diff --git a/DeploymentTest/readme b/DeploymentTest/readme
deleted file mode 100644
index beb9218524db08c08fccb4ae93e32c842895e880..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DeploymentTest/readme
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Point 1 Tests
-Select an unassigned calibration machine (for example):
-  https://atlasop.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/CalibrationFarm
-Log in to P1
-git clone https://:@gitlab.cern.ch:8443/atlas-tdaq-software/CastorScript.git
-cd CastorScript/DeploymentTest
-./p1.test.user.bash pc-tdq-calib-XX
-If you need to have an modified authorization file:
-  source /sw/castor/script_setup.sh
-  export CORAL_AUTH_PATH="$CORAL_AUTH_PATH:/path/to/CastorScript/coral/"
-  python -u ../Script/CastorScript.py xxx.cfg
-Testing a new watchdog / Running a non-installed version
-If the parameter "TEST" is provided to the watchdog it runs version from:
-"/atlas-home/1/flegoff/CastorScript" instead of "/sw/castor/"
-and look for "*.testcfg" configuration files instead of "*.cfg"
-To test a new version on a production config: change the config file extension,
-kill the running instance, and setup a task in atlascdr's crontab on HOST:
-  mv /mnt/daq_area_rw/castor/HOST/atlascdr/xxx.cfg \
-      /mnt/daq_area_rw/castor/HOST/atlascdr/xxx.testcfg
-  ssh -x HOST /sw/castor/tools/castor.signal 12
-  ssh HOST
-  crontab -e
-    MAILTO="flegoff@cern.ch"
-    */5 *  *  *  * /atlas-home/1/flegoff/CastorScript/watchdog.sh TEST >> /logs/castor_watchdog_test.log 2>&1
diff --git a/DeploymentTest/test_config.cfg b/DeploymentTest/test_config.cfg
index aaa11fccf4dd9921d2d39e1aef2ae043c53b8865..da970123bdcfd5182a97265060c7d5ebc1e62b70 100644
--- a/DeploymentTest/test_config.cfg
+++ b/DeploymentTest/test_config.cfg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 LogDir: '/tmp/atlascdr/logs/'
 LogLevel: 'debug'
-EmailLogList: ['flegoff@cern.ch']
+EmailLogList: ['vandelli@cern.ch']
 EmailLogLevel: 'ERROR'
 EmailLogSender: 'testcastorscript@cern.ch'
diff --git a/DeploymentTest/test_config_is_ers.cfg b/DeploymentTest/test_config_is_ers.cfg
index db8d0e7f829a55fba07b95f8fa1bfd40a5ad38e0..ccd7ae63655a180d7191df1dc46d4b1d4c0bed9d 100644
--- a/DeploymentTest/test_config_is_ers.cfg
+++ b/DeploymentTest/test_config_is_ers.cfg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 LogDir: '/tmp/atlascdr/logs/'
 LogLevel: 'debug'
-EmailLogList: ['flegoff@cern.ch']
+EmailLogList: ['vandelli@cern.ch']
 EmailLogLevel: 'ERROR'
 EmailLogSender: 'testcastorscript@cern.ch'
diff --git a/DeploymentTest/test_config_is_ers_mig.cfg b/DeploymentTest/test_config_is_ers_mig.cfg
index 597a0481a9819f027a23e3a13a76f606a831f594..20fe6fe73a56ab8c29ef122c9ba3a913e82e4444 100644
--- a/DeploymentTest/test_config_is_ers_mig.cfg
+++ b/DeploymentTest/test_config_is_ers_mig.cfg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 LogDir: '/tmp/atlascdr/logs/'
 LogLevel: 'debug'
-EmailLogList: ['flegoff@cern.ch']
+EmailLogList: ['vandelli@cern.ch']
 EmailLogLevel: 'ERROR'
 EmailLogSender: 'testcastorscript@cern.ch'
diff --git a/DeploymentTest/test_config_localreader.cfg b/DeploymentTest/test_config_localreader.cfg
index 903b571e0c3768f43c3fde5569e4b99ab8bc3ac8..9374c56fcee7a7302612282d470abd37ac865c88 100644
--- a/DeploymentTest/test_config_localreader.cfg
+++ b/DeploymentTest/test_config_localreader.cfg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 LogDir: '/tmp/atlascdr/logs/'
 LogLevel: 'debug'
-EmailLogList: ['flegoff@cern.ch']
+EmailLogList: ['vandelli@cern.ch']
 EmailLogLevel: 'ERROR'
 EmailLogSender: 'testcastorscript@cern.ch'
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ MainThreadEventTimeout: 2
 FilenameParser: 'TestFileNameParser'
 BackendModule: 'localreader'
-BackendModuleConf: {'READ_SCRIPT': '/atlas-home/1/flegoff/CastorScript/Script/cs/StorageBackends/read_script.sh'}
+BackendModuleConf: {'READ_SCRIPT': '/atlas-home/1/vandelli/CastorScript/Script/cs/StorageBackends/read_script.sh'}
 SrcDirs: ['/tmp/atlascdr/']
 DataFilePattern: ['*.data',]
diff --git a/DeploymentTest/test_config_localreader_is_ers.cfg b/DeploymentTest/test_config_localreader_is_ers.cfg
index 2efc18910c3c7ec1fe962ef0cd7da8faea523890..dcb886bc6f0c22ed195b7d46862ee052267f3e26 100644
--- a/DeploymentTest/test_config_localreader_is_ers.cfg
+++ b/DeploymentTest/test_config_localreader_is_ers.cfg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 LogDir: '/tmp/atlascdr/logs/'
 LogLevel: 'debug'
-EmailLogList: ['flegoff@cern.ch']
+EmailLogList: ['vandelli@cern.ch']
 EmailLogLevel: 'ERROR'
 EmailLogSender: 'testcastorscript@cern.ch'
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ MainThreadEventTimeout: 2
 FilenameParser: 'TestFileNameParser'
 BackendModule: 'localreader'
-BackendModuleConf: {'READ_SCRIPT': '/atlas-home/1/flegoff/CastorScript/Script/cs/StorageBackends/read_script.sh'}
+BackendModuleConf: {'READ_SCRIPT': '/atlas-home/1/vandelli/CastorScript/Script/cs/StorageBackends/read_script.sh'}
 SrcDirs: ['/tmp/atlascdr/']
 DataFilePattern: ['*.data',]
diff --git a/DeploymentTest/test_config_mig.cfg b/DeploymentTest/test_config_mig.cfg
index aad21430444ffddc3dbf0cd1a388480dca7dadc9..a62c2d070750a2594fcfe1e20cd8edde27c1bf8e 100644
--- a/DeploymentTest/test_config_mig.cfg
+++ b/DeploymentTest/test_config_mig.cfg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 LogDir: '/tmp/atlascdr/logs/'
 LogLevel: 'debug'
-EmailLogList: ['flegoff@cern.ch']
+EmailLogList: ['vandelli@cern.ch']
 EmailLogLevel: 'ERROR'
 EmailLogSender: 'testcastorscript@cern.ch'
diff --git a/readme b/readme
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ae77cde39a05cab5421975220229d076f81247a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/readme
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-This is the software that transfers file from ATLAS online infrastructure to
-offline storage. The name, CastorScript, has historical reasons: it used to copy
-files directly to the CASTOR system (it does not anymore).
-  Configs: reference, template and test configs
-  DeploymentTest: deployment test
-  Script: the actual code
-  ProductionTools: set of Bash and Python scripts used on the production system to
-    ease maintenance tasks
-  pylintrc: configuration of pylint (used by CI)
-  readme: this file (are you even following?)
-  run_docker_container.sh: script to start a docker container in CWD for testing (must be run in CastorScript folder)
-  run_pylint.sh: script to run pylint on all files in Script
-  run_unit_tests.sh: script to search and run Python unit tests
-  script_setup.sh: script used in P1 to setup the running environment
-  watchdog.sh: script called by sysadmin's cron task that starts and maintains
-    CastorScript instance up and running. Also handles log turn over.
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7aba7681a1cff927dfbee0445428df63f439e77a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+This is the software that transfers file from ATLAS online infrastructure to
+offline storage. The name, CastorScript, has historical reasons: it used to copy
+files directly to the CASTOR system (it does not anymore).
+# Contents
+- Configs: reference, template and test configs
+- DeploymentTest: deployment test
+- Script: the actual code
+- ProductionTools: set of Bash and Python scripts used on the production system
+  to ease maintenance tasks
+- pylintrc: configuration of pylint (used by CI)
+- readme: this file (are you even following?)
+- run_docker_container.sh: script to start a docker container in CWD for testing (must be run in CastorScript folder)
+- run_pylint.sh: script to run pylint on all files in Script
+- run_unit_tests.sh: script to search and run Python unit tests
+- script_setup.sh: script used in P1 to setup the running environment
+- watchdog.sh: script called by sysadmin's cron task that starts and maintains
+  CastorScript instance up and running. Also handles log turn over.
+# Semi-Automated Tests In P1
+Choose a "CastorScript compatible", unused computer in P1 (unused calib
+machines are a good choice).
+The, in P1, from the code source directory
+    ./DeploymentTest/p1.test.user.bash pc-tdq-calib-21
+The output should be self-explanatory.
+There are a number of options to this test script to test specific features
+(online documentation is available):
+- `--isers`: enable IS and ERS publication features; requires running a
+  partition named 'castorscript';
+- `--mig`: enable migration check before deletion; uses
+  `/eos/ctaatlaspps/daqtest` as CTA target ;
+- `--localreader`: no transfer takes place, files are only read locally.
+The last two options are mutually exclusive.
+# Installing a New Version in P1
+    # Tag the commit you want to install in git
+    ssh atlasgw
+    # git clone ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/atlas-tdaq-software/CastorScript.git
+    cd CastorScript
+    git pull
+    ./point1.deployment.sh CastorScript-00-00-00
+    # Let it flow (and check for errors)
diff --git a/watchdog.sh b/watchdog.sh
index b194c1812c8fb9ba84f2934d9c8f5a9ffd592a4c..8298bae96bc246c27bf299c43a3a2dfa037bae61 100755
--- a/watchdog.sh
+++ b/watchdog.sh
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ CONFDIR="/daq_area/castor/${SHORTHOSTNAME}/${USER}"
 if [ x"$1" = xTEST ]; then
-	SWDIR="/atlas-home/1/flegoff/CastorScript"
+	SWDIR="/atlas-home/1/vandelli/CastorScript"
 	echo "running test configurations: swdir=$SWDIR, cfg_ext=$CFG_EXTENSION"
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ for CFG in $CONFDIR/*.$CFG_EXTENSION; do
 		#get logdir from config file (find LogDir: in CFG | pipe 2nd part | del all ' & " | del last char if == / )
 		logdir=$(grep 'LogDir:' $CFG | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d "'" | tr -d "\"" | sed "s/\/$//")
 		# If the CastorScript crashed, especially on uncaught exceptions, this watchdog
 		# restarts it and we won't notice. Uncaught exception messages end up in
 		# stdouterr: mail it to Fabrice if the file has non-zero length.
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ for CFG in $CONFDIR/*.$CFG_EXTENSION; do
 			cp $logdir/stdouterr $logdir/stdouterr.raw
 			sed '/Partition ".*" does not exist/d;/CORBA system exception "TRANSIENT(1096024066=TRANSIENT_ConnectFailed)" has been raised/d' -i $logdir/stdouterr
 			if [ -s $logdir/stdouterr ]; then
-				echo "$CFG" | mail -s "CastorScript instance crashed" -a $logdir/stdouterr -r "atlascdr@cern.ch" flegoff@cern.ch
+				echo "$CFG" | mail -s "CastorScript instance crashed" -a $logdir/stdouterr -r "atlascdr@cern.ch" wainer.vandelli@cern.ch