diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/MuonCondSvc/TGCTriggerData.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/MuonCondSvc/TGCTriggerData.h
index e423319aacce0ed8ff1861ac61bf7035b4a3d4f5..0483961af8a4751ac682d69f464dc60cf5a8acb2 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/MuonCondSvc/TGCTriggerData.h
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/MuonCondSvc/TGCTriggerData.h
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
  *  ===========================
  *   std::unordered_map<GLOBALADDR, PTVALUE>
  *  where
- *   GLOBALADDR | 27 bits | unsigned int  | side, octant, type, phimod2, module, roi,
- *                                        | DR(0...0x1f for -15...15)<<4 & DPhi(0...0xf for -7...7)
- *   PTVALUE    |  3 bits | unsigned char | pT value (0x0 and 0x7 is no cand.)
+ *   GLOBALADDR | 27 bits | uint32_t | side, octant, type, phimod2, module, roi,
+ *                                   | DR(0...0x1f for -15...15)<<4 & DPhi(0...0xf for -7...7)
+ *   PTVALUE    |  3 bits | uint8_t  | pT value (0x0 and 0x7 is no cand.)
  *  | 29 |28|27|26|25|24|23|   22  |21|20|19|18|17|16|15|14|13|12|11|10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
@@ -26,6 +26,76 @@
  *  where side   = 0x0 (A-side), 0x1 (C-side).
  *        octant = 0x(0...7)
  *        type   = 0x0 (HH), 0x1 (HL), 0x2 (LH), 0x3 (LL): HL means 3-station-wire and 2-station-strip.
+ *
+ * Bit information of Run-2 EIFI-LUT
+ * =================================
+ * a) Applied pT in SSC (m_flagpt_eifi)
+ *   std::unordered_map<ADDR, PTMASK>
+ *  where
+ *   ADDR   | 12 bits | uint16_t | side, trigger sector, and SSC
+ *   PTMASK |  3 bits | uint8_t  | bit mask for applied pT for SSC
+ *
+ * b) Applied RoI in SSC (m_flagroi_eifi)
+ *   std::unordered_map<ADDR, ROIMASK>
+ *  where
+ *   ADDR    | 12 bits | uint16_t | side, trigger sector, and SSC
+ *   ROIMASK |  8 bits | uint8_t  | bit mask for applied RoI in SSC
+ *
+ * for ADDR
+ *  | 11 |10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
+ *  |side|   Trig. Sector  |      SSC     |
+ *  where side         = 0x0 (A-side), 0x1 (C-side).
+ *        trig. sector = 0x(0...2f)
+ *        SSC          = 0x(0...12)
+ *
+ * c) Trigger bit for each input (m_trigbit_eifi)
+ *   std::unordered_map<INPUTADDR, TRIGBIT>
+ *  where TRIGBIT is:
+ *  |                   EI                ||           FI                  |
+ *  |       Strip       |        Wire     ||     Strip     |     Wire      |
+ *  | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 || 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
+ *  | <--L   phi   S--> | <--L  eta  S--> || <--L phi S--> | <--L eta  S-->|
+ *  where each sensor consists of 4 bits information.
+ *
+ *  | 13 |12|11|10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
+ *  |side|   Trig. Sector  |      SSC     |Input|
+ *  where side         = 0x0 (A-side), 0x1 (C-side).
+ *        trig. sector = 0x(0...2f)
+ *        SSC          = 0x(0...12)
+ *        Input        = 0x(0...3)
+ *
+ * Contents of Run-2 Tile-CW LUT
+ * =============================
+ * a) Applied pT in SSC (m_flagpt_tile) 
+ *   std::unordered_map<ADDR, PTMASK>
+ *  where
+ *   ADDR   | 12 bits | uint16_t | side, trigger sector, and SSC
+ *   PTMASK |  3 bits | uint8_t  | bit mask for applied pT for SSC
+ *
+ * b) Applied RoI in SSC (m_flagroi_tile)
+ *   std::unordered_map<ADDR, ROIMASK>
+ *  where
+ *   ADDR    | 12 bits | uint16_t | side, trigger sector, and SSC 
+ *   ROIMASK |  8 bits | uint8_t  | bit mask for applied RoI in SSC
+ *
+ * c) Trigger bit for each input (m_trigbit_tile)
+ *   std::unordered_map<ADDR, TRIGBIT>
+ *  where TRIGBIT is:
+ *  | Module D (Tile=3) || Module C (Tile=2) || Module B (Tile=1) || Module A (Tile=0) |
+ *  | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 || 11 | 10 |  9 |  8 || 7 |  6 |  5  |  4 || 3 |  2 |  1  |  0 |
+ *  |  0 | LH | D56| D6 ||  0 | LH | D56| D6 || 0 | LH | D56 | D6 || 0 | LH | D56 | D6 |
+ *  for each Module:
+ *   [1:0] hit with cell information: D6=0x1, D56=0x3
+ *   [2]   Low/High threshold: 1 = H, 0=L
+ *   e.g.) 0x7 = D5+D6 energy exceeds the high threshold
+ *
+ * for ADDR
+ *  | 11 |10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
+ *  |side|   Trig. Sector  |      SSC     |
+ *  where side         = 0x0 (A-side), 0x1 (C-side).
+ *        trig. sector = 0x(0...2f)
+ *        SSC          = 0x(0...12)
 class TGCTriggerData
@@ -76,6 +146,16 @@ class TGCTriggerData
   static constexpr uint8_t DPHI_HIGH_RANGE = 7;
   /// Range of DPhi in the BW coincidence window for 2-station
   static constexpr uint8_t DPHI_LOW_RANGE = 3;
+  /// Mask for trigger sector for the (EIFI/TILE) ADDR
+  static constexpr uint8_t SECTOR_MASK = 0x3f;
+  /// Mask for SSC for the (EIFI/TILE) ADDR
+  static constexpr uint8_t SSC_MASK = 0x1f;
+  /// Bit position of the side bit in the (EIFI/TILE) ADDR
+  static constexpr uint8_t ADDR_SIDE_SHIFT = 11;
+  /// Bit position of the trigger sector bit in the (EIFI/TILE) ADDR
+  static constexpr uint8_t ADDR_SECTOR_SHIFT = 5;
+  /// Special bit shift for the EIFI Trigger bit
+  static constexpr uint8_t EIFI_TRIGBIT_SHIFT = 2;
   enum {CW_BW=0, CW_EIFI=1, CW_TILE=2, CW_NUM=3};
   enum {N_PT_THRESH=6,
@@ -94,12 +174,8 @@ class TGCTriggerData
   virtual ~TGCTriggerData();
-  std::string getData(int cwtype, std::string file) const;
-  std::string getData(int cwtype, int channel) const;
-  std::string getFile(int cwtype, int channel) const;
-  std::string getVersion(int cwtype, int channel = 0) const;
-  std::string getType(int cwtype, int channel = 0) const;
-  bool isActive(int cwtype, int channel = 0) const;
+  std::string getType(int cwtype) const;
+  bool isActive(int cwtype) const;
   int8_t getTYPE(const int16_t lDR, const int16_t hDR, const int16_t lDPhi, const int16_t hDPhi) const;
@@ -111,57 +187,29 @@ class TGCTriggerData
   unsigned short getTrigMaskTile(int ssc, int sectorId, int side) const;
   unsigned char getFlagPtTile(int ssc, int sectorId, int side) const;
-  unsigned char getFlagRoiTile(int ssc, int sectorId, int side) const;
+  uint8_t getFlagRoiTile(int ssc, int sectorId, int side) const;
-  std::map<std::string, std::string> m_datamap[CW_NUM];
-  std::vector<std::string> m_data[CW_NUM];
-  std::vector<std::string> m_file[CW_NUM];
-  std::vector<std::string> m_version[CW_NUM];
-  std::vector<std::string> m_type[CW_NUM];
-  std::vector<bool>        m_active[CW_NUM];
+  std::string m_type[CW_NUM];
+  bool m_active[CW_NUM];
   /// Run-2 BW-CW LUT map
   std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint8_t> m_ptmap_bw;
-  /** Bit information of Run-2 EIFI-LUT
-   *  =================================
-   *  bits for each input
-   *  |                   EI                ||           FI                  |
-   *  |       Strip       |        Wire     ||     Strip     |     Wire      |
-   *  | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 || 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
-   *  | <--L   phi   S--> | <--L  eta  S--> || <--L phi S--> | <--L eta  S-->|
-   *  where each sensor consists of 4 bits information.
-   *
-   *  Note: Only if fullCW option is true, the different db file per side is read.
-   *        Therefore, the contents are stored by std::vector of side index (A=0, C=1).
-   */
-  std::vector<unsigned short> m_trigbit_eifi[N_ENDCAP_SECTOR][N_ENDCAP_SSC][N_EIFI_INPUT];
-  std::vector<unsigned char> m_flagpt_eifi[N_ENDCAP_SECTOR][N_ENDCAP_SSC];   //< bits for applied pT (N_PT_THRESH)
-  std::vector<unsigned char> m_flagroi_eifi[N_ENDCAP_SECTOR][N_ENDCAP_SSC];  //< bits for applied RoI in SSC (N_ROI_IN_SSC)
-  /** Bit information of Run-2 Tile-LUT
-   *  =================================
-   *  bits for each input
-   *  | Module D (Tile=3) || Module C (Tile=2) || Module B (Tile=1) || Module A (Tile=0) |
-   *  | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 || 11 | 10 |  9 |  8 || 7 |  6 |  5  |  4 || 3 |  2 |  1  |  0 |
-   *  |  0 | LH | D56| D6 ||  0 | LH | D56| D6 || 0 | LH | D56 | D6 || 0 | LH | D56 | D6 |
-   *  for each Module:
-   *   [1:0] hit with cell information: D6=0x1, D56=0x3
-   *   [2]   Low/High threshold: 1 = H, 0=L
-   *   e.g.) 0x7 = D5+D6 energy exceeds the high threshold
-   *
-   *   Note: One db file consists of whole sector information as a fullCW.
-   */
-  unsigned short m_trigbit_tile[N_ENDCAP_SSC][N_ENDCAP_SECTOR][N_SIDE];
-  unsigned char m_flagpt_tile[N_ENDCAP_SSC][N_ENDCAP_SECTOR][N_SIDE];   //< bits for applied pT (N_PT_THRESH)
-  unsigned char m_flagroi_tile[N_ENDCAP_SSC][N_ENDCAP_SECTOR][N_SIDE];  //< bits for applied RoI in SSC (N_ROI_IN_SSC)
+  // Run-2 EIFI-CW LUT map
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint8_t> m_flagpt_eifi;
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint8_t> m_flagroi_eifi;
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint16_t> m_trigbit_eifi;
+  //Run-2 Tile-CW LUT map
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint8_t> m_flagpt_tile;
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint8_t> m_flagroi_tile;
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint16_t> m_trigbit_tile;
-CLASS_DEF(TGCTriggerData, 72345188, 2)
+CLASS_DEF(TGCTriggerData, 72345188, 3)
 #include "AthenaKernel/CondCont.h"
-CLASS_DEF(CondCont<TGCTriggerData>, 96649668, 2)
+CLASS_DEF(CondCont<TGCTriggerData>, 96649668, 3)
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/MuonCondSvc/TGCTriggerDbAlg.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/MuonCondSvc/TGCTriggerDbAlg.h
index dc273c4a02551787b34ad950816f75ebc39c5cd9..251c0c6debb923188548d1e418b05b241fec0f05 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/MuonCondSvc/TGCTriggerDbAlg.h
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/MuonCondSvc/TGCTriggerDbAlg.h
@@ -22,20 +22,16 @@ class TGCTriggerDbAlg: public AthAlgorithm
     virtual StatusCode finalize() override;
-    void loadParameters(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo,
-                        const CondAttrListCollection* readKey,
-                        int cw_type);
-    void fillReadMapBw(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo);
-    void fillTrigBitEifi(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo);
-    void fillTrigBitTile(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo);
-    SG::ReadCondHandleKey<CondAttrListCollection> m_readKey_bw;
-    SG::ReadCondHandleKey<CondAttrListCollection> m_readKey_eifi;
-    SG::ReadCondHandleKey<CondAttrListCollection> m_readKey_tile;
-    SG::WriteCondHandleKey<TGCTriggerData> m_writeKey;    
-    ServiceHandle<ICondSvc> m_condSvc;
+    void fillReadMapBw(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo, const CondAttrListCollection* readKey);
+    void fillTrigBitEifi(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo, const CondAttrListCollection* readKey);
+    void fillTrigBitTile(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo, const CondAttrListCollection* readKey);
+    SG::ReadCondHandleKey<CondAttrListCollection> m_readKey_bw{this, "ReadKeyBw", "/TGC/TRIGGER/CW_BW", "SG key for CW-BW"};
+    SG::ReadCondHandleKey<CondAttrListCollection> m_readKey_eifi{this, "ReadKeyEifi", "/TGC/TRIGGER/CW_EIFI", "SG key for CW-EIFI"};
+    SG::ReadCondHandleKey<CondAttrListCollection> m_readKey_tile{this, "ReadKeyTile", "/TGC/TRIGGER/CW_TILE", "SG key for CW-TILE"};
+    SG::WriteCondHandleKey<TGCTriggerData> m_writeKey{this, "WriteKey", "TGCTriggerData", "SG Key of TGCTrigger LUTs"};
+    ServiceHandle<ICondSvc> m_condSvc;
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/src/TGCTriggerData.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/src/TGCTriggerData.cxx
index a2780baf183c6fa156f9c3f9fb128b2c710519c9..ee634419664cae5d0e139a4bcd31c2cd57664a7d 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/src/TGCTriggerData.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/src/TGCTriggerData.cxx
@@ -11,36 +11,14 @@ TGCTriggerData::TGCTriggerData()
-std::string TGCTriggerData::getData(int cwtype, std::string file) const {
-  auto itr = m_datamap[cwtype].find(file);
-  if (itr == m_datamap[cwtype].end()) {
-    return "";
-  }
-  return itr->second;
-std::string TGCTriggerData::getData(int cwtype, int channel) const {
-  return m_data[cwtype][channel];
-std::string TGCTriggerData::getFile(int cwtype, int channel) const {
-  return m_file[cwtype][channel];
-std::string TGCTriggerData::getVersion(int cwtype, int channel) const {
-  return m_version[cwtype][channel];
-std::string TGCTriggerData::getType(int cwtype, int channel) const {
-  return m_type[cwtype][channel];
+std::string TGCTriggerData::getType(int cwtype) const
+  return m_type[cwtype];
-bool TGCTriggerData::isActive(int cwtype, int channel) const {
-  return m_active[cwtype][channel];
+bool TGCTriggerData::isActive(int cwtype) const
+  return m_active[cwtype];
 int8_t TGCTriggerData::getTYPE(const int16_t lDR, const int16_t hDR, const int16_t lDPhi, const int16_t hDPhi) const
@@ -64,33 +42,65 @@ uint8_t TGCTriggerData::getBigWheelPt(const uint32_t addr) const
 unsigned short TGCTriggerData::getTrigBitEifi(int side, int slot, int ssc, int sectorId) const
-  if(m_active[CW_EIFI][0] == false) return 0;   // not required EIFI coincidence.
-  int sideindex = (this->getType(CW_EIFI) != "full") ? 0 : side;
-  return m_trigbit_eifi[sectorId][ssc][slot][sideindex];
+  int sideindex = (m_type[CW_EIFI] != "full") ? 0 : side;
+  uint16_t addr = ((sideindex & SIDE_MASK)<<ADDR_SIDE_SHIFT) +
+                  ((sectorId & SECTOR_MASK)<<ADDR_SECTOR_SHIFT) +
+                  (ssc & SSC_MASK);
+  addr = (addr<<EIFI_TRIGBIT_SHIFT) + slot;
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint16_t>::const_iterator it = m_trigbit_eifi.find(addr);
+  if(it == m_trigbit_eifi.end()) return 0x0;        // undefined sector (or active=0)
+  else                           return it->second;
 unsigned char TGCTriggerData::getFlagPtEifi(int side, int ssc, int sectorId) const
-  if(m_active[CW_EIFI][0] == false) return 0;   // not required EIFI coincidence.
-  int sideindex = (this->getType(CW_EIFI) != "full") ? 0 : side;
-  return m_flagpt_eifi[sectorId][ssc][sideindex];
+  int sideindex = (m_type[CW_EIFI] != "full") ? 0 : side;
+  uint16_t addr = ((sideindex & SIDE_MASK)<<ADDR_SIDE_SHIFT) +
+                  ((sectorId & SECTOR_MASK)<<ADDR_SECTOR_SHIFT) +
+                  (ssc & SSC_MASK);
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint8_t>::const_iterator it = m_flagpt_eifi.find(addr);
+  if(it == m_flagpt_eifi.end()) return 0x0;        // undefined sector (or active=0)
+  else                          return it->second;
 unsigned char TGCTriggerData::getFlagRoiEifi(int side, int ssc, int sectorId) const
-  if(m_active[CW_EIFI][0] == false) return 0;   // not required EIFI coincidence.
-  int sideindex = (this->getType(CW_EIFI) != "full") ? 0 : side;
-  return m_flagroi_eifi[sectorId][ssc][sideindex];
+  int sideindex = (m_type[CW_EIFI] != "full") ? 0 : side;
+  uint16_t addr = ((sideindex & SIDE_MASK)<<ADDR_SIDE_SHIFT) +
+                  ((sectorId & SECTOR_MASK)<<ADDR_SECTOR_SHIFT) +
+                  (ssc & SSC_MASK);
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint8_t>::const_iterator it = m_flagroi_eifi.find(addr);
+  if(it == m_flagroi_eifi.end()) return 0x0;        // undefined sector (or active=0)
+  else                           return it->second;
-unsigned short TGCTriggerData::getTrigMaskTile(int ssc, int sectorId, int side) const {
-  return m_trigbit_tile[ssc][sectorId][side];
+uint16_t TGCTriggerData::getTrigMaskTile(int ssc, int sectorId, int side) const
+  uint16_t addr = ((side & SIDE_MASK)<<ADDR_SIDE_SHIFT) +
+                  ((sectorId & SECTOR_MASK)<<ADDR_SECTOR_SHIFT) +
+                  (ssc & SSC_MASK);
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint16_t>::const_iterator it = m_trigbit_tile.find(addr);
+  if(it == m_trigbit_tile.end()) return 0x0;        // undefined sector (or active=0)
+  else                           return it->second;
-unsigned char TGCTriggerData::getFlagPtTile(int ssc, int sectorId, int side) const {
-  return m_flagpt_tile[ssc][sectorId][side];
+uint8_t TGCTriggerData::getFlagPtTile(int ssc, int sectorId, int side) const
+  uint16_t addr = ((side & SIDE_MASK)<<ADDR_SIDE_SHIFT) +
+                  ((sectorId & SECTOR_MASK)<<ADDR_SECTOR_SHIFT) +
+                  (ssc & SSC_MASK);
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint8_t>::const_iterator it = m_flagpt_tile.find(addr);
+  if(it == m_flagpt_tile.end()) return 0x0;        // undefined sector (or active=0)
+  else                          return it->second;
-unsigned char TGCTriggerData::getFlagRoiTile(int ssc, int sectorId, int side) const {
-  return m_flagroi_tile[ssc][sectorId][side];
+uint8_t TGCTriggerData::getFlagRoiTile(int ssc, int sectorId, int side) const
+  uint16_t addr = ((side & SIDE_MASK)<<ADDR_SIDE_SHIFT) +
+                  ((sectorId & SECTOR_MASK)<<ADDR_SECTOR_SHIFT) +
+                  (ssc & SSC_MASK);
+  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint8_t>::const_iterator it = m_flagroi_tile.find(addr);
+  if(it == m_flagroi_tile.end()) return 0x0;        // undefined sector (or active=0)
+  else                           return it->second;
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/src/TGCTriggerDbAlg.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/src/TGCTriggerDbAlg.cxx
index a40a3adb2c7e8dd504f94a73a515219785934484..52fa501c72aaafefb3b084823e1c776f6f39ff17 100644
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/src/TGCTriggerDbAlg.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral/MuonCondSvc/src/TGCTriggerDbAlg.cxx
@@ -8,17 +8,8 @@
 TGCTriggerDbAlg::TGCTriggerDbAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
   AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
-  m_readKey_bw("/TGC/TRIGGER/CW_BW"),
-  m_readKey_eifi("/TGC/TRIGGER/CW_EIFI"),
-  m_readKey_tile("/TGC/TRIGGER/CW_TILE"),
-  m_writeKey("TGCTriggerData"),
   m_condSvc("CondSvc", name)
-  declareProperty("ReadKeyBw", m_readKey_bw);
-  declareProperty("ReadKeyEifi", m_readKey_eifi);
-  declareProperty("ReadKeyTile", m_readKey_tile);
-  declareProperty("WriteKey", m_writeKey);
 StatusCode TGCTriggerDbAlg::initialize(){
@@ -40,10 +31,8 @@ StatusCode TGCTriggerDbAlg::initialize(){
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode TGCTriggerDbAlg::execute(){
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "start execute " << name() ); 
+StatusCode TGCTriggerDbAlg::execute()
   SG::WriteCondHandle<TGCTriggerData> writeHandle{m_writeKey};
   if (writeHandle.isValid()) {
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("CondHandle " << writeHandle.fullKey() << " is already valid."
@@ -54,7 +43,6 @@ StatusCode TGCTriggerDbAlg::execute(){
   auto writeCdo = std::make_unique<TGCTriggerData>();
   // Big wheel
   SG::ReadCondHandle<CondAttrListCollection> readHandle_bw(m_readKey_bw);
   const CondAttrListCollection* readCdo_bw(*readHandle_bw);
@@ -73,7 +61,7 @@ StatusCode TGCTriggerDbAlg::execute(){
   ATH_MSG_INFO("Range of input is " << rangeW_bw);
-  loadParameters(writeCdo.get(), readCdo_bw, TGCTriggerData::CW_BW);
+  fillReadMapBw(writeCdo.get(), readCdo_bw);
   // EIFI
   SG::ReadCondHandle<CondAttrListCollection> readHandle_eifi(m_readKey_eifi);
@@ -93,19 +81,17 @@ StatusCode TGCTriggerDbAlg::execute(){
   ATH_MSG_INFO("Range of input is " << rangeW_eifi);
-  loadParameters(writeCdo.get(), readCdo_eifi, TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI);
+  fillTrigBitEifi(writeCdo.get(), readCdo_eifi);
   // Tile
   SG::ReadCondHandle<CondAttrListCollection> readHandle_tile(m_readKey_tile);
-  const CondAttrListCollection* readCdo_tile(*readHandle_tile);
-  if (readCdo_tile == 0) {
+  const CondAttrListCollection* readCdo_tile = *readHandle_tile;
+  if (readCdo_tile == nullptr) {
     ATH_MSG_ERROR("Null pointer to the read conditions object");
     return StatusCode::FAILURE; 
   ATH_MSG_INFO("Size of CondAttrListCollection " << readHandle_tile.fullKey() << " readCdo->size()= " << readCdo_tile->size());
   EventIDRange rangeW_tile;
   if ( !readHandle_tile.range(rangeW_tile) ) {
     ATH_MSG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve validity range for " << readHandle_tile.key());
@@ -113,13 +99,7 @@ StatusCode TGCTriggerDbAlg::execute(){
   ATH_MSG_INFO("Range of input is " << rangeW_tile);
-  loadParameters(writeCdo.get(), readCdo_tile, TGCTriggerData::CW_TILE);
-  // fill maps 
-  fillReadMapBw(writeCdo.get());
-  fillTrigBitEifi(writeCdo.get());
-  fillTrigBitTile(writeCdo.get());
+  fillTrigBitTile(writeCdo.get(), readCdo_tile);
   // write condition object
   EventIDRange rangeIntersection = EventIDRange::intersect(rangeW_bw,rangeW_eifi,rangeW_tile);
@@ -148,157 +128,170 @@ StatusCode TGCTriggerDbAlg::finalize(){
-void TGCTriggerDbAlg::loadParameters(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo,
-                                     const CondAttrListCollection* readCdo,
-                                     int cw_type) {
+void TGCTriggerDbAlg::fillReadMapBw(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo,
+                                    const CondAttrListCollection* readCdo)
+  const uint8_t kNMODULETYPE = 12;
+  const uint8_t modulenumber[kNMODULETYPE]    = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8};
+  const std::string modulename[kNMODULETYPE]         = {"0","1","2a","2b","3","4","5a","5b","6","7","8a","8b"};
+  const std::string sidename[TGCTriggerData::N_SIDE] = {"A","C"};
   CondAttrListCollection::const_iterator itr = readCdo->begin();
   CondAttrListCollection::const_iterator itr_e = readCdo->end();
   for(; itr!=itr_e; ++itr) {
-    const unsigned int channel = (*itr).first;
     const coral::AttributeList& atr = (*itr).second;
+    writeCdo->m_active[TGCTriggerData::CW_BW] = atr["active"].data<bool>();
+    writeCdo->m_type[TGCTriggerData::CW_BW]   = atr["type"].data<std::string>();
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("channel: " << channel);
-    std::string file    = *(static_cast<const std::string*>((atr["file"]).addressOfData()));
-    std::string data    = *(static_cast<const std::string*>((atr["data"]).addressOfData()));
     std::string version = *(static_cast<const std::string*>((atr["version"]).addressOfData()));
-    std::string type    = *(static_cast<const std::string*>((atr["type"]).addressOfData()));
-    bool active         = *(static_cast<const bool*>((atr["active"]).addressOfData()));
-    writeCdo->m_datamap[cw_type][file] = data;
-    writeCdo->m_data[cw_type].push_back(data);
-    writeCdo->m_file[cw_type].push_back(file);
-    writeCdo->m_version[cw_type].push_back(version);
-    writeCdo->m_type[cw_type].push_back(type);
-    writeCdo->m_active[cw_type].push_back(active);
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("active: " << active << " file: " << file);
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("data: " << data);
-  }
+    std::string file = *(static_cast<const std::string*>((atr["file"]).addressOfData()));
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("channel: " << (*itr).first << ", file: " << file);
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("type: " << writeCdo->m_type[TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI]
+                 << " active: " << writeCdo->m_active[TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI] << " version: " << version);
-void TGCTriggerDbAlg::fillReadMapBw(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo)
-  if (!writeCdo->isActive(TGCTriggerData::CW_BW)) {
-    return;
-  }
+    if (!writeCdo->m_active[TGCTriggerData::CW_BW]) continue;
-  bool fullCW = (writeCdo->getType(TGCTriggerData::CW_BW) == "full");
-  std::string vername = writeCdo->getVersion(TGCTriggerData::CW_BW);
+    bool fullCW = (writeCdo->m_type[TGCTriggerData::CW_BW] == "full");
-  const uint8_t kNMODULETYPE = 12;
-  const uint8_t modulenumber[kNMODULETYPE]    = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8};
-  const std::string modulename[kNMODULETYPE]         = {"0","1","2a","2b","3","4","5a","5b","6","7","8a","8b"};
-  const std::string sidename[TGCTriggerData::N_SIDE] = {"A","C"};
+    uint8_t sideId = 0;  // if the file is not fullCW, sideId should be zero.
+    if(fullCW) {
+      std::string side = file.substr(strlen("RPhiCoincidenceMap."), 1);
+      for(int id=0; id<TGCTriggerData::N_SIDE; id++) {
+        if(sidename[id] == side) {
+           sideId = id;
+           break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    uint16_t octantId = 0;  // if the file is not fullCW, octantId should be zero.
+    if(fullCW) {
+      octantId = std::stoi(file.substr(strlen("RPhiCoincidenceMap.X"), 1));
+    }
+    uint32_t octaddr = ((sideId & TGCTriggerData::SIDE_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::SIDE_SHIFT) +
+                       ((octantId & TGCTriggerData::OCTANT_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::OCTANT_SHIFT);
+    uint16_t moduleId = 0;
+    for(size_t iModule = 0; iModule < kNMODULETYPE; iModule++) {
+      std::ostringstream dbname;
+      dbname << "RPhiCoincidenceMap.";
+      if (fullCW) dbname << sidename[sideId] << octantId << ".";
+      dbname << "mod" << modulename[iModule] + "." + version +"._12.db";
+      if(dbname.str() == file) {
+        moduleId = iModule;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
-  for(size_t iSide = 0; iSide < TGCTriggerData::N_SIDE; iSide++) {
-    for(size_t iOctant = 0; iOctant < TGCTriggerData::N_OCTANT; iOctant++) {
+    std::string data = *(static_cast<const std::string*>((atr["data"]).addressOfData()));
+    std::istringstream stream(data);
-      uint32_t octaddr = (iSide<<TGCTriggerData::SIDE_SHIFT) +
-                         ((iOctant & TGCTriggerData::OCTANT_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::OCTANT_SHIFT);
+    char delimiter = '\n';
+    std::string field, tag;
+    uint32_t phimod2 = modulename[moduleId].find("b") != std::string::npos ? 1 : 0;
+    uint32_t modaddr = ((modulenumber[moduleId] & TGCTriggerData::MODULE_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::MODULE_SHIFT) +
+                       ((phimod2 & TGCTriggerData::PHIMOD2_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::PHIMOD2_SHIFT);
-      for(size_t iModule = 0; iModule < kNMODULETYPE; iModule++) {
+    while (std::getline(stream, field, delimiter)) {
-        std::ostringstream dbname;
-        dbname << "RPhiCoincidenceMap.";
-        if (fullCW) dbname << sidename[iSide] << iOctant << ".";
-        dbname << "mod" << modulename[iModule] + "." + vername +"._12.db";
+      std::istringstream header(field);
+      header >> tag;
-        std::string data = writeCdo->getData(TGCTriggerData::CW_BW, dbname.str());
-        std::istringstream stream(data);
+      if (tag == "#") { // read header part.
+        uint16_t ptLevel, roi, mod;
+        int16_t lDR, hDR, lDPhi, hDPhi;
+        header >> ptLevel >> roi >> mod >> lDR >> hDR >> lDPhi >> hDPhi;
-        char delimiter = '\n';
-        std::string field, tag;
-        uint32_t phimod2 = modulename[iModule].find("b") != std::string::npos ? 1 : 0;
+        int16_t type = writeCdo->getTYPE( lDR, hDR, lDPhi, hDPhi );
-        uint32_t modaddr = ((modulenumber[iModule] & TGCTriggerData::MODULE_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::MODULE_SHIFT) +
-                           ((phimod2 & TGCTriggerData::PHIMOD2_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::PHIMOD2_SHIFT);
+        // check moduleNumber and ptLevel
+        if( mod != modulenumber[moduleId] ||
+          ptLevel > TGCTriggerData::N_PT_THRESH || type < 0 ) {
+          ATH_MSG_WARNING("Invalid configuration of DB file! - Nothing to load this DB file");
+          break;
+        }
-        while (std::getline(stream, field, delimiter)) {
+        uint32_t cwaddr = ((uint8_t(type) & TGCTriggerData::TYPE_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::TYPE_SHIFT) + 
+                          ((roi & TGCTriggerData::ROI_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::ROI_SHIFT);
-          std::istringstream header(field);
-          header >> tag;
+        // get window data
+        std::getline(stream, field, delimiter);
+        std::istringstream cont(field);
-          if (tag == "#") { // read header part.
-            uint16_t ptLevel, roi, mod;
-            int16_t lDR, hDR, lDPhi, hDPhi;
-            header >> ptLevel >> roi >> mod >> lDR >> hDR >> lDPhi >> hDPhi;
+        for (uint8_t ir = 0; ir < 31; ir++) {  // ir=0, 15 and 30 point to -15, 0 and +15 of dR, respectively.
+          uint32_t draddr = (ir & TGCTriggerData::DR_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::DR_SHIFT;
-            int16_t type = writeCdo->getTYPE( lDR, hDR, lDPhi, hDPhi );
+          uint32_t bit;
+          cont >> bit;
+          if (bit == 0) continue; // none of window is opened in this dR
-            // check moduleNumber and ptLevel
-            if( mod != modulenumber[iModule] ||
-                ptLevel > TGCTriggerData::N_PT_THRESH || type < 0 ) {
-              ATH_MSG_WARNING("Invalid configuration of DB file! - Nothing to load this DB file");
-              break;
+          for(uint8_t iphi=0; iphi<15; iphi++) {  // iphi=0, 7 and 14 point to -7, 0 and +7 of dPhi, respectively.
+            if(bit>>iphi & 0x1) {
+              uint32_t theaddr = octaddr + modaddr + cwaddr + draddr + iphi;
+              writeCdo->m_ptmap_bw[theaddr] = (uint8_t)(ptLevel & TGCTriggerData::PT_MASK);
+          }
+        }
-            uint32_t cwaddr = ((uint8_t(type) & TGCTriggerData::TYPE_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::TYPE_SHIFT) + 
-                              ((roi & TGCTriggerData::ROI_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::ROI_SHIFT);
+      }   // end of if(tag)...
+    }   // end of while(getline...)
-            // get window data
-            std::getline(stream, field, delimiter);
-            std::istringstream cont(field);
+  }   // end of for(itr)
-            for (uint8_t ir = 0; ir < 31; ir++) {  // ir=0, 15 and 30 point to -15, 0 and +15 of dR, respectively.
-              uint32_t draddr = (ir & TGCTriggerData::DR_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::DR_SHIFT;
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("BW-CW LUT size: " << writeCdo->m_ptmap_bw.size());
-              uint32_t bit;
-              cont >> bit;
-              if (bit == 0) continue; // none of window is opened in this dR
+void TGCTriggerDbAlg::fillTrigBitEifi(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo,
+                                      const CondAttrListCollection* readCdo)
+  const std::string sidename[TGCTriggerData::N_SIDE] = {"A","C"};
-              for(uint8_t iphi=0; iphi<15; iphi++) {  // iphi=0, 7 and 14 point to -7, 0 and +7 of dPhi, respectively.
-                if(bit>>iphi & 0x1) {
-                  uint32_t theaddr = octaddr + modaddr + cwaddr + draddr + iphi;
-                  writeCdo->m_ptmap_bw[theaddr] = (uint8_t)(ptLevel & TGCTriggerData::PT_MASK);
-                }
-              }
-            }
+  CondAttrListCollection::const_iterator itr = readCdo->begin();
+  CondAttrListCollection::const_iterator itr_e = readCdo->end();
-          }   // end of if(tag)...
-        }   // end of while(getline...)
-      }   // end of for(iModule)
+  for(; itr!=itr_e; ++itr) {
+    const coral::AttributeList& atr = (*itr).second;
+    writeCdo->m_active[TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI] = atr["active"].data<bool>();
+    writeCdo->m_type[TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI]   = atr["type"].data<std::string>();
-      if(!fullCW) break;
-    }   // end of for(iOctant)
-    if(!fullCW) break;
-  }   // end of for(iSide)
+    std::string version = *(static_cast<const std::string*>((atr["version"]).addressOfData()));
+    std::string file = *(static_cast<const std::string*>((atr["file"]).addressOfData()));
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("channel: " << (*itr).first << ", file: " << file);
-void TGCTriggerDbAlg::fillTrigBitEifi(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo)
-  // remove all entries
-  for(size_t sector=0; sector<TGCTriggerData::N_ENDCAP_SECTOR; sector++) {
-    for(size_t ssc=0; ssc<TGCTriggerData::N_ENDCAP_SSC; ssc++) {
-      for(size_t pos=0; pos<TGCTriggerData::N_EIFI_INPUT; pos++) writeCdo->m_trigbit_eifi[sector][ssc][pos].clear();
-      writeCdo->m_flagpt_eifi[sector][ssc].clear();
-      writeCdo->m_flagroi_eifi[sector][ssc].clear();
-    }
-  }
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("type: " << writeCdo->m_type[TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI]
+                 << " active: " << writeCdo->m_active[TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI] << " version: " << version);
-  if (!writeCdo->isActive(TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI)) {
-    return;
-  }
+    if (!writeCdo->m_active[TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI]) continue;
-  bool fullCW = (writeCdo->getType(TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI) == "full");
-  std::string vername = writeCdo->getVersion(TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI);
-  const std::string sidename[TGCTriggerData::N_SIDE] = {"A","C"};
+    bool fullCW = (writeCdo->m_type[TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI] == "full");
-  for (int iSide = 0; iSide < TGCTriggerData::N_SIDE; iSide++) {
+    uint8_t sideId = 0;  // if the file is not fullCW, sideId should be zero.
+    if(fullCW) {
+      std::string side = file.substr(strlen("InnerCoincidenceMap."), 1);
+      for(int id=0; id<TGCTriggerData::N_SIDE; id++) {
+        if(sidename[id] == side) {
+           sideId = id;
+           break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
     std::string dbname="";
     if (!fullCW) {
-      dbname = "InnerCoincidenceMap." + vername + "._12.db";
+      dbname = "InnerCoincidenceMap." + version + "._12.db";
     } else {
-      dbname = "InnerCoincidenceMap." + sidename[iSide]
-               + "." + vername + "._12.db";
+      dbname = "InnerCoincidenceMap." + sidename[sideId]
+               + "." + version + "._12.db";
+    }
+    if(file != dbname) {
+      ATH_MSG_WARNING("The file name is different. Skip to load.");
+      continue;
-    std::string data = writeCdo->getData(TGCTriggerData::CW_EIFI, dbname);
-    std::istringstream stream(data);
+    std::istringstream stream(*(static_cast<const std::string*>((atr["data"]).addressOfData())));
     char delimiter = '\n';
     std::string field;
@@ -320,93 +313,116 @@ void TGCTriggerDbAlg::fillTrigBitEifi(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo)
-      unsigned char flag_pt = 0x0;
+      uint16_t addr = ((uint16_t(sideId) & TGCTriggerData::SIDE_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::ADDR_SIDE_SHIFT) +
+                      ((uint16_t(sectorId) & TGCTriggerData::SECTOR_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::ADDR_SECTOR_SHIFT) +
+                      (uint16_t(sscId) & TGCTriggerData::SSC_MASK);
+      uint8_t flag_pt = 0x0;
       for (size_t pt = 0; pt < TGCTriggerData::N_PT_THRESH; pt++){
-        unsigned char use;
+        uint8_t use;
         header  >> use;
         flag_pt |= (use&0x1)<<pt;
-      writeCdo->m_flagpt_eifi[sectorId][sscId].push_back(flag_pt);
+      writeCdo->m_flagpt_eifi[addr] = flag_pt;
-      unsigned char flag_roi = 0x0;
+      uint8_t flag_roi = 0x0;
       for (size_t pos = 0; pos < TGCTriggerData::N_ROI_IN_SSC; pos++){
-        unsigned char use;
+        uint8_t use;
         header >> use;
         flag_roi |= (use&0x1)<<pos;
-      writeCdo->m_flagroi_eifi[sectorId][sscId].push_back(flag_roi);
+      writeCdo->m_flagroi_eifi[addr] = flag_roi;
       std::getline(stream, field, delimiter);
       std::istringstream cont(field);
       for(size_t pos=0; pos < TGCTriggerData::N_EIFI_INPUT; pos++){
         unsigned int word;
         cont >> word;
-        writeCdo->m_trigbit_eifi[sectorId][sscId][pos].push_back(word);
+        uint16_t inputaddr = (addr<<TGCTriggerData::EIFI_TRIGBIT_SHIFT) + pos;
+        writeCdo->m_trigbit_eifi[inputaddr] = word;
     }  // end of while(std::geline(...))
     if (!fullCW) break;
-  }  // end of for(iSide)
+  }  // end of for(itr)
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("EIFI-CW LUT size: " << writeCdo->m_flagpt_eifi.size() + writeCdo->m_flagroi_eifi.size() + writeCdo->m_trigbit_eifi.size());
-void TGCTriggerDbAlg::fillTrigBitTile(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo)
+void TGCTriggerDbAlg::fillTrigBitTile(TGCTriggerData* writeCdo,
+                                      const CondAttrListCollection* readCdo)
-  if (!writeCdo->isActive(TGCTriggerData::CW_TILE)) {
-    return;
-  }
+  CondAttrListCollection::const_iterator itr = readCdo->begin();
+  CondAttrListCollection::const_iterator itr_e = readCdo->end();
-  std::string vername = writeCdo->getVersion(TGCTriggerData::CW_TILE);
+  for(; itr!=itr_e; ++itr) {
+    const coral::AttributeList& atr = (*itr).second;
+    writeCdo->m_active[TGCTriggerData::CW_TILE] = atr["active"].data<bool>();
+    writeCdo->m_type[TGCTriggerData::CW_TILE]   = atr["type"].data<std::string>();
-  std::string dbname = "TileMuCoincidenceMap." + vername + "._12.db";
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("channel: " << (*itr).first << ", file: " << atr["file"].data<std::string>());
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("type: " << writeCdo->m_type[TGCTriggerData::CW_TILE]
+                  << " active: " << writeCdo->m_active[TGCTriggerData::CW_TILE]
+                  << " version: " << atr["version"].data<std::string>());
-  std::string data = writeCdo->getData(TGCTriggerData::CW_TILE, dbname);
-  std::istringstream stream(data);
+    if(!writeCdo->m_active[TGCTriggerData::CW_TILE]) continue;
-  char delimiter = '\n';
-  std::string field;
-  std::string tag;
+    std::istringstream stream(*(static_cast<const std::string*>((atr["data"]).addressOfData())));
-  while (std::getline(stream, field, delimiter)) {
-    int sideId = -1;
-    int sectorId = -1;
-    int sscId    = -1;
+    char delimiter = '\n';
+    std::string field;
-    std::istringstream header(field);
-    header >> tag;
-    if (tag=="#"){ // read header part.
-      header >> sideId >> sectorId >> sscId;
-    }
+    while (std::getline(stream, field, delimiter)) {
-    if(sideId < 0   || sideId >= TGCTriggerData::N_SIDE ||
-       sectorId < 0 || sectorId >= TGCTriggerData::N_ENDCAP_SECTOR ||
-       sscId < 0    || sscId >= TGCTriggerData::N_ENDCAP_SSC ) {
-      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Invalid configuration of DB file.");
-      return;
-    }
+      int16_t sideId   = -1;
+      int16_t sectorId = -1;
+      int16_t sscId    = -1;
-    writeCdo->m_flagpt_tile[sscId][sectorId][sideId] = 0x0;
-    for (size_t pt = 0; pt < TGCTriggerData::N_PT_THRESH; pt++){
-      unsigned char use;
-      header >> use;
-      writeCdo->m_flagpt_tile[sscId][sectorId][sideId] |= (use&0x1)<<pt;
-    }
+      std::istringstream header(field);
+      std::string tag;
+      header >> tag;
+      if (tag=="#"){ // read header part.
+        header >> sideId >> sectorId >> sscId;
+      }
-    writeCdo->m_flagroi_tile[sscId][sectorId][sideId] = 0x0;
-    for (size_t pos=0; pos< TGCTriggerData::N_ROI_IN_SSC; pos++){
-      unsigned char use;
-      header >> use;
-      writeCdo->m_flagroi_tile[sscId][sectorId][sideId] |= (use&0x1)<<pos;
-    }
+      if(sideId < 0   || sideId >= TGCTriggerData::N_SIDE ||
+         sectorId < 0 || sectorId >= TGCTriggerData::N_ENDCAP_SECTOR ||
+         sscId < 0    || sscId >= TGCTriggerData::N_ENDCAP_SSC ) {
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING("Invalid configuration of DB file.");
+        return;
+      }
+      uint16_t addr = ((uint16_t(sideId) & TGCTriggerData::SIDE_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::ADDR_SIDE_SHIFT) +
+                      ((uint16_t(sectorId) & TGCTriggerData::SECTOR_MASK)<<TGCTriggerData::ADDR_SECTOR_SHIFT) +
+                      (uint16_t(sscId) & TGCTriggerData::SSC_MASK);
-    std::getline(stream, field, delimiter);
-    std::istringstream cont(field);
-    writeCdo->m_trigbit_tile[sscId][sectorId][sideId] = 0x0;
-    for(size_t pos=0; pos < TGCTriggerData::N_TILE_INPUT; pos++){
-      unsigned short word;
-      cont >> word;
-      writeCdo->m_trigbit_tile[sscId][sectorId][sideId] |= (word & 0xf)<<(pos*4);
+      uint8_t flagpt = 0;
+      for (size_t pt = 0; pt < TGCTriggerData::N_PT_THRESH; pt++){
+        uint8_t use;
+        header >> use;
+        flagpt |= (use&0x1)<<pt;
+      }
+      writeCdo->m_flagpt_tile[addr] = flagpt;
+      uint8_t roi = 0;
+      for (size_t pos=0; pos< TGCTriggerData::N_ROI_IN_SSC; pos++){
+        uint8_t use;
+        header >> use;
+        roi |= (use&0x1)<<pos;
+      }
+      writeCdo->m_flagroi_tile[addr] = roi;
+      std::getline(stream, field, delimiter);
+      std::istringstream cont(field);
+      uint16_t trigbit = 0x0;
+      for(size_t pos=0; pos < TGCTriggerData::N_TILE_INPUT; pos++){
+        uint16_t word;
+        cont >> word;
+        trigbit |= (word & 0xf)<<(pos*4);
+     }
+     writeCdo->m_trigbit_tile[addr] = trigbit;
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Tile-CW LUT size: " << writeCdo->m_flagpt_tile.size() + writeCdo->m_flagroi_tile.size() + writeCdo->m_trigbit_tile.size());