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  • Sasha Mazurov's avatar · 3e90a7e5
    Sasha Mazurov authored
    nable CPMon tool only for data files (not for MC15-style HITS input file).
    ince xAOD CPMTowers, CMXCPHits, CMXCPTobs objects are not currently
    orrectly handled for files of other types like in q221 test. (TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-32)
        Enable CPMon tool only for data files (not for MC15-style HITS input file).
        since xAOD CPMTowers, CMXCPHits, CMXCPTobs objects are not currently
        correctly handled for files of other types like in q221 test.
      * Tag as  TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-32
    2015-04-28 Alexander Mazurov <>
      * Fix 2D Pedestal(Correction)VsBCIDVsLumi Plots histogram filling
        for PPm monitoring of cosmic runs
      * CPMon: for CMXCPHits field "source" renamed to "sourceComponent"
        - requires xAODTrigL1Calo-00-00-50
      * RODMon: fix  histograms path
      * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-31
    2015-04-26 Alexander Mazurov <>
      * Reorganize package  - move all headers to src folder, we don't need
        to expose tools to public. It avoids necessary dependency from
        other packages
      * Move all tools to LVL1 namespace
      * CPMon: use xAOD objects for
    (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)