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  • Nils Krumnack's avatar
    add options to disable recalibrating objects from PHYSLITE · 05742c27
    Nils Krumnack authored
    According to @gwatts it would be "amazing not to have to run
    calibrations on PHYSLITE".  So here we go: This adds options to jets,
    e-gamma, and muons to skip the calibration where possible.  This means
    no calibration is run for jets, and for e-gamma and muons the nominal
    calibration is skipped.  Either way, this is probably most noticable
    when running with systematics turned off, but even then the savings
    may be smaller than what MET alone costs us to run.
    I did enable some comparison tests for PHYSLITE jobs that were
    previously commented out (the data one failed, so I left it commented
    out), but didn't enable the new feature until it is fully validated
    (read: those tests did fail).  I'm leaving it to the PHYSLITE experts
    to do the validation and then turning this on by default in a separate