diff --git a/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd b/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd
index 5305ff3711c9e418ed5d2ef2e8d8392fe6db491c..6d903cb8c67455d967a44bc4df723274de650aae 100644
--- a/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of ToHostAxiStreamController is
     signal is_soc : std_logic_vector(STREAMS_TOHOST-1 downto 0); --This is the next valid word after s_axis.tlast.
     signal stream_select_s: integer range 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST;
+    signal stream_select_p1_s: integer range 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST; --pipelined version
     signal stream_select_switched: std_logic;
     signal stream_select_and_value : axis_tready_array_type(0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
     signal SwitchAxiStream : std_logic;
@@ -447,11 +448,13 @@ begin
                 ChunkErrorFlag := '0';
                 BUSYFlag := '0';
                 trunc := '0';
+                stream_select_p1_s <= STREAMS_TOHOST;
                 reset_chunkCounter_chunk <= '0';
                 create_trailer_v := '0';
                 create_trailer <= '0';
+                stream_select_p1_s <= stream_select_s; --1 clock delayed stream_select for is_soc generation.
                 if(s_axis.tvalid = '1' and s_axis_tready_s = '1') then
                     if(s_axis.tuser(0) = '1') then -- Check for CRC error flag in tuser
                         CRCErrorFlag := '1';
@@ -499,9 +502,6 @@ begin
                     create_zero_trailer <= '1';          --will be pipelined, zero trailer comes next clock cycle
                 end if;
                 if(create_trailer_v = '1') then    --add trailer to the datastream,
-                    if trunc = '1' then
-                        is_soc(stream_select_s) <= '1';
-                    end if;
                     trailerType := (((not first_subchunk(stream_select_s)) and (not last_subchunk(stream_select_s))) and (not trunc)) &
                                    (last_subchunk(stream_select_s) or trunc) &
@@ -515,6 +515,9 @@ begin
                 end if;
                 if create_zero_trailer = '1' then
                     create_zero_trailer <= '0';
+                    if chunk_trailer(12) = '1' then --Truncation flag was set
+                        is_soc(stream_select_p1_s) <= '1';
+                    end if;
                 end if;
                 if ( create_timeout_trailer = '1' and create_trailer = '0' and create_zero_trailer = '0') then -- implement timout mechanism. Check reset chunk counter to make sure we don't get 2 timeoout trailers next to each other.
                     is_soc(stream_select_s) <= '1';