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  • Fred Luehring's avatar
    Minor typo fix to tool declaration in src/component now tagged as... · 5be77ec9
    Fred Luehring authored
    Minor typo fix to tool declaration in src/component now tagged as TRT_ToT_Tools-01-00-04. (TRT_ToT_Tools-01-00-04)
    	   * Committed and tagged by <Fred.Luehring@cern.c> from patch
    	     supplied by Simone Pagan Griso.
    	   * Minor typo fix to tool declaration in src/components
    	   * Tagged as TRT_ToT_Tools-01-00-04
    2015-03-08 Andrew Beddall <>
    	   * TRT_ToT_dEdx.cxx: trivial fix for
    	     harmless coverity defects 14804 and 14805
    	   * Tagged as TRT_ToT_Tools-01-00-03
    	   * include additional check whether nHits>0 in dEdx function to fix coverity defect
    	   * Tag as TRT_ToT_Tools-00-00-17
    	   * include additional check whether driftcircle exists to fix coverity defect
    	   * Tag as TRT_ToT_Tools-00-00-16
    	   * drop cut on difference between drift radius and track radius causing low hit efficiency for HIP particles
    	   * additional function to correct for normalization (data offset and nVtx dependency)
    	   * new parameter in dE/dx function for vertex dependency
    	   * Tag as TRT_ToT_Tools-00-00-15