From 69457cf4c58bfac06203d48f32ab4e7a81ecb882 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scott Snyder <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 22:30:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] 'endreq -> endmsg.' (TrigSteeringTest-01-00-44)

	* Tagging TrigSteeringTest-01-00-44.
	* endreq -> endmsg.

2016-12-15  scott snyder  <>

	* Tagging TrigSteeringTest-01-00-43.
	* DataModel -> AthContainers.
 .../TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/CMakeLists.txt |  4 +-
 .../TrigSteeringTest/cmt/requirements         |  2 +-
 .../TrigSteeringTest/src/AlgoOverlap.cxx      | 44 +++++++++----------
 .../src/DummyFexWithAcceptInput.cxx           |  6 +--
 .../TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgo.cxx        | 44 +++++++++----------
 .../src/dummyAlgoForCalibration.cxx           | 12 ++---
 .../src/dummyAlgoHLTErrorCode.cxx             | 12 ++---
 .../src/dummyFexWithRobReqPrep.cxx            |  4 +-
 .../TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyHypo.cxx        |  6 +--
 .../src/dummyMonitoredFex.cxx                 | 12 ++---
 .../TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgo2To1.cxx |  4 +-
 .../src/newDummyAlgoAllTEs.cxx                |  4 +-
 .../TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgoScan.cxx |  2 +-
 13 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/CMakeLists.txt b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/CMakeLists.txt
index 8ed886939acc..212bda95f7af 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
-                          Control/DataModel
+                          Control/AthContainers
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
 atlas_add_component( TrigSteeringTest
-                     LINK_LIBRARIES GaudiKernel TrigSteeringEvent TrigInterfacesLib AthenaKernel DataModel xAODTrigger TrigNavigationLib TrigT1Interfaces TrigTimeAlgsLib )
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES GaudiKernel TrigSteeringEvent TrigInterfacesLib AthenaKernel AthContainers xAODTrigger TrigNavigationLib TrigT1Interfaces TrigTimeAlgsLib )
 # Install files from the package:
 atlas_install_headers( TrigSteeringTest )
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/cmt/requirements b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/cmt/requirements
index e31eadf0b3e6..b0b22ace8a48 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/cmt/requirements
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/cmt/requirements
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ apply_pattern component_library
 use xAODTrigger		xAODTrigger-*		     Event/xAOD
 use AthenaKernel 	AthenaKernel-* 		     Control
-use DataModel 		DataModel-* 		     Control
+use AthContainers       AthContainers-* 	     Control
 use TrigNavigation      TrigNavigation-*             Trigger/TrigEvent
 use TrigTimeAlgs	TrigTimeAlgs-*               Trigger/TrigTools
 use  TrigT1Interfaces           TrigT1Interfaces-*              Trigger/TrigT1
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/AlgoOverlap.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/AlgoOverlap.cxx
index 37a1db62f890..0a13daec6514 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/AlgoOverlap.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/AlgoOverlap.cxx
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ AlgoOverlap::AlgoOverlap(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
 HLT::ErrorCode AlgoOverlap::hltInitialize()
   if (m_MinPhiDist>0 && m_MinEtaDist>0 && m_MinCentDist >0) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Can only declare MinCentDist or both MinPhiDist and MinEtaDist for the check! Configuration is not correct" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Can only declare MinCentDist or both MinPhiDist and MinEtaDist for the check! Configuration is not correct" << endmsg;
     return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_JOB, HLT::Reason::BAD_JOB_SETUP) ;
   if ((m_MinPhiDist>0 && m_MinEtaDist <0) || (m_MinPhiDist<0 && m_MinEtaDist>0)) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Both MinPhiDist and MinEtaDist must be specified! Configuration is not correct" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Both MinPhiDist and MinEtaDist must be specified! Configuration is not correct" << endmsg;
     return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_JOB, HLT::Reason::BAD_JOB_SETUP) ;
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode AlgoOverlap::hltInitialize()
 HLT::ErrorCode AlgoOverlap::acceptInputs(HLT::TEConstVec& tes_in, bool& pass)
   if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::VERBOSE )
-    msg() << MSG::VERBOSE << "Executing this AlgoOverlap " << name() << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::VERBOSE << "Executing this AlgoOverlap " << name() << endmsg;
   double phi0, phi1, eta0, eta1;
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode AlgoOverlap::acceptInputs(HLT::TEConstVec& tes_in, bool& pass)
       // some DEBUG output
       if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
 	msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Executing this AlgoOverlap " << name() << " for types "
-	      << tes_in[j]->getId() << " and " << tes_in[i]->getId() <<  endreq;
+	      << tes_in[j]->getId() << " and " << tes_in[i]->getId() <<  endmsg;
       // the following line would prevent delta_R checks of TEs of the same type, let's say EM25i, EM25i !!
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode AlgoOverlap::acceptInputs(HLT::TEConstVec& tes_in, bool& pass)
 	HLT::TEVec rois0 = config()->getNavigation()->getRoINodes( tes_in[j] );
 	HLT::TEVec rois1 = config()->getNavigation()->getRoINodes( tes_in[i] );
 	if (rois0.empty()) {
-	  msg() << MSG::ERROR << tes_in[j]->getId() << " not seeded from any RoI!" << endreq;
+	  msg() << MSG::ERROR << tes_in[j]->getId() << " not seeded from any RoI!" << endmsg;
 	  return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_EVENT, HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
 	if (rois1.empty()) {
-	  msg() << MSG::ERROR << tes_in[i]->getId() << " not seeded from any RoI!" << endreq;
+	  msg() << MSG::ERROR << tes_in[i]->getId() << " not seeded from any RoI!" << endmsg;
 	  return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_EVENT, HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
 	// okay, but how does that work for topological triggers ?
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode AlgoOverlap::acceptInputs(HLT::TEConstVec& tes_in, bool& pass)
       // get eta,phi from first TE node:
       if (HLT::OK != getFeatures(te0, features0) ) {
-	msg() << MSG::ERROR << "TE/RoI with no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::ERROR << "TE/RoI with no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!" << endmsg;
 	return HLT::ERROR;
       } else {
 	if (!features0.empty()) {
@@ -116,22 +116,22 @@ HLT::ErrorCode AlgoOverlap::acceptInputs(HLT::TEConstVec& tes_in, bool& pass)
 	  if (descr0 != 0) {
 	    if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::VERBOSE ) {
 	      msg() << MSG::VERBOSE << "TE/RoI node has TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << features0.size()
-		    << *descr0 << endreq;
+		    << *descr0 << endmsg;
 	    phi0 = descr0->phi();
 	    eta0 = descr0->eta();
 	  } else {
-	    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "the received TrigRoiDescriptor object is 0 ?!? " << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "the received TrigRoiDescriptor object is 0 ?!? " << endmsg;
 	    return HLT::ERROR;
 	} else {
-	  msg() << MSG::ERROR << "TE/RoI node has no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << endreq;
+	  msg() << MSG::ERROR << "TE/RoI node has no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << endmsg;
 	  return HLT::ERROR;
       // get eta,phi from second TE node:
       if (HLT::OK != getFeatures(te1, features1) ) {
-	msg() << MSG::ERROR << "  RoI with no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::ERROR << "  RoI with no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!" << endmsg;
 	return HLT::ERROR;
       } else {
 	if (!features1.empty()) {
@@ -139,16 +139,16 @@ HLT::ErrorCode AlgoOverlap::acceptInputs(HLT::TEConstVec& tes_in, bool& pass)
 	  if ( descr1 != 0) {
 	    if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::VERBOSE ) {
 	      msg() << MSG::VERBOSE << "TE/RoI node has TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << features1.size()
-		    << *descr1 << endreq;
+		    << *descr1 << endmsg;
 	    phi1 = descr1->phi();
 	    eta1 = descr1->eta();
 	  } else {
-	    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "the received TrigRoiDescriptor object is 0 ?!? " << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "the received TrigRoiDescriptor object is 0 ?!? " << endmsg;
 	    return HLT::ERROR;
 	} else {
-	  msg() << MSG::ERROR << "TE/RoI node has no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << endreq;
+	  msg() << MSG::ERROR << "TE/RoI node has no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << endmsg;
 	  return HLT::ERROR;
@@ -170,36 +170,36 @@ HLT::ErrorCode AlgoOverlap::acceptInputs(HLT::TEConstVec& tes_in, bool& pass)
 	// than the widths of the RoI's so choose your inputs carefully!
 	if (deltaphi <= m_MinPhiDist || deltaeta<=m_MinEtaDist) {
 	  if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "The two RoIs are overlapping: " << *descr0 << " --- " << *descr1  << "(actually this might be wrong as it ignores z)" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "The two RoIs are overlapping: " << *descr0 << " --- " << *descr1  << "(actually this might be wrong as it ignores z)" << endmsg;
 	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Deltaphi between centers is: " << deltaphi  << " Deltaeta betwen centers is: "
 		  << deltaeta << ". MinimumDeltaPhi between centers is: " << m_MinPhiDist
-		  << " MinimumDeltaEta between centers is: " << m_MinEtaDist <<endreq;
+		  << " MinimumDeltaEta between centers is: " << m_MinEtaDist <<endmsg;
 	  pass = false;
 	  return HLT::OK;
 	} else {
 	  if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<"The two RoIs do not not overlap: " << *descr0 << " --- " << *descr1  << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<"The two RoIs do not not overlap: " << *descr0 << " --- " << *descr1  << endmsg;
 	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Deltaphi between centers is: " << deltaphi  << " Deltaeta betwen centers is: " << deltaeta
 		  << ". MinimumDeltaPhi between centers is: " << m_MinPhiDist << " MinimumDeltaEta between centers is: "
-		  << m_MinEtaDist <<endreq;
+		  << m_MinEtaDist <<endmsg;
       } else {
 	//Compare Euclidean distance with the user-chosen minimum distance
 	if ( sqActCentDist <= m_sqMinCentDist ) {
 	  if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "The two RoIs are overlapping: " << *descr0 << " --- " << *descr1  << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "The two RoIs are overlapping: " << *descr0 << " --- " << *descr1  << endmsg;
 	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "SqDistance between centers is: " << sqActCentDist
-		  << ". sqMinimumDistance between centers is: " << m_sqMinCentDist << endreq;
+		  << ". sqMinimumDistance between centers is: " << m_sqMinCentDist << endmsg;
 	  pass = false;
 	  return HLT::OK;
 	} else {
 	  if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<"The two RoIs do not not overlap: " << *descr0 << " --- " << *descr1  << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<"The two RoIs do not not overlap: " << *descr0 << " --- " << *descr1  << endmsg;
 	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "sqMinimumDistance between centers is: " << m_sqMinCentDist << ". sqActual Distance is: "
-		  << sqActCentDist << endreq;
+		  << sqActCentDist << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/DummyFexWithAcceptInput.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/DummyFexWithAcceptInput.cxx
index 511920330e45..065a2e287173 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/DummyFexWithAcceptInput.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/DummyFexWithAcceptInput.cxx
@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ HLT::ErrorCode DummyFexWithAcceptInput::acceptInput(const HLT::TriggerElement* i
   const TrigRoiDescriptor* l1(0);
   if ( getFeature( input, l1) == HLT::OK && l1 ) {
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Got L1 RoI: " << *l1 << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Got L1 RoI: " << *l1 << endmsg;
   if ( m_counter % m_prescale == 0 ) {
     pass = true;
     m_descriptor = new TrigRoiDescriptor();
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accepting" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accepting" << endmsg;
   } else {
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Rejecting" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Rejecting" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgo.cxx
index 5fe469141b4a..c5ba1d8e74d8 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgo.cxx
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "TrigNavigation/Navigation.h"
 #include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"
 #include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptorCollection.h"
-#include "DataModel/ConstDataVector.h"
+#include "AthContainers/ConstDataVector.h"
 #include "TrigSteeringTest/dummyAlgo.h"
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
 				     HLT::TriggerElement* te_out)
   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Executing this PESA::dummyAlgo " << name() << " for types "
-	<< te_in->getId() << " -> " << te_out->getId() << endreq;
+	<< te_in->getId() << " -> " << te_out->getId() << endmsg;
   // exercise the navigation
   std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> rois = config()->getNavigation()->getRoINodes(te_in);
   //std::cout << "1"<<std::endl;
   if ( rois.empty() ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR <<te_in->getId() << " not seeded from any RoI!" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR <<te_in->getId() << " not seeded from any RoI!" << endmsg;
   //std::cout << "2"<<std::endl;
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
   std::vector<const TrigRoiDescriptor*> features;
   if (HLT::OK != getFeatures((*rois.begin()), features) ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "  RoI with no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "  RoI with no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!" << endmsg;
   } else {
     if (!features.empty()) {
@@ -50,58 +50,58 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
       if ( descr != 0) {
 	msg() << MSG::INFO << "  RoI node has TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << features.size()
 	      << *descr
-	      << endreq;
+	      << endmsg;
       } else  {
-	msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the received TrigRoiDescriptor object is 0 ?!? " << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the received TrigRoiDescriptor object is 0 ?!? " << endmsg;
     } else {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "  RoI node has no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "  RoI node has no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << endmsg;
   // get last one too
   const TrigRoiDescriptor *last(0);
   if ( HLT::OK != getFeature(te_out, last) ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeature fails to get TrigRoiDescriptor " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeature fails to get TrigRoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;
   if ( last == 0 ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeature gets no TrigRoiDescriptor " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeature gets no TrigRoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;
-  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << *last << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << *last << endmsg;
   ElementLink<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection> el;
   if ( HLT::OK != getFeatureLink<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection, TrigRoiDescriptor>(te_out, el) ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeature (EL) fails to get TrigRoiDescriptor " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeature (EL) fails to get TrigRoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;
   if ( !el.isValid() ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeature (EL) gets no TrigRoiDescriptor (EL invalid)" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeature (EL) gets no TrigRoiDescriptor (EL invalid)" << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;
   if ( last->eta() != (*el)->eta() || last->phi() != (*el)->phi() ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeature and getFatureLink give distinct results" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeature and getFatureLink give distinct results" << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;
   // get ELV
   ElementLinkVector<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection> elv;
   if ( HLT::OK != getFeaturesLinks<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection, TrigRoiDescriptor>(te_out, elv) ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeaturesLinks failing to get TrigRoiDescriptor " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeaturesLinks failing to get TrigRoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;
   if (elv.size() == 0 ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeaturesLinks failing to get TrigRoiDescriptor (ELV of 0 size) " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeaturesLinks failing to get TrigRoiDescriptor (ELV of 0 size) " << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;
   ElementLink<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection> el2 = elv.back();
   if ( *el2 != *el ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeaturesLinks last element and getFeatureLink give distinct objects " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the getFeaturesLinks last element and getFeatureLink give distinct objects " << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;
-  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "All went fine with features retrieval" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "All went fine with features retrieval" << endmsg;
   // take the last TrigRoiDescriptor and modify it and attach back
   // NB: cann not modify RoiDescriptors now, need to create it properly in the 
@@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
 						     last->phi()+0.001, last->phiMinus()+0.001, last->phiPlus()+0.001 );
   if ( attachFeature(te_out, newroi) != HLT::OK ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the attach feature went wrong " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the attach feature went wrong " << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;
   const TrigRoiDescriptorCollection *roisCollection0 = 0;
   if ( getFeature(te_in, roisCollection0) != HLT::OK  ) {
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " no feature but this may actually be OK " << endreq;    
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " no feature but this may actually be OK " << endmsg;    
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
   if ( attachFeature(te_out, cdv, "AttachedAsCONSTCollection1"+name()) != HLT::OK ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the attach feature went wrong  (with attachFeature - const collection)" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the attach feature went wrong  (with attachFeature - const collection)" << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;  
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
   if ( attachFeature(te_out, roisCollection1, "AttachedAsCollection1"+name()) != HLT::OK ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the attach feature went wrong  (with attachFeature - collection)" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the attach feature went wrong  (with attachFeature - collection)" << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;  
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
   std::string key;
   if ( recordAndAttachFeature(te_out, roisCollection2, key, "AttachedAsCollection2"+name()) != HLT::OK ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the attach feature went wrong (with recordAndAttach - collection)" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the attach feature went wrong (with recordAndAttach - collection)" << endmsg;
     return HLT::ERROR;  
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgoForCalibration.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgoForCalibration.cxx
index 4f403869dcb6..3419df5561fb 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgoForCalibration.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgoForCalibration.cxx
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgoForCalibration::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te
 						   HLT::TriggerElement* te_out)
   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Executing this dummyAlgo " << name() << " for types "
-	<< te_in->getId() << " -> " << te_out->getId() << endreq;
+	<< te_in->getId() << " -> " << te_out->getId() << endmsg;
   // exercise the navigation
   std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> rois = config()->getNavigation()->getRoINodes(te_in);
   //std::cout << "1"<<std::endl;
   if ( rois.empty() ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR <<te_in->getId() << " not seeded from any RoI!" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR <<te_in->getId() << " not seeded from any RoI!" << endmsg;
   //std::cout << "2"<<std::endl;
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgoForCalibration::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te
   std::vector<const TrigRoiDescriptor*> features;
   if (HLT::OK != getFeatures((*rois.begin()), features) ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "  RoI with no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "  RoI with no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!" << endmsg;
   else {
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgoForCalibration::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te
       if ( descr != 0) {
 	msg() << MSG::INFO << "  RoI node has TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << features.size()
 	      << *descr
-	      << endreq;
+	      << endmsg;
       } else  {
-	msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the received TrigRoiDescriptor object is 0 ?!? " << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the received TrigRoiDescriptor object is 0 ?!? " << endmsg;
     } else {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "  RoI node has no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "  RoI node has no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgoHLTErrorCode.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgoHLTErrorCode.cxx
index 759ffaf6581f..a9341539c98a 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgoHLTErrorCode.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyAlgoHLTErrorCode.cxx
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgoHLTErrorCode::hltInitialize()
     m_error = static_cast<HLT::ErrorCode>(pos);
     msg() << MSG::WARNING << "could not find HLT::ErrorCode:  " <<  m_paramSet
-	  << " .. will use default value = ERROR, please check your jobProperty!" << endreq;
+	  << " .. will use default value = ERROR, please check your jobProperty!" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgoHLTErrorCode::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_i
 				     HLT::TriggerElement* te_out)
   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Executing this dummyAlgoHLTErrorCode " << name() << " for types "
-	<< te_in->getId() << " -> " << te_out->getId() << endreq;
+	<< te_in->getId() << " -> " << te_out->getId() << endmsg;
   if (m_burnTime>0) {
     long nSleep = static_cast<long>(m_burnTime/1e6);   // number of 1 ms sleeps
@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyAlgoHLTErrorCode::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_i
   if (m_unknownException) {
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << " through an unknown exception ... " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << " through an unknown exception ... " << endmsg;
     throw PESA::dummyException();
   if (m_gaudiException) {
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << " through a Gaudi exception ... " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << " through a Gaudi exception ... " << endmsg;
     throw GaudiException("this is a dummy GaudiException", "dummy Tag", StatusCode::FAILURE);
   if (m_stdException) {
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << " through an std exception ... " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << " through an std exception ... " << endmsg;
     std::vector<int> a; = 5;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "return value = " << HLT::strErrorCode(m_error) << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "return value = " << HLT::strErrorCode(m_error) << endmsg;
   return m_error;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyFexWithRobReqPrep.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyFexWithRobReqPrep.cxx
index 88de4ff93d0d..83bed79e06b1 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyFexWithRobReqPrep.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyFexWithRobReqPrep.cxx
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode
 dummyFexWithRobReqPrep::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* /*input*/,
                                    HLT::TriggerElement* /*output*/)
-  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "calling hltExecute() for TE" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "calling hltExecute() for TE" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode
 dummyFexWithRobReqPrep::prepareRobRequests(const HLT::TEConstVec& inputTEs )
-  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "executing prepareRobRequests() for " << inputTEs.size() << " input TEs of type " << (inputTEs.size()?inputTEs[0]->getId():0) << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "executing prepareRobRequests() for " << inputTEs.size() << " input TEs of type " << (inputTEs.size()?inputTEs[0]->getId():0) << endmsg;
   std::vector<uint32_t> ids_of_needed_robs;
   for(std::vector<const HLT::TriggerElement*>::const_iterator inputTE = inputTEs.begin();
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyHypo.cxx
index 3ca1dc084a21..452d5c237461 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyHypo.cxx
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ dummyHypo::dummyHypo(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
 HLT::ErrorCode dummyHypo::hltInitialize() {
-  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "prescale set to: " << m_prescale << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "prescale set to: " << m_prescale << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool&
   if ( m_counter % m_prescale == 0 ) {
     pass = true;
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accepting" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accepting" << endmsg;
   else {
     pass = false;
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Rejecting" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Rejecting" << endmsg;
   TrigPassBits* old = new TrigPassBits(10);
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyMonitoredFex.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyMonitoredFex.cxx
index 7299a2cf301d..e1c43d6cf754 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyMonitoredFex.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/dummyMonitoredFex.cxx
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyMonitoredFex::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
   m_vectorOfFixedSize1[1] = 3;
   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Executing this dummyMonitoredFex " << name() << " for types "
-	<< te_in->getId() << " -> " << te_out->getId() << endreq;
+	<< te_in->getId() << " -> " << te_out->getId() << endmsg;
   if (doTiming()) m_timer1->stop();
   // exercise the navigation
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyMonitoredFex::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
   std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> rois = config()->getNavigation()->getRoINodes(te_in);
   //std::cout << "1"<<std::endl;
   if ( rois.empty() ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR <<te_in->getId() << " not seeded from any RoI!" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR <<te_in->getId() << " not seeded from any RoI!" << endmsg;
   if (doTiming()) { m_timer2->stop(); m_timer2->propVal(rois.size()); }
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyMonitoredFex::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
   std::vector<const TrigRoiDescriptor*> features;
   if (doTiming() ) m_timer3->start();
   if (HLT::OK != getFeatures((*rois.begin()), features) ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "  RoI with no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "  RoI with no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!" << endmsg;
   else {
@@ -116,12 +116,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode dummyMonitoredFex::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
       if ( descr != 0) {
 	msg() << MSG::INFO << "  RoI node has TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << features.size()
 	      << *descr
-	   << endreq;
+	   << endmsg;
       } else  {
-	msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the received TrigRoiDescriptor object is 0 ?!? " << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::ERROR << " the received TrigRoiDescriptor object is 0 ?!? " << endmsg;
     } else {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "  RoI node has no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "  RoI node has no TrigRoiDescriptor attached!: "  << endmsg;
   if (doTiming() ) {m_timer3->stop(); m_timer3->propVal(features.size());} 
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgo2To1.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgo2To1.cxx
index a628969c0e44..d242b1c2cdea 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgo2To1.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgo2To1.cxx
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ newDummyAlgo2To1::newDummyAlgo2To1(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLoc
 HLT::ErrorCode newDummyAlgo2To1::hltExecute(std::vector<const HLT::TriggerElement*>& te_in,
 					    HLT::TriggerElement* te_out)
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "Executing this newDummyAlgo2To1 " << name() << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "Executing this newDummyAlgo2To1 " << name() << endmsg;
   for (std::vector<const HLT::TriggerElement*>::const_iterator it = te_in.begin();
        it != te_in.end(); ++it) {
     msg() << MSG::INFO << "Executing this newDummyAlgo2To1 " << name() << " for types "
-	  << (*it)->getId() << " -> " << te_out->getId() << endreq;
+	  << (*it)->getId() << " -> " << te_out->getId() << endmsg;
   if ( m_rejectRate != 0 )  {
     m_rejectCounter ++;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgoAllTEs.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgoAllTEs.cxx
index b9440560bbf7..7344f3ab7d01 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgoAllTEs.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgoAllTEs.cxx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode newDummyAlgoAllTEs::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::Trigg
   if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Executing this newDummyAlgoAllTEs " << name() << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Executing this newDummyAlgoAllTEs " << name() << endmsg;
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode newDummyAlgoAllTEs::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::Trigg
 	 inner_it != (*it).end(); ++inner_it) {
       if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
 	msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Executing this newDummyAlgoAllTEs " << name() << " for TE type "
-	      << (*inner_it)->getId() << endreq;
+	      << (*inner_it)->getId() << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgoScan.cxx b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgoScan.cxx
index 9d060dc0855d..c073ef90e32a 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgoScan.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigSteeringTest/src/newDummyAlgoScan.cxx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode newDummyAlgoScan::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::Trigger
   if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Executing newDummyAlgoScan (" << name()
 	  << "). This is an unseeded algorithm that will produce exactly "
-	  << m_numberOfOutputTEs << " output TEs." << endreq;
+	  << m_numberOfOutputTEs << " output TEs." << endmsg;
   // do the scan here