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  • Graeme Stewart's avatar
    Large refactoring of AmiLib to reduce cut'n'paste code, more robust error · de6eb9d5
    Graeme Stewart authored
    reporting, throw proper exceptions.
    Prevent AthFileLits from running AthenaMP mode (PyUtils-00-14-07)
    	* python/
    	- Remove commented out code
    	* Tagging as PyUtils-00-14-07
    2014-12-18 Graeme Stewart <>
    	* python/
    	- Another big refactoring:
    	- badresult improved and now returns a boolean and an error message
    	- Rename dry_run to dryrun for consistency
    	- Introduce PyUtilsAMIException exception, which now gets thrown
    	  consistently if there are problems
    	- Consolidate the functions of get_project_of_pkg, get_version_of_pkg
    	  and tc_submit_tag._get_projects into single method get_pkg_info
    	- Rewrite get_version_of_pkg_with_deps to use module utilities
    	- Simplify find_pkg to remove callback function
    	* python/scripts/
    	* python/scripts/
    	- Embed script in try: except PyUtilsAMIException:
    	* python/scripts/
    	- Update to get_pkg_info (N.B. Script is still non-functional and disabled)
    (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)