diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool.cxx b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool.cxx
index 669d7d56507475ef2744081ff2291f3debc73e5b..1a73965426b340636e6fe95ada8967c14e84d74a 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool.cxx
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool.cxx
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool::findPrecisionSegments(std::vector<const Muon::Muon
     std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> rioVecPrevious;
     // find all clusters near the seed and try to fit
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < seeds.size(); ++i) {
-        std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> rioVec = getClustersOnSegment(orderedClusters, seeds[i], false);
+        std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> rioVec = getClustersOnSegment(orderedClusters, seeds[i]);
         //  make consistent cut
         if (belowThreshold(rioVec, 4)) continue;
         // logic to reduce combinatorics
@@ -337,9 +337,8 @@ MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool::find3DSegments(std::vector<const Muon::MuonCluster
                 seed3D   = seeds[i];
-            std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> phiHits = getClustersOnSegment(orderedClusters, seed3D, true);
-            std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> etaHitsRedone =
-                getClustersOnSegment(orderedEtaClusters, seed3D, true);
+            std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> phiHits = getClustersOnSegment(orderedClusters, seed3D);
+            std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> etaHits = getClustersOnSegment(orderedEtaClusters, seed3D);
             if (phiHits.size() < 2) {
                 delete startpar;
@@ -364,19 +363,13 @@ MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool::find3DSegments(std::vector<const Muon::MuonCluster
             // interleave the phi hits
             std::vector<const Trk::MeasurementBase*> vec2;
-            std::vector<const Trk::RIO_OnTrack*>     etaHits;
-            for (unsigned int irot = 0; irot < (*sit)->numberOfContainedROTs(); irot++) {
-                const Trk::RIO_OnTrack* rot = dynamic_cast<const Trk::RIO_OnTrack*>((*sit)->rioOnTrack(irot));
-                if (rot) etaHits.push_back(rot);
-            }
-            unsigned int netas = etaHits.size();
-            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("got " << netas << " eta hits and " << etaHitsRedone.size() << " redone eta hits");
-            bool useEtaHitsRedone = false;
-            if (etaHitsRedone.size() > netas) {
-                ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" Found additional eta hits " << etaHitsRedone.size() - netas);
-                useEtaHitsRedone = true;
-            }
-            if (useEtaHitsRedone) netas = etaHitsRedone.size();
+	    /// here get the new corrected set of eta hits
+	    std::vector< const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack* > etaHitsCalibrated;
+	    etaHitsCalibrated = getCalibratedClusters(etaHits,seed3D);
+            unsigned int netas = etaHitsCalibrated.size();
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("got " << netas << " eta hits " );
             if (m_ipConstraint)
                 vec2.reserve(phiHits.size() + netas + 1);
@@ -396,22 +389,18 @@ MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool::find3DSegments(std::vector<const Muon::MuonCluster
             unsigned int iEta(0), iPhi(0);
-            ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("There are " << (*sit)->numberOfContainedROTs() << " & " << phiHits.size()
+            ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("There are " << etaHitsCalibrated.size() << " & " << phiHits.size()
                                          << " eta and phi hits");
             while (true) {
                 float phiZ(999999.), etaZ(999999.);
                 if (iPhi < phiHits.size()) phiZ = std::abs(phiHits[iPhi]->globalPosition().z());
-                if (iEta < etaHits.size()) etaZ = std::abs(etaHits[iEta]->globalPosition().z());
+                if (iEta < etaHitsCalibrated.size()) etaZ = std::abs(etaHitsCalibrated[iEta]->globalPosition().z());
                 if (phiZ < etaZ) {
-                    vec2.push_back(phiHits[iPhi]);
-                    iPhi++;
+		  vec2.push_back(phiHits[iPhi]);
+		  iPhi++;
                 } else {
-                    if (!useEtaHitsRedone) {
-                        vec2.push_back(etaHits[iEta]);
-                    } else {
-                        vec2.push_back(etaHitsRedone[iEta]);
-                    }
-                    iEta++;
+		  vec2.push_back(etaHitsCalibrated[iEta]);
+		  iEta++;
                 if (iEta >= netas && iPhi >= phiHits.size()) break;
@@ -645,7 +634,7 @@ MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool::segmentSeed(std::vector<std::vector<const Muon::Mu
 std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*>
 MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool::getClustersOnSegment(std::vector<std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> >& clusters,
-                                                   std::pair<Amg::Vector3D, Amg::Vector3D>& seed, bool tight) const
+                                                   std::pair<Amg::Vector3D, Amg::Vector3D>& seed) const
     ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" getClustersOnSegment: layers " << clusters.size());
     std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> rios;
@@ -661,7 +650,7 @@ MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool::getClustersOnSegment(std::vector<std::vector<const
             double dist  = clusterDistanceToSeed(*cit, seed);
             double error = Amg::error((*cit)->localCovariance(), Trk::locX);
-            if (!tight && m_idHelperSvc->isMM((*cit)->identify())) error += 15.;
+	    if (m_idHelperSvc->isMM((*cit)->identify()) && m_idHelperSvc->mmIdHelper().isStereo((*cit)->identify()) ) error = 15;
             ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" lay " << layer << " dist " << dist << " pull " << dist / error << " cut "
                                     << m_maxClustDist << "  " << m_idHelperSvc->toString((*cit)->identify()));
@@ -1053,4 +1042,49 @@ MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool::belowThreshold(std::vector<const Muon::MuonCluster
         return false;
+  std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> 
+  MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool::getCalibratedClusters(std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*>& clusters,
+						      std::pair<Amg::Vector3D,Amg::Vector3D>& seed) const
+  {
+    std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> calibratedClusters;
+    /// loop on the segment clusters and use the phi of the seed to correct them  
+    std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*>::const_iterator cit = clusters.begin();
+    for ( ; cit != clusters.end() ; ++cit ) {
+      const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack* clus = *cit;      
+      const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack* newClus;
+      /// get the intercept of the seed direction with the cluster surface
+      const Trk::PlaneSurface* surf = dynamic_cast<const Trk::PlaneSurface*> (&clus->associatedSurface());
+      if(surf) {
+	Amg::Vector3D posOnSurf = intersectPlane( *surf, seed.first, seed.second );
+	Amg::Vector2D lpos;
+        surf->globalToLocal(posOnSurf,posOnSurf,lpos);	
+        /// correct the eta position of the MM stereo layers only, based on the 
+        Identifier clus_id = clus->identify();
+        if ( m_idHelperSvc->isMM(clus_id) ) {
+          if ( m_idHelperSvc->mmIdHelper().isStereo(clus_id) ) {
+            /// build a  new MM cluster on track with correct position 
+            newClus = m_mmClusterCreator->createRIO_OnTrack(*(clus->prepRawData()),posOnSurf);
+	    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Position before correction: " << clus->globalPosition().x() << " "
+			    << clus->globalPosition().y() << " " << clus->globalPosition().z());
+	    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Position after correction: " << newClus->globalPosition().x() << " "
+			    << newClus->globalPosition().y() << " " << newClus->globalPosition().z());
+          }
+          else {
+	    /// here calibration of the MM eta strip ( all phi-dependent effects )
+            newClus = clus;
+          }
+        }
+        else if ( m_idHelperSvc->issTgc(clus->identify()) ) {
+          /// if it's STGC just copy the cluster -> calibration to be added
+          newClus = clus;
+        }
+      }
+      calibratedClusters.push_back(newClus);
+    }
+    return calibratedClusters;
+  }
 }  // namespace Muon
diff --git a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool.h b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool.h
index de2e5ab6e710f7adcb8a4c9f4d16117abfd359bc..e9527d0bc6c9dc858340038553e60f1d8f84bfbd 100755
--- a/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool.h
+++ b/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonSegmentMakers/MuonSegmentMakerTools/DCMathSegmentMaker/src/MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool.h
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack/PseudoMeasurementOnTrack.h"
 #include "TrkToolInterfaces/ITrackAmbiguityProcessorTool.h"
 #include "TrkToolInterfaces/ITrackSummaryTool.h"
+#include "MuonRecToolInterfaces/IMuonClusterOnTrackCreator.h"
 namespace Muon {
@@ -84,9 +85,15 @@ class MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool : virtual public IMuonClusterSegmentFinderToo
+    ToolHandle<IMuonClusterOnTrackCreator> m_mmClusterCreator{
+        this,
+	"MMClusterCreator",
+	"Muon::MMClusterOnTrackCreator/MMClusterOnTrackCreator"
+    };
     bool   m_ipConstraint;  // use a ip perigee(0,0) constraint in the segment fit
     double m_maxClustDist;
+    int    m_nOfSeedLayers;
     // find segments given a list of MuonCluster
@@ -120,7 +127,10 @@ class MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool : virtual public IMuonClusterSegmentFinderToo
     // associate clusters to the segment seeds
     std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> getClustersOnSegment(
         std::vector<std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*> >& clusters,
-        std::pair<Amg::Vector3D, Amg::Vector3D>& seed, bool tight) const;
+        std::pair<Amg::Vector3D, Amg::Vector3D>& seed) const;
+    //get the clusters after calibration
+    std::vector< const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack* > getCalibratedClusters(std::vector<const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*>& clusters,
+                                                                         std::pair<Amg::Vector3D,Amg::Vector3D>& seed) const;
     // distance of cluster to segment seed
     double        clusterDistanceToSeed(const Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack*          clust,
                                         std::pair<Amg::Vector3D, Amg::Vector3D>& seed) const;