ttc_monitor is never written"
+  signal register_map_link_monitor : register_map_link_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_link_monitor is never written"
+  signal register_map_control             : register_map_control_type; --! contains all read/write registers that control the application. The record members are described in pcie_package.vhd -- @suppress "signal register_map_control is never read"
+  signal reset_soft : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal reset_soft is never read"
+  signal reset_hard : std_logic; 
+  signal lnk_up : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal lnk_up is never read"
+  signal RXUSRCLK : std_logic_vector(24*ENDPOINTS-1 downto 0);
+  RXUSRCLK <= (others => appreg_clk);
---  hk0: entity work.housekeeping_module
---    generic map (
---    )
---    port map(
---      MMCM_Locked_in => pll_locked,
---      MMCM_OscSelect_in => '0',
---      SCL => SCL,
---      SDA => SDA,
---      SI5345_A => open,
---      SI5345_INSEL => open,
---      SI5345_OE => open,
---      SI5345_RSTN => open,
---      SI5345_SEL => open,
---      SI5345_nLOL => open,
---      appreg_clk => appreg_clk,
---      emcclk => '0',
---      flash_SEL => '0',
---      flash_a => open,
---      flash_a_msb => open,
---      flash_adv => open,
---      flash_cclk => open,
---      flash_ce => open,
---      flash_d => open,
---      flash_re => open,
---      flash_we => open,
---      i2cmux_rst => i2cmux_rst,
---      TACH => '0',
---      clk10_xtal => '0',
---      clk40_xtal => appreg_clk,
---      leds => open,
---      opto_inhibit => open,
---      opto_los => (others => '0'),
---      register_map_control => register_map_control,
---      register_map_gen_board_info => register_map_gen_board_info,
---      register_map_hk_monitor => register_map_hk_monitor,
---      rst_soft => reset_soft,
---      sys_reset_n => sys_reset_n,
---      rst_hw => rst_hw,
---      CLK40_FPGA2LMK_P => open,
---      CLK40_FPGA2LMK_N => open,
---      LMK_DATA => open,
---      LMK_CLK => open,
---      LMK_LE => open,
---      LMK_GOE => open,
---      LMK_LD => '0',
---      LMK_SYNCn => open,
---      I2C_SMB => open,
---      I2C_SMBUS_CFG_nEN => open,
---      MGMT_PORT_EN => open,
---      PCIE_PERSTn1 => open,
---      PCIE_PERSTn2 => open,
---      PEX_PERSTn => open,
---      PEX_SCL => open,
---      PEX_SDA => open,
---      PORT_GOOD => (others => '0'),
---      SHPC_INT => '0',
---      lnk_up => lnk_up
---    );
+  hk0: entity work.housekeeping_module
+    generic map (
+      OPTO_TRX => 4,
+      GBT_NUM => 24,
+      generateTTCemu => false,
+      FIRMWARE_MODE => 0,
+      USE_Si5324_RefCLK => false,
+      GENERATE_XOFF => false,
+      IncludeDecodingEpath2_HDLC => "0000000",
+      IncludeDecodingEpath2_8b10b => "0000000",
+      IncludeDecodingEpath4_8b10b => "0000000",
+      IncludeDecodingEpath8_8b10b => "0000000",
+      IncludeDecodingEpath16_8b10b => "0000000",
+      IncludeEncodingEpath2_HDLC => "00000",
+      IncludeEncodingEpath2_8b10b => "00000",
+      IncludeEncodingEpath4_8b10b => "00000",
+      IncludeEncodingEpath8_8b10b => "00000",
+      BLOCKSIZE => 1024,
+      CHUNK_TRAILER_32B => true
+    )
+    port map(
+      MMCM_Locked_in => pll_locked,
+      MMCM_OscSelect_in => '0',
+      SCL => SCL,
+      SDA => SDA,
+      SI5345_A => open,
+      SI5345_INSEL => open,
+      SI5345_OE => open,
+      SI5345_RSTN => open,
+      SI5345_SEL => open,
+      SI5345_nLOL => open,
+      appreg_clk => appreg_clk,
+      emcclk => '0',
+      flash_SEL => '0',
+      flash_a => open,
+      flash_a_msb => open,
+      flash_adv => open,
+      flash_cclk => open,
+      flash_ce => open,
+      flash_d => open,
+      flash_re => open,
+      flash_we => open,
+      i2cmux_rst => i2cmux_rst,
+      TACH => '0',
+      clk10_xtal => '0',
+      clk40_xtal => appreg_clk,
+      clk40 => appreg_clk,
+      leds => open,
+      opto_inhibit => open,
+      register_map_control => register_map_control,
+      register_map_gen_board_info => register_map_gen_board_info,
+      register_map_hk_monitor => register_map_hk_monitor,
+      rst_soft => reset_soft,
+      sys_reset_n => sys_reset_n,
+      rst_hw => reset_hard,
+      CLK40_FPGA2LMK_P => open,
+      CLK40_FPGA2LMK_N => open,
+      LMK_DATA => open,
+      LMK_CLK => open,
+      LMK_LE => open,
+      LMK_GOE => open,
+      LMK_LD => '0',
+      LMK_SYNCn => open,
+      I2C_SMB => open,
+      I2C_SMBUS_CFG_nEN => open,
+      MGMT_PORT_EN => open,
+      PCIE_PERSTn1 => open,
+      PCIE_PERSTn2 => open,
+      PEX_PERSTn => open,
+      PEX_SCL => open,
+      PEX_SDA => open,
+      PORT_GOOD => (others => '0'),
+      SHPC_INT => '0',
+      lnk_up => lnk_up,
+    );
 g_endpoints: for i in 0 to ENDPOINTS-1 generate
   signal ep_register_map_control             : register_map_control_type; --! contains all read/write registers that control the application. The record members are described in pcie_package.vhd
-  signal register_map_control_appreg_clk : register_map_control_type;
-  --signal register_map_cr_monitor : register_map_cr_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_gbtemu_monitor : register_map_gbtemu_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_xoff_monitor : register_map_xoff_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_link_monitor : register_map_link_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_decoding_monitor : register_map_decoding_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_crtohost_monitor : register_map_crtohost_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_crfromhost_monitor : register_map_crfromhost_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_encoding_monitor : register_map_encoding_monitor_type;
-  signal register_map_generators : register_map_generators_type;
-  signal wishbone_monitor : wishbone_monitor_type;
-  signal regmap_mrod_monitor : regmap_mrod_monitor_type;
-  signal reset_soft_appreg_clk : std_logic;
+  signal register_map_control_appreg_clk : register_map_control_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_control_appreg_clk is never read"
+  signal register_map_gbtemu_monitor : register_map_gbtemu_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_gbtemu_monitor is never written"
+  signal register_map_xoff_monitor : register_map_xoff_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_xoff_monitor is never written"
+  signal register_map_decoding_monitor : register_map_decoding_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_decoding_monitor is never written" -- @suppress "signal register_map_crtohost_monitor is never written"
+  signal register_map_crtohost_monitor : register_map_crtohost_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_crtohost_monitor is never written"
+  signal register_map_crfromhost_monitor : register_map_crfromhost_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_crfromhost_monitor is never written"
+  signal register_map_encoding_monitor : register_map_encoding_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_encoding_monitor is never written"
+  signal register_map_generators : register_map_generators_type; -- @suppress "signal register_map_generators is never written"
+  signal wishbone_monitor : wishbone_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal wishbone_monitor is never written"
+  signal regmap_mrod_monitor : regmap_mrod_monitor_type; -- @suppress "signal regmap_mrod_monitor is never written"
+  signal reset_soft_appreg_clk : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal reset_soft_appreg_clk is never read"
-  signal interrupt_call                      : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS-1 downto 4);
+  --signal interrupt_call                      : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS-1 downto 4);
   signal ep_reset_soft                       : std_logic;
   signal ep_reset_hard                       : std_logic;
-  signal flush_fifo                          : std_logic;
-  signal fromHostFifo_pfull_threshold_assert : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
-  signal fromHostFifo_pfull_threshold_negate : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
-  signal fromHostFifo_we                     : std_logic;
-  signal fromHostFifo_din                    : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-  signal fromHostFifo_prog_full              : std_logic;
-  signal toHostFifo_dout                     : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-  signal toHostFifo_re                       : std_logic;
-  signal toHostFifo_prog_empty               : std_logic;
-  signal toHostFifo_empty_thresh             : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal toHostFifo_rd_clk                   : std_logic;
-  signal toHostFifo_pfull_threshold_assert   : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal toHostFifo_pfull_threshold_negate   : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal fromHostFifo_dout                   : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
+  --signal flush_fifo                          : std_logic;
+  --signal fromHostFifo_pfull_threshold_assert : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
+  --signal fromHostFifo_pfull_threshold_negate : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
+  --signal fromHostFifo_we                     : std_logic;
+  --signal fromHostFifo_din                    : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
+  --signal fromHostFifo_prog_full              : std_logic;
+  --signal toHostFifo_dout                     : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
+  --signal toHostFifo_re                       : std_logic;
+  --signal toHostFifo_prog_empty               : std_logic;
+  --signal toHostFifo_empty_thresh             : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+  --signal toHostFifo_rd_clk                   : std_logic;
+  --signal toHostFifo_pfull_threshold_assert   : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+  --signal toHostFifo_pfull_threshold_negate   : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+  signal fromHostFifo_dout                   : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal fromHostFifo_dout is never read"
   signal fromHostFifo_rd_en                  : std_logic;
   signal fromHostFifo_empty                  : std_logic;
   signal fromHostFifo_rd_clk                 : std_logic;
   signal fromHostFifo_rst                    : std_logic;
   signal toHostFifo_wr_clk                   : std_logic;
   signal toHostFifo_rst                      : std_logic;
-  signal fromHostFifo_wr_clk                 : std_logic;
+  --signal fromHostFifo_wr_clk                 : std_logic;
   signal ep_appreg_clk: std_logic;
-  signal ep_pll_locked: std_logic;
+  signal ep_pll_locked: std_logic; -- @suppress "signal ep_pll_locked is never read"
   signal toHostFifo_din : slv_array(0 to NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2);
   signal toHostFifo_prog_full : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2 downto 0);
-  signal wr_data_count : slv12_array(0 to NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2);
+  signal wr_data_count : slv12_array(0 to NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2); -- @suppress "signal wr_data_count is never read"
   signal toHostFifo_wr_en : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2 downto 0);
   signal clk250: std_logic;
   signal rst_hw : std_logic;
@@ -235,7 +254,6 @@ begin
       GIT_HASH => GIT_HASH,
@@ -243,16 +261,20 @@ begin
       GBT_GENERATE_ALL_REGS => true,
       EMU_GENERATE_REGS => true,
+      MROD_GENERATE_REGS => false,
+      GBT_NUM => 12,
+      FIRMWARE_MODE => 0,
       PCIE_ENDPOINT => i,
-      SIMULATION => false)
+      SIMULATION => false,
+      BLOCKSIZE => 1024)
     port map(
       appreg_clk => ep_appreg_clk,
-      sync_clk   => ep_appreg_clk,
-      flush_fifo => flush_fifo,
+      sync_clk => ep_appreg_clk,
+      flush_fifo => open,
       fromhost_busy_out => open,
-      interrupt_call => interrupt_call,
+      interrupt_call => (others => '0'),
       lnk_up => lnk_up(i),
       pcie_rxn => pcie_rxn(PCIE_LANES*i+(PCIE_LANES-1) downto PCIE_LANES*i),
       pcie_rxp => pcie_rxp(PCIE_LANES*i+(PCIE_LANES-1) downto PCIE_LANES*i),
@@ -261,19 +283,19 @@ begin
       pll_locked => ep_pll_locked,
       register_map_control_sync => ep_register_map_control,
       register_map_control_appreg_clk => register_map_control_appreg_clk,
-      register_map_gbtemu_monitor => register_map_gbtemu_monitor,
-      register_map_link_monitor => register_map_link_monitor,
       register_map_gen_board_info => register_map_gen_board_info,
-      register_map_hk_monitor => register_map_hk_monitor,
       register_map_crtohost_monitor => register_map_crtohost_monitor,
       register_map_crfromhost_monitor => register_map_crfromhost_monitor,
+      register_map_decoding_monitor => register_map_decoding_monitor,
       register_map_encoding_monitor => register_map_encoding_monitor,
+      register_map_gbtemu_monitor => register_map_gbtemu_monitor,
+      register_map_link_monitor => register_map_link_monitor,
+      register_map_ttc_monitor => register_map_ttc_monitor,
+      register_map_xoff_monitor => register_map_xoff_monitor,
+      register_map_hk_monitor => register_map_hk_monitor,
       register_map_generators => register_map_generators,
       wishbone_monitor => wishbone_monitor,
       regmap_mrod_monitor => regmap_mrod_monitor,
-      register_map_ttc_monitor => register_map_ttc_monitor,
-      register_map_xoff_monitor => register_map_xoff_monitor,
-      register_map_decoding_monitor => register_map_decoding_monitor,
       reset_hard => ep_reset_hard,
       reset_soft => ep_reset_soft,
       reset_soft_appreg_clk => reset_soft_appreg_clk,
@@ -293,8 +315,8 @@ begin
       toHostFifo_wr_clk => toHostFifo_wr_clk,
       wr_data_count => wr_data_count,
       toHostFifo_wr_en => toHostFifo_wr_en,
-      clk250_out       => clk250,
-      master_busy_in   => '0');
+      clk250_out => clk250,
+      master_busy_in => '0');
       toHostFifo_wr_clk <= clk250;
       fromHostFifo_rd_clk <= clk250;
diff --git a/sources/packages/axi_stream_package.vhd b/sources/packages/axi_stream_package.vhd
index 6c5ccdba718a9cef48f426514637dd771437fd98..a0f007ca502dd54d9765e0dd7be0a7bbecc286e8 100644
--- a/sources/packages/axi_stream_package.vhd
+++ b/sources/packages/axi_stream_package.vhd
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 package axi_stream_package is
diff --git a/sources/packages/centralRouter_package.vhd b/sources/packages/centralRouter_package.vhd
index 896144f5a46a5ca0a593d7f0c3bc5b2d9d3dafce..e5911c108e4ab3129ad02c4995dac0a338c29fba 100644
--- a/sources/packages/centralRouter_package.vhd
+++ b/sources/packages/centralRouter_package.vhd
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+--use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 package centralRouter_package is
diff --git a/sources/pcie/WupperFifos.vhd b/sources/pcie/WupperFifos.vhd
index 6c267ff249e37486a32e12670c2f01563cb5a8a0..9cc78a2aa68694426dc4d52723ff54c170e16cc6 100644
--- a/sources/pcie/WupperFifos.vhd
+++ b/sources/pcie/WupperFifos.vhd
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ library ieee, UNISIM, XPM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.FELIX_package.all;
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ entity WupperFifos is
     NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS : integer := 3;
     DATA_WIDTH            : integer := 256);
   port (
-    fromHostFifoIndex                   : in     integer range 0 to 0;
+    --fromHostFifoIndex                   : in     integer range 0 to 0;
     fromHostFifo_din                    : in     std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
     fromHostFifo_dout                   : out    std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
     fromHostFifo_empty                  : out    std_logic;
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ architecture rtl of WupperFifos is
   fromHostFifo0 : xpm_fifo_async
-    generic map (
+    generic map ( -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: USE_ADV_FEATURES, SIM_ASSERT_CHK"
     FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE    => "block",   --string; "auto", "block", or "distributed";
     ECC_MODE            => "no_ecc",  --string; "no_ecc" or "en_ecc";
     RELATED_CLOCKS      => 0,         --positive integer; 0 or 1
@@ -76,28 +76,32 @@ begin
     WAKEUP_TIME         => 0          --positive integer; 0 or 2;
     port map (
-    sleep         => '0',
-    rst           => fromHostFifo_rst,
-    wr_clk        => fromHostFifo_wr_clk,
-    wr_en         => fromHostFifo_we,
-    din           => fromHostFifo_din,
-    full          => open,
-    overflow      => open,
-    wr_rst_busy   => open,
-    rd_clk        => fromHostFifo_rd_clk,
-    rd_en         => fromHostFifo_rd_en,
-    dout          => fromHostFifo_dout,
-    empty         => fromHostFifo_empty,
-    underflow     => open,
-    rd_rst_busy   => open,
-    prog_full     => open,
+    sleep => '0',
+    rst => fromHostFifo_rst,
+    wr_clk => fromHostFifo_wr_clk,
+    wr_en => fromHostFifo_we,
+    din => fromHostFifo_din,
+    full => open,
+    prog_full => open,
     wr_data_count => fromHostFifo_wr_data_count,
-    prog_empty    => open,
+    overflow => open,
+    wr_rst_busy => open,
+    almost_full => open,
+    wr_ack => open,
+    rd_clk => fromHostFifo_rd_clk,
+    rd_en => fromHostFifo_rd_en,
+    dout => fromHostFifo_dout,
+    empty => fromHostFifo_empty,
+    prog_empty => open,
     rd_data_count => open,
+    underflow => open,
+    rd_rst_busy => open,
+    almost_empty => open,
+    data_valid => open,
     injectsbiterr => '0',
     injectdbiterr => '0',
-    sbiterr       => open,
-    dbiterr       => open      
+    sbiterr => open,
+    dbiterr => open      
@@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ begin
   toHostFifo0 : xpm_fifo_async
-    generic map (
+    generic map ( -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: USE_ADV_FEATURES, SIM_ASSERT_CHK"
     FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE    => "block",   --string; "auto", "block", or "distributed";
     ECC_MODE            => "no_ecc",  --string; "no_ecc" or "en_ecc";
     RELATED_CLOCKS      => 0,         --positive integer; 0 or 1
@@ -158,28 +162,32 @@ begin
     WAKEUP_TIME         => 0          --positive integer; 0 or 2;
     port map (
-    sleep         => '0',
-    rst           => toHostFifo_rst,
-    wr_clk        => toHostFifo_wr_clk,
-    wr_en         => toHostFifo_wr_en_pipe,
-    din           => toHostFifo_din_pipe,
-    full          => open,
-    overflow      => open,
-    wr_rst_busy   => open,
-    rd_clk        => toHostFifo_rd_clk,
-    rd_en         => toHostFifo_re_array(i),
-    dout          => toHostFifo_dout_array(i),
-    empty         => open,
-    underflow     => open,
-    rd_rst_busy   => open,
-    prog_full     => open,
+    sleep => '0',
+    rst => toHostFifo_rst,
+    wr_clk => toHostFifo_wr_clk,
+    wr_en => toHostFifo_wr_en_pipe,
+    din => toHostFifo_din_pipe,
+    full => open,
+    prog_full => open,
     wr_data_count => toHostFifo_wr_data_count_s,
-    prog_empty    => open,
+    overflow => open,
+    wr_rst_busy => open,
+    almost_full => open,
+    wr_ack => open,
+    rd_clk => toHostFifo_rd_clk,
+    rd_en => toHostFifo_re_array(i),
+    dout => toHostFifo_dout_array(i),
+    empty => open,
+    prog_empty => open,
     rd_data_count => toHostFifo_rd_data_count_s,
+    underflow => open,
+    rd_rst_busy => open,
+    almost_empty => open,
+    data_valid => open,
     injectsbiterr => '0',
     injectdbiterr => '0',
-    sbiterr       => open,
-    dbiterr       => open      
+    sbiterr => open,
+    dbiterr => open      
   tohost_prog_full_proc: process(toHostFifo_wr_clk)
diff --git a/sources/pcie/data_width_package_256.vhd b/sources/pcie/data_width_package_256.vhd
index c8e2c5a3143bcd10e61a5fcdb25bccb5057b1a80..7ec6a0ec9f31b33a7d84ca1c8b0d46a33a4cb35d 100644
--- a/sources/pcie/data_width_package_256.vhd
+++ b/sources/pcie/data_width_package_256.vhd
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
diff --git a/sources/pcie/dma_read_write.vhd b/sources/pcie/dma_read_write.vhd
index 72800f396321f64dc135a2e793ce8ce43202437d..58421cd5b9da3d49a8c335e796a82cfc79364aad 100644
--- a/sources/pcie/dma_read_write.vhd
+++ b/sources/pcie/dma_read_write.vhd
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@
-library ieee, UNISIM, work;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 Library xpm;
@@ -88,27 +88,27 @@ end entity dma_read_write;
 architecture rtl of dma_read_write is
-  constant NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS_FROMHOST: integer := 1;
+  --constant NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS_FROMHOST: integer := 1;
   signal rw_state: rw_state_type := IDLE;
-  signal rw_state_slv: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+  signal rw_state_slv: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal rw_state_slv is never read"
   attribute dont_touch : string;
   attribute dont_touch of rw_state_slv : signal is "true";
   constant IDLE_SLV                           : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";
   constant START_WRITE_SLV                    : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001";
   constant CONT_WRITE_SLV                     : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010";
-  constant END_WRITE_SLV                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";
+  --constant END_WRITE_SLV                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";
   constant START_READ_SLV                     : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100";
-  constant CONT_READ_SLV                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "101";
-  constant END_READ_SLV                       : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "110";
+  --constant CONT_READ_SLV                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "101";
+  --constant END_READ_SLV                       : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "110";
   type strip_state_type is(IDLE, PUSH_DATA);
   signal strip_state: strip_state_type := IDLE;
-  signal strip_state_slv: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+  signal strip_state_slv: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- @suppress "signal strip_state_slv is never read"
   attribute dont_touch of strip_state_slv : signal is "true";
   constant PUSH_DATA_SLV                      : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001";
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ architecture rtl of dma_read_write is
   signal mem_dina_pipe: std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-97 downto 0);  --pipe part of the fifo data 1 clock cycle for 256 bit alignment
   constant req_tc: std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
   constant req_attr: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; --ID based ordering, Relaxed ordering, No Snoop (should be "001"?)
-  signal s_axis_rc_tlast_pipe, s_axis_rc_tvalid_pipe: std_logic;
+  signal s_axis_rc_tlast_pipe: std_logic;
   signal receive_word_count: std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
   signal active_descriptor_s: integer range 0 to (NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-1);
-  signal next_active_descriptor_s: integer range 0 to (NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-1);
+  --signal next_active_descriptor_s: integer range 0 to (NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-1);
   signal current_dword_count_s: std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
   signal toHostFifoIndex_s    :   integer range 0 to NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS_TOHOST-1;
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ architecture rtl of dma_read_write is
   signal mem_full  : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
   signal mem_full_p1  : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
   signal reading_mem : std_logic;
-  signal fromHostFifo_we_p0 : std_logic;
+  --signal fromHostFifo_we_p0 : std_logic;
   signal clear_wait_for_4k_boundary : std_logic;
@@ -451,8 +451,8 @@ begin
   s_axis_r_rc.tready <= '1';  --not fromHostFifo_prog_full;
-  strip_hdr: process(clk, reset, dma_soft_reset)
-    variable receive_word_count_v: std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
+  strip_hdr: process(clk)
+    --variable receive_word_count_v: std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
     if(rising_edge(clk)) then
       if(reset = '1') or (dma_soft_reset = '1') then
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ begin
         strip_state <= IDLE;
         mem_wea <= "0";
         s_axis_rc_tlast_pipe <= s_axis_rc.tlast;
-        s_axis_rc_tvalid_pipe <= s_axis_rc.tvalid;
+        --s_axis_rc_tvalid_pipe <= s_axis_rc.tvalid;
         receive_word_count <= receive_word_count;
         case (strip_state) is
           when IDLE =>
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ begin
   fromHostFifo_din <= mem_doutb;
    rc_interface_mem : xpm_memory_sdpram
-   generic map (
+   generic map ( -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: USE_EMBEDDED_CONSTRAINT, CASCADE_HEIGHT, SIM_ASSERT_CHK, RST_MODE_A, RST_MODE_B"
       ADDR_WIDTH_A => 7,
       ADDR_WIDTH_B => 7,
       AUTO_SLEEP_TIME => 0,
@@ -571,21 +571,21 @@ begin
       WRITE_MODE_B => "no_change"
    port map (
-      dbiterrb => open,
-      doutb => mem_doutb,
-      sbiterrb => open,
-      addra => mem_addra,
-      addrb => mem_addrb,
+      sleep => '0',
       clka => clk,
-      clkb => clk,
-      dina => mem_dina,
       ena => '1',
-      enb => '1',
-      injectdbiterra => '0',
+      wea => mem_wea,
+      addra => mem_addra,
+      dina => mem_dina,
       injectsbiterra => '0',
-      regceb => '1',
+      injectdbiterra => '0',
+      clkb => clk,
       rstb => reset,
-      sleep => '0',
-      wea => mem_wea
+      enb => '1',
+      regceb => '1',
+      addrb => mem_addrb,
+      doutb => mem_doutb,
+      sbiterrb => open,
+      dbiterrb => open
 end architecture rtl ; -- of dma_read_write
diff --git a/sources/pcie/intr_ctrl.vhd b/sources/pcie/intr_ctrl.vhd
index 7f6d2c139458aeb83db8c7c73dff71673a2c052b..e72b91d098752a776f40e408007e183371a37d42 100644
--- a/sources/pcie/intr_ctrl.vhd
+++ b/sources/pcie/intr_ctrl.vhd
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
-library ieee, UNISIM, work;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+--use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ entity intr_ctrl is
     cfg_interrupt_msix_address : out    std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
     cfg_interrupt_msix_data    : out    std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
     cfg_interrupt_msix_enable  : in     std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    : in     std_logic;
+    --cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    : in     std_logic;
     cfg_interrupt_msix_int     : out    std_logic;
-    cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    : in     std_logic;
+    --cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    : in     std_logic;
     clk                        : in     std_logic;
     regmap_clk                 : in     std_logic;
     dma_interrupt_call         : in     std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
@@ -96,15 +96,15 @@ architecture rtl of intr_ctrl is
   signal s_cfg_interrupt_msix_data           :  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
   signal s_cfg_interrupt_msix_address        :  std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-  signal monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_data     :  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-  signal monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_address  :  std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);  
+  --signal monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_data     :  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+  --signal monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_address  :  std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);  
   signal s_interrupt_call                    :  std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS-1 downto 0);
   signal s_interrupt_latch                   :  std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS-1 downto 0);
   signal clear_interrupt_pending_s           :  std_logic;
-  attribute dont_touch : string;
-  attribute dont_touch of monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_data    : signal is "true";
-  attribute dont_touch of monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_address : signal is "true";
+  --attribute dont_touch : string;
+  --attribute dont_touch of monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_data    : signal is "true";
+  --attribute dont_touch of monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_address : signal is "true";
   signal axi_busy                             : std_logic;
   signal s_interrupt_pending : std_logic := '0';
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ architecture rtl of intr_ctrl is
   -- Interrupt vector assignments
-  interrupt_assign : process (regmap_clk, interrupt_vector)
+  interrupt_assign : process (regmap_clk)
     if rising_edge (regmap_clk) then
       for i in 0 to (NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS-1) loop
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ begin
   -- Monitor Signals
-  monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_data    <= s_cfg_interrupt_msix_data;
-  monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_address <= s_cfg_interrupt_msix_address;  
+  --monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_data    <= s_cfg_interrupt_msix_data;
+  --monitor_cfg_interrupt_msix_address <= s_cfg_interrupt_msix_address;  
   s_interrupt_call <= interrupt_call & dma_interrupt_call;
diff --git a/sources/pcie/pcie_clocking.vhd b/sources/pcie/pcie_clocking.vhd
index 85720672b254866f11c72eebf1ff45c95a65abea..2576621fe9574527b94b1df78dd68bc495fddc99 100644
--- a/sources/pcie/pcie_clocking.vhd
+++ b/sources/pcie/pcie_clocking.vhd
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
 --! @brief ieee
-library work, ieee, UNISIM;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+--use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ entity pcie_clocking is
     PCIE_ASYNC_EN      : string  := "FALSE";                 -- PCIe async enable
-    PCIE_TXBUF_EN      : string  := "FALSE";                 -- PCIe TX buffer enable for Gen1/Gen2 only
+    --PCIE_TXBUF_EN      : string  := "FALSE";                 -- PCIe TX buffer enable for Gen1/Gen2 only
     PCIE_CLK_SHARING_EN: string  := "FALSE";                 -- Enable Clock Sharing
     PCIE_LANE          : integer := 8;                       -- PCIe number of lanes
     PCIE_LINK_SPEED    : integer := 3;                       -- PCIe link speed 
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ generic
-    CLK_CLK            : in std_logic;
+    --CLK_CLK            : in std_logic;
     CLK_TXOUTCLK       : in std_logic;
     CLK_RXOUTCLK_IN    : in std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE-1 downto 0);
     CLK_RST_N          : in std_logic;
     CLK_PCLK_SEL       : in std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE-1 downto 0);
     CLK_PCLK_SEL_SLAVE : in std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE-1 downto 0);
-    CLK_GEN3           : in std_logic;
+    --CLK_GEN3           : in std_logic;
     CLK_PCLK           : out std_logic;
     CLK_PCLK_SLAVE     : out std_logic;
@@ -131,31 +131,31 @@ architecture rtl of pcie_clocking is
     ---------- Input Registers ---------------------------
     signal           pclk_sel_reg1       : std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
     signal           pclk_sel_slave_reg1 : std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-    signal           gen3_reg1           : std_logic := '0';
+    --signal           gen3_reg1           : std_logic := '0';
     signal           pclk_sel_reg2       : std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
     signal           pclk_sel_slave_reg2 : std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-    signal           gen3_reg2           : std_logic := '0';
+    --signal           gen3_reg2           : std_logic := '0';
     attribute ASYNC_REG : string;
     attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT : string;
     attribute ASYNC_REG of pclk_sel_reg1: signal is "TRUE";
     attribute ASYNC_REG of pclk_sel_slave_reg1: signal is "TRUE";
-    attribute ASYNC_REG of gen3_reg1: signal is "TRUE";
+    --attribute ASYNC_REG of gen3_reg1: signal is "TRUE";
     attribute ASYNC_REG of pclk_sel_reg2: signal is "TRUE";
     attribute ASYNC_REG of pclk_sel_slave_reg2: signal is "TRUE";
-    attribute ASYNC_REG of gen3_reg2: signal is "TRUE";
+    --attribute ASYNC_REG of gen3_reg2: signal is "TRUE";
     attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT of pclk_sel_reg1: signal is "NO";
     attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT of pclk_sel_slave_reg1: signal is "NO";
-    attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT of gen3_reg1: signal is "NO";
+    ---attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT of gen3_reg1: signal is "NO";
     attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT of pclk_sel_reg2: signal is "NO";
     attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT of pclk_sel_slave_reg2: signal is "NO";
-    attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT of gen3_reg2: signal is "NO";
+    --attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT of gen3_reg2: signal is "NO";
     ---------- Internal Signals -------------------------- 
-    signal    refclk         : std_logic;
+    --signal    refclk         : std_logic;
     signal    mmcm_fb        : std_logic;
     signal    clk_125mhz     : std_logic;
     signal    clk_125mhz_buf : std_logic;
@@ -185,20 +185,20 @@ begin
         ---------- 1st Stage FF --------------------------
         pclk_sel_reg1       <= (others => '0');
         pclk_sel_slave_reg1 <= (others => '0');
-        gen3_reg1           <= '0';
+        --gen3_reg1           <= '0';
         ---------- 2nd Stage FF --------------------------
         pclk_sel_reg2       <= (others => '0');
         pclk_sel_slave_reg2 <= (others => '0');
-        gen3_reg2           <= '0';
+        --gen3_reg2           <= '0';
     elsif(rising_edge(pclk)) then
         ---------- 1st Stage FF --------------------------
         pclk_sel_reg1 <= CLK_PCLK_SEL;
         pclk_sel_slave_reg1 <= CLK_PCLK_SEL_SLAVE;
-        gen3_reg1     <= CLK_GEN3;
+        --gen3_reg1     <= CLK_GEN3;
         ---------- 2nd Stage FF --------------------------
         pclk_sel_reg2 <= pclk_sel_reg1;
         pclk_sel_slave_reg2 <= pclk_sel_slave_reg1;
-        gen3_reg2     <= gen3_reg1;
+        --gen3_reg2     <= gen3_reg1;
     end if;
 end process;
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ CLK_RST <= not CLK_RST_N;
 ---------- MMCM --------------------------------------------------------------
 mmcm0: MMCME2_ADV 
-generic map
     BANDWIDTH                  => ("OPTIMIZED"),
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ generic map
     REF_JITTER1                => (0.010)
-port map
+port map -- @suppress "The order of the associations is different from the declaration order"
      ---------- Input ------------------------------------
@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ port map
 pclk_sel_n <= not pclk_sel;
 ---------- Select PCLK MUX ---------------------------------------------------
 g0: if (PCIE_LINK_SPEED /= 1) generate
-    pclk_i1: BUFGCTRL 
-    port map
+    port map -- @suppress "The order of the associations is different from the declaration order"
         ---------- Input ---------------------------------
         CE0                      => '1',
@@ -317,8 +317,8 @@ g1: if (PCIE_LINK_SPEED = 1) generate
     pclk_i1: BUFG 
     port map
-        I                       =>   clk_125mhz,
-        O                       =>   clk_125mhz_buf
+        O => clk_125mhz_buf,
+        I => clk_125mhz
     pclk_1 <= clk_125mhz_buf;
 end generate;
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ pclk_sel_slave_n <= not pclk_sel_slave;
 g3: if(PCIE_CLK_SHARING_EN /= "FALSE") generate
   g3a: if (PCIE_LINK_SPEED /= 1) generate
     ---------- PCLK Mux ----------------------------------
-    pclk_slave: BUFGCTRL 
-    port map
+    port map -- @suppress "The order of the associations is different from the declaration order"
         ---------- Input ---------------------------------
         CE0                       =>  '1',         
@@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ g3: if(PCIE_CLK_SHARING_EN /= "FALSE") generate
     pclk_slave: BUFG 
     port map
-        I                        =>  clk_125mhz, 
-        O                        =>  CLK_PCLK_SLAVE
+        O => CLK_PCLK_SLAVE,
+        I => clk_125mhz
   end generate;
 end generate;
@@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ g4: if ((PCIE_DEBUG_MODE = 1) or (PCIE_ASYNC_EN = "TRUE")) generate
         bufg0: BUFG 
         port map
-            I                       =>  CLK_RXOUTCLK_IN(i), 
-            O                       =>  CLK_RXOUTCLK_OUT(i)
+            O => CLK_RXOUTCLK_OUT(i),
+            I => CLK_RXOUTCLK_IN(i)
     end generate;
 end generate;
@@ -394,8 +394,8 @@ g7: if (PCIE_USERCLK2_FREQ > 3) generate
     dclk_i: BUFG 
     port map
-        I                    =>    clk_125mhz, 
-        O                    =>    CLK_DCLK
+        O => CLK_DCLK,
+        I => clk_125mhz
 end generate;
@@ -413,8 +413,8 @@ g9: if (not((PCIE_GEN1_MODE = 1) and (PCIE_USERCLK1_FREQ = 3))) generate
     usrclk1_i1: BUFG 
     port map
-        I                    =>     (userclk1),
-        O                    =>     (userclk1_1)
+        O => (userclk1_1),
+        I => (userclk1)
 end generate;
@@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ g12: if not ((not ((PCIE_GEN1_MODE = 1) and (PCIE_USERCLK2_FREQ = 3 ))) and (PCI
     usrclk2_i1: BUFG 
     port map
-        I                       =>   userclk2,
-        O                       =>   userclk2_1
+        O => userclk2_1,
+        I => userclk2
 end generate;
@@ -448,8 +448,8 @@ g13: if (PCIE_OOBCLK_MODE = 2) generate
     oobclk_i1: BUFG
     port map
-        I                   =>      oobclk,
-        O                   =>      CLK_OOBCLK
+        O => CLK_OOBCLK,
+        I => oobclk
 end generate;
diff --git a/sources/pcie/pcie_ep_wrap.vhd b/sources/pcie/pcie_ep_wrap.vhd
index 90040e27314f5bf124b61f0e8391195a5da309bc..eeca6b191ecfb613c0e377ecaf124f43d0371878 100644
--- a/sources/pcie/pcie_ep_wrap.vhd
+++ b/sources/pcie/pcie_ep_wrap.vhd
@@ -134,23 +134,23 @@ type devid_array is array(0 to 1) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-        probe0 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
             probe1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             probe2 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
             probe3 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
             probe4 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-            probe5 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            probe5 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             probe6 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             probe7 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
             probe8 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
             probe9 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-            probe10 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            probe10 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             probe11 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             probe12 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
             probe13 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
             probe14 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(182 DOWNTO 0);
             probe15 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
-            probe16 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            probe16 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             probe17 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             probe18 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
             probe19 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0);
@@ -191,44 +191,34 @@ type devid_array is array(0 to 1) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   component pcie_clocking
-        generic
-      (
-            PCIE_ASYNC_EN             :   string := "FALSE" ;                     -- PCIe async enable
-            PCIE_TXBUF_EN             :   string := "FALSE" ;                     -- PCIe TX buffer enable for Gen1/Gen2 only
-            PCIE_CLK_SHARING_EN       :   string := "FALSE" ;                     -- Enable Clock Sharing
-            PCIE_LANE                 :   integer := 8 ;                          -- PCIe number of lanes
-            PCIE_LINK_SPEED           :   integer := 3 ;                          -- PCIe Maximum Link Speed
-            PCIE_REFCLK_FREQ          :   integer := 0 ;                          -- PCIe Reference Clock Frequency
-            PCIE_USERCLK1_FREQ        :   integer := 5 ;                          -- PCIe Core Clock Frequency - Core Clock Freq
-            PCIE_USERCLK2_FREQ        :   integer := 4 ;                          -- PCIe User Clock Frequency - User Clock Freq
-            PCIE_OOBCLK_MODE          :   integer := 1 ;
-            PCIE_DEBUG_MODE           :   integer := 0                            -- Debug Enable
-        );
-        port
-      (
-          ---------- Input -------------------------------------
-            CLK_CLK                  : in std_logic;
-            CLK_TXOUTCLK             : in std_logic;  -- Reference clock from lane 0
-            CLK_RXOUTCLK_IN          : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-            CLK_RST_N                : in std_logic;  -- Allow system reset for error_recovery             
-            CLK_PCLK_SEL             : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-            CLK_PCLK_SEL_SLAVE       : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-            CLK_GEN3                 : in std_logic;
-          ---------- Output ------------------------------------
-            CLK_PCLK                 : out std_logic;
-            CLK_PCLK_SLAVE           : out std_logic;
-            CLK_RXUSRCLK             : out std_logic;
-            CLK_RXOUTCLK_OUT         : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-            CLK_DCLK                 : out std_logic;
-            CLK_OOBCLK               : out std_logic;
-            CLK_USERCLK1             : out std_logic;
-            CLK_USERCLK2             : out std_logic;
-            CLK_MMCM_LOCK            : out std_logic
+      generic(
+          PCIE_ASYNC_EN       : string;
+          PCIE_CLK_SHARING_EN : string;
+          PCIE_LANE           : integer;
+          PCIE_LINK_SPEED     : integer;
+          PCIE_REFCLK_FREQ    : integer;
+          PCIE_USERCLK1_FREQ  : integer;
+          PCIE_USERCLK2_FREQ  : integer;
+          PCIE_OOBCLK_MODE    : integer;
+          PCIE_DEBUG_MODE     : integer
+      );
+      port(
+          CLK_TXOUTCLK       : in  std_logic;
+          CLK_RXOUTCLK_IN    : in  std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE - 1 downto 0);
+          CLK_RST_N          : in  std_logic;
+          CLK_PCLK_SEL       : in  std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE - 1 downto 0);
+          CLK_PCLK_SEL_SLAVE : in  std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE - 1 downto 0);
+          CLK_PCLK           : out std_logic;
+          CLK_PCLK_SLAVE     : out std_logic;
+          CLK_RXUSRCLK       : out std_logic;
+          CLK_RXOUTCLK_OUT   : out std_logic_vector(PCIE_LANE - 1 downto 0);
+          CLK_DCLK           : out std_logic;
+          CLK_OOBCLK         : out std_logic;
+          CLK_USERCLK1       : out std_logic;
+          CLK_USERCLK2       : out std_logic;
+          CLK_MMCM_LOCK      : out std_logic
-    end component;
+  end component pcie_clocking;
     COMPONENT pcie_x8_gen3_3_0 -- @suppress "Component declaration is not equal to its matching entity"
         PORT (
@@ -674,25 +664,25 @@ type devid_array is array(0 to 1) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
             user_clk : OUT STD_LOGIC;
             user_reset : OUT STD_LOGIC;
             user_lnk_up : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-            s_axis_rq_tdata : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            s_axis_rq_tdata : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_rq_tkeep : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_rq_tlast : IN STD_LOGIC;
             s_axis_rq_tready : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_rq_tuser : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(136 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_rq_tvalid : IN STD_LOGIC;
-            m_axis_rc_tdata : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            m_axis_rc_tdata : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_rc_tkeep : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_rc_tlast : OUT STD_LOGIC;
             m_axis_rc_tready : IN STD_LOGIC;
             m_axis_rc_tuser : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(160 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_rc_tvalid : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-            m_axis_cq_tdata : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            m_axis_cq_tdata : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_cq_tkeep : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_cq_tlast : OUT STD_LOGIC;
             m_axis_cq_tready : IN STD_LOGIC;
             m_axis_cq_tuser : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(182 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_cq_tvalid : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-            s_axis_cc_tdata : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            s_axis_cc_tdata : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_cc_tkeep : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_cc_tlast : IN STD_LOGIC;
             s_axis_cc_tready : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
@@ -828,25 +818,25 @@ type devid_array is array(0 to 1) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
             user_clk : OUT STD_LOGIC;
             user_reset : OUT STD_LOGIC;
             user_lnk_up : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-            s_axis_rq_tdata : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            s_axis_rq_tdata : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_rq_tkeep : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_rq_tlast : IN STD_LOGIC;
             s_axis_rq_tready : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_rq_tuser : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(136 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_rq_tvalid : IN STD_LOGIC;
-            m_axis_rc_tdata : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            m_axis_rc_tdata : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_rc_tkeep : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_rc_tlast : OUT STD_LOGIC;
             m_axis_rc_tready : IN STD_LOGIC;
             m_axis_rc_tuser : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(160 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_rc_tvalid : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-            m_axis_cq_tdata : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            m_axis_cq_tdata : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_cq_tkeep : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_cq_tlast : OUT STD_LOGIC;
             m_axis_cq_tready : IN STD_LOGIC;
             m_axis_cq_tuser : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(182 DOWNTO 0);
             m_axis_cq_tvalid : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-            s_axis_cc_tdata : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 DOWNTO 0);
+            s_axis_cc_tdata : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_cc_tkeep : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
             s_axis_cc_tlast : IN STD_LOGIC;
             s_axis_cc_tready : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);
@@ -1123,13 +1113,13 @@ port (
     GT_PCIEA0_TX_0_txp : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
     GT_REFCLK0_D_0_clk_n : in STD_LOGIC;
     GT_REFCLK0_D_0_clk_p : in STD_LOGIC;
-    M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
+    M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 );
     M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tkeep : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
     M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tlast : out STD_LOGIC;
     M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tready : in STD_LOGIC;
     M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tuser : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 228 downto 0 );
     M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tvalid : out STD_LOGIC;
-    M_AXIS_PCIE0_RC_0_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
+    M_AXIS_PCIE0_RC_0_tdata : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 );
     M_AXIS_PCIE0_RC_0_tkeep : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
     M_AXIS_PCIE0_RC_0_tlast : out STD_LOGIC;
     M_AXIS_PCIE0_RC_0_tready : in STD_LOGIC;
@@ -1191,13 +1181,13 @@ port (
     PCIE0_CFG_STS_0_tph_requester_enable : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 3 downto 0 );
     PCIE0_CFG_STS_0_tph_st_mode : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 11 downto 0 );
     PCIE0_CFG_STS_0_tx_pm_state : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 1 downto 0 );
-    S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
+    S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 );
     S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tkeep : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
     S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tlast : in STD_LOGIC;
     S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tready : out STD_LOGIC;
     S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tuser : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 80 downto 0 );
     S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tvalid : in STD_LOGIC;
-    S_AXIS_PCIE0_RQ_0_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
+    S_AXIS_PCIE0_RQ_0_tdata : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 );
     S_AXIS_PCIE0_RQ_0_tkeep : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
     S_AXIS_PCIE0_RQ_0_tlast : in STD_LOGIC;
     S_AXIS_PCIE0_RQ_0_tready : out STD_LOGIC;
@@ -1229,7 +1219,7 @@ port (
     signal pipe_rxoutclk_out: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal pipe_pclk_sel_out: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal pipe_mmcm_rst_n  : std_logic;
-    signal pipe_gen3_out    : std_logic;
+    --signal pipe_gen3_out    : std_logic;
       signal cfg_power_state_change_ack : std_logic;
@@ -1285,7 +1275,7 @@ begin
                     pipe_txoutclk_out => pipe_txoutclk_out,
                     pipe_rxoutclk_out => pipe_rxoutclk_out,
                     pipe_pclk_sel_out => pipe_pclk_sel_out,
-                    pipe_gen3_out => pipe_gen3_out,
+                    pipe_gen3_out => open, --pipe_gen3_out,
                     pipe_mmcm_rst_n => pipe_mmcm_rst_n,
                     mmcm_lock => open,
                     user_clk => user_clk,
@@ -1417,7 +1407,7 @@ begin
             pipe_clock0: pcie_clocking generic map(
                     PCIE_ASYNC_EN             =>    "FALSE" ,                     -- PCIe async enable
-                    PCIE_TXBUF_EN             =>    "FALSE" ,                     -- PCIe TX buffer enable for Gen1/Gen2 only
+                    --PCIE_TXBUF_EN             =>    "FALSE" ,                     -- PCIe TX buffer enable for Gen1/Gen2 only
                     PCIE_CLK_SHARING_EN       =>    "FALSE" ,                     -- Enable Clock Sharing
                     PCIE_LANE                 =>    8 ,                           -- PCIe number of lanes
                     PCIE_LINK_SPEED           =>    3 ,                           -- PCIe Maximum Link Speed
@@ -1428,15 +1418,15 @@ begin
                     PCIE_DEBUG_MODE           =>    0                             -- Debug Enable
                 port map
-  (
+                (
                     ---------- Input -------------------------------------
-                    CLK_CLK                   =>    ( sys_clk ),
+                    --CLK_CLK                   =>    ( sys_clk ),
                     CLK_TXOUTCLK              =>    ( pipe_txoutclk_out ),     -- Reference clock from lane 0
                     CLK_RXOUTCLK_IN           =>    ( pipe_rxoutclk_out ),
                     CLK_RST_N                 =>    ( pipe_mmcm_rst_n ),      -- Allow system reset for error_recovery             
                     CLK_PCLK_SEL              =>    ( pipe_pclk_sel_out ),
                     CLK_PCLK_SEL_SLAVE        =>    ( x"00"),
-                    CLK_GEN3                  =>    ( pipe_gen3_out ),
+                    --CLK_GEN3                  =>    ( pipe_gen3_out ),
       ---------- Output ------------------------------------
                     CLK_PCLK                 =>    ( pipe_pclk_in),
@@ -1863,7 +1853,7 @@ begin
                         user_clk => user_clk,
                         user_reset => user_reset,
                         user_lnk_up => user_lnk_up,
-                        s_axis_rq_tdata => s_axis_rq.tdata,
+                        s_axis_rq_tdata => s_axis_rq.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                         s_axis_rq_tkeep => s_axis_rq.tkeep,
                         s_axis_rq_tlast => s_axis_rq.tlast,
                         s_axis_rq_tready => s_axis_rq_tready,
@@ -1873,19 +1863,19 @@ begin
                         --27:26 => "01" : is_eop for single TLP
                         s_axis_rq_tuser => s_axis_rq_tuser,
                         s_axis_rq_tvalid => s_axis_rq.tvalid,
-                        m_axis_rc_tdata => m_axis_rc_s.tdata,
+                        m_axis_rc_tdata => m_axis_rc_s.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                         m_axis_rc_tkeep => m_axis_rc_s.tkeep,
                         m_axis_rc_tlast => m_axis_rc_s.tlast,
                         m_axis_rc_tready => m_axis_r_rc.tready,
                         m_axis_rc_tuser => open,
                         m_axis_rc_tvalid => m_axis_rc_s.tvalid,
-                        m_axis_cq_tdata => m_axis_cq_s.tdata,
+                        m_axis_cq_tdata => m_axis_cq_s.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                         m_axis_cq_tkeep => m_axis_cq_s.tkeep,
                         m_axis_cq_tlast => m_axis_cq_s.tlast,
                         m_axis_cq_tready => m_axis_r_cq.tready,
                         m_axis_cq_tuser => m_axis_cq_s.tuser,
                         m_axis_cq_tvalid => m_axis_cq_s.tvalid,
-                        s_axis_cc_tdata => s_axis_cc.tdata,
+                        s_axis_cc_tdata => s_axis_cc.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                         s_axis_cc_tkeep => s_axis_cc.tkeep,
                         s_axis_cc_tlast => s_axis_cc.tlast,
                         s_axis_cc_tready => s_axis_cc_tready,
@@ -2021,7 +2011,7 @@ begin
                         user_clk => user_clk,
                         user_reset => user_reset,
                         user_lnk_up => user_lnk_up,
-                        s_axis_rq_tdata => s_axis_rq.tdata,
+                        s_axis_rq_tdata => s_axis_rq.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                         s_axis_rq_tkeep => s_axis_rq.tkeep,
                         s_axis_rq_tlast => s_axis_rq.tlast,
                         s_axis_rq_tready => s_axis_rq_tready,
@@ -2031,19 +2021,19 @@ begin
                         --27:26 => "01" : is_eop for single TLP
                         s_axis_rq_tuser => s_axis_rq_tuser,
                         s_axis_rq_tvalid => s_axis_rq.tvalid,
-                        m_axis_rc_tdata => m_axis_rc_s.tdata,
+                        m_axis_rc_tdata => m_axis_rc_s.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                         m_axis_rc_tkeep => m_axis_rc_s.tkeep,
                         m_axis_rc_tlast => m_axis_rc_s.tlast,
                         m_axis_rc_tready => m_axis_r_rc.tready,
                         m_axis_rc_tuser => open,
                         m_axis_rc_tvalid => m_axis_rc_s.tvalid,
-                        m_axis_cq_tdata => m_axis_cq_s.tdata,
+                        m_axis_cq_tdata => m_axis_cq_s.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                         m_axis_cq_tkeep => m_axis_cq_s.tkeep,
                         m_axis_cq_tlast => m_axis_cq_s.tlast,
                         m_axis_cq_tready => m_axis_r_cq.tready,
                         m_axis_cq_tuser => m_axis_cq_s.tuser,
                         m_axis_cq_tvalid => m_axis_cq_s.tvalid,
-                        s_axis_cc_tdata => s_axis_cc.tdata,
+                        s_axis_cc_tdata => s_axis_cc.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                         s_axis_cc_tkeep => s_axis_cc.tkeep,
                         s_axis_cc_tlast => s_axis_cc.tlast,
                         s_axis_cc_tready => s_axis_cc_tready,
@@ -2232,23 +2222,23 @@ begin
         ila0: ila_0 port map
                     clk => user_clk,
-                    probe0 => s_axis_rq.tdata,
+                    probe0 => s_axis_rq.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                     probe1 => s_axis_rq.tkeep,
                     probe2(0) => s_axis_rq.tlast,
                     probe3(0) => s_axis_rq_tready(0),
                     probe4(0) => s_axis_rq.tvalid,
-                    probe5 => m_axis_rc_s.tdata,
+                    probe5 => m_axis_rc_s.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                     probe6 => m_axis_rc_s.tkeep,
                     probe7(0) => m_axis_rc_s.tlast,
                     probe8(0) => m_axis_r_rc.tready,
                     probe9(0) => m_axis_rc_s.tvalid,
-                    probe10 => m_axis_cq_s.tdata,
+                    probe10 => m_axis_cq_s.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                     probe11 => m_axis_cq_s.tkeep,
                     probe12(0) => m_axis_cq_s.tlast,
                     probe13(0) => m_axis_r_cq.tready,
                     probe14 => m_axis_cq_s.tuser,
                     probe15(0) => m_axis_cq_s.tvalid,
-                    probe16 => s_axis_cc.tdata,
+                    probe16 => s_axis_cc.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                     probe17 => s_axis_cc.tkeep,
                     probe18(0) => s_axis_cc.tlast,
                     probe19(0) => s_axis_cc_tready(0),
@@ -2366,13 +2356,13 @@ begin
                 GT_PCIEA0_TX_0_txp                  => pci_exp_txp(7 downto 0), --: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0 );
                 GT_REFCLK0_D_0_clk_n                => sys_clk_n, --: in STD_LOGIC;
                 GT_REFCLK0_D_0_clk_p                => sys_clk_p, --: in STD_LOGIC;
-                M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tdata             => m_axis_cq_s.tdata, --: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
+                M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tdata             => m_axis_cq_s.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0), --: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
                 M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tkeep             => m_axis_cq_s.tkeep, --: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
                 M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tlast             => m_axis_cq_s.tlast, --: out STD_LOGIC;
                 M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tready            => m_axis_r_cq.tready, --: in STD_LOGIC;
                 M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tuser             => m_axis_cq_tuser_s, --: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 228 downto 0 );
                 M_AXIS_PCIE0_CQ_0_tvalid            => m_axis_cq_s.tvalid, --: out STD_LOGIC;
-                M_AXIS_PCIE0_RC_0_tdata             => m_axis_rc_s.tdata, --: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
+                M_AXIS_PCIE0_RC_0_tdata             => m_axis_rc_s.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0), --: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
                 M_AXIS_PCIE0_RC_0_tkeep             => m_axis_rc_s.tkeep, --: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
                 M_AXIS_PCIE0_RC_0_tlast             => m_axis_rc_s.tlast, --: out STD_LOGIC;
                 M_AXIS_PCIE0_RC_0_tready            => m_axis_r_rc.tready, --: in STD_LOGIC;
@@ -2389,13 +2379,13 @@ begin
                 PCIE0_CFG_MSIX_0_vec_pending_status => open, --: out STD_LOGIC;
                 PCIE0_CFG_MSIX_0_function_number    => x"00",
                 PCIE0_CFG_MSIX_0_mint_vector        => x"00000000",
-                S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tdata             => s_axis_cc.tdata,   --: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
+                S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tdata             => s_axis_cc.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),   --: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
                 S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tkeep             => s_axis_cc.tkeep,   --: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
                 S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tlast             => s_axis_cc.tlast,   --: in STD_LOGIC;
                 S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tready            => s_axis_cc_tready(0),  --: out STD_LOGIC;
                 S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tuser             => (others => '0'),   --: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 80 downto 0 );
                 S_AXIS_PCIE0_CC_0_tvalid            => s_axis_cc.tvalid,  --: in STD_LOGIC;
-                S_AXIS_PCIE0_RQ_0_tdata             => s_axis_rq.tdata,   --: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
+                S_AXIS_PCIE0_RQ_0_tdata             => s_axis_rq.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),   --: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 511 downto 0 );
                 S_AXIS_PCIE0_RQ_0_tkeep             => s_axis_rq.tkeep,   --: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 15 downto 0 );
                 S_AXIS_PCIE0_RQ_0_tlast             => s_axis_rq.tlast,   --: in STD_LOGIC;
                 S_AXIS_PCIE0_RQ_0_tready            => s_axis_rq_tready(0),  --: out STD_LOGIC;
@@ -2414,23 +2404,23 @@ begin
              ila0: ila_0 port map
                     clk => user_clk,
-                    probe0 => s_axis_rq.tdata,
+                    probe0 => s_axis_rq.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                     probe1 => s_axis_rq.tkeep,
                     probe2(0) => s_axis_rq.tlast,
                     probe3(0) => s_axis_rq_tready(0),
                     probe4(0) => s_axis_rq.tvalid,
-                    probe5 => m_axis_rc_s.tdata,
+                    probe5 => m_axis_rc_s.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                     probe6 => m_axis_rc_s.tkeep,
                     probe7(0) => m_axis_rc_s.tlast,
                     probe8(0) => m_axis_r_rc.tready,
                     probe9(0) => m_axis_rc_s.tvalid,
-                    probe10 => m_axis_cq_s.tdata,
+                    probe10 => m_axis_cq_s.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                     probe11 => m_axis_cq_s.tkeep,
                     probe12(0) => m_axis_cq_s.tlast,
                     probe13(0) => m_axis_r_cq.tready,
                     probe14 => m_axis_cq_s.tuser,
                     probe15(0) => m_axis_cq_s.tvalid,
-                    probe16 => s_axis_cc.tdata,
+                    probe16 => s_axis_cc.tdata(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0),
                     probe17 => s_axis_cc.tkeep,
                     probe18(0) => s_axis_cc.tlast,
                     probe19(0) => s_axis_cc_tready(0),
diff --git a/sources/pcie/pcie_init.vhd b/sources/pcie/pcie_init.vhd
index b35110f9d594ac88f6ef4e1ea7cf93ef5483fe74..fadec6705ddc1f75575d9e5a8f08f3012d334642 100644
--- a/sources/pcie/pcie_init.vhd
+++ b/sources/pcie/pcie_init.vhd
@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@
 library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+--use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 entity pcie_init is
   port (
-    cfg_fc_cpld              : in     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-    cfg_fc_cplh              : in     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    cfg_fc_npd               : in     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-    cfg_fc_nph               : in     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    cfg_fc_pd                : in     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-    cfg_fc_ph                : in     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    --cfg_fc_cpld              : in     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --cfg_fc_cplh              : in     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    --cfg_fc_npd               : in     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --cfg_fc_nph               : in     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    --cfg_fc_pd                : in     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --cfg_fc_ph                : in     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     cfg_fc_sel               : out    std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
     cfg_mgmt_addr            : out    std_logic_vector(18 downto 0);
     cfg_mgmt_byte_enable     : out    std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
@@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ end entity pcie_init;
 architecture rtl of pcie_init is
-    signal s_cfg_fc_cpld              :     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-    signal s_cfg_fc_cplh              :     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    signal s_cfg_fc_npd               :     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-    signal s_cfg_fc_nph               :     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    signal s_cfg_fc_pd                :     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-    signal s_cfg_fc_ph                :     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    --signal s_cfg_fc_cpld              :     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --signal s_cfg_fc_cplh              :     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    --signal s_cfg_fc_npd               :     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --signal s_cfg_fc_nph               :     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    --signal s_cfg_fc_pd                :     std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    --signal s_cfg_fc_ph                :     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    attribute dont_touch : string;
+    --attribute dont_touch : string;
     --attribute dont_touch of s_cfg_fc_cpld : signal is "true";
     --attribute dont_touch of s_cfg_fc_cplh : signal is "true";
     --attribute dont_touch of s_cfg_fc_npd : signal is "true";
@@ -95,15 +95,15 @@ architecture rtl of pcie_init is
     --attribute dont_touch of s_cfg_fc_ph : signal is "true";
     signal write_cfg_done_1: std_logic;
-    signal bar_index : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+    --signal bar_index : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
     signal uncor_err_stat: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --config register 104
     signal cor_err_stat:   std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --config register 110
     signal adv_err_cap:    std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --config register 118
-    attribute dont_touch of uncor_err_stat : signal is "true";
-    attribute dont_touch of cor_err_stat   : signal is "true";
-    attribute dont_touch of adv_err_cap    : signal is "true";
+    --attribute dont_touch of uncor_err_stat : signal is "true";
+    --attribute dont_touch of cor_err_stat   : signal is "true";
+    --attribute dont_touch of adv_err_cap    : signal is "true";
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ begin
     cfg_fc_sel <= "100";
-    s_cfg_fc_cpld <= cfg_fc_cpld ;
-    s_cfg_fc_cplh <= cfg_fc_cplh ;
-    s_cfg_fc_npd  <= cfg_fc_npd  ;
-    s_cfg_fc_nph  <= cfg_fc_nph  ;
-    s_cfg_fc_pd   <= cfg_fc_pd   ;
-    s_cfg_fc_ph   <= cfg_fc_ph   ;
+    --s_cfg_fc_cpld <= cfg_fc_cpld ;
+    --s_cfg_fc_cplh <= cfg_fc_cplh ;
+    --s_cfg_fc_npd  <= cfg_fc_npd  ;
+    --s_cfg_fc_nph  <= cfg_fc_nph  ;
+    --s_cfg_fc_pd   <= cfg_fc_pd   ;
+    --s_cfg_fc_ph   <= cfg_fc_ph   ;
     cfg_write_skp_nolfsr : process(clk)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ begin
           cfg_mgmt_write       <= '0';
           cfg_mgmt_read        <= '0';
           write_cfg_done_1     <= '0';
-          bar_index            <= "000"; 
+          --bar_index            <= "000"; 
 --        elsif(write_cfg_done_1 = '1') then
 --          case(bar_index) is
 --            when "000" =>
diff --git a/sources/pcie/pcie_slow_clock.vhd b/sources/pcie/pcie_slow_clock.vhd
index fa41f9142fc86b1918ab8976d900950de7086c57..db442f07d6c4ad0aa662e6dd67648adac73cca5c 100644
--- a/sources/pcie/pcie_slow_clock.vhd
+++ b/sources/pcie/pcie_slow_clock.vhd
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 entity pcie_slow_clock is
@@ -66,16 +66,13 @@ end entity pcie_slow_clock;
 architecture rtl of pcie_slow_clock is
 component clk_wiz_regmap
- (-- Clock in ports
-  clk_in1           : in     std_logic;
-  -- Clock out ports
-  clk_out25          : out    std_logic;
-  -- Status and control signals
-  reset             : in     std_logic;
-  locked            : out    std_logic
- );
-end component;
+    port(
+        clk_out25 : out STD_LOGIC;
+        reset     : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        locked    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        clk_in1   : in  STD_LOGIC
+    );
+end component clk_wiz_regmap;
@@ -93,14 +90,10 @@ regmap_clk <= regmap_clk_s;
 clk0 : clk_wiz_regmap
     port map ( 
-    -- Clock in ports
-    clk_in1 => clk,
-   -- Clock out ports  
     clk_out25 => regmap_clk_s,
-   -- Status and control signals                
     reset => reset_s,
-    locked => locked_s            
+    locked => locked_s,
+    clk_in1 => clk            
diff --git a/sources/pcie/wupper_core.vhd b/sources/pcie/wupper_core.vhd
index 22130ef2db032e020215eb11ce7ab27f557ea69f..fc6a39d1aa8ea8e061b22d6a338e14e073d21d60 100644
--- a/sources/pcie/wupper_core.vhd
+++ b/sources/pcie/wupper_core.vhd
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@
-library ieee, UNISIM, work;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ entity wupper_core is
     NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS : integer := 8;
     NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS  : integer := 8;
-    SVN_VERSION           : integer := 0;
     BUILD_DATETIME        : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := x"0000FE71CE";
     CARD_TYPE             : integer := 710;
     GIT_HASH              : std_logic_vector(159 downto 0) := x"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
@@ -108,8 +107,7 @@ entity wupper_core is
     toHostFifo_re                   : out    std_logic;
     tohost_busy_out                 : out    std_logic;
     tohost_pfull_threshold_assert   : out    std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-    tohost_pfull_threshold_negate   : out    std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-    user_lnk_up                     : in     std_logic);
+    tohost_pfull_threshold_negate   : out    std_logic_vector(11 downto 0));
 end entity wupper_core;
@@ -149,48 +147,46 @@ begin
   u1: entity work.dma_control
     generic map(
-      SVN_VERSION           => SVN_VERSION,
-      CARD_TYPE             => CARD_TYPE,
-      GIT_HASH              => GIT_HASH,
-      GIT_TAG               => GIT_TAG,
+      GIT_HASH => GIT_HASH,
+      GIT_TAG => GIT_TAG,
-      GBT_NUM               => GBT_NUM,
-      DATA_WIDTH            => DATA_WIDTH,
-      BLOCKSIZE             => BLOCKSIZE)
+      GBT_NUM => GBT_NUM,
     port map(
-      clk                             => clk,
-      regmap_clk                      => regmap_clk,
-      dma_descriptors                 => u1_dma_descriptors,
-      dma_soft_reset                  => dma_soft_reset,
-      dma_status                      => dma_status,
-      flush_fifo                      => flush_fifo,
-      interrupt_vector                => interrupt_vector,
-      m_axis_cc                       => m_axis_cc,
-      m_axis_r_cc                     => m_axis_r_cc,
-      reset                           => reset,
-      reset_global_soft               => reset_global_soft,
-      s_axis_cq                       => s_axis_cq,
-      s_axis_r_cq                     => s_axis_r_cq,
-      register_map_monitor            => register_map_monitor,
-      register_map_control            => register_map_control,
-      interrupt_table_en              => interrupt_table_en,
-      dma_interrupt_call              => dma_interrupt_call,
-      fifo_empty                      => toHostFifo_prog_empty,
-      fifo_full                       => fromHostFifo_prog_full,
+      clk => clk,
+      regmap_clk => regmap_clk,
+      dma_descriptors => u1_dma_descriptors,
+      dma_soft_reset => dma_soft_reset,
+      dma_status => dma_status,
+      flush_fifo => flush_fifo,
+      interrupt_table_en => interrupt_table_en,
+      interrupt_vector => interrupt_vector,
+      m_axis_cc => m_axis_cc,
+      m_axis_r_cc => m_axis_r_cc,
+      register_map_monitor => register_map_monitor,
+      register_map_control => register_map_control,
+      reset => reset,
+      reset_global_soft => reset_global_soft,
+      s_axis_cq => s_axis_cq,
+      s_axis_r_cq => s_axis_r_cq,
+      fifo_empty => toHostFifo_prog_empty,
+      dma_interrupt_call => dma_interrupt_call,
       fromhost_pfull_threshold_assert => fromhost_pfull_threshold_assert,
       fromhost_pfull_threshold_negate => fromhost_pfull_threshold_negate,
-      tohost_pfull_threshold_assert   => tohost_pfull_threshold_assert,
-      tohost_pfull_threshold_negate   => tohost_pfull_threshold_negate,
-      tohost_busy_out                 => tohost_busy_out,
-      fromhost_busy_out               => fromhost_busy_out);
+      tohost_pfull_threshold_assert => tohost_pfull_threshold_assert,
+      tohost_pfull_threshold_negate => tohost_pfull_threshold_negate,
+      tohost_busy_out => tohost_busy_out,
+      fromhost_busy_out => fromhost_busy_out);
 end architecture structure ; -- of wupper_core
diff --git a/sources/shared/dna.vhd b/sources/shared/dna.vhd
index 6d54646bcab1e1688ff160683a303a284cad71f8..c1d114f1e6c86a4e1252d6e692e2bbbbb5f50f07 100644
--- a/sources/shared/dna.vhd
+++ b/sources/shared/dna.vhd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 Library UNISIM;
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ architecture rtl of dna is
     signal dna_read_q: std_logic;
     signal dna_shift_cnt: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal dna_value: std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
-    signal dna_ready: std_logic;
+    --signal dna_ready: std_logic;
     signal dna_dout_s: std_logic;
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ g0: if (CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710) generate
-    process(clk40, reset)
+    process(clk40)
         if(rising_edge(clk40)) then
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ g0: if (CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710) generate
                 dna_shift_cnt <= "00111001"; --57 decimal
                 dna_shift     <= '0';
                 dna_value     <= x"0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000";
-                dna_ready     <= '0';
+                --dna_ready     <= '0';
                 dna_read_q    <= '1';
                 dna_read      <= '1' and (not dna_read_q);
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ g0: if (CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710) generate
                     dna_shift_cnt <= dna_shift_cnt - "00000001";
                 end if;
                 if(dna_shift_cnt = "00000000") then
-                    dna_ready <= '1';
+                    --dna_ready <= '1';
                     dna_out <= dna_value(95 downto 0);
                     dna_out <= (others => '0');
-                    dna_ready <= '0';
+                    --dna_ready <= '0';
                 end if;
             end if;
         end if;
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ DNA_PORT_inst : DNA_PORTE2
-    process(clk40, reset)
+    process(clk40)
         if(rising_edge(clk40)) then
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ DNA_PORT_inst : DNA_PORTE2
                 dna_shift_cnt <= "01100000"; --96 decimal
                 dna_shift     <= '0';
                 dna_value     <= x"0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000";
-                dna_ready     <= '0';
+                --dna_ready     <= '0';
                 dna_read_q    <= '1';
                 dna_read      <= '1' and (not dna_read_q);
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ DNA_PORT_inst : DNA_PORTE2
                     dna_shift_cnt <= dna_shift_cnt - "00000001";
                 end if;
                 if(dna_shift_cnt = "00000000") then
-                    dna_ready <= '1';
+                    --dna_ready <= '1';
                     for i in 0 to 95 loop
                         dna_out(i) <= dna_value(95 - i);
                     end loop;
                     dna_out <= (others => '0');
-                    dna_ready <= '0';
+                    --dna_ready <= '0';
                 end if;
             end if;
         end if;
diff --git a/sources/shared/pex_init.vhd b/sources/shared/pex_init.vhd
index 09943087812b0f2db02de014bb6ce6243a99291b..2a7354f297666206f8323b738b52184d8581aa79 100644
--- a/sources/shared/pex_init.vhd
+++ b/sources/shared/pex_init.vhd
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 entity pex_init is
@@ -53,39 +53,39 @@ entity pex_init is
     clk40             : in     std_logic;
     lnk_up0           : in     std_logic;
     lnk_up1           : in     std_logic;
-    reset_pcie        : out    std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+    --reset_pcie        : out    std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
     sys_reset_n       : in     std_logic);
 end entity pex_init;
 architecture rtl of pex_init is
-  component i2c_master_pex
-    PORT(
-      data_clk          : IN std_logic;
-      no_data           : in std_logic;
-      wr_mod            : in std_logic; --'1' WR, '0' RD
-      reset_n           : in std_logic;
-      special           : IN std_logic;
-      ena               : IN std_logic;
-      wr_data_update    : out std_logic;
-      rd_data_refresh   : out std_logic;
-      rd_number_in      : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      wr_number_in      : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-      state_display     : out std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0);
-      addr              : IN std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0);
-      --  rw            : IN std_logic;
-      data_wr           : IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
-      addr_wr           : IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
-      data_rd           : OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
-      i2c_process_finished : out std_logic;
-      ack_error_o       : OUT std_logic;
-      sda               : INOUT std_logic;
-      scl               : out std_logic;
-      sda_o_debug       : out std_logic;
-      sda_i_debug       : OUT  std_logic
-      );
-  END component;
+  --component i2c_master_pex
+  --  PORT(
+  --    data_clk          : IN std_logic;
+  --    no_data           : in std_logic;
+  --    wr_mod            : in std_logic; --'1' WR, '0' RD
+  --    reset_n           : in std_logic;
+  --    special           : IN std_logic;
+  --    ena               : IN std_logic;
+  --    wr_data_update    : out std_logic;
+  --    rd_data_refresh   : out std_logic;
+  --    rd_number_in      : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+  --    wr_number_in      : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+  --    state_display     : out std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0);
+  --    addr              : IN std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0);
+  --    --  rw            : IN std_logic;
+  --    data_wr           : IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
+  --    addr_wr           : IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
+  --    data_rd           : OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0);
+  --    i2c_process_finished : out std_logic;
+  --    ack_error_o       : OUT std_logic;
+  --    sda               : INOUT std_logic;
+  --    scl               : out std_logic;
+  --    sda_o_debug       : out std_logic;
+  --    sda_i_debug       : OUT  std_logic
+  --    );
+  --END component;
   signal clk400k        : std_logic:='0';
@@ -119,21 +119,21 @@ architecture rtl of pex_init is
   signal data_clk       : std_logic;
   signal FSM_RST_ORIG   : std_logic;
   signal FSM_RST_ORIG_r : std_logic;
-  signal manual_rst     : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  signal lnk_up0_vec    : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  signal lnk_up1_vec    : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  signal PCIE_PERSTn1_vec       : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
-  signal PCIE_PERSTn2_vec       : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+  --signal manual_rst     : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+  --signal lnk_up0_vec    : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+  --signal lnk_up1_vec    : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+  --signal PCIE_PERSTn1_vec       : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
+  --signal PCIE_PERSTn2_vec       : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
   signal i2c_address    : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
-    function To_Std_Logic(L: BOOLEAN) return std_ulogic is
-    begin
-        if L then
-            return('1');
-        else
-            return('0');
-        end if;
-    end function To_Std_Logic;
+   --function To_Std_Logic(L: BOOLEAN) return std_ulogic is
+   --begin
+   --    if L then
+   --        return('1');
+   --    else
+   --        return('0');
+   --    end if;
+   --end function To_Std_Logic;
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ begin
-  lnk_up0_vec(0)        <= lnk_up0;
-  lnk_up1_vec(0)        <= lnk_up1;
+  --lnk_up0_vec(0)        <= lnk_up0;
+  --lnk_up1_vec(0)        <= lnk_up1;
   I2C_SMB               <= '0';
   I2C_SMBUS_CFG_nEN     <= '0';
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ begin
           end if;
         when PHASE3 =>
           PEX_STATE     <= IDLE;
-        when others =>
+        when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
           PEX_STATE     <= IDLE;
       end case;
     end if;
diff --git a/sources/shared/xadc_drp.vhd b/sources/shared/xadc_drp.vhd
index fc8ce2ee65e1752c8a7906edddefee1d83369e75..9f497dff86c528918308b9470c45453183f0146d 100644
--- a/sources/shared/xadc_drp.vhd
+++ b/sources/shared/xadc_drp.vhd
@@ -19,44 +19,43 @@ port(
 end xadc_drp;
 architecture rtl of xadc_drp is
-COMPONENT xadc_wiz_0
-  PORT (
-    di_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
-    daddr_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 DOWNTO 0);
-    den_in : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    dwe_in : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    drdy_out : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-    do_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
-    dclk_in : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    reset_in : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    vp_in : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    vn_in : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    channel_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 DOWNTO 0);
-    eoc_out : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-    alarm_out : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-    eos_out : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-    busy_out : OUT STD_LOGIC
-  );
+     component xadc_wiz_0
+        port(
+            daddr_in    : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0);
+            den_in      : in  STD_LOGIC;
+            di_in       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+            dwe_in      : in  STD_LOGIC;
+            do_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+            drdy_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
+            dclk_in     : in  STD_LOGIC;
+            reset_in    : in  STD_LOGIC;
+            busy_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
+            channel_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0);
+            eoc_out     : out STD_LOGIC;
+            eos_out     : out STD_LOGIC;
+            alarm_out   : out STD_LOGIC;
+            vp_in       : in  STD_LOGIC;
+            vn_in       : in  STD_LOGIC
+        );
+    end component xadc_wiz_0;
-COMPONENT system_management_wiz_0
-  PORT (
-    di_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
-    daddr_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);
-    den_in : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    dwe_in : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    drdy_out : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-    do_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
-    dclk_in : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    reset_in : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    channel_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 DOWNTO 0);
-    eoc_out : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-    alarm_out : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-    eos_out : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-    busy_out : OUT STD_LOGIC
-  );
+component system_management_wiz_0
+    port(
+        daddr_in    : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
+        den_in      : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        di_in       : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        dwe_in      : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        do_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
+        drdy_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        dclk_in     : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        reset_in    : in  STD_LOGIC;
+        busy_out    : out STD_LOGIC;
+        channel_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0);
+        eoc_out     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        eos_out     : out STD_LOGIC;
+        alarm_out   : out STD_LOGIC
+    );
+end component system_management_wiz_0;
 signal state: state_type;
@@ -67,13 +66,13 @@ signal den_in      : std_logic;
 signal dwe_in      : std_logic;
 signal drdy_out    : std_logic;
 signal do_out      : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-signal vp_in       : std_logic;
-signal vn_in       : std_logic;
+signal vp_in       : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal vp_in is never written"
+signal vn_in       : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal vn_in is never written"
 --signal channel_out : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
 signal eoc_out     : std_logic;
-signal alarm_out   : std_logic;
-signal eos_out     : std_logic;
-signal busy_out    : std_logic;
+signal alarm_out   : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal alarm_out is never read"
+signal eos_out     : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal eos_out is never read"
+signal busy_out    : std_logic; -- @suppress "signal busy_out is never read"
 signal temp_s     : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
 signal vccint_s   : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
@@ -84,21 +83,21 @@ begin
 g0: if CARD_TYPE = 709 or CARD_TYPE = 710 generate
     xadc0 : xadc_wiz_0
       PORT MAP (
-        di_in => di_in,
         daddr_in => daddr_in,
         den_in => den_in,
+        di_in => di_in,
         dwe_in => dwe_in,
-        drdy_out => drdy_out,
         do_out => do_out,
+        drdy_out => drdy_out,
         dclk_in => clk40,
         reset_in => reset,
-        vp_in => vp_in,
-        vn_in => vn_in,
+        busy_out => busy_out,
         channel_out => open,
         eoc_out => eoc_out,
-        alarm_out => alarm_out,
         eos_out => eos_out,
-        busy_out => busy_out
+        alarm_out => alarm_out,
+        vp_in => vp_in,
+        vn_in => vn_in
 end generate;
@@ -108,19 +107,19 @@ begin
 daddr_in_s <= "0" & daddr_in;
 xadc0 : system_management_wiz_0
-    di_in => di_in,
     daddr_in => daddr_in_s,
     den_in => den_in,
+    di_in => di_in,
     dwe_in => dwe_in,
-    drdy_out => drdy_out,
     do_out => do_out,
+    drdy_out => drdy_out,
     dclk_in => clk40,
     reset_in => reset,
+    busy_out => busy_out,
     channel_out => open,
     eoc_out => eoc_out,
-    alarm_out => alarm_out,
     eos_out => eos_out,
-    busy_out => busy_out
+    alarm_out => alarm_out
 end generate;
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ begin
                     vccbram_s <= do_out(15 downto 4);
                     state <= IDLE;
                 end if;
-            when others =>
+            when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
                 state <= IDLE;
         end case;
     end if;
diff --git a/sources/spi/LMK03200_spi.vhd b/sources/spi/LMK03200_spi.vhd
index 926f2f2494d9b9e1b7c507abd09c3d04ac75c97e..c3e6cfdf62fe99c8a4143cdde9868563044d13c8 100644
--- a/sources/spi/LMK03200_spi.vhd
+++ b/sources/spi/LMK03200_spi.vhd
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ architecture Behavioral of LMK03200_spi is
   signal LMK_STATE: fsm_state_type := FSM_IDLE;
   SIGNAL SPI_CLK : std_logic;
   signal LMK_DATA_wr32_shift :std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-  signal LMK_SPI_wr_6, wr_cnt : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0):="000000";
-  signal LMK_SPI_wr_l, LMK_SPI_wr, LMK_SPI_wr_r,LMK_SPI_wr_l_r, clk_en :std_logic:='0'; 
+  signal wr_cnt : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0):="000000";
+  signal LMK_SPI_wr, LMK_SPI_wr_r, clk_en :std_logic:='0'; 
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ begin
             clk_en              <= '1';
         end if;
-    when others=>
+    when others=> -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
         LMK_STATE       <= FSM_IDLE; 
         LMK_WR_finished <= '0';
         LMK_SPI_LE      <= '1';
diff --git a/sources/spi/LMK03200_wrapper.vhd b/sources/spi/LMK03200_wrapper.vhd
index fb5b0c7206b09a3a9cf4328ef54b9ae0885f9376..82d4b613f959567c07e59e631ea5f6690a6d6e0a 100644
--- a/sources/spi/LMK03200_wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/spi/LMK03200_wrapper.vhd
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 library IEEE;
 library UNISIM;
 use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ begin
     lmk_status <= CFG0;
   elsif (clk10m_in'event and clk10m_in='1') then
     case lmk_status is
-      when IDLE =>
+      when IDLE => -- @suppress "Dead state 'IDLE': state does not have outgoing transitions"
         LMK_SYNCn <= '1';
         LMK_GOE <= '1';
         lmk_status <= IDLE;
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ begin
         LMK_SYNCn <= '0';
         LMK_GOE <= '1';
         lmk_status <= IDLE;
-      when others =>
+      when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
         lmk_status <= IDLE;
     end case;
   end if;
@@ -388,6 +388,7 @@ end process;
 lmk40m : OBUFDS
   generic map (
     SLEW => "FAST"
diff --git a/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd b/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd
index 0a7157da22d2bf0898c4935fa98ac8b97b03d76a..141e9d04054f4fc2605043caa8a182539f796f4d 100644
--- a/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd
+++ b/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ entity dma_control is
     NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS    : integer := 8;
     NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS     : integer := 16;
-    SVN_VERSION              : integer := 0;
     CARD_TYPE                : integer := 710;
     BUILD_DATETIME           : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := x"0000FE71CE";
     GIT_HASH                 : std_logic_vector(159 downto 0) := x"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
@@ -114,7 +113,6 @@ entity dma_control is
     reset_global_soft    : out    std_logic;
     s_axis_cq            : in     axis_type;
     s_axis_r_cq          : out    axis_r_type;
-    fifo_full            : in     std_logic;
     fifo_empty           : in     std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2 downto 0);
     dma_interrupt_call   : out    std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
     fromhost_pfull_threshold_assert: out   std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
@@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ architecture rtl of dma_control is
   signal completer_state: completer_state_type := IDLE;
-  signal completer_state_slv: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+  signal completer_state_slv: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --@suppress
   attribute dont_touch : string;
   attribute dont_touch of completer_state_slv : signal is "true";
@@ -505,7 +503,7 @@ begin
               completer_state   <= IDLE;
             end if;
-          when others =>
+          when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
             completer_state <= IDLE;
             completer_state_slv <= IDLE_SLV;
         end case;
@@ -543,8 +541,6 @@ begin
     variable register_write_enable_v      : std_logic;
     variable register_write_data_v        : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
     variable bar_id_v                     : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-    variable bar1_v                       : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-    variable bar2_v                       : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
     variable dma_descriptors_v            : dma_descriptors_type(0 to 7);
     variable dma_status_v                 : dma_statuses_type(0 to 7);
     variable int_vector_v                 : interrupt_vectors_type(0 to NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS-1);
@@ -10081,10 +10077,10 @@ end process;
           if (GBT_NUM > 3 and FIRMWARE_MODE = 5) then
               register_map_control_s.R3L1_CTRL (3)(3).R3_ENABLE <= REG_CR_ITK_R3L1_LINK_03_R3L1_3_R3_ENABLE_C; -- enables sending RoI R3 signals to the front-end
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_CTRL.OPTIONS              <= REG_MROD_CTRL_OPTIONS_C;                 -- Extra options for MROD
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_CTRL.GOLTESTMODE          <= REG_MROD_CTRL_GOLTESTMODE_C;             -- GOL Test Mode (emulate CSM):
                                                                                                         --   0: Run Data Emulator when 1;        0: stop, load emulator fifo
                                                                                                         --   1: Enable Circulate  when 1;        0: send fifo data only once
@@ -10092,58 +10088,58 @@ end process;
                                                                                                         --   3: Enable pattern generator when 1; 0: off
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_CSMENABLE             <= REG_MROD_EP0_CSMENABLE_C;                -- EP0 CSM Data Enable channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_EMPTYSUPPR            <= REG_MROD_EP0_EMPTYSUPPR_C;               -- EP0 Set Empty Suppression channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_HPTDCMODE             <= REG_MROD_EP0_HPTDCMODE_C;                -- EP0 Set HPTDC Mode channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_CLRFIFOS              <= REG_MROD_EP0_CLRFIFOS_C;                 -- EP0 Clear FIFOs channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_EMULOADENA            <= REG_MROD_EP0_EMULOADENA_C;               -- EP0 Emulator Load Enable channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_TRXLOOPBACK           <= REG_MROD_EP0_TRXLOOPBACK_C;              -- EP0 Transceiver Loopback Enable channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_TXCVRRESET            <= REG_MROD_EP0_TXCVRRESET_C;               -- EP0 Transceiver Reset all channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_RXRESET               <= REG_MROD_EP0_RXRESET_C;                  -- EP0 Receiver Reset channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_TXRESET               <= REG_MROD_EP0_TXRESET_C;                  -- EP0 Transmitter Reset channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_CSMENABLE             <= REG_MROD_EP1_CSMENABLE_C;                -- EP1 CSM Data Enable channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_EMPTYSUPPR            <= REG_MROD_EP1_EMPTYSUPPR_C;               -- EP1 Set Empty Suppression channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_HPTDCMODE             <= REG_MROD_EP1_HPTDCMODE_C;                -- EP1 Set HPTDC Mode channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_CLRFIFOS              <= REG_MROD_EP1_CLRFIFOS_C;                 -- EP1 Clear FIFOs channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_EMULOADENA            <= REG_MROD_EP1_EMULOADENA_C;               -- EP1 Emulator Load Enable channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_TRXLOOPBACK           <= REG_MROD_EP1_TRXLOOPBACK_C;              -- EP1 Transceiver Loopback Enable channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_TXCVRRESET            <= REG_MROD_EP1_TXCVRRESET_C;               -- EP1 Transceiver Reset all channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_RXRESET               <= REG_MROD_EP1_RXRESET_C;                  -- EP1 Receiver Reset channel 23-0
           end if;
-          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+          if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
               register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_TXRESET               <= REG_MROD_EP1_TXRESET_C;                  -- EP1 Transmitter Reset channel 23-0
           end if;
@@ -17220,7 +17216,7 @@ end process;
             when REG_STRIPS_L1_TRIGGER              => register_read_data_25_s(64 downto 64)   <= register_map_control_s.STRIPS_L1_TRIGGER;             -- (for tests only) simulate L1 trigger (issues 4-5 sequential triggers)
             when REG_STRIPS_R3L1_TRIGGER            => register_read_data_25_s(64 downto 64)   <= register_map_control_s.STRIPS_R3L1_TRIGGER;           -- (for tests only) simulate simultaneous R3 and L1 trigger (issues 4-5 sequential triggers)
             when REG_MROD_CTRL                      => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(15 downto 4)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_CTRL.OPTIONS;             -- Extra options for MROD
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(3 downto 0)     <= register_map_control_s.MROD_CTRL.GOLTESTMODE;         -- GOL Test Mode (emulate CSM):
                                                                                                                                                         --   0: Run Data Emulator when 1;        0: stop, load emulator fifo
@@ -17230,75 +17226,75 @@ end process;
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_CSMENABLE             => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_CSMENABLE;            -- EP0 CSM Data Enable channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_EMPTYSUPPR            => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_EMPTYSUPPR;           -- EP0 Set Empty Suppression channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_HPTDCMODE             => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_HPTDCMODE;            -- EP0 Set HPTDC Mode channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_CLRFIFOS              => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_CLRFIFOS;             -- EP0 Clear FIFOs channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_EMULOADENA            => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_EMULOADENA;           -- EP0 Emulator Load Enable channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_TRXLOOPBACK           => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_TRXLOOPBACK;          -- EP0 Transceiver Loopback Enable channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_TXCVRRESET            => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_TXCVRRESET;           -- EP0 Transceiver Reset all channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_RXRESET               => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_RXRESET;              -- EP0 Receiver Reset channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_TXRESET               => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_TXRESET;              -- EP0 Transmitter Reset channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_CSMENABLE             => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_CSMENABLE;            -- EP1 CSM Data Enable channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_EMPTYSUPPR            => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_EMPTYSUPPR;           -- EP1 Set Empty Suppression channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_HPTDCMODE             => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_HPTDCMODE;            -- EP1 Set HPTDC Mode channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_CLRFIFOS              => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_CLRFIFOS;             -- EP1 Clear FIFOs channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_EMULOADENA            => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_EMULOADENA;           -- EP1 Emulator Load Enable channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_TRXLOOPBACK           => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_TRXLOOPBACK;          -- EP1 Transceiver Loopback Enable channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_TXCVRRESET            => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_TXCVRRESET;           -- EP1 Transceiver Reset all channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_RXRESET               => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_RXRESET;              -- EP1 Receiver Reset channel 23-0
               end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_TXRESET               => 
-              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+              if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_TXRESET;              -- EP1 Transmitter Reset channel 23-0
               end if;
@@ -18797,35 +18793,35 @@ end process;
 -- MRODmonitors
               when REG_MROD_EP0_CSMH_EMPTY            => 
-                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_monitor_s.regmap_mrod_monitor.MROD_EP0_CSMH_EMPTY;           -- CSM Handler FIFO Empty 23-0
                   end if;
               when REG_MROD_EP0_CSMH_FULL             => 
-                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_monitor_s.regmap_mrod_monitor.MROD_EP0_CSMH_FULL;            -- CSM Handler FIFO Full 23-0
                   end if;
               when REG_MROD_EP0_RXLOCKED              => 
-                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_monitor_s.regmap_mrod_monitor.MROD_EP0_RXLOCKED;             -- EP0 Receiver Locked monitor 23-0
                   end if;
               when REG_MROD_EP0_TXLOCKED              => 
-                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_monitor_s.regmap_mrod_monitor.MROD_EP0_TXLOCKED;             -- EP0 Transmitter Locked monitor 23-0
                   end if;
               when REG_MROD_EP1_CSMH_EMPTY            => 
-                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_monitor_s.regmap_mrod_monitor.MROD_EP1_CSMH_EMPTY;           -- CSM Handler FIFO Empty 23-0
                   end if;
               when REG_MROD_EP1_CSMH_FULL             => 
-                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_monitor_s.regmap_mrod_monitor.MROD_EP1_CSMH_FULL;            -- CSM Handler FIFO Full 23-0
                   end if;
               when REG_MROD_EP1_RXLOCKED              => 
-                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_monitor_s.regmap_mrod_monitor.MROD_EP1_RXLOCKED;             -- EP1 Receiver Locked monitor 23-0
                   end if;
               when REG_MROD_EP1_TXLOCKED              => 
-                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                  if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                          register_read_data_25_s(23 downto 0)    <= register_map_monitor_s.regmap_mrod_monitor.MROD_EP1_TXLOCKED;             -- EP1 Transmitter Locked monitor 23-0
                   end if;
@@ -25412,7 +25408,7 @@ end process;
             when REG_STRIPS_L1_TRIGGER              => register_map_control_s.STRIPS_L1_TRIGGER              <= "1";                                     -- (for tests only) simulate L1 trigger (issues 4-5 sequential triggers)
             when REG_STRIPS_R3L1_TRIGGER            => register_map_control_s.STRIPS_R3L1_TRIGGER            <= "1";                                     -- (for tests only) simulate simultaneous R3 and L1 trigger (issues 4-5 sequential triggers)
             when REG_MROD_CTRL                      => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_CTRL.OPTIONS          <= register_write_data_25_v(15 downto 4); -- Extra options for MROD
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_CTRL.GOLTESTMODE      <= register_write_data_25_v(3 downto 0); -- GOL Test Mode (emulate CSM):
                                                                                                                                                          --   0: Run Data Emulator when 1;        0: stop, load emulator fifo
@@ -25422,75 +25418,75 @@ end process;
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_CSMENABLE             => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_CSMENABLE         <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP0 CSM Data Enable channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_EMPTYSUPPR            => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_EMPTYSUPPR        <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP0 Set Empty Suppression channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_HPTDCMODE             => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_HPTDCMODE         <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP0 Set HPTDC Mode channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_CLRFIFOS              => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_CLRFIFOS          <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP0 Clear FIFOs channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_EMULOADENA            => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_EMULOADENA        <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP0 Emulator Load Enable channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_TRXLOOPBACK           => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_TRXLOOPBACK       <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP0 Transceiver Loopback Enable channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_TXCVRRESET            => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_TXCVRRESET        <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP0 Transceiver Reset all channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_RXRESET               => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_RXRESET           <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP0 Receiver Reset channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP0_TXRESET               => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP0_TXRESET           <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP0 Transmitter Reset channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_CSMENABLE             => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_CSMENABLE         <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP1 CSM Data Enable channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_EMPTYSUPPR            => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_EMPTYSUPPR        <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP1 Set Empty Suppression channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_HPTDCMODE             => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_HPTDCMODE         <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP1 Set HPTDC Mode channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_CLRFIFOS              => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_CLRFIFOS          <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP1 Clear FIFOs channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_EMULOADENA            => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_EMULOADENA        <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP1 Emulator Load Enable channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_TRXLOOPBACK           => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_TRXLOOPBACK       <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP1 Transceiver Loopback Enable channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_TXCVRRESET            => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_TXCVRRESET        <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP1 Transceiver Reset all channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_RXRESET               => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_RXRESET           <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP1 Receiver Reset channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
             when REG_MROD_EP1_TXRESET               => 
-                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true then
+                                                       if MROD_GENERATE_REGS then
                                                            register_map_control_s.MROD_EP1_TXRESET           <= register_write_data_25_v(23 downto 0); -- EP1 Transmitter Reset channel 23-0
                                                        end if;
diff --git a/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd.template b/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd.template
index 7345c8e11364b7e9f8c19a2006a1e3d589458867..768a4f8d20516399b1d18bdc7b544c743899f2d3 100644
--- a/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd.template
+++ b/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd.template
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ entity dma_control is
     NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS    : integer := 8;
     NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS     : integer := 16;
-    SVN_VERSION              : integer := 0;
     CARD_TYPE                : integer := 710;
     BUILD_DATETIME           : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := x"0000FE71CE";
     GIT_HASH                 : std_logic_vector(159 downto 0) := x"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
@@ -93,7 +92,6 @@ entity dma_control is
     reset_global_soft    : out    std_logic;
     s_axis_cq            : in     axis_type;
     s_axis_r_cq          : out    axis_r_type;
-    fifo_full            : in     std_logic;
     fifo_empty           : in     std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS-2 downto 0);
     dma_interrupt_call   : out    std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
     fromhost_pfull_threshold_assert: out   std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
@@ -110,7 +108,7 @@ architecture rtl of dma_control is
   signal completer_state: completer_state_type := IDLE;
-  signal completer_state_slv: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+  signal completer_state_slv: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --@suppress
   attribute dont_touch : string;
   attribute dont_touch of completer_state_slv : signal is "true";
@@ -484,7 +482,7 @@ begin
               completer_state   <= IDLE;
             end if;
-          when others =>
+          when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
             completer_state <= IDLE;
             completer_state_slv <= IDLE_SLV;
         end case;
@@ -522,8 +520,6 @@ begin
     variable register_write_enable_v      : std_logic;
     variable register_write_data_v        : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
     variable bar_id_v                     : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-    variable bar1_v                       : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-    variable bar2_v                       : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
     variable dma_descriptors_v            : dma_descriptors_type(0 to 7);
     variable dma_status_v                 : dma_statuses_type(0 to 7);
     variable int_vector_v                 : interrupt_vectors_type(0 to NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS-1);
diff --git a/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd.template.orig b/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd.template.orig
index 2d6692d71471781b7fdbcf9088a85cf483dcc5d4..9cadd1691bd8b86db9f8668423599113d3d25e63 100644
--- a/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd.template.orig
+++ b/sources/templates/dma_control.vhd.template.orig
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ library ieee, UNISIM;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 entity dma_control is
diff --git a/sources/templates/pcie_package.vhd b/sources/templates/pcie_package.vhd
index b5895e2ecbbb89c796e4ced33372b1acb05ac33e..22acf26ae2d52f72ef39a1828cdf181f5e0842b5 100644
--- a/sources/templates/pcie_package.vhd
+++ b/sources/templates/pcie_package.vhd
@@ -73,10 +73,9 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+--use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-library work;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
 use work.data_width_package.all;
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ package pcie_package is
   -- PCIe DMA core: AXI-4 Stream interface
   type axis_type is record
-    tdata   : std_logic_vector(pcie_data_width-1 downto 0);
+    tdata   : std_logic_vector(PCIE_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
     tkeep   : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
     tuser   : std_logic_vector(182 downto 0);
     tlast   : std_logic;
@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@ package pcie_package is
   type interrupt_vectors_type is array (natural range <>) of interrupt_vector_type;
-  type slv_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(pcie_data_width-1 downto 0);
+  type slv_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(PCIE_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
   type slv12_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
   --! Address Offset assignment
diff --git a/sources/templates/pcie_package.vhd.template b/sources/templates/pcie_package.vhd.template
index 01450df1ae70e5ad07dea24a034c274ffcc8d345..ea09c52f6b3b7eecaf37f2b38d46335c5adaa177 100644
--- a/sources/templates/pcie_package.vhd.template
+++ b/sources/templates/pcie_package.vhd.template
@@ -52,10 +52,9 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+--use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-library work;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
 use work.data_width_package.all;
@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ package pcie_package is
   -- PCIe DMA core: AXI-4 Stream interface
   type axis_type is record
-    tdata   : std_logic_vector(pcie_data_width-1 downto 0);
+    tdata   : std_logic_vector(PCIE_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
     tkeep   : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
     tuser   : std_logic_vector(182 downto 0);
     tlast   : std_logic;
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ package pcie_package is
   type interrupt_vectors_type is array (natural range <>) of interrupt_vector_type;
-  type slv_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(pcie_data_width-1 downto 0);
+  type slv_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(PCIE_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
   type slv12_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
   --! Address Offset assignment
diff --git a/sources/templates/register_map_sync.vhd b/sources/templates/register_map_sync.vhd
index 9a3649aa81a9be06a708ed06d08ee5b0b49fd34b..2b0b67579a86f5f5869880798a87c9b771d542dc 100644
--- a/sources/templates/register_map_sync.vhd
+++ b/sources/templates/register_map_sync.vhd
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
-library ieee, UNISIM, work;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+--use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
diff --git a/sources/templates/register_map_sync.vhd.template b/sources/templates/register_map_sync.vhd.template
index 1979a0113aab6a6f311b4b8defa58eedbe4dd516..08049bc7ded13b46a7fbefe68d69a00514894647 100644
--- a/sources/templates/register_map_sync.vhd.template
+++ b/sources/templates/register_map_sync.vhd.template
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
-library ieee, UNISIM, work;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+--use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
diff --git a/sources/templates/registers-5.0.yaml b/sources/templates/registers-5.0.yaml
index b877d0c571a039dcad743327ca669ed4e81f1dfc..5dcae205c7c31428f034e765333910a3c34c6cc7 100644
--- a/sources/templates/registers-5.0.yaml
+++ b/sources/templates/registers-5.0.yaml
@@ -2985,7 +2985,7 @@ MRODregisters:
   group: MROD
   desc: Specific registers for MROD
   endpoints: 0
-  generate: MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true
     - name: MROD_CTRL
       type: W
@@ -3116,7 +3116,7 @@ MRODmonitors:
   group: MROD
   desc: Specific registers for MROD
   endpoints: 0
-  generate: MROD_GENERATE_REGS = true
     - name: MROD_EP0_CSMH_EMPTY
       type: R
diff --git a/sources/templates/strips_config_package.vhd.template b/sources/templates/strips_config_package.vhd.template
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/sources/templates/strips_phase1_long_stave_mapping.vhd.template b/sources/templates/strips_phase1_long_stave_mapping.vhd.template
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/sources/templates/strips_phase1_unknown_mapping.vhd.template b/sources/templates/strips_phase1_unknown_mapping.vhd.template
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/sources/templates/strips_register_map.py.template b/sources/templates/strips_register_map.py.template
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/sources/templates/wupper.vhd b/sources/templates/wupper.vhd
index 35944cf3f14fa46f0a1eea60e233f485d4e31c11..40e8608491068e1c13380ebf70e48fecb7e657f2 100644
--- a/sources/templates/wupper.vhd
+++ b/sources/templates/wupper.vhd
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ entity wupper is
     NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS  : integer := 8;
     NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS : integer := 8;
     BUILD_DATETIME        : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := x"0000FE71CE";
-    SVN_VERSION           : integer := 0;
     CARD_TYPE             : integer := 710;
     GIT_HASH              : std_logic_vector(159 downto 0) := x"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
     COMMIT_DATETIME       : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := x"0000FE71CE";
@@ -133,8 +132,8 @@ architecture structure of wupper is
   signal s_axis_r_S2MM              : axis_r_type;
   signal m_axis_r_CNTRL             : axis_r_type;
   signal s_axis_r_STS               : axis_r_type;
-  signal cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    : std_logic;
-  signal cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    : std_logic;
+  --signal cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    : std_logic;
+  --signal cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    : std_logic;
   signal cfg_interrupt_msix_int     : std_logic;
   signal cfg_interrupt_msix_address : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
   signal cfg_interrupt_msix_data    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
@@ -156,12 +155,12 @@ architecture structure of wupper is
   signal m_axis_cc                  : axis_type;
   signal m_axis_rc                  : axis_type;
   signal m_axis_rq                  : axis_type;
-  signal cfg_fc_ph                  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-  signal cfg_fc_pd                  : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal cfg_fc_nph                 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-  signal cfg_fc_npd                 : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal cfg_fc_cplh                : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-  signal cfg_fc_cpld                : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_ph                  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_pd                  : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_nph                 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_npd                 : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_cplh                : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_cpld                : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
   signal cfg_fc_sel                 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
   signal sys_rst_n                  : std_logic;
   signal lnk_up_net                 : std_logic;
@@ -169,7 +168,6 @@ architecture structure of wupper is
   signal fromHostFifo_din                    :  std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-  signal fromHostFifoIndex                   :  integer range 0 to 0;
   signal fromHostFifo_pfull_threshold_assert :  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
   signal fromHostFifo_pfull_threshold_negate :  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
   signal fromHostFifo_prog_full              :  std_logic;
@@ -211,19 +209,19 @@ begin
     port map(
-      cfg_fc_cpld                => cfg_fc_cpld,
-      cfg_fc_cplh                => cfg_fc_cplh,
-      cfg_fc_npd                 => cfg_fc_npd,
-      cfg_fc_nph                 => cfg_fc_nph,
-      cfg_fc_pd                  => cfg_fc_pd,
-      cfg_fc_ph                  => cfg_fc_ph,
+      cfg_fc_cpld                => open, --cfg_fc_cpld,
+      cfg_fc_cplh                => open, --cfg_fc_cplh,
+      cfg_fc_npd                 => open, --cfg_fc_npd,
+      cfg_fc_nph                 => open, --cfg_fc_nph,
+      cfg_fc_pd                  => open, --cfg_fc_pd,
+      cfg_fc_ph                  => open, --cfg_fc_ph,
       cfg_fc_sel                 => cfg_fc_sel,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_address => cfg_interrupt_msix_address,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_data    => cfg_interrupt_msix_data,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_enable  => cfg_interrupt_msix_enable,
-      cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    => cfg_interrupt_msix_fail,
+      cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    => open,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_int     => cfg_interrupt_msix_int,
-      cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    => cfg_interrupt_msix_sent,
+      cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    => open,
       cfg_mgmt_addr              => cfg_mgmt_addr,
       cfg_mgmt_byte_enable       => cfg_mgmt_byte_enable,
       cfg_mgmt_read              => cfg_mgmt_read,
@@ -254,7 +252,6 @@ begin
     generic map(
-      SVN_VERSION           => SVN_VERSION,
       CARD_TYPE             => CARD_TYPE,
       GIT_HASH              => GIT_HASH,
@@ -264,8 +261,8 @@ begin
       GBT_NUM               => GBT_NUM,
       DATA_WIDTH            => DATA_WIDTH,
       BLOCKSIZE             => BLOCKSIZE)
@@ -275,7 +272,7 @@ begin
       dma_interrupt_call              => dma_interrupt_call,
       flush_fifo                      => flush_fifo,
       fromHostFifo_din                => fromHostFifo_din,
-      fromHostFifoIndex               => fromHostFifoIndex,
+      fromHostFifoIndex               => open,
       fromHostFifo_prog_full          => fromHostFifo_prog_full,
       fromHostFifo_we                 => fromHostFifo_we,
       fromhost_busy_out               => fromhost_busy_out,
@@ -302,8 +299,7 @@ begin
       toHostFifo_re                   => toHostFifo_re,
       tohost_busy_out                 => tohost_busy_out,
       tohost_pfull_threshold_assert   => toHostFifo_pfull_threshold_assert,
-      tohost_pfull_threshold_negate   => toHostFifo_pfull_threshold_negate,
-      user_lnk_up                     => lnk_up_net);
+      tohost_pfull_threshold_negate   => toHostFifo_pfull_threshold_negate);
   irq0: entity work.intr_ctrl
     generic map(
@@ -312,9 +308,7 @@ begin
       cfg_interrupt_msix_address => cfg_interrupt_msix_address,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_data    => cfg_interrupt_msix_data,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_enable  => cfg_interrupt_msix_enable,
-      cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    => cfg_interrupt_msix_fail,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_int     => cfg_interrupt_msix_int,
-      cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    => cfg_interrupt_msix_sent,
       clk                        => clk,
       regmap_clk                 => regmap_clk,
       dma_interrupt_call         => dma_interrupt_call,
@@ -330,12 +324,6 @@ begin
   init0: entity work.pcie_init
     port map(
-      cfg_fc_cpld              => cfg_fc_cpld,
-      cfg_fc_cplh              => cfg_fc_cplh,
-      cfg_fc_npd               => cfg_fc_npd,
-      cfg_fc_nph               => cfg_fc_nph,
-      cfg_fc_pd                => cfg_fc_pd,
-      cfg_fc_ph                => cfg_fc_ph,
       cfg_fc_sel               => cfg_fc_sel,
       cfg_mgmt_addr            => cfg_mgmt_addr,
       cfg_mgmt_byte_enable     => cfg_mgmt_byte_enable,
@@ -365,7 +353,6 @@ begin
       port map(
-         fromHostFifoIndex => fromHostFifoIndex,
          fromHostFifo_din => fromHostFifo_din,
          fromHostFifo_dout => fromHostFifo_dout,
          fromHostFifo_empty => fromHostFifo_empty,
@@ -403,7 +390,6 @@ begin
          interrupt_call_cr             => interrupt_call,
          register_map_40_control       => register_map_control_sync,
          register_map_control          => register_map_control_appreg_clk_s,
-         register_map_monitor          => register_map_monitor,
          register_map_gen_board_info       => register_map_gen_board_info,
          register_map_crtohost_monitor       => register_map_crtohost_monitor,
          register_map_crfromhost_monitor       => register_map_crfromhost_monitor,
@@ -417,6 +403,7 @@ begin
          register_map_generators       => register_map_generators,
          wishbone_monitor       => wishbone_monitor,
          regmap_mrod_monitor       => regmap_mrod_monitor,
+         register_map_monitor          => register_map_monitor,
          rst_hw                        => reset_hw_in,
          rst_soft_40                   => reset_soft,
          rst_soft_appregclk            => reset_soft_appreg_clk_s,
diff --git a/sources/templates/wupper.vhd.template b/sources/templates/wupper.vhd.template
index 640650f148f96ef0820072b0f0776171656b1163..32fb6d60399f3c86b3fa0260f38e9498bb8505b2 100644
--- a/sources/templates/wupper.vhd.template
+++ b/sources/templates/wupper.vhd.template
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ entity wupper is
     NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTS  : integer := 8;
     NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS : integer := 8;
     BUILD_DATETIME        : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := x"0000FE71CE";
-    SVN_VERSION           : integer := 0;
     CARD_TYPE             : integer := 710;
     GIT_HASH              : std_logic_vector(159 downto 0) := x"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
     COMMIT_DATETIME       : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0) := x"0000FE71CE";
@@ -123,8 +122,8 @@ architecture structure of wupper is
   signal s_axis_r_S2MM              : axis_r_type;
   signal m_axis_r_CNTRL             : axis_r_type;
   signal s_axis_r_STS               : axis_r_type;
-  signal cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    : std_logic;
-  signal cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    : std_logic;
+  --signal cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    : std_logic;
+  --signal cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    : std_logic;
   signal cfg_interrupt_msix_int     : std_logic;
   signal cfg_interrupt_msix_address : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
   signal cfg_interrupt_msix_data    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
@@ -146,12 +145,12 @@ architecture structure of wupper is
   signal m_axis_cc                  : axis_type;
   signal m_axis_rc                  : axis_type;
   signal m_axis_rq                  : axis_type;
-  signal cfg_fc_ph                  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-  signal cfg_fc_pd                  : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal cfg_fc_nph                 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-  signal cfg_fc_npd                 : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal cfg_fc_cplh                : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-  signal cfg_fc_cpld                : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_ph                  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_pd                  : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_nph                 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_npd                 : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_cplh                : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+  --signal cfg_fc_cpld                : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
   signal cfg_fc_sel                 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
   signal sys_rst_n                  : std_logic;
   signal lnk_up_net                 : std_logic;
@@ -159,7 +158,6 @@ architecture structure of wupper is
   signal fromHostFifo_din                    :  std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-  signal fromHostFifoIndex                   :  integer range 0 to 0;
   signal fromHostFifo_pfull_threshold_assert :  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
   signal fromHostFifo_pfull_threshold_negate :  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
   signal fromHostFifo_prog_full              :  std_logic;
@@ -201,19 +199,19 @@ begin
     port map(
-      cfg_fc_cpld                => cfg_fc_cpld,
-      cfg_fc_cplh                => cfg_fc_cplh,
-      cfg_fc_npd                 => cfg_fc_npd,
-      cfg_fc_nph                 => cfg_fc_nph,
-      cfg_fc_pd                  => cfg_fc_pd,
-      cfg_fc_ph                  => cfg_fc_ph,
+      cfg_fc_cpld                => open, --cfg_fc_cpld,
+      cfg_fc_cplh                => open, --cfg_fc_cplh,
+      cfg_fc_npd                 => open, --cfg_fc_npd,
+      cfg_fc_nph                 => open, --cfg_fc_nph,
+      cfg_fc_pd                  => open, --cfg_fc_pd,
+      cfg_fc_ph                  => open, --cfg_fc_ph,
       cfg_fc_sel                 => cfg_fc_sel,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_address => cfg_interrupt_msix_address,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_data    => cfg_interrupt_msix_data,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_enable  => cfg_interrupt_msix_enable,
-      cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    => cfg_interrupt_msix_fail,
+      cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    => open,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_int     => cfg_interrupt_msix_int,
-      cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    => cfg_interrupt_msix_sent,
+      cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    => open,
       cfg_mgmt_addr              => cfg_mgmt_addr,
       cfg_mgmt_byte_enable       => cfg_mgmt_byte_enable,
       cfg_mgmt_read              => cfg_mgmt_read,
@@ -244,7 +242,6 @@ begin
     generic map(
-      SVN_VERSION           => SVN_VERSION,
       CARD_TYPE             => CARD_TYPE,
       GIT_HASH              => GIT_HASH,
@@ -254,8 +251,8 @@ begin
       GBT_NUM               => GBT_NUM,
       DATA_WIDTH            => DATA_WIDTH,
       BLOCKSIZE             => BLOCKSIZE)
@@ -265,7 +262,7 @@ begin
       dma_interrupt_call              => dma_interrupt_call,
       flush_fifo                      => flush_fifo,
       fromHostFifo_din                => fromHostFifo_din,
-      fromHostFifoIndex               => fromHostFifoIndex,
+      fromHostFifoIndex               => open,
       fromHostFifo_prog_full          => fromHostFifo_prog_full,
       fromHostFifo_we                 => fromHostFifo_we,
       fromhost_busy_out               => fromhost_busy_out,
@@ -292,8 +289,7 @@ begin
       toHostFifo_re                   => toHostFifo_re,
       tohost_busy_out                 => tohost_busy_out,
       tohost_pfull_threshold_assert   => toHostFifo_pfull_threshold_assert,
-      tohost_pfull_threshold_negate   => toHostFifo_pfull_threshold_negate,
-      user_lnk_up                     => lnk_up_net);
+      tohost_pfull_threshold_negate   => toHostFifo_pfull_threshold_negate);
   irq0: entity work.intr_ctrl
     generic map(
@@ -302,9 +298,7 @@ begin
       cfg_interrupt_msix_address => cfg_interrupt_msix_address,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_data    => cfg_interrupt_msix_data,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_enable  => cfg_interrupt_msix_enable,
-      cfg_interrupt_msix_fail    => cfg_interrupt_msix_fail,
       cfg_interrupt_msix_int     => cfg_interrupt_msix_int,
-      cfg_interrupt_msix_sent    => cfg_interrupt_msix_sent,
       clk                        => clk,
       regmap_clk                 => regmap_clk,
       dma_interrupt_call         => dma_interrupt_call,
@@ -320,12 +314,6 @@ begin
   init0: entity work.pcie_init
     port map(
-      cfg_fc_cpld              => cfg_fc_cpld,
-      cfg_fc_cplh              => cfg_fc_cplh,
-      cfg_fc_npd               => cfg_fc_npd,
-      cfg_fc_nph               => cfg_fc_nph,
-      cfg_fc_pd                => cfg_fc_pd,
-      cfg_fc_ph                => cfg_fc_ph,
       cfg_fc_sel               => cfg_fc_sel,
       cfg_mgmt_addr            => cfg_mgmt_addr,
       cfg_mgmt_byte_enable     => cfg_mgmt_byte_enable,
@@ -355,7 +343,6 @@ begin
       port map(
-         fromHostFifoIndex => fromHostFifoIndex,
          fromHostFifo_din => fromHostFifo_din,
          fromHostFifo_dout => fromHostFifo_dout,
          fromHostFifo_empty => fromHostFifo_empty,
@@ -393,10 +380,10 @@ begin
          interrupt_call_cr             => interrupt_call,
          register_map_40_control       => register_map_control_sync,
          register_map_control          => register_map_control_appreg_clk_s,
-         register_map_monitor          => register_map_monitor,
 {% for monitorsection in registers if monitorsection is in_group('Monitorsections') %}
          {{monitorsection.record_name}}       => {{monitorsection.record_name}},
 {% endfor %}
+         register_map_monitor          => register_map_monitor,
          rst_hw                        => reset_hw_in,
          rst_soft_40                   => reset_soft,
          rst_soft_appregclk            => reset_soft_appreg_clk_s,
diff --git a/sources/ttc/ttc_busy/ttc_busy_limiter.vhd b/sources/ttc/ttc_busy/ttc_busy_limiter.vhd
index f7439ecb5c5ff71b44b37f93162129801345152c..1dba06a351269d0de98abac5299ce08fd24123cf 100644
--- a/sources/ttc/ttc_busy/ttc_busy_limiter.vhd
+++ b/sources/ttc/ttc_busy/ttc_busy_limiter.vhd
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 library IEEE;
 use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;      -- needed for logical operations
-use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;     -- needed for +/- operations
-use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;     -- @suppress "Deprecated package" -- needed for +/- operations
+use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 -- pragma translate_off
 library UNISIM;
diff --git a/sources/ttc/ttc_busy/ttc_busy_or.vhd b/sources/ttc/ttc_busy/ttc_busy_or.vhd
index 0bb8d638a4f24dd202a893118faeb6657fdf35e4..5d0ecce3e85607ca442aa67fefe77b59f4cf4e05 100644
--- a/sources/ttc/ttc_busy/ttc_busy_or.vhd
+++ b/sources/ttc/ttc_busy/ttc_busy_or.vhd
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
 --  Library Declaration
-library work, ieee, UNISIM;
+library ieee, UNISIM;
 use work.lpgbtfpga_package.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use work.pcie_package.all;
 use work.centralRouter_package.all;
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ end ttc_busy;
 architecture rtl of ttc_busy is
 -- controls for clock prescaling logic
-signal PRESCALE_VALUE : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
+--signal PRESCALE_VALUE : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
 -- controls for limiter logic
 signal TEST_MODEs : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM downto 1);    --if set, can manually drive busy low or high for testing
 signal TEST_VALUEs : std_logic_vector(GBT_NUM downto 1);    --the value BUSY should have in test mode
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ signal BUSY_LIMIT_TIME : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);        --sets time that
 signal ANY_BUSY_WIDTH_REG : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);    --how wide to make the final output pulse (minimum)
-signal PRESCALED_CLOCK_ENABLE : std_logic;		--connects output of limit timer to all limiter machines
+--signal PRESCALED_CLOCK_ENABLE : std_logic;		--connects output of limit timer to all limiter machines
 signal ACCEPTED_BUSY_OUTs : busyOut_array_type (0 to (GBT_NUM-1));	--BUSYs from each limited if passed by limit logic
 --signal LIMITER_STATE_MON_ARR : busyOut_SM_array_type (0 to (GBT_NUM-1));
 signal ANY_BUSY_COUNT : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);      -- counter for ANY BUSY output
-signal ANY_BUSY_REQUEST : std_logic;
+--signal ANY_BUSY_REQUEST : std_logic;
 signal GBT_Busy : std_logic_vector((GBT_NUM-1) downto 0);	--first rank OR, per GBT
 signal ANY_GBT_BUSY : std_logic;
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ end generate;
 dma_busy_enable <= to_sl(register_map_control.DMA_BUSY_STATUS.ENABLE);
 -- controls for clock prescaling logic
-PRESCALE_VALUE <= register_map_control.TTC_BUSY_TIMING_CTRL.PRESCALE; --controls for limiter logic
+--PRESCALE_VALUE <= register_map_control.TTC_BUSY_TIMING_CTRL.PRESCALE; --controls for limiter logic
 TEST_MODEs <= (others => '0');    --if set, can manually drive busy low or high for testing
 TEST_VALUEs <= (others => '0');  --the value BUSY should have in test mode
@@ -272,12 +272,12 @@ FILTER_OUTER_LOOP : for GBTnum in 0 to (GBT_NUM-1) generate
 		if (mclk'event AND (mclk = '1')) then
 		    if (mrst = '1') then --synchronous reset
-                GBT_BUSY(GBTnum) <= '0';
+                GBT_Busy(GBTnum) <= '0';
-                GBT_BUSY(GBTnum) <= '0';
+                GBT_Busy(GBTnum) <= '0';
                 for i in 0 to 56 loop
                     if ACCEPTED_BUSY_OUTs(GBTnum)(i) = '1' and  elink_busy_enable(GBTnum)(i) = '1' then
-                        GBT_BUSY(GBTnum) <= '1';
+                        GBT_Busy(GBTnum) <= '1';
                     end if;
                 end loop;			
 			end if;
@@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ end generate FILTER_OUTER_LOOP;	--closes outer loop
 TTC_BUSY_mon_array <= internal_BUSY_mon_array;
-SECOND_RANK_OR: process(mrst, mclk)
+SECOND_RANK_OR: process(mclk)
 		if (mclk'event AND (mclk = '1')) then
-            if (GBT_BUSY /= VAR_SIZE_ZERO or ((ACCEPTED_BUSY_OUTs_DMA = '1' and dma_busy_enable = '1') or ACCEPTED_BUSY_OUTs_FIFO = '1')) then
+            if (GBT_Busy /= VAR_SIZE_ZERO or ((ACCEPTED_BUSY_OUTs_DMA = '1' and dma_busy_enable = '1') or ACCEPTED_BUSY_OUTs_FIFO = '1')) then
 				ANY_GBT_BUSY <= '1';
 				ANY_GBT_BUSY <= '0';
diff --git a/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/TTC_hamming_decoder_alme.vhd b/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/TTC_hamming_decoder_alme.vhd
index 6f449c3fe0dd5dc47c255ac2ac31c2299e40579c..a964746994ca3e58283560b03eefabfbb0e0b639 100644
--- a/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/TTC_hamming_decoder_alme.vhd
+++ b/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/TTC_hamming_decoder_alme.vhd
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL;
+USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 entity serialb_com is
   generic (
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ begin
 			single_bit_error_i	<= single_bit_error_i;
 			double_bit_error_i	<= double_bit_error_i;
 	        next_state          <= s_idle;
-	      when others =>
+	      when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
 	    	communication_error <= '0';
 	    	single_bit_error_i    <= '0';
 	    	double_bit_error_i    <= '0';
@@ -466,13 +466,13 @@ end generate hamming;
 Nothamming : if include_hamming = false generate
   signal d_adr                : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  
-  signal d_br                 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);   
+  --signal d_br                 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);   
   signal next_state           : state;
-d_br <=  received_word(12 downto 5) when testmode <= '0' else (others => '0');
+--d_br <=  received_word(12 downto 5) when testmode <= '0' else (others => '0');
 d_adr <= received_word(38 downto 7) when testmode <= '0' else "00000000000000" & "11" & "0001" & "000" & '1' & "1010" & '1' & '0' & "11";
 -- purpose: receiving serial B messages by shifting them into a shift register.    
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ begin
     	  when s_error =>
     	    communication_error <= '1';
     	    next_state          <= s_idle;
-    	  when others =>
+    	  when others => -- @suppress "Case statement contains all choices explicitly. You can safely remove the redundant 'others'"
     		communication_error <= '0';
     		single_bit_error    <= '0';
     		double_bit_error    <= '0';
@@ -598,4 +598,4 @@ end generate Nothamming;
 -- NOT include hamming
-end arc;
\ No newline at end of file
+end arc;
diff --git a/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/cdr2a_b_clk.vhd b/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/cdr2a_b_clk.vhd
index dfa882dd345ac325eb257ce13bbf8496b0d61004..92970787ad40124c1f3ade261a73fe5f3c781018 100644
--- a/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/cdr2a_b_clk.vhd
+++ b/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/cdr2a_b_clk.vhd
@@ -49,28 +49,23 @@
 -- IEEE VHDL standard library:
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+--use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;
 -- Xilinx devices library:
 library unisim;
 use unisim.vcomponents.all;
--- Custom libraries and packages:
-use work.all;
 --======================================= Module Body =============================================-- 
 entity cdr2a_b_clk is
-generic (pll_locked_delay: integer:= 100000);
-    RESET_N                         : in  std_logic;
+    --RESET_N                         : in  std_logic;
     -- adn2814 cdr interface --
@@ -104,7 +99,7 @@ architecture behavioral of cdr2a_b_clk is
    -- Comment: The "keep" constant is used to avoid that ISE changes the name of 
    --          the signals to be analysed with Chipscope.
-   attribute keep                         : string;   
+   --attribute keep                         : string;   
@@ -128,51 +123,34 @@ architecture behavioral of cdr2a_b_clk is
 	signal strng_length : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others =>'0');
 	signal div_rst_cnt : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := (others =>'0');
 	signal ttc_str, ttcclk : std_logic := '0';
-	signal sr : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-	signal rec_cntr : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-	signal rec_frame : std_logic := '0';
-	signal fmt : std_logic := '0';
+	--signal sr : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+	--signal rec_cntr : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+	--signal rec_frame : std_logic := '0';
+	--signal fmt : std_logic := '0';
 	--MMCM signals
-    signal locked, psen, psdone: std_logic;
+    --signal locked, psen, psdone: std_logic;
     --MMCM generated clock, phase locked to 40MHz logic generated clock
-    signal ttcclk_mmcm: std_logic;
+    --signal ttcclk_mmcm: std_logic;
 	--Timeout counter, starts counting if phases don't match, only change phase when counter times out.
-    signal cnt: integer range 0 to 1023;
+    --signal cnt: integer range 0 to 1023;
 	--If PLL runs at 1000MHz, we need 350 steps to change 90 degrees phase shift @40MHz
-    signal phaseinc: integer range 0 to 511;
+    --signal phaseinc: integer range 0 to 511;
 	--Helper signal, tells process to wait for the psdone to come up.
-    signal waitforpsdone: std_logic;
+    --signal waitforpsdone: std_logic;
 	--Shift register signals to sample both logic generated ttcclk and mmcm generated ttcclk_mmcm
 	--at 160 MHz, this way a 90 degree phase shift can be detected and adjusted. 
 	--The MMCM always starts at 0 degree with respect to input clock
-    signal ttcclk_sample: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    signal mmcmclk_sample: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    component ttc_phase_clock_wizard
-    port
-     (-- Clock in ports
-      clk_in1           : in     std_logic;
-      -- Clock out ports
-      clk_out1          : out    std_logic;
-      -- Dynamic phase shift ports
-      psclk             : in     std_logic;
-      psen              : in     std_logic;
-      psincdec          : in     std_logic;
-      psdone            : out    std_logic;
-      -- Status and control signals
-      reset             : in     std_logic;
-      locked            : out    std_logic
-     );
-    end component;
+    --signal ttcclk_sample: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+    --signal mmcmclk_sample: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    signal reset: std_logic;
+    --signal reset: std_logic;
-    reset <= not RESET_N;
+    --reset <= not RESET_N;
     Achannel <= l1a;
@@ -205,7 +183,7 @@ begin
 --end process;
-  cdrlock_out <= cdr_lock and locked;
+  cdrlock_out <= cdr_lock;
   cdr_lock <= cdrlock_in;
@@ -335,10 +313,10 @@ end process;
 	ttc_strobe <=ttc_str;
 --	ttc_clock <= ttcclk_mmcm;
-clock_iter : bufg
+clock_iter : BUFG
 		port map(
-		I => ttcclk ,
-		O => ttc_clock);
+		O => ttc_clock,
+		I => ttcclk);
 --	ttc_clock <= ttcclk;
diff --git a/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/ttc_decoder_core.vhd b/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/ttc_decoder_core.vhd
index e94096f3a31fadb5c794629af32f5d14e4da5b03..53d7855e4fb3e4ff979c07e8487994faa3d93cc5 100644
--- a/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/ttc_decoder_core.vhd
+++ b/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/ttc_decoder_core.vhd
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
-use work.all;
+--use work.all;
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ use work.all;
 entity ttc_decoder_core is
-    RESET_N                             : in std_logic;
+    --RESET_N                             : in std_logic;
 	--== cdr interface ==--
 	cdrclk_in_locked					: in std_logic; --160 MHz clock				
 	cdrclk_in							: in std_logic;				
@@ -162,17 +162,17 @@ begin   --================== Architecture Body ==================--
 from_cdr_to_AandB: entity work.cdr2a_b_clk
-generic map (pll_locked_delay => 100000)
+--generic map (pll_locked_delay => 100000)
 port map
-    RESET_N                 => RESET_N,
+    --RESET_N                 => RESET_N,
    --== cdr interface ==--
 	cdrclk_in				=> cdrclk_in,				   
 	cdrdata_in 				=> cdrdata_in,				
 	cdrlock_in				=> cdrclk_in_locked,					
     cdrlock_out				=> ready,		
-    div_nrst                 => div_nrst,			
+    div_nrst                => div_nrst,			
     --== A/B channel decoding ==--
 	ttc_clock              => ttc_clk_gated,		
 	Achannel               => l1a_i,			
diff --git a/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/ttc_fmc_wrapper_xilinx.vhd b/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/ttc_fmc_wrapper_xilinx.vhd
index b6488df9100d1c724e7b9cc5cb797f283c731067..380719f6b2d225c7797d488750bb43f510f7ca87 100644
--- a/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/ttc_fmc_wrapper_xilinx.vhd
+++ b/sources/ttc/ttc_decoder/ttc_fmc_wrapper_xilinx.vhd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 library ieee;
 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
-use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;-- @suppress "Deprecated package"
 library UNISIM;
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ port (
     DATA_TTC_N                  : in   std_logic;           -- ADN2812 CDR Serial Data output
     LOL_ADN                     : in   std_logic;           -- ADN2812 CDR Loss of Lock output
     LOS_ADN                     : in   std_logic;           -- ADN2812 CDR Loss of Signal output
-    RESET_N                     : in   std_logic;           -- if low, stop PLL inside wrapper
+    --RESET_N                     : in   std_logic;           -- if low, stop PLL inside wrapper
     register_map_control        : in   register_map_control_type;
     register_map_ttc_monitor    : out  register_map_ttc_monitor_type; 	
     --== to Central Router ==---
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ signal TTCEmu_TTCout          : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
 -- ttc wrapper control 
-signal RESET_N_s                    : std_logic;
+--signal RESET_N_s                    : std_logic;
 signal rst_TTCtoHost                : std_logic;
 signal rst_TTCtoHost_40             : std_logic; -- in the TTC clock domain (40 MHz)
-signal MMCM_MAIN_LCLK_SEL           : std_logic;
+--signal MMCM_MAIN_LCLK_SEL           : std_logic;
 --signal master_BUSY                  : std_logic; -- to throtlle the L1A
 --signal L1A_throttle                 : std_logic;
 signal TTC_BIT_ERR_REG              : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
@@ -218,19 +218,19 @@ signal  BCR_MISMATCH_cntr_reset_0, BCR_MISMATCH_cntr_reset_1 : std_logic;
 signal BCR_period                         : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0):= x"000"; 
 --FIFO for Trigger type synchronization
-component TTCtoHostData_fwft is
-  PORT (
-    clk : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    srst : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    din : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(144 DOWNTO 0);
-    wr_en : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    rd_en : IN STD_LOGIC;
-    dout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(144 DOWNTO 0);
-    full : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-    empty : OUT STD_LOGIC;
-    data_count : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 DOWNTO 0)
-  );
-END component;
+component TTCtoHostData_fwft
+     port(
+         clk         : in  STD_LOGIC;
+         srst        : in  STD_LOGIC;
+         din         : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(144 downto 0);
+         wr_en       : in  STD_LOGIC;
+         rd_en       : in  STD_LOGIC;
+         dout        : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(144 downto 0);
+         full        : out STD_LOGIC;
+         empty       : out STD_LOGIC;
+         data_count  : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 downto 0)
+     );
+ end component TTCtoHostData_fwft;
 --fifo for clock domain crossing
 component TTCtoHostData_reclock is
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ begin
-  MMCM_MAIN_LCLK_SEL <= to_sl(register_map_control.MMCM_MAIN.LCLK_SEL);
-  RESET_N_s       <= RESET_N and (not MMCM_MAIN_LCLK_SEL);
+  --MMCM_MAIN_LCLK_SEL <= to_sl(register_map_control.MMCM_MAIN.LCLK_SEL);
+  --RESET_N_s       <= RESET_N and (not MMCM_MAIN_LCLK_SEL);
   rst_TTCtoHost   <= to_sl(register_map_control.TTC_DEC_CTRL.TOHOST_RST) or (not div_nrst);
   BCID_reg        <= register_map_control.TTC_DEC_CTRL.BCID_ONBCR; -- BCID is set to this when reset
@@ -681,14 +681,14 @@ begin
   Fifo_ToHostData: TTCtoHostData_fwft 
     port map (
-     srst       => rst_TTCtoHost_40,
-     clk        => local_ttc_clk, --ttc_clk_gated,
-     din        => ToHostData_in,
-     wr_en      => wr_en_ToHostData,
-     rd_en      => rd_en_ToHostData,
-     dout       => ToHostData_out,
-     full       => ToHostData_full,
-     empty      => ToHostData_empty,
+     clk => local_ttc_clk, --ttc_clk_gated,
+     srst => rst_TTCtoHost_40,
+     din => ToHostData_in,
+     wr_en => wr_en_ToHostData,
+     rd_en => rd_en_ToHostData,
+     dout => ToHostData_out,
+     full => ToHostData_full,
+     empty => ToHostData_empty,
      data_count => ToHostData_count
   --ToHostData_count_o <= ToHostData_count;
@@ -758,18 +758,16 @@ begin
       Fifo_ToHostData_reclock: TTCtoHostData_reclock 
         port map (
-            rst    => rst_TTCtoHost,
-            --
+            rst => rst_TTCtoHost,
             wr_clk => local_ttc_clk, --ttc_clk_gated,
-            din    => ToHostData_tmp(159 downto 0),
-            wr_en  => ToHostData_tmp(160),
-            --
             rd_clk => clk40,
-            rd_en  => '1',
-            dout   => ToHostData_fifo(159 downto 0),
-            valid  => ToHostData_fifo(160),
-            full   => open,
-            empty  => open
+            din => ToHostData_tmp(159 downto 0),
+            wr_en => ToHostData_tmp(160),
+            rd_en => '1',
+            dout => ToHostData_fifo(159 downto 0),
+            full => open,
+            empty => open,
+            valid => ToHostData_fifo(160)
         TTC_ToHost_Data_out.FMT             <= ToHostData_fifo(7 downto 0);
@@ -824,14 +822,21 @@ begin
   ibufgds_block: block
     signal cdrclk_in_temp: std_logic;
-  ibuf_ttc_clk : ibufds 
-    port map (I=> CLK_TTC_P, IB=> CLK_TTC_N, O=> cdrclk_in_temp);
+  ibuf_ttc_clk : ibufds  -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: CAPACITANCE, DIFF_TERM, DQS_BIAS, IBUF_DELAY_VALUE, IBUF_LOW_PWR, IFD_DELAY_VALUE, IOSTANDARD"
+    port map (O => cdrclk_in_temp,
+    I => CLK_TTC_P,
+    IB => CLK_TTC_N);
   bufg_ttc_clk: bufg
-    port map (I=> cdrclk_in_temp, O=> cdrclk_in);
+    port map (
+        O => cdrclk_in,
+        I => cdrclk_in_temp);
   end block;
     -- ttc data
-  ibuf_ttc_data : ibufds 
-    port map (I=> DATA_TTC_P, IB=> DATA_TTC_N, O=> xcdrdata_in);
+  ibuf_ttc_data : ibufds  -- @suppress "Generic map uses default values. Missing optional actuals: CAPACITANCE, DIFF_TERM, DQS_BIAS, IBUF_DELAY_VALUE, IBUF_LOW_PWR, IFD_DELAY_VALUE, IOSTANDARD"
+    port map (
+        O => xcdrdata_in,
+        I => DATA_TTC_P,
+        IB => DATA_TTC_N);
   CDR_IN_LATCH : process (cdrclk_in)
@@ -888,33 +893,33 @@ ttc_dec: entity work.ttc_decoder_core
 port map
-    RESET_N                         => RESET_N_s,
-	--== cdr interface ==--
-	cdrclk_in_locked				=> cdrclk_in_locked,
-	cdrclk_in						=> cdrclk_in,		
-	cdrdata_in 						=> cdrdata_in,	
-	--== ttc decoder output ==--
-	single_bit_error    			=> single_bit_error_ttcdec,
-	double_bit_error    			=> double_bit_error_ttcdec,
-	communication_error 			=> communication_error_ttcdec,
-	l1a								=> l1a_dec_ttcdec,
-	brc_strobe						=> open, --brc_strobe_ttcdec, --not used
-	add_strobe						=> add_strobe_ttcdec, --used for extracting the trigger ID from the long b-channel commands 
-	brc_t2							=> brc_t2_ttcdec,
-	brc_d4							=> brc_d4_ttcdec,
-	brc_e						    => brc_ei_ttcdec, --ECR
-	brc_b							=> brc_bi_ttcdec, --BCR
-	add_a14							=> open, --add_a14_ttcdec, --not used
-	add_e							=> add_e_ttcdec,  --used for extracting the trigger ID from the long b-channel commands 
-	add_s8							=> add_s8_ttcdec, --used for extracting the trigger ID from the long b-channel commands
-	add_d8							=> add_d8_ttcdec, --used for extracting the trigger ID from the long b-channel commands
-	--== ttc decoder aux flags ==--
-	ready							=> ready, -- the ttc_clk_gated is present
-	div_nrst 						=> div_nrst_ttcdec, --1 when the TTC bistream is aligned and recognied. the TTC decoder core outputs garbage before that happens
-	channelB_o                      => channelB_ttcdec,
-	ttc_clk_gated					=> ttc_clk_gated--,
+    --RESET_N                         => RESET_N_s,
+    --== cdr interface ==--
+    cdrclk_in_locked => cdrclk_in_locked,
+    cdrclk_in => cdrclk_in,
+    cdrdata_in => cdrdata_in,
+    --== ttc decoder output ==--
+    single_bit_error => single_bit_error_ttcdec,
+    double_bit_error => double_bit_error_ttcdec,
+    communication_error => communication_error_ttcdec,
+    l1a => l1a_dec_ttcdec,
+    channelB_o => channelB_ttcdec,
+    brc_strobe => open, --brc_strobe_ttcdec, --not used
+    add_strobe => add_strobe_ttcdec, --used for extracting the trigger ID from the long b-channel commands
+    brc_t2 => brc_t2_ttcdec,
+    brc_d4 => brc_d4_ttcdec,
+    brc_e => brc_ei_ttcdec, --ECR
+    brc_b => brc_bi_ttcdec, --BCR
+    add_a14 => open, --add_a14_ttcdec, --not used
+    add_e => add_e_ttcdec, --used for extracting the trigger ID from the long b-channel commands
+    add_s8 => add_s8_ttcdec, --used for extracting the trigger ID from the long b-channel commands
+    add_d8 => add_d8_ttcdec, --used for extracting the trigger ID from the long b-channel commands
+    --== ttc decoder aux flags ==--
+    ready => ready, -- the ttc_clk_gated is present
+    div_nrst => div_nrst_ttcdec, --1 when the TTC bistream is aligned and recognied. the TTC decoder core outputs garbage before that happens
+    ttc_clk_gated => ttc_clk_gated --,
 	--cdrclk_en                       => cdrclk_en