From 8ea8457f8db7f7902080f8101e68d0051dd954f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matt Warren <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:25:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Made inclusion of LCB HCC/ABC mask logic and BCID gating
 optional. Defaults to not included

 sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd    | 765 +++++++++++++++-------------
 sources/ItkStrip/strips_package.vhd |  20 +-
 2 files changed, 415 insertions(+), 370 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd b/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd
index 56d8322bb..b3df79ec6 100644
--- a/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd
@@ -16,393 +16,424 @@
 --!   limitations under the License.
 library ieee;
-    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-    use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-    use work.strips_package.all;
-    use work.pcie_package.all;
-    use work.lcb_regmap_package.all;
-    use work.pcie_package.bitfield_global_strips_config_w_type;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+use work.strips_package.all;
+use work.pcie_package.all;
+use work.lcb_regmap_package.all;
+use work.pcie_package.bitfield_global_strips_config_w_type;
 entity lcb_wrapper is
-    generic(
-        USE_ULTRARAM             : boolean
+  generic(
+    USE_ULTRARAM : boolean
-    port(
-        clk                      : in  std_logic;
-        rst                      : in  std_logic;
-        -- TTC signals
-        bcr_i                    : in  std_logic; -- BCR signal --AP: This signal needs to be derived from LTI Turn singal, not BCID.
-        l0a_i                    : in  std_logic; -- L0A signal
-        l0a_trig_i               : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-        l0id_i                   : in  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- L0tag
-        sync_i                   : in  std_logic; --AP: ITk sync pulse from the trigger tage generator
-        -- link configuration data source
-        config_data_i             : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- elink data
-        config_valid_i            : in  std_logic; -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
-        config_ready_o            : out std_logic; -- this module is ready for the next elink data
-        -- trickle configuration data source
-        trickle_data_i             : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- elink data
-        trickle_valid_i            : in  std_logic; -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
-        trickle_ready_o            : out std_logic; -- this module is ready for the next elink data
-        -- elink command data source
-        command_data_i             : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- elink data
-        command_valid_i            : in  std_logic; -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
-        command_ready_o            : out std_logic; -- this module is ready for the next elink data
-        -- configuration from global register map
-        config                   : in  t_strips_config; -- @suppress "Port name 'config' is a keyword in Verilog and may cause problems in mixed language projects"
-        -- debug / auxiliary signals
-        decoder_idle_o           : out std_logic; -- command decoder is idle
-        error_count_o            : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- number of errors encountered by the command decoder since last rst
-        frame_start_pulse_o      : out std_logic; -- marks beginning of the LCB frame (new frame will be loaded next CLK cycle)
-        ttc_l0a_frame_o          : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- pre-encoded version of L0A frame originated from TTC
-        ttc_l0a_frame_valid_o    : out std_logic; -- is TTC l0a frame valid this clk cycle
-        trickle_trigger_gating_o : out std_logic; -- trigger BC gating signal
-        trickle_trigger_o     : out std_logic; -- combined trickle trigger signal
-        register_guard_o     : out std_logic; -- trickle register gating signal
-        regmap_o             : out t_register_map;  --output for simulation
-        -- data output for the device
-        encoded_frame_o          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-        edata_o                  : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
+  port(
+    clk        : in std_logic;
+    rst        : in std_logic;
+    -- TTC signals
+    bcr_i      : in std_logic;  -- BCR signal --AP: This signal needs to be derived from LTI Turn singal, not BCID.
+    l0a_i      : in std_logic;                     -- L0A signal
+    l0a_trig_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+    l0id_i     : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);  -- L0tag
+    sync_i     : in std_logic;                     --AP: ITk sync pulse from the trigger tage generator
+    -- link configuration data source
+    config_data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- elink data
+    config_valid_i : in  std_logic;                     -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
+    config_ready_o : out std_logic;                     -- this module is ready for the next elink data
+    -- trickle configuration data source
+    trickle_data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- elink data
+    trickle_valid_i : in  std_logic;                     -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
+    trickle_ready_o : out std_logic;                     -- this module is ready for the next elink data
+    -- elink command data source
+    command_data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- elink data
+    command_valid_i : in  std_logic;                     -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
+    command_ready_o : out std_logic;                     -- this module is ready for the next elink data
+    -- configuration from global register map
+    config : in t_strips_config;        -- @suppress "Port name 'config' is a keyword in Verilog and may cause problems in mixed language projects"
+    -- debug / auxiliary signals
+    decoder_idle_o           : out std_logic;                      -- command decoder is idle
+    error_count_o            : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);  -- number of errors encountered by the command decoder since last rst
+    frame_start_pulse_o      : out std_logic;                      -- marks beginning of the LCB frame (new frame will be loaded next CLK cycle)
+    ttc_l0a_frame_o          : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);  -- pre-encoded version of L0A frame originated from TTC
+    ttc_l0a_frame_valid_o    : out std_logic;                      -- is TTC l0a frame valid this clk cycle
+    trickle_trigger_gating_o : out std_logic;                      -- trigger BC gating signal
+    trickle_trigger_o        : out std_logic;                      -- combined trickle trigger signal
+    register_guard_o         : out std_logic;                      -- trickle register gating signal
+    regmap_o                 : out t_register_map;                 --output for simulation
+    -- data output for the device
+    encoded_frame_o          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+    edata_o                  : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
 end entity lcb_wrapper;
 architecture RTL of lcb_wrapper is
-    -- LCB frame generator signals
-    signal lcb_gen_cmd                : t_lcb_command; -- which command to execute
-    signal lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse    : std_logic; -- pulse for 1 clk cycle to start command
-    signal lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data      : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- bc & cmd
-    signal lcb_gen_l0a_data           : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- bcr & L0A mask & L0 tag
-    signal lcb_gen_abc_id             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- ABC* address (0xF = broadcast)
-    signal lcb_gen_hcc_id             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- HCC* address (0xF = broadcast)
-    signal lcb_gen_reg_addr           : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- register address for reg. read/write
-    signal lcb_gen_reg_data           : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- register data for reg. write
-    signal lcb_gen_ready              : std_logic; -- indicates it's ready for a new command
-    signal lcb_frame                  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(12 downto 0); -- FIFO data out
-    signal lcb_frame_rd_en            : std_logic; -- FIFO rd_en signal
-    signal lcb_frame_empty            : std_logic; -- FIFO empty signal
-    signal lcb_frame_almost_empty     : std_logic; -- FIFO contains one word
-    signal lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full : std_logic; -- FIFO is almost full
-    signal abc_module_mask            : t_abc_mask;
-    signal edata_s            : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    signal ttc_generate_gating_enable : std_logic;
-    signal regmap        : t_register_map;
-    signal regmap_wr_en    : std_logic;
-    signal regmap_data     : std_logic_vector(t_register_data'range);
-    signal regmap_addr     : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    signal bypass_frame       : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
-    signal bypass_frame_ready : std_logic;
-    signal bypass_frame_valid : std_logic;
-    signal trickle_data_o           : std_logic_vector(playback_controller_data'range);
-    signal trickle_valid_o          : std_logic;
-    signal trickle_ready_i          : std_logic;
-    signal trickle_trigger_start  : std_logic;
-    signal trickle_allow_register_cmd : std_logic;
-    signal trickle_trigger_gating : std_logic;
-    -- L0A generator signals
-    signal ttc_l0a_frame     : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-    signal frame_start_pulse : std_logic;
-    -- serializer registers
-    signal serializer_reg    : std_logic_vector(encoded_frame_o'range) := (others => '0');
-    signal encoded_frame_reg : std_logic_vector(encoded_frame_o'range);
-    -- bypass command and firmware encoded command lines
-    signal encoding      : std_logic;
-    signal encoded_cmd       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    signal encoded_cmd_valid : std_logic;
-    signal encoded_cmd_ready : std_logic;
-    signal bypass_cmd       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-    signal bypass_cmd_valid : std_logic;
-    signal bypass_cmd_ready : std_logic;
-    -- edata_o fine delay types and registers
-    signal edata_delay     : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-    type t_edata_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    signal edata_delay_reg : t_edata_array(1 to 3) := (others => (others => '0'));
-    signal invert_output : boolean := False;
+  -- LCB frame generator signals
+  signal lcb_gen_cmd                : t_lcb_command;                  -- which command to execute
+  signal lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse    : std_logic;                      -- pulse for 1 clk cycle to start command
+  signal lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data      : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);   -- bc & cmd
+  signal lcb_gen_l0a_data           : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);  -- bcr & L0A mask & L0 tag
+  signal lcb_gen_abc_id             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);   -- ABC* address (0xF = broadcast)
+  signal lcb_gen_hcc_id             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);   -- HCC* address (0xF = broadcast)
+  signal lcb_gen_reg_addr           : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);   -- register address for reg. read/write
+  signal lcb_gen_reg_data           : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  -- register data for reg. write
+  signal lcb_gen_ready              : std_logic;                      -- indicates it's ready for a new command
+  signal lcb_frame                  : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);  -- FIFO data out
+  signal lcb_frame_rd_en            : std_logic;                      -- FIFO rd_en signal
+  signal lcb_frame_empty            : std_logic;                      -- FIFO empty signal
+  signal lcb_frame_almost_empty     : std_logic;                      -- FIFO contains one word
+  signal lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full : std_logic;                      -- FIFO is almost full
+  signal abc_mask                   : t_abc_mask;
+  signal edata_s                    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+  signal ttc_generate_gating_enable : std_logic;
+  signal regmap       : t_register_map;
+  signal regmap_wr_en : std_logic;
+  signal regmap_data  : std_logic_vector(t_register_data'range);
+  signal regmap_addr  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+  signal bypass_frame       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+  signal bypass_frame_ready : std_logic;
+  signal bypass_frame_valid : std_logic;
+  signal trickle_data_o             : std_logic_vector(playback_controller_data'range);
+  signal trickle_valid_o            : std_logic;
+  signal trickle_ready_i            : std_logic;
+  signal trickle_trigger_start      : std_logic;
+  signal trickle_allow_register_cmd : std_logic;
+  signal trickle_trigger_gating     : std_logic;
+  -- L0A generator signals
+  signal ttc_l0a_frame     : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+  signal frame_start_pulse : std_logic;
+  -- serializer registers
+  signal serializer_reg    : std_logic_vector(encoded_frame_o'range) := (others => '0');
+  signal encoded_frame_reg : std_logic_vector(encoded_frame_o'range);
+  -- bypass command and firmware encoded command lines
+  signal encoding          : std_logic;
+  signal encoded_cmd       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+  signal encoded_cmd_valid : std_logic;
+  signal encoded_cmd_ready : std_logic;
+  signal bypass_cmd       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+  signal bypass_cmd_valid : std_logic;
+  signal bypass_cmd_ready : std_logic;
+  -- edata_o fine delay types and registers
+  signal edata_delay     : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  type t_edata_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+  signal edata_delay_reg : t_edata_array(1 to 3) := (others => (others => '0'));
+  signal invert_output : boolean := false;
 --constant zero_byte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-    encoded_frame_o       <= encoded_frame_reg;
-    trickle_trigger_o     <= trickle_trigger_start;
-    register_guard_o     <= trickle_allow_register_cmd;
-    trickle_trigger_start <= regmap(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_PULSE)(0)
-                             or config.GLOBAL_TRICKLE_TRIGGER(config.GLOBAL_TRICKLE_TRIGGER'low)
-                             or regmap(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN)(0);
-    edata_delay           <= regmap(L0A_FRAME_DELAY)(edata_delay'range);
-    frame_start_pulse_o      <= frame_start_pulse;
-    ttc_l0a_frame_o          <= ttc_l0a_frame;
-    ttc_l0a_frame_valid_o    <= ttc_l0a_frame(11) or ttc_l0a_frame(10) or ttc_l0a_frame(9) or ttc_l0a_frame(8) or ttc_l0a_frame(7);
-    trickle_trigger_gating_o <= trickle_trigger_gating;
-    ttc_generate_gating_enable <= (regmap(GATING_TTC_ENABLE)(0)
-                                  and not config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.TTC_GATING_OVERRIDE(config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.TTC_GATING_OVERRIDE'low);
-    invert_output <= config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.INVERT_LCB_OUT(
-                                                                config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.INVERT_LCB_OUT'low) = '1';
-    ttc_l0a_generator : entity work.l0a_frame_generator
-        port map(
-            clk                 => clk,
-            rst                 => rst,
-            bcr_i               => bcr_i,
-            l0a_i               => l0a_i,
-            l0a_trig_i          => l0a_trig_i,
-            bcr_delay_i         => unsigned(regmap(TTC_BCR_DELAY)(t_bcid'range)), --AP: THis needs to be a global FELIX tegister
-            frame_phase_i       => unsigned(regmap(L0A_FRAME_PHASE)(1 downto 0)), --AP: This needs to be done somewhere else
-            l0id_i              => l0id_i,
-            frame_start_pulse_o => frame_start_pulse,
-            ITk_sync_i          => sync_i,
-            l0a_frame_o         => ttc_l0a_frame
-        );
-    encoding <= regmap(ENCODING_ENABLE)(0);
-    cmd_destination_selector_mux :
-    process(encoding, command_data_i, command_valid_i, bypass_cmd_ready, encoded_cmd_ready) is
-    begin
-        if encoding = '0' then
-            encoded_cmd      <= (others => '0');
-            encoded_cmd_valid   <= '0';
-            bypass_cmd         <= command_data_i;
-            bypass_cmd_valid   <= command_valid_i;
-            command_ready_o   <= bypass_cmd_ready;
-        else
-            encoded_cmd      <= command_data_i;
-            encoded_cmd_valid   <= command_valid_i;
-            bypass_cmd         <= (others => '0');
-            bypass_cmd_valid   <= '0';
-            command_ready_o   <= encoded_cmd_ready;
-        end if;
-    end process;
-    bypass_frame_generator : entity work.strips_bypass_frame_aggregator
-        generic map(
-            TIMEOUT => 4000
-        )
-        port map(
-            clk           => clk,
-            rst           => rst,
-            byte_i        => bypass_cmd,
-            byte_valid_i  => bypass_cmd_valid,
-            byte_ready_o  => bypass_cmd_ready,
-            frame_o       => bypass_frame,
-            frame_valid_o => bypass_frame_valid,
-            frame_ready_i => bypass_frame_ready
-        );
-    configuration_decoder : entity work.strips_configuration_decoder
-        generic map(
-            TIMEOUT => 4000
-        )
-        port map(
-            clk                          => clk,
-            rst                          => rst,
-            config_data_i                => config_data_i,
-            config_valid_i               => config_valid_i,
-            config_ready_o               => config_ready_o,
-            regmap_wr_en_o               => regmap_wr_en,
-            regmap_data_o                => regmap_data,
-            regmap_addr_o                => regmap_addr
-        );
-    command_decoder : entity work.lcb_command_decoder
-        generic map(
-            TIMEOUT => 4000
-        )
-        port map(
-            clk                          => clk,
-            rst                          => rst,
-            elink_data_i                 => encoded_cmd,
-            elink_valid_i                => encoded_cmd_valid,
-            elink_ready_o                => encoded_cmd_ready,
-            trickle_data_i               => trickle_data_o,
-            trickle_valid_i              => trickle_valid_o,
-            trickle_ready_o              => trickle_ready_i,
-            lcb_cmd_o                    => lcb_gen_cmd,
-            lcb_cmd_start_pulse_o        => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
-            lcb_fast_cmd_data_o          => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
-            lcb_l0a_data_o               => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
-            lcb_abc_id_o                 => lcb_gen_abc_id,
-            lcb_hcc_id_o                 => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
-            lcb_reg_addr_o               => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
-            lcb_reg_data_o               => lcb_gen_reg_data,
-            lcb_ready_i                  => lcb_gen_ready,
-            lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_i => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full,
-            decoder_idle_o               => decoder_idle_o,
-            error_count_o                => error_count_o
-        );
-    register_map : entity work.lcb_regmap
-        port map (
-            clk => clk,
-            rst => rst,
-            wr_en => regmap_wr_en,
-            data_i => regmap_data,
-            addr_i => regmap_addr,
-            regmap_o => regmap
-        );
-    regmap_o <= regmap;
-    playback_controller : entity work.playback_controller
-        generic map(
-            USE_ULTRARAM           => USE_ULTRARAM
-        )
-        port map(
-            clk                    => clk,
-            rst                    => rst,
-            start_pulse_i          => trickle_trigger_start,
-            readout_active_o       => open,
-            playback_loops_i       => regmap(PLAYBACK_LOOPS),
-            data_i                 => trickle_data_i,
-            valid_i                => trickle_valid_i,
-            ready_o                => trickle_ready_o,
-            set_write_addr_pulse_i => regmap(TRICKLE_SET_WRITE_ADDR_PULSE)(0),
-            write_addr_start_i     => regmap(TRICKLE_WRITE_ADDR)(playback_controller_address'range),
-            read_addr_start_i      => regmap(TRICKLE_DATA_START)(playback_controller_address'range),
-            read_addr_stop_i       => regmap(TRICKLE_DATA_END)(playback_controller_address'range),
-            data_o                 => trickle_data_o,
-            valid_o                => trickle_valid_o,
-            ready_i                => trickle_ready_i
+  encoded_frame_o       <= encoded_frame_reg;
+  trickle_trigger_o     <= trickle_trigger_start;
+  register_guard_o      <= trickle_allow_register_cmd;
+  trickle_trigger_start <= regmap(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_PULSE)(0)
+                           or config.GLOBAL_TRICKLE_TRIGGER(config.GLOBAL_TRICKLE_TRIGGER'low)
+                           or regmap(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN)(0);
+  edata_delay <= regmap(L0A_FRAME_DELAY)(edata_delay'range);
+  frame_start_pulse_o      <= frame_start_pulse;
+  ttc_l0a_frame_o          <= ttc_l0a_frame;
+  ttc_l0a_frame_valid_o    <= ttc_l0a_frame(11) or ttc_l0a_frame(10) or ttc_l0a_frame(9) or ttc_l0a_frame(8) or ttc_l0a_frame(7);
+  trickle_trigger_gating_o <= trickle_trigger_gating;
+  invert_output <= config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.INVERT_LCB_OUT(
+  ttc_l0a_generator : entity work.l0a_frame_generator
+    port map(
+      clk                 => clk,
+      rst                 => rst,
+      bcr_i               => bcr_i,
+      l0a_i               => l0a_i,
+      l0a_trig_i          => l0a_trig_i,
+      bcr_delay_i         => unsigned(regmap(TTC_BCR_DELAY)(t_bcid'range)),  --AP: THis needs to be a global FELIX tegister
+      frame_phase_i       => unsigned(regmap(L0A_FRAME_PHASE)(1 downto 0)),  --AP: This needs to be done somewhere else
+      l0id_i              => l0id_i,
+      frame_start_pulse_o => frame_start_pulse,
+      ITk_sync_i          => sync_i,
+      l0a_frame_o         => ttc_l0a_frame
+      );
+  encoding <= regmap(ENCODING_ENABLE)(0);
+  cmd_destination_selector_mux :
+  process(encoding, command_data_i, command_valid_i, bypass_cmd_ready, encoded_cmd_ready) is
+  begin
+    if encoding = '0' then
+      encoded_cmd       <= (others => '0');
+      encoded_cmd_valid <= '0';
+      bypass_cmd        <= command_data_i;
+      bypass_cmd_valid  <= command_valid_i;
+      command_ready_o   <= bypass_cmd_ready;
+    else
+      encoded_cmd       <= command_data_i;
+      encoded_cmd_valid <= command_valid_i;
+      bypass_cmd        <= (others => '0');
+      bypass_cmd_valid  <= '0';
+      command_ready_o   <= encoded_cmd_ready;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  bypass_frame_generator : entity work.strips_bypass_frame_aggregator
+    generic map(
+      TIMEOUT => 4000
+      )
+    port map(
+      clk           => clk,
+      rst           => rst,
+      byte_i        => bypass_cmd,
+      byte_valid_i  => bypass_cmd_valid,
+      byte_ready_o  => bypass_cmd_ready,
+      frame_o       => bypass_frame,
+      frame_valid_o => bypass_frame_valid,
+      frame_ready_i => bypass_frame_ready
+      );
+  configuration_decoder : entity work.strips_configuration_decoder
+    generic map(
+      TIMEOUT => 4000
+      )
+    port map(
+      clk            => clk,
+      rst            => rst,
+      config_data_i  => config_data_i,
+      config_valid_i => config_valid_i,
+      config_ready_o => config_ready_o,
+      regmap_wr_en_o => regmap_wr_en,
+      regmap_data_o  => regmap_data,
+      regmap_addr_o  => regmap_addr
+      );
+  command_decoder : entity work.lcb_command_decoder
+    generic map(
+      TIMEOUT => 4000
+      )
+    port map(
+      clk                          => clk,
+      rst                          => rst,
+      elink_data_i                 => encoded_cmd,
+      elink_valid_i                => encoded_cmd_valid,
+      elink_ready_o                => encoded_cmd_ready,
+      trickle_data_i               => trickle_data_o,
+      trickle_valid_i              => trickle_valid_o,
+      trickle_ready_o              => trickle_ready_i,
+      lcb_cmd_o                    => lcb_gen_cmd,
+      lcb_cmd_start_pulse_o        => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
+      lcb_fast_cmd_data_o          => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
+      lcb_l0a_data_o               => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
+      lcb_abc_id_o                 => lcb_gen_abc_id,
+      lcb_hcc_id_o                 => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
+      lcb_reg_addr_o               => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
+      lcb_reg_data_o               => lcb_gen_reg_data,
+      lcb_ready_i                  => lcb_gen_ready,
+      lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_i => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full,
+      decoder_idle_o               => decoder_idle_o,
+      error_count_o                => error_count_o
+      );
+  register_map : entity work.lcb_regmap
+    port map (
+      clk      => clk,
+      rst      => rst,
+      wr_en    => regmap_wr_en,
+      data_i   => regmap_data,
+      addr_i   => regmap_addr,
+      regmap_o => regmap
+      );
+  regmap_o <= regmap;
+  playback_controller : entity work.playback_controller
+    generic map(
+      )
+    port map(
+      clk                    => clk,
+      rst                    => rst,
+      start_pulse_i          => trickle_trigger_start,
+      readout_active_o       => open,
+      playback_loops_i       => regmap(PLAYBACK_LOOPS),
+      data_i                 => trickle_data_i,
+      valid_i                => trickle_valid_i,
+      ready_o                => trickle_ready_o,
+      set_write_addr_pulse_i => regmap(TRICKLE_SET_WRITE_ADDR_PULSE)(0),
+      write_addr_start_i     => regmap(TRICKLE_WRITE_ADDR)(playback_controller_address'range),
+      read_addr_start_i      => regmap(TRICKLE_DATA_START)(playback_controller_address'range),
+      read_addr_stop_i       => regmap(TRICKLE_DATA_END)(playback_controller_address'range),
+      data_o                 => trickle_data_o,
+      valid_o                => trickle_valid_o,
+      ready_i                => trickle_ready_i
+      );
+  abc_mask(15) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_F);
+  abc_mask(14) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_E);
+  abc_mask(13) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_D);
+  abc_mask(12) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_C);
+  abc_mask(11) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_B);
+  abc_mask(10) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_A);
+  abc_mask(9)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_9);
+  abc_mask(8)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_8);
+  abc_mask(7)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_7);
+  abc_mask(6)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_6);
+  abc_mask(5)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_5);
+  abc_mask(4)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_4);
+  abc_mask(3)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_3);
+  abc_mask(2)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_2);
+  abc_mask(1)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_1);
+  abc_mask(0)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_0);
+  g_modulemasksen : if (CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS = '1') generate
+    frame_generator : entity work.lcb_frame_generator
+      port map(
+        clk                          => clk,
+        rst                          => rst,
+        cmd_i                        => lcb_gen_cmd,
+        cmd_start_pulse_i            => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
+        fast_cmd_data_i              => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
+        hcc_mask_i                   => regmap(HCC_MASK),
+        abc_mask_i                   => abc_mask,
+        l0a_data_i                   => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
+        abc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_abc_id,
+        hcc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
+        reg_addr_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
+        reg_data_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_data,
+        ready_o                      => lcb_gen_ready,
+        lcb_frame_o                  => lcb_frame,
+        lcb_frame_i_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,
+        lcb_frame_o_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
+        lcb_frame_o_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
+        lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_o => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full
-    abc_module_mask(15) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_F);
-    abc_module_mask(14) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_E);
-    abc_module_mask(13) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_D);
-    abc_module_mask(12) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_C);
-    abc_module_mask(11) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_B);
-    abc_module_mask(10) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_A);
-    abc_module_mask(9)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_9);
-    abc_module_mask(8)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_8);
-    abc_module_mask(7)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_7);
-    abc_module_mask(6)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_6);
-    abc_module_mask(5)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_5);
-    abc_module_mask(4)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_4);
-    abc_module_mask(3)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_3);
-    abc_module_mask(2)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_2);
-    abc_module_mask(1)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_1);
-    abc_module_mask(0)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_0);
+  else generate --CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS = '0'
     frame_generator : entity work.lcb_frame_generator
-        port map(
-            clk                          => clk,
-            rst                          => rst,
-            cmd_i                        => lcb_gen_cmd,
-            cmd_start_pulse_i            => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
-            fast_cmd_data_i              => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
-            hcc_mask_i                   => regmap(HCC_MASK),
-            abc_mask_i                   => abc_module_mask,
-            l0a_data_i                   => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
-            abc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_abc_id,
-            hcc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
-            reg_addr_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
-            reg_data_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_data,
-            ready_o                      => lcb_gen_ready,
-            lcb_frame_o                  => lcb_frame,
-            lcb_frame_i_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,
-            lcb_frame_o_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
-            lcb_frame_o_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
-            lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_o => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full
+      port map(
+        clk                          => clk,
+        rst                          => rst,
+        cmd_i                        => lcb_gen_cmd,
+        cmd_start_pulse_i            => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
+        fast_cmd_data_i              => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
+        hcc_mask_i                   => (others => '0'),
+        abc_mask_i                   => (others => (others => '0')),
+        l0a_data_i                   => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
+        abc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_abc_id,
+        hcc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
+        reg_addr_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
+        reg_data_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_data,
+        ready_o                      => lcb_gen_ready,
+        lcb_frame_o                  => lcb_frame,
+        lcb_frame_i_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,
+        lcb_frame_o_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
+        lcb_frame_o_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
+        lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_o => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full
+  end generate;
+  g_bcidgating_en : if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') generate
+    ttc_generate_gating_enable <= (regmap(GATING_TTC_ENABLE)(0)
+                                  and not config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.TTC_GATING_OVERRIDE(config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.TTC_GATING_OVERRIDE'low);
     trickle_trigger_generator : entity work.lcb_trickle_trigger
-        generic map (guard_window => guard_window_size) -- defined in strips_package.vhd
-        port map(
-            clk               => clk,
-            rst               => rst,
-            en_i              => ttc_generate_gating_enable,
-            bcr_i             => bcr_i,
-            bc_start_i        => regmap(GATING_BC_START)(t_bcid'range),
-            bc_stop_i         => regmap(GATING_BC_STOP)(t_bcid'range),
-            trickle_trigger_o => trickle_trigger_gating,
-            trickle_allow_register_cmd_o => trickle_allow_register_cmd
-        );
-    scheduler : entity work.lcb_scheduler_encoder
-        port map(
-            clk                          => clk,
-            rst                          => rst,
-            l0a_frame_i                  => ttc_l0a_frame,
-            lcb_frame_i                  => lcb_frame,
-            lcb_frame_o_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,
-            lcb_frame_i_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
-            lcb_frame_i_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
-            l0a_frame_delay_i            => regmap(L0A_FRAME_DELAY)(3 downto 2),--AP: I am not sure why this is needed
-            bypass_frame_i               => bypass_frame,
-            bypass_frame_valid_i         => bypass_frame_valid,
-            bypass_frame_ready_o         => bypass_frame_ready,
-            frame_start_pulse_i          => frame_start_pulse,
-            trickle_bc_gating_i          => trickle_trigger_gating,
-            trickle_allow_register_cmd_i => trickle_allow_register_cmd,
-            trickle_bc_gating_en         => ttc_generate_gating_enable,
-            ttc_l0a_en                   => regmap(TTC_L0A_ENABLE)(0), --AP: I am not sure why this is needed
-            encoded_frame_o              => encoded_frame_reg
+      generic map (guard_window => guard_window_size)                           -- defined in strips_package.vhd
+      port map(
+        clk                          => clk,                                    -- in  
+        rst                          => rst,                                    -- in  
+        en_i                         => ttc_generate_gating_enable,             -- in  
+        bcr_i                        => bcr_i,                                  -- in  
+        bc_start_i                   => regmap(GATING_BC_START)(t_bcid'range),  -- in  t_bcid
+        bc_stop_i                    => regmap(GATING_BC_STOP)(t_bcid'range),   -- in  t_bcid
+        trickle_trigger_o            => trickle_trigger_gating,                 -- out  
+        trickle_allow_register_cmd_o => trickle_allow_register_cmd              -- out 
-    -- serializes LCB frame for 4-bit elink
-    serializer : process(clk) is
-    begin
-        if rising_edge(clk) then
-            if rst = '1' then
-                serializer_reg <= (others => '0');
-            else
-                if frame_start_pulse = '1' then
-                    serializer_reg <= encoded_frame_reg;
-                else
-                    serializer_reg(15 downto 4) <= serializer_reg(11 downto 0);
-                end if;
-            end if;
-        end if;
-    end process;
-    -- Saves delayed elink data by up to 3 BC CLK cycles
-    edata_delay_proc : process(clk) is
-    begin
-        if rising_edge(clk) then
-            if rst = '1' then
-                edata_delay_reg <= (others => (others => '0'));
-            else
-                edata_delay_reg(1)                         <= serializer_reg(15 downto 12);
-                edata_delay_reg(2 to edata_delay_reg'high) <= edata_delay_reg(1 to edata_delay_reg'high - 1);
-            end if;
+  else generate -- CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '0'
+    ttc_generate_gating_enable <= '0';
+    trickle_trigger_gating     <= '1';
+    trickle_allow_register_cmd <= '1';
+  end generate;
+  scheduler : entity work.lcb_scheduler_encoder
+    port map(
+      clk                          => clk,
+      rst                          => rst,
+      l0a_frame_i                  => ttc_l0a_frame,
+      lcb_frame_i                  => lcb_frame,
+      lcb_frame_o_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,
+      lcb_frame_i_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
+      lcb_frame_i_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
+      l0a_frame_delay_i            => regmap(L0A_FRAME_DELAY)(3 downto 2),  --AP: I am not sure why this is needed
+      bypass_frame_i               => bypass_frame,
+      bypass_frame_valid_i         => bypass_frame_valid,
+      bypass_frame_ready_o         => bypass_frame_ready,
+      frame_start_pulse_i          => frame_start_pulse,
+      trickle_bc_gating_i          => trickle_trigger_gating,
+      trickle_allow_register_cmd_i => trickle_allow_register_cmd,
+      trickle_bc_gating_en         => ttc_generate_gating_enable,
+      ttc_l0a_en                   => regmap(TTC_L0A_ENABLE)(0),            --AP: I am not sure why this is needed
+      encoded_frame_o              => encoded_frame_reg
+      );
+  -- serializes LCB frame for 4-bit elink
+  serializer : process(clk) is
+  begin
+    if rising_edge(clk) then
+      if rst = '1' then
+        serializer_reg <= (others => '0');
+      else
+        if frame_start_pulse = '1' then
+          serializer_reg <= encoded_frame_reg;
+        else
+          serializer_reg(15 downto 4) <= serializer_reg(11 downto 0);
         end if;
-    end process;
-    -- Outputs elink data with a configurable delay
-    edata_output : process(clk) is
-        variable delay_int : integer range 0 to 3;
-    begin
-        if rising_edge(clk) then
-            if (rst = '1') then
-                edata_s <= (others => '0');
-            else
-                delay_int := to_integer(unsigned(edata_delay));
-                if delay_int = 0 then
-                    edata_s <= serializer_reg(15 downto 12);
-                else
-                    edata_s <= edata_delay_reg(delay_int);
-                end if;
-            end if;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  -- Saves delayed elink data by up to 3 BC CLK cycles
+  edata_delay_proc : process(clk) is
+  begin
+    if rising_edge(clk) then
+      if rst = '1' then
+        edata_delay_reg <= (others => (others => '0'));
+      else
+        edata_delay_reg(1)                         <= serializer_reg(15 downto 12);
+        edata_delay_reg(2 to edata_delay_reg'high) <= edata_delay_reg(1 to edata_delay_reg'high - 1);
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  -- Outputs elink data with a configurable delay
+  edata_output : process(clk) is
+    variable delay_int : integer range 0 to 3;
+  begin
+    if rising_edge(clk) then
+      if (rst = '1') then
+        edata_s <= (others => '0');
+      else
+        delay_int := to_integer(unsigned(edata_delay));
+        if delay_int = 0 then
+          edata_s <= serializer_reg(15 downto 12);
+        else
+          edata_s <= edata_delay_reg(delay_int);
         end if;
-    end process;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
-    edata_o  <= not edata_s when invert_output else edata_s;
+  edata_o <= not edata_s when invert_output else edata_s;
 end architecture RTL;
diff --git a/sources/ItkStrip/strips_package.vhd b/sources/ItkStrip/strips_package.vhd
index 8774e400d..5e6bb3014 100644
--- a/sources/ItkStrip/strips_package.vhd
+++ b/sources/ItkStrip/strips_package.vhd
@@ -43,6 +43,22 @@ library IEEE;
     use work.pcie_package.all;
 package strips_package is
+   -- Build settings for LCB encoders:
+   constant CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING  : std_logic := '0';
+   constant CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS   : std_logic := '0';
+   constant CFG_SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH    : natural := 12; -- 4kB
+                                                --13; -- 8kB
+                                                --14; --16kB
+   constant STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG_MON_REG : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := 
+            x"000000" &
+            std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(CFG_SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH,4)) &
+            "00" &
     subtype t_bcid is std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
     constant full_bcid   : t_bcid := (others => '0');
     constant frame_phase : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)  := (others => '0');
@@ -53,9 +69,7 @@ package strips_package is
     constant L0tag_bits    : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)  := (others => '0');
     -- playback controller address and data width
-    constant playback_controller_address : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --4 kB of trickle memory
-    --constant playback_controller_address : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --8 kB of trickle memory
-    --constant playback_controller_address : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --16 kB of trickle memory
+    constant playback_controller_address : std_logic_vector(CFG_SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --4 kB of trickle memory
     constant playback_controller_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
     -- LCB encoder commands

From c7d7c724821a974268f89df657aa64dc40699d1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matt Warren <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 15:44:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] TB skips BC-gating and ASIC reg RW masking checks when
 not included in the build - note the existing gating-enables regs will still
 assert a gate

 simulation/ItkStrip/tb_lcb_axi_encoder.vhd | 149 +++++++++++++--------
 sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd           |  58 ++++----
 2 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

diff --git a/simulation/ItkStrip/tb_lcb_axi_encoder.vhd b/simulation/ItkStrip/tb_lcb_axi_encoder.vhd
index d07623cdf..32e653fce 100644
--- a/simulation/ItkStrip/tb_lcb_axi_encoder.vhd
+++ b/simulation/ItkStrip/tb_lcb_axi_encoder.vhd
@@ -754,31 +754,48 @@ begin
         procedure verify_bc_gating(
             expected_frame : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
         ) is
-        begin
+        begin            
             log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Issuing BCR to start gating pulse generation");
             wait until rising_edge(bcr);
             send_L0A( "0000", "0000000"); --'1',
             check_value(next_frame.decoded, "100000000000", ERROR, "BCR frame received");
-            wait_for_next_frame(expiration_time => (bc_stop + 100) * C_CLK_PERIOD);
-            log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Received frames, bc_start=" & to_string(bc_start) & ", bc_stop = " & to_string(bc_stop)
-                & ", stopwatch shows " & to_string(stopwatch_p1));
-            check_value(stopwatch_p1 >= bc_start, true, ERROR, "Low-priority frames start around the correct time");
-            check_value(stopwatch_p1 <= bc_start + 20, true, ERROR, "Low-priority frames start around the correct time");
-            reset_stopwatch;
-            for i in 0 to gating_test_frames/2 - 1 loop -- half of the frames was supposed to be scheduled
+            if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then 
+              wait_for_next_frame(expiration_time => (bc_stop + 100) * C_CLK_PERIOD);
+              log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Received frames, bc_start=" & to_string(bc_start) & ", bc_stop = " & to_string(bc_stop)
+                  & ", stopwatch shows " & to_string(stopwatch_p1));
+              check_value(stopwatch_p1 >= bc_start, true, ERROR, "Low-priority frames start around the correct time");
+              check_value(stopwatch_p1 <= bc_start + 20, true, ERROR, "Low-priority frames start around the correct time");
+              reset_stopwatch;
+              for i in 0 to gating_test_frames/2 - 1 loop -- half of the frames was supposed to be scheduled
                 check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying low-priority frame contents");
-            end loop;
-            wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 40);
-            check_value(frame_queue.is_empty(void), true, ERROR, "No frames are scheduled after gating interval is over");
-            log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Disabling BC gating");
-            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
-            for i in 0 to gating_test_frames/2 - 1 loop -- the remaining frames come out because gating is disabled
+              end loop;
+              wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 40);
+              check_value(frame_queue.is_empty(void), true, ERROR, "No frames are scheduled after gating interval is over");
+              log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Disabling BC gating");
+              set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
+              for i in 0 to gating_test_frames/2 - 1 loop -- the remaining frames come out because gating is disabled
                 check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying remaining low-priority frame contents");
-            end loop;
+              end loop;
+            else
+              for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop
+                dequeue_next_frame;
+                check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying low-priority frame contents");
+              end loop;
+              wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 40);
+              log(ID_SEQUENCER, "No gating in build - just checking frames");
+              for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop
+                dequeue_next_frame;
+                check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying low-priority frame contents");
+              end loop;
+            end if;
         --- checks that register frames are always complete when coming from trickle configuration memory
@@ -970,43 +987,47 @@ begin
         -------- verify that register read/write commands can be masked
-        log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that register read/write commands are maskable");
-        log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Verify that HCC* register r/w commands are skipped for "
-            & "masked chips and not skipped for non-masked chips");
-        mask_test_data := elink_parser.parse_file("../samples/hcc_mask_test_inputs.txt",
-                                                  "../samples/hcc_mask_test_outputs.txt");
-        for masked_hcc_id in 0 to 15 loop
-            set_register(t_register_name'pos(HCC_MASK), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2 ** masked_hcc_id, 16)));
-            log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Masking HCC* module " & to_string(masked_hcc_id)
-                & ", sending commands to every HCC* module and its ABC* submodules");
-            for i in 0 to mask_test_data.inputs_count - 1 loop
+        if (CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS = '1') then
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that register read/write commands are maskable");
+            log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Verify that HCC* register r/w commands are skipped for "
+                & "masked chips and not skipped for non-masked chips");
+            mask_test_data := elink_parser.parse_file("../samples/hcc_mask_test_inputs.txt",
+                                                      "../samples/hcc_mask_test_outputs.txt");
+            for masked_hcc_id in 0 to 15 loop
+              set_register(t_register_name'pos(HCC_MASK), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2 ** masked_hcc_id, 16)));
+              log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Masking HCC* module " & to_string(masked_hcc_id)
+                  & ", sending commands to every HCC* module and its ABC* submodules");
+              for i in 0 to mask_test_data.inputs_count - 1 loop
                 hcc_id := i / 4;
                 send_elink_command(mask_test_data.inputs(i).data, mask_test_data.inputs(i).count);
                 if masked_hcc_id = hcc_id then
-                    wait for 1000 ns;
-                    assert_idle_only;
+                  wait for 1000 ns;
+                  assert_idle_only;
-                    verify_elink_command_response(mask_test_data.outputs(i).data, mask_test_data.outputs(i).count);
+                  verify_elink_command_response(mask_test_data.outputs(i).data, mask_test_data.outputs(i).count);
                 end if;
+              end loop;
             end loop;
-        end loop;
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(HCC_MASK), x"0000");
-        log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verify that ABC* register r/w commands are skipped for "
-            & "masked chips and not skipped for non-masked chips");
-        set_encoding(true);
-        set_abc_mask(hcc_id => 3, abc_id => 5);
-        send_abc_reg_read(hcc_id => x"0", abc_id => x"5", addr => x"2B");
-        verify_response_length(frame_count => 4);
-        send_abc_reg_write(hcc_id => x"3", abc_id => x"4", addr => x"2B", data => x"DEADBEEF");
-        verify_response_length(frame_count => 9);
-        send_abc_reg_read(hcc_id => x"3", abc_id => x"5", addr => x"2B");
-        assert_idle_only;
-        send_abc_reg_write(hcc_id => x"3", abc_id => x"5", addr => x"2B", data => x"DEADBEEF");
-        assert_idle_only;
-        reset_lcb_configuration;
-        reset_abc_hcc_mask;
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(HCC_MASK), x"0000");
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verify that ABC* register r/w commands are skipped for "
+                & "masked chips and not skipped for non-masked chips");
+            set_encoding(true);
+            set_abc_mask(hcc_id => 3, abc_id => 5);
+            send_abc_reg_read(hcc_id => x"0", abc_id => x"5", addr => x"2B");
+            verify_response_length(frame_count => 4);
+            send_abc_reg_write(hcc_id => x"3", abc_id => x"4", addr => x"2B", data => x"DEADBEEF");
+            verify_response_length(frame_count => 9);
+            send_abc_reg_read(hcc_id => x"3", abc_id => x"5", addr => x"2B");
+            assert_idle_only;
+            send_abc_reg_write(hcc_id => x"3", abc_id => x"5", addr => x"2B", data => x"DEADBEEF");
+            assert_idle_only;
+            reset_lcb_configuration;
+            reset_abc_hcc_mask;
+        else
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No ASIC reg r/w masking in build - skipping: Verifying that register read/write commands are maskable.");
+        end if;
         -------- verify that TTC L0A signals are ignored when disabled
         enable_bcr <= '1';
@@ -1112,7 +1133,7 @@ begin
-        ------ verify that IDLE frames can be stored in trickle configuration memory
+         ------ verify that IDLE frames can be stored in trickle configuration memory
         log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Sending a sample calibration sequence");
         calibration_data := elink_parser.parse_file("../samples/trickle_calibration_inputs.txt",
@@ -1121,10 +1142,14 @@ begin
             std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(calibration_data.bytes_total, 16)));
         set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_WRITE_ADDR), x"0000");
         set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_SET_WRITE_ADDR_PULSE), x"0001");
-        log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Blocking trickle sequence with gating signal to let thel command decoder catch up");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_START), x"0000");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_STOP), x"0000");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
+        if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '0') then
+            log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Blocking trickle sequence with gating signal to let thel command decoder catch up");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_START), x"0000");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_STOP), x"0000");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
+        else
+            log(ID_SEQUENCER, "No gating in build - using repurposed gating enable to directly block trickle sequence to let the command decoder catch up");
+        end if;  
         config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.TTC_GENERATE_GATING_ENABLE <= (others => '1');
         wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
         send_elink_commands(calibration_data, channel => trickle_channel);
@@ -1142,6 +1167,7 @@ begin
         wait until rising_edge(clk);
         -- priority checks
         ----- TTC frames take precedence over bypass frames
         log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that TTC L0A frames take priority over bypass frames");
@@ -1232,6 +1258,7 @@ begin
             is_HP_frame_encoded => true);
+        if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then
         -- low-priority frame gating
         ----- bypass frames respect gating signals
         enable_bcr <= '1';
@@ -1251,9 +1278,12 @@ begin
             axistream_transmit(AXISTREAM_VVCT, command_channel, t_slv_array'(x"33", x"33"), "Scheduling bypass frame 0x3333");--@suppress
         end loop;
         verify_bc_gating(expected_frame => x"3333");
+        else
+          log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Verifying that bypass frames respect gating signal");
+        end if;
+        if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then
         ----- decoded elink commands respect gating signals
         log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that decoded frames respect gating signal");
@@ -1270,8 +1300,12 @@ begin
             axistream_transmit(AXISTREAM_VVCT, command_channel, t_slv_array'(x"81", x"3A"), "Scheduling fast command");--@suppress
         end loop;
         verify_bc_gating(expected_frame => x"6A3A");
+        else
+          log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Verifying that decoded frames respect gating signal");
+        end if;
+        if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then
         --- trickle configuration commands respect gating signals
         log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that trickle configuration respects gating signal");
         gating_test_frames := 10;
@@ -1304,10 +1338,13 @@ begin
         wait for 800 ns;
         wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        else
+          log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Verifying that trickle configuration respects gating signal");
+        end if;
+        if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then
         ----- gating guard interval is respected = only complete register read/write command are sent
         log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Register guard interval test: register read/write commands are not interrupted"
             & " by bypass frames and complete when read out of trickle configuration memory");
@@ -1349,6 +1386,10 @@ begin
             wait for 1500 ns;
             wait until rising_edge(clk);
         end loop;
+        else
+          log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Register guard interval test: register read/write commands are not interrupted");
+        end if;
         wait for 1000 ns;
diff --git a/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd b/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd
index b3df79ec6..8384860fb 100644
--- a/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd
@@ -343,48 +343,52 @@ begin
   end generate;
+      ttc_generate_gating_enable <=
+          and
   g_bcidgating_en : if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') generate
-    ttc_generate_gating_enable <= (regmap(GATING_TTC_ENABLE)(0)
-                                  and not config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.TTC_GATING_OVERRIDE(config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.TTC_GATING_OVERRIDE'low);
-    trickle_trigger_generator : entity work.lcb_trickle_trigger
-      generic map (guard_window => guard_window_size)                           -- defined in strips_package.vhd
-      port map(
-        clk                          => clk,                                    -- in  
-        rst                          => rst,                                    -- in  
-        en_i                         => ttc_generate_gating_enable,             -- in  
-        bcr_i                        => bcr_i,                                  -- in  
-        bc_start_i                   => regmap(GATING_BC_START)(t_bcid'range),  -- in  t_bcid
-        bc_stop_i                    => regmap(GATING_BC_STOP)(t_bcid'range),   -- in  t_bcid
-        trickle_trigger_o            => trickle_trigger_gating,                 -- out  
-        trickle_allow_register_cmd_o => trickle_allow_register_cmd              -- out 
-        );
-  else generate -- CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '0'
-    ttc_generate_gating_enable <= '0';
-    trickle_trigger_gating     <= '1';
-    trickle_allow_register_cmd <= '1';
-  end generate;
+      trickle_trigger_generator : entity work.lcb_trickle_trigger
+          generic map (guard_window => guard_window_size)                           -- defined in strips_package.vhd
+          port map(
+              clk                          => clk,                                    -- in  
+              rst                          => rst,                                    -- in  
+              en_i                         => ttc_generate_gating_enable,             -- in  
+              bcr_i                        => bcr_i,                                  -- in  
+              bc_start_i                   => regmap(GATING_BC_START)(t_bcid'range),  -- in  t_bcid
+              bc_stop_i                    => regmap(GATING_BC_STOP)(t_bcid'range),   -- in  t_bcid
+              trickle_trigger_o            => trickle_trigger_gating,                 -- out  
+              trickle_allow_register_cmd_o => trickle_allow_register_cmd              -- out 
+          );
+    else generate -- CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '0'
+        --ttc_generate_gating_enable <= '0';
+        trickle_trigger_gating     <= '0';
+        trickle_allow_register_cmd <= '0';
+    end generate;
   scheduler : entity work.lcb_scheduler_encoder
     port map(
       clk                          => clk,
       rst                          => rst,
-      l0a_frame_i                  => ttc_l0a_frame,
-      lcb_frame_i                  => lcb_frame,
-      lcb_frame_o_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,
+      l0a_frame_i                  => ttc_l0a_frame,      --(11:0)
+      lcb_frame_i                  => lcb_frame,          --(12:0)
+      lcb_frame_o_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,    --out
       lcb_frame_i_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
       lcb_frame_i_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
-      l0a_frame_delay_i            => regmap(L0A_FRAME_DELAY)(3 downto 2),  --AP: I am not sure why this is needed
-      bypass_frame_i               => bypass_frame,
+      l0a_frame_delay_i            => regmap(L0A_FRAME_DELAY)(3 downto 2),  --(1:0) --AP: I am not sure why this is needed
+      bypass_frame_i               => bypass_frame,                         --(15:0)
       bypass_frame_valid_i         => bypass_frame_valid,
       bypass_frame_ready_o         => bypass_frame_ready,
       frame_start_pulse_i          => frame_start_pulse,
       trickle_bc_gating_i          => trickle_trigger_gating,
       trickle_allow_register_cmd_i => trickle_allow_register_cmd,
-      trickle_bc_gating_en         => ttc_generate_gating_enable,
+      trickle_bc_gating_en         => ttc_generate_gating_enable, -- in
       ttc_l0a_en                   => regmap(TTC_L0A_ENABLE)(0),            --AP: I am not sure why this is needed
-      encoded_frame_o              => encoded_frame_reg
+      encoded_frame_o              => encoded_frame_reg           --(15:0)
   -- serializes LCB frame for 4-bit elink

From b9e23eeceeee3dff0e2b5b8dcaa00f5fae61651f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frans Schreuder <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 09:35:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] VSG whitespace fix

 simulation/ItkStrip/tb_lcb_axi_encoder.vhd | 314 ++++----
 sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd           | 798 ++++++++++-----------
 sources/ItkStrip/strips_package.vhd        |  26 +-
 3 files changed, 569 insertions(+), 569 deletions(-)

diff --git a/simulation/ItkStrip/tb_lcb_axi_encoder.vhd b/simulation/ItkStrip/tb_lcb_axi_encoder.vhd
index 32e653fce..36f7da1dd 100644
--- a/simulation/ItkStrip/tb_lcb_axi_encoder.vhd
+++ b/simulation/ItkStrip/tb_lcb_axi_encoder.vhd
@@ -754,48 +754,48 @@ begin
         procedure verify_bc_gating(
             expected_frame : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
         ) is
-        begin            
+        begin
             log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Issuing BCR to start gating pulse generation");
             wait until rising_edge(bcr);
             send_L0A( "0000", "0000000"); --'1',
             check_value(next_frame.decoded, "100000000000", ERROR, "BCR frame received");
-            if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then 
-              wait_for_next_frame(expiration_time => (bc_stop + 100) * C_CLK_PERIOD);
-              log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Received frames, bc_start=" & to_string(bc_start) & ", bc_stop = " & to_string(bc_stop)
+            if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then
+                wait_for_next_frame(expiration_time => (bc_stop + 100) * C_CLK_PERIOD);
+                log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Received frames, bc_start=" & to_string(bc_start) & ", bc_stop = " & to_string(bc_stop)
                   & ", stopwatch shows " & to_string(stopwatch_p1));
-              check_value(stopwatch_p1 >= bc_start, true, ERROR, "Low-priority frames start around the correct time");
-              check_value(stopwatch_p1 <= bc_start + 20, true, ERROR, "Low-priority frames start around the correct time");
-              reset_stopwatch;
-              for i in 0 to gating_test_frames/2 - 1 loop -- half of the frames was supposed to be scheduled
-                dequeue_next_frame;
-                check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying low-priority frame contents");
-              end loop;
-              wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 40);
-              check_value(frame_queue.is_empty(void), true, ERROR, "No frames are scheduled after gating interval is over");
-              log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Disabling BC gating");
-              set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
-              for i in 0 to gating_test_frames/2 - 1 loop -- the remaining frames come out because gating is disabled
-                dequeue_next_frame;
-                check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying remaining low-priority frame contents");
-              end loop;
+                check_value(stopwatch_p1 >= bc_start, true, ERROR, "Low-priority frames start around the correct time");
+                check_value(stopwatch_p1 <= bc_start + 20, true, ERROR, "Low-priority frames start around the correct time");
+                reset_stopwatch;
+                for i in 0 to gating_test_frames/2 - 1 loop -- half of the frames was supposed to be scheduled
+                    dequeue_next_frame;
+                    check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying low-priority frame contents");
+                end loop;
+                wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 40);
+                check_value(frame_queue.is_empty(void), true, ERROR, "No frames are scheduled after gating interval is over");
+                log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Disabling BC gating");
+                set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
+                for i in 0 to gating_test_frames/2 - 1 loop -- the remaining frames come out because gating is disabled
+                    dequeue_next_frame;
+                    check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying remaining low-priority frame contents");
+                end loop;
-              for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop
-                dequeue_next_frame;
-                check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying low-priority frame contents");
-              end loop;
-              wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 40);
-              log(ID_SEQUENCER, "No gating in build - just checking frames");
-              for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop
-                dequeue_next_frame;
-                check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying low-priority frame contents");
-              end loop;
+                for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop
+                    dequeue_next_frame;
+                    check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying low-priority frame contents");
+                end loop;
+                wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 40);
+                log(ID_SEQUENCER, "No gating in build - just checking frames");
+                for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop
+                    dequeue_next_frame;
+                    check_value(next_frame.encoded, expected_frame, ERROR, "Verifying low-priority frame contents");
+                end loop;
             end if;
         --- checks that register frames are always complete when coming from trickle configuration memory
@@ -994,21 +994,21 @@ begin
             mask_test_data := elink_parser.parse_file("../samples/hcc_mask_test_inputs.txt",
             for masked_hcc_id in 0 to 15 loop
-              set_register(t_register_name'pos(HCC_MASK), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2 ** masked_hcc_id, 16)));
-              log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Masking HCC* module " & to_string(masked_hcc_id)
+                set_register(t_register_name'pos(HCC_MASK), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2 ** masked_hcc_id, 16)));
+                log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Masking HCC* module " & to_string(masked_hcc_id)
                   & ", sending commands to every HCC* module and its ABC* submodules");
-              for i in 0 to mask_test_data.inputs_count - 1 loop
-                hcc_id := i / 4;
-                send_elink_command(mask_test_data.inputs(i).data, mask_test_data.inputs(i).count);
-                if masked_hcc_id = hcc_id then
-                  wait for 1000 ns;
-                  assert_idle_only;
-                else
-                  verify_elink_command_response(mask_test_data.outputs(i).data, mask_test_data.outputs(i).count);
-                end if;
-              end loop;
+                for i in 0 to mask_test_data.inputs_count - 1 loop
+                    hcc_id := i / 4;
+                    send_elink_command(mask_test_data.inputs(i).data, mask_test_data.inputs(i).count);
+                    if masked_hcc_id = hcc_id then
+                        wait for 1000 ns;
+                        assert_idle_only;
+                    else
+                        verify_elink_command_response(mask_test_data.outputs(i).data, mask_test_data.outputs(i).count);
+                    end if;
+                end loop;
             end loop;
             set_register(t_register_name'pos(HCC_MASK), x"0000");
             log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verify that ABC* register r/w commands are skipped for "
                 & "masked chips and not skipped for non-masked chips");
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ begin
             log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No ASIC reg r/w masking in build - skipping: Verifying that register read/write commands are maskable.");
         end if;
         -------- verify that TTC L0A signals are ignored when disabled
         enable_bcr <= '1';
@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ begin
-         ------ verify that IDLE frames can be stored in trickle configuration memory
+        ------ verify that IDLE frames can be stored in trickle configuration memory
         log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Sending a sample calibration sequence");
         calibration_data := elink_parser.parse_file("../samples/trickle_calibration_inputs.txt",
@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ begin
             set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
             log(ID_SEQUENCER, "No gating in build - using repurposed gating enable to directly block trickle sequence to let the command decoder catch up");
-        end if;  
+        end if;
         config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.TTC_GENERATE_GATING_ENABLE <= (others => '1');
         wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
         send_elink_commands(calibration_data, channel => trickle_channel);
@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ begin
         wait until rising_edge(clk);
         -- priority checks
         ----- TTC frames take precedence over bypass frames
         log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that TTC L0A frames take priority over bypass frames");
@@ -1259,137 +1259,137 @@ begin
         if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then
-        -- low-priority frame gating
-        ----- bypass frames respect gating signals
-        enable_bcr <= '1';
-        log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that bypass frames respect gating signal");
-        set_encoding(false);
-        gating_test_frames := 40;
-        bc_start := 176;
-        bc_stop := bc_start + (gating_test_frames / 2)*4;
-        shared_axistream_vvc_config(command_channel).bfm_config.max_wait_cycles := bc_stop + 20;
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TTC_L0A_ENABLE), x"0001");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_START), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_start, 16)));
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_STOP), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_stop, 16)));
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0001");
-        wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
-        for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop -- schedule transmission of all bypass data
-            axistream_transmit(AXISTREAM_VVCT, command_channel, t_slv_array'(x"33", x"33"), "Scheduling bypass frame 0x3333");--@suppress
-        end loop;
-        verify_bc_gating(expected_frame => x"3333");
+            -- low-priority frame gating
+            ----- bypass frames respect gating signals
+            enable_bcr <= '1';
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that bypass frames respect gating signal");
+            set_encoding(false);
+            gating_test_frames := 40;
+            bc_start := 176;
+            bc_stop := bc_start + (gating_test_frames / 2)*4;
+            shared_axistream_vvc_config(command_channel).bfm_config.max_wait_cycles := bc_stop + 20;
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TTC_L0A_ENABLE), x"0001");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_START), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_start, 16)));
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_STOP), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_stop, 16)));
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0001");
+            wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
+            for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop -- schedule transmission of all bypass data
+                axistream_transmit(AXISTREAM_VVCT, command_channel, t_slv_array'(x"33", x"33"), "Scheduling bypass frame 0x3333");--@suppress
+            end loop;
+            verify_bc_gating(expected_frame => x"3333");
-          log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Verifying that bypass frames respect gating signal");
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Verifying that bypass frames respect gating signal");
         end if;
         if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then
-        ----- decoded elink commands respect gating signals
-        log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that decoded frames respect gating signal");
-        set_encoding(true);
-        gating_test_frames := 60;
-        bc_start := 631;
-        bc_stop := bc_start + (gating_test_frames / 2)*4;
-        shared_axistream_vvc_config(command_channel).bfm_config.max_wait_cycles := bc_stop + 20;
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TTC_L0A_ENABLE), x"0001");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_START), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_start, 16)));
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_STOP), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_stop, 16)));
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0001");
-        wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
-        for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop -- schedule transmission of all bypass data
-            axistream_transmit(AXISTREAM_VVCT, command_channel, t_slv_array'(x"81", x"3A"), "Scheduling fast command");--@suppress
-        end loop;
-        verify_bc_gating(expected_frame => x"6A3A");
+            ----- decoded elink commands respect gating signals
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that decoded frames respect gating signal");
+            set_encoding(true);
+            gating_test_frames := 60;
+            bc_start := 631;
+            bc_stop := bc_start + (gating_test_frames / 2)*4;
+            shared_axistream_vvc_config(command_channel).bfm_config.max_wait_cycles := bc_stop + 20;
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TTC_L0A_ENABLE), x"0001");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_START), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_start, 16)));
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_STOP), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_stop, 16)));
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0001");
+            wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
+            for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop -- schedule transmission of all bypass data
+                axistream_transmit(AXISTREAM_VVCT, command_channel, t_slv_array'(x"81", x"3A"), "Scheduling fast command");--@suppress
+            end loop;
+            verify_bc_gating(expected_frame => x"6A3A");
-          log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Verifying that decoded frames respect gating signal");
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Verifying that decoded frames respect gating signal");
         end if;
         if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then
-        --- trickle configuration commands respect gating signals
-        log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that trickle configuration respects gating signal");
-        gating_test_frames := 10;
-        bc_start := 65;
-        bc_stop := bc_start + (gating_test_frames / 2)*4;
-        shared_axistream_vvc_config(trickle_channel).bfm_config.max_wait_cycles := bc_stop + 20;
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TTC_L0A_ENABLE), x"0001");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_START), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_start, 16)));
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_STOP), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_stop, 16)));
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0001");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0000");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_DATA_START), x"0000");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_DATA_END), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(gating_test_frames, 16)));
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_WRITE_ADDR), x"0000");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_SET_WRITE_ADDR_PULSE), x"0001");
-        wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
-        for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop -- schedule transmission of all bypass data
-            axistream_transmit(AXISTREAM_VVCT, trickle_channel, t_slv_array'(x"81", x"18"),--@suppress
+            --- trickle configuration commands respect gating signals
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Verifying that trickle configuration respects gating signal");
+            gating_test_frames := 10;
+            bc_start := 65;
+            bc_stop := bc_start + (gating_test_frames / 2)*4;
+            shared_axistream_vvc_config(trickle_channel).bfm_config.max_wait_cycles := bc_stop + 20;
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TTC_L0A_ENABLE), x"0001");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_START), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_start, 16)));
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_STOP), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_stop, 16)));
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0001");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0000");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_DATA_START), x"0000");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_DATA_END), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(gating_test_frames, 16)));
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_WRITE_ADDR), x"0000");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_SET_WRITE_ADDR_PULSE), x"0001");
+            wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
+            for i in 0 to gating_test_frames - 1 loop -- schedule transmission of all bypass data
+                axistream_transmit(AXISTREAM_VVCT, trickle_channel, t_slv_array'(x"81", x"18"),--@suppress
                 "Writing fast command to trickle configuration memory");
-        end loop;
-        await_completion(AXISTREAM_VVCT, trickle_channel, gating_test_frames * 2 * 5 * C_CLK_PERIOD,--@suppress
+            end loop;
+            await_completion(AXISTREAM_VVCT, trickle_channel, gating_test_frames * 2 * 5 * C_CLK_PERIOD,--@suppress
             "Waiting for the trickle configuration memory to be written");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0001");
-        verify_bc_gating(expected_frame => x"6AD8");
-        -- clean up after using RUN
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0000");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
-        await_value(trickle_axi.tready, '1', 0 ns, gating_test_frames * 10 * C_CLK_PERIOD, "Waiting for the trickle configuration to complete (1/2)");--@suppress
-        await_value(frame.idle, '1', 0 ns, 5000 * C_CLK_PERIOD, "Waiting for the trickle configuration to complete (2/2)");--@suppress
-        frame_queue.flush(void);
-        wait for 800 ns;
-        wait until rising_edge(clk);
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0001");
+            verify_bc_gating(expected_frame => x"6AD8");
+            -- clean up after using RUN
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0000");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
+            await_value(trickle_axi.tready, '1', 0 ns, gating_test_frames * 10 * C_CLK_PERIOD, "Waiting for the trickle configuration to complete (1/2)");--@suppress
+            await_value(frame.idle, '1', 0 ns, 5000 * C_CLK_PERIOD, "Waiting for the trickle configuration to complete (2/2)");--@suppress
+            frame_queue.flush(void);
+            wait for 800 ns;
+            wait until rising_edge(clk);
-          log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Verifying that trickle configuration respects gating signal");
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Verifying that trickle configuration respects gating signal");
         end if;
         if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') then
-        ----- gating guard interval is respected = only complete register read/write command are sent
-        log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Register guard interval test: register read/write commands are not interrupted"
+            ----- gating guard interval is respected = only complete register read/write command are sent
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "Register guard interval test: register read/write commands are not interrupted"
             & " by bypass frames and complete when read out of trickle configuration memory");
-        register_elink_data := elink_parser.parse_file("../samples/register_command_inputs.txt",
-                                                       "../samples/register_command_outputs.txt");
-        shared_axistream_vvc_config(trickle_channel).bfm_config.max_wait_cycles := 1000;
-        set_encoding(false);
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TTC_L0A_ENABLE), x"0001");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0000");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_DATA_START), x"0000");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_DATA_END),
+            register_elink_data := elink_parser.parse_file("../samples/register_command_inputs.txt",
+                                                           "../samples/register_command_outputs.txt");
+            shared_axistream_vvc_config(trickle_channel).bfm_config.max_wait_cycles := 1000;
+            set_encoding(false);
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TTC_L0A_ENABLE), x"0001");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0000");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_DATA_START), x"0000");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_DATA_END),
             std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(register_elink_data.bytes_total, 16)));
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_WRITE_ADDR), x"0000");
-        set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_SET_WRITE_ADDR_PULSE), x"0001");
-        wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
-        send_elink_commands(register_elink_data, channel => trickle_channel);
-        await_completion(AXISTREAM_VVCT, trickle_channel, register_elink_data.bytes_total * 5 * C_CLK_PERIOD,--@suppress
-            "Waiting for the trickle configuration memory to be written");
-        wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 150);
-        -- configure the trickle config + gating
-        for i in guard_window_size + 2 to guard_window_size + 52 loop
-            bc_start := random(13, 20);
-            bc_stop := bc_start + i*3;
-            log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Checking frame integrity with bc_start = " & to_string(bc_start) & ", bc_stop = " & to_string(bc_stop));
-            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_START), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_start, 16)), timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
-            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_STOP), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_stop, 16)), timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
-            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0001", timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
-            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0001", timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_WRITE_ADDR), x"0000");
+            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_SET_WRITE_ADDR_PULSE), x"0001");
             wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
-            verify_register_frame_completion; --needs BCR
-            --wait_num_rising_edge(clk, guard_window_size + 10);
-            set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000", timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
-            set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0000", timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
-            wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 30);
-            await_value(frame.idle, '1', 0 ns, 5000 * C_CLK_PERIOD, "Waiting for the trickle configuration to flush out");  --@suppress
-            frame_queue.flush(void);
-            --frame_queue.reset(VOID);
-            wait for 1500 ns;
-            wait until rising_edge(clk);
-        end loop;
+            send_elink_commands(register_elink_data, channel => trickle_channel);
+            await_completion(AXISTREAM_VVCT, trickle_channel, register_elink_data.bytes_total * 5 * C_CLK_PERIOD,--@suppress
+            "Waiting for the trickle configuration memory to be written");
+            wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 150);
+            -- configure the trickle config + gating
+            for i in guard_window_size + 2 to guard_window_size + 52 loop
+                bc_start := random(13, 20);
+                bc_stop := bc_start + i*3;
+                log(ID_SEQUENCER, "Checking frame integrity with bc_start = " & to_string(bc_start) & ", bc_stop = " & to_string(bc_stop));
+                set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_START), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_start, 16)), timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
+                set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_BC_STOP), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(bc_stop, 16)), timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
+                set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0001", timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
+                set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0001", timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
+                wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 50);
+                verify_register_frame_completion; --needs BCR
+                --wait_num_rising_edge(clk, guard_window_size + 10);
+                set_register(t_register_name'pos(GATING_TTC_ENABLE), x"0000", timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
+                set_register(t_register_name'pos(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN), x"0000", timeout_clk_periods => 5000);
+                wait_num_rising_edge(clk, 30);
+                await_value(frame.idle, '1', 0 ns, 5000 * C_CLK_PERIOD, "Waiting for the trickle configuration to flush out");  --@suppress
+                frame_queue.flush(void);
+                --frame_queue.reset(VOID);
+                wait for 1500 ns;
+                wait until rising_edge(clk);
+            end loop;
-          log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Register guard interval test: register read/write commands are not interrupted");
+            log(ID_LOG_HDR, "No gating in build - skipping: Register guard interval test: register read/write commands are not interrupted");
         end if;
         wait for 1000 ns;
diff --git a/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd b/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd
index 8384860fb..6ab02f87f 100644
--- a/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd
+++ b/sources/ItkStrip/lcb_wrapper.vhd
@@ -16,353 +16,353 @@
 --!   limitations under the License.
 library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-use work.strips_package.all;
-use work.pcie_package.all;
-use work.lcb_regmap_package.all;
-use work.pcie_package.bitfield_global_strips_config_w_type;
+    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+    use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+    use work.strips_package.all;
+    use work.pcie_package.all;
+    use work.lcb_regmap_package.all;
+    use work.pcie_package.bitfield_global_strips_config_w_type;
 entity lcb_wrapper is
-  generic(
-    USE_ULTRARAM : boolean
+    generic(
+        USE_ULTRARAM : boolean
-  port(
-    clk        : in std_logic;
-    rst        : in std_logic;
-    -- TTC signals
-    bcr_i      : in std_logic;  -- BCR signal --AP: This signal needs to be derived from LTI Turn singal, not BCID.
-    l0a_i      : in std_logic;                     -- L0A signal
-    l0a_trig_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-    l0id_i     : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);  -- L0tag
-    sync_i     : in std_logic;                     --AP: ITk sync pulse from the trigger tage generator
-    -- link configuration data source
-    config_data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- elink data
-    config_valid_i : in  std_logic;                     -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
-    config_ready_o : out std_logic;                     -- this module is ready for the next elink data
-    -- trickle configuration data source
-    trickle_data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- elink data
-    trickle_valid_i : in  std_logic;                     -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
-    trickle_ready_o : out std_logic;                     -- this module is ready for the next elink data
-    -- elink command data source
-    command_data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- elink data
-    command_valid_i : in  std_logic;                     -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
-    command_ready_o : out std_logic;                     -- this module is ready for the next elink data
-    -- configuration from global register map
-    config : in t_strips_config;        -- @suppress "Port name 'config' is a keyword in Verilog and may cause problems in mixed language projects"
-    -- debug / auxiliary signals
-    decoder_idle_o           : out std_logic;                      -- command decoder is idle
-    error_count_o            : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);  -- number of errors encountered by the command decoder since last rst
-    frame_start_pulse_o      : out std_logic;                      -- marks beginning of the LCB frame (new frame will be loaded next CLK cycle)
-    ttc_l0a_frame_o          : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);  -- pre-encoded version of L0A frame originated from TTC
-    ttc_l0a_frame_valid_o    : out std_logic;                      -- is TTC l0a frame valid this clk cycle
-    trickle_trigger_gating_o : out std_logic;                      -- trigger BC gating signal
-    trickle_trigger_o        : out std_logic;                      -- combined trickle trigger signal
-    register_guard_o         : out std_logic;                      -- trickle register gating signal
-    regmap_o                 : out t_register_map;                 --output for simulation
-    -- data output for the device
-    encoded_frame_o          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    edata_o                  : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
+    port(
+        clk        : in std_logic;
+        rst        : in std_logic;
+        -- TTC signals
+        bcr_i      : in std_logic;  -- BCR signal --AP: This signal needs to be derived from LTI Turn singal, not BCID.
+        l0a_i      : in std_logic;                     -- L0A signal
+        l0a_trig_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+        l0id_i     : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);  -- L0tag
+        sync_i     : in std_logic;                     --AP: ITk sync pulse from the trigger tage generator
+        -- link configuration data source
+        config_data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- elink data
+        config_valid_i : in  std_logic;                     -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
+        config_ready_o : out std_logic;                     -- this module is ready for the next elink data
+        -- trickle configuration data source
+        trickle_data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- elink data
+        trickle_valid_i : in  std_logic;                     -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
+        trickle_ready_o : out std_logic;                     -- this module is ready for the next elink data
+        -- elink command data source
+        command_data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- elink data
+        command_valid_i : in  std_logic;                     -- elink data is valid this clk cycle
+        command_ready_o : out std_logic;                     -- this module is ready for the next elink data
+        -- configuration from global register map
+        config : in t_strips_config;        -- @suppress "Port name 'config' is a keyword in Verilog and may cause problems in mixed language projects"
+        -- debug / auxiliary signals
+        decoder_idle_o           : out std_logic;                      -- command decoder is idle
+        error_count_o            : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);  -- number of errors encountered by the command decoder since last rst
+        frame_start_pulse_o      : out std_logic;                      -- marks beginning of the LCB frame (new frame will be loaded next CLK cycle)
+        ttc_l0a_frame_o          : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);  -- pre-encoded version of L0A frame originated from TTC
+        ttc_l0a_frame_valid_o    : out std_logic;                      -- is TTC l0a frame valid this clk cycle
+        trickle_trigger_gating_o : out std_logic;                      -- trigger BC gating signal
+        trickle_trigger_o        : out std_logic;                      -- combined trickle trigger signal
+        register_guard_o         : out std_logic;                      -- trickle register gating signal
+        regmap_o                 : out t_register_map;                 --output for simulation
+        -- data output for the device
+        encoded_frame_o          : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+        edata_o                  : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
 end entity lcb_wrapper;
 architecture RTL of lcb_wrapper is
-  -- LCB frame generator signals
-  signal lcb_gen_cmd                : t_lcb_command;                  -- which command to execute
-  signal lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse    : std_logic;                      -- pulse for 1 clk cycle to start command
-  signal lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data      : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);   -- bc & cmd
-  signal lcb_gen_l0a_data           : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);  -- bcr & L0A mask & L0 tag
-  signal lcb_gen_abc_id             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);   -- ABC* address (0xF = broadcast)
-  signal lcb_gen_hcc_id             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);   -- HCC* address (0xF = broadcast)
-  signal lcb_gen_reg_addr           : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);   -- register address for reg. read/write
-  signal lcb_gen_reg_data           : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  -- register data for reg. write
-  signal lcb_gen_ready              : std_logic;                      -- indicates it's ready for a new command
-  signal lcb_frame                  : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);  -- FIFO data out
-  signal lcb_frame_rd_en            : std_logic;                      -- FIFO rd_en signal
-  signal lcb_frame_empty            : std_logic;                      -- FIFO empty signal
-  signal lcb_frame_almost_empty     : std_logic;                      -- FIFO contains one word
-  signal lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full : std_logic;                      -- FIFO is almost full
-  signal abc_mask                   : t_abc_mask;
-  signal edata_s                    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  signal ttc_generate_gating_enable : std_logic;
-  signal regmap       : t_register_map;
-  signal regmap_wr_en : std_logic;
-  signal regmap_data  : std_logic_vector(t_register_data'range);
-  signal regmap_addr  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-  signal bypass_frame       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-  signal bypass_frame_ready : std_logic;
-  signal bypass_frame_valid : std_logic;
-  signal trickle_data_o             : std_logic_vector(playback_controller_data'range);
-  signal trickle_valid_o            : std_logic;
-  signal trickle_ready_i            : std_logic;
-  signal trickle_trigger_start      : std_logic;
-  signal trickle_allow_register_cmd : std_logic;
-  signal trickle_trigger_gating     : std_logic;
-  -- L0A generator signals
-  signal ttc_l0a_frame     : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
-  signal frame_start_pulse : std_logic;
-  -- serializer registers
-  signal serializer_reg    : std_logic_vector(encoded_frame_o'range) := (others => '0');
-  signal encoded_frame_reg : std_logic_vector(encoded_frame_o'range);
-  -- bypass command and firmware encoded command lines
-  signal encoding          : std_logic;
-  signal encoded_cmd       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-  signal encoded_cmd_valid : std_logic;
-  signal encoded_cmd_ready : std_logic;
-  signal bypass_cmd       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-  signal bypass_cmd_valid : std_logic;
-  signal bypass_cmd_ready : std_logic;
-  -- edata_o fine delay types and registers
-  signal edata_delay     : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-  type t_edata_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-  signal edata_delay_reg : t_edata_array(1 to 3) := (others => (others => '0'));
-  signal invert_output : boolean := false;
+    -- LCB frame generator signals
+    signal lcb_gen_cmd                : t_lcb_command;                  -- which command to execute
+    signal lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse    : std_logic;                      -- pulse for 1 clk cycle to start command
+    signal lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data      : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);   -- bc & cmd
+    signal lcb_gen_l0a_data           : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);  -- bcr & L0A mask & L0 tag
+    signal lcb_gen_abc_id             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);   -- ABC* address (0xF = broadcast)
+    signal lcb_gen_hcc_id             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);   -- HCC* address (0xF = broadcast)
+    signal lcb_gen_reg_addr           : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);   -- register address for reg. read/write
+    signal lcb_gen_reg_data           : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  -- register data for reg. write
+    signal lcb_gen_ready              : std_logic;                      -- indicates it's ready for a new command
+    signal lcb_frame                  : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);  -- FIFO data out
+    signal lcb_frame_rd_en            : std_logic;                      -- FIFO rd_en signal
+    signal lcb_frame_empty            : std_logic;                      -- FIFO empty signal
+    signal lcb_frame_almost_empty     : std_logic;                      -- FIFO contains one word
+    signal lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full : std_logic;                      -- FIFO is almost full
+    signal abc_mask                   : t_abc_mask;
+    signal edata_s                    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+    signal ttc_generate_gating_enable : std_logic;
+    signal regmap       : t_register_map;
+    signal regmap_wr_en : std_logic;
+    signal regmap_data  : std_logic_vector(t_register_data'range);
+    signal regmap_addr  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    signal bypass_frame       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+    signal bypass_frame_ready : std_logic;
+    signal bypass_frame_valid : std_logic;
+    signal trickle_data_o             : std_logic_vector(playback_controller_data'range);
+    signal trickle_valid_o            : std_logic;
+    signal trickle_ready_i            : std_logic;
+    signal trickle_trigger_start      : std_logic;
+    signal trickle_allow_register_cmd : std_logic;
+    signal trickle_trigger_gating     : std_logic;
+    -- L0A generator signals
+    signal ttc_l0a_frame     : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+    signal frame_start_pulse : std_logic;
+    -- serializer registers
+    signal serializer_reg    : std_logic_vector(encoded_frame_o'range) := (others => '0');
+    signal encoded_frame_reg : std_logic_vector(encoded_frame_o'range);
+    -- bypass command and firmware encoded command lines
+    signal encoding          : std_logic;
+    signal encoded_cmd       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    signal encoded_cmd_valid : std_logic;
+    signal encoded_cmd_ready : std_logic;
+    signal bypass_cmd       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    signal bypass_cmd_valid : std_logic;
+    signal bypass_cmd_ready : std_logic;
+    -- edata_o fine delay types and registers
+    signal edata_delay     : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+    type t_edata_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+    signal edata_delay_reg : t_edata_array(1 to 3) := (others => (others => '0'));
+    signal invert_output : boolean := false;
 --constant zero_byte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-  encoded_frame_o       <= encoded_frame_reg;
-  trickle_trigger_o     <= trickle_trigger_start;
-  register_guard_o      <= trickle_allow_register_cmd;
-  trickle_trigger_start <= regmap(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_PULSE)(0)
-                           or config.GLOBAL_TRICKLE_TRIGGER(config.GLOBAL_TRICKLE_TRIGGER'low)
-                           or regmap(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN)(0);
-  edata_delay <= regmap(L0A_FRAME_DELAY)(edata_delay'range);
-  frame_start_pulse_o      <= frame_start_pulse;
-  ttc_l0a_frame_o          <= ttc_l0a_frame;
-  ttc_l0a_frame_valid_o    <= ttc_l0a_frame(11) or ttc_l0a_frame(10) or ttc_l0a_frame(9) or ttc_l0a_frame(8) or ttc_l0a_frame(7);
-  trickle_trigger_gating_o <= trickle_trigger_gating;
-  invert_output <= config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.INVERT_LCB_OUT(
-  ttc_l0a_generator : entity work.l0a_frame_generator
-    port map(
-      clk                 => clk,
-      rst                 => rst,
-      bcr_i               => bcr_i,
-      l0a_i               => l0a_i,
-      l0a_trig_i          => l0a_trig_i,
-      bcr_delay_i         => unsigned(regmap(TTC_BCR_DELAY)(t_bcid'range)),  --AP: THis needs to be a global FELIX tegister
-      frame_phase_i       => unsigned(regmap(L0A_FRAME_PHASE)(1 downto 0)),  --AP: This needs to be done somewhere else
-      l0id_i              => l0id_i,
-      frame_start_pulse_o => frame_start_pulse,
-      ITk_sync_i          => sync_i,
-      l0a_frame_o         => ttc_l0a_frame
-      );
-  encoding <= regmap(ENCODING_ENABLE)(0);
-  cmd_destination_selector_mux :
-  process(encoding, command_data_i, command_valid_i, bypass_cmd_ready, encoded_cmd_ready) is
-  begin
-    if encoding = '0' then
-      encoded_cmd       <= (others => '0');
-      encoded_cmd_valid <= '0';
-      bypass_cmd        <= command_data_i;
-      bypass_cmd_valid  <= command_valid_i;
-      command_ready_o   <= bypass_cmd_ready;
-    else
-      encoded_cmd       <= command_data_i;
-      encoded_cmd_valid <= command_valid_i;
-      bypass_cmd        <= (others => '0');
-      bypass_cmd_valid  <= '0';
-      command_ready_o   <= encoded_cmd_ready;
-    end if;
-  end process;
-  bypass_frame_generator : entity work.strips_bypass_frame_aggregator
-    generic map(
-      TIMEOUT => 4000
-      )
-    port map(
-      clk           => clk,
-      rst           => rst,
-      byte_i        => bypass_cmd,
-      byte_valid_i  => bypass_cmd_valid,
-      byte_ready_o  => bypass_cmd_ready,
-      frame_o       => bypass_frame,
-      frame_valid_o => bypass_frame_valid,
-      frame_ready_i => bypass_frame_ready
-      );
-  configuration_decoder : entity work.strips_configuration_decoder
-    generic map(
-      TIMEOUT => 4000
-      )
-    port map(
-      clk            => clk,
-      rst            => rst,
-      config_data_i  => config_data_i,
-      config_valid_i => config_valid_i,
-      config_ready_o => config_ready_o,
-      regmap_wr_en_o => regmap_wr_en,
-      regmap_data_o  => regmap_data,
-      regmap_addr_o  => regmap_addr
-      );
-  command_decoder : entity work.lcb_command_decoder
-    generic map(
-      TIMEOUT => 4000
-      )
-    port map(
-      clk                          => clk,
-      rst                          => rst,
-      elink_data_i                 => encoded_cmd,
-      elink_valid_i                => encoded_cmd_valid,
-      elink_ready_o                => encoded_cmd_ready,
-      trickle_data_i               => trickle_data_o,
-      trickle_valid_i              => trickle_valid_o,
-      trickle_ready_o              => trickle_ready_i,
-      lcb_cmd_o                    => lcb_gen_cmd,
-      lcb_cmd_start_pulse_o        => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
-      lcb_fast_cmd_data_o          => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
-      lcb_l0a_data_o               => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
-      lcb_abc_id_o                 => lcb_gen_abc_id,
-      lcb_hcc_id_o                 => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
-      lcb_reg_addr_o               => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
-      lcb_reg_data_o               => lcb_gen_reg_data,
-      lcb_ready_i                  => lcb_gen_ready,
-      lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_i => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full,
-      decoder_idle_o               => decoder_idle_o,
-      error_count_o                => error_count_o
-      );
-  register_map : entity work.lcb_regmap
-    port map (
-      clk      => clk,
-      rst      => rst,
-      wr_en    => regmap_wr_en,
-      data_i   => regmap_data,
-      addr_i   => regmap_addr,
-      regmap_o => regmap
-      );
-  regmap_o <= regmap;
-  playback_controller : entity work.playback_controller
-    generic map(
-      )
-    port map(
-      clk                    => clk,
-      rst                    => rst,
-      start_pulse_i          => trickle_trigger_start,
-      readout_active_o       => open,
-      playback_loops_i       => regmap(PLAYBACK_LOOPS),
-      data_i                 => trickle_data_i,
-      valid_i                => trickle_valid_i,
-      ready_o                => trickle_ready_o,
-      set_write_addr_pulse_i => regmap(TRICKLE_SET_WRITE_ADDR_PULSE)(0),
-      write_addr_start_i     => regmap(TRICKLE_WRITE_ADDR)(playback_controller_address'range),
-      read_addr_start_i      => regmap(TRICKLE_DATA_START)(playback_controller_address'range),
-      read_addr_stop_i       => regmap(TRICKLE_DATA_END)(playback_controller_address'range),
-      data_o                 => trickle_data_o,
-      valid_o                => trickle_valid_o,
-      ready_i                => trickle_ready_i
-      );
-  abc_mask(15) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_F);
-  abc_mask(14) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_E);
-  abc_mask(13) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_D);
-  abc_mask(12) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_C);
-  abc_mask(11) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_B);
-  abc_mask(10) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_A);
-  abc_mask(9)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_9);
-  abc_mask(8)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_8);
-  abc_mask(7)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_7);
-  abc_mask(6)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_6);
-  abc_mask(5)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_5);
-  abc_mask(4)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_4);
-  abc_mask(3)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_3);
-  abc_mask(2)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_2);
-  abc_mask(1)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_1);
-  abc_mask(0)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_0);
-  g_modulemasksen : if (CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS = '1') generate
-    frame_generator : entity work.lcb_frame_generator
-      port map(
-        clk                          => clk,
-        rst                          => rst,
-        cmd_i                        => lcb_gen_cmd,
-        cmd_start_pulse_i            => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
-        fast_cmd_data_i              => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
-        hcc_mask_i                   => regmap(HCC_MASK),
-        abc_mask_i                   => abc_mask,
-        l0a_data_i                   => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
-        abc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_abc_id,
-        hcc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
-        reg_addr_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
-        reg_data_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_data,
-        ready_o                      => lcb_gen_ready,
-        lcb_frame_o                  => lcb_frame,
-        lcb_frame_i_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,
-        lcb_frame_o_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
-        lcb_frame_o_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
-        lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_o => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full
+    encoded_frame_o       <= encoded_frame_reg;
+    trickle_trigger_o     <= trickle_trigger_start;
+    register_guard_o      <= trickle_allow_register_cmd;
+    trickle_trigger_start <= regmap(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_PULSE)(0)
+                             or config.GLOBAL_TRICKLE_TRIGGER(config.GLOBAL_TRICKLE_TRIGGER'low)
+                             or regmap(TRICKLE_TRIGGER_RUN)(0);
+    edata_delay <= regmap(L0A_FRAME_DELAY)(edata_delay'range);
+    frame_start_pulse_o      <= frame_start_pulse;
+    ttc_l0a_frame_o          <= ttc_l0a_frame;
+    ttc_l0a_frame_valid_o    <= ttc_l0a_frame(11) or ttc_l0a_frame(10) or ttc_l0a_frame(9) or ttc_l0a_frame(8) or ttc_l0a_frame(7);
+    trickle_trigger_gating_o <= trickle_trigger_gating;
+    invert_output <= config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.INVERT_LCB_OUT(
+                                                                config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.INVERT_LCB_OUT'low) = '1';
+    ttc_l0a_generator : entity work.l0a_frame_generator
+        port map(
+            clk                 => clk,
+            rst                 => rst,
+            bcr_i               => bcr_i,
+            l0a_i               => l0a_i,
+            l0a_trig_i          => l0a_trig_i,
+            bcr_delay_i         => unsigned(regmap(TTC_BCR_DELAY)(t_bcid'range)),  --AP: THis needs to be a global FELIX tegister
+            frame_phase_i       => unsigned(regmap(L0A_FRAME_PHASE)(1 downto 0)),  --AP: This needs to be done somewhere else
+            l0id_i              => l0id_i,
+            frame_start_pulse_o => frame_start_pulse,
+            ITk_sync_i          => sync_i,
+            l0a_frame_o         => ttc_l0a_frame
-  else generate --CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS = '0'
-    frame_generator : entity work.lcb_frame_generator
-      port map(
-        clk                          => clk,
-        rst                          => rst,
-        cmd_i                        => lcb_gen_cmd,
-        cmd_start_pulse_i            => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
-        fast_cmd_data_i              => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
-        hcc_mask_i                   => (others => '0'),
-        abc_mask_i                   => (others => (others => '0')),
-        l0a_data_i                   => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
-        abc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_abc_id,
-        hcc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
-        reg_addr_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
-        reg_data_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_data,
-        ready_o                      => lcb_gen_ready,
-        lcb_frame_o                  => lcb_frame,
-        lcb_frame_i_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,
-        lcb_frame_o_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
-        lcb_frame_o_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
-        lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_o => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full
+    encoding <= regmap(ENCODING_ENABLE)(0);
+    cmd_destination_selector_mux :
+    process(encoding, command_data_i, command_valid_i, bypass_cmd_ready, encoded_cmd_ready) is
+    begin
+        if encoding = '0' then
+            encoded_cmd       <= (others => '0');
+            encoded_cmd_valid <= '0';
+            bypass_cmd        <= command_data_i;
+            bypass_cmd_valid  <= command_valid_i;
+            command_ready_o   <= bypass_cmd_ready;
+        else
+            encoded_cmd       <= command_data_i;
+            encoded_cmd_valid <= command_valid_i;
+            bypass_cmd        <= (others => '0');
+            bypass_cmd_valid  <= '0';
+            command_ready_o   <= encoded_cmd_ready;
+        end if;
+    end process;
+    bypass_frame_generator : entity work.strips_bypass_frame_aggregator
+        generic map(
+            TIMEOUT => 4000
+        )
+        port map(
+            clk           => clk,
+            rst           => rst,
+            byte_i        => bypass_cmd,
+            byte_valid_i  => bypass_cmd_valid,
+            byte_ready_o  => bypass_cmd_ready,
+            frame_o       => bypass_frame,
+            frame_valid_o => bypass_frame_valid,
+            frame_ready_i => bypass_frame_ready
+        );
+    configuration_decoder : entity work.strips_configuration_decoder
+        generic map(
+            TIMEOUT => 4000
+        )
+        port map(
+            clk            => clk,
+            rst            => rst,
+            config_data_i  => config_data_i,
+            config_valid_i => config_valid_i,
+            config_ready_o => config_ready_o,
+            regmap_wr_en_o => regmap_wr_en,
+            regmap_data_o  => regmap_data,
+            regmap_addr_o  => regmap_addr
+        );
+    command_decoder : entity work.lcb_command_decoder
+        generic map(
+            TIMEOUT => 4000
+        )
+        port map(
+            clk                          => clk,
+            rst                          => rst,
+            elink_data_i                 => encoded_cmd,
+            elink_valid_i                => encoded_cmd_valid,
+            elink_ready_o                => encoded_cmd_ready,
+            trickle_data_i               => trickle_data_o,
+            trickle_valid_i              => trickle_valid_o,
+            trickle_ready_o              => trickle_ready_i,
+            lcb_cmd_o                    => lcb_gen_cmd,
+            lcb_cmd_start_pulse_o        => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
+            lcb_fast_cmd_data_o          => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
+            lcb_l0a_data_o               => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
+            lcb_abc_id_o                 => lcb_gen_abc_id,
+            lcb_hcc_id_o                 => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
+            lcb_reg_addr_o               => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
+            lcb_reg_data_o               => lcb_gen_reg_data,
+            lcb_ready_i                  => lcb_gen_ready,
+            lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_i => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full,
+            decoder_idle_o               => decoder_idle_o,
+            error_count_o                => error_count_o
+        );
+    register_map : entity work.lcb_regmap
+        port map (
+            clk      => clk,
+            rst      => rst,
+            wr_en    => regmap_wr_en,
+            data_i   => regmap_data,
+            addr_i   => regmap_addr,
+            regmap_o => regmap
+        );
+    regmap_o <= regmap;
+    playback_controller : entity work.playback_controller
+        generic map(
+        )
+        port map(
+            clk                    => clk,
+            rst                    => rst,
+            start_pulse_i          => trickle_trigger_start,
+            readout_active_o       => open,
+            playback_loops_i       => regmap(PLAYBACK_LOOPS),
+            data_i                 => trickle_data_i,
+            valid_i                => trickle_valid_i,
+            ready_o                => trickle_ready_o,
+            set_write_addr_pulse_i => regmap(TRICKLE_SET_WRITE_ADDR_PULSE)(0),
+            write_addr_start_i     => regmap(TRICKLE_WRITE_ADDR)(playback_controller_address'range),
+            read_addr_start_i      => regmap(TRICKLE_DATA_START)(playback_controller_address'range),
+            read_addr_stop_i       => regmap(TRICKLE_DATA_END)(playback_controller_address'range),
+            data_o                 => trickle_data_o,
+            valid_o                => trickle_valid_o,
+            ready_i                => trickle_ready_i
-  end generate;
-      ttc_generate_gating_enable <=
-          and
-  g_bcidgating_en : if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') generate
-      trickle_trigger_generator : entity work.lcb_trickle_trigger
-          generic map (guard_window => guard_window_size)                           -- defined in strips_package.vhd
-          port map(
-              clk                          => clk,                                    -- in  
-              rst                          => rst,                                    -- in  
-              en_i                         => ttc_generate_gating_enable,             -- in  
-              bcr_i                        => bcr_i,                                  -- in  
-              bc_start_i                   => regmap(GATING_BC_START)(t_bcid'range),  -- in  t_bcid
-              bc_stop_i                    => regmap(GATING_BC_STOP)(t_bcid'range),   -- in  t_bcid
-              trickle_trigger_o            => trickle_trigger_gating,                 -- out  
-              trickle_allow_register_cmd_o => trickle_allow_register_cmd              -- out 
-          );
+    abc_mask(15) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_F);
+    abc_mask(14) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_E);
+    abc_mask(13) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_D);
+    abc_mask(12) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_C);
+    abc_mask(11) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_B);
+    abc_mask(10) <= regmap(ABC_MASK_A);
+    abc_mask(9)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_9);
+    abc_mask(8)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_8);
+    abc_mask(7)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_7);
+    abc_mask(6)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_6);
+    abc_mask(5)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_5);
+    abc_mask(4)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_4);
+    abc_mask(3)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_3);
+    abc_mask(2)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_2);
+    abc_mask(1)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_1);
+    abc_mask(0)  <= regmap(ABC_MASK_0);
+    g_modulemasksen : if (CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS = '1') generate
+        frame_generator : entity work.lcb_frame_generator
+            port map(
+                clk                          => clk,
+                rst                          => rst,
+                cmd_i                        => lcb_gen_cmd,
+                cmd_start_pulse_i            => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
+                fast_cmd_data_i              => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
+                hcc_mask_i                   => regmap(HCC_MASK),
+                abc_mask_i                   => abc_mask,
+                l0a_data_i                   => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
+                abc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_abc_id,
+                hcc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
+                reg_addr_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
+                reg_data_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_data,
+                ready_o                      => lcb_gen_ready,
+                lcb_frame_o                  => lcb_frame,
+                lcb_frame_i_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,
+                lcb_frame_o_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
+                lcb_frame_o_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
+                lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_o => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full
+            );
+    else generate --CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS = '0'
+        frame_generator : entity work.lcb_frame_generator
+            port map(
+                clk                          => clk,
+                rst                          => rst,
+                cmd_i                        => lcb_gen_cmd,
+                cmd_start_pulse_i            => lcb_gen_cmd_start_pulse,
+                fast_cmd_data_i              => lcb_gen_fast_cmd_data,
+                hcc_mask_i                   => (others => '0'),
+                abc_mask_i                   => (others => (others => '0')),
+                l0a_data_i                   => lcb_gen_l0a_data,
+                abc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_abc_id,
+                hcc_id_i                     => lcb_gen_hcc_id,
+                reg_addr_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_addr,
+                reg_data_i                   => lcb_gen_reg_data,
+                ready_o                      => lcb_gen_ready,
+                lcb_frame_o                  => lcb_frame,
+                lcb_frame_i_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,
+                lcb_frame_o_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
+                lcb_frame_o_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
+                lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full_o => lcb_frame_fifo_almost_full
+            );
+    end generate;
+    ttc_generate_gating_enable <=
+                                  and
+                                  not(config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.TTC_GATING_OVERRIDE(config.GLOBAL_STRIPS_CONFIG.TTC_GATING_OVERRIDE'low));
+    g_bcidgating_en : if (CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '1') generate
+        trickle_trigger_generator : entity work.lcb_trickle_trigger
+            generic map (guard_window => guard_window_size)                           -- defined in strips_package.vhd
+            port map(
+                clk                          => clk,                                    -- in
+                rst                          => rst,                                    -- in
+                en_i                         => ttc_generate_gating_enable,             -- in
+                bcr_i                        => bcr_i,                                  -- in
+                bc_start_i                   => regmap(GATING_BC_START)(t_bcid'range),  -- in  t_bcid
+                bc_stop_i                    => regmap(GATING_BC_STOP)(t_bcid'range),   -- in  t_bcid
+                trickle_trigger_o            => trickle_trigger_gating,                 -- out
+                trickle_allow_register_cmd_o => trickle_allow_register_cmd              -- out
+            );
     else generate -- CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING = '0'
         --ttc_generate_gating_enable <= '0';
         trickle_trigger_gating     <= '0';
@@ -370,74 +370,74 @@ begin
     end generate;
-  scheduler : entity work.lcb_scheduler_encoder
-    port map(
-      clk                          => clk,
-      rst                          => rst,
-      l0a_frame_i                  => ttc_l0a_frame,      --(11:0)
-      lcb_frame_i                  => lcb_frame,          --(12:0)
-      lcb_frame_o_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,    --out
-      lcb_frame_i_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
-      lcb_frame_i_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
-      l0a_frame_delay_i            => regmap(L0A_FRAME_DELAY)(3 downto 2),  --(1:0) --AP: I am not sure why this is needed
-      bypass_frame_i               => bypass_frame,                         --(15:0)
-      bypass_frame_valid_i         => bypass_frame_valid,
-      bypass_frame_ready_o         => bypass_frame_ready,
-      frame_start_pulse_i          => frame_start_pulse,
-      trickle_bc_gating_i          => trickle_trigger_gating,
-      trickle_allow_register_cmd_i => trickle_allow_register_cmd,
-      trickle_bc_gating_en         => ttc_generate_gating_enable, -- in
-      ttc_l0a_en                   => regmap(TTC_L0A_ENABLE)(0),            --AP: I am not sure why this is needed
-      encoded_frame_o              => encoded_frame_reg           --(15:0)
-      );
-  -- serializes LCB frame for 4-bit elink
-  serializer : process(clk) is
-  begin
-    if rising_edge(clk) then
-      if rst = '1' then
-        serializer_reg <= (others => '0');
-      else
-        if frame_start_pulse = '1' then
-          serializer_reg <= encoded_frame_reg;
-        else
-          serializer_reg(15 downto 4) <= serializer_reg(11 downto 0);
+    scheduler : entity work.lcb_scheduler_encoder
+        port map(
+            clk                          => clk,
+            rst                          => rst,
+            l0a_frame_i                  => ttc_l0a_frame,      --(11:0)
+            lcb_frame_i                  => lcb_frame,          --(12:0)
+            lcb_frame_o_rd_en            => lcb_frame_rd_en,    --out
+            lcb_frame_i_empty            => lcb_frame_empty,
+            lcb_frame_i_almost_empty     => lcb_frame_almost_empty,
+            l0a_frame_delay_i            => regmap(L0A_FRAME_DELAY)(3 downto 2),  --(1:0) --AP: I am not sure why this is needed
+            bypass_frame_i               => bypass_frame,                         --(15:0)
+            bypass_frame_valid_i         => bypass_frame_valid,
+            bypass_frame_ready_o         => bypass_frame_ready,
+            frame_start_pulse_i          => frame_start_pulse,
+            trickle_bc_gating_i          => trickle_trigger_gating,
+            trickle_allow_register_cmd_i => trickle_allow_register_cmd,
+            trickle_bc_gating_en         => ttc_generate_gating_enable, -- in
+            ttc_l0a_en                   => regmap(TTC_L0A_ENABLE)(0),            --AP: I am not sure why this is needed
+            encoded_frame_o              => encoded_frame_reg           --(15:0)
+        );
+    -- serializes LCB frame for 4-bit elink
+    serializer : process(clk) is
+    begin
+        if rising_edge(clk) then
+            if rst = '1' then
+                serializer_reg <= (others => '0');
+            else
+                if frame_start_pulse = '1' then
+                    serializer_reg <= encoded_frame_reg;
+                else
+                    serializer_reg(15 downto 4) <= serializer_reg(11 downto 0);
+                end if;
+            end if;
         end if;
-      end if;
-    end if;
-  end process;
-  -- Saves delayed elink data by up to 3 BC CLK cycles
-  edata_delay_proc : process(clk) is
-  begin
-    if rising_edge(clk) then
-      if rst = '1' then
-        edata_delay_reg <= (others => (others => '0'));
-      else
-        edata_delay_reg(1)                         <= serializer_reg(15 downto 12);
-        edata_delay_reg(2 to edata_delay_reg'high) <= edata_delay_reg(1 to edata_delay_reg'high - 1);
-      end if;
-    end if;
-  end process;
-  -- Outputs elink data with a configurable delay
-  edata_output : process(clk) is
-    variable delay_int : integer range 0 to 3;
-  begin
-    if rising_edge(clk) then
-      if (rst = '1') then
-        edata_s <= (others => '0');
-      else
-        delay_int := to_integer(unsigned(edata_delay));
-        if delay_int = 0 then
-          edata_s <= serializer_reg(15 downto 12);
-        else
-          edata_s <= edata_delay_reg(delay_int);
+    end process;
+    -- Saves delayed elink data by up to 3 BC CLK cycles
+    edata_delay_proc : process(clk) is
+    begin
+        if rising_edge(clk) then
+            if rst = '1' then
+                edata_delay_reg <= (others => (others => '0'));
+            else
+                edata_delay_reg(1)                         <= serializer_reg(15 downto 12);
+                edata_delay_reg(2 to edata_delay_reg'high) <= edata_delay_reg(1 to edata_delay_reg'high - 1);
+            end if;
+        end if;
+    end process;
+    -- Outputs elink data with a configurable delay
+    edata_output : process(clk) is
+        variable delay_int : integer range 0 to 3;
+    begin
+        if rising_edge(clk) then
+            if (rst = '1') then
+                edata_s <= (others => '0');
+            else
+                delay_int := to_integer(unsigned(edata_delay));
+                if delay_int = 0 then
+                    edata_s <= serializer_reg(15 downto 12);
+                else
+                    edata_s <= edata_delay_reg(delay_int);
+                end if;
+            end if;
         end if;
-      end if;
-    end if;
-  end process;
+    end process;
-  edata_o <= not edata_s when invert_output else edata_s;
+    edata_o <= not edata_s when invert_output else edata_s;
 end architecture RTL;
diff --git a/sources/ItkStrip/strips_package.vhd b/sources/ItkStrip/strips_package.vhd
index 5e6bb3014..4376c95e2 100644
--- a/sources/ItkStrip/strips_package.vhd
+++ b/sources/ItkStrip/strips_package.vhd
@@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ library IEEE;
 package strips_package is
-   -- Build settings for LCB encoders:
-   constant CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING  : std_logic := '0';
-   constant CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS   : std_logic := '0';
-   constant CFG_SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH    : natural := 12; -- 4kB
-                                                --13; -- 8kB
-                                                --14; --16kB
-   constant STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG_MON_REG : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := 
-            x"000000" &
-            std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(CFG_SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH,4)) &
-            "00" &
+    -- Build settings for LCB encoders:
+    constant CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING  : std_logic := '0';
+    constant CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS   : std_logic := '0';
+    constant CFG_SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH    : natural := 12; -- 4kB
+    --13; -- 8kB
+    --14; --16kB
+    constant STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG_MON_REG : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) :=
+                                                                            x"000000" &
+                                                                            std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(CFG_SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH,4)) &
+                                                                            "00" &
+                                                                            CFG_INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS &
+                                                                            CFG_INCLUDE_BCID_GATING;
     subtype t_bcid is std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);

From c4d67a5cd166c630bb1b485ce3fc7796dd7ad96f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frans Schreuder <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 10:59:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Added new register for FLX-2422

 sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd |  2 +-
 sources/templates/generated/dma_control.vhd    |  7 +++++++
 sources/templates/generated/dma_control_5.vhd  |  7 +++++++
 sources/templates/generated/pcie_package.vhd   | 14 +++++++++++++-
 sources/templates/yaml/regmap                  |  2 +-
 5 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd b/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd
index 69476da9d..fcaff2a75 100644
--- a/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd
+++ b/sources/CRToHost/ToHostAxiStreamController.vhd
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of ToHostAxiStreamController is
     signal is_soc_all_streams : std_logic_vector(STREAMS_TOHOST downto 0); --This is the next valid word after s_axis.tlast.
     signal next_is_soc, update_is_soc: std_logic; --Handshake signals between processes to update is_soc
     signal stream_select_s: integer range 0 to STREAMS_TOHOST;
     signal stream_select_switched: std_logic;
     signal stream_select_and_value : axis_tready_array_type(0 to STREAMS_TOHOST-1);
     signal SwitchAxiStream : std_logic;
diff --git a/sources/templates/generated/dma_control.vhd b/sources/templates/generated/dma_control.vhd
index 02326a28c..88099cac9 100644
--- a/sources/templates/generated/dma_control.vhd
+++ b/sources/templates/generated/dma_control.vhd
@@ -17648,6 +17648,13 @@ end process;
                                                                                                                                                                                     -- 1: Use subchunk header format
                                                                                                                                                                                     -- 2: Use blockless header format
+              when REG_STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG            => register_read_data_25_s(7 downto 4)     <= register_map_monitor_s.register_map_gen_board_info.STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG.SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH; -- Width of the sequencer RAM
+                                                                                                                                                                                    --   12: 4kB
+                                                                                                                                                                                    --   13: 8kB
+                                                                                                                                                                                    --   14: 16kB
+                                                         register_read_data_25_s(1 downto 1)     <= register_map_monitor_s.register_map_gen_board_info.STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG.INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS; -- include hcc_mask and abc_mask in lcb_frame_generator
+                                                         register_read_data_25_s(0 downto 0)     <= register_map_monitor_s.register_map_gen_board_info.STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG.INCLUDE_BCID_GATING; -- include trickle trigger / BCID gating in lcb wrapper
 -- CRToHostControlsAndMonitors
               when REG_MAX_TIMEOUT                    => register_read_data_25_s(31 downto 0)    <= register_map_monitor_s.register_map_crtohost_monitor.MAX_TIMEOUT;                   -- Maximum allowed timeout value
diff --git a/sources/templates/generated/dma_control_5.vhd b/sources/templates/generated/dma_control_5.vhd
index 9c839c312..a4ab54457 100644
--- a/sources/templates/generated/dma_control_5.vhd
+++ b/sources/templates/generated/dma_control_5.vhd
@@ -13571,6 +13571,13 @@ end process;
                                                                                                                                                                                     -- 1: Use subchunk header format
                                                                                                                                                                                     -- 2: Use blockless header format
+              when REG_STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG            => register_read_data_25_s(7 downto 4)     <= register_map_monitor_s.register_map_gen_board_info.STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG.SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH; -- Width of the sequencer RAM
+                                                                                                                                                                                    --   12: 4kB
+                                                                                                                                                                                    --   13: 8kB
+                                                                                                                                                                                    --   14: 16kB
+                                                         register_read_data_25_s(1 downto 1)     <= register_map_monitor_s.register_map_gen_board_info.STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG.INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS; -- include hcc_mask and abc_mask in lcb_frame_generator
+                                                         register_read_data_25_s(0 downto 0)     <= register_map_monitor_s.register_map_gen_board_info.STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG.INCLUDE_BCID_GATING; -- include trickle trigger / BCID gating in lcb wrapper
 -- CRToHostControlsAndMonitors
               when REG_MAX_TIMEOUT                    => register_read_data_25_s(31 downto 0)    <= register_map_monitor_s.register_map_crtohost_monitor.MAX_TIMEOUT;                   -- Maximum allowed timeout value
diff --git a/sources/templates/generated/pcie_package.vhd b/sources/templates/generated/pcie_package.vhd
index eda48e001..3bac7bcc8 100644
--- a/sources/templates/generated/pcie_package.vhd
+++ b/sources/templates/generated/pcie_package.vhd
@@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ package pcie_package is
   constant REG_FULLMODE_HALFRATE              : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) := x"00230";
   constant REG_SUPPORT_HDLC_DELAY             : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) := x"00240";
   constant REG_TOHOST_DATA_FORMAT             : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) := x"00250";
+  constant REG_STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG            : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) := x"00260";
   --** CRToHostControlsAndMonitors
   constant REG_TIMEOUT_CTRL                   : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) := x"00800";
@@ -7820,6 +7821,15 @@ package pcie_package is
     EC_INDEX                       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 8);   -- The AXIs ID (EPath-ID) of the FromHost EC E-Link
     NUMBER_OF_STREAMS              : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);    -- Total number of AXIs IDs (EPath-IDs) per physical link FromHost
   end record;
+  type bitfield_strips_encoding_cfg_r_type is record
+    SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH              : std_logic_vector(7 downto 4);    -- Width of the sequencer RAM
+                                                                      --   12: 4kB
+                                                                      --   13: 8kB
+                                                                      --   14: 16kB
+    INCLUDE_ASIC_MASKS             : std_logic_vector(1 downto 1);    -- include hcc_mask and abc_mask in lcb_frame_generator
+    INCLUDE_BCID_GATING            : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);    -- include trickle trigger / BCID gating in lcb wrapper
+  end record;
   -- GenericBoardInformation
   type register_map_gen_board_info_type is record
@@ -7889,6 +7899,7 @@ package pcie_package is
                                                                       -- 1: Use subchunk header format
                                                                       -- 2: Use blockless header format
+    STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG            : bitfield_strips_encoding_cfg_r_type;
 end record;
 -- CRToHostControlsAndMonitors
@@ -8508,7 +8519,8 @@ end record;
     FROMHOST_DATA_FORMAT           => (others => '0'),
     FULLMODE_HALFRATE              => (others => '0'),
     SUPPORT_HDLC_DELAY             => (others => '0'),
-    TOHOST_DATA_FORMAT             => (others => '0')
+    TOHOST_DATA_FORMAT             => (others => '0'),
+    STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG            => (others => (others => '0'))
   constant register_map_crtohost_monitor_c : register_map_crtohost_monitor_type := (
diff --git a/sources/templates/yaml/regmap b/sources/templates/yaml/regmap
index 6651d6c70..63315df5c 160000
--- a/sources/templates/yaml/regmap
+++ b/sources/templates/yaml/regmap
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 6651d6c70479d4f4b200f92b3ce44671e6e5c03c
+Subproject commit 63315df5c8a3b053958b268afea65d218d80fd95

From 201eab2e7960681d5507710289f53a5e08a8a3c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frans Schreuder <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 11:05:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Connected register to values in strips_package

 sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd | 7 +++++++
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd b/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd
index 8a095b8af..63469348c 100644
--- a/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd
+++ b/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ library ieee, UNISIM;
     use work.pcie_package.all;
     use work.centralRouter_package.all;
     use work.FELIX_package.all;
+    use work.strips_package.all;
 entity GenericConstantsToRegs is
@@ -154,5 +155,11 @@ begin
     register_map_gen_board_info.GTREFCLK_SOURCE <= "0" & CONV(USE_Si5324_RefCLK);
+    register_map_gen_board_info.STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG <= (
+        SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH => std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(CFG_SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH,4)),
+    );
 end architecture rtl ; -- of GenericConstantsToRegs

From 915802e2f548a65189fa070a4062f94ecd6ccab3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frans Schreuder <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 11:43:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Fixed assignment in record aggregate

 sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd b/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd
index 63469348c..8e5eae20f 100644
--- a/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd
+++ b/sources/housekeeping/GenericConstantsToRegs.vhd
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ begin
     register_map_gen_board_info.STRIPS_ENCODING_CFG <= (
         SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH => std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(CFG_SEQRAM_ADDR_WIDTH,4)),
 end architecture rtl ; -- of GenericConstantsToRegs