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  • Tomasz Bold's avatar
    added GapHypos (TrigHIHypo-00-00-82) · c4f6cc52
    Tomasz Bold authored
    	* added GapHypos
    	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-82
    2016-09-12 Tomasz Bold
    	* brought HF to menu implementability
    	* added perf configuration for assymetric Vn
    	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-81
    2016-09-09 Tomasz Bold
    	* update to Vn triggers
    	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-80
    2016-09-07 Soumya Mohapatra
            * Added first version of the HFMuonHypo
    2016-09-03 Tomasz Bold
    	* extened UltraCentral to have configurable eta range