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  • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
    Defining a CLID for xAOD::TrigPassBits (xAODTrigger-00-00-45) · cf9227b4
    Attila Krasznahorkay authored
    2015-10-28 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
    	* Declared a CLID for xAOD::TrigPassBits as well, as it's needed
    	  by the navigation when attaching it. Even if only the container
    	  is recorded into StoreGate.
    	* Tagging as xAODTrigger-00-00-45
    2015-10-28 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
    	* Removed the DataLink code from TrigPassBits, as we agreed that
    	  the uniquie key of the object would be coming from the navigation
    	  instead. (We would use the subTypeIndex variable.)
    	* Created an xAOD::makeTrigPassBits function, which is much like
    	  the HLT::makeTrigPassBits function, just making use of some nice
    	  new C++11 coding.
    	* Updated the unit test to check the behaviour of the new code.
    	* Tagging as xAODTrigger-00-00-44
    2015-10-27 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
    	* Extended xAOD::TrigPassBits to hold on to the CLID, and some
    	  sort of hashed key of the target container that it describes.
    	  This key right now tries to store the hashed key provided by
    (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)