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  • Catrin Bernius's avatar
    ATR-10352: fix in obtaining max thresholds, output level set to INFO for... · b42735bb
    Catrin Bernius authored
    ATR-10352: fix in obtaining max thresholds, output level set to INFO for L1CaloThrDef check (TrigConfStorage-03-00-96)
    	* L1CaloThrDef: obtaining max thr according to l1Version now
    	* reduced output level to info for missing thresholds (ATR-10352)
    	* TrigConfStorage-03-00-96
    2015-03-16  Werner Wiedenmann  <>
    	* replace include "L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h" with "CTPfragment/CTPdataformatVersion.h"
            * TrigConfStorage-03-00-95
    2015-03-13 Joerg Stelzer
    	* Loading of clock of topo thresholds was missing
    	* CompMenu script simplified (needed to work with topo menu)
    	* TrigConfStorage-03-00-94
    2015-03-07 Joerg Stelzer
    	* Fix Random loader (cuts were wrongly loaded)
    	* L1Topo loader: fix loading of default values for parameters and inputs
    	* TrigConfStorage-03-00-93
    2015-03-03  Frank Winklmeier  <fwinkl@cern>
    	* src/L1TopoMenuLoader.cxx: print L1Topo menu once loaded
    (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)