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  • Stefania Spagnolo's avatar
    longer time interval for hits in the input to the pileup procedure (RPC_Digitization-01-05-04) · a4f1144f
    Stefania Spagnolo authored
            * Tagging RPC_Digitization-01-05-04
    	* python/ (RPC_FirstXing and RPC_LastFixing): longer time interval for pileup
    2014-10-09  Stefania Spagnolo  <>
    	TODO: understand small diff. between eta and phi times (eta time vs BMS, BOL, BML, etc ... )
            * Tagging RPC_Digitization-01-05-03
    	* src/RpcDigitizationTool.cxx (doDigitization): correct the treatement of the correlated (between eta / phi views) and uncorrelated jitter [since Jan 2012, jitter effectively not applied]
    	Definition of the digit time is now: G4 (real tof) - nominal tof (from strip center) + signal prop. time - average signal prop. time + jitter(s, only one not 0), + BCid x 25ns + shift
    	* python/ (RpcDigitizationTool): default time shift = 12.5ns
    2014-09-22  Stefania Spagnolo  <>
            * Tagging RPC_Digitization-01-05-02
    	* python/ (RpcDigitizationTool): Digits time represent times in BC0 for a perfectly aligned (in time) detector;
    	default timeShift set to have the peak for prompt muons at the center of BC0, i.e.
    	    kwargs.setdefault("PatchForRpcTimeShift"  ,9.6875)
    (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)